How to clean carpet at home. Proper care and cleaning of carpets and rugs: useful tips for housewives How to whiten a white carpet at home

The carpet laid on the floor, sooner or later it will get dirty, lose its former appearance and its cleaning will become inevitable. It is not necessary to turn to professionals, sometimes you can remove dirt and return the product to an attractive appearance at home. Most often, special products are used to clean the carpet, for example, Vanish (dilute the product in warm water and thoroughly clean the carpet with a brush with this solution). Below we will look at the methods of carpet cleaning that are available in any home.

How to clean carpet with salt

Table salt well absorbs various substances, such as grease, dirt, dust. To get rid of dirt on the carpet, it is necessary to sprinkle it abundantly with salt, leave for 20 minutes, and then with a broom dipped in soapy water, sweep it along with dirt particles.

Carpet cleaning soda

Baking soda is considered an excellent cleaning agent that not only removes dirt, but also eliminates unpleasant odors, such as the smell of tobacco. Dissolve soda in warm water, sprinkle it on the carpet, and in places that require especially careful treatment, pour soda and leave it for half an hour. Remove soda along with dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning carpet with laundry detergent

Washing powder can be used to clean wool carpets or synthetic materials. It is necessary to dissolve the powder in warm water and add a little kerosene there. Having prepared such a soap solution, you should start cleaning the contaminated areas using a sponge or brush. You can immediately notice how the spots disappear, not only fresh, but also old. True, this method has one significant drawback - kerosene has a specific smell, which will have to be disposed of for 3 days by airing the room. Therefore, it is not worth using such a tool in a house where a small child lives.

How to clean carpet with tea

This method of removing contaminants is carried out using used tea leaves, which must be scattered over the entire surface of a woolen or synthetic product. In this case, you should not use the old tea leaves, because instead of cleaning the carpet, it can leave new stains on it. It is necessary to use wet tea leaves, which, after complete drying, must be collected with a vacuum cleaner. This method removes wax, hair, dust, pet hair and other contaminants. It is important to remember that you can not use tea on light products.

Carpet cleaning with sawdust

Dissolve 1 part gasoline in 10 parts soap solution. Then soak the sawdust with the prepared solution and scatter them over the contaminated carpet. You need to remove them with the help of a broom after they are completely dry.

Alcohol based carpet cleaner

When choosing this method, you need to take a teaspoon of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of washing powder for 5 liters of water. In this composition, it is good to moisten a flap of natural fabric and wipe the contaminated areas with it, while you should not rub the pile too much, as it can be easily pulled out.

Refreshing carpets with snow

If necessary, refresh the carpet, it should be taken out into the street, sprinkled with snow and swept it away with a broom. Snow is not suitable for removing serious dirt, since it does not contain any active cleaning agents.

Vinegar + soap solution = clean carpet

If you need to get rid of not only dirt, but also the smell, you can clean the carpet with a soapy solution with the addition of 9% vinegar. Then you need to moisten the brush in the prepared product and gently clean the entire surface. After such treatment, the carpet acquires a new and well-groomed appearance.

How to remove stains from carpet

Spilled tea or coffee can be removed with soapy water. To do this, first you need to wipe the place of the spilled drink with a dry cloth, and then clean it with this product. If the stain is old, it must first be soaked with glycerin, left overnight, and then cleaned with a solution.

blood stains are removed by the traditional method - they must be cleaned with cold water. Dried blood must first be softened by placing a damp cloth on the stain, and then cleaned with water. If an ordinary dirt from the street, it is better not to touch it until it dries. After a while, you need to clean it with a special brush designed for caring for carpet products and vacuum it.

wax stain it is very easy to remove: you need to apply ice to it, when the wax cools, it can be easily removed. In this way, it is removed from the carpet pile and chewing gum. Fat from the carpet can be removed with gasoline or purified kerosene, rubbing the stain with a napkin.

How to take care of your carpet so that it lasts a long time

It is important to remember that he does not like hot water, a hard brush, the “anti-wool” method of cleaning and dampness, which soon leads to holes in the product.

Having a carpet in the house, you must perform the following actions:

Vacuum regularly;
. remove stains of pollution immediately after their formation;
. periodically carry out deep cleaning using one of the listed methods.

