Muslim wife: what should be a spouse in Islam? Sex and Islam. What is allowed and prohibited

Islam gives rights to a woman as a person and as a wife, but while demanding rights, she needs to remember her duties as well. A woman should not expect all the privileges for herself without being ready to put a number of responsibilities on her shoulders. Of course, men must also be ready to fulfill their obligations, and not just enjoy the luxury of their privileges.

On the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will ask women about what they did, and not about what their fathers, brothers and husbands did. Many books and articles have been written on the rights and duties of wives, and we will briefly discuss them here.

A righteous woman must, firstly, comply with the instructions of the Almighty, and secondly, be obedient and fulfill all duties to her husband, the most important of which are the following.

If he commanded one of the people to worship another, he would command the woman to worship her husband, for her duty to her husband is great "(al-Bukhari, Muslim).

The wife should be ready at any time to meet his physiological needs, except for the days of the menstrual cycle and postpartum cleansing or illness. The wife is not allowed to refuse her husband the performance of his duties in bed. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: If a husband invites his wife to bed and she refuses him, then the angels will curse her until the morning..."(al-Bukhari, Muslim).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ... By Him in whose will is the soul of Muhammad, a woman will not fulfill her duties to her Lord until she fully fulfills her duties to her husband. She should not refuse him, even if she is in childbirth. (Imam Ahmad).

It is not permissible to refuse a husband if he wishes to have sexual intercourse with her, due to the fact that Islam recognizes marriage as the only legitimate means of satisfying natural sexual desires. If a woman deprives her
husband of such a right, this may cause her husband to transgress the boundaries established by Islam.

Of course, the right to satisfy the desires of sex is mutual - the wife has the same right.

Without the permission of the spouse, the wife does not have the right to leave the house. But the husband can allow her to go out according to her needs or visit relatives within the boundaries of the village or city, observing the norms of Sharia, if the time is calm and there is no danger of falling into the forbidden.

The wife should be content with what the Almighty bestowed on her husband. She should not show disgust for him, be angry at a difficult situation, but on the contrary, she should express favor to the Creator bestowed on him, be economical and help her husband in all matters where her help is acceptable. The wife should in every possible way warn him against forbidden ways of earning.

She must protect herself from prying eyes, hide parts of her body from everyone except her husband, and not wear clothes that do not comply with Sharia.

Say to (women) believers: let them lower their eyes and keep their sexual organs and let them not show their adornments, except what is visible from them; let them throw their veils over the slits on their breasts, and let them not show their adornments, except to their husbands... (Sura An-Nur, verse 31).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: A woman is not allowed to take off her clothes except in her husband's house. "(Imam Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi).

Sharia categorically forbids a wife to be alone with a strange man, as well as to receive someone in her husband's house from strangers to her in his absence.
One should not show arrogance to others because of the beauty of a spouse or show off the wealth of a husband.

It is also forbidden to make fun of him because of his ugly appearance, to argue, to cause pain or torment, etc. The wife must show him high respect and give him his due as the head of the family. The wife should take care of the children, taking care of their upbringing.

A wife needs to be submissive to her husband, except when he forces her to do something forbidden by Shariah. Thus, the wife should pay great attention to the performance of her duties to her husband and please him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Any deceased woman whose husband was pleased with her will enter Paradise "(at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja).

It is also reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Your wives will be from among the inhabitants of Paradise if they are loving, giving birth and caring for their husbands. And if such a woman angers her husband, she will put her hand on his hand and say: “I will not close my eyes until you are pleased with me.”"(Ibn Asakir).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: The prayers of three people do not rise above their ears: a runaway slave until he returns; the woman who falls asleep when her husband is angry with her; and a ruler with whom his people are dissatisfied "(at-Tirmidhi).

