DIY Halloween costume: Corpse Bride. How to make a bride's costume for Halloween with your own hands. Useful and practical tips. How to make a Bloody Nurse costume

The image of the dead bride from Tim Burton's cartoon is one of the most replicated images at Halloween. And this is no coincidence! Behind the spectacular appearance lies a not too heavy technique of execution, and the outfit freely allows you to show your imagination. So let’s look at how to do the “Corpse Bride” makeup for Halloween yourself at home.

The traditions of the holiday involve the release of “evil spirits” onto the earth on the night of October 31 to November 1, accompanied by mass festivities in the form of otherworldly monsters, cartoon characters, etc. To be on trend for the event, you should definitely take care of your festive costume, hairstyle and make-up. The more colorful the chosen character, the brighter the holiday will be. Halloween Corpse Bride makeup is a great option for a fun party.

The main accents of the future image are:

  • deathly pale, blue-tinged skin;
  • black eye makeup;
  • tragic expression on the face.

DIY “corpse bride” makeup technique

We can do the “Corpse Bride” makeup for Halloween using makeup, applying it step by step with our own hands. The instructions for performing the actions will be as follows.

      1. So, to give your face the pallor that matches corpse bride, you need to prepare a toning base for the face and neck. To do this, you can use light powder, which must be mixed with blue shadows, and mixed until smooth. The scary Halloween makeup “Corpse Bride” involves bluish skin, so if your costume does not include gloves or a long dress, then do not forget about the other open areas of the body so that they do not stand out from the overall picture.
      2. To give the face relief, use blue shadows (more saturated than the main skin tone) to highlight the area of ​​the cheekbones, wings of the nose, emphasize the hairline, temples, and the area around the nose
      3. We create spectacular bruises around the eyes using shadows of blue and purple colors. Apply the shadows step by step to the entire moving eyelid and the area around the eyes. Carefully blend the transitions between shades to achieve the desired effect.
      4. Halloween makeup for girls, in particular the created image - the makeup of a dead bride from a cartoon, involves using black eyeliner or a cosmetic pencil. The lines should not be clear, they should be carefully shaded, giving the image an ominous look. An alternative shade of make-up can be a dark blue or purple liner.
      5. To give your makeup a tragic corps bride look, we use eyebrow make-up. The make-up scheme involves using a black soft cosmetic pencil to give the outer corners of the eyebrows a pointed look, and draw the inner part slightly raised - this trick will help you recreate the makeup of a dead bride from a cartoon at home.
      6. Spectacular “corpse spots” can be created using a sponge or brush for blush and blue and green shadows. Dip the brush into the shadow of your chosen shade and make a few light marks on the face without blending their outlines.
      7. To complete your Corpse Bride makeup for Halloween, the best finishing touch is mascara and a pale pink lip makeup. An excellent solution would be lips powdered with foundation and lightly coated with lip gloss.

Halloween involves creating a frightening image, therefore, to add some piquancy to this make-up, you can additionally draw a hole on your cheek using black shadows.

Don't forget about the other details of the image! To harmoniously fit into the Halloween theme, do not neglect a suitable hairstyle, as well as the obligatory corpse bride attribute - a veil.

Video: master class on creating makeup for the heroine of the cartoon “Corpse Bride”

One of the interesting and memorable images for Halloween is the bride. Of course, we are not talking about an ordinary girl who is about to get married, but about various mystical characters. It’s quite possible to make a bride’s costume for Halloween with your own hands.

Choosing a character

First of all, we need to figure out what our character will be like. Will this corpse be the bride from the famous cartoon, or will it be the crazy killer bride? Or maybe it’s worth trying to portray the devil’s bride?

In a word, this image has many options. Photos of various options for mystical bride costumes will certainly help you make your choice. And having decided what our heroine will be like, we can begin making the costume.

Costume base

Whatever our bride is, she will need a wedding dress. Where can I get this item of clothing? Of course, it would be ideal to use your mother or grandmother's wedding dress. However, it is unlikely that older relatives, who have carefully preserved their wedding dresses for decades, will be enthusiastic about the fact that the dress will be hopelessly ruined for the sake of a party.