Many people who do not have time to clean their own carpet can use the services of a professional dry cleaner. If desired, the product can be cleaned at home, where specialists go when ordering customers. The cost of such services depends on certain factors - the length of the pile, the material and size of the product are taken into account. It is important to know that the cleaning of natural carpets and handicrafts is always more expensive, since they require delicate processing.

Carpets add comfort to any room. Over time, all carpets lying on the floor or hanging on the wall become dirty. Many housewives are wondering: how to clean the carpet at home in order to maintain its appearance and get rid of the stains that have formed? We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular methods so that you can choose the best one.

Read in the article

How to clean carpet at home - basic principles

Before you figure out how to clean the carpet at home, you should get acquainted with the basic principles of caring for carpet products that make it easier:

  • at least twice a week it is worth cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner. Although how often the carpet should be cleaned depends on the presence of small children in the house;
  • the carpet should be beaten out every year. If possible twice: in winter and summer. In winter, the path can be cleaned with snow;
  • the formed pollution should be removed immediately. Getting rid of old stains is much more difficult;
  • no need to use hard brushes for cleaning and perform movements “against wool”. This will not only worsen the appearance of the product, but also violate the integrity of the fibers;
  • before applying an industrial product to the entire surface of the carpet or walkway, it is worth checking its effect on a small area from the wrong side;
  • do not use hot water, the condition of the carpet may deteriorate.

Attention! If the carpet gets wet during the cleaning process, it must be dried in the open air, throwing it on a strong, smooth crossbar.

What tools can you use to clean carpet?

You can clean the carpet not only manually, but also using special tools. Many people use a vacuum cleaner that provides dry cleaning of coatings. It will not work to get rid of stains with it, but you can collect dust at home. will improve the quality of cleaning. Using a professional shampoo, you can clean any carpet with high quality.

wet vacuum cleaners

It is also possible to use a soda solution, which is prepared by mixing five liters of warm water with half a glass of soda. The finished composition is applied to the surface with a spray gun. Half an hour later, the carpet is vacuumed.


The option is suitable for those who are looking for how to effectively clean the carpet at home. Ammonia helps to get rid of almost all types of stains. To do this, 10 ml of the substance must be mixed with the same volume of alcohol and half a liter of water. The prepared solution is applied to the contamination, the remnants of which are completely removed with a damp cloth.

Attention! The wet area should be dried with a dry cloth so that the product does not lose its structure.


An option that is relevant for those who are looking for how to clean the carpet at home, returning its brightness. However, it is important not to overdo it. After vacuuming the product, apply a solution consisting of a liter of water and 15 ml of acid. With a soft brush, moving in the direction of the pile, get rid of stains. After drying the carpet with a sponge, after half an hour the surface is vacuumed, and the house is ventilated.

How to clean the carpet at home with lemon juice or laundry soap

Lemon juice removes particularly caustic contaminants. With it, you can remove even old ink stains from the surface of the carpet. It is enough to pour the juice directly on the stain and wait a maximum of 1.5 hours. The remaining juice should be completely removed and the carpet dried.

To get rid of contaminants with the help of household, a solution is first prepared. The use of this substance in its pure form can lead to blurring of the surface, which will significantly impair the appearance of the product. The solution is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of grated laundry soap, turpentine and a liter of warm water, and then applied to the area to be cleaned with a soft brush. After wiping the surfaces with a rag, remove the remnants of the composition and ventilate the room.

How to clean carpet with snow

Short pile is not so demanding. Breaking the integrity of the structure is quite difficult. Wet and dry carpet cleaning is acceptable at home. From folk remedies, the use of vinegar, ammonia, turpentine is relevant.

How to clean light and dark carpets at home

When deciding how to wash a carpet, you should consider its color. For a dark-colored product, light compositions should not be used: starch, flour, soda. After cleaning, characteristic stains may remain, and the structure will become harder. These substances are ideal for products in light colors. For dark coatings, it is better to use turpentine, ammonia, vinegar.

When choosing a white carpet cleaner at home, you should immediately abandon lemon juice. After using it, there is a possibility of yellow spots. The best option would be salt, soda, starch or soapy water.

How to effectively clean carpet stains at home

Certain types of spots deserve special attention. We suggest you find out in advance how to get rid of them so that the product looks like new.

Berries, honey and oil

Spilled honey should be disposed of immediately. The resulting stain is covered with flour or talc. The resulting mass is scraped off, and the remains are washed off with soap or soda solution. Stains left by vegetables and berries are removed by applying a solution consisting of a teaspoon of planed laundry soap, apple cider vinegar and a liter of water.

