Conquering the fear of death is having the greatest. When fear turns into phobia. Reasons for the fear of death

This is how the artist Julian Totino Tedesco depicted death.

The fear of death is a phobia that has the power to cross out the plot of life or distort its content. There are almost no people who are indifferent to death. Comprehension of one of the main existential questions about the meaning of life sooner or later forces one to think deeply about the “final”.

Anxiety, which inevitably arises in the process of such reasoning, is not yet a neurosis. And only when the thought of death becomes obsessive and persistent, they talk about thanatophobia - one of the most "popular" phobias. And if "natural" fear arises in response to a real/potential threat, obsessions do not need the presence of a source. A tanatophobe can be groundlessly panicky afraid of dying from cancer, the flu virus, becoming a victim of a plane crash. Thoughts about death can take on the most bizarre forms, taking over the mind.

Fear of death is a phobia that speaks to a person in real ancient language- the language of instincts. Understanding the reasons for her appearance in life specific person- half the battle. The answer to the problem "how to deal with the fear of death?" lies in the plane of the search for motives: what function does it (fear) perform in the life of this particular individual?

It is difficult to call the existence of a person involved in the whirlwind of death aversion comfortable and of high quality. But a phobia (like all others) is devoid of practical meaning. We will not become immortal by spending a significant part of our lives thinking about this issue. Wouldn't it be better to make it more meaningful, but how to do it?

About the causes of thanatophobia

Fear of death is a phobia with a complex etiology. It is often based on an "unfulfilled mission", when there is a need to change one's own life, taking into account everything that has not been fulfilled, not realized, not experienced and not felt.

Most philosophers and writers repeat in their writings the idea that only those who live their lives inefficiently are afraid of death. Leo Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Zorba the Greek, Jean-Paul Sartre spoke about this. But how to live it (life) effectively? The harmonious scenario assumes phased implementation all planned plans and getting satisfaction from the process. In reality, it often happens otherwise - the program crashes. "Not my life" leads to the development of neurosis, in the thickness of which - fears, anxiety, complexes, depression.

You will be surprised, but thanatophobia often arises under the influence of indirect, at first glance, causes. It becomes a consequence of the impact of a dysfunctional external environment on a dysfunctional "internal".

"Information overload"

Television is the main hotbed of thanatophobia

The information flow that falls on a person who has set out to “put life in order” is striking in its scale. To understand one specific issue, you need to spend a huge amount of time studying the sources, analyzing the opinions of experts. There is no time for a full immersion in the problem. One has to either move forward, despite the lack of experience, knowledge, or stop in despair from the impossibility of taking another step. “Procrastination is like death” and thoughts about the worthlessness of being begin to visit more and more often.

"Everything is pointless"

A neurotic disorder can be caused by the thought “it’s pointless to do something”, because you can have a little time (“and I’m already so many years old”), there are no necessary resources for a quality life (“how can one count on something with such an appearance”) and any other reason that emphasizes the lack of desire to build something in life.

"Promotion of Immortality"

In Christian culture, the peacock was a symbol of immortality.

Fear of death is a phobia that can develop under the influence of the media, where the fact of human mortality is presented under various sauces, including commercially profitable ones (laying the idea of ​​immortality into the subconscious). By the way, the higher the frequency of articles in popular science newspapers about theories of immortality (“digitization” of personality and other options for eternal life), the more people are drawn into a panic called thanatophobia.

Popularization of films about "immortals" - superfluous to that confirmation. Can a movie about vampires become a reason for the development of neurosis? Why not, if you get carried away with the idea of ​​eternal life.

"False prosperity"

Despite the increased safety of life and the creation of the maximum number of comfortable conditions for a person, fears disturb more often. With a low level of medicine, frequent mortality was perceived rather as the norm and did not cause strong emotions. Today the event is painted with extremely dramatic tones.

There is a category “safe, comfortable, painless” in the human mind, but the reality shows the other side - dangerous, uncomfortable and rather painful. Neurosis often occurs at the junction of two extremes. We are too accustomed to "well-being" and do not agree with the opposite. Death in the 21st century is beginning to cause shock and rejection.

"True wellbeing"

In a separate group, it is necessary to single out people whose fear of death is due not to a “false life”, but to a true one. Fear of losing everything beautiful at once ( ideal family, financial well-being, excellent health), deprives a person of joy. Accordingly, not only "obsolete human nature" gives rise to thanatophobia. The reason may lie in the area prosperous life, but is it possible in this case to assert satisfaction with it?

How to overcome the fear of death?

The fear of death is the basis of self-preservation and survival inherent in all living beings. In ancient times, savages, seeing the corpse of their fellow tribesman, experienced fear, which increased their vigilance - "the danger is near, you need to be careful." Today, it is the fear of death that forces us to look around and only then cross the road.