One of the important duties of a wife to her husband is submissiveness and obedience to her husband. This applies not only to intimate relationships, but also to all other areas of life. The only time a wife can disobey her husband is if he goes against Islam. In such a situation, obedience to the requirements of Almighty Allah should take precedence over obedience to human requirements, because there is no obedience to the Creator created in disobedience, for example, if a woman wants to fast in the month of Ramadan or perform obligatory prayers, and her husband for some reason tries interfere with her. But here it should be noted that if the wife has the intention to observe any of the desirable fasts, then it is necessary to obtain the consent of the husband; this is due to his right to satisfy his sexual needs when
he wishes it.

The other side of the relationship, where the wife must obey her husband, concerns social life.

The husband decides who to accept or not accept in their home and, of course, with whom the wife can communicate. Obviously, she should not freely associate with men who are not her mahrams, let alone invite them home.

But there may be times when a husband will not approve of associating with certain women, if association with any of them can harm the family in such forms as, for example, spreading gossip, being a bad influence, or trying to destroy the marriage.

In this case, the husband has every right to limit such communication.
It is also the duty of wives to be faithful to their husbands, both in their presence and in their absence.

It goes without saying that fidelity must be kept both to the husband in relation to the wife (or wives), and to the wife in relation to the husband.

About a righteous wife who remains faithful to her husband, the Qur'an says: (meaning): " ... Virtuous women are submissive [to their husbands] and keep their honor [their] when their husbands are not around, which Allah ordered to protect ... "(Sura" An-Nisa', verse 34).

The wife is to protect and guard the good name and property of her husband, as well as her own virtues. A beneficent woman is faithful to her husband, both with him and without him. Her behavior reflects on the whole family; In many ways, the honor of a family directly depends on how its female representatives behave in family life.

If the spouses know their rights and obligations and take advantage of them, then the Creator will give them a wonderful life and together they will find happiness, both in this world and in the next.

Allah Almighty said in the Qur'an: (meaning): To sincere believers who do good deeds, be it a man or a woman, We grant a grace-filled, beautiful life. We will certainly reward them with a beautiful, greater reward than the one they deserve by their deeds. (Sura An-Nahl, verse 97).

It is also said in the Holy Quran: (meaning): ... And those who did righteousness from men and women, being believers, they will enter Paradise, in which they will receive an inheritance without any account "(Sura Al-Ghafir, verse 40).

That is why the hadith says: “If a woman performs five prayers, fasts in Ramadan, observes chastity and obeys her husband, then she will be told: “Enter Paradise through the gate through which you wish!”.

In the collection of hadiths of Imam Ahmad and an-Nasai, it is also reported that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked: “Which wife is the best?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “She who pleases her husband when he looks at her, obeys him when he tells her something, and does not contradict her husband if he does not like something in herself or in how she spends his property.

Modern women should pay attention to these instructions.
To an even greater extent, this applies to those women who transgress the boundaries of what is permitted, behave like men and try to control their husbands. These women do whatever they want.

They lead a promiscuous life and call themselves fighters for the freedom and rights of women. But in reality they are women who prefer the life of the world to the life to come.

Muslim women should make sure whether they have such features, and if not, then try to acquire them in order to win the favor of the Almighty, do it for themselves, their husbands and their children, for a calm and happy life on earth and after death.

Remember that once the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked a certain woman: “Do you have a husband?” She replied: "Yes."

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) asked: “Is he pleased with you?”
She replied, "He's only angry because I can't do anything." Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Be more attentive to him, because he is Hell and Paradise for you” (Imam Ahmad).

From the foregoing, it follows that a righteous wife must be: pious, that is, perform good deeds and fulfill her duties to the Lord; obedient to her husband in that which Allah Almighty has not forbidden; guarding her own honor, especially in the absence of her husband; frugal with the property of her husband and her children; striving for her husband to always see her only beautiful, smart and smiling; trying to win the favor of her husband when he is angry with her, since the husband is both Heaven and Hell for the wife; not resisting her husband when he desires her.

If a woman fulfills these instructions, then Paradise is promised to her through the mouth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).


Islam teaches that men are superior to women. (Quran 2:228)

Islam teaches that women have only half the rights of men in court and inheritance. (Quran 2:282, 4:11)

Islam considers a woman an object of property, like property or livestock: “Passion love is adorned for people: for women and children, and quintars of gold and silver, and marked horses, and cattle, and crops.” (Quran 3:14).