OwlT! It is better to remove the stain with a light rag, moving towards the center.

Hardened fat is easily removed with a blunt scraper or knife. A fresh stain can be blotted with a paper towel, achieving maximum absorption of the stain. Then you can use soda, salt or glycerin.

Paint and ink

To get rid of the ink, sprinkle salt on the stain and wait 10 minutes. The surface is then washed with soapy water and water. You can use lemon juice to remove fresh dirt. Paint can be removed with a white vinegar solution.

Wax, paraffin, plasticine and glue

Plasticine should be removed from the carpet immediately, using a special scraper or any other sharp object. Ice is applied to the rest, and the frozen plasticine is removed with a scraper. Instead of freezing, the composition can be heated, and then iron the stain through a towel. The contaminant will be absorbed into the paper or fabric. Repeat the action several times until you can completely get rid of the pollution. Instead of heat and ice, they often use a special anti-stain soap, which lathers the pollution. After half an hour, the foam is washed off. Traces can be removed with acetone or white spirit.

After washing a carpet or rug at home, people often face the problem of yellowing of the pile or, more often, the fringe after the carpet dries.

Causes of yellowing

The change in the color of the pile is due to improper carpet cleaning technology. Mostly yellowing occurs with a wet cleaning method, many woolen carpets, when dried, like fringe, emit a substance - tannin (as a result of strong wetting of products made from natural fibers of plant origin), they emit a brown (yellow) color and during evaporation (drying of the carpet) the yellowness rises with the liquid to the tip of the villi, the liquid evaporates and the yellow dye remains, in the third, in carpets, and especially in carpets, glue is used at the base (for example, carpet pile and fiber base connected with glue) and when wet, it is destroyed to some extent and when dried, yellowness also evaporates to the tip of the pile (firstly, the coating turns yellow, and secondly, it deteriorates).

Ways to fix yellowed carpets

Of course, to avoid such unpleasant situations, carpet cleaning should be done by professional dry cleaners, not car washes, but dry cleaners that have dry cleaning of carpets. If for some reason you are going to clean it yourself, then be sure to check whether your carpet can be cleaned with a wet method or only dry cleaning. If you can clean with a wet method, then test your method on a small, inconspicuous piece, wait until it dries completely.

If only dry cleaning is possible:

  • in winter, take it out into the snow and slap it well, and clean the spots after the snow with dry foam (aerosols for dry reading the upholstery of the seats are sold mainly in car dealerships), then vacuum well. It is important to be able to knock out the carpet correctly: you need to knock it out from the inside, and clean the front part with a brush. To brighten up the colors at the end, wipe the carpet with a damp cloth soaked in vinegar.
  • when there is no snow, it is good to knock out the carpet, vacuum it, clean it with dry foam, vacuum it (cleaning with foam is desirable from both sides).

If the carpet has already turned yellow, then consider several ways that can help to some extent:

  • the most reliable and more effective way is to use professional chemicals that can be bought at cleaning companies, in stores selling cleaning equipment. You can fight tannin with the help of special acid-based stain removers. For example CONTEMPO TANIN or BROWNING PRECRIPTION. In the line of manufacturers PROCHEM or CHEMSPEC There are several such products, you need to carefully study the instructions.

Contempo Tannin(Contempo tannin) 3.78l. Price: 771.00 rub. Manufacturer: Spartan. Acid stain remover for carpets and textiles. Safely removes brown and yellow stains from carpets, also used to remove dark stains that appear after waterlogging the carpet. Can be used as a stain remover for fresh stains. Removes coffee, tea, cola stains and stains containing natural dyes. Canister 3.78l.

Characteristics: colorless liquid, leaves no odor after application, pH -< 2,разведение от1:64 до 1:8,канистра 3,78л (1 американский галлон)

Formula 161(Formula 161) RUB 1572.00 The highest quality carpet shampoo designed for rotary and rotary extraction machines or carpet shampooing equipment. Safe for wool. The special formula (161) prevents dry dirt from sticking to the carpet fibers, but is easily removed with a simple vacuum cleaner. Excess product crystallizes and can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Rx for Fringes(R x for Frings) Price: 1947.00 rub. Manufacturer: Chemspec

Oxygen bleach removes browning on fringes and carpets or stubborn browning on bare carpets. Does not damage natural fibers when used according to the instructions 450 g of powder gives 34 liters of ready-made solution.