But thanatophobia is an obsessive mania that begins to rule the life of a particular individual. The catalyst (trigger) for its occurrence can be any dramatic event:

  • a loss loved one;
  • fatal disease;
  • crisis "transitional" age (and retirement) - 30, 40, 50 years;
  • job loss, relocation or any other life shock.

It is obvious that the muzzle of a pistol pointed at close range is not the only reason that contributes to the emergence of an “awakening experience” (according to I. Yalom). You don't have to be on your deathbed to get in touch with the most problematic existential question. Another thing is how to relate to it, how to build death into the context of your life?

For example, one of the arguments of Epicurus recalls that the state after death is no different from the non-existence in which we already existed before our birth. They are exactly the same, so why are we so afraid of the second and completely indifferent to the first?

Support can be found not only in Epicurean views. For some, overcoming fear comes after understanding the idea that the main thing is to live for the sake of an act that will remain in the memory of other people or will bring some benefit to the world - "to last in the lives of others." Plant an apple orchard or build a sturdy bench in the yard. Write a book or become a posthumous donor.

We will talk about other ways to overcome it below, but first you need to understand that fear has a positive function. Refusing it, ignoring it, or deliberately belittling it is unwise.

On the positive side of the fear of death

As we remember, in ancient times, the fear of death warned him of danger, "armed" him with speed of response, anger, and strength. And today, after millennia, the fear of death does not arise out of the blue. Its presence captures the danger - direct or indirect.

The positive function of fear is to be on guard of life, to ensure the continuation of the family. We are afraid to walk along the edge of the abyss and, with rare exceptions, we will refrain from such a deadly act. From point of view common sense rather, the pathology is the "absolute" absence of fear of death, but it is still necessary to distinguish between "natural" fear and phobia.

Psychotherapy, eliminating obsessive states, simultaneously solves a number of other tasks - it improves the quality of life of its patient, helps in the implementation of a positive (true) life scenario and the elimination of a false one. Thanatophobia is not removed by a psychotherapeutic scalpel, but is transformed into a creative principle.

Whether a child or an adult, every person comes into contact with death. Violation of its adequate perception, obsessive pictures of death, panic from the transience (instantaneity) of one's being are symptoms of thanatophobia. The advice to "love life" in relation to such people is premature. It is necessary to understand why a person stopped loving her and focused all his attention on an event that would cross her out.

By the way, thanatophobia may indicate the presence of other psychoneurotic disorders - vegetative-vascular dystonia, for example. Diagnosis is always the result of an examination that can reveal a number of cause-and-effect relationships. At home, you can try to unravel a simple conflict knot through steps such as:

  • focusing on the issue of self-realization: identifying unused aspects that can be implemented, searching for an answer to the question “how do I really want to live, who do I want to be?”;
  • changing your life, taking into account “potential regrets”: what needs to be done so that in a few years you will not regret what you did / did not do;
  • understanding that death only enhances the value of life, providing all the opportunities for its sensual, emotional and other enrichment: to fill every moment with action, deed, feeling;
  • awareness of the "ripple effect": your good deeds will become a continuation of your life;
  • consolation can be found in religious movements, but this is reminiscent of an attempt to get away from resolving the issue, the denial of death, its “demortality”, which is not an adequate attitude towards it.

How to deal with the fear of death in order to become a winner?

But is it necessary to overcome thanatophobia? Among negative consequences its development is a gap social contacts, loneliness, depreciation of the motives and meaning of any activity, constant stress affects health and can lead to a serious illness that “confirms” the validity of fears (programming a life scenario).

Psychologists and psychotherapists believe that the panic fear of death is a psychological problem. It is hidden in the depths of the subconscious and is at the heart of almost all fears.

Fear of death is a natural state. Every living being has an instinct for self-preservation. But the panic fear of death, which contributes to the emergence of obsessive thoughts and vegetative crises, requires the attention of a psychotherapist.

“I’m 27, I have a fear of death” - this is how patients begin their “confession” during a session with a psychologist. Such a person is haunted by the fear of death.

What is the fear of death called? This phobia is called thanatophobia. It affects people belonging to the thinking type.

People who are haunted by the fear of death in VVD are mainly divided into two types: those who are afraid of dying themselves, and those who are afraid of the death of loved ones.


Thus, we can formulate the key to understanding this problem.

The Nature of Anxiety

A person suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia usually has a combination of several phobias. Most often, the following fears appear with VVD:

  1. Fear of going crazy with VVD.
  2. Fear of some disease.
  3. Metrophobia.
  4. Fear of the crowd.
  5. Agoraphobia.
  6. Fear of an attack.
  7. Thanatophobia.

