We sew the nightingale robber costume ourselves. Noble robber: DIY Robin Hood costume. Accessories - important details of the image

New Year is a holiday that creates a special atmosphere of fabulousness and fun. It has a special magic for children. Little gentlemen and princesses are looking forward to visiting Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, preparing performances and carnival costumes. Many holiday outfits for boys can be made independently. Such a suit will be a good alternative to expensive products, and will also stand out among others with special comfort and originality.

Before making costumes, you should carefully prepare for work. Then the process will be more fun and much faster.

Necessary materials and tools

You will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • colored paper;
  • glue for paper;
  • fleece fabric;
  • any fabric material of a red tint;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • safety pins;
  • sewing meter;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • sewing machine.

Sewing accessories are necessary in the case of tailoring suits with your own hands. You can also use unnecessary wardrobe items to create an original New Year's outfit.

Attention! As additional decorations, you can use tinsel or Christmas tree rain.

snowman costume

Cheerful snowmen are one of the main symbols of winter and the New Year. A boy in such an outfit will become the main character of the festive meeting.

For the manufacture of all components, you can use old wardrobe items. It can be pajamas, a sweatshirt and pants. The main thing is always white.

For buttons from red fabric, cut out 3 small circles, sew along the edges. We stuff them with synthetic winterizer and sew them up completely. Sew the finished buttons to the blouse. The outfit is almost ready.

The main detail of any snowman is the nose. According to tradition, a carrot is used as a nose. It can also be cut from a red-colored fabric. We measure a small cone, carefully cut it out. Sew along the edge from the wrong side and turn inside out. On the sides we outline two points for the elastic band. We make small holes, sew an elastic band to the nose. We sew the hole for cotton wool with a small circle.

As decorations, you can add a cap made of colored paper, and tie a small strip of tinsel around your neck.

If you wish, you can sew the costume yourself. This process also does not take much time. As a pattern for a blouse and panties, it is possible to use everyday products.

Advice! The blouse can be made longer and more voluminous at the bottom.

We sew all the components on a typewriter with a regular stitch. We bend the bottom of the jacket and skip the seam without reaching the end. Stuff with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer. It turns out a rounded tummy. We completely sew the product. For jewelry, we use buttons, a nose with a carrot, and a cap from the above method.

Many boys love pirates and sea robbers. You can go to the celebration in the outfit of the legendary and beloved Captain Jack Sparrow.

Any striped T-shirt will do. The bottom of the t-shirt and sleeves can be trimmed in a zigzag pattern for more style. A mandatory element of the Sparrow was a vest. Here you can also use an unnecessary attribute from the closet. Pointed edges should be trimmed to make them more rounded. As pants, you can use unnecessary trousers, jeans or sports tights (red, black or blue).

The main element of the pirate costume is a cocked hat. The base can be printed and cut out, it will be needed for the stencil. According to the workpiece, we cut out a cocked hat on non-woven fabric. For greater stability, cardboard can be glued on the wrong side.

For greater effect, add a few accessories. From white interlining, you can cut out the coat of arms of pirates (skull with crossbones) and stick it on a hat. Do not forget about the eye patch and the pirate knife - faithful companions. With such an outfit, any mischievous person will become a small copy of Captain Jack Sparrow.

Little plump gnomes often accompany Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Therefore, such a costume at the New Year's celebration will be very relevant.

Reference! The process is easy, as the suit is suitable for products that are in any closet. You can wear a white T-shirt upstairs, and in addition - a vest in a bright shade. Bottom - shorts. It is desirable that shorts and a vest be of the same color scheme.

Mandatory attributes of any gnome are cropped pants, striped stockings and a cap. It is not necessary to buy a cap or sew it yourself. It can be cut out of colored paper, or sewn from fabric. The top of the cap can be decorated with a pompom. Breeches can be made from any pants, you just need to shorten them and gather the bottom of the legs with an elastic band.

In addition to the costume, a thick false beard is also added. The cute gnome is ready.

Heroes of the Wild West fell in love with many boys. On New Year's Eve, you can make the dream of a little defender come true by making an outfit for a brave and strong cowboy.

For sewing trousers and a vest, you will need brown suede fabric. We take measurements for patterns using other products. It should be remembered that cowboys preferred flared trousers that did not hinder movement. We impose measurements, retreating a few centimeters from the main product, cut it out. We chop off with safety pins from the wrong side and skip the line on the sewing machine.