How to use: Add 1/3 measuring spoon (inserted inside the jar) to 3.8 liters of water. Add 30 ml of a solution of any alkaline detergent to the resulting mixture. To remove browning on unstained carpets, add 1 heaping tablespoon to 3.8 liters of stock shampoo solution. Clean the carpet with an extraction method or mix 1 scoop with 3.8 liters of water and spray onto the surface of the carpet. Let dry. DO NOT USE ON WOOL AND SILK CARPETS.

The prices above are at the time of writing and are subject to change.

You can remove yellowness from the carpet, with improvised means

  1. fill the sprayer with a mixture of vinegar and distilled water, set the sprayer to spray mode, and evenly distribute the composition over the entire surface of the yellowed wool. Gently rub the wool fibers with vinegar water. Whitening woolen things with this method works effectively. You will need: spray bottle, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 cups of distilled water, 1 capful of wool detergent, peroxide.
  2. Another method for bleaching a woolen item involves the use of peroxide. Peroxide can be used in small quantities. Fill a bucket or small container with water. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Use a soft cloth or sponge to remove the mixture from the yellowed fabric. Wash things as usual. Although some woolen garments can be machine washed with cold water, wool should never be tumble dried. In severe cases, a small amount of chlorine bleach can be used to remove yellow from white wool. While this is a common option, it has an average success rate.
  3. To bleach contaminated unpainted areas of the carpet, it is good to use the following solution: 5 g of hydrogen peroxide and 2 g of ammonia per 1 liter of water. Then the treated areas should be washed several times with water.

In the above three methods, almost the same components are included in the composition, there are slight differences, but carpets, even woolen ones, also have different fibers. Do not use coarse brushes when cleaning wool carpet.

If you do not want to face such problems - immediately contact the cleaning company "Trial".

Good luck cleaning and let the sun turn yellow!

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Home carpets require special treatment: dust, dirt, pet hair accumulate at the base of the pile, they cannot be removed by dry cleaning alone. How to clean the carpet so that even old stains come to naught, and the colors play with their former brightness? In what cases should you not trust carpeting with household chemicals, when you can do without the help of professionals or, conversely, use their services? Simple secrets will help to cope with the task.

Dry cleaning of carpets at home

Dirty carpet is easy to clean with your own hands. The modern housewife has many assistants: special equipment, household chemicals. No less effective are folk remedies that can be found in the kitchen of any home. The main thing is to know how to clean a particular type of carpet. It is necessary to be able to determine the type of product, because washing a woolen or Persian, long-haired carpet or an ordinary synthetic coating is not an equivalent task.

How to clean

Vanish-type shampoos for carpet cleaning have gained wide popularity. This professional tool does the job: with regular use, floors will shine with cleanliness. The product is recommended for products made of artificial materials. Woolen or silk carpet will be ruined. How to clean the Vanish carpet, the instructions on the package will tell you:

  • the specified amount of shampoo (for different types of coatings it has its own) dilute in water;
  • beat the foam, apply it to the carpet;
  • after a while, clean it with a brush or a vacuum cleaner with a wash function.

Stain removers will help in the fight against chronic pollution. They are sold as a powder, aerosol, or liquid. The cleaner is applied to the stain itself. Do not delay cleaning: the faster the procedure is completed, the greater the chance that your favorite white carpet will remain light. When using stain removers, frequent washing of carpets is not required.

How to clean

A universal way to clean any carpet is to walk on the floor with a conventional vacuum cleaner, it will absorb up to 90% of the settled dust. It’s great if you can clean carpets with a washing vacuum cleaner: even if it’s water without a professional product, you can remove a lot more dirt. Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner from Karcher has proven itself perfectly. This brand is associated with putting things in order in large areas, but it will also cope with homework with a bang. Special knowledge on how to wash the Karcher carpet is not needed.

A gentle, albeit time-consuming method is manual carpet cleaning. With a regular brush, without a vacuum cleaner, it is permissible to process any surface. She is not afraid to entrust any carpet, no carpet, no pile carpet. In doing so, observe several conditions:

  • it is ideal to keep several brushes at home: soft - for long pile, hard - for a carpet or a situation when you need to clean woolen carpets;
  • Rinse brushes thoroughly after each use, because they accumulate dust and especially pet hair;
  • change tools annually.