"Treat women well, for they, like pets, own nothing." (Farewell Sermon of Muhammad)

Islam requires women to cover themselves when they are out of the house: “And tell the women: let them lower their eyes, and guard their members, and let them not show their ornaments, let them throw their covers over the incisions on their chests” (Quran 24 :31)

Muhammad teaches that women are mentally handicapped compared to men: "I have not seen a single man who had such a lack of intelligence as a woman." (Sahih Bukhari, book 6, hadith 301)

Muhammad teaches that a woman is an ill omen: "A bad omen is in a woman and a horse." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 30)

Muhammad teaches that women are bad for men: "After me, I left no greater calamity for men than for women." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 33)


Islam allows polygamy for men, they can have up to four wives at the same time: "Marry those that are pleasing to you, women - and two, and three, and four." (Quran 4:03)

A man can divorce his wife, for this it is enough for him to make an oral statement to his wife; wife has no such right. (Quran 2:229)

Once a husband has divorced his wife, she cannot remarry her ex-husband until she marries and divorces another man. (Quran 2:230)

Islam teaches that it is permissible for a husband to punish his wife by depriving her of sexual relations and even beating her: “And those whose disobedience you are afraid of, admonish and leave them on their beds and strike them.” (Quran 4:34)


Islam teaches that a wife must satisfy her husband's sexual needs whenever he desires:

“Your wives are a field for you, go to your field when you wish and prepare for yourselves” (Quran 2:223)

“If a husband calls his wife to bed, and she refuses and makes him sleep in anger, then the angels will curse her until the morning.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460)

"If a woman spends the night outside her husband's bed, then the angels curse her until she returns to her husband." (Sahih Bukhari, Book 62, Hadith 122)


Your children will inherit the religion of their Muslim father - Islam. If the husband announces a divorce to you, then he will receive custody of the children and you will not be able to see them.

Sharia (Islamic law) says that in mixed marriages "children inherit the best of the religions of their parents", the Koran states that such a religion is Islam. (Quran 3:19)

You, as a non-Muslim, will not be allowed to be the guardian of your Muslim children.


If you outlive your Muslim husband, then his inheritance will be distributed according to Islamic law. A non-Muslim wife will get nothing, a wife who converts to Islam will get very little. According to the Qur'an, a wife does not inherit all of her husband's wealth.

If the husband dies without leaving children, then the wife receives a quarter of the inheritance, the rest is received by the husband's parents, brothers, uncles, etc. If the deceased husband has children, then the wife receives an eighth of the inheritance, the rest is received by the children, and the sons receive twice as many daughters. (Quran 4:11-13)


Before marrying a Muslim, find out what his motives are for proposing marriage to you. Your motive is love, but he may have other motives, such as obtaining citizenship (or due to lack of money, he cannot marry a Muslim woman and you are a convenient solution to the problem [translator's note]).

You may say that your husband is not a strictly religious Muslim. But do not forget that Islam is more than a religion, it includes a set of laws that completely regulate the life of both Muslims and non-Muslims in an Islamic society.

If you have any doubts, I suggest you watch the movie Not without my daughter, which is based on the real life story of an American woman who married a Muslim. This can be a saving experience that will save your life and the lives of your future children.

They say "love is blind", but I hope this article will open your eyes.

Wafa Sultan. Woman in Islam. AL HAYAT TV

Psychotherapist from Tunisia on the position of women in the Muslim world

God, Koran and woman

Other materials

If the wife becomes a Muslim and the husband is not going to convert to Islam, is it obligatory for them to divorce? I heard that if one of the spouses converts to Islam, then the marriage is automatically terminated. Is it so?

The opinion that the marriage is terminated if the spouse becomes a Muslim, and her husband does not want to convert to Islam, is very common, but still superficial, or rather, erroneous. There are few detailed theological studies on this issue, and even more so in societies where Muslims make up a minority of the population. For example, Ibn Qayyim has a detailed work in which he clearly proves that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never told anyone that it was urgent to get a divorce, and did not call for this in cases of acceptance of Islam by one of the spouses, and there were a lot of such situations.