Therefore, you will have to consider other options. Of course, it is not advisable to purchase a dress in a wedding salon, since the prices for dresses there are usually very impressive. Here are the most rational options for choosing a dress:

  • contact a salon that not only sells wedding clothes, but also rents them out. In such salons there may be discarded dresses that have already been used many times, so the outfits may look unpresentable. But this option suits us perfectly;
  • try looking for a dress in the advertisements. Perhaps someone has a wedding dress that has been damaged (for example, doused with wine). This outfit can be purchased inexpensively.

If you were unable to purchase an inexpensive wedding dress, you can try to sew it yourself. To do this, it is worth purchasing a corset (you can look for a model made in China, they are inexpensive). And then sew a simple half-sun skirt using lining silk, tulle, organza, tulle or any other suitable materials. The dress does not have to be floor-length; you can limit it to knee length, in which case less fabric will be needed.

In addition to the dress itself, you will need a veil. This accessory is also quite simple to sew, so there should be no difficulties at this stage.

Making a Dead Bride Costume

If we have a dress and a veil, then making a dead bride costume will be quite simple. You'll just have to ruin your clothes. The dress will need to be torn in several places and stained with earth. The gel worms clinging to the dress look very colorful, because our bride recently got out of the grave, so the presence of worms on her dress is quite natural.

The dress can be burned in several places, but you need to be extremely careful when doing this part of the job. Artificial fabrics can either ignite, causing a fire, or melt. So, you need to first try on an unnecessary piece of fabric how it behaves when in contact with fire. Experiments should be carried out in a safe place (for example, in the bathroom).

The veil will also need to be damaged, torn and dirty. You can put a wreath of stained artificial or withered fresh flowers on your head.

If you want to make the image more creepy, you can apply artificial blood to the holes in the dress so that it appears that there are wounds on the bride’s body.

You can give a bouquet of dried flowers into the hands of a dead bride. Although it’s unlikely that anyone will want to catch this bouquet if the bride decides to tell fortunes who will be next.

Creating a Devil's Bride Costume

For this character, the dress will not need to be torn and dirty, so you can easily use your white evening or cocktail dress. We need to create an image that is innocent and vicious at the same time. Therefore, it is advisable to use a dress that is quite revealing. You can wear a short dress or a long one, but with a deep neckline. An interesting option is a long dress that is closed in the front and has a deep cutout on the back.

The main accessory of this character is cute horns. They can be made from foil and attached to a hairband. You can also attach a veil to the same headband.

Making a killer bride costume

The crazy bloody bride is a pretty scary image, but it won’t be difficult to make a costume for it. It will be enough to splash heavily, and in some places even pour artificial blood on the white dress.

The dress for this character can be either a wedding dress or a regular one, only white. Since the main emphasis for creating this character is not on the outfit, but on the abundance of blood on the outfit, veil, hands and face.

Creating the image of a black bride

The sad black bride is a character who is both sympathetic and frightening. This party heroine's costume will require black clothing and a black veil, preferably with a veil.

A black bride's dress, in principle, can have any style, so you can take something from your wardrobe. You won't have to rip the dress, so you won't have to suffer any damage. It's easy to sew a veil yourself. If you have an old white veil at your disposal, you can paint it with textile paints.

So, the image of a bride for Halloween is one of the most interesting for a girl. It is quite possible to create a costume for a party with your own hands, and the appropriate makeup will complement the image.

After all, Halloween is a great holiday! After all, on this day you can forget about seriousness and have fun. For example, pretend to be an evil spirit, because, according to legend, on All Saints' Day spirits wander among people, and if you look like one of them, they will not touch you. And what is evil without a suitable outfit? If you don’t want unnecessary hassle, buy it in the store. But how much nicer is a DIY Halloween costume!

How to make a vampire costume

Perhaps the most stylish representative of the undead is the vampire. Just remember Count Dracula - a perfectly fitting suit, an ideal color combination, a fashionable cane. A true gentleman! So become the ideal girlfriend for the count. The vampire's outfit should be quite sexy, but not vulgar. An ordinary plain dress, black or other dark shades of any length, fishnet tights and red patent leather shoes will do. Another option is trousers and a white blouse with a stand-up collar. Decorate the collar with a retro-style brooch - and a seductive vampire is ready!

