Super products from Aliexpress. The most interesting thing on Aliexpress: bright vintage jewelry. Anti-slip chains

Surely every person wants to get useful things from Aliexpress at ridiculous prices. Everyone knows that this site contains all kinds of products that can be purchased both for independent use and as a gift to someone. Among the huge assortment, it is sometimes difficult to find something most suitable, so people turn to ratings of useful things from Aliexpress. The article presents 15 original gizmos that are suitable for use at home, in the office, on the street or while doing your favorite thing.

Mini gamepad

A small thing that can be connected to your tablet or smartphone using Bluetooth, especially popular with glasses or helmet owners virtual reality. The gamepad can be easily controlled when playing in VR mode. In addition, it works great on set-top boxes and can also control the cursor on a computer. The cost of such a thing is only 220 rubles.

Solar Powered Portable Charger

Useful things for the home include a 1800 mAh power bank, which features the ability to recharge from solar energy. This device is glued to the window where there is enough heat from the sun. It should be remembered that it will not be possible to replenish the full capacity of the battery in this way, although it is quite possible to sit in front of your device for about 10 hours. You can buy it for about 1000 rubles.

USB rechargeable batteries

People who are tired of constantly spending money on batteries include in the list of useful things from Aliexpress a real miracle of technology - ordinary AA batteries that can be charged from your own computer. They have a built-in standard USB connector, and the charge status can be seen by the light indicator. The price of one battery is 380 rubles.

Anti-stress cube

Promoted spinners are just child's play and do nothing to relieve stress. When people realize this, they look for more effective stress relievers. Really useful things from Aliexpress will help solve their problems - unusual cubes that attract the attention of all choleric and restless people. On all sides of the plastic cube there are various buttons, wheels, balls and switches. Buy an anti-stress toy from quality material available for only 190 rubles.

Solid charging stand

While charging your phone, it is not always convenient to use it. To facilitate this problem, on Ali you can order a rigid stand, which allows you to position your smartphone vertically and safely control it. The price of this stand reaches 430 rubles.

USB charger with cigarette lighter port

Among the useful things for a car on Aliexpress is an indispensable accessory for any driver - a USB charger that can be installed in the cigarette lighter. This device can charge almost any equipment. Its cost from different sellers may vary radically, but in general it does not go beyond 350-500 rubles.

Bottle of Bin 8 Tools

Every housewife is constantly looking for various useful things for the home, including the kitchen. Modern women are increasingly turning their attention to the bottle, which is universal remedy for cooking. It consists of eight nozzles that are located on top of each other. Each of them has its own color and purpose: funnel, vegetable slicer, measuring cup, cheese grater, bottle opener, yolk separator, juicer and egg slicer. The bottle is quite compact, quickly disassembled and assembled. You can buy it for only 270 rubles.

Cup with changing image

Interesting and useful things from Aliexpress can work not only from the network, but also autonomously. Thus, the site has long been famous for mugs on which the image changes upon contact with boiling water. The assortment of pictures is quite large, but the most relevant are cups with the battery level, horoscope, smiley and simply changing the color from black to white. This little thing will cheer you up in any weather. It is perfect as a gift for friends, colleagues and relatives. The price directly depends on the type of pattern and other characteristics. The average cost is 400 rubles.

Bookmark with flashlight

Interesting bookmarks with a bright enough flashlight are truly considered miracle devices. On one side there are clothespins on them, with the help of which they are attached to the book, on the other - light bulbs. These devices have a flexible base, so their lighting angle can be directed in any direction. The bookmarks operate on regular batteries. You can purchase them at a fairly low cost - 160 rubles.

Knee socks with voluminous animals

Useful things on Aliexpress for girls have always been interesting to them, regardless of age. One of the most notable items is the women's knee socks, which feature cute 3D animal prints. They are quite warm, soft and pleasant to the body. Customers are given several pairs of socks to choose from: panda, kitten, bear. Pleasure yourself a nice gift You can do it for just 150 rubles.

