Unbearable burden: how many kg can a woman lift. Is it possible for a woman to lift weights: how many kilograms can a woman lift, allowable weight

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to protect the health of workers, limits the employment of certain categories of citizens when carrying heavy loads.

Chapter 41. Article 253

... It is forbidden to use the labor of women in work related to lifting and manually moving loads that exceed the maximum allowable norms for them.

The lists of industries, jobs and positions with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, where the use of women's labor is limited, and the maximum allowable load standards for women when lifting and moving weights manually are approved in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations (as amended by the Federal Law of June 30, 2006 N 90-FZ - Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 27, Art. 2878).

Chapter 42. Article 265

… Carrying and moving by workers under the age of

Eighteen years of burdens in excess of those established for them

limit norms. The list of jobs where it is prohibited to use the labor of workers under the age of eighteen, as well as the maximum norms of gravity, are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations.

The norms of maximum permissible loads for women when lifting and moving weights manually were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 6, 1993 and include the following requirements: when lifting and moving weights in cases where the work performed alternates with other work (up to 2 times per hour), the maximum allowable the weight of the load is 10 kg; when lifting and moving weights constantly during the shift - 7 kg; the amount of dynamic work performed during each hour of a work shift should not exceed: from the working surface - 1750 kgm, from the floor - 875 kgm.

The mass of the lifted and moved cargo includes the weight of tare and packaging. When moving goods on trolleys or in containers, the applied force should not exceed 10 kg. These standards are mandatory for application from the moment they are put into effect when developing design documentation by design, engineering and technological organizations. From the same time, the norms must also be observed at work where lifting and moving heavy loads by hand is not due to technological processes or features of the machines and equipment used.

As for organizations where the application of these standards requires preliminary measures to mechanize the work performed by women, they are allowed to gradually introduce the rules for carrying and moving loads manually.

The norms approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 27, 1982 provide for in cases of lifting and moving weights manually when alternating this work with another, the maximum allowable weight of 15 kg, with constant lifting and moving weights during a work shift and when lifting weights on height over 1.5 m-10 kg. The total weight of goods moved during a work shift should not exceed 7000 kg. The load rate includes the weight of tare and packaging. When moving goods on trolleys or containers, the applied reinforcement is only allowed within 15 kg. Limits for carrying and moving heavy loads by persons under the age of 18 approved. by a mandatory decree of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the RSFSR of March 4, 1921 and are: for male adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 16.4 kg, for female adolescents from 16 to 18 years old - 10.25 kg. At the same time, it was established that the carrying and movement of weights by adolescents of both sexes within the specified norms is allowed only in those cases if they are directly related to the permanent professional work performed by the adolescent and take up no more than a third of their working time. Persons under the age of 18 should in no case be assigned to work consisting solely in carrying or moving heavy objects weighing more than 4.1 kg.

Restrictions on lifting and carrying weights for males are established by the rules for conducting loading and unloading operations. In accordance with the Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools (SP, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 23, 2003, and the Guidelines for the Hygienic Assessment of Factors in the Working Environment and the Labor Process. Criteria and classification of working conditions (R 2.2.2006-05), approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on July 29, 2005 (the specified regulatory legal acts have the highest legal force in comparison with POT RM 007-98), the maximum allowable weight of the load when lifting and moving (one-time) gravity when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) for men is: up to 15 kg (optimal working conditions - light physical activity);

Up to 30 kg (permissible working conditions - average physical activity); up to 35 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 1st degree); more than 35 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 2nd degree), and the maximum allowable weight of cargo for men when lifting and moving (one-time) gravity constantly during a work shift is: up to 5 kg (optimal working conditions - light physical activity); up to 15 kg (permissible working conditions - average physical activity); up to 20 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 1st degree); more than 20 kg (harmful working conditions - hard work of the 2nd degree).

Women are called the weaker sex. Agree, it's kind of weird. Especially when you are a mom. Let's calculate: the weight of the baby (who asks for handles) in clothes is from 5 to 15 kilograms, the weight of the stroller is from 7 to 20 kilograms. That is, in the ideal case, with a newborn baby, you lift 13 kilograms every day, and mothers of grown children can lift 35 kilos when the stroller is rolled up the stairs or to fit into an uncomfortable turn or bypass a car driver who put his raspberries on the sidewalk. How much is a woman really allowed to lift? It turns out that these norms exist and are fully spelled out in the legislation.

What weights can a woman lift

The Ministry of Health has an unequivocal opinion on the number of weights that a woman can lift: up to 7 kilograms of constant weight during a work shift. That is, continuous wear up to 8 hours.

A weight of 10 kilograms can be lifted and moved only twice an hour. And for the entire work shift, according to the norms of the Ministry of Health, it is permissible for a woman to move up to 350 kilograms of total weight, and if this weight needs to be taken from the floor, then no more than 175 kilograms. Thus, if your baby weighs 10 kilograms, you can take him in your arms twice an hour! Of course, if it was your job. But the work of a mother is not standardized and, of course, you raise your baby much more often.