Psychological factor

Psychology about the fear of death says the following: there is certain type people prone to this phobia. Tanatophobia is subject to:

  1. Extremely impressionable individuals.
  2. Persons characterized by anxiety, excitability.
  3. People with low self-esteem.
  4. Wicked personalities.
  5. Creative people (mainly musicians and artists).
  6. Reflective people.
  7. Selfish nature, intolerant of someone else's position.

Main reasons

A phobia, in which a person is haunted by the fear of dying, develops for various reasons. The main factors are given in the table.

Cause Description
Impressionability An obsessive state can be caused by watching crime news.
Fear of the unknown A person is tormented by the question of whether it is possible to die in a dream. Such a person may additionally suffer from OCD.
Religious beliefs There is a fear of being judged by God and being punished for one's sins.
crisis age Risk group - people 35-50 years old. The phobia develops against the backdrop of a reassessment of values.
Elderly age Fear of death occurs against the background of concomitant diseases.

Basic forms

Common forms of the disease are presented in the table.

Fear of losing control

It is observed in very anxious and suspicious people who believe in their own exclusivity. The fear of death is closely intertwined with this phobia and keeps a person in constant voltage. Sometimes the "background" may develop OCD.

Fear of cardiac arrest

Cardiophobia is a disorder fixed in children and adults. A person tries not to sleep on his left side, constantly monitors his health and considers any ailment serious reason for anxiety.

The result is that he constantly lives in terrible tension.

Against the backdrop of pregnancy

The fear of death before childbirth accompanies a complicated pregnancy. A woman is afraid to die and leave her child an orphan. There is also a fear of giving birth to a stillborn baby. If the birth ends safely, the young mother begins to worry about every cough of the child - it seems to her that he might die.

Children's fear of death is based on personal experiences.

How does a phobia manifest itself?

Thanatophobia is the most complex somatic disorder. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • palpitations;
  • "Jumps" BP;
  • nausea.

Panic attack with an attack of fear, death may be accompanied by increased urination or disorder of the stool. The person seems to be about to die. But it's not. The autonomic nervous system thus reacts to fears.

When thanatophobia progresses

In patients, thanatophobia is at its peak. The person falls into despair. Between attacks, which may come at any time, he is in a gloomy, depressed state.

Sometimes the time of the attack falls at night. Some patients are phobic when they are on the subway or at work. Additionally, there is a fear of losing control over oneself.

Additional symptoms

Negative emotions are accompanied by a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. The vessels begin to spasm. Arterial pressure“jumps” strongly, makes a person sick. If clinical picture manifests itself very brightly, it can tear.

Sometimes there is a feeling of lack of air.

Anxiety disorders

A person who is afraid of becoming dead tries to fight his obsessions on his own. Often he does it wrong, and they only get stronger.

He cannot relax, which leads to exhaustion. nervous system. There is a deterioration in blood circulation.

The patient, obsessed with feelings about the inevitability of death, is faced with the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • spasms of varying intensity.

Ulcers may appear on the mucous membranes.

Against the background of severe anxiety, the production of gastric juice is stimulated. This adversely affects the condition of its walls.

Appetite decreases, a person can lose weight dramatically. Often these symptoms contribute to the fact that a person is rooted in the idea that he is terminally ill.

What to do

Getting rid of the fear of death is a long process. This phobia is difficult to cure.

When illness is in initial stage, the specialist conducts differential diagnosis. After that, the severity of the disorder is established.

Then the patient is sent for a consultation with a pathopsychologist. The following points are explored:

  • defect depth;
  • depth of mental functions;
  • definition of the method of assistance.

If the clinical picture is very pronounced, the patient is prescribed hypnotics and tranquilizers. The goal of therapy is to get rid of insomnia and reduce stress levels.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive techniques help control negative emotions and contribute to the change of wrong thinking. This helps to reduce premature fear, which develops into panic attacks.

These techniques help a person who has a thought of death to learn to exercise control over their condition and change the fatal perception of panic. The duration of the attack is shortened, and its effect on the general emotional condition decreases.

At the consultation, the patient is given an individual scheme of tasks. The prognosis depends on how actively he fulfills them. This technique is called "learning". A person learns to resist bad emotions.

Medical therapy

If the panic fear of death is uncontrollable, the patient is prescribed potent drugs. The most effective hypnotics are presented in the table.

Independent work

The treatment of the fear of death should be combined with independent work. It consists in the fact that a person must understand the following:

  1. Life is cyclical.
  2. The memory of the person remains.
  3. You can't keep your feelings to yourself.
  4. It is recommended to use life while there is such an opportunity.
  5. It is important to look at everything with optimism.
  6. You need to decide on your worldview.
  7. Everything in the world should be treated with humor.

