It is better for women not to live in the country. In which countries do women live well? The ancient Greek sage Thales of Miletus thanked the gods three times every morning

Depending on the country in which a person lives, his ideas about beauty can vary greatly. Attractiveness can look completely different for everyone! As a result, what in one country seems to be a physical defect is considered charming in another. Here is a selection of the most amazing features that may look seductive in some states.

Crooked teeth

In the Western world, straight teeth in a row are considered the definition of a perfect smile, and it's hard to imagine anyone preferring anything else. However, in Japan, everything is completely different: the height of attractiveness is considered "yoba" - the so-called crooked teeth. It is believed that a person looks more cute with such teeth. That is why dentists are in great demand in Japan, both among young men and women: everyone wants to get a nice appearance.


The inhabitants of New Guinea and several other countries in western Africa decorate their bodies with patterns and picturesque scars, as they did centuries ago. Men usually get scars during initiation ceremonies, while women get such “tattoos” only because it is considered the greatest beauty.
However, in developed countries there are also fans of such aesthetics, the procedures are called body modification.

Heart shaped face

In South Korea, plastic surgery is not only very common, it is considered the norm. In major cities, there are ads everywhere calling for you to go to the surgeon and improve your appearance. The key to attractiveness is a heart-shaped face. To get it, Koreans are willing to undergo multiple surgeries involving fractures of the jaw bones in several places to create a sharp chin. After such an operation, you can not eat solid food for a long time.

Excess weight

In Mauritania, a woman is considered beautiful only with belly fat. To make girls attractive, they are sent to special "farms" where they are fed. During the day, they eat sixteen thousand calories per person, and this is at a rate of one thousand and a half! Unfortunately, this often leads to indigestion and other problems.

Plasters after facial surgery

Iran is the capital of rhinoplasty. The procedure is expensive, but people are ready to do anything for a straight nose, and this is not even the strangest thing.
Some wear the same patches as after surgery. They cannot afford to improve their appearance, but they want to at least pretend that they survived rhinoplasty. It looks strange, but it seems very attractive to the people of Iran!

Pale skin

In many Asian countries, pale skin is considered the highest standard of beauty. If you go shopping for a face cream, you'll be hard-pressed to find a non-whitening product, including the men's section.
Surprisingly, even on the beach, the Chinese often wear thick masks - everything to protect the whiteness of the skin from sunburn. Dark skin, popular in the West, is completely out of fashion here.

high forehead

For the Fula people of Africa, the main feature of appearance is a high forehead, so some women shave off their hair to create the desired illusion. A similar custom was in medieval Europe, when women shaved their heads halfway.

Long neck

In some regions in the east of Burma, long necks are in fashion. Women wear bronze rings that stretch their necks over the years. The longer it is, the more beautiful! According to legend, the rings protect women from tigers, although in reality they are just a sign of belonging to the Kaya tribe.

Stretched lips

The Ethiopian Mursi tribe considers huge lips to be beautiful, so the girls stretch them with special discs. The larger the disk, the higher the social status of the girl and the larger the ransom that must be paid for her. There are two versions of the origin of this tradition. According to the first, the Mursi used to believe that evil spirits enter a person through the mouth, and used discs to protect them from them. According to the second, the Mursi decided to use discs so that their women would not be taken away as slaves.

One eyebrow

In some regions of Tajikistan, unibrows are considered the standard of female beauty. If a girl does not have hair on the bridge of her nose, she can draw them with a pencil. A unibrow is considered a sign of happiness in life.

In each country, girls make up differently, each tries to emphasize those features of appearance that are inherent in her people. Some girls do not make up at all, while others, on the contrary, make up brightly and extravagantly at any time of the day.

What are the makeup features inherent in girls from different countries?


Young residents and therefore almost do not use cosmetics, even in honor of the holiday. The only accent in makeup can be lips or eyes. It was in France that the fashion for. Women after 50, on the contrary, often use cosmetics, but do it with taste. In the photo: the most famous and charming 43-year-old French actress and model Vanessa Paradis.



In this country, girls generally pay little attention to their appearance, for them the main thing is comfort, and not the enthusiastic looks of others. Therefore, they either have no makeup at all, or it is natural and almost invisible. In the photo: popular German actress and singer Jeanette Biedermann.



Girls living in Sweden, especially teenagers, are very fond of decorative cosmetics and make up quite often and noticeably. Due to their inherent light skin and hair, it looks too bright, and even tasteless. Photo: Swedish model Elsa Hosk.


A feature of Japanese makeup is snow-white skin, for this, Japanese women are trying in every possible way to whiten their face. After all, porcelain skin is considered a symbol of beauty. They also like to highlight their lips with bright scarlet lipstick, and paint their eyes black. For a visual example, look at the photo of the gorgeous actress Komaki Kurihara.


