Sensory education is a necessary element of the harmonious development of children. Sensory Education for Preschoolers Sensory development is important

At each age stage, the child is most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. Most scientists believe that it is the younger preschool age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Therefore, sensory education is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

The concept of sensory development of children

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. ( 5 )

Full-fledged sensory development is carried out only in the process of sensory education, when children purposefully form standard ideas about color, shape, size, signs and properties of various objects and materials, their position in space, etc., develop all types of perception, thereby laying the foundation for the development of mental activity [ 14

Sensory education creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation of mental functions, which are of paramount importance for further learning.

Sensory education means mastering a certain level of development of individual systems of sensitivity and ways of combining them into complexes and is aimed at developing visual, auditory, tactile, kinetic, kinesthetic and other types of sensations and perceptions.

Sensation is the simplest mental process from which a person's knowledge of the surrounding world begins. This is a reflection in the mind of a person of individual properties and qualities of objects, phenomena that directly affect his senses. (1)So V.A. Krutetsky writes that sensations allow a person to perceive signals and reflect the properties and signs of things in the external world and the states of the body. They connect a person with the outside world and are both the main source of knowledge and the main condition for his mental development. (2)

Reflection in the mind of a person of objects and phenomena in the aggregate of their properties and parts with their direct impact on the senses is called perception (perception).

Perception is a process of direct contact with the environment. By definition, L.D. Stolyarenko, perception is a direct reflection of objects and phenomena in a holistic way as a result of awareness of their identifying features. As a result of perception, an image is formed that includes a complex of various interconnected sensations attributed by human consciousness to an object, phenomenon, process. (2)

The process of perception always includes motor components (feeling objects and moving the eyes, highlighting the most informational points; singing or pronouncing the corresponding sounds that play a significant role in determining the most significant features of the sound stream). In order for a certain object to be perceived, it is necessary to perform some kind of counter activity in relation to it, aimed at its research, construction and clarification of the image.

Perception is a necessary stage of cognition, which is associated with thinking, memory, attention, is guided by motivation and has a certain affective-emotional coloring.

Perception is formed on the basis of sensations of different modality. Scientists (S. M. Vainerman, L. V. Filippova, etc.) state that in childhood no developmental optima were found even in relation to the most elementary sensorimotor reactions, which indicates the incompleteness in this age phase of the processes of both sensory and sensorimotor development.

Psychological science and practice (V. N. Avanesova, E. G. Pilyugina, N. N. Poddyakov, etc.) have convincingly proved that knowledge obtained verbally and not supported by sensory experience is unclear, indistinct and fragile, sometimes very fantastic, and this means that normal mental development is impossible without reliance on full perception.

The child's knowledge of the surrounding world and its objects, their fundamental geometric, kinetic and dynamic properties, the laws of space and time occurs in the process of practical (cognitive research) activities. Creating a holistic image that takes into account all the properties of an object is possible only if the child has mastered the search methods of orientation when performing a task. To this end, it is necessary to teach him systematic observation of the object, examination, palpation and examination.

The movements of the hands included in the examination of the object organize the visual and kinesthetic (motor) perception of children, contribute to the refinement of visual representations of the shape of the object and its configuration, and the quality of the surface. Acquaintance with the shape, size, spatial and other characteristics of objects is impossible without the integration of hand and eye movements.

In the process of learning, the child must master the peculiar sensory measures that have developed historically - sensory standards - to determine the relationship of the identified properties and qualities of a given object to the properties and qualities of other objects. Only then will the accuracy of perception appear, the ability to analyze the properties of objects, compare them, generalize, and compare the results of perception will be formed.

Assimilation of sensory standards - a system of geometric shapes, a scale of magnitude, a color spectrum, spatial and temporal orientations, a pitch range, a scale of musical sounds, a phonetic system of a language, etc. - is a complex and lengthy process. Mastering the sensory standard means not just being able to correctly name this or that property of an object: it is necessary to have clear ideas for analyzing and highlighting the properties of a wide variety of objects in a variety of situations.

Each type of standards is not just a set of individual samples, but a system in which varieties of a given property are arranged in one sequence or another, grouped in one way or another and differ according to strictly defined characteristics.

