Do-it-yourself methodological guide for cognitive and speech development. "The use of didactic electronic aids for teaching preschool children"

Explanatory note.

The manual consists of a base - it is a wooden board painted in blue light, the length of which is 38.5 centimeters, the width is 23.5 centimeters. Two screws are fixed on it, where two circles with a diameter of 19 centimeters are inserted.

The circles rotate freely without touching each other. They are divided into 8 sectors, where different pictures are shown.

There are 24 circles in the manual, they contain tasks and exercises from three educational areas: “ cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. All circles are laminated.

Installed on top of the circles cardboard cover with a slot in the form of a rhombus, 39 centimeters long and 24 centimeters wide.

In the resulting window, the children will pick up pairs of pictures depicted on the sectors, rotating circles from the side uncovered sides.

Circles are stored in a box, they are enclosed in envelopes, respectively. educational areas. On the reverse side, for ease of use, a pair of circles are indicated by small circles of the same color.

Instructions for working with the allowance.

This allowance can be used by two children at the same time. In this case, one child rotates the circle on the left, sets his picture, the second child rotates the circle on the right and sets the appropriate picture in the diamond-shaped window, reasoning and agreeing with each other. After completing the exercise or task, children can continue to use the circles with other options. It can also be used by two subgroups of children, two children each. Children perform similar actions or exercises, but agreeing in pairs. The manual can be used by one child, then he rotates the left and right circles, correlating the pictures on a specific topic. The manual can be used by the educator for individual work with the child.


Expand the general horizons of children. Improve comparison and analysis skills. Develop perception, memory, attention, thinking, speech. Develop aesthetic taste. Develop the ability to work in pairs.

Options for using magic circles.
Educational area "Cognitive development", the direction of FEMP.

Option 1

Target. Improve the skills of quantitative counting, consolidate the ability to correlate the number of objects with the corresponding figure. Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) to match the appropriate number of stars with the number by turning the circles.

Option 2

Target. Improve the ability to perform addition and
subtraction, substantiate the result. Develop attention, logical

Instruction. Invite the child (children) to choose a number,
corresponding to the sum or difference of numbers by turning the circles and
pronouncing the actions of solving the exercise.

Option 3. (2 pairs of circles)

Target. To consolidate ideas about familiar geometric shapes,
the ability to see the silhouettes of geometric shapes in surrounding objects.
Develop imaginative thinking.

Instruction. Offer the child (children) turning circles
correlate the object with the corresponding figure, pronouncing, for example:
round watermelon

"Introduction to nature"

Option 4. (2 pairs of circles)

Target. To consolidate the ability to use in speech the exact names of the habitats of animals and their dwelling. Cultivate a cognitive interest in the animal world. Establish cause-and-effect relationships by determining the habitat of living beings. Develop observation and the ability to draw elementary conclusions. Cultivate love for animals.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) by turning circles to correlate the picture of the animal with the picture with the habitat or with the dwelling, saying, for example: the whale lives in the ocean, the horse lives in the stable.

Option 5

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the ways of feeding animals in nature and with the help of man. Develop cognitive interest, activate vocabulary.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) to turn the circles to match the picture of the animal with the picture of its food product, saying, for example: the bullfinch eats rowan berries.

Educational area "Speech development"

Option 6

Target. Exercise children in the selection of words in rhyme. Develop phonemic awareness, attention, clarity of pronunciation.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) to turn the circles to match the pictures that match the rhyme, pronouncing, for example: kefir - marshmallows.

Option 7

Target. Practice matching nouns and adjectives in gender and number. To consolidate the ability to focus on the end of words when coordinating them with each other. Improve word formation skills with the help of suffixes. Activate the vocabulary with adjectives.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) to turn the circles to match the pictures that fit all the options, agreeing on the endings, saying, for example: raspberry caramel, raspberry juice, raspberry ice cream, raspberry jam, raspberry pie.

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Option 8

Target: To consolidate children's ideas about Russian folk crafts.

To improve the ability to correlate the elements of the pattern of folk paintings with handicrafts. Activate the dictionary with the names of folk paintings (Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel painting, Filimonovo toy, Dymkovo toy, Mezen painting, Palekh trays). To educate aesthetic feelings.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) by turning circles to correlate pictures with patterns with objects of folk arts and crafts, naming the corresponding painting.