An alternative way is to use a steam cleaner. Such a technique is not for every time and not for every occasion: cleaning will take time, and constant wet cleaning will not benefit the carpet. And yet, steam cleaning is more effective than manual processing. This method, how to clean the carpet well, is ideal for allergy sufferers: no chemicals, just water. The steam will freshen up the item and remove small stains.

Folk remedies for cleaning carpets at home

Do not trust chemistry or intend to refresh the carpet in the children's room, and your baby does not tolerate strong synthetic odors? In the arsenal of knowledgeable housewives there is more than one folk remedy for cleaning carpets at home. Synthetic and natural, with short and long pile, products will find their original purity after processing ... with ordinary snow! A tried and tested method to clean your carpet quickly and without a penny. After heavy rainfall, take the carpets outside, cover them with clean snow, and scrub vigorously with a brush. No smell, no dirt!

Cleaning carpets at home with soda will also solve the problem: 1 tbsp will refresh them. l. soda mixed with 500 ml of water. After spraying the product on the carpet, leave it for 40 minutes, then vacuum or brush it. But dry soda will remove a fresh stain: rub it into the pollution, vacuum this place after about an hour. Instead of soda for dry cleaning, it is permissible to use fine salt: its absorbent properties are no worse.

The question of how to clean the carpet is also relevant: it is easy to restore freshness to it with ordinary vinegar. Pour into 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, spray the solution over the product, after 40–50 minutes, clean it with a regular brush. This method is used both as a preventive measure and to remove unpleasant odors: carpet is very convenient in the kitchen, where food aromas constantly replace each other.

How to clean carpet

Ordinary pollution is easily amenable to even not very skillful hands. And how to clean the carpet at home if you spilled coffee on it? Or juice? How to clean the carpet if the kid who played on it missed the urge to go to the toilet? Each type of difficult stain has its own, reliable and proven home recipes. The main thing here is to act quickly and accurately.

From wool

Before the owners of cats and dogs, the question of how to clean the carpet from wool is constantly on the mind. Washing does not achieve a result: the hairs will only go deeper into the pile. Vacuuming with a special nozzle, a regular wet brush or a damp cloth wrapped around the palm is much more effective. Wool sticks well to cleaning products. These brushes with a short stiff pile do not cope with dirt, but they perfectly cling and hold the hairs.

From the smell of urine

Blot a fresh puddle dry with paper, then spray the stain liberally with a solution of 9% vinegar: 3-4 tbsp. l. liquids per liter of water. After 5-10 minutes, blot the place again with rags, let it dry completely. Pour the stain with soda and immediately cover with foam formed by mixing 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of water, tsp. liquid dishwashing detergent. Remove the foam after 3 hours.

From dirt

Dog owners face such a problem more often than others: a pet running on the street in rainy weather brings a lot of dirt on its paws. Do not rush to wash it! To get rid of stains, let the dirt dry completely, then dry brush or vacuum the carpet. Knock down a strong foam from 250 ml of water and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent, apply it to the stain. It is important that there is no liquid in it: bubbles will absorb dirt. After 2-3 hours, wipe the carpet with a dry brush or cloth, vacuum.

Carpet cleaning with export

You can’t clean carpets on your own, and there is no time to take them to professionals? Today, every locality has its own dry-cleaning of carpets with export. They are capable of capricious work: cleaning woolen carpets, washing silk or rare carpets. Technologists select their method of processing depending on the composition, type of pollution, and the “venerable age” of the stains. Pickup and delivery of carpets in dry cleaners is free.

Video: dry carpet odor cleaning

Because of the musty, stagnant smell, you don’t want to use a carpet that has lain rolled up for more than one year. How to proceed? The video below contains the answer to the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant smell and not leave hundreds of rubles in a store or dry cleaner. Just two penny remedies that are easy to find in every home will cope with the problem in one fell swoop.

Cleaning the carpet from dust and dirt in most cases is possible with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. Carpets with long pile are cleaned with a medium-hard brush using weak solutions of vinegar and citric acid. Durable stains are covered with soda to completely dissolve almost any contaminant. Soda and fungicides actively destroy mold and fungi. In the most advanced cases, you need to turn to effective household chemicals, as well as manual and stationary Karcher-type steam cleaners.

