Greenish urine in a child. Green urine: what is the evidence of light green discharge

What green urine signals, few people know. Therefore, anyone who encounters such a problem is immediately frightened or panicked.

Before running to the nearest clinic and taking tests, you need to analyze the general condition of the body, because not only a disease or metabolic disorder can lead to light green urine, but also banal dyes that have not been processed and got into the discharge.

Causes in food and drink

In a healthy person, without pathologies and chronic diseases, urine has a yellow color. Basically, a change in hue from light to dark can be observed, transparency and saturation can change. It directly depends on the amount of water consumed, the diet, the general condition of the body.

Green urine can have several causes. No matter how strange light green urine looks, there is no need to panic. It is necessary to carefully analyze what could become the source of such a phenomenon.

One of the reasons that directly affects the color of urine is the consumption of pigments. These are natural dyes found in natural foods, or artificial. These are not necessarily light green dyes. If you recall drawing lessons, then the fact that when blue and yellow colors are mixed, green is formed.

Often, a blue dye gets into the natural yellow color of the urine, as a result, the urine becomes light green.

The source of the light green shade of urine is often asparagus. The stems of this plant contain a natural dye. If urination has acquired a light green tint, and the day before there was asparagus on the menu, do not worry - there are no problems with this. After some time, the pigments will be removed from the body, and the urine will acquire its previous color. The same applies to foods with artificial colors.

Another natural product that will result in green urine is black licorice.

At the same time, not only urine becomes light green, but also feces. The intensity of the color is directly affected by the amount of plant eaten.

It also works on urine and green beer. The reason for this is additives. If after drinking grassy beer the urine turned greenish, it means that the product was of poor quality. As with other consumed foods, the color will change over time.

People who have started taking medications, including antibiotics, can notice this phenomenon. And it does not have to be greenish tablets. Some drugs cause a side effect in the form of urine with a light green tint. This should not scare and encourage a person to stop taking medication.

Urine as a symptom of illness

The first in the list of tests during the diagnosis of diseases is a urine test. Everything that enters our body is processed in it, digested, filtered by the kidneys and liver, and then excreted with feces and urine. Therefore, even the slightest malfunction in the work of these organs can cause a change in the color of the discharge.

If the color of the urine has changed, and the ingress of dyes into it is excluded, it is quite possible that this is a symptom of a disease developing in the body. Along with a change in color, a number of other manifestations are observed, by analyzing which, one can understand the localization of the problem.

The presence of weakness, fatigue, back pain and pain during urination indicates that the development of a purulent urinary tract infection has begun.

The bladder and urinary tract are often the most affected. With such a disease, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, but the liquid is released in a very small amount.

The pus that appears during a disease such as gonorrhea is capable of greenish coloring of urine. Often this symptom appears on the 3rd or 4th day after infection. Additionally, this disease causes burning during urination in both men and women.

Other factors that change the color of urine

If an adult has discovered light green urine in himself, while the temperature rises, there are signs of chills, bloating, vomiting, gas - these may be symptoms of gallbladder disease. With it, the discharge is greenish from an increased amount of bile released into the digestive system. More often, women suffer from this pathology, but men are not immune from it either.

Everyone knows that liver diseases cause pain in the right side, yellow tint of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes and skin.

But few people know that a malfunction in the work of this organ is the reason why the urine has acquired a light green hue.

If there is a suspicion that the causes of light green urine are one of the listed diseases, you should immediately contact a specialist to identify and eliminate the problem.

Urine is an excellent indicator of the state of health of our body and it can be used to identify abnormal processes, for this it is enough just to pay attention to its color. Everyone is used to the fact that it has a light yellow tint, sometimes it can be more saturated, and sometimes lighter. But in fact, urine can take on all the colors of the rainbow, one of which is green. And in this article we will talk about what green urine means.

What can change the color of urine to green?

Urine gets its natural yellowish color due to the coloring pigment contained in it - urobilin. Its concentration affects the color saturation, if you have not written for a long time, then the pigment content will be higher and the color saturation, of course, too. In almost all cases, when the color of urine differs from yellow, this means that in addition to urobilin, some other component is involved in the color of the urine, and it must be determined.

Green urine can occur for the following reasons:

  • Dyes contained in food;
  • Side effect of medications taken;
  • The presence of a disease, one of the symptoms of which is green urine.

How does food turn urine green?

Foods contain coloring pigments, they are contained in vegetables and fruits. Depending on the concentration and many other components with which they can enter into a chemical reaction, the color may vary. More than 50 varieties of natural coloring pigments are present in the human diet.