Our contemporary Yusuf al-Qaradawi says the following: “For many years, when I was asked about such situations, I gave a conclusion (fatwa) that the marriage was urgently terminated. The maximum termination period, which was mentioned by me, as well as by many other scientists, was calculated as three months and no more. About twenty-five years ago, Qardawi found himself in one of the Muslim forums in America, where this issue was also raised. When discussing this topic, the doctor of theology Hasan al-Turabi stated that a wife can remain married to her husband after becoming a Muslim, even if the spouse does not accept Islam. This statement had the effect of an exploding bomb. There were a lot of outrages. The words of Dr. Turabi "drowned" in a stream of criticism and words that "this does not correspond to the canons of Islam and contradicts what there is unanimous agreement (ijma')." Among those who spoke categorically against was Imam Kardavi. Then, after many years, he said: “A Muslim must learn from the cradle to the grave, as the Prophet bequeathed. There is not a single person who would cover all facets of knowledge and science with his intellect.

The Almighty Creator, addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), said: “And pray with the words: "Rabbi, Zidnii 'ilma" [Lord increase my knowledge(my understanding, knowledge application skills)!]” (see); and it is also said in the Quran: “You (people) have been given only a small amount of knowledge [when compared with what exists at all]” (see). “When I,” continued Imam Qardawi, “came across a detailed study by Imam Ibn Qayyim on this issue, I realized that wrong» .

I will not recount to you that detailed study in full, as well as those multi-page narratives that were written to confirm that, in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad marriage is not dissolved. I will cite only the main practical theses on this topic, which have a serious theological justification and are confirmed by specific reliable facts.

1. During the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) there was not a single episode when, after the adoption of Islam by one of the spouses, the Messenger of the Almighty spoke of the need to dissolve the marriage. And there were many cases when only the wife or only the husband became Muslims. For example, the case of Safwan ibn Umayya and his wife, the daughter of al-Walid ibn Mugyir. First, the wife became a Muslim, while the husband converted to Islam only a month later. As they were husband and wife, so they remained. There was no new marriage or other procedures between them. A similar situation happened with Ummu Hakim and her husband ‘Ikrimah, with Abu Sufyan and his wife Hind. It was the same in the case of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad - Zeinab. Her husband became a Muslim only six years after she converted to Islam. Zeinab returned to her husband without any marriage, that is, despite the long period, the canonical validity of their marriage was preserved and did not require restoration, renewal.

2. As for the statement about a period of three months, during which the husband must consider whether to accept or not accept Islam (in the latter case, the marriage must be dissolved), then there is no confirmation of this in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

3. The crux of the matter is that when one of the spouses becomes a Muslim, their marriage agreement ceases to be unshakable and becomes something that can be violated at the request of one of the parties. When the other side also becomes a believer, their marriage again goes into a state of steadfastness and commitment without any additional procedures.

4. If someone says that the answer to the question of divorce if the wife accepts Islam is clearly spelled out in the Qur'an, for example, in the 10th verse of the 60th sura, then I suggest that he look through the materials of the cognitive theological controversy, which clearly states that This verse is about something completely different.

5. It is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim. There is no doubt or disagreement about this. A Muslim cannot marry except a Muslim woman or (with certain conditions) a representative of the People of the Book - a Christian or a Jew.

We are now considering a situation where during the marriage both spouses were unbelievers or people of a different religion, and after a while one of them became a Muslim (Muslim woman).