However, the main part for a DIY Halloween costume – the cape – will have to be sewn yourself. We choose a “shiny” synthetic fabric, or satin. We need two rectangles approximately 3 by 1.5 m - black and red.

Vampire Cloak Pattern

Hood pattern

Below is the easiest way to sew:

1. We draw out the fabric as shown in the figure (the neck radius is wide enough - 15 cm, so that it can be gathered). We cut off the excess - we will then make a hood from the remains.
We bend the ends of the future cloak for a Halloween costume with our own hands and hem the red lining. It is more convenient to do this on a sewing machine.

2. Cut out the hood. The length indicated is approximate (its “depth” depends on it), do not forget about seam allowances. There must be two identical parts. Sew along the top and back edges, turn in the edges, and sew on the lining. When you sew the hood to the cloak, leave some space and make a drawstring - then thread the cord through it.

3. The presented DIY Halloween costume is very versatile. You don’t have to sew on the red lining - complement the look with a scary mask or skeleton makeup, black gloves and a scythe made from a long stick and a piece of cardboard, and here you are Lady Death! Pull your hood over your face, arm yourself with a katana made from a shorter stick - and now you are a stern executioner, coming from the other world to chop off heads! And if you wrap yourself well in a cloak, put on black boots with soles and make yourself a “blade” from the same cardboard, plywood or a painted piece of foam, you will become one of the Nazgul - the minions of darkness from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

We offer you another option on how to sew a cape in a video from nibridzh

How to make a mummy costume

An original DIY Halloween costume - a mummy. By experimenting with details, you can make both an ancient awakened evil and a charming Egyptian princess. You've probably read that bandages and an assistant are enough for this look, but that's not entirely true. Wound tightly around the body, the bandages will put pressure on the limbs and limit movement, but we still have to dance. So you'll have to work a little harder.

For the mummy image you need:

  • an old jacket and trousers in light colors;
  • household fabric gloves;
  • a lot of bandages;
  • needle and thread.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, let’s “age” the bandages for the Halloween costume with our own hands - they cannot be white, because the mummy has lain in them for thousands of years! To do this, unwind the bandages, put them in a saucepan with strong tea leaves for 10 minutes, then take them out and dry them.

2. Now you need to cover the jacket and pants with bandages. We do this in random order, the main condition is negligence. The ends should hang down and stick out. Then we sew the gloves in the same way (you can first sew them to the sleeves of the jacket).

3. You can accessorize this DIY Halloween costume with splashes of paint to imitate dried blood or embalming agent. Real mummies walk barefoot - as a last resort, also cover your socks with bandages. And yes, you still just have to wrap your head and neck.

How to make a witch costume

The favorite image of almost all girls for Halloween is a witch. Typically, no one wants to be an evil old woman with a hooked nose - everyone chooses sexy witches who have used their secret knowledge for eternal youth. The basis of a seductive witch's DIY Halloween costume is black clothing. A dress of any length, a skirt with a top, even trousers will do; they need to be supplemented with interesting details like striped stockings or leg warmers, fishnet tights. You can also wear a leather corset or a wide belt. The main thing here is not to slip into vulgarity. Shoes can be anything: multi-colored ankle boots, high-top shoes, ballet flats, patent leather knee-high boots.

There is also an interesting version of shoes with curved toes - straight from the chest of a witch grandmother! For this DIY Halloween costume piece you will need:

  • old shoes;
  • newspapers;
  • black paper;
  • glue;
  • decorative glitter.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We make “curved noses” separately, using papier-mâché technology (many layers, each one glued). Then we attach them to the toes of the shoes and secure them.
  2. We evenly cover the shoes with newspapers, the last layer is black paper.
  3. We treat our shoes with glitter and leave them to dry. You can also decorate it with interesting details.

Another important detail of a DIY witch Halloween costume is the hat. It is easily made from:

  • cardboard;
  • black paper (option: black fabric or paint).