As sensory standards are:

  • - Color standards - seven colors of the spectrum and their shades in terms of lightness and saturation,
  • - Form standards - geometric shapes,
  • - Size standards - the metric system of measures, usually for preschoolers we are talking about relative sizes determined by eye;
  • - in auditory perception, these are phonemes of the native language, pitch relations, notes in music;
  • - in taste, olfactory perception, taste - salty, sour, sweet, bitter and their combinations;

Consistently introducing children to different types of sensory standards and their systematization is one of the main tasks of sensory education for preschoolers. Such familiarization is based on the organization of children's actions in examining * and memorizing the main varieties of each property.

Assimilation of sensory standards is only one of the aspects of the development of the child's orientation in the properties of objects. The second side, which is inextricably linked with the first, is the improvement of the actions of perception.

Domestic science distinguishes two main sensorimotor methods that improve perception - examination and comparison.

Inspection is a specially organized perception of an object (object) in order to use its results in any practical activity. The development of the child's sensory actions does not occur by itself, but only in the course of assimilation of social sensory experience, under the influence of practice and training. The effectiveness of this process is greatly enhanced if the child is specifically taught how to examine objects using appropriate sensory standards. The survey can go along the contour (planar objects) or in volume (volumetric objects); it depends on the activity that the child will be engaged in.

The general survey scheme assumes a certain order:

  • 1 Perception of the holistic appearance of the object;
  • 2 Identification of its main parts and determination of their properties (shape, size, etc.);
  • 3 Determination of the spatial relationships of parts relative to each other (above, below, to the left, etc.);
  • 4 Selection of small details (parts) and determination of their size, ratio, location, etc.;
  • 5 Repeated holistic perception of the subject.

Comparison is both a didactic method and at the same time a mental operation, through which similarities and differences between objects (objects) and phenomena are established. Comparison can go by comparing objects or their parts, by superimposing objects on top of each other or applying objects to each other, feeling, grouping by color, shape or other features around standard samples, as well as by sequentially examining and describing the selected features of an object, using a method implementation of planned activities. Initially singled out only a general idea of ​​the subject is then replaced by a more specific and detailed perception.

Thus, comparison is a kind of mechanism for examining an object, which helps to establish the ratio of objects in terms of size, shape, spatial position, and some other properties, and as a result solves the problem of mastering the generally accepted system of sensory standards. Note that comparison, being a component of the meaningful perception of objects (objects, phenomena), contributes to the formation of correct ideas about them, creates the basis for the generalization and systematization of knowledge.

The effectiveness of analytical-synthetic activity in the process of perception depends on the child's mastery of various perceptual actions, thanks to which the image of an object becomes differentiated, i.e., properties are distinguished in it.

The formation of perceptual actions in ontogeny (grasping, feeling, examination) should correspond to the psychological and pedagogical guidance of this process: from games and exercises with real objects to the use of object models and further to visual discrimination and recognition of the indicated properties of objects. External orienting actions gradually pass into the internal plan, that is, they are internalized. (3) Sensory standards begin to be used without moving, combining, tracing the contours of objects and other external methods. They are replaced by the contemplating movements of the eye or the groping hand, which now acts as an instrument of perception. Only then will perception turn from the process of constructing an image (object) into a relatively elementary process of identification. These changes are due to the formation in the child of branched systems of sensory standards, which he begins to use, and the mastery of the main methods of examination.

Thus, the development of the perception of sensory standards includes two main components:

  • - Formation and improvement of ideas about the varieties of properties of objects that perform the function of sensory standards;
  • - Formation and improvement of the perceptual actions themselves, necessary for the use of standards in the analysis of the properties of real objects.

By the end of preschool age, normally developing children should form a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions as a result of properly organized training and practice.

Sensory development of preschoolers is one of the most important moments in the full and high-quality upbringing of a child. Many parents do not attach much importance to purposeful sensory studies, believing that the knowledge of the world, objects and forms will pass in a child of primary preschool age remarkably by itself, in a natural way.

Some even believe that classes are harmful, as they impose stereotypes and distort individuality. However, professional educators refute this opinion, providing indisputable evidence of the need and effectiveness of consistent and thoughtful activities aimed at sensory education of preschoolers.

Sensory Education - What is it?

Sensory education of children, according to the definition in textbooks and manuals, of various phenomena of the surrounding world and sensations that arise, understanding their meaning and properties, the formation of ideas about certain objects and their differentiation. The improvement of sensory abilities is directly related to the mental and intellectual level of the child. Therefore, sensory education is also used as one of the methods for treating problem children with delayed development of any age.