I think it would be useful to cite the conclusions of one of the Islamic researchers, Imam ‘Abdullah al-Jadi‘, made by him as a result of a detailed and in-depth study of this topic:

a) Neither in the Holy Quran nor in the Sunnah is there any word in favor of the obligatory dissolution of marriage in such situations. There is also no unanimous opinion of scholars (ijma‘) on this issue.

b) Marriages entered into before the spouses became Muslims retain their canonical validity after their adoption of Islam. They are not violated by themselves and are not terminated, except at the request of the spouses.

c) The Qur'anic text and the texts of hadiths confirm the permissibility of the continuation of marital relations even after one of the spouses converted to Islam.

d) Despite the fact that there were many cases of one of the spouses becoming a Muslim (Muslim) during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, he (may God bless him and welcome) never did not initiate divorce proceedings and did not call anyone to divorce. The daughter of the Prophet Zeinab returned to her husband after the revelation of the 10th verse from Surah al-Mumtahana, and this return was without renewal of the marriage. That is, the marriage between her and her husband was both legal and remained, despite the fact that for several years her husband did not want to become a Muslim.

e) As for the 10th verse of Surah al-Mumtahana, it refers to those cases when the husband is a belligerent (mukharib, participating in hostilities against Muslims) and hateful to the faith of his wife. It is categorically inadmissible to interpret this verse without taking into account the content of other verses and numerous hadiths. This Qur'anic text just indicates that in the case of an intolerant and hateful attitude of an atheist spouse towards his wife who converted to Islam, she has every right to leave him, and there will be no sin on her for this.

f) If one of the spouses becomes a Muslim, and the other remains tolerant of such a choice, then they can remain husband and wife, as happened in such cases during the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The correctness of this approach is also based on the actions and conclusions of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab and ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib when they were rulers of the faithful.

g) After the adoption of Islam by one of the spouses, dissolution becomes permissible for their marriage, if it is their own will.

h) Intra-family relations between a husband who has become a Muslim and his wife who retains her unbelief, as well as between a wife who has become a Muslim and a husband who continues to be an atheist (or a representative of another religion), are fully preserved, without any restrictions.

At the end of a rather lengthy narration on this topic, Imam Kardavi mentions a prayer that will also be useful to all of us: “O Lord! Show me the truth in the guise of truth and give me the opportunity to follow it. And show me a lie or a mistake in the guise of a lie or a mistake and give me the opportunity to move away from them. Amen.

The person who presented this analytical material to you does not put his religious knowledge on a par with the knowledge of those theologians whose names were mentioned above. But, being the imam of the mosque for more than 20 years (since 1997) and having received many tens of thousands of lively and real questions, including on family topics, having the appropriate education and practical experience, when I repeatedly had to see human grief that arose on the basis of misinformation and illiteracy of the “consultants”, I subscribe with full responsibility to the above.

Answers to questions on the topic

Is there any dua for my husband to convert to Islam, start praying, keep an eye? This is what I want most in life. M., 22 years old.

Everything has its time, do not rush things. In a language that is understandable and close to you, briefly formulate the desired goal and easily, naturally pronounce it with your heart, with your lips. But learn to look ahead, think, analyze, do not limit yourself to thoughts about today, feel and imagine a wonderful tomorrow.

Six months ago, the desire to accept Islam ripened in me. This is not a whim, not following some fashion, this is a sincere and irresistible desire. When I understood this, there was such peace in my soul, such confidence that I would definitely not deviate from this path, I would certainly carry out my plan. I read literature (in Russian translation), I am delighted and very sorry that I did not know about all this earlier, because I could have avoided many troubles on my way by following Islam. Probably, it may give the impression that I am an addicted person, in fact, this is not so. I am not fanatical, but Islam is the light for me.

I got married at 19 and had a daughter at 20. The husband is Russian, not religious. After the registry office, all the attention and care for me evaporated, he began to spend a lot of time with friends, drink, it came to assault. Once he suggested that I have an abortion ... Despite all this, we have been living under the same roof for nine years (before the wedding, we lived together for some time (I am very sorry that my parents did not instruct me in the right time). And now the third for a year we have only been officially married, we live in different rooms, we have a different budget (although I have a tiny salary, he immediately stated that in the event of a divorce, I would receive practically nothing for a child).

When he noticed that I began to spend a lot of time at the computer (I download the Koran, hadiths and other literature from the Internet), he suspected of treason. And so I shared my joy, that I want to convert to Islam, go to the mosque (there are no mosques in our city), and in response I heard this ... In general, the reaction was unpleasant.

