Which clay is best for wrinkles? Clay holding time on the face. How is clay of this type mined?

Nature provides many materials for skin care on a woman's body. Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on the skin, removing dirt and oil, evening out the tone and eliminating redness on the face. There are different types of cosmetic clay for the face. Before using any type of clay, carefully read its features: what type of skin is suitable and what effect it has. Cosmetic clay will help solve many skin problems on the face. Another advantage that distinguishes clay from a number of natural cosmetics is the relatively low cost of the product. What types of clay exist and how to choose the right one for your skin type.

Cosmetic clay for skin: features and applications

Clay is a rock that is made up of minerals needed for cell renewal. For cosmetic purposes, clay is used to make masks, ointments, and scrubs. Clay contains many useful components: iron, manganese, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, cobalt, zinc, copper, silicon, etc.

Cosmetic clay is great for nourishing and moisturizing, to fight wrinkles and acne. This natural remedy has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration, ridding the skin of dirt, excess fat and helps to narrow pores. There are several types of cosmetic clay, which differ in colors and properties.

Benefits of cosmetic clay for the face:

  • removes excess fat and accustoms pores to normal sebum secretion;
  • in some cases dries;
  • nourishes and fills the skin with minerals and salts;
  • normalizes lipid balance.

Without the use of clay, it is unthinkable to prepare natural scrubs and body peels, ubtans and body wraps. To get the most out of facial cosmetic clay, you need to decide on the right look for your skin type.

Types and properties of cosmetic clay

Clay is distinguished by its color, which depends on the composition of the substance. The most common is white and blue clay. These types are suitable for almost any skin. As for other types of cosmetic clay, you should find out for yourself what type of skin is suitable for and how to use it correctly.

White clay or Kaolin

It is a white powder with a yellow or gray tint. This facial clay is suitable for oily or combination skin. Perfectly copes with the removal of fat, nourishes and at the same time tightens the skin. For blotchy, freckled skin, this clay will help whiten skin and even out skin tone.

In addition, white clay serves as a natural scrub for the skin, cleans the pores and at the same time narrows them. Also, this species has an antiseptic effect, so it is often added to anti-inflammatory facial cosmetics.

green clay

The green color of the clay is due to the iron oxide it contains. Green clay is able to cleanse the skin and accelerate blood circulation, which significantly increases turgor and elasticity. This type of cosmetic clay for the face is considered a remedy, so it is used to treat skin diseases such as dermatitis. Clay can serve as the basis for the preparation of cosmetics: masks, scrubs, peels. Green clay is suitable for aging skin, problematic and prone to dryness.

Blue clay

It is in second place in terms of prevalence after white. It is widely used along with other means to give the skin tone. This look improves skin tone by evening out tone and smoothing out texture. Blue clay is suitable for oily skin because it has a drying and enhanced cleansing effect.

Clay is an ancient cosmetic product. Its different types differ not only in color, but also in properties. The composition of this product includes minerals that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Clay for the face is very popular, because it deeply cleanses, moisturizes, restores the structure of the dermis, and smoothes wrinkles. In order for its best properties to be fully manifested, it is necessary to choose the right variety and combine it with other components.

Varieties of clay

To know exactly which clay to choose, you need to have information about its mineral composition. Visually, the powders differ in color, this is due to their origin.

Types of cosmetic clay:

  1. White (kaolin). Composition: kaolinite, silicon, aluminum, calcium, magnesium. This is the most popular variety, it perfectly cleanses and whitens. Gently acts, does not scratch the skin, so the powder is often added to children's cosmetics. Kaolin is taken as a basis in the manufacture of masks for cleansing, whitening, drying and nourishing the skin. Medicinal ointments and pastes are created from it, it is added to dry deodorants and powders.
  2. Blue. The main components are cobalt, cadmium. Also, the powder is rich in silicon, calcium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium, potassium. Hydrogen index - 7.2. The main purpose in cosmetology: cleansing, disinfection, stimulation of local blood flow.