You also need scissors and glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out two parts of the hat from cardboard, as in the picture. The height and width of the brim are adjustable depending on your desire, the head slot has individual parameters. Do not forget to leave in the fields “fastenings”, with the help of which we will connect the parts.
  2. Glue the parts together and leave to dry. This is where your imagination comes into play: you can cover the hat with black paper, you can paint it. A more complicated option is to cover it with fabric.

You can leave it like this, they will already recognize you as a witch. Or you can go further - decorate the hat with black lace flowers, ribbons, fringe, a veil, an unusual clasp or a cardboard bat. An option is to make a hat for a Halloween witch costume with your own hands using the same technology, but small. Attach it to a hairpin and fix it on the side of your hair - you get a recognizable, but at the same time unusual accessory.

How to make a Dead Bride costume

The next character seems to have taken the expression “love to death” too literally. The image of the dead bride was popularized by Burton, however, it is not necessary to start from Emily, because similar characters existed before him. Ideally, the basis of such a DIY Halloween costume is a wedding dress (a great idea for those whose wedding outfit is gathering dust in the closet). Any other light-colored dress that you don’t mind would be suitable. The outfit can also be black, as a reflection of grief for eternal love.

“Old” it: tear the hem, cut it with scissors, wipe it, smear it, because your heroine crawled out of the ground wearing it. You can sew a “web” of gauze (a veil is made from it), add “blood” or “decomposition” stains. Add any comfortable shoes and a bouquet of dried flowers to your look - and go ahead and prove that love is stronger than death!

How to make a Bloody Nurse costume

All mad scientists and mad doctors probably had assistants. In addition, the medical staff makes many tremble to remember the terrible tweezers, syringes and scalpels. Therefore, a DIY Bloody Nurse Halloween costume is a great option! It is based on a white coat and cap, which can be purchased at a medical equipment store. The robe should be short and tight-fitting. Sew large red crosses onto the suit, add white stockings and heels, and to complete the look, generously stain all the clothes with scarlet paint. It’s great if you can get something from the medical equipment (stethoscope, syringe, a prop knife will do). Now we will definitely heal you... that is, cure you!

How to make a doll costume

Horror movie fans know that anything can be expected from an ordinary doll. This children's toy is a great DIY Halloween costume option. There are also options here. What is closer to you: a classic doll with blond curls and an angelic appearance, a puppet or, for example, a pale girl doll from Japanese folklore? Or maybe you want something more trashy, like Billy the killer doll from the movie “Saw”? Everything can be done.

To make your own traditional doll costume for Halloween, wear a short dress in a rich color, preferably with a full petticoat. Pair it with flats or ballet flats; you can make pantaloons from light breeches by sewing lace to them. Weave a fluffy bow into your hair. If your strands are far from “doll-like,” use extensions or a wig.

A more interesting option is a Japanese doll, the character is always sinister and gloomy. This look is especially good for thin girls with long dark hair. Make them perfectly straight using styling wax; let them fall over your shoulders and back. This DIY Halloween costume involves a straight short black dress (or the traditional “sailor suit” for Japanese girls), white knee socks and dark ballet shoes. If you have drawing skills, draw "hinges" on your arms and legs. Both of these options can be puppets, you just need to rehearse the corresponding “mechanical” movements. This DIY Halloween costume looks especially impressive in pairs: let the second person play the puppeteer.

How to make angel and fairy costumes

Do you dream of a heavenly life? Then dress up as an angel for Halloween. You can become either a traditional cherub or a sinful, fallen angel. The only difference is the color. The basis of the angel costume is a dress, white for a normal one and black for a fallen one. Wings are attached to the back of the dress. We make them from wire: we simply give it the desired shape, stretch a fabric base over it and trim it with feathers. We construct a halo from it. It can be covered with lace or tinsel.

By the way, in a similar way, a Halloween costume is made with the hands of a kinder creature - a fairy. The only difference is that the wings will need to be trimmed not with feathers, but with glass beads or decorated with sparkles. Make your wings bigger, decorate them with all the colors of the rainbow - and you can be a butterfly! Instead of a halo, we make a magic wand - what would a fairy be without it? We form a star from the wire, and then cover it with foil or iridescent gift paper. The fairy can also wear a dress with a full skirt (or a plain T-shirt and a tulle “tutu” skirt), a tiara and light-colored shoes. This is how you make your own Halloween elf costume.