Option 9

Target. Recognize the artists in the portrait and relate it to the work of art that he created. To consolidate knowledge about the genres of painting. Cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Instruction. To offer the child (children) turning circles to correlate the portrait of the artist with his painting, name the artist and the name of his painting.

Option 10

Target. Recognize the illustrators in the portrait and relate it to the illustration he created. Practice naming distinctive features book design for each. Develop attention.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) by turning circles to correlate the portrait of the artist - illustrator with the illustration from his book. Name the illustrator.

Option 11

Target: to consolidate knowledge about colors and their mixing. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of color.

Instruction. Invite the child (children) by turning the circles to correlate the mixed paints with the resulting light. Name the paints that were mixed and what happened.

This manual can be supplemented by other circles from different educational areas.

DIY didactic game for preschoolers

Multifunctional game manual "Wonder Tree"

This guide is for children preschool age, teachers and parents. soft and light base allowances, safe way fastenings ("Velcro") allow you to quickly move it and fix it in many places accessible to the child. Young children activate the dictionary (D / game “Name the parts of the tree”, “Who flew in?”).
The manual helps older preschoolers to improve grammatical structure speech and connected speech. A consultation for parents on the topic will introduce a cycle of educational didactic games for preschoolers.

Including the Wonder Tree in the content directly organized activities helps to form new knowledge in preschoolers and consolidate already learned material. Direct examination helps to fix parts of the tree and clarify concepts such as "crown", "crown". Planar images of birds sitting on branches can be used as a visual lexical topics“Migratory birds”, “Wintering birds”, as well as to consolidate the quantitative and ordinal account (D / game “Count in order!”, “What is superfluous?”, “What has changed?”). This manual is also applicable in the field of elementary mathematical representations to prepare for understanding the essence of the arithmetic operation of addition and subtraction (“Three bullfinches were sitting on one branch. Another one flew to them”). Use of the allowance in individual work also brings tangible results. Such concepts as “left”, “right”, “above”, “below” are better absorbed by children if they practically perform the following actions: “Plant two sparrows on the upper branch on the right, two more sparrows on the branch below the left” (D / exercise "Sparrows on the branches"). The presence of a removable crown of a tree and additional details in the form of spring flowers of an apple tree and autumn leaves allows using the "Miracle Tree" as a determinant of the season.
The pears and apples in this tutorial are multifunctional. Depending on the goal, they can be used in many didactic games to solve specific problems. So, apples with a schematic representation of emotions will introduce children to pictograms of various emotional states. Pear dummies have their own secrets: each contains a Kinder Surprise box filled with some material. In some - buckwheat, in others - peas, in the third - several metal objects. Fillers are duplicated in the second instance. All boxes are the same in shape, but different in sound. They are well fixed to the cardboard base, lined with a fabric of the same color, they do not differ externally, and only by ear can you find two pears that sound the same.

Short description production of the manual "Wonder Tree"

The basis of the manual is a tree. The trunk, branches and root are cut with scissors from a single piece of carpet (you can also use trimmings, tightly attaching them to each other, or any other “fleshy” material, as long as there is adhesion to objects with Velcro). Crown - fleecy fabric Green colour. In order for the crown of the tree to be removable, you must first lay the trunk with branches already cut ( front side down) to the center of a single piece of green fabric and circle the outlines of the branches and the future crown with a chalk or pencil. Then cut along the marked outline. Attach the trunk and crown tightly to each other, face up. WITH reverse side sew Velcro or hidden loops on each of the parts (depending on the method of attachment to future basis). The shape of the trunk and crown of the tree depends only on the imagination and the width of the source material. The height of the allowance also varies, the main thing is that it is convenient for children to approach and freely reach the branches of the tree. Planar images of birds, autumn leaves and apple flowers cut out of paper and stick on thick cardboard. On the reverse side, glue the hard part of the Velcro.
Fruit replicas (apples and pears) are made of cardboard and fabric pieces. The lower part is thick cardboard of a given shape: round for apples and oval for pears. A synthetic winterizer is placed on top of the base and everything is sheathed with fabric. A rigid Velcro is sewn to the bottom (flat side).