Spaniards put a special emphasis on the eyes, they almost always paint them with a dark color, and, on the contrary, leave the lips natural. In the photo, one of the most famous and talented actresses in Spain is Penelope Cruz.


Greek girls have very expressive facial features, they prefer to highlight eyebrows and cheekbones, and eye and lip makeup is most often absent. In the photo: beauty, actress and TV presenter Mari Kiriyaku.


Italians prefer naturalness and rarely use cosmetics. Only adult women can afford bright lipstick, and only for an evening event. In the photo: chic actress Monica Bellucci.


Indian women prefer to carefully draw their eyebrows and highlight their eyes with black eyeliner. Especially popular with them are the arrows on the eyes, which they select according to the type of face. They also use shadows of warm shades in makeup. In the photo: the thoughtful make-up of the beautiful actress Aishwarya Bachchan.



Ukrainian women prefer to wear natural make-up during the day, and for the evening they can use dark and bright colors. The peculiarity is that it is customary for them to focus on one thing: either on the eyes or on the lips. In the photo: actress Olga Sumskaya.


Russian women apply makeup in different ways, each girl has her own tricks and subtleties. In the photo, a bright representative of the actress Natalia Sumskaya.

Women in all countries are beautiful. But in each country they have their own unique features. So in southern Italy, women are accustomed to having sex during the midday heat. Many of these women do not wear underwear, which is highly welcomed by their husbands and other partners. Italian women are distinguished by their humility and very high, bordering on bloodthirstiness, sensuality.

French women are not considered particularly beautiful. But they have a special charm, prettiness, independence and independence. They prefer affection and tenderness in bed with their beloved men. Some men admit that it is with French women that you can have all the pleasures at once. French women love to wear stockings, they prefer them to tights, which has its advantages in terms of sex appeal and convenience (a certain part of the body remains open).

The Germans in bed are ready to carry out and give out commands: "Equal! Attention!" They are clean and tidy. They have almost complete permissiveness in bed. When a man makes love to a German woman, he understands why Germany became a giant factory for video pornography in its time. German women from the eastern regions of Germany are much more liberated than German women living in the western regions.
In Austria and Switzerland, women are similar to German women, but they have variations on the Italian-French theme.

If we talk about the characteristics of women from Scandinavia, Belgium, Holland, then on a personal level they do not have much interest in sex, despite the fact that the northern part of Europe is distinguished by the most unbridled pornography. However, if a woman from northern Europe misses love very much, she is quite capable of demonstrating what love is "rarely, but aptly."

The most interesting in terms of bodily love are women from the UK. Talk about the Victorian integrity, stiffness and coldness of the inhabitants of Albion is the same myth as the London smog that has remained in the distant past. English women in bed are not just hooligans, they are more than hooligans, for whom the Kama Sutra is already yesterday. They are somewhat reminiscent of rabid English football fans.

English women are not at all lean and flat, as some believe. Often among them there are owners of beautiful figures and magnificent breasts. And they are also kind, affectionate, caring, moderately independent, moderately accommodating, moderately careless and moderately accurate.
In each of the women in different countries there is a lot of attractive and interesting things. But Russian men, as a rule, prefer their women. Perhaps because they are still patriots.

If you look objectively, we can say with confidence that we use quite large sums for ourselves. Women always need something, be it some boots or just some kind of cosmetics. Today we have prepared for you an article about the meanest woman in the world and her incredible life story. We really hope you enjoy it. We wish you good and positive mood! Let everything happen to you only the best 🙂 Enjoy reading.

The woman named Henrietta Green, which will be discussed in this material, was an American multimillionaire. She was unusually stingy. Henrietta ate cold oatmeal, didn't bathe, didn't turn on the hot water, didn't do laundry, and even managed to sell the newspapers she read. Unfortunately, in her habit of saving, she went very, very far. Her son's leg was amputated due to gangrene after Henrietta decided not to spend money on medical care.