Don't forget the fringe: cowboys preferred to decorate their costumes with additional fittings. On a piece of fabric, we measure segments of 1 centimeter, cut them out. The fringe can be sewn to the crotch of trousers, on a vest or shirt sleeves.

A pistol holster at the waist, a black hat and a thin bandana around the neck will serve as an addition.

Advice! Instead of suede trousers, you can use old jeans.

Many boys are fond of the theme of the Middle Ages, inspired by stories from cartoons and fairy tales. For the celebration of the New Year, the image of a bold and brave knight is suitable.

The clothes of a real knight were heavy and reliable chain mail. To create a festive outfit, silver or gray fabric is suitable. We cut out a kind of vest from it approximately to the middle of the thigh, make a cut for the head and sleeves. The bottom of the product must be further worked out: make peculiar cuts or cut out turrets.

The chest is decorated with the family coat of arms. To do this, you can print your favorite pattern, transfer it to the fabric. A coat of arms stencil will also come in handy when designing a shield. We transfer the drawings to a bright fabric, cut out all the components. Sew to the cape. Any black sweatshirt or pullover will fit under the bottom.

The shield can be found in any warrior's toy box. Using a stencil, we decorate the shield with the family coat of arms.

It remains to add the finishing touches - a sword and a helmet. The costume of the faithful and brave knight is ready.

Advice! The shield and sword can be replaced with a crossbow and a bag of arrows.


The celebration of the New Year for each child creates a special feeling of a fairy tale and a miracle. Carnival costumes of various heroes will help every mischievous boy remember the holiday as a special and important event.

The New Year is coming soon and the New Year's parties begin for the kids and they need a New Year's costume to win the competition for the best outfit and receive a gift. In the store you can buy any costume for the new year, but it costs a lot of money, but you want to save a little. We suggest you make a fairy costume for girls and a robber for boys.

DIY children's Christmas costumes for girls Fairy

Many girls for the new year want to be different fairies from their favorite fairy tales. And to make such an outfit yourself, you need quite a bit of time and expense. For a fairy, the most important thing is wings and a magic wand, and of course their dress.

The dress can be picked up from the daughter's wardrobe, the main thing is that it should be as magnificent as possible and with frills. But if this is not the case, then you can just have a beautiful skirt and blouse, and then sheathe them with tinsel and the more, the more beautiful.

Then you need to make a fairy wand. To do this, you need an even small twig, which can be found in the garden or on the street. It will need to be cleaned of bark, washed and dried. If there is a special varnish for wood, then you can cover it so that the stick does not dry out and crack.

After that, you need to take colored foil or paper, cut a strip out of it and wrap our fairy wand around. You can decorate with various rhinestones or beads using the glue of the moment.

Then cut out a star from their cardboard and circle the second one along it, glue them together, and then to the stick. To hide the flaws, you can tie a small ribbon, it can be in the form of a bow or a piece of tinsel. If your daughter wants to be in a fairy mask, then she can be cut out of colored cardboard and pasted over with colored rhinestones and loose sparkles.

New Year's fairy costume is best done in light colors, you can use white or pale pink. For the wings, you will need some strong but flexible wire, which you can buy at any hardware store if you don't have it. As well as a translucent fabric of any color, you can match the tone of the suit.

From the wire you need to make a frame of wings, of any height and width. Then put it on the fabric and cover the rest so that the wings are completely covered with the fabric, and fasten in the middle. After that, sheathe all the edges with a thin thread of the same color.

You can also decorate with beautiful small beads or rhinestones, or just paint with paints. After that, you can sew an elastic band to the wings, in the form of straps, like for a backpack, so that they hold comfortably.

New Year's costume for a boy - Robber, do it yourself

Do-it-yourself Robber costume for a boy is quite simple, for this you will need old worn jeans or any other pants. They will need to be cut a little, about 15 cm from the ankle, then make the bottom shaggy so that the threads stick out.

After that, cut out small pieces from any fabric, in the form of patches, and sew on the knees and sides. The top of the robber costume can be made from a vest, tied with a wide belt. Small cuts can be made on it if it is old and it is not a pity to throw it away. Or take a shirt and a vest and also tie it with a belt.

You can tie a bag with coins on your belt. You can make it yourself, for this, take a fabric of dark tones, for example black, put it in the middle of the coin so that it rattles. Tie in a knot or just with a string, and then to the belt.