Target: To expand the knowledge and skills of preschoolers on relevant lexical topics.
Refine and activate the dictionary on the given lexical topics.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
Form elementary mathematical representations.
Learn to name the pictograms of emotional states.
Develop thinking, memory, visual attention, auditory perception.
To form the skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, initiative.
Cultivate a cognitive interest in nature.

Didactic game for the development of emotional vocabulary. mood apples

Exercise: Match the pictures with images of various emotional states of people with apples with the corresponding pictogram.
Equipment: Pictures depicting people in various emotional state. "Wonder Tree", dummies of apples with pictograms printed on them: an apple of joy, an apple of sadness, an apple of anger, an apple of surprise.
Game progress: The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fairy tree.
- Are the apples on it the same?
- What is the difference? (depicting various emotional states).
- Name them.
- Children name familiar emotions: an apple of joy, an apple of sadness, an apple of anger, an apple of surprise.
Offers to consider the pictures laid out on the table depicting people experiencing different emotional states.
Who among them is happy?
- Maybe he ate an apple of joy?
Describe the person's state of happiness.
- What kind of eyes does a person have when he rejoices? (funny)
- Which mouth? (stretched into a smile).
- What does a person look like if he is sad? (eyebrows, lips lowered).
When can a child be sad?
The teacher offers to choose any of the proposed pictures and pick up an apple with the corresponding icon for it. Justify your choice.

Didactic game. noisy pears

Target: The development of auditory perception.
Exercise: Pick up pairs of pears in which the noises match.
Equipment:"Wonder Tree", a set of dummies of pears, identical in color and appearance. Secret pears: each contains a Kinder Surprise box filled one third with some material. Pair fillers. In the pears of the first pair there is buckwheat, in the pears of the second pair - peas. The third pair contains several metal objects. The amount of filler in pairs is the same.
Game progress: The teacher, together with the children, examines the pears.
- Children note that the pears are the same.
The teacher suggests taking one pear and shaking it.
- Do pears sound the same?
Children find out what pears make different sounds: soft to loud.
The teacher shows how to find pears that sound the same:
- Take one pear in your hand, shake it, hear the sound it makes. Leaving the pear in your hand, take another one with your other hand, also shake and compare the noises with each other. If the noises match, hang a pair of pears on a branch of the Wonder Tree. Thus, each child must find and hang three pairs of pears. Everyone checks together: do the pears make the same noise on each of the branches. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Julia Lavrukhina

At every age before sensory education worth their tasks. IN younger age ideas about color, shape, size accumulate. It is important that these representations are varied. This means that the child must be introduced to geometric shapes, develop cognitive skills and speech: determine the color, size, shape of objects by visual, tactile and motor examination, comparison.

Didactic objectives of the games: form sensory standards colors, develop the ability to name and correlate primary colors; develop fine motor skills, attention, sleight of hand, eye; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, compose them; develop tactile sensations.

The game "Pick up the shape."

The figures are cut out of thick napkins. (very convenient material for homemade, I often use it).

In the middle of each figure, you need to choose a figure that is suitable in shape and color, or you can change the task and pick up all the figures that are suitable only in shape.

The game "Tubules - snakes".

Required for manufacturing: cocktail straws, cut into equal parts, large beads, thick threads. We connect and fix everything.

Now you can compare them in length, add different geometric figures compare them by size.

I plan to supplement the game with tubes of other colors so that I can come up with whole pictures, their stories.

Related publications:

Didactic games for the sensory development of young children 1. "The game is decomposed by color." Age: 1 year 6 months and older. Material: 2 transparent buckets with a colored bottom in red and yellow.

In the first half of the year, we in the group held Parent meeting. One of the points of this meeting was “The development of fine motor skills of hands in children.

The most important thing for a person is life," wrote N. A. Ostrovsky. And the life of a child is doubly expensive, because he is still taking his first steps.

Do-it-yourself didactic aids. The problem is the continuous updating of the subject-developing environment. Relevance - updating the subject-developing.

Do-it-yourself didactic aids. What is social and communicative development? This is a complex process during which the child learns.

The presented benefits are universal, because they allow: To develop fine motor skills of children's hands (thanks to the use of massage balls);

The theme of self-education " Didactic games and allowances for sensory development children second junior group” was not chosen by me by chance. Because.

Plastic bottles are in almost every home. We will use them for the next tutorial.