What about pregnant women? It turns out that the Ministry of Health has recommendations on this matter as well. The maximum pregnant woman can carry up to 3 kilos, and lift from the floor - no more than 5 kg.

What to do? As an option - wear the baby in a sling if he is very "tame". The fact is that a baby tightly drawn and correctly placed in a sling scarf evenly distributes weight and relieves the load from arms and lower back alone. It is these parts of the body that "fall off" when you carry a treasure in your arms, aren't they?

And, of course, let dad carry the baby. Unlike women, the allowable weight for men is 40 kilograms. So, the Ministry of Health recommends using dads as “hands on!” for a child.

Photo: shutterstock, depositphotos

How much can a person lift? February 13th, 2017

There is such a photo circulating on the net, under which they usually write that it is the Kazakh wrestler Baluan Sholak holding a bull weighing 816 kg.

Of course, all this information has come down to us from legends, but maybe before people were really much stronger. Is it really possible from a scientific point of view for a person to lift such a weight? I quickly "googled" and found out that there was one person who lifted a generally fantastic 2800 kg.

Don't believe? Let's go under the cat...

To begin with, let's decide that the photo is still not Baluan Sholak, but some kind of Mongol.

The photo is quite modern, and the bull in the photo weighs about 100-120 kg. But Baluan Sholak lived in the 19th century. Here is the information about him.

In 1864, a son was born in the Baimurza family from the Sambet clan. The baby was named Nurmagambet. It so happened that in childhood the child injured his hand, disfiguring his fingers. Since then, they called him Sholak - fingerless. Sholak spent his childhood and youth in Kokchetav, where his father made a living by making wooden handicrafts. The father worked tirelessly, and the family did not need anything. Young Sholak already then had a daring disposition, was in no way inferior to the older boys, selflessly fought and fought, was a ringleader in everything. Possessing extraordinary strength and agility, he had no equal in any competition.

Already in his youth, Sholak became famous as an invincible wrestler and was awarded the honorary title of Baluan. Baluan Sholak was not inferior to anyone in horse riding, demonstrating real circus tricks: he stood on a horse at full gallop, circling in the saddle, he could sit down on a horse’s belly without reins ... But the main hobby of the horse rider was singing, playing the dombra. He sings the songs of Birzhan and Akhan-Sere, so much so that they told about it all over the steppe. Baluan Sholak easily held a log with twenty horsemen on his shoulders, at the age of 35 he lifted weights of 51 pounds (816 kg) at fairs and, of course, fought well, justifying his nickname Baluan - a wrestler.

Already at the age of 14, the future strongman overcame 20-year-old boys. At competitions in Omsk, on the occasion of the arrival of the heir to Tsar Baluan, Sholak put the famous wrestler Sevres on his shoulder blades. At the age of 49, our hero at the Koyandinskaya fair accepted the challenge of the famous strongman Karon and during the duel broke his rib. They say that Haji Mukan himself wanted to measure his strength with Baluan Sholak, but, having got to know him better, he abandoned this idea. Even greater glory was brought to the hero by his songs. Having lived only 55 years, he left behind dozens of songs: "Galia", "September", "Taldy-Kul", "Saryn" and others. And this despite the fact that the work of akyn has not yet been sufficiently studied. Baluan Sholak traveled around the villages, gathered gifted youth around him, even organized an "ensemble". For the first time, the steppes hear familiar songs in choral performance, they are surprised at the well-coordinated playing of several dombras.

At twenty-six, Sholak already had a real troupe, which included dombra players, singers, storytellers, riders and wrestlers. Sholak himself sang songs and demonstrated his colossal strength - he broke horseshoes, fought with several horsemen at once, lifted incredible weights. Baluan Sholak had a special relationship with women: he was always fond of beauties and, as befits a poet, was amorous. Bright appearance, prowess, incredible power, strong voice made the akyn the most desirable man in the steppe. But only one woman left an indelible mark on his life. Her name was Galia. And she was the daughter of a wealthy Argyn merchant Tleu. The tall, fair-faced beauty, as a child, was betrothed to the wealthy but unloved Birzhan. She married him. And then Baluan Sholak met her. The lovers met in secret. Until the deceived husband found out about it. Severely beaten, wearing only a shirt, Galia returns to her parents' house. Baluan Sholak was ready to marry his beloved. But the offended husband, through the court of biys, demanded the return of the kalym.

Monument to Baluan Sholak in the village of Tole Bi, Shui district, Zhambyl region.