USB programmable LED fan

For those who spend too much time at the computer, a small fan that connects to the device and displays some text, message or just a pattern during operation will be an excellent helper. Using a USB port, this fan can be connected to any device and used anywhere. He designs only those inscriptions that were previously recorded on him using a computer. That is, if a person needs the fan to display the time and then independently switch to some text, then he can easily set this in the settings. Cost of interesting portable device is 200 rubles.

Helicopters controlled by phone

Useful things from Aliexpress for men include items that they need not only for work, but also for entertainment. One of these devices is a small helicopter that can be controlled using your own smartphone or tablet running on any operating system. To fly, the helicopter independently creates a point to which its owner can connect using another device already connected to a tablet or phone. This is all done via Wi-Fi. By cost different models differ because they have different configurations, power, and materials of manufacture. As a rule, the helicopter kit includes spare blades, a charger, tail screws, instructions and a transmitter. The average cost is 2000 rubles.

Mini camera

The unique Y2000 model is a true mini version of a regular camera. This small device, 3x3 cm, looks like the most ordinary camera. The most important thing is that you can use it to take real pictures, which are automatically saved in a normal image format (jpeg). In addition, the device shoots video with a resolution of 640x480. It has a built-in battery that lasts about half an hour, and you can charge the device and retrieve captured images using a regular USB port. For lovers of smaller versions various items such a thing will cost only 1,500 rubles.

Clock with LED board for notes

A unique alarm clock with a special writing board allows you to write down necessary information in the evening so as not to forget it during sleep. You can write or draw on the glass surface with a special marker that will glow in the dark. At the same time, the watch has a timer, thermometer and calendar. Such a watch will cost 400 rubles.

Hook sharpener

Those who like to sit near a lake with a fishing rod are always looking for useful things for fishing from Aliexpress. Such individuals will definitely like a hook sharpener, with which they can sharpen their fishing tools. The length of the device is only 10 cm and the width is 1 cm, so it can be easily carried in a jacket pocket or bag, where it will not get in the way. The cost of the sharpener does not exceed 95 rubles.

In our article you will find photos of unusual products offered by the Aliexpress trading platform. Here are links to catalogs and prices of unusual products for the home, apartment, cottage, animals, children, and pregnant women.

The Chinese online trading platform Aliexpress is dotted with all sorts of unusual and interesting products, intended for the home, the people and animals living in it. Here you can find original souvenirs for big and small, unusual goods for sale and cool gifts.

You can see unusual things in every catalog of the Chinese mega store. These can be not only souvenirs, but also original goods for children, animals, and pregnant women. Here you can find things that will be useful in your apartment or country house, and that can make your kitchen duties easier.

If this is your first time getting acquainted with the Chinese virtual store Aliexpress, it is better to register immediately using the instructions for beginners. The article “”, located on our website, will help you understand the search, selection and ordering of goods on a virtual trading resource.

Top 10 best unusual products on Aliexpress: price, catalog, review, photo

There are quite a lot of unusual products presented on the online shopping windows of the Aliexpress megamarket, and choosing the top ten among them is almost impossible. Our ten are original and at the same time practical things.

For those who like to brew tea bags directly in a cup, a tea bag holder will be a pleasant and convenient little thing.

Unusual product for sale: tabletop mini aquarium from Aliexpress.

An original handset for a mobile phone is an unusual product that is liked mainly by young ladies. This thing will definitely find its buyer.

Unusual products for pregnant women on Aliexpress

For pregnant girls, the Aliexpress megamarket offers a lot of interesting and unusual clothes. T-shirts and tunics with an unusual thematic print placed in the tummy area are in great demand.

An unusual and very comfortable pillow for pregnant women, it will become indispensable for girls expecting the baby to appear soon. Kinetic sand – convenient option for measuring temperature at small child. It is enough to place the sticker on the baby’s forehead and in a few minutes you will know his temperature... ensuring the safety of the children in big city., which "insures" the child's head during a fall.