    disinfection, stimulation of blood flow
    bleaching and drying
    cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes
    cleansing and whitening

  3. Green (glauconite). The main component is iron oxide. In addition, the powder is rich in silver, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper phosphorus, molybdenum and cobalt. Properties: cleansing, normalization of metabolic processes.
  4. Gray. This is a very rare variety that has a unique mineral composition. The main functions are cleansing and whitening.
  5. Black. This clay contains a lot of magnesium, iron, strontium, potassium. The main purpose is to establish fat metabolism, cleansing.
  6. Red. This variety is rich in iron oxide and copper. Gently acts, relieves irritation, restores.
  7. Pink. The main substance is silicon. Perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, disinfects.
  8. Yellow (bentonite). Composition - iron oxide, potassium, magnesium, etc. Tones, evens out the color.

    fat metabolism, cleansing
    tones, evens out color
    relieves irritation, restores
    moisturizes, disinfects

Indications and contraindications

Cosmetic clay has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its appearance. Clay treatment, problems and varieties of minerals used:

  • Acne (kaolin, blue, yellow).
  • Pigment spots (blue).
  • Oily skin, wide pores (kaolin, blue).
  • Dry skin (glauconite, gray, red).
  • Sensitive type (red).
  • Mimic and deep wrinkles (kaolin, blue, glauconite or red clay).

blackheads: blue or yellow clay
enlarged pores, oily skin: blue
dry skin: red or gray
wrinkles: green or red

In order for the product to have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, select clay based on the type of skin and the problems present.

Clay is a natural, natural substance that does not in itself cause an allergic reaction. Contraindications, rather, refer to additional components that are part of the cosmetic product. And therefore, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the powder, and if there are components that cause allergies, do not use the product. Perform a sensitivity test before use.

Useful properties of clay

To determine which clay is best for the face, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties. Minerals affect the epidermis in different ways, it depends on their composition.

Kaolin (white powder) has the following properties:

The blue powder is rich in mineral salts and valuable elements, due to which it:

So, if the question arises, which clay is suitable for oily skin, it is better to opt for blue.

Properties of green mineral powder:

  • restores the hydrobalance of dry and tight skin;
  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • softens, smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves local blood flow;
  • evens out the color of the epidermis.

Green clay can be mixed with blue. In addition, they can be interchanged, as their properties are very similar.

green clay
for dry skin
and complexion alignment

Red powder is indispensable for owners of sensitive skin types:

  • relieves inflammation when the skin flakes, reddens and itches;
  • softens, tones;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • regulates hydrobalance;
  • smoothes, tightens;
  • removes excess fluid from the intercellular space;
  • improves blood circulation and cell metabolism;
  • the contour of the face becomes clearer.

if the skin is flaky
and blushes

Properties of pink mineral powder:

  • smoothes, rejuvenates, tightens;
  • softens, nourishes;
  • moisturizes.

Yellow clay is the best option for combination or oily dermis:

  • removes toxic substances from the intercellular space;
  • deeply cleanses;
  • eliminates inflammation (acne);
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • tones, refreshes;
  • rejuvenates.

moisturizes the skin
with acne

Functions of black clay:

  • absorbs toxic substances, pollution;
  • reduces pores;
  • absorbs excess fat;
  • eliminates acne.

Black - nourishes dry skin, dries oily.

If the skin is dry, then gray clay should be preferred. Its main properties are moisturizing, enrichment, nutrition.

Terms of Use

If you have oily, normal or sensitive skin, then repeat the procedure every 7 days, and if dry - 1 time in 2 weeks.

Application of kaolin

Often this white mineral is used for oily type epidermis.