Not believing the judges, the batyr went to Kokchetav to collect the required amount of cattle. In Kokchetav, he was accused of stealing cattle, and he ended up in prison, while Galiya won the court case. Now she was free, but nothing is known about her beloved. Steppe rumors convey different things to her: Baluan Sholak fled, he is a polygamist, and now a convict, driven to Siberia forever ... Galia is in despair, at the behest of her father, she marries again. Now she is the second wife of a famous person in the city. And Baluan's friends agreed to transfer him to the prison of the city where Galiya lived. Akyn himself is not himself, waiting for a meeting with his beloved. It was then that the most famous song of Baluan Sholak was born - "Galia". But Sholak and Galiya never found family happiness. Baluan Sholak remained a favorite of fellow countrymen until the end of his life. He fought against injustice, and each of his noble deeds aroused admiration among the people. On the eve of the October Revolution, the batyr helped the Bolsheviks hide in the villages, supplied them with horses, helped them in every possible way.

Until the end of his life, Baluan Sholak was not afraid of anyone and always helped the weak and disadvantaged. His songs are often heard in concerts and on the radio today. About Baluan Sholak, singer, composer, famous wrestler, Sabit Mukanov wrote a story, and now the Sports Palace built in 1967 in Almaty is named after him.

Is it really possible to lift that much weight?

People who are seriously interested in bodybuilding most likely know what was the biggest weight lifted by a person, and who did it. We are talking about the famous strongman Paul Anderson, who in the middle of the last century was considered the strongest man in the world and was called the "crane" in the press.

Paul Anderson was born in 1932, and started training with a barbell when he was 20 years old. The largest ever lifted by a man was recorded in 1957. It was a bar with "pancakes", the total mass of which was 2,844 kg. (during one of the speeches, he tore off his shoulders from the racks). And Anderson's record has not yet been beaten by any weightlifter.

In the early 50s. of the last century, the athlete began to perform in the professional arena. Moreover, a case is known when in one of the nightclubs in Las Vegas he squatted three times with a barbell, the weight of which was 526 kg. And for Anderson, this was not unusual - after all, squats with weights were his favorite exercise.

But the athlete did not like the bench press too much. However, this did not prevent him from achieving excellent results here as well. In particular, Paul could press 136 kg with his right hand 11 times, and do the same with his left hand 7 times.

At professional demonstrations of strength, Anderson managed to tear off the platform and lift 1600 kg to his knees. In addition, he performs an incomplete squat - “short squat” with a weight of 952.5 kg, walks with 700 kg on his chest and squats by all the rules with 590 kg.

After the Olympics, Anderson announced that he was leaving amateur sports, believing that tournaments were too exhausting physically and mentally. He began to give performances with numbers with a demonstration of strength in various US cities. In powerlifting, he showed the following results: squats with a weight of 544.5 kg, bench press - 284 kg and deadlift - 371 kg (with straps-453.5 kg), (without equipment and doping). Anderson also performed an incomplete squat with a weight of 952.5 kg, and during one of the performances, he tore off a weight of 2,844 kg with his shoulders from the racks. He could hold weights of 127 kg each with his little fingers outstretched. Squeezed out with one hand standing dumbbell weighing 172.5 kg.

There was also this famous person:

The fair sex should not carry heavy things, insists the Ministry of Health of Belarus. How many kilograms were allowed to lift a beautiful lady in our country?

For some women, the work is literally hard, that is, during the work shift, she has to carry goods, boxes, and carry heavy bags. If such work is allowed, then the relevant regulations must be observed. The Ministry of Health has determined the norms for lifting weights manually for women, the text of the document is published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

No more than 7 kilograms can be lifted and move constantly during the work shift. In total, during each hour, the mass of goods moved from the working surface should not exceed 350 kilograms, from the floor - 175 kg.

When alternating with other work, lifting and moving weights is allowed up to 2 times per hour no more than 10 kg. By the way, housewives, take note of this norm: it is harmful to carry bags from the store over 10 kilograms.

As a correspondent was assured in the Minsk City Administration of the Department of State Labor Inspection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, violations of the norms for moving heavy loads do not occur often. The number of complaints is small, and the results of inspections indicate that women in the capital are not offended by overwork.

Employers must be held accountable for compliance with working conditions. For example, at Belpochta, the majority of employees are women. They have to deliver a large number of letters, newspapers and parcels every day. As told at the enterprise, the work of postmen is built in such a way that a female postman takes no more than 7 kilograms with her in one pass. Smashed - returned, took the next pack of correspondence. Heavy parcels are delivered by car, brought to the apartment by several people.

Knowing the specifics of the work of the same sellers, it is hard to believe that they never have to lift objects more than 10 kilograms. This is not to mention the rural workers. Conclusion: our women are patient and hardy, they will not complain about a difficult lot. But they have a right.

Dear ladies, if you are forced to carry items overweight, you can safely file a complaint. These issues are within the competence of the territorial subdivisions of the Department of State Labor Inspection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus. If your problem requires the intervention of other structures of the Ministry of Labor, the application will be redirected on a one-stop basis. Just stock up on facts, witnesses and patience for the trial.

Olga Artishevskaya