The game "Flower meadow"

To provide yourself with everything you need to create such entertainment, take:

  • a cardboard box with low sides, for example, from under sweets;
  • plastic bottles;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors.
To make this game guide, cut out circles in a cardboard box according to the diameter of the bottle neck, and flowers from thick paper of different colors. Cut off the necks of the bottles, insert each into its own hole, screw on the caps. The child will put flowers of the same color on them.

Here's how to play with your toddler using these items. Tell him to:
  • put flowers of the same color on the lids;
  • I would put plants of a certain color on this impromptu flower bed;
  • I counted how many flowers and what color it turned out.

Clothespins game

It will help the child develop their fingers, improvise, come up with interesting stories.

For crafts, take plastic clothespins so that the child can easily squeeze them and put them on the object.

To make a similar educational game guide, take:
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • markers;
  • clothespins of different colors;
  • scissors.
Manufacturing master class:
  1. Use templates or draw figures on cardboard: various funny little animals, the sun, clouds, flowers, little men.
  2. Stick colored paper on cardboard, draw the features of the characters with a felt-tip pen.
  3. Put the clothespins in the box. Let the child take them out and prick them: in the sun - rays, on a fish - fins, on a caterpillar - legs, on a cloud - rain, and so on.
It will be interesting for the kid to come up with stories with these characters, and adults will help him with this.

Game "Feed the animals"

Kids will also like this fun, it will also require clothespins. Children will learn what some animals look like and what they eat. To do this, you need to cut a circle out of cardboard, use a ruler and a thin felt-tip pen to draw segments on it. In each, paste or draw the following products:

  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • grass;
  • corn;
  • bone;
  • acorn.
On pieces of another cardboard, depict such animals:
  • cat
  • squirrel
  • hare;
  • monkey;
  • cow;
  • mouse;
  • dog
  • pig.
Pin a clothespin to the edge of the muzzle for each animal. With the help of this mechanical device, let the baby place each animal near the food that he eats.

Tactile covers

For such interesting game you will need:
  • covers from baby food and plastic bottles;
  • pieces of skin;
  • cuttings of various fabrics;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Cut out from various fabrics (silk, drape, fleece, bike) two circles for each type. Now stick one blank from a pair on top of the lid, and put the second in a box or bag.

First, show the child the fabric on the lid, let him touch it. Now, without looking, a paired circle will be taken out of the bag or box. In the same way, he will find a cover with pieces of fur, leather.

Finger theater

Such fun helps children develop motor skills, coordination of hand movements, thinking, speech. You can, that the child put small characters on these parts of his hands. But you can make heroes in such a way that the child's fingers turn into their legs for a while.

The kid will surely amuse how the character walks or runs cheerfully, thanks to the child.

As you can see, you need to cut out figures of people and animals from cardboard, stick colored paper on them, paint the character so that it is clear who it is.

In place of the legs of each, it is necessary to cut out two equal circles. When you need a specific character to move, the child will pass his index and middle fingers, "walk" them.

This is how you can do it finger theater with your own hands.

Outdoor and indoor outdoor games for children

They will also help the development of the child. After all, after quiet entertainment, the baby needs movement. Both boys and girls will be happy to help their parents do the following game aids.

They are made very simply. First take:
  • carton boxes;
  • colored paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
Cut off the bottom and top of the cardboard box. The inner and outer part must be pasted over with plain paper. If it is light, for example, blue, then glue red, green rectangles on all four sides from the outside.

From dark paper, cut out the wheels, and from yellow - their inside. Make headlights out of the same.

You can come up with many games for children using these items. For example, children will simply stand inside such a car, run a race with their peers or with adults.

If there is not enough space at home, then you need to hold such outdoor games on the street. Of course, on the playground, where there are no real cars.

Let the child try himself as a driver, and the other one will become a gas station worker.

Making it is just as easy. To do this, cover a tall cardboard box with colored paper. Make a hole at the bottom of the structure, attach a piece of corrugated pipe or an old hose from a vacuum cleaner here. Stick on a pointer showing the amount of gasoline.

For girls, you can hold a competition on the topic “Who will drive the most beautiful in a car”, and after that, at the same time, do exercises, telling them that now they need to run on their toes, as if it were a light sports car. Then they will stomp their feet as they move, like a heavy truck passing by.

You can also make the following game manuals with your own hands.