How to make a devil costume

And again the forces of evil - it turns out that most girls prefer to dress up as them for Halloween! Try on the image of a devil, although no one will be afraid of such an “imp”, because this particular character is rather flirtatious and playful. The basis of the image is a lot of red. A red dress of any length, scarlet high-heeled shoes, piquantly flowing hair... and of course horns and a ponytail.

These Halloween costume details are easy to make with your own hands; we only need a little red fabric (preferably velvet), some wire or a long rope, a piece of thick cardboard and a thin headband. Cut out a couple of horns from cardboard, cover them with velvet (you can put a little cotton wool inside, so the horns will be more voluminous), and then sew them onto the headband. Disguise it with hair - who will now understand that the horns are not yours? We make the tail from wire or rope - we also trim it with velvet, for the tip we cut out a piece in the shape of an arrow and sew it on. The same materials are useful for making a trident.

We offer you a video from ClubPodrug on how to make a devil costume with your own hands

How to make a goddess costume

Angel, demon... Take it higher - goddess! It is she who descended from the Greek Olympus that you can transform into by sewing a Halloween costume with your own hands. Goddesses usually wear togas, which can easily be made from two rectangles of white fabric 50% wider than you (for example, if the widest part of your body - the hips - is 90 cm, then the width of the rectangles is 135 cm each) and of any length, in depending on whether you want a knee-length or flowing outfit.

Sew pieces of fabric on top, leaving a slit for the head, and on the sides, completely or leaving slits. The base for your DIY Halloween costume is ready, it's just a matter of details. Decorate your shoulders with decorative brooches, your waist with a gold belt, put sandals with buckles on your feet, and a wreath of artificial flowers or laurel leaves on your head. By the way, this costume is universal, it all depends on what kind of goddess you want to be. A quiver with arrows will make you the hunter Demeter, a plywood shield and a wooden spear will make you the warlike Athena, and a mirror and an apple will make you the beautiful Aphrodite.

How to make a zombie costume

But in order to make a zombie costume with your own hands for Halloween, you don’t need any special clothing at all - it’s all about well-made makeup, a “hungry” look and the right movements. After all, zombies become ordinary people who did not have time to escape from the monsters, so take ordinary clothes and achieve the effect that you fought in them and crawled through the grass and slush. It should be dirty, tattered, worn out, stained with blood. You can complicate the image and add zombie makeup to the outfit of a cook, nurse or policewoman - this way you will look especially sinister.

Let's take a break from otherworldly entities, because you can make another Halloween costume with your own hands. After all, All Saints' Day is also the time to try on a long-desired look. A nurse is not necessarily an assistant to a maniac, and a doll is not necessarily possessed by an evil spirit. Fairy-tale characters and representatives of professions are used. Maybe you have long wanted to try on the image of Aladdin's girlfriend or Jack Sparrow? Or maybe fulfill an old dream and become a trainer or a commando fighter, at least for one night? DIY Halloween costume - and everything is in your power!

How to make a maid costume

Many girls dress up as maids for Halloween, because this image is very flirty and seductive, and men also like it. If you know how to sew, then you can make a short black dress - the basis of the image - yourself. The rest are recommended to buy ready-made. You can take a school uniform without sleeves, because it usually has a beautiful lace collar and cuffs, and this is what you need! For the cap, you can simply trim the hair hoop with lace.

But sewing an apron for a DIY maid costume for Halloween is more difficult, but even an amateur can handle it. Usually it is just a piece of white fabric above the skirt, trimmed with lace and tied at the waist. You can make it higher to cover your chest - then add more ties to the neck. Mandatory accessories for this costume are black stilettos, stockings or white knee socks and, of course, a multi-colored broom.

How to make a pirate costume

Probably every girl dreamed of running away from home with a brave pirate, traveling the ocean waters on his schooner, drinking rum and robbing merchant ships. So make your own pirate costume for Halloween! It can also be assembled from casual clothes, for example a vest and a black skirt (you can take an old one and sew fringe on it).

