DIY wedding box for money templates. Do-it-yourself wedding money box. Detailed master classes on making wedding piggy banks for newlyweds. Wedding money box: master class

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of suitable wedding accessories - it is quite possible to make them yourself. For example, a standard money tray can be replaced with a charming wedding chest. A do-it-yourself money box will decorate the celebration in a worthy way. Original handmade will only emphasize the impeccable taste of the bride and groom. More about this in our step-by-step master class with photos and videos.

Step-by-step instructions for making your own wedding money box

Necessary materials:

  1. We cut the lid of the box, as in the photo. We use a clerical knife and scissors.

    We strengthen the resulting high "walls" with the corresponding pieces of thick cardboard, gluing them on double-sided tape.

  2. We cut out the details for wide walls and also glue them to the base. Make sure all cuts are even.
  3. With the help of masking or ordinary tape we fasten the corners of the structure.
  4. When the corners are securely fixed, we form the "lid" of the chest. To do this, we measure the upper cut of the wide wall and cut out the part from a sheet of cardboard. Then, exactly in the center, we mark the hole for money, making it slightly larger than the width of a standard envelope.

    Note! For this part, it is important to use thick cardboard, because it lends itself well to molding. Multilayer corrugated material is not suitable for the upper part, but it is perfect for creating the walls of the structure.

  5. Carefully cut a hole by placing the cardboard on the tape ring - as in the video. Irregularities are corrected with scissors.
  6. We give the details a semicircular shape.

  7. We cut off two thin strips of double-sided tape and glue each to the upper cut of the wide wall of the structure. Glue the top part to these strips.

  8. We cut out suitable semicircular parts, adjust and adjust them, bringing them into full compliance with the shape of the upper part. We start them a little under the upper part (literally half a millimeter) and fix the corners with tape. In order for the adhesive tape to repeat the semicircular shape and securely fix the joints, it is necessary, after gluing one half of the piece, to cut the free end in half. Then, having fixed one half, stick the second one a little obliquely - this way you get something like a tuck. The adhesive tape pasted in this way will not bubble, deforming the edge, and the work will turn out to be quite accurate.

  9. Let's prepare the fabric and lace for work.

    They need to be carefully ironed.

  10. Having measured the chest, cut out a piece of the appropriate size.
  11. Glue double-sided adhesive tape around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure and stretch the fabric well. Leave the side parts in a free position.
  12. Carefully cut a hole, as in the photo.

  13. Flip the structure upside down. Lubricate the inside of the slot (cardboard part) generously with glue stick.
  14. Gently fold the fabric allowances inward while gluing them. Wait until dry.
  15. Cut out two strips of lace and glue each with a heat gun so that their edges protrude 1-1.5 mm above the cuts.

  16. We decorate the side parts with a beautiful drapery, fixing each fold with a thermal gun. Glue the end to the bottom of the structure.

  17. The box for money is almost ready - the final stage of the design of the composition remains. So, we cut off three more strips of lace (the length of the third corresponds to the perimeter of the lower part plus the hem allowance). We glue the first two strips so as to close the edges of the segments on the money hole. For fixing, use double-sided tape or hot glue.

  18. It remains to attach a bouquet or flower arrangement. Insert the bottom of the box.

At the wedding, it is customary for newlyweds to give gifts, which are most often cash. This is the most practical gift for both the bride and groom and guests.

Young people will be able to decide for themselves what to buy with the donated money. And guests do not need to rack their brains over what kind of gift for a formed married couple will be more necessary.

In addition, money takes up little space.

Therefore, an increasingly common trend is the purchase of special boxes for wedding gifts in the form of money, which are called a money treasury or a family bank.

However, it is not at all necessary to spend money on such an attribute; it is quite possible to make it yourself.

Such a treasury may look like a beautifully decorated rectangular box or chest with a hemispherical lid.

Family bank in the form of a box

To make a box for money, in which donated funds will be stored at the wedding, an ordinary shoe box can be used. This container has everything you need - a base and a lid that can be removed and get gifts.

The only thing left for you is to make a special slot, which will easily include an envelope and a postcard. It is also necessary to give a beautiful appearance to your homemade product.

If you did not find a free box, then you can find on the Internet a pattern of a volumetric rectangle without a lid. Then you will have to make in it not only a slot for money, but also a hole for extracting it at the bottom. To create such a product, you can use any thick cardboard.

Money box decoration

If you don't know what color is better to use for a family bank, then take a look at the photo of a white wedding money box.

With a classic look, it looks elegant and somewhat reminiscent of a snow-white bridesmaid dress. If there is no white in the outfit of the young, then black or shades of brown, reminiscent of the structure of a tree, may come up.

You can decorate the box in a variety of ways. Since it is cardboard, self-adhesive decorative film will adhere well to it.

You can make more effort and paste over the box with a cloth. Just first check if the fabric is too thin, and if the outer side of the structure will be visible.

In this case, you will have to additionally wrap it with whatman paper or other thick paper.

In addition to giving the box the main background, take care of the details to decorate it. As such, lace, satin ribbons, beads, rhinestones can be used.

You can buy in the store or make your own flowers from various materials. Fashionable eco style allows the use of living plants or other natural materials.

The main thing is that your box fits the overall style of the event.

Treasury for money in the form of a chest

Money chests made from a box look much more beautiful and elegant at a wedding. For such designs, it is better to use not boxes with lids (although they can be turned into works of art if desired), but whole packages.

Then you do not have to separately glue the lid, and your family bank will look very neat when finished.

The design of the chest is different in that it has a smooth rounded lid and a rounded top at the side faces.

One easy way to draw round top pieces is to use a round object. In this case, a regular plate with a diameter equal to the width of the end is suitable.

How to make a chest with your own hands?

To make a box for money for a wedding in the form of a chest with your own hands, you need to correctly measure all the details of the workpiece. After cutting off all the excess, you still need to smoothly bend the lid of the future chest.

To prevent sharp corners from forming on it, on the back side, you can make shallow horizontal cuts along the width of the box with a clerical knife.

The chest is decorated with the same means as a rectangular box. The only difference can be considered an additional finish of the rounded ends.

To make the finished product pleasing to the eye for the side walls, it is better to cut out duplicate parts from cardboard. In this case, the main structure and flat additional parts are glued separately. And only then the finished part is glued to the side of the chest.

The photo of the completed wedding money boxes looks very beautiful on the border along the edge, which, in addition to the decorative function, can hide all the nuances.

Don't forget to trim the edge of the envelope opening as well. To do this, you can use an additional thin satin ribbon, which will be tucked inside the box.

You can decorate the edges with braid or lace, or simply by processing them with fire if the box is decorated with synthetic fabric.

Photo of a box for money for a wedding

It is customary for a newlywed couple to give wedding gifts, this tradition is rooted in ancient times. A certain amount of money is considered a popular present, so that the newly-made family decides for itself what they need to purchase. However, donated banknotes must be carefully folded so as not to lose anything. For such purposes, beautiful wedding chests with a cut hole were invented, into which it is easy to put envelopes with money. It is not at all necessary to purchase such a chest if you have minimal creative abilities.

What you need to make a chest

Many couples at the wedding use ordinary trays on which guests leave envelopes with money, but this option is considered unsafe and not original, because money can easily fall out and get lost. And hiding banknotes in your pocket is completely inconvenient - then the groom or the witness look unpresentable, since the pockets are protruding, and the overall gloss is broken. Therefore, a handmade chest is the best solution for a wedding celebration.

The chest is a rectangular box or a suitcase in the form of a casket. It is beautifully decorated with all kinds of decorative materials, the color scheme is chosen to match the color of the thematic celebration or classic white, black, brown is preferred. To add a touch of originality, you should decorate the chest in a more non-standard form and with your own hands, adding symbolism to this attribute of the wedding.

Even more complex and unusual forms do not require the work of craftsmen, everything can be done at home, with your own hands. For example, an original and unusual solution would be to make a wedding box for money in the form of a birthday cake, a box or a house, which will symbolize the family hearth. To complete this task, you will definitely need:

  • High-quality glue (PVA, clerical, glue gun is better).
  • Cardboard box (medium size).
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scotch.
  • All kinds of decorative elements: beads, ribbons, pictures, pebbles, shells.
  • Colored paper for exterior and interior decoration.

Tools and materials

In order to make a really high-quality and visually beautiful chest for money with your own hands, you need to use the right materials and acquire the necessary tools. All materials can be easily found at home - in the pantry or in the parent's garage, and decorative details can be found in needlework stores. Of the tools you will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife.
  • A figure hole puncher that can make a variety of colored figures to decorate the chest.
  • Good glue.
  • Gun for gluing small parts.
  • Scotch tape (double-sided is best).
  • Ruler.

The quality of the glue will determine how tightly the decorative elements, decoration paper will hold, and whether the box will stick by the end of the celebration. To make the chest neat with no visible seams, you should use double-sided tape, as well as a glue gun, which will carefully distribute the adhesive on all the small parts. If we talk about the necessary materials, then for the manufacture and decoration of this attribute are ideal:

  • A box of the right size or thick A4 cardboard.
  • Drapery fabric. It can be silk, satin, velvet and others.
  • Ribbons, laces.
  • Openwork lace fabrics.
  • Beads, stones, crystals, beads, shells, leather, carvings, photographs.

After all the materials and tools are collected, you should proceed to the next stage in the manufacture of an attribute for money. You should look for diagrams, drawings and patterns on the Internet, but there is another way: buy several magazines that describe all the moments of preparing a wedding. If you are not sure that you can make everything yourself, you should use the services of craftsmen or involve your mother or grandmother in the work.

Scheme or pattern

In order to start making a chest, you need to prepare the ground, or rather, make patterns or diagrams. The pattern can be made using a large cardboard box.

  • The back of the chest needs to be made higher than the front.
  • The length in this situation should be equal to the sum of the height of the front and the width of the box.
  • The top cover can be made by hand, more curly, as shown in the diagram.

If you plan to make a chest with your own hands not from a standard box, but use A4 cardboard sheets, then the task becomes somewhat more complicated. Don't worry, our goal is achievable, but we will have to make a little more effort to achieve it:

  • The lower protrusion should be about seventy millimeters with a slot on top of the entire pattern so that the bottom does not fall out.
  • The desired slot for money envelopes should be made directly on the pattern, because after the chest is ready to cut the hole will become a little problematic. This pattern is shown below.

A chest for money for a wedding from a shoe box master class with a photo

To easily make a beautiful wedding chest, you need to use the help: look at the detailed master class, which describes all the moments in detail, step by step. The easiest way to make such a product is using a regular cardboard shoe box. To do this, you will need accessories, decor, fabrics, glue, scissors, adhesive tape and, of course, the cardboard shoe box itself.

  1. First, cut out the lid of the shoe box as shown in the picture.

  1. After the first step is done, it is imperative to make a dome, which is made from the lid of a shoe box. To do this, we can glue the cardboard to the box that we cut out earlier. The whole composition should look like an arch, you need to add a piece of cardboard on the side and secure it with thick tape. If you think that one adhesive tape will not be enough, then you should also use paper clips and a stapler.

  1. The third step is lining the chest. From the very beginning, you should measure the parameters of the lid and the box itself. After that, it is necessary to cut off the part of the fabric we need for the upper part. Then we begin to carefully sheathe. Next, we sheathe the box itself in the same way. Everything should be done carefully, slowly, then you get an impeccable and beautiful result.

  1. The fourth step is considered one of the easiest, but at the same time, crucial steps. We cut the hole we need for the money, or better for the whole envelope, and then we check whether the bills will fit in there. So that there are no arrows, lines on the fabric and it does not roll up, be sure to draw a burning match in that area. Be careful not to burn the entire finished box.

  1. The last and most interesting step in making a do-it-yourself wedding money box is an original and colorful decoration. Here you can show all your imagination. The contours and side panels can be embellished with beautiful satin or lace ribbons. You should not feel sorry for beads, rhinestones and beautiful bows as decorations, they will successfully emphasize the festive look of the box. The side panels can be decorated with stylish photos of the newlyweds.

To simplify your task, you should choose easier and faster ways to make a wedding chest for money. An ordinary shoe box can be used for this. No need to cut, cut, glue anything. The main thing is to decorate the outer part of the box beautifully and neatly, to purchase beautiful ribbons. Also, an original solution would be to decorate the lid with fresh flowers, grass, a composition of dried berries, plants. Surprise everyone with your handmade work!

For all acquaintances and family it is always very pleasant even for yourself. Here, as they say, you do something nice for another person, and somehow it’s good and pleasant for yourself. It has long been no secret that we, in order not to fool our heads for a long time, when we go to a birthday party, most often give money. It’s not that a person is completely without imagination and cannot think of what to give, but sometimes it’s better to give money, because he will need it much more than some other trifle or trinket. And so a person can collect the required amount and buy something really necessary that one person cannot give. But do not forget a rather important thing that any present should be given with a twist and taste. And for this you need to have a good imagination and certain skills so that you can always make a beautiful box for money.

A master class will be useful to us for this and we will need to take:
Paper for watercolor A2 format;
Mint-colored paper sheet size 30 * 30 cm;
The picture with the inscription is also mint-colored;
box diagram;
Two inscriptions stamped "Happy Birthday";
Curb puncher;
Mint organza ribbon;
Pendant metal flower and solid metal brads;
Satin mint ribbon 25mm wide;
Semi-pearl mint;
Ink Green Pillow;
Rose mint latex;
Stamens and berries in sugar;
Green cut leaves;
Mint lace and white ribbon with roses;
Double-sided tape, scissors, ruler, glue stick, simple pencil, thermal gun, glue effect of double-sided tape.

The first thing we start with is cutting out all the blanks from watercolor paper. In the diagram, the blanks are indicated under the name cardboard. We cut out all of them one by one, except for two squares 13 * 13 cm.

We take the longest workpiece and divide it according to the scheme into parts. We draw bending lines under the ruler.

Now we divide the blank 10.5 * 21 cm in half, add it up and we get the upper blank, it will be decorated on top and this will be our postcard.

We divide the largest square according to the scheme, cut off the extra corners, which are mined in the scheme.

We fold the workpiece, this will be our drawer in the future. We glue a long workpiece from one edge.

This will be the outer part of our next box. Cut out these shapes from scrap paper.

We glue one square in the box to the bottom on double-sided tape, glue two squares on simple watercolor squares. We tint for greater solidity all watercolor blanks along the edges.

We tint the picture. We make a lace strip, under which we will put money. We cut out two inscriptions, one is glued to the strip, the second under the picture.

We sew everything glued on a typewriter. We glue our box in the corners.

We glue the square with the picture on the card blank and sew it on the outside, then sew it on the inside onto a 13 * 13 cm square. Cut out two strips of satin ribbon, glue it on large squares above and below on adhesive tape.

We move the drawer.

We glue the sides of the box, in front we insert a flower on the brads. This will be the handle that will pull the drawer out.

Vika Dee

A gift to newlyweds for a wedding is increasingly given in monetary terms. So young people will be able to purchase the necessary items to their taste. If a magnificent celebration is planned with a large number of guests, then the best solution for putting money in will be accessory - box for envelopes and small gifts, such as jewelry or keys to an apartment, car.

Such a box can be made in the form of a chest, casket, reticule of a beautiful geometric shape: round, oval, heart and decorated according to the event. Therefore, it is important not to forget to prepare and decorate attribute called "treasury" for the wedding. A bridesmaid or a craftswoman from relatives can take on such a duty.

A wedding fundraiser box will add style, fun, and bring some convenience to the organization of the celebration.

You can make a cool attribute with your own hands, decorate in the color scheme of the decoration of the hall or the bride's dress with flowers, ruffles, ribbons, beads

Suitable for base shopping boxes of various shapes, or you can get by with a shoe box or any other.

The shape and style of the money box

A round wedding box as a family bank for money should be tall so that all the envelopes fit. An important element is the cutout in the top cover. Think about how you place the envelopes: Will your box have a cutout or simply remove the lid, then locks or tapes are required. The rule - you gave it, you can't take it away, must be observed. If there is a cut, then it should become wide and spacious so that envelopes with voluminous decor can get inside without deforming the decorations. If you prefer front loading, then you should consider how to place stylish locks or magnets.

wedding box for money envelopes

A wedding box for money envelopes in the form of a casket is also unusual.

You rarely see a ready-made cardboard form on sale, so you have to make the header yourself

If you turn on your ingenuity, it is easy to make at home a wonderfully fabulous chest for storing a treasury with rounded shapes, roomy, with handles and a reliable latch for locking and unlocking.

You can paint the money box in the form of an ATM with the "Bank of the Bride" logo and a bill acceptor. Or imitate an old chest in Russian national traditions.

Another option is a pirate treasure chest. The main thing is that the gift box is securely made and does not fall apart at the celebration. With this attribute, you can beat a number of scenes to collect money. A do-it-yourself treasury will become an elegant and cool props for any wedding.

Treasury for a wedding in the form of a pirate chest

How to make a treasury for wedding money out of the box with your own hands?

We offer a step-by-step master class on making a wedding treasury for money with your own hands:

  1. First, design a layout, taking into account the volume and geometry of the lid.
  2. Draw the pattern drawing on cardboard.
  3. Carefully iron the folds with a knife.
  4. Glue the seams with Moment glue. Additionally, you can strengthen the stapler.
  5. Reinforce the bottom with extra cardboard.
  6. Securely fasten the frame to the bottom.
  7. Start decorating.

Good finishing material can serve elegant wallpaper pastel colors or a piece of satin fabric. Trim the seams for masking with lace or braid. An important point is to make a cut in the lid. Add faux flowers, beads, and other voluminous embellishments.

You can make a wedding gift box from an ordinary box from under household appliances. Just cover the box with shiny paper, glue textiles, decorate with flowers. The slot in the lid is finished with a dense edging or braid with glue. So the cut will look neat.

A do-it-yourself wedding box for money can be made in the form of an old Russian tower. More complicated pattern calculation and time for creativity, and a tower for financial assistance will delight those invited. A balcony, a complex roof, window frames will add creativity.

Pattern for the treasury for the wedding

You can make a family bank out of a shoe box. Wallpaper and decorate. Create a cutout. Can finalize the design by inventing a drawer. Do-it-yourself money box for a wedding is not difficult to make. A drop of diligence and the desire to excel contributes to the flight of fantasy.

How to decorate a wedding money box - original ideas

A scrapbooking gift box for money is a luxuriously decorated attribute. scrapbooking- a technique for cutting volumetric patterns from cardboard and paper. This decor is superimposed in a separate layer on the product. So the casket or box takes on a kind of carved look. Everyone, having practiced, will be able to compose a lovely composition on a wedding theme.

You need to make a box for money festive and romantic. The first layer of finishing is the main one. Glitter paper, lace, satin, scrapbooking paper decorations will create a background. The colors white, cream, lilac, pink, gold will set the mood.

Wedding money box decor

Additional decorations with highlights: pearls, satin ribbons, braid will add tenderness and sophistication. Volumetric flowers made of paper, guipure, silk must be present in the form of compositions in the design. Swans, hearts, rings, monograms- symbols of love will be appropriate. When decorating the treasury, show your imagination, and your thing will be exactly unique.

Decorating a wedding money box will help turn it into a keepsake for many years to come. Perhaps in the future it will store various little things or photos of the family, including wedding ones.

Watch the video of making a box for money for a wedding with your own hands:

How to creatively give money for a wedding in a box?

Jokes and jokes are welcome when presenting a cash gift. Accompany the bride, For example:

“The husband ordered - do it, don’t argue, don’t mind!
This order, perhaps, is good, if you left and are a little cunning, you will turn your husband's order in your own way.

Well, we wish that those who marry live happily and happily, without scandals and fights! So be healthy, live richly! And hand over the box.

Or write this message:

“Dear… (name)! Your wife has access to your wallet, but it's convenient, safe, and profitable to keep money in a savings bank. Here's your own savings bank."

Collecting money for the treasury of the young accompany with humorous scenes:

  1. Bridesmaids dress up as old women and go around the guests to replenish the treasury. But no one agrees. After this, the robes are thrown off, and the old women turn into young dancers. They are sent again with the treasury to the guests, the casket is quickly filled.
  2. Another option - a disguised postman will hand over a parcel with money against signature.

Bridesmaid with wedding treasury

Do not be too lazy to create a stylishly decorated treasury for your family or friends for the wedding. After all the details of the celebration are important! They give positive emotions and are remembered for a long time. And the time and money spent on manufacturing are negligible compared to the memories of a fun event. In this way, you can convey your good intentions and sincere joy for the newlyweds.

June 26, 2018, 22:49