The sensory system of every healthy, fully developed person consists of five aspects of perception: touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. If we talk about sensory perception, then there are generally accepted standards that should be learned from an early age: geometric shapes, sizes, primary colors of the spectrum, etc. this is what sensory exercises for children are aimed at.

The main tasks of the upbringing methodology

Thanks to the sensory method of education, the child learns such concepts as:

  • shape and size;
  • color and quality;
  • taste and smell;
  • sound, music.

All this contributes to the flexibility of perception of external factors, the speed of analysis, attentiveness, and logic. The importance of these qualities can hardly be overestimated - already from childhood, you can help the child form the character traits and develop the abilities necessary for successful self-realization in society and a prosperous career.

Sensory education of preschoolers is necessary in preparation for testing before entering primary school. It was noted that children with whom they were additionally engaged in this direction adapted much faster at school and better learned new educational materials.

The enormous importance of human sensory perception is clear, it cannot be overestimated. Therefore, it is recommended to start the development of sensory abilities at a very early age, when the child is most receptive. It is at preschool age that the received information and ideas about the world around us are best perceived and processed.
Most authoritative scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are convinced that early preschoolers for the most part affect the level of intelligence, speed and quality of mental. And, therefore, it largely determines his qualitative characteristics as a person and a future specialist in any field.

You can start doing the simplest exercises from a very early age - there are programs designed specifically for very tiny babies aged 1-2 years. Young children are very inquisitive, they like to feel everything, twirl, examine and throw, therefore they perfectly perceive activities in a playful way. But in principle, it is never too late to engage in the sensory development of a preschooler - it is much more important here to present classes in an interesting and accessible form.

The simplest exercises for the sensory development of children under three years old

At this age, the baby still does not know how to analyze - and should not. The development of a child is considered normal if he is able to distinguish the color, size and configuration of objects, give the simplest qualitative and quantitative definitions - “soft”, “hard”, “a lot”, “little”, etc. The crumbs are happy to join in the game-lesson.

But since for children of this age to keep their attention on the same subject or process for a long time, classes should not last more than 10-15 minutes. If the child is phlegmatic in itself, slow and serious, 5-7 minutes may be enough for him. After a while, you will be able to conduct another lesson, alternating topics.

  1. Pyramids and cubes. There are several options here:
  • on color - the baby must choose objects of the same color;
  • on the shape - to separate the balls from the cubes;
  • by size - fold the pyramid from a smaller cone to a larger one and vice versa.
  1. Imitation. Toddlers love to imitate adults and make faces. Show him a smile, and comment - cheerful, kind. Then frown, and comment again - angry, displeased. Let the child repeat all your grimaces.
  2. Guess fruits and vegetables. In an opaque bag or bag, you need to put a set of vegetables and fruits that are well known to the child: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, apples, oranges, etc. the task is to guess a vegetable or fruit by touch and describe its taste or quality. For example, an apple is hard, red, sweet, a lemon is rough, sour, a carrot is long and crispy. For older kids, you can complicate the game - guess with your eyes closed by touch who gave him a hand (mom, dad, brother, grandmother, grandfather).

Very useful games in the air with sand, pebbles, water, plants.

Sensory development exercises for children from 3 to 6 years old

By the age of four, the child already knows how to distinguish shades and nuances, compares various concepts, forms the relationship of an object with its qualities. In his vocabulary, stable phrases are formed, with the help of which he should be able to describe various things or phenomena quite clearly.

A 5-year-old kid learns to analyze, draw conclusions and conclusions. He is no longer interested in studying new subjects alone - he wants to communicate, discuss what he saw, hear the opinions of outsiders and express his own. Right now, group classes with peers, teachers and parents are important for the full and successful upbringing of the child.

6 years is the age when personality, character, habits and beliefs are practically formed. The foundation has already been laid - now you can only direct and supplement and correct the acquired knowledge and concepts. At the same time, one cannot overestimate the independence of a preschooler; his thinking still remains immature. A well-designed program of sensory perception classes, designed for children of this age, is very important for comprehensive, high-quality development.

  1. Funny balls. Inflatable balls need to be filled with various fillers - flour, buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar. With each type of filler, two balls should be made, mix them and put them in a bowl. The child must guess the contents by touch and find a pair of bags.
  2. Name a letter. Sit the child on a chair or lay him on the sofa with his bare back up and slowly write the letters of the alphabet with your finger. The preschooler must guess them. You can play with numbers the same way.
  3. Coincidence. Better to play in a group. Each of the participants is offered a bag with different items. First you need to feel for one of them with your eyes closed, describe it and guess what it is - for example, a round tennis ball made of felt. Then name and describe objects of similar qualities and shapes - for example, an apple is also hard and round, a carpet is the same rough, etc.