Carpets on the floor are one of the most polluted places in the house. Something constantly spills on them, wakes up, cats and puppies sway on the surface, as a result of which wool and earth remain on the pile. Therefore, we will look for methods on how to clean the carpet at home with minimal effort and time.

Carpet cleaning by type of pile and material

Depending on the type of pile and the material that was used in the manufacture of the carpet, it is necessary to use different cleaning methods and detergents.

Long pile

Long pile carpets are cleaned in two stages:

  • superficial cleaning of the pile with a vacuum cleaner relieves long threads of dust and debris crammed between them. Most visible dirt can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, if you first equip it with a special nozzle;
  • deep cleaning with detergent pastes and specially designed tools.

To remove dirt ingrained in a long pile, a solution of table vinegar is usually used. For 1 liter of cold water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and mix thoroughly. Use a medium-hard manual brush to apply on carpet. Cleaning is done in one direction, along the pile. Additional washing is not necessary, it is enough to let the carpet dry.

More effective will be a solution of ammonia (or hydrogen peroxide) and washing powder, which is prepared in 5 liters of warm water. It adds 5 tbsp. l. washing powder and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix thoroughly until smooth. Use a moistened soft brush to apply to the rug. But here it is already necessary to clean the resulting foam with a damp cloth, which removes the remnants of detergent from the pile.

Note! After processing a long pile with liquid products, it must be thoroughly dried!

Short pile

Short pile does not require thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, because dust and small debris practically do not linger in it. For the treatment of stubborn stains, the same solutions that are described above are useful. They can be applied to the carpet with both soft and hard brushes. Washing a short pile after soap is much easier.

Carpets made from natural materials

Silk, wool and wool blend fabrics do not tolerate intensive mechanical processing and detergents based on liquids, so powdered cleaners should be preferred.

It is ideal to process them with the help of specialized equipment in a gentle mode - a washing vacuum cleaner, a steam engine, Karcher.

Advice! To clean the carpet at home, you need to use brushes with the softest bristles.

Synthetic carpets

On carpets made of synthetic fabrics, stains should not be allowed to dry. If something is spilled on it, you should immediately blot the stain with a dry rag or napkin. The rest of the dirt is easily removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner at high power. After work, do not forget to clean it.

To clean dried stains, weak acetic and alcohol solutions are used.

Light and dark fabrics

Dark-colored carpets should not be cleaned with products that have bleaching properties.

Such products include soda, salt, starch, bleaches and stain removers. It is ideal to use solutions of ammonia or ethyl alcohol, weak acetic solutions.

On light fabrics, it is undesirable to use citric acid, which perfectly removes dirt, but leaves strong yellow stains that are much more difficult to remove. Also, you can not use the popular sauerkraut containing food acids - the effect will be similar. On white and light carpets, it is good to use something that cannot be used on dark ones - products with a bleaching effect.

Special cases

For each individual case, certain products should be used that will effectively clean the carpet from specific contamination. This will save you a lot of money and time.

How to remove pet hair

If the animal has just deflated on the carpet, the remaining hair can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner. Some models are equipped with special brushes and rollers for cleaning wool and hair.

If the wool has already dried up, it is removed with a slightly damp cloth, which tends to attract wool, threads and villi.

Very old dog hair can be cleaned with special combs that comb out animals. In the direction of the pile, wool is removed even from a deep pile. Do not be zealous with physical strength, so as not to damage the material.

How to remove mold and mildew

Processing of rugs and carpets should be carried out in the open air. The carpet is neatly rolled up and taken out into the street. A stiff brush removes the mold that has grown on the fabric. The remains are removed with a vacuum cleaner, which then needs to be cleaned. If mold is observed only in some places, they need to be slightly moistened and covered with plenty of soda (remember, soda cannot be used on dark carpets). Soda can be rubbed inside with a soft brush. After 20-30 minutes, the carpet should be vacuumed.

Dark carpets, as well as products that are badly damaged by a fungus that can be found in a hardware store. Check out the ABEDIS 06, Dali and Fongifluid Alpa, they come with handy triggers that make spraying easier. With their help, you can clean even a large carpet in a matter of minutes. At the end of the treatment, the carpet needs to be aired for several days.

Attention! All tools that were used in cleaning are treated with a fungicide.

How to remove honey and oil stains from carpet

Such dirt should be washed with hot water using a soft cloth, cleaning the dirt in one direction, along the pile. After processing the carpet from machine and sunflower oil, it must be thoroughly dried.