Unusual product for children from Aliexpress; giant inflatable balloon.

Among the huge variety of children's toys, a doll electric chair is an unusual and even incomprehensible thing. But considering that in Lately Instead of Barbie, girls like monster dolls - such a purchase will greatly please the child.

Video: The most unusual products from Aliexpress

Photo: From open sources in the Internet

Good afternoon, dear Vox Populi readers! Today we want to please you pleasant little things, which can be purchased at the world-famous AliExpress online flea market. We would like to place the main emphasis here not on the price of the goods, although you will find out the approximate cost, but on the fact that the little things we offer will be quite difficult to find for sale in Kazakhstan. We hope you enjoy our experimental selection.

Book light especially for those who like to read before going to bed or under the covers. As a rule, there are plenty of sellers who are ready to sell you a similar thing. average price backlight - 800 tenge.

Smart bookmark. Now it is not necessary to frantically read the page to the end when you are called. Use a convenient bookmark that will show with your finger the place where you stopped. One product can be bought for 200 tenge.

Organizer for packages It seemed to us a little expensive for a simple plastic mold. The average price on the website is 2,000 tenge, but it cannot be denied that the thing is quite comfortable and looks good.

Sushi machine. This device will help you save money and be calm about your health. After all, it's up to you to cook the sushi. The average price of a sushi machine is 1,600 tenge.

4 battery adapters can be purchased on the Chinese website for 600 tenge. True, it will take about a month to wait for such crumbs.

For those who like to listen to music before going to bed, they came up with a double solution: soft earmuffs and eye mask to have wonderful dreams. The price is approximately 1,500 tenge.

Bottle stopper with code for the greedy. Although the idea is good, the price of such a metal cork is 3,500 tenge.

Keyboard vacuum cleaner This is what every home needs! Both useful and inexpensive - only 600 tenge.

Next useful thingsurvival bracelet 4 in 1: knife, whistle, steel and four-meter cable. Such an attribute will cost approximately 450 tenge.

Comfortable and stylish, literally "always at hand", more precisely, "on hand" - cord braceletUSB for smartphone charging. It can cost you 500-800 tenge.

Useful little thing that every housewife needs - trash bag holder, 600 tenge.

What do you think is cheaper - a severed finger or protective cap for Negoz 380 tenge? Probably, after all, the nozzle...

Useful and necessary in every family bag sealing machine. The device runs on two batteries and can cost you 900 tenge. By the way, if you had time to take it before the devaluation, you would have spent significantly less - 500 tenge.

Unfortunately, we are not always able to cut cake layers perfectly evenly. AliExpress offers to solve the problem by purchasing form for cutting cakes for 1,700 tenge.

We think that such a thing is necessary in the kitchen of every housewife - metal soap rinsing off hands unpleasant odors — 450 tenge.

Continuing the theme of getting out of difficult life situations: hsurvival knife— 200 tenge.

Wireless jump rope causes ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, it is convenient, and there is no possibility of injuring an approaching person, on the other hand, can it be considered a jump rope? One way or another, the item can be purchased on the website for 2,600 tenge.

Double Party Bowl- salvation for home owners! The approximate price of the “lifesaver” utensils is 2,000 tenge.

flying alarm clock has existed for more than one year. Agree, this is true brilliant invention. Who's ready to try it? Such a thing costs about 2,500 tenge.

With the rise in the dollar exchange rate, many began to refuse to make purchases in foreign online stores, thinking that the cost of things in them had increased greatly. To prove that this is not so, I made for you a selection of 30 useful little things from Aliexpress for less than 100 rubles. Free shipping makes even such small purchases possible.

Little things for the kitchen:

1. Molds for fun scrambled eggs. This breakfast will delight both the kids and the adults you serve it to. With these molds you can make both pancakes and cookies.