  • To prepare a classic mask, take 20 g of clay and boiled water, stir the powder until sour cream is thick. If the pores are wide, then use tomato juice instead of water.
  • To remove acne, use aloe juice and mineral water (in half) as a liquid component.
  • For skin whitening, dilute 20 g of clay in cucumber or parsley juice. The mask can be enriched with lemon juice.
  • If you have a fatty type of epidermis, take 20 g of clay, 50 ml of yogurt, a couple of parsley sprigs, 5 ml of lemon juice. Grind the parsley, mix the ingredients until the consistency of sour cream, apply to the skin. Make sure the layer is loose.

    20 g white clay
    50 ml curdled milk

    a couple of sprigs of parsley
    5 ml lemon juice

  • For acne, dilute 20 g of kaolin in 30 ml of vodka and 5 ml of aloe extract.
  • Mask for dry skin: take 20 g of clay, the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, 45 ml of milk. Mix ingredients until creamy.
  • Lifting mask: dilute 20 g of powder in milk, add 5 g of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.
  • To nourish and moisturize the normal type of epidermis, you need to prepare the following mixture. Ingredients: 120 g of banana puree, 20 g of clay, a little sour cream and any vegetable oil. Mix until thick sour cream, if the mass is too thick, add a little water.

    20 g clay
    20 g banana puree

Blue Clay Recipes

Uses of green mineral powder

  • Rejuvenating mask. Mix 5 g of clay, 40 g of starch, yolk, 20 ml of sour cream, 10 ml of olive or almond oil, 5 drops of vitamin A. Treat the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Red Clay Recipes

  • You can soothe and soften the skin with the following mask. Dilute clay in milk until creamy, add 5 ml of aloe juice.

    5 ml aloe juice

  • You can whiten the skin with clay and strawberries. Mash a couple of medium berries, add 40 g of clay and 5 ml of sour cream. Mix thoroughly, apply on face.
  • Vitamin mixture will help eliminate rashes, brighten and tighten the skin, make it more radiant. Mash a handful of berries, add 20 g of clay and a little sour cream. The proportions can be slightly adjusted so that the mass has the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apricot mask softens, tones, smoothes the skin. Peel, chop a couple of apricots, add clay. Work on your face.
  • An exfoliating mask. Mix 20 g of clay with the same amount of flour, dilute the dry ingredients with milk. Apply to the face with massage movements, continue massaging for 3-5 minutes.
  • Nutrition, whitening, rejuvenation is possible with the following mask. Dilute 20 g of clay in cold carrot juice, add 17 g of cottage cheese, 5 ml of honey. Mix thoroughly, treat the skin.

    red clay, 20 g

    cottage cheese, 17 g
    honey, 5 ml

  • Very effective tomato and red clay for acne face. Take one medium tomato, peel it, grind it in a blender, add clay to make a creamy mixture. The mask can be enriched with sour cream. Apply a thick layer on the face.

Application of pink clay

Recipes from yellow clay

Black clay in home cosmetology

Application of gray mineral powder

Now you know what properties different cosmetic clay has depending on, and you can choose a product for your skin type. Follow the rules for preparing masks, and your skin will be attractive, healthy and well-groomed!

1098 03/08/2019 8 min.

Dry skin is prone to redness and flaking, and in some cases, improper care can cause the first expression lines to appear. That is why it is so important to choose delicate cosmetics that will restore the water-lipid balance of the skin. Clay for the face in this case has become one of the most effective ways to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Regular use of clay masks contributes to the intense saturation of the dermis with useful microelements, which improves the appearance of dehydrated epithelium. What types are best suited for the dry type, as well as what you should pay attention to when choosing clay - we will answer these and other questions for readers in this article.

Which is suitable for dry skin

When giving preference to one or another type, do not forget to consider two important factors:

  1. Clay deposit. The area where the mining took place must comply with environmental standards. Only that clay, which does not contain harmful toxic substances and heavy metals, will be useful.
  2. Composition of the product. Some manufacturers sin by producing low-quality clay, giving the powder the desired shade due to various chemical dyes. Such products not only harm, but also stain the skin, after which it is necessary to clean the face in other additional ways.