Awareness of the cycle of life

Man must understand that everything in nature has a clear cycle. First we are born, then we are given a certain segment. It ends with death. This is a natural process, no one has managed to avoid it yet.

“A person is not just mortal, he is sometimes suddenly mortal,” says a famous literary character. This thought scares a lot of people. Nothing can be done here. Even despite the precautions taken, no one is immune from death during accidents.

Memory remains

A person continues to live in the memories of his relatives and friends. The kinder and more attentive he will treat them, the warmer their memories will be. One of the reasons for fear is the “uselessness” of a person. Therefore, you should try to do as many good deeds as possible.

A change of environment and type of activity has a beneficial effect on a person. He may not notice how he stopped being afraid, and painful thoughts left him alone.

Don't keep your feelings to yourself

Looping on your experiences is a vicious circle.

Use life

A strong fear of death will recede if you stop being afraid of life. Get out of your comfort zone and do something new. If possible, you need to change your job, or improve your skills, which will allow you to apply for a promotion in the future.

You need to try to realize your abilities. It is recommended to constantly look for new experiences. If it is not possible to go on a trip, you should go for a bike ride at least once a week. The route must be different each time. You can ride alone or with someone together.

optimistic view

Thoughts tend to materialize. If a person constantly sets himself up for negativity, then the “program” embedded in the body can “target” at self-destruction.

A positive outlook is not euphoria and delight. Positive attitudes inherent in many self-confident people, politicians, businessmen.

Having learned positive outlook, a person will be able to change his life attitudes and fully experience the joy of being. Thanatophobia will recede, and the person will forever part with these thoughts.

Decide on a mindset

Reliance on materialism or on one or another creed allows you to have a clear position and has a calming effect. As a result, a person develops a special opinion regarding death.

If materialism is close to him, he begins to understand biological nature alive, learns what happens in the process of dying and learns to take it for granted. Faith helps to understand the mystical meaning of death. All creeds say that nothing ends with the death of the physical shell. Man already exists in some "other dimension".

No fear of death

The instinct of self-preservation and the fear of death are almost identical concepts. If a person does not feel the fear of death, this is not normal. This deviation is typical for:

  1. People who lack empathy.
  2. Individuals whose empathy mechanism is at a very low level.
  3. People prone to misanthropy.
  4. Persons with no or reduced sense of physical danger.

Such people lack satisfaction when communicating with both their species and wildlife. Often they have a lower threshold of perception pain. Also, the fear of death is reduced or absent in individuals prone to sadism and other criminal inclinations.


Thanatophobia is a psychological disorder that can be treated. In minors, it is diagnosed and treated easier and faster.

A black figure with indistinct outlines and a gleaming scythe tip slowly but surely moves towards its victim... This is how the personified image of death looks in fairy tales and movies. This is an image that makes a person freeze, frightening with its incomprehensibility, darkness, uncertainty. These epithets logically explain the phobia of death: people are most often afraid of what they do not know. To dispel the fear of death, let us attempt to fill in the gaps in knowledge about it.

Future beyond the line last words, a sigh and a beating heart, a person sees vaguely: fantastic pictures of paradise, a world in which everything is possible, an instant process of reincarnation or emptiness. The rapid development of science has not made it possible to look beyond the veil between life and death. But attempts to implement this were not completely futile. Psychologists, philosophers, spiritual leaders had their own guesses and theories about the issue of death.

Psychoanalytic views of Sigmund Freud

The famous Austrian connoisseur of human souls, Freud, singled out two forces in the structure of the psyche: the craving for life - Eros, and the destructive drive for death - Thanatos. In his opinion, these opposites are in constant confrontation, alternately winning and losing. In the end, the power that names the ancient Greek god of death prevails. But who knows, maybe only for visible world the creature dies, and the existing other planes of existence give a chance to utter a victory cry to Eros.

Thanatophobia as an exaggerated instinct to preserve life

Desire to avoid a poisonous snake, spider or wild beast, instinctive withdrawal of a hand from hot objects, a food reflex - all such phenomena in a living organism indicate the healthy operation of the self-preservation mechanism. Pathology begins with excess. It can manifest itself in the following states:

  • Obsessive frightening thoughts about possible own death.
  • Prolonged depression due to saying goodbye to someone close.
  • Gerontophobia (horror from imagining oneself in old age).
  • Aversion to objects and phenomena that remind of death: funeral processions, cemeteries, images of a skull, skeleton.

How to stop being afraid?

Depending on the underlying cause that gave rise to fear, you need to go a separate way to overcome it. The trigger mechanism of a phobia can lie on the surface and become apparent to a person in the process of self-observation. In advanced cases, the patient needs a personal consultation with a psychoanalyst. If you periodically worry about anxiety for your life, you should listen to the list psychological advice to kill anxiety at the bud, preventing it from developing into a severe phobia.