"Move the fish"

This entertainment will help strengthen the coordination of children's movements, prevent the development of flat feet. To organize such fun, take:

  • gymnastic hoops;
  • sponges for dishes;
  • marker;
  • scissors.
Draw the outlines of fish and their eyes on each sponge, cut out these blanks.

Put the hoop on the floor, place the inhabitants of the water depths into it, how many participants will be, as many more hoops are needed. This is where each child will put the fish they catch. But you need to take them not with your hands, but with your feet.

Air football game

It will help develop the baby's lungs, promote correct breathing. To make such a desktop entertainment, you need to take:
  • a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise;
  • glass ball;
  • 2 straws from cocktails;
  • marker;
  • candy box.
Draw an analogue of a football field on the inside of the box. There should be markings for the gate, the central circle in which you will install the glass ball. In place of the gate, put half of a plastic egg, give two children cocktail tubes.

On command, they begin to blow on the glass ball through the tubes in order to drive it into the opponent's goal.

"Catch the Ball"

For the next educational game, take:

  • plastic bottles;
  • colored paper and glue or wide electrical tape;
  • rope;
  • bottle caps or small balls.
Game sequence:
  1. Cut the bottles about halfway, you need the part with the neck. So that the child does not get hurt on a sharp cut, cover it with colored paper or electrical tape.
  2. Tie one end of the rope to the neck of the container, attach a ball to the second, you can use a bottle cap instead.
  3. This game trains dexterity. Let the child try to drive the ball into the container by tossing it. If several people play, the one who manages to do it more times wins.
Interesting outdoor games fresh air also contribute to the development of the child, help him harden, improve health. You can attract a few kids from the yard, show them fun fun.

Game "Fishing rod"

For her you need:

  • long rope;
  • scissors;
  • small weight.
How to play:
  1. cut the rope right size, tie a weight to its end. One child becomes the leader, the others stand in front of him in a semicircle.
  2. The driver takes the end of the rope without a weight in his hand. In this case, the second edge with a weighting agent is located near the legs of the children.
  3. The leader will spin around its axis, while the rope should describe a circle. When the weight begins to approach the feet of the children, everyone should jump. If someone did not have time to do this, was hit by this object, he himself becomes the leader.

Instead of a rope and a weighting agent, you can take ordinary jump ropes desired length, use them as a fishing rod.

Game "Chairs"

This fun can be included in the outdoor entertainment program. Take folding stools with you, use them. Such outdoor games can be played by both children and adults. You will need musical accompaniment. Arrange the chairs in a circle, their number should be 1 less than the number of participants.

Put on some fun music and let the competitors run around these attributes. When you turn off the song, everyone should take a chair. Anyone who does not get this attribute is out of the game. For the next round, one more chair needs to be removed, and so on.

Game "Traffic Light"

She is very fond of the kids. For her, you need to put on accessories in advance. different colors, this trick will help win. You can put handkerchiefs of different colors in your pocket, tie shoelaces of different colors on sneakers.

  1. One person will play the role of a traffic light. He stands with his back to those around him. When the game begins, the Traffic Light turns sharply towards the competitors and says a certain color.
  2. Now, in order to get to the other side, each participant must hold onto the item of this color that he has.
  3. If there is no such color on the details of clothing, then the person quickly runs to the other side. If the Traffic Light managed to leave him at that time, then the unfortunate runner must now take the place of the driver.

DIY children's musical instruments

It is important to develop a child's ear for music. To do this, make the game manuals presented below.

Sounds of the rain

To recreate it you will need:
  • cardboard tube from baking paper or from foil;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • colored tape;
  • cardboard;
  • groats.
Make a lot of holes on the surface of the cardboard tube with an awl.

The more there are, the stronger tool sounds like the sound of rain. Now insert toothpicks into these holes, fix them with drops of glue. Cut the sharp ends of the wooden skewers flush with the cardboard tubes so that they do not protrude beyond the edges. Tape the bottom with a piece of cardboard, secure with a piece of tape.

Experimentally find out how much cereal is needed so that when shaken, the instrument makes sounds similar to the sound of rain. You can use buckwheat or rice, but it is best to use millet. Glue the top hole of the tube with a circle of cardboard, also fix it with colored tape.

You can make another noise instrument as well.