2. Sponge holder with suction cup. Well, a very convenient thing. I bought several of these for myself and glued them in both the kitchen and the bathroom. In them, sponges dry better and are always at hand. And these holders cost only 26 rubles!

3. Collapsible silicone funnel. It's compact, it's heat-resistant, and it's simply stylish. Also suitable for bulk products. You can also hang it on a hook.

4. Bag for roasting potatoes in the microwave. Very convenient thing, I will report to you! Just 4 minutes in the microwave and your potatoes are ready. I can say that in such a bag the potatoes turn out even tastier than after boiling them in a saucepan.

5. Shaped stainless steel cookie cutters. There are a lot of them on Ali different types. I bought dinosaurs, and my son and I enjoy cutting out dough figures with these molds.

6. Silicone pastry bag with nozzles. Recently I was baking cupcakes, and I realized that I just need a bag of cream. How else can you quickly and easily make cream decorations for cakes or cakes? The advantage of this bag is that it is easy to wash. Much lighter than fabric.

7. Hanging pocket for the sink. Its convenience is that you can hang it on the faucet in the bathroom or kitchen and put a sponge, dishwashing detergent, shampoo or soap there. Yes, basically anything that fits. It has a hole at the bottom for draining water, so don't be afraid that it will be damp inside.

8. Lemon juice spray. It will be useful for easily extracting lemon juice from fruit. You can sprinkle it on lettuce leaves, or you can acidify the tea to taste. Can be supplemented lemon juice dessert. Easy and clean.

9. Mini teapot. Do you like to brew tea in a mug rather than in a whole teapot? I love it, and I used to have to brew tea in one mug and use a strainer to pour it into another. Now I just put the tea leaves in my silicone strawberry and enjoy my tea without any problems.

10. Meatball pan. Well, a very convenient thing for instant cooking meatballs and dumpling fillings. And most importantly, you won’t get your hands dirty while preparing them!

Little things for children:

11. Funny raccoon socks. Recently, the Internet has been conquered by photographs of children wearing the cutest knee socks with animal faces. I couldn't resist and bought these for my son. There is a large selection of colors and sizes in stores. Of course, the most popular are foxes - for girls and raccoons - for boys.

12. Montessori board. A very useful and inexpensive educational toy. My child enjoyed playing with it and putting the figures in their places. Later we learned colors from it.

13. Toothbrush holders. The cutest, funniest little animals that can be stuck on the wall or on the glass in the bathroom to insert a nursery there toothbrush. Kids love it when they have everything of their own. Such a “buddy” in the bathroom will help your child learn to brush their teeth more willingly.

14. Wooden magnet numbers. Another useful little thing that we have in our house. For a growing child - just the thing! He will be equally interested in studying counting and the properties of a magnet.

15. Notepad with stylus. Great fun for a child. Initially black, it becomes rainbow-colored in the places where the stylus draws. I bought several of these and give them as gifts when I visit friends with children. You can always surprise with such a gift.

For girls:

16. Konnyaku. The famous cleansing sponge made from the roots of an Asian plant. It cleanses the face well without even injuring sensitive skin. Very good paired with any face wash. I recommend. The thing is convenient and environmentally friendly.

17. Bra clips. Very useful devices for those who have sloping shoulders or simply uncomfortable underwear, the straps of which constantly fall off and irritate. These clips can also be used to hide the straps if the back of the garment requires it. I bought myself two of these clips in black and white for only 17 rubles.

18. Brooch-deer. A chic brooch for a jacket, dress, hat or sweater. The brooch is made with high quality and looks expensive. I get compliments about her all the time. And in general, it became my favorite decoration.


19. Glowing laces. An unusual accessory for those who like to stand out from the crowd.

20. Portable hygrometer. This device came in handy for me to check the readings of the hygrometer built into the humidifier. And in general, if a child sleeps in the room, then it is useful to check the humidity level in it.