Portrait of Henrietta Green, 1897

Henrietta Green got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most stingy person in the world. And it is not just words. A woman who earns several million dollars every year was frugal to the point of insanity.
So, she wore the only dress that was faded from long wear, which she never washed, with the exception of its lowest part, which touches the ground when walking.
And the underwear was completely replaced only when it decayed and was torn, coming into complete unsuitability. Plus, there wasn't even bath soap in Green's house, since she never washed.
It is not difficult to imagine what kind of “aroma” this unwashed owner of millions exuded, enhanced by the smell of raw onions from her mouth - she chewed it constantly so as not to get sick.
By the way, if she couldn’t avoid visiting the pharmacy, then she always reacted unequivocally to the message of the pharmacist that the vial in which they sell her medicine costs five cents: she went home and returned with her container.
Both underwear and clothes for children (when it came to that) she bought exclusively in a junk shop, desperately bargaining with the seller for every cent.
She arranged the same auctions in the grocery, moreover, for children, for example, she took only broken cookies (it was cheaper that way), and bread - the most stale, in search of which she sorted for a long time with her own hands (which she had not washed for years) loaves that did not yet have individual packaging.
And as a bonus for the fact that she generally benefited the store with her purchase, she always demanded a free bone for her beloved dog, who, by the way, had the same unbearable character as Henrietta herself.
By the way, at the beginning of the twentieth century (Greene, who was born in 1834, lived until 1916), her fortune was, according to some estimates, from 100 to 200 million dollars. At current prices, that's in the billions.
Having a fabulous fortune, Henrietta showed to those around her such pearls of greed and stinginess that it is just right to be amazed. So, for example, after looking through the column of stock quotes, she sent the children to sell the newspaper. And once, having lost a two-cent stamp in the carriage, I searched for it on the floor for several hours (!)
She ate, as a rule, oatmeal, “cooked”, but simply soaked on a radiator in the office, where a broker she knew let her in.
But the oatmeal still cost money, while the millionaire preferred not to pay anything at all. To this end, she staged whole performances in cheap eateries: she threw a stone into the soup and immediately made a loud scandal, demanding a refund of payment.
As one of the financiers who knew her well later recalled, Getty's bag (that was the name of her acquaintances) was always full of financial documents and ... stones in case of an unforeseen breakfast or lunch at some city catering establishment.
It was for this reason that those around were in full confidence that this miser was not all right with his head. It would be naive to think that such a miser could tip anyone even a cent. She just became famous for the fact that she never gave a tip to anyone, not once in her whole life long life.
She even made money on her son's injury
“To save a cent is to earn it,” Henrietta liked to repeat to her children. And then the moment came when she managed to “earn” in this way even the health of her children, especially her own son Ned.
Moreover, due to the absolute absence of any vitamins and high-calorie foods in the diet of her children, as well as simply from malnutrition, the daughter of a millionaire, Sylvia, had a strong vision.
The apotheosis of not even stinginess, but rather the monstrous stinginess of the miserly Green, was a real family tragedy.
At the age of eleven, her son Ned suffered a severe knee injury while sledding. Instead of immediately taking the child suffering from wild pain to a good hospital, Henrietta decided to save money here too: she put on the oldest and filthiest rags on herself and him and went to the hospital for the poor for free medical care.
And when she and her son finally got to her, Greene was identified as the richest woman in America and refused to accept Ned, who needed urgent surgery.
Having received a turn from the gate, the woman decided to save on medical care for her only son and took up self-medication. And the result was not long in coming: the child soon developed gangrene and the leg had to be amputated.
And the professional amputation was already paid for by the boy's father, who accidentally found out about the misfortune of his son - if this had not happened, it is hard to imagine how this whole story would have ended. After all, the lack of timely surgical intervention could lead to extensive blood poisoning and death.
But even this did not teach the woman anything (and could they have taught it!): Ned was put on the waiting list for the prosthesis in the hospital for the poor. And he waited for another six months for an “artificial leg” to be made for him, as for a mere mortal.
And then, until the end of his life, he hobbled on the cheapest, cork, prosthesis. Here is such a sad "earnings" turned out.
Did Green Sr. love anyone at all? Yes, my dog ​​Devi. “She wags her tail and looks at me with devoted eyes, not because I own millions, but because of simple love for the mistress,” Henrietta repeated whenever she was advised to get rid of a pet, when Devi, due to her disgusting nature, once again bit one of the guests or colleagues of the multimillionaire.
A bum with a financial sense
Not only her own children, but also the children of relatives inherited from her savings.
Once Henrietta's cousin decided to go with her husband on a trip to Europe. She and her husband decided to leave their children to live with the Greens for that time. A boy of eight and a girl of ten were already looking forward to spending two wonderful months visiting Aunt Getty, which they would remember for a long time.
They and their parents were not mistaken in only one thing - they really remembered these “vacations” for the rest of their lives. Because when the cousin returned with her husband from a trip abroad, she simply did not recognize her children, brought to a semi-conscious state by the lack of normal food - they were somnambulists, literally barely standing on their feet.