To make it, you just need to take:
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • reliable glue;
  • plastic or iron bottle caps.
Cut out a rectangle of cardboard that is large enough for your child to hold and fold in half. Glue the covers on the first and second edges of this blank. The child will bend the cardboard, knocking one half against the other.

If you have large buttons, take two. Sew elastic bands to each so that the child can put them on his fingers and tap one against the other.

Metal lids on cardboard will make more shrill sounds.

You can make a noise musical instrument from other materials. Peanut shells, coffee cans and other waste material which is usually thrown away.

Noise musical instruments

For this, take:
  1. two bushings from toilet paper or empty metal jars where coffee used to be;
  2. cereals or small pebbles;
  3. beads;
  4. cardboard;
  5. colored paper;
  6. rubber bands.
Manufacturing features:
  1. If you are using toilet paper rolls, then glue a mug of cardboard on their back ends.
  2. Cover them with a sheet of colored paper, fixing it with stationery rubber bands.
  3. Pour small pebbles, beads, sand or grains inside, fix this hole in the same way.
  4. If you use empty coffee cans, then, after filling them, fix them in the same way only on one side.

Do not give these toys to a child under 3 years of age. Also keep an eye on the older ones, because these noise instruments have a small filler.

And here is another funny little thing from junk material.

To make this musical slingshot, take:
  • wooden rogulina;
  • sandpaper;
  • thin elastic band;
  • acorn caps;
  • small metal buttons on legs;
  • awl;
  • scissors.
In each acorn hat, make an awl through holes, 2 pieces. Pass the elastic through a needle with a thick eye. String acorn caps and small metal buttons on it.

After pistachios or walnuts eaten, they leave a bunch of husks. In order not to throw out this garbage, create other noise musical game aids from it.

To make a ratchet of this type, take:
  • dense threads;
  • two sticks;
  • awl;
  • pistachio shells.
Grind the sticks of the stalk sandpaper to make this piece smooth. With an awl, make a hole in each shell, string these elements on the threads. Then you will need to tie them to one or two sticks.

An interesting noise musical instrument is also obtained from shells walnuts. Holes are also made in them with the help of an awl, threads or elastic bands are threaded here, then tied at the top. The child will begin to shake the instrument, holding it by the handle, interesting sounds will be obtained.


To make one, you'll take:
  • a metal can for cookies or tea;
  • awl;
  • semolina;
  • thin satin ribbon;
  • 2 helium or ballpoint pens;
  • two containers from under shoe covers;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.
Master class on creating:
  1. At the bottom of a metal can, sprinkle semolina with a layer of 1 cm, this will allow the sounds made to not be too loud.
  2. Make a couple of holes opposite each other with an awl on top of the wall, thread the tape here, fix it by tying it. Tape the lid to the jar.
  3. To make sticks for the drum, unscrew the tip from the handle, make a small hole in the cover of the capsule for shoe covers with a knife. Insert the pen body into it, screw the tip.
  4. Close the shoe cover capsule. If you want to get an even more interesting sound, then first pour cereals, small pebbles or beads into these two small containers.
For the next drum you will need:
  • empty canned food jar;
  • burst balloons;
  • rubber bands.
Stretch a piece of burst on the jar balloon if there are others, you can put them on top. Fix the design with a rubber band, and the drum is ready.

wind instruments

You can easily turn a straw from a cocktail into a pipe. The end needs to be cut at an angle.

If you want the child to make different sounds, then make straws of different lengths.

And if you take these blanks, fasten them in pairs with colored tape, arranging them in size, you will get such a musical wind instrument.

For the following, you only need two items:
  • comb;
  • tissue paper or foil.
Cover the teeth of the comb with foil or tissue paper. When the child takes this part of the musical instrument into his mouth, blowing on it will be able to make funny sounds.

Here are some do-it-yourself game aids you can make so that a child from an early age receives comprehensive development. How to do musical instruments from improvised materials, see the video.

How to make play aids for a child, the following review will show.

Irina Fedorenko

Explanatory note.

Requirements, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure of the main general education program preschool education reveal new directions and opportunities in the organization comprehensive development preschool children. The main task of any educator is the comprehensive development of children. The full implementation of this goal is the formation of a universal skill and skill by the end of preschool age, logical thinking and speech of the kid, readiness for school.

GEF preschool education defines the following areas of child development:

Socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic;

Physical development.