Pay special attention to the composition of the clay from which you make cosmetics.


A successful combination of two powders is used as a delicate scrub. Clay peeling cleanses clogged pores, thereby relieving problem skin from comedones, blackheads, and various skin rashes.

Masks based on pink clay tone the skin well, affect the blood flow in the upper layers.


Affects the very deep layers of the dermis, due to which a thorough cleansing of the skin occurs. Green clay in cosmetology is very popular. You can learn more about the properties and uses of green clay.

Green clay masks demonstrate several effects at once:

  • tighten fading mature skin;
  • intensively nourish dehydrated epidermal cells;
  • have a tonic effect.

The healing properties of green clay allow you to restore the natural hydro-lipid balance of the skin, nourish the cells with useful substances and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Cosmetic clay should not be diluted in metal utensils. In the process of kneading, the metal reacts with the powder, which negatively affects the subsequent effect of the cosmetic procedure.


On the basis of gray clay, various masks and creams are produced that have a pronounced lifting effect. The systematic use of such products promotes skin rejuvenation, relieves puffiness and improves complexion. The delicate consistency of gray clay absolutely painlessly cleanses the skin of impurities, and the potassium and zinc included in the composition contribute to the active removal of harmful toxins.

Despite this, gray clay has managed to gain popularity in the cosmetology industry due to its concentrated composition and effective anti-aging effect.

Gray clay is considered the rarest species, since the rock is mined at the bottom of the sea.


It got its name due to the yellow tint of the rock, which was formed due to the presence of potassium and iron in the composition. These trace elements have pronounced antioxidant properties, and also remove toxic substances from the cells of the epidermis.

Yellow clay is suitable not only for dry sensitive, but also for oily skin due to its bactericidal, antiseptic and wound-healing effect on the dermis. Such a tool perfectly moisturizes dehydrated epithelial cells, and pronounced regenerative properties help fight microcracks, peeling and redness of the skin. Find out about the properties and uses of yellow clay by.

Yellow clay has a tonic effect.

Application rules

Despite the fact that natural cosmetic clay has practically no contraindications, cosmetologists recommend that you follow certain rules when applying the mask to achieve maximum results. Only proper use of the product will achieve a pronounced effect of rejuvenation, moisturizing and toning the skin.

  1. The effect of the home procedure is noticeably increased if additional components such as essential and base oils are added to the mask. Esters of lavender, jasmine, rose, chamomile have a calming effect. Such oils relieve peeling, dryness and restore the integrity of the epithelium.

Esters have a highly concentrated composition, so improper use of the product can lead to serious burns. To avoid skin damage, add no more than five drops of essential oil to the mask.

Recipes for masks at home

Intensive nourishing mask

In a non-metallic deep bowl, mix white clay (2 tbsp) and fat sour cream (1 tbsp), add a couple of drops of rose oil to the mixture. We dilute the components with purified water until the finished mask acquires a thick, uniform consistency. The resulting mixture is applied to cleansed skin, and after 15 minutes, remove the remains of the clay with warm water.

Relieves fatigue and inflammation

We dilute red clay (1 tbsp) with a small amount of chamomile decoction, after which we add 1 tsp to the resulting creamy mixture. honey. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. We leave the finished mask on the face for 10 minutes, and after the specified time, wash off the remnants with warm water.

For skin tone

We dilute 1st.l. pink clay with filtered water until a homogeneous plastic mass is formed. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. peach seed oil and a couple of drops of patchouli essential oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.

From inflammation

We combine in a bowl 1 tbsp. blue clay and 1 tbsp sour cream, add as much purified water as needed to obtain the required density. In the finished mixture, we drip neroli essential oil (3 drops), after which we apply a mask to the cleansed skin of the face. After 15 minutes, thoroughly wash with warm water and apply a cream with a bactericidal action against acne.


1 tbsp pour kaolin with purified water, mix the components thoroughly. In the resulting mixture, put the egg white and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. We leave the clay mask on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which we remove the remnants of the mixture with warm water and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Find out about other protein masks at.