  1. Learn more about death. Gradually replenish the treasury of facts about burial traditions in different cultures, about the representation of the image of death in the works of artists and writers, and get acquainted with the views of scientists.
  2. Don't try to look into the future. You need to fully live in the state of "here and now." Panic tends to manifest itself before any event, and other emotions dominate directly during it. For example, the excitement before a performance is replaced by exciting inspiration on stage. So it is with regard to death: do not give in to meaningless experiences. Even Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: why be afraid - if others have gone through a certain event, then you can too.
  3. Find your spiritual path. To perceive religious teachings is not fanatical, but as philosophical collections of advice for all occasions. Fear of death may indicate spiritual emptiness. It doesn't matter what spiritual practice you prefer to quench your thirst. Almost all religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam bring comfort with the promise of eternal life. Religion at its core effective method psychotherapy. Fascinating will be acquaintance with the beliefs of the ancient Slavs and other nationalities. Wise Indians consider death not a disappearance, but a transition between worlds.
  4. Move from dreams to action. The fear of death arises if a person does not have time to realize his desires. Immediately begin to fulfill the most daring cherished goals, but not to the detriment of others. Taste new dishes, travel (at least to the neighboring area), learn to play the violin or pipe, in general, do not sit still. One should be afraid not of the end of life, but of empty, gray everyday life.
  5. Make your public contribution. Leave something behind: find your continuation in children, art objects or other socially useful activities. It makes no sense to be afraid of the end, because life continues in the memory of subsequent generations, in the impact on the future.
  6. Find the benefit of thinking about death. A Latin proverb says: remember death. Philosophical reflections on it are useful, but without fear. This will allow you to live relaxed, with greater intensity.
  7. See beauty in death. The embodiment of this advice is the goth subculture. The aesthetization of death among the representatives of the movement is expressed in the adoration of black, pale skin, in love for funerary architecture, crosses. The image of the angel of the hour of death is fanned by them with romance, and frequent visits to cemeteries speak of their fearlessness in the face of death. Gothic is not just a fashion, it is a whole system of thinking. Find ready friends, and you will realize that many useful qualities can be learned from these gloomy guys.
  8. Art therapy method. Draw frightening fantasies and then add elements to the image to make the drawing funny, beautiful or funny.
  9. Awaken your exploratory curiosity. Aren't you wondering what awaits us "There"? But know the measure: do not rush headlong to the roof of a high-rise building and indulge in free flight. Life is no less exciting game, first enjoy it to the fullest.
  10. Love death. Let all-conquering force love will turn an old woman with a scythe into a good companion and adviser. Do not forget to love yourself and everything that surrounds you, then you will not know fear of anything in the world. This fundamental principle will become the key to a happy and fulfilling existence.

Do not forget to love yourself and everything that surrounds you, then you will not know fear of anything in the world. This fundamental principle will become the key to a happy and fulfilling existence.

Fear of death (thanatophobia) is an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in an uncontrolled and obsessive experience of the unknown or the painful process associated with passing away. Moreover, these fears are of an inexplicable nature for the client himself and often do not have real reasons(diagnosable disease, hostilities, etc.). But, most often, thanatophobia is interested in the context of how to get rid of the fear of death. Let's try to figure this out.

In general, the fear of death is inherent in all mentally. healthy people. It is due, on the one hand, to the uncertainty and uncertainty that death itself brings. On the other hand, it is the inherent desire of any living organism to survive.

However, not everyone develops thanatophobia. Ordinary experiences are always associated with conscious “starting points”: a car flashed by or you celebrated your next birthday as a “sad holiday” of approaching retirement. But, having plunged into the whirlpool of daily affairs, such thoughts fade into the background.

In the case of a pathological disorder, there is a constant fear of death and obsessive anxiety. Moreover, it is not associated with specific events, it is associated with very delayed events, or this connection is not realized. That is, a person can wake up with a feeling of anxiety, which is not caused by anything. A tragic event can provoke a return to the topic of fear of death for many years, or the client cannot clearly remember at all: when and why he had the first attack of a strong experience.

As for the fear of death in VVD, the manifestations will be somewhat different and rather resemble panic attack, which is joined by external manifestations: trembling, numbness of the limbs, shortness of breath, dizziness, incoordination, increased heart rate.


The first experiences of the fear of death and thoughts on how to overcome it appear at the age of three to five years and are associated with the formation and development of a small personality and the discovery of the finiteness of biological existence. But, in the vast majority, overcoming the fear of death occurs after communicating with close significant adults (mom, dad or guardian). The kid psychologically has not yet completely left the custody of stronger personalities, and the option helps him when "he will definitely be protected, even from death."