I can’t and don’t want to meet old age with this man, but the mere thought that I will sin if I divorce him (didn’t cope with the role of a wife?) Tears well up in my eyes, and my soul hurts. Did I set myself in a trap nine years ago? I want to convert to Islam, I believe that I can raise my daughter myself and will never stand between her and my father, but how can I perform namaz, being constantly humiliated by him?

You are a free person. You can (if you are serious) file for divorce. When a step is justified, then there is no sin in it. There is no "trap". Make a decision and move forward without regretting what once was. We need to look to the future, not to the past.

After reading your research, I realized that if I converted to Islam, and my husband remains an atheist, I can not divorce him. But I was told that sexual relations with him would now be considered adultery because he did not believe in God. The marriage is registered only in the registry office, we did not get married, and he categorically refuses to hold a nikah. Lena, 32 years old.

The judgment you mentioned is someone's ignorant speculation. Statement "sexual relations with him will now be considered adultery" - complete nonsense.

What should a girl do if she is not an ethnic Muslim, she married a Christian early, she has two children, now she has met Islam and wants to accept it, but if she accepts Islam, she will not be able to live with her husband, and her husband will not hear her wants about Islam? Since the family is not rich, she does not have the means for an independent life, but she does not want to live with her husband, because when she accepts Islam, then with a non-Muslim husband this life will be adultery. Besides, she doesn't love her husband. How should she deal with the adoption of Islam - wait until better times or accept while still married? What does the Quran say about this? Albert, 27 years old.

She can live with her husband. It is definitely not adultery. Whoever claims this, trying to pass himself off as canonically enlightened, is illiterate, at least in this matter.

Can a wife ask for a divorce if her husband demands that she take off her headscarf while using physical force?

The wife in such cases has the right to ask for a divorce, since the husband requires her to give up the obligatory (fard) before God. At the same time, she, like him, her husband, should take into account that the root of the problem may lie not in adherence to certain elements of religious practice, but in the style or form of personal relationships (attention to each other, politeness; in how the spouse cooks and looks after the household, etc.), as well as in the constant and categorical presentation of demands and claims to each other.

A local religious figure, if he is authoritative for a husband, can speak a wise instruction to both, communicate so that the spouses do not get hung up on external attributes, but look at the problem from the other side, so as not to be annoyed by each other, but to find ways of mutual understanding and harmony.

As for the use of physical force, according to any canons - both secular and religious - a husband has no right to beat his wife. Otherwise, in this life he is already a spiritual cripple, and can become so physically, by the will and speedy retribution of the Lord. In eternity, an unenviable punishment awaits him, since oppressing the weak and defenseless is tyranny (zulm), and having married, he assumed the obligations of guardianship and material support for his wife.

The man who raises his hand against a defenseless woman is weak-willed and weak in all respects, especially when she is his wife.

Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr (better known as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzia) (1292–1350 Gregorian, 691–751 AH) is a theologian of the Hanbali madhhab, faqih-mujtahid, mufassir, muhaddis, a fine connoisseur of many scientific areas of Islamic theology. For more details see: ‘Umar Rida Kahalya. Mu‘jam al-muallifin [Dictionary of brief biographies of scientists]. In 4 vols. T. 3. S. 164, 165.

Becoming a Muslim or a Muslim woman implies the existence of the foundations of faith, agreement with them, even in the absence of certain points of religious practice.

This verse is one of the main arguments of those who speak of automatic dissolution of marriage.

See: al-Qaradawi Yu. Fi fiqh al-akalliyat al-muslimah. pp. 124, 125.

Islam is one of the most widespread religions in the world. However, it is curious that not only Jews, Hindus and Christians know little about the main provisions of the Koran, practice shows that Muslims themselves are often not properly aware of their own religion. This gives rise to a huge number of prejudices and stereotypes affecting the relationship between husband and wife in a Muslim family. For example, an interesting question about such a thing as cheating on a wife in Islam.