We breed red clay with milk curdled milk and tomato juice in proportions 1:1:1. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the cleansed skin of the face and neck. The exposure time of the mask is 15 minutes.


Mix kaolin (1 tbsp) with warm water, add 1 tsp to the mass. lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Stir the mask well until smooth and apply it on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the gruel with warm water, after which we apply a cold compress to the cleansed skin.

Softening and soothing

We combine 2 tbsp. clay with 1 tsp. peach kernel oil and ½ tsp. honey. We dilute the ingredients with as much water as we need to get a thick, uniform texture without lumps. We leave the finished mask on the face for 5 minutes, and then remove the residue with water and apply an intensive nourishing or.

For skin elasticity

Soak dry chamomile flowers in hot water. Let the mixture brew for some time, after which we dilute the clay in the resulting broth in a ratio of 1: 1. Add 1 tbsp. grape seed oil and mix the ingredients. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes.

Milk mask for dry skin

We dilute blue clay with ordinary milk or cream, apply the mixture on the skin of the face and neck, avoiding the eye area. As soon as the mask dries, wash with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream.

With aroma oil

In order for the effect of any of the above recipes to be as pronounced as possible, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the finished mask. Patchouli, lavender, chamomile oils have moisturizing and soothing properties, and ylang-ylang and rosemarine essential oils will help prevent the first signs of aging.


This video is about the benefits of clay masks.


  1. For an indispensable assistant will be pink, red and gray clays, which, due to their soft texture, very delicately affect the surface layer of the epidermis.
  2. Clay with a drying effect should never be used in its pure form. It is necessary to dilute the powder with additional components, nourishing oils or dairy products.
  3. Do not use metal utensils to prepare the mask. Reacting with metal, clay loses all its useful properties and nutrients.
  4. Do not forget to periodically sprinkle the mask with thermal or mineral water to prevent dehydration of the skin. After the procedure, be sure to use an intensive moisturizer that will prevent dryness and flaking.

In the article we discuss clay for the face. We tell you what are the benefits of clay mixtures for the skin, which clay is better for the face. Following our recommendations, you will learn the most effective mask recipes for different skin types and how to make clay face masks.

Facial skin care is a fundamental task for a young girl, a middle-aged lady and an advanced woman. Clay for the face is one of the most effective ways to improve the condition of the skin.

Clay masks are a natural and effective way to look amazing.

The use of clay helps to improve the complexion, makes the skin smooth, clean and silky, saturates with useful minerals and trace elements, eliminates redness and irritation.

Cosmetic clay for the face is readily available: just go to the nearest pharmacy or order online. However, when buying this ingredient, remember: the quality of the clay depends on two factors:

  1. Clay mining area. The place of origin of the clay powder should be environmentally friendly, which will help "save" your skin from heavy metals, harmful and toxic substances.
  2. Clay composition. Some dishonest entrepreneurs artificially create a color mixture by adding the appropriate dye to the white clay powder. After a cosmetic procedure using a low-quality ingredient, you will not only not achieve the desired effect, but also paint your face in an unnatural color.

Clays for the face and their properties

All types of clay are suitable for use in clay face masks: white, blue, green, red, pink, yellow and black. Such a variety makes you wonder which clay is best for the face?

There is no single answer to this question, because the choice of clay depends on the skin problems of each individual woman. Let's figure out how to choose a care product based on existing skin problems.

White clay (kaolin)

White clay powder is actively used in the creation of masks, cosmetic preparations, ointments, pastes, powders, and is used for children's cosmetics.

This ingredient is an excellent antiseptic that acts on pathogens of inflammatory processes, draws out toxins, perfectly fights bacteria, viruses, fungi, and pathogens.

Enriches the skin with oxygen, minerals, cleanses it of defects. It will become an indispensable assistant if you need to care for problem skin with acne - a skin disease that is a red pimple.