If you have consumed foods rich in green pigments the day before, then it is quite possible that your urine will take on a greenish color for a short time. In this case, your health should be within the normal range. If you feel various kinds of ailments, and green urine has not acquired its natural color for the second day, then it may be worth sounding the alarm and thinking about going to the doctor.

The most pronounced green pigments have:

  • Spinach juice.
  • Ramus. He is Joster. This plant is often used in medicine in the manufacture of laxatives. Therefore, when taking laxatives, green urine can be a side effect of the pills taken.
  • Unripe apples.
  • Unripe pistachios.
  • Asparagus.
  • Sorrel.

These are just some of the foods that are rich in green pigments. They are also used in the manufacture of dyes.

Green urine as a sign of a side effect of medication

The effect of drugs on the color of urine is not uncommon. Some medicines have such a list of side effects that it is scary to take them. In the manufacture of medicines, vitamins and food supplements, various herbs are actively used, for example, the same ramus that we wrote about above. Therefore, if you are taking medication and urine has become light green against their background, then consult your doctor, it may be worth making any adjustments to the treatment program.

What disease is green urine a symptom of?

In cases of illness, when the color of urine acquires a greenish tint, this indicates the presence of infectious diseases and metabolic disorders. If you have any disease, which served as such an abnormal color of urine, then this symptom could not suddenly occur. Most likely, you have previously experienced other manifestations of the disease, which can more accurately indicate the source of such changes in color.

Below we will look at the most common diseases that cause light or darker green urine.

  • Diseases of the gallbladder. With dysfunction of this organ, bile begins to be produced in excess quantities, or, on the contrary, it accumulates and is insufficiently supplied, this often leads to a change in urine and feces. Other symptoms are also present in the form of accumulation of gases, bloating, belching, vomiting, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. A bitter taste in the mouth is one of the main symptoms.
  • Liver disease. With liver dysfunction, symptoms such as the right upper abdomen and hypochondrium, excessive sweating, general malaise and weakness, itching and rash are observed. Unstable stools, changes in the consistency, smell and color of feces, and urine may turn green as well.
  • Urinary tract infections. The greenish color of the urine is due to purulent discharge. Pain and burning during urination, lower back pain and increased fatigue are also observed.

So, let's summarize all of the above. If food is the cause of green urine, the color will soon return to normal. Light or dark green color of urine indicates its saturation with a coloring pigment. The more liquid is drunk against the background of what is eaten, the lighter the shade will be and the color will normalize faster. In the case when the culprit is an illness, then other symptoms should be observed, which cannot fall like snow on one's head in one day along with green urine.

This concludes our article. On the air and we will always be glad to your visit. We wish you to always be healthy and cheerful!


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A little about urine. As you know, the color of urine ranges from pale to bright yellow, as it is painted over with a pigment called urochrome, and the color also depends on whether the urine is concentrated or liquid.

Sometimes the color of urine may differ from the usual one in both children and adults. For example, taking certain vitamins can change the color of urine from yellow to bright green. Porphyria, a disease that affects the skin and nervous system, can also change the color of urine, and it can become the color of wine. However, most urine color changes are temporary and do not cause any serious consequences, as they appear as a result of the use of certain foods, dyes or drugs.

However, some changes in the color of urine may indicate an infection or other serious illness in a child. If the change in urine color is not caused by taking vitamins or eating certain foods, it is necessary to inform the pediatrician so that he can help the child in time.

A change in the color of urine can serve as a symptom indicating the development of a disease. Of course, this may also depend on how much fluid the child is drinking. If the child drinks a lot, then the yellow pigment is dissolved in more liquid and the urine becomes lighter. When the baby drinks less, the color of the urine becomes more concentrated, and severe dehydration can make the urine amber-colored.

If the change in color of the urine is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and a desire to urinate frequently, and if the urine acquires a strong odor, the child should be taken to the doctor, as this may be evidence of a urinary tract infection.

Green urine

If you notice that the color of the child's urine has become greenish, most likely this happened from eating certain foods. Most often this happens if you give your child asparagus - it gives the urine a greenish color, in addition, there is a characteristic smell. Some medications your child takes also turn urine green or even blue.

Dyes that are added to sweets can make urine green and any other color. In addition, the green color of urine can be due to the intensification of the processes of decay of proteins in the intestine, when a large amount of indoxyl sulfuric acids appears in the urine, decomposing to form indigo.

If the urine of the child is green, then parents need to pay special attention to his diet. In the absence of coloring pigments in the baby's food, you should see a doctor. To save time and speed up the process of differentiation of the state, you can first pass a general urine test and perform an ultrasound of the kidneys on your own.