Moreover, having cut the norm of their usual diet, the “witch from Wall Street” sent juvenile relatives ... to work in a nearby laundry, the working day in which was neither more nor less than 14 hours.
Because of the nightmares of the "guest" life and hard labor, the nephews fell into a severe depression and stopped talking.
And, of course, the queen of the financial world did her best to save on taxes. At that time, tax legislation in America was very imperfect and contradictory, and some of its points turned out to be mutually exclusive in essence and meaning.
But the “owner of the exchanges” often tried to play it safe and confuse the heads of the “bandits from the tax service”. And for this (in order to be one hundred percent safe from meetings with tax inspectors), she always settled in rented rooms under assumed names.
And it is clear that she chose only the cheapest accommodation: as a rule, these were third-rate hotels - she never had her own house (again, due to economy).
And not only at home, but also in the office: looking more like a homeless woman than a millionaire, Henrietta "wandered" through banks, brokerage houses, offices of financial companies and other similar institutions, where she was allowed to work, taking some table with a chair, and sometimes by phone.
It should be noted that she has never been an unwanted guest in these offices. After all, Green did not just turn over millions, but also rapidly increased her capital, having a flair for market movements and securities fluctuations.
And information about what shares and securities she buys or sells instantly became relevant and was worth its weight in gold.
In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted in America, unambiguously regulating a single and clear tax payment procedure. This broke the health of the businesswoman.
Henrietta Green died in 1916 of apoplexy during another dispute over the price of milk. Ned, who had more than heard his whole life of instructions on saving and had suffered from the "educational" actions of the "good mother", immediately went into all serious trouble, drinking and squandering his part of the fortune.
Sylvia, during her lifetime, spent the millions bequeathed to her for charitable purposes. So sadly ended the story of the richest woman in America.

Here is such a story about the meanest woman in the world. Share this article with your friends, because they want to know it too! We wish you a positive mood. Appreciate every moment of your life and do not be stingy!

If you look at social networks even for a minute, you will immediately stumble upon another groan of a Russian woman about how bad it is for young ladies in the post-Soviet space. Like, work hard at work, grow children, and the man does nothing at all, only lies down on the couch and sucks drunk. Real hard labor!

Editorial "So simple!" forced to disagree. “A woman should not be a shadow of her husband. A woman has to work and earn a living. A woman should be as free as a man.", - considered the sexually emancipated communist Alexandra Kollontai. And that's why Russian women are more happy than unhappy...

The life of women in Russia

Our editors came across a letter dedicated to the endless discontent of our woman, which explains in a fresh and simple way why Russian women are real lucky ones.

“It seems to me that Russia, just one of the most prosperous countries for a woman's life. Yes, the standard of living may not be as high as somewhere else, and we are used to feeling sorry for ourselves. But at the same time, you need to remember that…

If you are conceived as a girl in Russia, you are not aborted in the early stages, as in India or China!

If you gave birth to a girl in Russia, your relatives will not scold and blame you, as in Pakistan!

You can study, and not just give birth and milk a cow, as in the countries of radical Islam. There such freedom is only an unattainable dream!

You go to work, but you can’t stand being beaten with a stick by your mother-in-law and don’t wrap yourself in a cloak, covering yourself from head to toe.

If you are raped in broad daylight, then most likely the rapist will be punished, and not you, as in Qatar. You will not be raped by a court order, as a punishment for one of your relatives, as in the same India.

In a divorce, a child is not the property of a man, he is almost guaranteed to stay with you if you are not an alcoholic or drug addict.

You can have as many partners as you want, and the punishment will be maximum snorting from your neighbor, not being stoned!

You can smile and get drunk and be free with men. A huge number of women in the world cannot do this in principle!

You can marry someone you like or not at all, no matter what your father thinks about it!

The number of men who will advance to offer you to split the bill goes to units, not like in Europe, where the number of such can reach half!

You do not need to run from the hospital to work, entrusting the child to a nanny, for fear of falling out of the eternal career race.

You will not be deprived of parental rights due to the lack of milk in the refrigerator. I don't know what has to happen in order to still be deprived of parental rights.

Nobody will condemn you for sexual harassment if you demonstrate a bra strap. But in the Americas, things happen.

A marriage contract is still a rarity in our country.

I really believe that our women have a unique freedom of choice: your way, work, your family, your lifestyle, raising a child. But for any freedom, as always, one has to pay with responsibility. Russian women do not want this kind of responsibility. She lies on them with a heavy load.

Do you want equality? Work hard, it's okay. You cannot have equal rights without equal responsibilities. If you want to monopolize the upbringing of a child, then it is natural that you get tired. If you don’t want to get tired, delegate responsibility to your father, and don’t drive him away from the nest.

Are you getting married of your own accord? Then who but yourself can you blame for your choice? It's your own fault, if you don't like it, change it. Do you want to have fun on an equal footing, drink champagne at a party and go out with a stranger into the night? Then no one is obliged to conquer you, like a princess from a fortress. Itself now look for how to lure a man.

These are normal. They are a bit tedious, but they are the price of the widest freedom of choice of path and lifestyle, which so many women in the world are deprived of. This is wonderful! What else do you need!

Gingerbread houses where Barbie girls only drink tea and take care of their nails under the auspices of the strong and faithful Ken? So they do not exist in principle, and if they exist, then for a very short time and for a very limited number of women. It's hard, but it's better than the alternatives in the world. Welcome to reality!"