The game “in words and associations” also develops excellently - an adult calls the word, and the child - associations that are suitable in meaning. For example, "night" - "dark, sleep, stars, moon."


So, the sensory development of a preschooler is a necessary and important event if you are concerned about the future of the child, his school performance, the full and deep development of potential talents and abilities, self-realization in adulthood. It is impossible not to note one more positive side of such activities: the child is in contact with parents, which contributes to warmer, more trusting relationships in the family, with peers - this forms the skills of behavior in society, in different situations, including conflicts. Finally, it is a training of discipline, mindfulness and perseverance.

If you do not have time to read at least one manual for at least a quarter of an hour a day, try to find an early childhood center near your home.


Experts say that a child is born with natural abilities to know the world through the perception of objects and phenomena. However, for a completedevelopment of natural abilitiesthe growing baby is no longer enough. Therefore, in the first years of a child's life, parents need to make every effort so that the baby can train the abilities of his senses, as well as improve them in the future.

To do this, it is very important to provide him with the whole range of first impressions, thanks to which his psychophysical development will occur much faster and more efficiently. In other words, it is necessary to actively use techniques aimed at the sensory development of the child, which we will talk about today.


sensory development(sensorics) is the process of forming certain ideas about the properties of objects: their size, shape, color, position in space, tastes, smells, etc. When the baby first encounters the variety of forms, colors and events around him (and this happens almost in the very first days of his life), it is important not to miss this time, help him get used to this world and push him to self-improvement.

It is these goals that are fundamental in the sensory education of the child - a systematic, consistent acquaintance with the so-called sensory culture. Of course, even without the help of parents, the child, one way or another, learns the world as it is, but this knowledge, without proper sensory development, may turn out to be false or incomplete.

According to experts, sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation for the overall mental development of the baby, and on the other hand, it has a completely independent meaning, as a way for children to develop sensations, perceptions and ideas. And it is the early age that is most favorable for the accumulation and systematization of ideas about the world around and the improvement of the activity of the child's sense organs.


sensory sensationsclassified into:

  • visual (visual);
  • tactile;
  • olfactory;
  • auditory;
  • taste.

It is in accordance with them that the child develops concepts about:

  • size;
  • form;
  • color;
  • sounds;
  • taste;
  • smell.


The main tasks of the touch child development are:

  • formation of correct sensory standards;
  • formation of correct perceptual reactions (sensory perceptions);
  • acquisition of skills to independently apply the system of standards and correctly respond to perceptual processes.

It is important to understand that the sensory education of the child should take into account his age characteristics. With normal development, children under six months old, as a rule, observe the movement of objects, make grasping movements, show interest in bright toys and loud sounds. Over time, the baby begins to be interested in smells and tastes.

From one to three years, the child acquires basic knowledge about the signs of the things around him. It is at this age that he forms concepts about shapes, colors, sizes, tastes and smells. In the fourth year of life, the main ideas about the features of objects are mastered, as well as the consolidationsensory standards. This is the beginning of the analytical perception of objects and events surrounding the child.


Sensory standards for children at an early stage of development are considered to be:

  • nine primary colors of the spectrum;
  • five geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle, oval);
  • three sizes (values) of the object: large, medium, small;
  • musical notes, sounds of the native language;
  • four tastes (sweet, bitter, salty, sour);
  • two temperature definitions (warm, cold);
  • five types of smell (sweet, bitter, fresh, light, heavy).

Depending on the age of the baby, the requirementssensory educationrequire the following knowledge and skills.

For the age of 1.5-2 years:

  • understanding and ability to name 3-4 colors, as well as correctly select them according to the sample;
  • orientation in the sizes (values) of objects, the ability to disassemble and assemble a three-dimensional nesting doll;
  • the ability to correctly assemble a colored pyramid of 4-6 rings of different sizes;
  • the ability to correctly correlate the configuration of three-dimensional figures with flat ones;
  • have basic drawing skills (draw horizontal, vertical, short and long lines, and clearly explain what he has drawn).