Normally, the urine of a child and an adult has a yellowish straw color. The biological fluid is transparent, has no foreign inclusions and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Various endogenous and exogenous factors affecting internal processes can affect the organoleptic indicators of urine. Some do not pose a serious threat and are eliminated on their own, while others are considered dangerous and require complex treatment. Understanding on your own why urine is light green or greenish is quite problematic.

Light green urine in a child, as a rule, is the result of a special diet. Healthy parents make sure that their child eats healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Vegetables, especially green ones, as well as some herbs, are able to color the biological fluid in a greenish tint. This is especially noticeable after eating asparagus and celery.

Artificial and natural colors are present in sweets. After their use, even the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is stained, to say nothing of biological fluids. Even red dyes, when mixed with straw yellow, can produce an intense green.


It has long been proven that green urine comes from vitamins. Also, urine can be stained from such drugs:

  • Metindol;
  • Tagamet;
  • Rispasin;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions.

Green urine from blue appears in children after treatment with this oral substance. A similar process occurs when smearing the tonsils with Lugol's solution. When using drugs based on liver enzymes or choleretic drugs, the biological fluid acquires a light green shade, but if the drinking regime is not followed, it can become saturated dark green.

Pathologies in the body

If parents exclude the possibility of penetration of dyes into the baby's body, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about pathological processes. It will not work to determine by eye what caused the acquisition of green urine.

The list of diseases with this symptomatology is very wide: from disorders of the urinary system, pathologies of the digestive tract to dysfunction of the parathyroid glands. Concomitant manifestations of pathology set the vector for the doctor during further examination of the patient.

If the urine is green due to infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary system, then it is stained by dead leukocytes, mucus and purulent masses. This condition poses a serious threat to the health of the child and requires immediate treatment.

In violation of the production of enzymes, a light green color of urine is also noted. In this case, the baby is prescribed drugs that facilitate the process of digestion of food. An endocrinologist deals with diseases of an endocrine nature, prescribing treatment after a detailed diagnosis.

Features in women

If urine during pregnancy is green, then doctors must prescribe a general analysis. During the bearing of a child in a woman's body, the hormonal background changes dramatically. The distortion of food habits also does not go unnoticed. Together, the factors can change not only the color of urine, but also the shade and consistency of the stool.

With pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, which often happens in pregnant women, the urine becomes greenish-light green, and sometimes even acquires a brown tint. These symptoms must be reported to the doctor. Do not forget that from the very first weeks of pregnancy, most women take vitamin complexes, which can also change the organoleptic properties of biological fluids.

Green urine in men

The appearance of green urine in a man should be alarming. If the cause of staining is not food and the use of green beer, then we are talking about serious pathologies. Light green or swamp urine is usually the first symptom of a bacterial lesion of the prostate. If at the same time there is pain in the abdomen, erectile function is disturbed, libido decreases, then it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

The appearance of green urine in men, women and children may be a sign of dysbacteriosis. Often it occurs with a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, after a course of taking antibacterial drugs.

Video: What do urine tests say

The color of urine will tell about many diseases, the symptoms of which may not appear outwardly in any way. Urine is a biological fluid that is produced by the kidneys. It is with it that the final decay products, the remnants of medicines, toxic substances and so on are removed.

Actual problems

If the color of urine has changed, then this is just another confirmation of the development of a pathological process in the body.

In a healthy person, it has a light yellow tint, reminiscent of the color of straw. Depending on how saturated the cells are with water, the shade may be slightly darker or lighter.

Why is urine greenish, in what cases can it take on a different shade? There are a number of reasons that may be completely harmless or, on the contrary, say that medical intervention is required.

harmless reasons

The most harmless factor that can affect the change in the shade of urine is the use of certain foods and drinks.

First of all, these are synthetically colored drinks, in particular carbonated drinks, as well as products, for example, ice cream. But in such cases, the dye of artificial origin is quickly excreted from the body and everything returns to normal, especially if the intake of such a food or drink into the body has stopped.

Natural foods can also cause greenish urine. In particular, these are vegetables:

  • sorrel;
  • rhubarb, but only the aerial part, the underground stains the urine red;
  • asparagus gives a greenish or light green tint;
  • unripe apples;
  • spinach, after which the urine acquires a rich green tint;
  • unripe pistachios.

Natural dyes are also very quickly excreted from the body. Often, it is even possible to determine which vegetable influenced the change in urine color only after a deep analysis of the diet. However, if the urine is greenish in color for 2 or more days, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


Medications can also cause changes in the color of urine. Some drugs do contain green dyes, which are not metabolized by the kidneys. But such symptoms can also be the result of side effects, so you should inform your doctor about such changes.