Kaolin is suitable for the owner of the skin, which has a tendency to chapping and frequent pollution. If you are wondering which clay is best for oily skin, then kaolin will be simply indispensable for you. But it is better to opt for another type of clay for dry skin.

Blue clay

It is used as a disinfectant that has an antiseptic effect. This cosmetic ingredient received a blue tint due to the presence of silver in the composition.

Using this type of clay for home purposes, you will improve the complexion, the skin will become soft, enriched with useful substances, pores will tighten, irritation will go away, pigments and crow's feet will disappear.

green clay

Of all types of clay, green is the best at making the skin soft, supple and velvety.

Such clay also perfectly disinfects: after its use, pores are cleansed, toxic substances are removed, the skin is dried, and the sebaceous glands are normalized.

The characteristic green tint of the powder is due to the content of iron oxide. The positive effect of clay directly depends on the saturation of the color: the darker the shade, the greater the benefit of using clay powder.

red clay

The clay mixture of red color is used for cosmetic purposes less frequently than the types discussed above. The red color of this cosmetic product is due to the content of iron oxide and copper.

Like green clay powder, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, albeit with less efficiency.

Saturation of the skin with oxygen, improved blood circulation, increased elasticity, reduced redness of the skin and itching - this clay effect is perfect for sensitive skin.

Also, red clay powder is advised to be used as a cosmetic remedy for anemia, due to the high content of iron in it.

Pink clay for face

The properties of this type of clay are made up of the properties of kaolin and red clay, because it is a mixture of these types.

This clay powder has a complex effect on the skin: it cleans, whitens, tones, promotes the production of collagen, and the removal of toxic and harmful substances.

According to cosmetologists, pink clay can be entrusted with delicate facial skin care, so masks using it are a godsend for representatives with sensitive skin.

yellow clay

I advise you to use it if there are inflammatory processes on the face: acne, acne, increased production of sebum, etc.

Its benefits also include the saturation of the skin with oxygen, the removal of harmful and toxic substances.

black clay

Black clay powder is an excellent skin cleanser that can saturate it with trace elements and minerals.

When using black clay, pores are cleansed, toxic substances are absorbed, and therefore, in cosmetology, this ingredient has gained the “glory” of an antimicrobial face care product.

Cosmetic clay for the face: which one to choose?

For normal skin, any kind of clay is perfect. But if the condition of the skin is not ideal, clay is chosen according to skin types, based on its healing properties.

Cosmetologists advise:

  • To successfully get rid of rashes, choose mask recipes that include white, blue, yellow clay powder.
  • Pigmentation will be a thing of the past if blue clay is preferred.
  • To reduce oily skin, it is better to choose white clay, blue is also good.
  • A green or red clay blend that rehydrates the skin to help with dry skin.
  • Red or pink clay powder will help relieve irritation, so use masks based on it if your skin is sensitive.
  • Fading skin is advised masks of white, blue, green, red clay because of their ability to fight the signs of aging.
  • Green, blue, white clay for combination skin will be most effective.

Clay face mask

A clay mask will bring the desired effect if you follow all the rules for its use.

Use glass, ceramic or enameled dishes as dishes for the mask. Masks prepared in metal containers quickly lose their positive properties due to the resulting chemical reaction and become unsuitable for application to the face.

Before applying the mask on your face, take a supine position. The clay face mask is very heavy and, when solidified, pulls the skin down.

If you sit, the effect of saggy skin appears, which will negate all your efforts to look beautiful.

Adhere to the rules for applying a mask. Thorough cleansing of the skin before application is the key to success and maximum effectiveness of the clay mask. At the same time, cosmetologists warn against applying a mask to the skin around the eyes, so as not to overdry this area.

Do not keep the mask on your face for too long. The clay mixture dries the skin, and therefore owners of dry skin need to keep the mask for 5-7 minutes, for normal skin this time is 10 minutes, for oily skin keep no more than 15 minutes.