You can tie a bandana made of knitted material on your head, cut out with a triangle. Then on it you can draw a skull with bones with white paint or just cross bones, crosswise. You can tie a thick chain or a bright red scarf around your neck.

Necessary accessories for the robber will be a toy gun or saber, which your son will surely have. It is better to put on black shoes on your feet, and you can draw a mustache and beard with a black pencil. That's all, the do-it-yourself New Year's Robber costume for the boy is ready, and your son will be very pleased, besides, it did not take much time and cost.

Breaking a lot of Internet links, I did not find sensible and understandable instructions for sewing boots for a New Year's pirate costume. I had to reinvent the wheel :). After analyzing the passages and putting them on the shelves, I came up with this option.

These are not pure boots. This is their imitation. I don’t have the opportunity to study tanning, so I only sewed the tops of the boots, which, having a lining with an elastic band inside, perfectly fit the leg tightly, do not slip, do not interfere with the movements of the child, and, in combination with black Czech shoes for 100 rubles, vaguely resemble boots: ). In my version, buckles on the insteps of the feet are also conceived, but they are still in the process, I will show the finished boots in the next report on.

So, step number 1. Pattern.

I took several measurements: height from ankle to knee, ankle circumference, calf circumference.

At first, the lower part turned out to be narrowish, I had to adjust it in the process. In some places I forgot the seam allowances, so do not pay attention to the numbers on the pattern.

First, draw an inverted trapezoid, for this we draw a line equal to the circumference of the ankle + 5 cm (it will be back to back, but the leg will pass); set aside the height of the bootleg - our measure is from ankle to knee; and the upper part of the pattern, equal to the girth of the calf + 5 cm. If you need boots with a lapel, like mine, add another lapel length in height (I have 7 cm).

The square in the photo is a blank for a 5x5 cm buckle.

We also cut out a "skirt" for our boot, which will cover the shoes. I drew it "from the lantern", the shorter straight line is 5 cm, the longer one is 7 cm. The inner rim is equal in length to the lower part of our trapezoid, since it will be sewn to it. The photo shows half of this part.

We cut out everything we did in 2 pieces of black artificial leather.
Cut the pattern along the "lapel" line. On the upper part we cut out two more details from the skin. on the bottom - 2 details of lining fabric.

Here are the details we have prepared.

Step 2. Tailoring. Stepping back from the wide part of 2 cm, we sew an elastic band from the inside of the lining fabric.

We grind the longitudinal seams on the lining.

We grind the longitudinal seams on the details of the top and lapel.

Sew the lapel to the lining.

View from the front.

View from the reverse side.

We take two parts, the lining inside out, the bootleg facing out.

We put the bootleg inside the lining and sew.

As a result, here are such "pipes".

We attach the "skirt" sewn into the ring in advance.

We give our pipe the shape of a boot by tucking the lining with a lapel inside the bootleg. We pull on a jar of suitable volume (I have a glass from a blender) so that the seams along the fold lie as we need. I kept each boot taut for about 20 minutes. I ironed all the seams at each stage with an iron through a cotton cloth.

Do-it-yourself Robber costume ... How quickly time flies. It seems that only yesterday it was summer, and the day after tomorrow winter will come. But this is not a reason for sadness, but quite the opposite. After all, the New Year is a great occasion to get the whole family together, as well as to feel the love of relatives, and, of course, the comfort and warmth of home. This holiday is awaited by both adults and children.

On New Year's Eve, not only the list of dishes should be ideal, but also exquisite outfits for the whole family. Therefore, if you or your child have settled on the image of a little robber, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of making a carnival costume for your daughter, having previously learned from the master class how to make a robber costume for a girl with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself robber carnival costume - easy, fast and simple!

If it is easier for adults in this case, because they can already choose a suit for themselves, then with small children the situation is a little different. To help young and creative mothers, we bring to your attention a master class in the Little Robber costume. This costume will not only please your child, but also yourself. Since, this costume does not require supernatural efforts and huge financial costs. Everything you need you can easily find in your home. This task can be solved not only by mommy, but, if desired, by daddy.

Before you sit down to work, prepare scissors, thread with a needle. Also stock up on the following materials: a headscarf, 1 - 1.5 m of rain, a 0.5 cm silk ribbon, a blouse (which is still in good condition, but no one is going to wear it anymore, or you simply don’t feel sorry for it) and an angular fabric for your robber's skirt (I used the hem from an old dress).

We cut off our blouse from below, and also remove the sleeves and we get a vest.