Cognitive development is a complex complex phenomenon, including the development cognitive processes(perception, thinking, attention, imagination, which are different forms orientation of the child in the world around him, in himself and regulates his activities.

Speech development is the development of free communication with adults and children, mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

Thus, these two processes are closely related. At present, teachers face the most important task: the comprehensive development of children. The task is to create conditions for the successful comprehensive development of the preschooler.

The ideology of the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed at forming a fundamentally new view of the education system. It is necessary to be able to navigate in the variety of interactive approaches to the development of children, in a wide choice of modern technologies.

Innovative technologies are a system of teaching methods and techniques aimed at achieving positive results through dynamic changes in personal development child in modern conditions. In modern educational technologies The transfer of knowledge comes in the form of continuous problem solving. It is important to remember that a child is not a vessel, but a torch that must be lit. Currently, there are various programs and technologies that offer


At present, cognitive and speech development lies on the shoulder preschool institutions. Informative - research activities is the basis of human existence. From the early age The child acts as a researcher the world: objects, their properties, actions with them, as well as nature and its phenomena. He gets acquainted with the speech concept of objects and phenomena.

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech connects people in their activities, helps to understand each other, forms views and beliefs, and renders a great service in understanding the world. Nature allocates preschool age to the appearance and formation of speech. During preschool development all attention is paid to the development of all components of oral speech. The process of teaching speech and developing thinking is one inseparable beginning of a preschooler. Obviously, in order to talk coherently about something, you need to be able to analyze an object, highlight its properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

One of the conditions cognitive and speech development of children provides for the development of a subject-spatial environment that provides a variety of activities and enrichment of speech experience. When saturating the group space, it is important to remember that an enriched developmental environment is a unity of subject and social means for ensuring a child's diverse activities. Important task- Involve parents in this process. Pedagogy has long been looking for ways to achieve high and stable results in working with children. Responding to all changes social conditions and requirements, pedagogy creates more and more new approaches to education. We primarily focus on their effectiveness. It is generally accepted that technological processes(including pedagogical process, built according to technological principles) must be highly efficient. Therefore, we strive to improve the quality of education and upbringing. That is why the idea of ​​​​creating a multifunctional manual appeared - the developing cube "Inquisitive". This manual attracts and interests children.


development of sensory abilities, speech, attention, fine motor skills, communication skills.


1. To develop the cognitive activity of a preschooler.

2. To form the ability to convey information through the word.

3. Enrich the emotional and sensory experience of a preschooler.

4. Expand knowledge about the world, form ideas about its integrity.

5. Create conditions for the manifestation of independent cognitive activity preschooler.

6. Development fine motor skills hands

7. Create conditions for development cognitive interests V different types activities and content.

Destination: children 3 - 7 years old.

Forms of work: organized educational activities, children's free activity. Expected results:

Formation of the skill of quantitative and ordinal counting;

Development of attention, memory, thinking;

The development of the child's visual and auditory attention;

The development of his ability to navigate in space;

Development of fine motor skills;

Replenishment and expansion vocabulary The child has;

Formation of coherent speech;

The development of the imagination.

Didactic games for cognitive development:

"One is many"

"Count and Answer"

"Set aside that much"

"Make a Pattern"

"Alone at home"

"Caution fire"

"Dangerous Situations"

"Day Night"

"When It Happens"


"Magic Arrows"

"Count and Remember"

Didactic games for speech development:

"My phone rang"

"Tell me about your mood"

"Guess who I'm talking about"

"Who's screaming"

"Guest on the doorstep"

Articulation gymnastics

"Learning to Answer Questions"

"Tell me what you're doing"

“If you can do it yourself, teach a friend”

"Yes, no - do not speak"

The teacher is a direct active participant in the work with the allowance - he charges the children with his positive emotions, causes a desire to take part, sets patterns for performing actions.

You should not evaluate children, seek the only correct, in your opinion, action or answer, since in this case the children will repeat only what is required of them, and will not be able to show their own spontaneous, lively and natural reactions.

In progress practical work it is permissible to make various additions, in accordance with age, condition, needs and individual features children. Parents can be invited to participate in classes, it is useful to recommend them to play at home and consolidate the same material with the child.

We hope that the tips, exercises and games offered in the program will help to properly organize communication between teachers, children and parents.