To achieve the desired result, take a significant break between procedures. Once a week will be enough for owners of dry skin, for oily skin it is better to do clay masks with an interval of 4-5 days.

Do not let the mask dry on your face. By such actions, you are more likely to harm the skin than to benefit, because. overexposed clay masks severely dehydrate the skin of the face. In no case, do not peel off the frozen mask, but wet it with water, wait until the clay mixture gets wet, and thoroughly rinse the mask off your face.

The best recipes for clay face masks

The active development of Internet technologies makes it easy and quick to find recipes for clay masks. Which of them are the most effective? Based on personal experience, I recommend the following masks.

To combat inflammation on the face, acne or irritation, a mask based on white clay powder is suitable. To do this, make a decoction of chamomile, calendula and celandine (taken in equal proportions). After the broth has cooled, white clay powder is added until a thick consistency is formed.

A mask of blue clay and tomato juice perfectly whitens the skin, significantly brightening freckles. It is easy to create such a miracle mask: the same amount of blue clay, tomato juice, sour milk must be combined in one bowl and mixed thoroughly.

To tone the muscles of the face, you can use a sea buckthorn mask made from yellow clay powder. First, beat 1 yolk and pour 1 tbsp into the resulting mass. yellow clay and pour 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, apply the mask on your face.

A mask with black clay will help to cleanse your face better than a scrub. Take 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp tinctures of calendula and mix with black clay powder. The mask is ready for use if you get a homogeneous thick mass resembling sour cream.

Clay anti-wrinkle face mask based on milk and pink clay can rejuvenate you for several years in 15 minutes. For the mask, warm up some milk and add 1 tbsp. pink clay. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly until a thick mass is formed.

The effect of maximum hydration and nutrition is best achieved with an oatmeal mask in combination with green clay. Pour 3 tbsp. water in a bowl, add 2 tbsp. green clay, 1 tbsp. oatmeal, stir.


Clay for the face is a natural material that does not cause allergies, and therefore its use for cosmetic purposes has practically no contraindications.

However, if you decide to use clay powder as an ingredient in masks, carefully read the ingredients of the recipe.

If the mask contains at least one component to which you have an individual intolerance, such a mask will do more harm than good.

Clay for the face - reviews

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about clay for the face, body and hair due to the popularity of this cosmetic product.

Most of the facial clay reviews are positive. Many women use it with great pleasure and notice a lot of beneficial effects of clay on the skin. Here are the most typical reviews.

Elena, 34 years old

I often used blue clay in a face mask, diluted it with rosemary water - it cleans the skin very well and gently, tightens and does not dry at all, unlike kaolin.

Today I tried Moroccan red clay for the face - the review about it is twofold. Well, she is no better than my blue one, and how often she is praised! That, they say, she is the best. Yes, it is effective, yes, it works, and many others yes, but it is not the best. I do not see any special advantages over the usual blue.

Svetlana, 22 years old

I was looking for clay for dry skin. I liked the reviews about pink clay for the face, bought it, applied it. Indeed, it is very easy to cope with inflammation! It's even amazing. How many different tonics, powders, ointments I tried ... but all I needed was cosmetic clay for the face. I advise everyone - it works.

It can be concluded that a clay face mask is one of the most common ways to give the skin a well-groomed look.

The use of this cosmetic product in the composition of masks has gained popularity due to its universal and complex effect.

The skin is cleansed, moisturized and receives the necessary nutrition, wrinkles are smoothed, age spots disappear.

What to remember

  1. Before using clay, make sure that you are not allergic to it.
  2. Each type of clay has certain properties.
  3. Try to avoid complete drying of the clay on the skin.

Hidden in the depths of the seabed, gray facial clay has unique properties. In cosmetology, this valuable powder is part of anti-aging masks and creams. Regular use eliminates puffiness, age-related and mimic wrinkles, refreshes and tones. The natural preservative is also suitable for facial care of sensitive, thin epidermis. The origin of the natural remedy allows you to saturate the cells with minerals, strengthen the facial vessels.