In the case of true thanatophobia, the fear of illness and death can manifest itself in the form of:

Although, some patients, especially at the first appointment, cannot indicate a specific manifestation, and thanatophobia manifests itself in them in the form of an emotional outburst and poorly verbalized sensations. That is why it is impossible to be alone with this problem.

A psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist, before raising the question of how to get rid of the fear of death and anxiety, will help to express it in words, and, therefore, translate an abstract concept into something real. And that means something that has a reason and what exactly is worth working with.


In general, the fear of death can have different reasons. Many scientists talk about genetic predisposition; sociologists - about the influence of society; gynecologists and obstetricians note the relationship with hormonal changes in the body; but psychologists and psychiatrists will tend to believe that the fear of death is a psychological problem.

The first of the frequently cited reasons is personal negative experience contact with death. In this case, personal fears, as well as the fear of death of loved ones, are an adequate temporary response of the psyche to a traumatic situation. But for the development of thanatophobia in this case, an additional predisposition is still needed: increased personal anxiety, accompanying phobias. And, if in the first case, time heals. Then, in the case of pathology, time will further exacerbate experiences, transfer them to the area of ​​debilitating, obsessive anxiety.

The best difference can be seen after a few months. In its usual manifestation, grief provokes compensatory actions: a person begins to actively try to resist, gets involved in work, rearranges plans and reconsiders his share of responsibility, thus internally “protesting” against the inevitable. In the case of thanatophobia, there is an even greater decrease in performance, constant worries, a depressed state, a change in sleep. And this is a reason to definitely turn to a specialist.

Russian scientists and sociologists different countries V Lately increasingly point to the influence of society in the formation of phobias. Even the concept of "hypnotization by death" was introduced. The point of this approach is that the means mass media they constantly dump on a person information about someone's deaths, tragedies and catastrophes, forcing a person to think about the possibility and find himself in the same situation. For some it turns into unbearable burden the theme of "how will I die." Bursts of such mass hysteria are observed at the moments of the alleged universal apocalypse: the millennium, the end of the Mayan calendar and similar things.

It is worth saying that in the case under consideration, those individuals who spend a lot of time listening to this information on TV or finding it on the Internet are most susceptible to influence: housewives, elderly people, teenagers. Therefore, you should be attentive to situations when your parents, wife or children are trying to start a conversation on such topics and be sure to consult a psychologist.

A number of psychotherapists talk about the possibility of developing thanatophobia in parallel with a personality crisis, especially a midlife crisis. Life starts to feel like running vicious circle”, there arises “existential anxiety” or the idea of ​​“threatening and imminent non-existence”. As a result, everything in this world loses its attractiveness and meaning.

It is also noted the possibility of the formation of a fear of death, as a fear of punishment in case of a sinful life in religious people or as a fear of not managing the situation in people who are overly pedantic, super-responsible and disciplined, striving for control and planning, as well as in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thanatophobia can be a component of a great phobia in front of the unknown, everything new and unusual.

Separately, it is worth mentioning thanatophobia and the fear of the death of a loved one (child) in prenatal and postpartum period among women. It develops, according to doctors, against the background of hormonal changes in the body. And it is most pronounced in women who have toxicosis or problems with bearing. As concomitant factors are called psychological moments: quarrels with her husband, parents, unsettled life and many other personal shocks. A vivid example of such a disease was described in the novel Anna Karenina, where the main character constantly had obsessive dreams about her death during childbirth.

Also, 99.5% of the interviewed women, whose pregnancy was desired, stated anxiety about the possibility of the death of the baby in the first months of life: women periodically listened to the child's breathing. For many, this also developed into stronger and more debilitating phobias: they were worried about the possible end of the world and the inability to save their baby; his personal death and leaving the child “to the mercy of fate”, “without the opportunity to break through in life”.

How to get rid

How to get rid of the fear of death of loved ones and your own in this case? Certainly complex. Since we are talking about variations here, it is necessary to consult both a gynecologist and a psychologist specializing in such topics. If such thoughts arise even at the beginning of childbirth, then you should definitely choose such specialists for yourself! In this case, they will accompany the woman throughout the pregnancy and help her in the postpartum period. Perhaps the expectant mother will pick up mild sedative medications that do not affect the fetus. And this should not be afraid. But self-treatment with all sorts of "grandmother's decoctions" and folk tinctures can lead to unexpected and sad consequences, for which none of the "good advisers" will then be held responsible.