For ages 2-4 years:

  • understanding and ability to name 6 colors, as well as correctly select them according to the model;
  • orientation in 3-5 contrasting values ​​(dimensions);
  • the ability to assemble a colored pyramid of 6-8 rings of different sizes;
  • the ability to correctly form a whole object from 4 parts (cut pattern, folding cubes);
  • the ability to clearly distinguish volumetric objects in shape (cube, ball, pyramid, etc.), and flat ones in outline (square, triangle, rhombus, circle);
  • the ability to draw short and long lines of different positions within the sheet.


It has been scientifically proven that early sensory education has a positive effect on the level of intelligence and the quality of the mental development of the child as a whole. Therefore, teach your child tosensory cultureyou need to start as early as possible (ideal from the age of one, when the baby is most inquisitive, and tries to see everything, touch, try by touch).

But it is naturally impossible to force a child to develop and improve himself at this age. All classes must be carried out in the only form accessible to his understanding - the form of the game. However, the game should not tire the baby, otherwise he will quickly lose interest in it. 10-15, and in some cases even 5-7 minutes are enough for the child to learn something useful for himself from the lesson.


For children from 1 to 2 years old:

  • having laid out multi-colored cubes, balls and pyramid elements in front of the baby, we ask him to choose and sort the objects by color or shape;
  • having disassembled the pyramid, and showing how it is assembled, we ask the baby to repeat your actions;
  • touch the child's hand with objects with different textures (mittens, feathers, washcloths, toys, etc.), describing the properties of the object and the sensations of its touch. Then ask the child to close his eyes, repeat the touches, and invite the child to guess the object, based on the sensations of his touch;
  • Show your child your smile by commenting on it with the word "kind". Make a grimace of an angry person, calling it "evil". Ask the baby to repeat your facial expressions;
  • if the child knows what vegetables and fruits look like, collect a set of them and put them in an opaque bag. Give it to your baby, let him try, without looking or reaching out, to identify and name a tangible vegetable or fruit by touch, and also to describe its shape, color and taste. The same can be done with other objects familiar to the baby.

For children from 2 to 4 years old:

  • Start learning the letters of the alphabet with your child. Prescribing or showing him the letters, ask him to name them. The same game can be played with numbers;
  • pour various fillers (buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar) in pairs into opaque bags, bags or balloons, and ask the baby to sort the items by touch, finding each bag the corresponding pair with the same content;
  • Tell and show your child how puzzles are assembled. Ask him to assemble a simple picture on his own;
  • interest the baby in associations. Ask him to name a few words associated with the word you named. For example: winter (cold, snow, frost), night (sleep, dark, late), lemon (yellow, sour, oval, etc.).

Sensory development of the childwith the right approach, it not only forms his consciousness and ability to assess current events. Studying with the baby and introducing him to the sensory culture, you open up unlimited opportunities for him to show potential talents, as well as self-realization at the stage of adulthood. In addition, early sensory is the basis for consolidating the child's behavioral skills in society, the roots of which are in communication with parents.

Today, sensory education of preschool children is one of the important stages of preparation for school. This concept refers to the acquisition by children of knowledge about the world around them with the help of the senses. It includes the development of visual perception, hearing and taste, as well as smell and touch.

What is sensory?

This term is translated as "sensation" and refers to our perception of the world. The concept implies an idea of ​​the properties of objects and the level of knowledge of reality. In science, the following groups of perception are included in the concept of sensory:

  1. Visual is the perception of shape, color, volume, size.
  2. Auditory - perception of volume, timbre, rhythm. It has a major influence on the formation of speech.
  3. Tactile includes those sensations that we feel with the skin (temperature, tactile).
  4. Proprioceptive - control of body movement.
  5. Vestibular - perception of space, control of movements.
  6. Olfactory - the perception of aromas.
  7. Taste - the perception of the properties of food (salty, sweet, bitter, sour, etc.)

What is sensory development?

Children from the first years of life actively explore the world. First they examine, then touch the objects, taste them, smell them. They try to shake the toy in their hand to hear the sound. Is it necessary to specifically engage in developmental activities with the child in order to form ideas about the surrounding objects? Modern research shows that the children's brain is extremely receptive to any new information. Scientists call the period from birth to 10 years the “big bang” in the brain. At this time, it develops as quickly as it will never be. Therefore, the sensory development of a preschooler is important for his subsequent success. It streamlines previous knowledge, develops attention, imagination, observation, memory.