Another option for a pirate costume is a white blouse with lace on the chest or a regular shirt a couple of sizes larger, which is complemented by a corset and black trousers or leggings. You can tie a bandana on the pirate’s head, and to further get into character, sew yourself an eye patch from a piece of leather. The finishing touches include anchor earrings and knot bracelets, and the perfect shoes for this DIY Halloween costume are chunky boots.

Don't forget about the heroes of films and TV series. God himself ordered Wednesday Adams from the family of the same name, Lydia from Beetlejuice or Coraline to dress up for Halloween, but it is also worth considering unexpected images like Daenerys from Game of Thrones, Poison Ivy from the Batman saga, Helga from the cartoon Hello Arnold! Make yourself a bright and recognizable Halloween costume with your own hands - and become the star of the party!

You will also be interested.

In order to come up with an interesting image for Halloween, just remember your favorite films and cartoons in the horror genre. Let's take "Corpse Bride" as an example. The cartoon was released on big screens back in 2005, and the image of the main character turned out to be so colorful that it is still used to create Halloween costumes. Let's try to "spoil" those around us a little on All Saints' Day!

Corpse Bride Costume
What does a corpse bride look like in a cartoon? A long wedding dress, a little shabby with time, white gloves, a veil, a tiara of flowers on her head and pronounced sad eyes. We will try to achieve the same effect!
Let's start with the costume - there are a lot of options in online stores, but if you want to do some handicrafts, you can create a bride's wardrobe with your own hands. The first option is to take any white dress, wedding or just evening. Of course, it’s better if it’s in a retro style, with “grandmother’s” lace and a corset. The next step is to give it a slightly “crumpled” look. You can cut the hem of the skirt, sleeves, corset on the back in several places, and also make large stitches with black threads. Stain your dress with black paint: simply spray it from a long distance onto a white fabric. The result will be a “fresh from the ground” effect.

Another option is a black short and rather fluffy dress. It can be “dusted” with baby powder or regular flour, embroidered with white threads, and decorated with a skeleton painted with fluorescent acrylic paints. In addition to this dress, long black gloves with interesting decorations, for example, with skulls, spiders, and bones, will be suitable.

Makeup for the corpse bride look
When doing makeup for a corpse bride, be sure to highlight the eyes and lips. You can randomly apply blood stains and scars to your face. Many even decorate the area around the mouth with surgical stitches. The classic option is to use special face painting for makeup, namely blue, black and white colors from the palette. We make up the face in a blue tone. One eye, when closed, is completely painted over with black, the second – white with a black outline, and in the middle we place a black dot-pupil. Bright scarlet or flashy pink lips, and the look is ready!

If you don’t have special makeup, you’ll just have to lighten your facial skin as much as possible with foundation, powder and concealer. We generously outline the eyes with a black pencil and draw long eyelashes along their contour. All that remains is to walk along the curves of the eyebrows, making them thick, clear and strongly raised up.

Makeup for your partner

Bride with blue hair: hairstyle for the deceased bride
For a corpse bride look, buy a wig or individual strands in black, teal or gray. You can color your curls using special varnishes or crayons.
A stylized crown of thorns, dry darkened leaves, a torn veil and a veil are suitable as a hair accessory. You can pick up a bouquet of dried flowers or a toy - a skeleton of a dog, like in a cartoon. Pick up something “terribly interesting” in a souvenir shop.

Manicure and additional details
The best manicure option for a deceased bride is its complete absence: nails with jagged edges, without varnish and with a black “mourning” border underneath them. If you don’t want to make fun of your hands like that, you can simply paint your nail plates black or red. Or “spoil” a set of false nails.

The “crooked-handed” manicure option will also look impressive. Cover the nail plate with an unobtrusive nude shade, and the edges, as in French, with a red or black tone, but deliberately make the edge uneven. Or create bloody stains on your nails.
In addition to everything, you can demonstrate the anatomy of the human body on your hands - draw bones on them. Green cartoon worms will look original on your hair.

The image of the deceased bride has been repeatedly used by designers during shows of their collections, for example, Vivienne Westwood and Givenchy, and Hollywood stars simply love to make up in this style on All Saints' Day.

Tim Burton nurtured the idea of ​​the black comedy “Corpse Bride” for 10 years. It will also take you a lot of time to create the image of a corpse bride, but at the party you will definitely be the center of attention. Especially if you show up there arm in arm with your “made-up” groom from the afterlife!