We sew the rain down, the finished vest, as well as to its sleeves.

We make a skirt from an angular fabric. Below, from the corner to both sides, cut the fringe. As shown in the picture.

Since our skirt is angular, in the upper picture you can see that it narrows towards the ends of the material. Which also makes things easier. You can just tie it and now your child is already in a skirt. Next, we put on a vest, tie it around the waist with a satin ribbon, so we get a kind of belt. We tie a scarf on the head, like a real robber.

Your little Robber costume is ready!

Robbers have become one of the popular characters at children's costumed New Year's holidays. Naughty and agile boys feel especially organic in such roles. A similar outfit can be purchased at the store, ordered online or rented.

And you can make your own New Year's robber costume for a boy from things that are already in his wardrobe. It is not difficult to do this, because precise lines are not needed here, ruffles or lace are not needed.

The color scheme of such an outfit can be completely black, or you can pick up things in contrasting colors, for example, black and white, use blue, red, gold and other accessories.

Do-it-yourself New Year's robber costume for a boy by 2020

For such a suit, a T-shirt, vest or shirt is suitable - better well-worn, frayed and torn. If the thing was recently bought, it is better to age it artificially, getting a little dirty and tearing.

The upper part of the outfit can even be made from a jute or canvas bag (burlap must be unbleached). Cut holes in it for the head and hands - and the "shirt" of the robber will be ready. The boy will only have to gird her with a rope.

Robber carnival costumes for boys do not have clear standards, so you can combine things as you wish. A young man can put on a vest over an ordinary shirt, T-shirt or vest. If this item is not in his wardrobe, you can make it yourself.

It is enough to rip off the sleeves from a battered jumper - and you will get a suitable detail of the future outfit. The boy can put on an old father's or grandfather's vest. It is important that he has pockets, because it is there that it will be most convenient to put a toy weapon.

The shirt can be girdled with a sash - a wide and long fabric belt, which is wrapped around the waist several times, and then tied. Suitable for such an outfit and a leather belt or even several belts.

You can make a belt for a homemade robber costume from a strip of fabric about one and a half times the circumference of the child's waist and a width equal to four belt widths. First, the ends of the fabric tape are bent inward and processed. Then it is folded four times in length and stitched with three seams. It remains to attach a buckle to it and, if necessary, punch a few holes.

Pants can be almost anything. For a New Year's robber costume for a boy, both old worn jeans and classic-cut trousers, tight pants resembling leggings, and wide breeches are suitable. They can be brown, blue or black.

You can insert an elastic band into both legs, retreating a few centimeters from the bottom, or insert it along the very bottom of the trousers. And you can cut the trousers about 15 cm from the ankle, and then make the bottom shaggy so that the threads stick out.

“Decorate” your pants with rags, having previously stained them with paints. Keep in mind that such an outfit should be comfortable enough for the child to be comfortable jumping, running and dancing in it.

As for footwear, a rogue may wear high boots or striped leggings and dark boots or boots.

To make an eye patch for a robber's fancy dress for a boy with your own hands, cut out a circle or oval of the desired size from cardboard or felt. Make small holes along the edges and thread a thin elastic band through them.

The robber cannot do without a bandana or hat, like Jack Sparrow. The bandana can be tied on the head, or it can be tied like a neckerchief. Instead, you can use a scarf made of checkered, striped or plain fabric.

And you can do the next dressing. Fold a long strip of fabric in several layers and tie around the child's head, making a few knots at the back of the head.

Gloves for such a suit are better suited leather (without fingers).

The rogue can hide his face behind a mask. It can be made from paper or cardboard. Or you can use a black strip of fabric with holes cut into it for the eyes. It is better to take knitted fabric, as it stretches well. Overcast the edges of the mask and do not forget about the ties.

An indispensable attribute of a robber's costume for a boy for the New Year was a knife, hatchet or pistol - toy or made of thick colored cardboard. You can hang a purse with “gold” on your belt: fill a small bag with coins, small tin or metal objects that, when shaken, will make a characteristic ringing sound.

Various metal chains will complement the image. A clip in the ear looks good in the form of a round earring, which, according to custom, was worn by pirates and robbers. You can also pick up other details if you think it is necessary.

And the appropriate make-up will complete the image of the robber for the New Year's carnival: a mustache and a beard drawn in black pencil. You can depict several scars on the face and hands of a young man, which, as you know, only adorn real men.