We should also not forget that such constant and debilitating phobic experiences often cause breakups and family dramas. A woman is not able to fully assess her condition and cannot agree with a sharp assessment of her "strange" behavior, considering herself deprived of support. In turn, the wife’s constant “decadent mood” begins to irritate the spouse, causing a desire to “listen less to this nonsense”, which further aggravates the situation and can lead to extreme and dangerous forms disorders. For example, the fear of a possible death can be so frightening that patients resort to a completely illogical solution to the situation - suicidal attempts, thus getting rid of the “expectation of death” by death itself.

Touching on this topic, I would also like to note that the fear of death can change somewhat. In the case of women in childbirth, it can transform into a fear of childbirth (since this is a life-threatening event); in the case of adolescents and children - fear of tombstones, cemeteries, graves. For many, fear transforms into fear of the dead or even the sight of their own blood. However, let us once again pay attention to the fact that only obsessive experiences are pathological anyway. For example, a person begins to be afraid to even go outside, so as not to face a situation where you can bleed.

So, you realized that you or a loved one have a fear of death. What to do, if:

  • there is a decrease in social contacts;
  • it is impossible to carry out daily activities;
  • sleep changes, apathy haunts;
  • additional diseases caused by stress join;
  • there is a desire to “drown out” all this with alcohol, drugs or pills?


There is only one answer - immediately contact a specialist. Start a trip to a psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist: depending on your degree of trust in a particular specialist. If necessary, he will appoint additional consultations with other doctors. And only they will consider the possibility of parallel drug support. Just don't self-medicate!

As can be seen from the article, the root causes and manifestations of such a phobia for each person will be different. So what helped your friend or neighbor may not necessarily help you! This is especially true for any medication. It is not uncommon for women to start taking pills “on the advice” that are categorically contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, unaware of their condition. Another example: one patient (73 years old) took pills “for fear of death” that her friend advised her for more than a month, while they were actually used in the treatment of hypertension. It turns out that this very friend had an attack of "fear of death" against the background of a sharp increase in pressure. Naturally, the described patient also ended up in the hospital a month later, having reduced her pressure to critical levels.

As for non-drug therapy, the already mentioned psychologist or psychotherapist will definitely tell you how to deal with the fear of death. There are a number of approaches to a similar problem and you will be offered the option that will help you. Techniques based on a rational approach focus on the verbalization of experiences, understanding what will happen in the event of death itself and comparing this with what life without fear can give.

Some methods are built, on the contrary, on the possibility of internal, sensual processing of experiences. For example, the patient is brought to a tiny piece of paper called "death point", inviting them to stand on it and describe their sensations. The "path" is carried out in such a way that as a result, at the very point, the patient feels only calmness with surprise, thus achieving a kind of insight. There are also options for using associative maps and other techniques that allow you to refer to abstract images, identifying the root causes and working out ways out of the current situation.

Comparing different approaches on how to get rid of the fear of death in VVD, first of all, it is mentioned the need not to suppress the physiological manifestations of a panic attack: if a person starts to tremble, then it is worth specially imitating more. In addition, mentally thank your body for "such sensitive reactions for self-preservation." And also go to a specialist for more detailed work.

Thanatophobia or fear of death is enough frequent occurrence. It is associated with many reasons and is even divided into subgroups according to this principle. The fear of death is an absolutely normal side of life, because no one wants to leave our world prematurely. But sometimes he goes beyond reason, becomes intrusive and just gets in the way. normal life. This condition usually requires the help of specialists.

Reasons and possible complications there can be a lot of thanatophobia, so it is very important to correctly diagnose and choose correct methods combat this phobia. You need to understand that a person who is absolutely not afraid of death is also an unhealthy phenomenon, so it is not always necessary to get rid of this fear. It is simply important to ensure that this fear is healthy and does not exceed the limits of prudent caution.

What is the fear of death?

It's okay to be afraid of death, someone is afraid to leave the familiar world or cease to exist, someone is afraid of the process of dying itself and the sensations associated with it, someone is simply afraid. But as long as this fear does not interfere with normal life, it cannot be considered a phobia. There have been many studies on the nature of this fear, and they have shown interesting results, for example, women are more afraid of death than men. Rather, this is due to women's greater ability to acknowledge their fears and women's greater responsibility towards loved ones who will have to leave when they die.

Some contradiction has long been noticed in the study of the fear of death among young people and the elderly. Turns out, young people are much more afraid of death than the elderly, for whom death is much closer. In fact, this is absolutely natural, young people have a lot of plans ahead and they do not want to refuse to implement them. In addition, they are more afraid of the painful sensations that accompany death.

Old people in the majority manage to do everything planned, they only have fading ahead of them, so the prospect of a near end scares them less. In addition, many elderly people suffer from various diseases and death seems to them to be a relief from problems and illnesses. Elderly hospice patients suffer very little from the fear of death, this is due to the fact that they receive support there, including psychological support, from the staff and come to terms with the need to leave this world soon.