21. Headphone case. Do your headphones curl up like a snake in your bag? Mine regularly. That's why I bought myself a super comfortable headphone case, which I'm very pleased with. And I recommend him to everyone.

22. Tablet box. Those who regularly take pills or vitamins and also give them to sick relatives will appreciate the convenience of this box. It's easy to get confused whether you've already taken the pill today or not. A pill organizer will quickly answer this question.

23. Remote control for the camera. Z and for pennies you can buy a remote control that will help you take selfies and group photos from a distance, without resorting to a timer and shutter delay. You yourself will control the moment at which the camera clicks on you. Remote controls are sold for any camera model. Don't forget to select your exact model.

24. Passport cover. Aliexpress has a huge selection of covers of different quality and design. I bought myself one for my foreign passport.

25. Bag for washing things. Needed for delicate washing of clothes and to protect them from pilling. And your socks won’t get lost in it or get stuck in your pillowcase.

All these things cost no more than 50-100 rubles, but even such necessary little things add up quite quickly large sum. But there is a way to save extra on your purchases. To do this, you need to register with one of the cashback services. These are sites that return a certain percentage to their users absolutely from every purchase made. There are many such services. You can register at any convenient location. But if you often buy on Aliexpress, then will be the most profitable for you. If you are interested in this method of saving and want to know how it works, then the cashback service is written separately and in detail.

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Go choose!

1. Powerful long-range Wi-Fi router with 4 antennas

Megarouter with a maximum speed of up to 1167 megabits. Should not be stupid: we installed a flash memory of 128 MB, 2 times more than conventional routers. It will break through even the thickest concrete wall between rooms. Convenient application for configuration, ridiculous price.

On the back there are 2 LAN ports and 1 more input port for the Internet of your provider. USB port supports hard drives and remote download/playback of files.

2. Kitchen thermometer for perfect steaks and meat

Helps to fry meat perfectly. Measuring range 10-250 degrees, large touch display. Long stylus! Signals non-compliance with cooking conditions with an alarm squeak.

You can choose the type of meat (8 types in total). Powered by 2 AAA batteries. It shows the temperature accurately, judging by the reviews.

3. Charging with 6 USB ports for regular outlet

A necessary thing for any gadget owner and big family. Charge up to 6 devices at once. There is a simple LED illumination of the ports. The maximum current is up to 3 amperes per port, which is enough for any gadgets, including the iPad.

The design of the thing is simple, but its usefulness is enormous, and the price is ridiculous.

4. External mega-thin Xiaomi battery 10,000 mAh

Ultra-thin (only 14 mm thick) 10,000 mAh battery. Supports simultaneous charging of the device and the power bank itself. Protection against power surges, automatic current regulation.

There is an “economical” charging mode for all fitness bracelets, which limits the output power of the battery and prevents it from discharging too quickly.

The actual output capacity is 6900 mAh, which is cool and above average. Also this 2nd generation The battery has become a third thinner. Must have, no less.

5. Convenient city backpack with laptop protection

Serious backpack. Protect your laptop from drops and pressure; the pocket supports models up to 15 inches. Secret compartment on the back, soft lining at the back for easy long-term wearing. Several main and small pockets.

The material is protected from moisture and does not absorb it. There are 4 colors: black and 3 shades of gray.

6. Xiaomi Wi-Fi signal booster for large apartments

If I can't connect to the internet in the far corners of the rooms, this whistle will fix everything. Plugs into any USB port, including regular chargers. Supports signal up to 300 Mbps. Once set up, I forgot forever about Wi-Fi breaks.

Yes, it supports Russian networks and it works fine for us.

7. Pocket quadcopter for wild flights at home

This baby flies so much that you swing! There is illumination, stabilization, super-high maneuver speed and a warning signal about the imminent discharge of the battery. Fits in the palm of your hand very playful and stable in the air.

6-axis gyroscope, flight time 8 minutes, charging time - 30 minutes ( good numbers). The joystick runs on two AAA batteries.