The benefits of gray clay for the skin

  1. Cleansing and nourishing the skin;
  2. Narrowing of pores;
  3. Improvements in the structure and complexion;
  4. Whitening pigmentation;
  5. Fight against age-related flabbiness;
  6. Treatment of acne, blackheads, purulent pustules;
  7. Removal of oxidants and toxins.

The composition of the cosmetic powder contains:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc.

Indications - age-related, dehydrated, dry, oily, problematic, porous skin, the presence of acne, peeling. Contraindications - individual intolerance. Very rarely, gray clay causes an allergic reaction, for the safe use of the composition, it is still worth testing it beforehand.

Gray clay face mask recipes

The delicate structure of gray clay is ideal for skin in cleansing and rejuvenating formulations. A natural remedy is effective for both the care of young and mature dermis. Harm is excluded even for sensitive, prone to allergic manifestations of the epidermis. Sea clay does not clog pores, improves oxygen respiration.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Anti-wrinkle gray clay mask

Result: stimulates the activation of metabolism in cells, provides a long-lasting effect of rejuvenation clay mask. The mineral-rich composition contributes to the correction of the oval, improving facial symmetry.


  • 15 gr. gray clay;

Preparation and method of application: after removing the skin from the avocado, prepare puree on a blender, combine with cosmetic powder. Spread in a 2 mm thick layer on pre-steamed skin. Wash your face after forty minutes from the start of the anti-aging treatment.

Gray clay mask for acne

Result: cleans and neutralizes inflammation recipe with gray clay and tea tree oil. Effective for oily, problematic and porous skin.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 5 gr. calendula flowers.

Preparation and method of application: chop dry marigolds, add gray powder and antiseptic oil. If there are no pustules, steam the epidermis with a herbal compress, distribute the medicinal composition with a spatula. After ten minutes, you can wash your face with concentrated hibiscus infusion.

Mask for dry skin

Result: Stimulate increased secretion of glands, provide vitamins, acid-rich skin care recipes. Peelings pass, elasticity and turgor are restored.


  • Art. spoon of gray clay;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa;
  • a teaspoon of borage oil.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing the dry powders separately, add a little thyme decoction and African oil. Apply with smoothing symmetrical movements along the massage lines. The duration of the procedure is twenty / thirty minutes. Finish by washing with infusion of pomegranate peels.

Purifying mask

Result: cleansing natural recipes whiten, tighten pores, soothe inflammation, remove purulent formations. It is worth applying the procedure no more than three times a month to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and photopigments.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • activated charcoal tablet;
  • essential oil of sage.

Preparation and method of application: after diluting the sorbent with warm decoction, add gray clay and medicinal oil. Steam the skin tissues with a compress for three minutes, apply a cleansing composition with rubbing movements. Wait ten / twelve minutes, wash with water with grapefruit ether.

Moisturizing mask

Result: an effective lifting mask for saturating with vitamins, mineral elements, restoring the oval line. For dehydrated dry epidermis, conduct at least five / seven sessions.


  • 10 gr. gray clay;
  • 15 gr. cream;
  • 5 ml retinol.

Preparation and method of application: add classic cream and regenerating vitamin to cosmetic clay. After removing makeup, spread evenly with a spatula, starting from the chin with smooth upward movements. After resting for a quarter of an hour, finish washing with plantain infusion.

Nourishing mask

Result: restore cell membranes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, smooth out existing gray clay masks. After 40, it is worth carrying out caring procedures two / four times a month.


  • 1 st. spoon of gray clay;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil;

Preparation and method of application: add gray powder and a chilled egg to the melted fragrant oil. For uniformity, beat the composition with a mixer, apply with a plastic spoon, with light driving movements. After twenty minutes of action, you need to wash off with linden tea.

Video recipe: Using gray clay for facial skin at home