Forms of fear of death

To say that a person is afraid of death is not enough, since the forms of this fear are very different from person to person. different people. There are a lot of facts related to death that are much more frightening than death itself, they need to be considered and studied in more detail.

Fear of the unknown also not rare. After all, no one knows what death really is and whether there is something after it. It is impossible to understand death, since no one has yet come to life and told how it is. Therefore, like any unknown, death frightens and repels.

Fear of complete disappearance or eternal punishment. These fears are usually imposed by religion, because most of the religions common to us claim that after death sinners will be punished, and since the concept of sin is not entirely specific, punishment can await almost any person. Atheists, in turn, believe that there is no afterlife, so they fear the complete disappearance of themselves. Not a single person can imagine how it is not to exist and not to think, therefore it is frightening.

Fear of losing control characterized by very collected and disciplined people. They cannot come to terms with death as an uncontrollable phenomenon and therefore are afraid of it. They may also develop a fear of illness or hypochondria, since the disease is also not always subject to people.

Fears related to relatives or mental suffering- a separate type of insurance. Often people are afraid to die because after they leave, there will be no one to take care of children or sick relatives. Often such people are afraid of separation from their loved ones and therefore they are very afraid of sudden death.

Fear of dying also often scares people. The very process of dying is frightening, which can be very painful, as well as the situation when you have to die, for example, in a hospital alone without the opportunity to say goodbye to your relatives.

Reasons for the development of fear of death

There can be many reasons why we suddenly begin to fear death. In every specific case its own reason, but most of them can be divided into several conditional groups.

The transition of life from one phase to another or the transition to new stage development. Very often, the fear of death appears in the so-called crisis or transitional ages. The first questions about death, and as a result, fear, appear in children at the age of four to six years. Then the emergence of such fears is most likely at the age of ten to twelve, as well as seventeen to twenty-four and from thirty-five to fifty-five years. The older a person gets, the less likely they are to develop a fear of death.

The second reason - increased anxiety. People with high level Anxiety often suffer from unreasonable and in particular from the fear of death. Even if everything is fine in their life, they will find reasons to be afraid. For example, fear of losing your well-being due to sudden death.

Another one common cause fear of death - crisis of faith. Most people, even atheists, have their own beliefs about what happens after death. If these beliefs are suddenly lost, doubts come and, as a result, fear of death.

Loss of health, income, opportunities also often provoke the appearance of fear of death. This usually happens after 40-50 years. A person feels that youth and health are leaving, old age is coming and the end is approaching, which one really does not want. This is one of the causes of the midlife crisis and the fear of death.

When Fear Turns into Phobia...

The fear of death is absolutely normal as long as it does not overstep the boundaries of self-preservation. For example, it is he who makes us buckle up in cars, not jump off cliffs and not do other stupid things. Normal fear makes us care about our well-being and what we will leave behind on earth.

But, if the fear of death goes beyond the limits of normality, it can become a real problem and a burden. Such a fear is called thanatophobia, and usually it is not easy to cope with it without the help of a psychotherapist. Thanatophobia leaves its mark on all decisions made by a person, and can make him inactive and lethargic, since "why do something, anyway, I'll die soon."

The other extreme is the desire to do everything and try everything before an imminent death. In addition, a person can simply stop doing something, shackled by the fear of dying at any moment. In such situations, help is needed immediately.

Thanatophobia is often accompanied by related disorders, for example, necrophobia - fear of everything related to the dead and burial. Even the sight of a tombstone or a ritual basket of flowers can frighten such a person.

How to get rid of thanatophobia (Video)

The treatment used for thanatophobia is highly dependent on the severity of the condition and the goals of the patient. Depending on the circumstances, treatment may begin with cognitive-behavioral therapy, but other methods are also used, including medication.

The difficulty of treating the fear of death lies in the fact that it is not associated with any specific provoking factors, for example, like or arachnophobia. The fear of death can haunt you constantly, regardless of the environment. Often fears intensify at night, in the dark.

But recover from obsessive fear death is possible and The first step is acknowledging the problem. It is necessary to gather strength and analyze all your fears, it is even advisable to write them down on paper. It is difficult and unpleasant to do this, but it is necessary. After that, when fears appear and discomfort, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for their occurrence. Gradually, patients realize that their fears have no foundation.

Very important way The treatment for thanataphobia is hypnosis. Depending on the complexity of the situation, a different number of hypnosis sessions may be needed, but on average, after 6-8 sessions, patients completely forget about their fears. If the fear of death is accompanied by depression, sometimes you have to use drug treatment and prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants to patients.