The main concept in the sensory development of children of early and preschool age is “sensory standards”. They include categories such as size, color, length, direction, geometric shapes, smell, sound, texture. Sensory education of preschoolers includes teaching the skills of analysis, comparison, generalization by studying the above properties of objects. Usually, the age of preschoolers is divided into such periods: younger (from 3 to 4 years), middle (4-5 years) and senior (5-7 years). Sometimes the first two are combined. According to psychologists, during this period there can be no study, preparation for school. The child simply will not perceive the information submitted in this form. The main activity at these stages is the game. It is through the game that the sensory education of preschoolers takes place.

Games for younger preschoolers

The characteristic of this period is as follows: children actively want to perceive new information. They try everything, study, ask a lot of questions. The methods of sensory education of preschoolers are mainly represented by a variety of educational games. Toddlers explore the world with more than just sight. They use all the senses: touch, smell, use tactile sensations. Features of the sensory development of children of primary preschool age are in the following principle: it is important not only what to play, but also how. Here are the basic rules. The game must be interesting. Set aside or replace it if the baby does not want to play with it. For the same reason, games must be diversified. To make the process truly exciting, develop with your child. You should be interested too. Games should be age-appropriate and progressively more difficult. Here are games for the development of perception in preschoolers under the age of 5 years. Any mother based on them can come up with many other variations of developmental activities.

The name of this game speaks for itself. The child is invited to find a pair for each object lying in front of him in accordance with a certain criterion: color, shape, size. You can start with geometric shapes that are easy to cut yourself from colored cardboard. Invite the child to find a pair of triangle, circle, square. Then sort the shapes by color: blue, red, yellow, green. For older children, you need to prepare pictures. Download them from the Internet and print on a color printer. There should be depicted objects and phenomena that the child encounters every day. For example, a car, a ball, a dog, etc. Such games help develop color perception in preschool children, as well as logical thinking.

Find an item

Cards from the previous game can be used for Guess the Item tasks. Parents take a card with an image, without showing the baby, and describe an object or phenomenon. Ask the child to guess what is in the picture. If you can't, think: maybe you are explaining too complicated? Connect facial expressions, movements, try to show the subject. This is a great idea for a family holiday in the evening. The game provides the cognitive development of the preschooler, makes the imagination work.

Another version of this game is called What's Missing. This is a simple and useful game that shapes perception in preschool children. Lay out cards or figures on the table, consider them together, name them. Then invite the child to briefly close their eyes, and at this time remove one of the objects. Let the kid guess what has disappeared from the table. The game perfectly forms visual perception in preschoolers, helps to improve attentiveness and memory.

Another variety is called "Guessing by the shadow." For this game, you need to print silhouettes, such as animals. First, look at the pictures with your child, guess who is depicted in them. Then invite the child to choose a card himself and tell about this animal: where it lives, what it eats, etc. It is good if at home you discuss the phenomena that you saw during the walk. For example, on the street you fed pigeons. Have your son or daughter find the silhouette of the birds in the pictures and tell you everything they know about them.

Rhinoceros Turtle Dog Crab Butterfly
Elephant Squirrel Bird Horse Giraffe


Cut out geometric shapes from colored paper. If the child already knows how to use scissors, let him do it himself. Make an application: trailers on white paper. The game provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive processes: logical thinking, memory, attentiveness. Count trailers, get acquainted with the concepts of a lot and a little. Put windows on them. Arrange the wagons in a certain sequence, and let the child repeat it.

Games for older preschoolers

At the age of 5-7 years, the so-called productive activity should appear in the life of a preschooler. This is modeling, drawing, designing. At this stage, it is important for the child not only to perceive, but also to reproduce. Action comes first. In speech, the child uses many adjectives. He not only knows about the properties of objects, but also names them, distinguishes, finds. The sensory development of older preschool children still occurs through play. The content of sensory education at this stage includes educational games, physical activity. Features of the development of children 5-7 years old are that their actions become more conscious and purposeful. There is a close connection between speech, thinking, action.

Offer children games to develop their ingenuity. They can be divided into three types: make shapes from sticks, change shapes from sticks, make shapes from elements. They perfectly train ingenuity, develop thinking and imagination. These games come in different levels of difficulty. Many options can be found in children's stores.

We develop speech

Correct speech, a rich vocabulary is a guarantee that your child will develop the entire cognitive sphere. Here are some examples of games for the speech sensory development of preschool children.