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A terrifyingly good day, dear guests! Are you going to a super cool party in honor of All Saints' Day and have already thought about makeup and costume? I recommend paying attention to the image of a Halloween bride who has risen from the dead. It has everything. This is a zombie and a witch and, of course, a bride in love who has never been able to taste the fruits of a happy family life. In general, if you want to organically fit into the theme and attract attention, dress up as a dead bride. And I will help you choose the right makeup, and I will show you in pictures how to do it correctly at home.

What options for the bride's image can be used?

The Dead Bride is one of those Halloween looks that won't limit your imagination. The main thing here is the wedding outfit and the dead expression on the face, and then it’s a matter of details. Colored makeup, fake blood, accessories and paraphernalia of the world of the dead will be used.

It is very important that the image turns out to be truly creepy, inspiring real fear, despite the virgin beauty of the outfit.

Therefore, before applying makeup, come up with a beautiful story about the death of the bride.

  • Perhaps the newlywed died under the wheels of a huge truck, and here the makeup will be appropriate - with a part of the head cut off, for example.
  • Or maybe you imagine that the bride was shot dead by her jealous husband right at the wedding, like in the movie “Kill Bill”? You'll have to work hard to create a bullet wound in your temple, stomach or chest.
  • The image of a dead vampire bride looks no less interesting. The legend is as old as time. An old vampire was seduced by a young and virginal creature. Then you will have to depict bite marks with blood stains on the bride’s neck and perhaps continue to develop the theme, focusing specifically on the bride’s vampire makeup.
  • The image of a corpse with a slit throat and numerous wounds on the face looks very impressive. The essence of makeup is that you don’t have to deliberately disfigure yourself with bluish paints and smudge your eyes and lips. On the contrary, this image is built on contrasts.

The deceased bride should amaze with her angelic beauty with wide-open beautiful eyes, appetizing lips and even skin color. She seems to have died several hours ago, so the traces of blood on her face are still fresh. Draw deep wounds on the forehead, on the cheeks, but most importantly, work on the cut on the neck. Use red corn syrup, liquid latex, and paper towels to create ragged, layered wounds. And don't forget about the sad expression on your face!

  • Or another option - the bride was kidnapped and killed, wanting to hide some terrible secret. The features of this image will be sad eyes and a mouth carelessly sewn up with black thread. As you can see, there are a lot of options, choose yours and work your magic on your makeup.

One way or another, all of the above images are united by an unhealthy complexion (choose gray, blue, greenish or white makeup), sunken eye sockets with bruises and abrasions, smudged makeup, scars, wounds and, of course, blood. There should be a lot of blood, especially in places where the bride’s wounds were fatal. Hair, nails, dress and veil should be stained with blood.

And don't forget about a small but terrifying detail - lenses. For the dead bride, these may be white, clear, or completely black lenses without a pupil.

Dead Bride based on Tim Burton's cartoon

The image of the corpse of the bride from the famous cartoon breaks all records for popularity. If you've watched Tim Burton's creation, you understand why. The main character, despite her dark beauty, looks touching. And for Halloween, this is just what you need, especially considering the popularity of the cartoon.

In this case, anyone can do their own makeup. The main thing is to study the instructions and approach the issue responsibly. The technique for performing this makeup is not so complicated, but you can’t do it without theatrical makeup or a set of aqua paints.

So, in order. The Corpse Bride image includes:

  • deathly complexion with an unhealthy blue tint;
  • dark eye makeup;
  • pained expression.

You will need baby blue makeup for the base, light blue, dark blue, black eye shadow, false eyelashes and cosmetic pencils.

Apply makeup step by step:

The finishing touch to the corpse bride's makeup is false eyelashes. Choose the longest and most unnatural ones in the spirit of a cartoon image. Dark blue eyelashes will look beautiful. To make it more impressive, you can add some silver or black sparkles to them.

Are you impressed by the ideas with images of dead brides and are you already eager to fight and experiment? Great, invite your friends on social networks for a joint creative training make-up and practice together, because Halloween is not so long left!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva