The wife wants her husband after work. What if the husband does not want a wife? Be attractive in appearance

You feel completely wrong. But I read the women's forums and even calmed down a little, I was convinced that it was not only me who had such a problem. It turns out that a man who does not want sex is a fairly common phenomenon. And, of course, a lot of panic guesses are immediately expressed, what is the reason. I decided to figure out who is to blame and what to do.

He has another

This version usually comes to mind first. And it is she who is stubbornly promoted by all sorts of "advisers". Of course, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. But I did not hesitate to ask a secret of familiar men, so to speak, uninterested. Everyone unanimously says that there are probably men who cannot sleep with two women at the same time, but there are very few of them. Most of them get along just fine.


Causes, firstly, physical fatigue, and the man simply does not have the strength to "it". Secondly, constant stress at work often "does not let go" at home, does not allow you to switch to other thoughts and enjoy simple joys even with your beloved woman. If a husband mumbles something about the economic crisis even at night through his sleep, it is not surprising that he is not in the mood for sex. Therefore, it is worth trying to protect him from stress at least at home. Yes, take and forgive once again unspun toothpaste, crumbs in bed and scattered socks. Delicious dinner (especially, they say, walnuts, celery, seafood and ginger are useful for this), kind words, relaxing massage, erotic lingerie - all these simple female tricks still work.

Depression tortured

It has been called the disease of the twentieth century. The current one, the twenty-first one, seems to inherit all the problems of the previous one.

Among the symptoms of depression, one of the first to indicate "decrease in libido." Simply put, depression is when you don’t want anything, even sex.

I heard such an opinion that in addition to traditional "medicines" (travels abroad, picnics with friends, spending money in restaurants), it helps to just take a vacation, put off all business and not try to have fun through force, and for some time really do nothing at all. So, the most important thing, no matter how trite it may sound, is to try to understand and tolerate a man until he passes it. Do not pull, do not blame. Well, if time passes, and longing and apathy do not go away, but only intensify - I think it’s worth taking me to a psychologist. They don't bite either. Only in our latitudes people are somehow not accustomed to addressing them. But in vain. If you can’t do it yourself, it’s better to seek the help of a specialist.

Tired or fed up

Although we do not want to come to terms with this, but psychologically a man is arranged in such a way that the same woman eventually bothers him a little, even if he sincerely loves her. Monotony in bed, love pleasures according to the schedule, in the same place, at the same time, reduce sexual desire. The negative effect is enhanced if you do not want to experiment, do not listen to his desires and requests. But if you listen and please with all your might, it’s not a fact that this will save you from something.

From several friends I heard about a similar family crisis after the birth of a child. And it cannot be said about any of these girlfriends that after giving birth she gained weight or somehow became ugly. It turns out that the reason is not at all that the woman has become less attractive, but rather a change in status: from spouses, lovers, the couple reincarnates into parents. For them, men, all these nuances of their status in the family and in society are terribly important.

It is necessary to solve the problem according to the principle of "do no harm". In no case should you panic, make scenes and roll up scandals.

I have a quick-tempered character, so I checked it more than once, after each of my explosions, sex from our lives disappeared completely for a long time. It is understandable, there are hardly any men who see a hysterical woman in erotic dreams.

Every third person has prostatitis!

In fact, the most common reason. The incidence of prostatitis is known to increase with age. Statistics show that prostatitis is diagnosed in every third man over 35 years old. However, according to doctors, in recent years, this disease is becoming more and more "younger". And today, cases of the disease are already in 30-year-olds. Moreover, 98% are hidden and sluggishly flowing forms. And this is just our case.

Causes of early prostatitis

Urologists include infections as provoking factors, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, irregular sex life, colds and all the same stresses and depressions that I have already mentioned. Most of the time, all of these factors come into play at the same time. The risk group can be identified not only truckers, but also programmers, managers and other office workers. Particularly harmful, moreover, forced irregular urination, but this problem is familiar to workers in many professions. Prostatitis is also provoked by sexually transmitted diseases. And doctors also warn about what contributes to the development of this insidious disease and hypochondria.

Various fears - including the fear of getting prostatitis - are a release of adrenaline, which causes vasoconstriction, and this, in turn, has a very negative effect on the work of the male genitourinary system.

So the nerves of the husband must be protected, and talk about prostatitis should be carried out very carefully, avoiding empty horror stories, pushing the man to concrete actions for prevention or treatment.

Symptoms hidden and overt

First of all, medical booklets tell us, prostatitis is indicated by a violation of urination (often in small portions) and pain (in the anus, perineum, in the testicles, in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum). But after all, a man does not necessarily complain even to his own wife. It is especially unlikely that he will explain his reluctance to make love by pain "there". He'll probably come up with some other reason. If the husband wakes up every now and then at night and runs to the toilet, then there will be no doubts. And if the situation is not so neglected? Noticeable for us, most likely, there will be other signs: a decrease in this very sexual activity and constant irritability, anxiety, poor sleep.

Cure or prevent?

We all know how difficult it is to persuade a man to go to the doctor. But, believe me, it's worth it - it's better to convince him right now, without delay, than in 5 years to share a bed with an impotent. Who, if not you, will be able to find the arguments to which he will listen.

There is a whole group of remedies and methods of treatment: anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, massage, physiotherapy and the so-called prostate protectors - protectors of the prostate.

Today, there are already new preparations based on the unique substance prostatilen discovered during laboratory studies. These funds can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It was a discovery for me that new generation drugs, such as Lekhim Prostatilen, increase immunity, improve blood circulation in the vessels of the prostate gland, and they also normalize sperm quality, and most importantly, slow down the aging of the prostate.

The rest of the prevention rules can be described by a simple formula: sit less and be nervous, move more and enjoy life. And, of course, regular sex.

In a word, having studied this issue in detail, I realized that our grandmothers are telling the truth: "the main thing is health." The secret of regular and vibrant sex lies in this little "highlight" of my man - the prostate. And now I will not let the process take its course, the male power of my beloved is in my hands.

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Husband doesn't want a wife? Before drawing conclusions or taking specific steps to resuscitate sexual relations, first try to figure out why such a situation could have happened at all when a husband does not want a wife. It is extremely important: do not rush to take his refusal of intimacy as a personal insult.

Maybe, causes are rooted in the following significant factors:

1. He is tired.
2. You have boring, routine sex.
3. He is angry with you.
4. Your relationship has cooled off.
5. You constantly “saw” him.
6. You and your husband have a fairly large age difference.
7. He is very worried about something.
8. You have different biorhythms.
9. He has another woman.
10. He is far from a Casanova.

According to statistics, in the modern world, about 62% of husbands want sex less often than their wives, and 42% only need to make love twice a month. As a rule, the reason lies in the tense rhythm of modern life, in hidden diseases, or in the woman herself.

What if the husband does not want a wife? Let's talk in more detail.

The first reason why a husband does not want a wife - Stress and overwork

For some reason, women are sure that men do not tend to overwork at work. If your husband is not just an employee, but a leader on whose shoulders lies not a hefty responsibility, then any troubles at work can discourage the desire to have sex for a long time. If your husband has a threat to his cause, he will definitely not be up to bed comforts. The same applies to dismissal from a permanent job or demotion. And if you supplement the picture with your “squabbling” for shirking from fulfilling your marital duty, then the husband will not only lose any desire, but also the nervous system will collapse.

What to do? If this is your case, try to pull your spouse out of the abyss of hectic everyday life and give him the opportunity to rest. Send him alone on vacation, to the cottage or to go fishing. In general, give him the opportunity to mentally and physically recover.

It is possible that if the state of affairs at work with your husband is really critical, then your offer to take a break can cause a fit of irritation. In this case, try to provide your spouse with maximum support at home. Create all the conditions for him to be able to abstract himself from troubles in his native walls and, at least for a while, get away from problems. You should become for him, first of all, a devoted friend, but not how to express your claims regarding sexual life.

The second reason why a husband does not want a wife - Diseases

The second very serious factor, because of which the husband does not want a wife, are illnesses, as a rule, latent, which have arisen against the background of stress.

What to do? The main disease in the list of these diseases is depression. It is known to be treated with pharmaceutical drugs that have the side effect of reducing sex drive.

In addition, according to statistics, heart disease and most hormonal disorders inevitably affect the decrease in male libido. If you suspect that your spouse is sick, and he is in no hurry to go for an examination, write him down yourself to a good specialist.

The third reason why a husband does not want a wife - Woman

The next factor why a husband does not want a wife is a woman, that is, you. Lack of trust, mutual understanding and spiritual intimacy not only for women but also for men is a good reason for refusing to perform marital duty. Therefore, before taking on the solution of sexual problems, you should understand the relationship with your husband.

What to do? You should soberly and without reproach analyze your own behavior. Perhaps you “saw” your husband too much, while practically not praising him. No wonder he doesn't make love to you. Who wants to sleep with a vixen? It also often happens that a husband does not want a wife because of her excessive care. Don't forget: you are not a mother, you are a wife! No adequate man fantasizes about sex with mommy.

It is also important to remember that intimacy should not be a routine, it should be saturated with passion, tenderness and warmth. Prepare for every lovemaking as if it were your first date. Think carefully about how to create the most comfortable, romantic atmosphere so that he and you can relax - organize pleasant music, prepare appropriate dishes for dinner, pick up sexy lingerie. And most importantly: do not be afraid to experiment in bed. After all, it's your husband!

Recently, there has been a trend in society that women want sexual satisfaction as often as possible. Therefore, married women often face the fact that the spouse refuses intimacy. But this is not a sign that he fell out of love with his wife. The reasons leading to a decrease in libido can be very diverse. For busy and mature men, sex takes second place. After several years of marriage, feelings cool down, which also affects the intimate sphere.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read history carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

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    Causes of a decrease in male libido

    At the beginning of family life, there are no situations when the husband does not want closeness with his young wife. The past years make their own adjustments to family relationships, including marital responsibilities. That is what many call intimate relationships that previously gave pleasure.

    Age-related changes are to blame for the decrease in male libido. It is known that female sexuality increases over the years, and male desire weakens. Representatives of the stronger sex after 30 years of age feel a decrease in libido, while the beautiful half of humanity from this age feels a growing desire for intimate relationships. In this regard, men lose interest in sex after 50 years. This is due to natural physiological processes, which can be restored only temporarily with the help of modern drugs.

    Before drawing any conclusions about the desire, mood and feelings of a man, you need to consider the following:

    • fatigue;
    • bad feeling;
    • trouble at work
    • the husband is angry or offended by his wife;
    • something is bothering him;
    • the wife often finds fault or is in a bad mood;
    • spouses have different life biorhythms;
    • Big difference in age.

    An indifferent attitude to sex is often the result of the intense rhythm of modern life.

    Loss of interest in the sexual side of life has various causes. If a beloved husband complains of fatigue, constantly sleeping, then he is really tired and for this reason refuses his wife intimacy. A tired man rarely wants sex, and this should not surprise his wife.

    But there are reasons that should cause anxiety in a partner if the husband has ceased to want her, and she is no longer attracted to him as a woman.

    Why does a man not want sex

    Workaholic man

    A man spends most of his life at work. Stress, poor nutrition and traffic jams nullify intimate life. Returning home, a man wants to lie down in a warm bed not for making love, but to sleep. No wonder he avoids intimacy.

    A workaholic husband needs to be persuaded to take days off for himself and at least occasionally allow a little vacation. Convince that this is necessary for the sake of his health and the preservation of the family. You can't complain that he stopped paying attention. A girl should show feminine wisdom, arrange an intimate dinner or a walk together. Going to the cinema and cafes will remind the spouses that they are still a couple and they are happy together. Having restored spiritual intimacy, you can smoothly move on to intimate.

    Husband doesn't want to work

    Health problems

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, endocrine disorders and alcoholism are the reasons why the stronger sex loses sexual desire. Against the background of depression, impotence develops, and the man is afraid to show his weakness. Certain medications also reduce the desire to have sex with your wife.

    If the husband himself does not go to the doctor, you need to go with him and establish the cause of poor health. If the doctor does not find anything serious, you need to ask him to hint about the benefits of intimate relationships. Or ask yourself whether it is possible for a husband to make love in such a way that the spouse hears it.

    Until what age does a woman want a man

    internet addiction

    Sitting up late at the computer, the husband goes to bed much later than his wife. He can be carried away by online games, social networks and dubious sites. Virtual sex easily replaces a husband's intimate relationship in reality, which deprives a woman of pleasure.

    If Internet addiction interferes with your sexual life, you should agree with your loved one that both spouses will limit the time spent at the computer. After leaving the network, you need to make time for each other. If you do not categorically prohibit reading the news or your favorite game, the spouses will have a chance to share pleasure in sex.

    Lack of feelings for wife

    As you know, a man loves with his eyes. A plump after childbirth or a neglected wife looks unattractive in the eyes of her husband. If a man fell in love with a girl for her external beauty, then having lost her former attractiveness, she will no longer arouse his desire. When a young wife spends all her time on a child, the husband is offended and refuses to have sex with her or meets with another girl on the side.

    Women shouldn't let themselves go when they get married. It is necessary to love yourself, take care of your face and body, not only for the sake of your husband, but also for your own pleasure. There is no need to walk around the house in a dressing gown or stretched old trousers. A beautiful hairstyle will complement the image of a well-groomed girl, and a smile at a meeting will surely please her husband.

    New love

    Another girl is a common reason why a husband constantly refuses his wife. New feelings overtake not only young people, but also men after forty or even fifty years. At this age, there is no longer strength for two women, and for the sake of more vivid emotions, the husband does not want to devote time to his wife, saving strength for another woman.

    If the husband refuses intimacy only to his wife, and he has intimate relationships with other women, you need to call him for a serious conversation. Not necessarily the reason for this will be the spouse. He could fall in love, or even before marriage, he was not too faithful to her. A heart-to-heart conversation will show whether it makes sense to save the marriage. Perhaps he will come to his senses and break ties with another woman.

    A man who does not show interest in his wife, and especially constantly refuses her sex, must reconsider his life priorities if he wants to save his family. Women react sharply to inattention to themselves, and some of them are capable of revenge. Modern women need intimate relationships no less than men, as their psychology becomes close to that of men.

    Helping her husband and returning an important part of married life is the task of every loving woman. You can’t withdraw into yourself, suspect your husband of cheating and find fault with him even more because of trifles. To restore intimacy, an urgent solution to the problem is needed, until the spouses finally move away from each other.

    No need to blame your husband for lack of desire. You can take the initiative yourself and be seductive. Girlfriends do not need to know that there are intimate problems in a woman's family. You need to solve them together with your spouse or with the help of a family psychologist.

    Lack of attraction to wife in adulthood

    At the age of 40-50, the husband does not want to have sex with his wife, not because there is no attraction, but because of fear. He is afraid that he will not be able to control himself, satisfy his wife, or have erection problems, which leads to the failure expectation syndrome. He hides this feeling behind indifference and a cold attitude, but hides the true reasons not only from his wife, but also from himself.

    It is very difficult to cope with such a psychological problem on your own. A sexologist will help a man, who will explain to him and his wife that after a certain age one should not expect youthful passion from each other in a marriage bed. All changes that occur in the body of a man are associated with age and a decrease in the level of the hormone testosterone. It is necessary to overcome the fear of failure, otherwise the problem will only get worse. You need your wife's help and support. She must convince her husband that she does not need a frequent and long intimate process. Spouses can agree on additional ways to satisfy each other.

    Women's menopause leads to vaginal dryness and decreased libido. Therefore, a man feels discomfort during intercourse with his wife. This is another reason why he avoids intimacy with her. He understands what the problem is, but does not talk about it with his wife. In this case, a special lubricant (lubricant) will help, which solves the problem of vaginal dryness. Intimate life with low libido can also give pleasure.

    Problems with the cardiovascular system after 50 leave their mark on the intimate side of family life. A man is afraid of a heart attack or stroke and does not dare to have sexual intercourse. If the reason is only fear, then the attending physician may not prohibit sexual relations, but say that a little intimate contact will positively affect overall well-being.

    Intimate relationship with the appearance of a child

    The absence of a sexual life in a young family after the birth of a child is a fairly common phenomenon. It affects not only fatigue after sleepless nights, but also other factors.

    1. 1. One of the main reasons for not wanting to make love to your wife is the presence of your husband during childbirth. It's now common for a dad to deliver a baby or cut the umbilical cord. But few men are ready for the fact that what they see in the delivery room will change their attitude towards the woman they love. Now she is not only his wife, but also the mother of his baby. He gets the feeling that he should not do certain things with the mother of his child. Over time, this passes, and the intimate atmosphere and the seduction of your own husband will help to quickly return to the previous relationship.
    2. 2. The second reason why a husband refuses his wife after childbirth is the complete absorption of a woman by his child. The man notices this, he develops jealousy and the feeling that his wife has stopped loving him. He goes to sleep in another room, and the spark of passion disappears in his eyes. To get your husband back in your bed, you need to remind him that he is not only a father, but also a passionate lover who can please his beloved. And that the baby is not his rival and does not deprive him of the love of a woman.
    3. 3. The third reason is breastfeeding. If earlier she was the object of her husband's fantasies and desires, now the breast belongs to the child. In addition, the subconscious association of the wife with her mother pushes the man away from her and does not allow him to have sex with her. It is better to breastfeed in the absence of her husband and let her be caressed, as he did before.

    All these problems are solvable, the main thing is not to run them. Joint care of the baby most often brings young parents together. But they must leave some time for the two of them too, in order to remain a loving husband and wife.

    And some secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick jerk...

    When getting married, girls get confidence in the constant presence of a man nearby, and as a result, in the stability of their sexual life. Therefore, the news that a husband no longer wants a wife often causes a desire to run to a psychologist for advice, since the problem seems overwhelming for an independent solution. But still, it’s worth trying to deal with the situation, since it’s not always possible to remove obstacles to returning the joys of sex only to specialists.

    First you need to understand the reasons for your spouse's coldness in bed, they can be very different, but everything can be divided into two large groups: physiological and psychological. The reasons for the first group may include not only age-related changes and problems of the sexual sphere itself, but also diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, and alcohol abuse. What to do so that the husband wants his wife in this case is understandable, you need to see a doctor. But you will have to follow this, as men tend to delay going to a medical institution until the moment when this can no longer be avoided.

    You also need to understand that after 30 years, men experience a decrease in testosterone, so you should pay more attention to lifestyle. Support your husband's desire to play sports, go to a healthy diet (do not confuse with vegetarianism).

    If a husband does not want a wife because of a prolonged depression, then the advice of a psychologist to deal with the problem will help better than taking medication. The fact is that in most cases, antidepressants suppress sexual function, so you should look for other ways out of depression.

    The answer to the question why a husband does not want to sleep with his wife may lie in the field of psychology, in this case there are much more options.

    1. bed routine. Even with the warmest feelings, monotony begins to bother, so over time, a man may completely stop wanting intimacy. What to do in this case, so that the husband wants a wife? Give him the desired sexual variety: try new positions, get erotic lingerie, arrange a romantic dinner, use more than just a bed for sex.
    2. Frequent quarrels and criticism from you. Yes, it happens that a stormy showdown ends with the same stormy sex, but with constant quarrels, this is not to be expected. So it’s worth analyzing your behavior, perhaps you can do without most of the criticism. Also, do not go to the other extreme - excessive custody. Your husband has been independent for a long time, and by controlling his every step, you undermine his faith in his own strength. And an insecure man cannot be successful in bed.
    3. The difference in biorhythms and temperaments. There's nothing to be done, you have to adapt to each other, look for a time that will be convenient for both.
    4. Fatigue, frequent stress at work. It is clear that the husband is trying for you and for the family, so think about how you can help him relax. Try planning a vacation together. If no breaks help him recover, then talk to him about changing activities, as further overexertion will only worsen the situation.

    Husband does not want a pregnant wife - what to do?

    Often during pregnancy, women notice a decrease in sexual desire on the part of her husband. Most often, ladies associate this with a change in appearance, the appearance of stretch marks and increasing weight. But these fears are often not confirmed, men are not particularly concerned about the change in the figure of their soul mate during the period. But the reluctance of some women to take care of themselves may be the reason for the lack of sex. So you should not give up cosmetics during pregnancy, stop visiting a hairdresser and a nail salon.

    The husband does not want a pregnant wife for fear of harming the child, what should I do? Here you can only talk with your husband, invite him to read special literature, which tells about the absence of any harm to the child during the normal course of pregnancy.

    Also, the lack of sexual desire may be due to the stress that occurred due to the good news. A man feels an increasing responsibility, besides, it may seem to him that the role of a father excludes the possibility of passionate love games. If this is your case, then you will have to talk in detail with your husband about his experiences and feelings. Many men in this exciting period require the same attention and care as the pregnant woman herself.

    When you find the reason for your husband's cooling off and start taking measures to correct the situation, do not forget to encourage your spouse in his endeavors, do not refuse sex when he wants it.

    Wife doesn't want sex

    Difficulties in relationships

    Wife doesn't want sex

    One of the main problems of men over 30 is the lack of desire of the wife to have sex. Or rather, this state of affairs, when in the evening a man comes home and sees a woman who treats him with contempt. She refuses any attempts and hints of making love, which infuriates the man and makes him extremely angry.

    And then some begin to look for love and women's care on the side, and they do it quite successfully. And others withdraw into themselves and begin to gradually destroy their male pride and health. Here we are talking about evening beer, gatherings with men and a complete reluctance to go home and see this sour and insipid wife, who will not say anything good anyway.

    This situation will sooner or later lead to the destruction of the family or more serious conflicts on a nervous basis. Since a man cannot live without female affection and love. He begins to go crazy, becomes irritable and decides to leave the family. And we can say with confidence that this state of affairs needs to be urgently corrected.

    Wanting sex with your wife is perfectly normal

    Although the problem affects your wife's head, you yourself suffer from it. If she really does not want to have sex and she has no desire to be with you, it will take you time and effort to get to the reason for this behavior.

    The mistake of many men is that they begin to look for the cause in themselves, which is categorically wrong. Remember: the desire to have sex is normal for people. If you want sex, but your wife does not? - then this is your wife's problem.

    Therefore, you do not need to read magazines and articles about how fatigue and work affect sexual desire. Normal marital relations include regular sex with the wife. If this does not happen for any reason, this is a clear sign that your union is under threat. It's not your fault, you want a normal marriage.

    It is difficult to say the true reasons, but if the wife makes you feel like a maniac and a sexually preoccupied person, she clearly does not respect you. This state of affairs cannot continue for long. Sooner or later, you will accumulate discontent, and you will find another woman.

    Why does my wife not want to have sex?

    She gets tired. Some women get really tired at work or at home with children, that in the evening they only have enough strength to get to the bed and slam into it. Such wives can be easily distinguished by their sleepy state, sluggish gait and sound sleep. In other words, a person gets tired so that he really does not need anything.

    And if in the evening she has enough strength to sit and watch TV shows, sit with classmates or contacts, chat with her friends or go for a walk with the girls, then this is definitely not fatigue.

    She recently gave birth to a child. Girls after childbirth experience a reduced sexual desire, which can be described as follows: “You have already given birth, so watch the baby. You don't need another yet." And no matter how hard a man tries and tries to get his wife, nature puts a stop and that's it.

    There are even girls who themselves understand that their husband is ill, but they cannot overpower themselves. This condition can last from 2 months to 2 years, and the woman can actually do nothing with herself.

    You don't turn her on. Women want to see strong and successful men next to them who have charisma and masculinity. And it's hard to catch the line when you stop being the man of her dreams and turn into a boring roommate who brings money and occasionally surprises. Most often, it is this reason that becomes the stumbling block that destroys the family.

    She found another. If a woman has fallen out of love with her husband and has found a new boyfriend, then she will not immediately say about it. She will hide, squirm, and gradually accept the thought that her marriage is over. She, in essence, makes parting for herself softer and calmer. And sex is not the part that will help her wean herself from her man. Therefore, she does not deal with it.

    What to do if the wife does not want sex

    How can you change the situation anyway? If the wife says that she is too tired, and when you show your affection and desire, she begins to swear and say that you are preventing her from resting. You still need to try to change this situation and take action.

    Many men begin to show care and affection, give flowers and arrange dinners with candles. They also help with household chores, take care of children and the like. Yes, it will really work. You will have sex. But it will be due to female gratitude, and not attraction and desire. After a while, everything will return again to a situation without sex.

    She can justify such behavior that at this stage of her life, her career, family, parents or children, have become more important. It sounds plausible, but a pure lie that obscures the real reason.

    You need to understand male sexuality. A woman wants and desires to have sex with a successful and strong man. The problem is not with you, but with her. She doesn't find you sexy anymore. Therefore, you need to become more independent, self-confident and, of course, put your body in order. When you do this, she will climb to you, and you have to choose whether you want it or not.

    You are not offended by your wife, you do not quarrel with her, you just start to take care of yourself and make yourself better. And then she herself will run to you, as she will want and be afraid that another will desire you.