Includes a USB charging cable and a fun mini-joystick with which you control the flight. The quad itself is available in different colors. The best thing is to fly or even at home in winter.

By the way. In order for the quadcopter to fly non-stop, I advise you to purchase several spare blades in advance. Believe me, they will definitely be useful to you, and you will still say “thank you.”

8. Wireless (or wired) switch for lights in the house

The idea is just BOMB. Looks like a regular switch, but does not require wiring! Just stick it on any wall and that’s it. Works with smart bulbs and systems smart home, supporting the ZiGBee protocol.

And if you need a simple switch and like this design, order the wired version. Just don’t get confused, there are 4 pictures on the right in the lot, which indicate the product you are ordering. The first two are wireless, the remaining two are wired.

9. Kit for changing the oil in your car yourself

Pump power 60W, powered by cigarette lighter. For quick oil change in his “iron horse”. The set includes 2 hoses of different diameters for oil intake and 1 reinforced hose for draining.

Before purchasing, make sure it fits your car: inlet tube with a diameter of 6 mm, outlet diameter 8 mm. You CANNOT transfer gasoline with this thing!

10. Laser film and paint thickness meter

The threat of all car scammers. Piece per second will determine the thickness of the paint on the car - and if it varies in different places, will reveal the deception a cunning seller and will not let you buy a dented, repainted car.

She can also measure the thickness of any other things. Test depth – from 0 to 2.0 mm. By the way, liquids and containers with them are also supported, but the maximum depth there is lower – up to 80 ml.

Oh, here’s another idea: you can use this thing to shut up a traffic police inspector who thinks your tint film is too thick.

11. LED lamp with a bunch of modes and functions

Beautiful, with several modes, enhanced dust protection and control via smartphone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Maybe imitate the moon or bright sun. Installs anywhere in 5 minutes. It shines brightly and is inexpensive.

12. Portable wireless TV keyboard with touchpad

Micro keyboard that fits in the palm of your hand. Super thing for different situations: for example, you watch a movie from a laptop connected to the TV. Or if you have a TV set-top box, it’s easier to control such a thing.

Connects to any device via USB transmitter. Eat touch touch panel and Russian keyboard. They also added multimedia keys such as rewind and menu mode. Especially for watching movies and TV series. In general, better than any included remote control!

13. The necessary Xiaomi surge protector with 3 USB ports

3 sockets for different types plugs and 3 universal USB ports on normal 2.1A to charge all gadgets in one place. Overload protection. Simple design, famous manufacturer, good quality- what else is needed?

14. Piston strainer for rich tea brewing

ingenious invention of the Chinese. Doesn't it piss you off when you have to shake the strainer in the tea to get it right? rich taste? Here you just press the piston at the top and get the drink the way it should be.

I'm still shocked that this thing isn't sold in regular stores. Suitable for anyone who drinks loose leaf tea at least occasionally.

15. Sharpening a real CHEF for any knives

Trush machine for brutal sharpening any knives and cutting objects. Holder and 4 different sharpening plates. You clamp the blade, sharpen it, and you almost get a lightsaber.

Not for the faint-hearted. Your labor teacher would be pleased. Good men's gift, he wiped away a stingy tear and went on to chop wood.

16. OMG, this is a Xiaomi backpack

Yes, Xiaomi even makes backpacks. Slim, out thick fabric, 7 internal pockets, including a large one for a laptop up to 15 inches. Material does not absorb moisture. Three colors available.

I'm glad that the backpack is really small and thin. Weight without contents – about 450 grams. Well, yes, in Russia they love everything from Xiaomi, so you are guaranteed to like it :)

17. Universal wrench-multitool

Adjustable to any shape and size. Cans and lids can be opened. Ideal for car repairs and household chores. Made from rubber.

It works simply: pull out the elastic band required length, you put anything inside - tighten it, twist it, profit!