Basic concepts among Muslims

It is very important for any student of Islam to know what is makruh, halal and haram. Makruh is an action or behavior that is not forbidden, but not desirable, not recommended. Halal is what is allowed both by law and by faith. But haram is a complete prohibition both by religion and by law on certain actions, for example, such as cheating on a wife in Islam. For such a woman, a terrible punishment awaits after death, and even during her lifetime she can be punished according to Sharia law.

Divorce in Islam

There is no strict prohibition on the dissolution of a marriage, however, it is clearly spelled out what is allowed to the husband and what is forbidden to him in relation to his wife. Situations such as the cruelty of a man towards a woman can contribute to the quick dissolution of a marriage at the first request of the spouse. On the other hand, the betrayal of a wife in Islam also gives the husband the right to dissolve the marriage of his own free will without the consent of the woman.

Cruelty in the Muslim religion

People who are far from this religion often believe that the attitude towards women in this religion is very strict and even cruel. You can find the opinion that the girl is allegedly in some kind of slavery, first with her brothers and father, and then with her husband. But all this is not at all what it seems. Naturally, the betrayal of a wife in Islam will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. However, the duties of a husband towards his wife are very broad.

Wife in Islam

At home, a woman is not required to stay in a veil and veil. Moreover, her husband is simply obliged to buy her the best clothes, underwear and jewelry. But a spouse should hide her sexuality and beauty in public. At home, the husband is allowed to see her in all her beauty.

Husband upbringing wife

There is a lot of controversy on this topic among Muslims, religious scholars and interpreters of the Koran. However, in recent years, a consensus has been reached on this issue. It is believed that a husband should educate his wife to some extent, but he has no right to use even light assault. Although there are exceptions, for example, the betrayal of a wife in Islam. On the other hand, the duties of the husband include saving the family from gossip, and the spouse from slander. A spouse should educate in his soulmate respect for himself and for his elders.

Quarrels in Islam

In case of conflict, the husband is supposed to just shut up. The wife is obliged to cool down and then apologize. Naturally, such problems as treason in Islam can be solved both within the same family, and taken out of its borders and submitted to the court of Muslim justice. Much attention is paid to mutual prayers to Allah. The husband prays for his family and wife, and the wife prays for her husband. This issue is especially acute during quarrels.

Islam is one of those religions that controls literally every step of a believing Muslim. And this influence is much stronger than any European morality or the faith of an orthodox Christian.
Many positions of Islam are completely incomprehensible to a European, and our norms of behavior are condemned by Muslims. There are rules in Islam that cannot be violated under any pretext.

1. Modesty- the first rule of conduct for a Muslim and especially an Islamic woman. Career, the presence of many fans, beauty for show - a taboo that Muslim women strictly adhere to, since all this is recognized as unworthy.

2. Women almost never look up., especially for looking into a man's eyes. Even the bride at her own wedding will look at the floor. To look otherwise is impudence and vulgarity.

3. The opinion of the husband or father is the law. A woman completely obeys what a man says. If the girl is not yet married, the parents remain the authority, which in Muslim countries is revered in any circumstances. Perhaps this should be learned by Europeans who have ceased to appreciate their parents.
4. The rules in choosing clothes are strictly observed: Elbows, legs to the ankles must be closed, neckline and open back are unacceptable. Even the hijab should not be bright.
5. An Islamic woman must marry a virgin Otherwise, shame awaits her. According to ancient traditions and the Koran, she must be stoned to death.

6. Clothing Muslim women will never allow themselves to dress sloppy.
7. Women of Islam never will not listen to speech containing vulgarity, swearing, so as not to defile your hearing.

8. Muslim women never don't drink alcohol.
9. Women are forbidden sit at the same table with other men.
10. Islamic ladies live in your half of the house.
11. Women in these countries never enter cafes intended for men. In addition, they unlikely to go out unaccompanied.

P.S. Our editorial board is much more democratic and pro-European, and we disagree with the authors of this article who argue that these rules are worth learning and sticking to. But we do not deny that some modern ladies would not hurt a little modesty and culture. It is interesting to know your opinion about such rules of conduct for women! Share with us in the comments!