Drugs that lead to a change in the color of urine include antihistamines, antibacterials, antidepressants, for example, Propofol, Ripsapin, Indomeacin and a number of others.

Some vitamins can also affect the change in hue, but most often they only cause an increase in the brightness of the yellow color.

A number of medicinal herbs can also affect the color of urine, in particular licorice grass, buckthorn and joster, which have a natural green pigment in their composition.

Familial hypercalcemia

This is a fairly rare genetic disease. A characteristic symptom of pathology is urine of a greenish color, or with a bluish tint.

This is due to the fact that calcium receptors in the parathyroid gland or kidneys change. And these receptors are responsible for maintaining hemostasis of calcium ions, as a result of which its amount increases. In the future, pathology becomes the cause of the development of kidney nephrocalcinosis or hyperparathyroidism. In addition to changing the color of urine, the patient has a number of other symptoms: fever, constipation, irritability, and others.


It would seem that a trivial violation of the intestinal microflora can actually cause a change in the color of urine. This is due to the fact that due to disorders in the intestines, the products of protein decay enter the bloodstream, then are excreted through the kidneys, but already painted in a blue-greenish color.

Women's issues

Many women during the period of gestation often do not understand why they need to take a urine test so often. And everything is very simple, even the color of the urine will determine the condition of the future mother and child.

If the urine is greenish in women during pregnancy, then this indicates that it has a high content of bile pigments, naturally, provided that there were no products in the diet that cause an unnatural color of urine.

Also, a green color can indicate changes in the hormonal system or ordinary poisoning.

Infectious diseases

But the cause can be not only the gallbladder, but also infectious diseases that can appear in both sexes. There are a number of causes of cloudy urine in women and men, with a greenish tint, and first of all it is gonorrhea. In this case, the color is due to the release of pus and mucus.

In the female half of humanity, such changes may indicate the presence of vulvitis, endometritis, vaginitis, colpitis.

If we are talking about men, then the green color can talk about phimosis or balanoposthitis. Although these diseases are still more common in boys than in men.

In this case, after collecting urine for research, the number of leukocytes in urine is determined without fail. Their increased content is not an independent pathology, but only indicates that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body.

The cause of cloudy urine in a woman, also with a greenish tinge, may be cystitis. In men, such problems can occur against the background of urethritis, but both of these diseases most often have an infectious basis. These diseases are accompanied by a burning sensation during urination, and sometimes even pain, cramps. Severe forms of pathology are accompanied by the release of pus along with urine.

The inflammatory process in the infectious or non-infectious form of diseases of the genitourinary system often proceeds absolutely asymptomatically, especially at the initial stage and when it comes to the elderly and pregnant women. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the color of your own urine.


Another male pathology that causes a change in the color of urine. This is based on the process of increasing white blood cells, as is the case with infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the leukocytes themselves are very mobile, but against the background of prostatitis, urinary retention is observed, which leads to the fact that they accumulate in the urine. Under such circumstances, microbes also accumulate in large numbers in the kidneys, which causes the development of pyelonephritis.

If a person has problems with the liver, not only urine, but also feces can change color. Along with this, there may be bloating, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, general weakness and increased sweating.

If we are talking about the gallbladder, then a change in the color of urine can cause cholelithiasis, jaundice or cholecystitis. If the work of the organ is disrupted, then bile accumulates in excess in the body, respectively, and is excreted in the same large volume, coloring the urine green. Diseases also have a number of characteristic symptoms: fever, belching, discoloration of feces, vomiting, and others. Pain in this case is characteristic of the upper abdomen. This type of pathology is more typical for men.


This is not a separate pathology, but only another name for leukocyturia, that is, an increased number of leukocytes in the urine. In this case, the excess of the norm is 200 or more leukocytes. This condition may be accompanied by the appearance of flakes and clots, which are clearly visible in urine.

Pyuria is just another confirmation that there is an inflammatory process in the body and most likely in the urinary tract, less often in the presence of glomeulonephritis.

What to do and when to see a doctor

What the color of urine means is already clear, it can tell about the presence of many pathologies. When to contact a doctor? If the color of the urine has not recovered within two days, while absolutely all foods and medicines that could provoke this were excluded from the diet - this is exactly the moment when you should not postpone going to the doctor, who will prescribe a general examination of urine, blood, as an additional diagnostic measure.

If any disease is suspected, the doctor may prescribe additional tests: a biochemical study, a blood test for toxins, ultrasound, and so on.

It is very important not to delay going to the doctor if, against the background of a change in the color of urine, general well-being worsens.