  1. Offer to choose the opposite of the word. For example, you say "big", the child answers "small", etc.
  2. Make riddles, for example, this one: let him be too long-eared, but the hearing is for two. Correct answer: hare. Ask: what color is the hare, where does it live, what does it eat? Encourage adjectives: gray, cowardly, dexterous, fast, etc.
  3. Show an object (for example, a toy) and ask them to tell you what it is? For example, a chair is wooden, small, white. This activity is especially effective when several children are playing. In this case, a competitive moment arises: the one who names more signs wins.

Understanding time

Features of the perception of time by children of preschool age are that it is understood through certain repetitive actions. For example, the change of seasons, the change of day and night, the daily routine. There are 4 stages in the formation of the concept of time in a child. Until about 2 years old, the child perceives time with the help of his daily routine: feeding, playing, sleeping. The period from 2 to 4 years is sometimes called the period of "objectification" of time. Children perceive time through vivid memorable events. While they can still confuse the definitions of words - first, then, tomorrow, yesterday. By the age of 6, a preschooler has a good command of time categories. At the age of 7, children begin to navigate by the clock.

In order to form the sensory development of children of primary preschool age in the context of possession of temporary categories, the following exercises can be performed.

  1. First of all, actively use temporary categories in everyday life. This contributes to the active assimilation of such concepts as then, now, earlier, long ago, etc.
  2. Prepare cards with elements of the daily routine: morning shower, gymnastics, walk, lunch, daytime sleep. Show two cards and ask: which lasts longer? Then select others and ask the question: what comes first?
  3. Watch the animals on the street and ask: who moves fast and who moves slowly?

Perception diagnostics

Sensory education of children of primary preschool age is important not only in the context of the development of mental qualities. Before entering the school, a diagnosis of the level of sensory development is always carried out. These are the same means and techniques that are used during development at preschool age: games, riddles, exercises. But they have their own specifics: tests are carried out for a while, an unusual environment for a child can affect the result. The survey includes all areas of cognitive development: logical and imaginative thinking, attention, speech level, ability to do mathematics, etc. Here are the main methods for diagnosing perception.

  1. A task to check the level of development of hand motor skills, in which it is proposed to draw tails for mice or strings for balls.
  2. Explain what the proverb means. These are ways to test the development of thinking and speech.
  3. Attention tests that ask you to find and cross out an item. There are several options for such tasks, all of them are performed on time. It is necessary to cross out one type of figure from the many drawn on the sheet. Or cross out a few of the indicated letters in each line. Another option is to draw the desired shape on each line.
  4. The most popular exercise is to assemble a figure from small components. Its varieties: collect beads or find the same item. All of these tasks test math skills.
  5. Also, children can be offered to mold any figure from plasticine. The child must decide for himself what it will be. The highest score is given to those who have worked out their sculpture in detail.

This is not a complete list of methods and techniques used for admission. Different schools supplement testing with other tasks.


Description: This material will be useful for both preschool teachers and parents. The material is written for children 5-6 years old, with disabilities.
Target: to acquaint parents with the stages of development of basic sensory representations in preschool children with disabilities.

Good morning dear parents. Very glad to see you! And I want to start our meeting with the words:
The world enters the consciousness of man only through the door of the organs of external senses. If it is closed, then he cannot enter into it, cannot enter into communication with him. The world then does not exist for consciousness.
B. Preyer

Today we will talk about one of the main problems of child development. Sensory education is of particular importance in the development of children. The development of sensations and perceptions creates the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of all other, more complex cognitive processes (memory, imagination, thinking).
The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child - the improvement of his orientation in the external properties and relationships of objects and phenomena, in space and time. The source of knowledge about the world around us is sensations and perceptions arising from the contact of the sense organs with various signs and properties of objects. Perceiving objects and acting with them, the child begins to more and more accurately evaluate their color, shape, size, weight, temperature, and surface properties. Children's ability to determine the direction in space, the relative position of objects, the sequence of events and the intervals of time separating them are significantly improved. Sensory education is aimed at teaching children to perceive objects accurately, completely and dissected, their various properties and relationships (color, shape, size, location in space).
Traditionally, five types of perception are distinguished in accordance with the leading analyzer involved in the construction of a perceptual image:
tactile (tactile)

The value of sensory education is that it:
- is the basis for intellectual development;
- streamlines the chaotic representations of the child, obtained by interacting with the outside world;
- develops observation;
- prepares for real life;
- positively affects the aesthetic feeling;
- is the basis for the development of imagination;
- develops attention;
- gives the child the opportunity to master new ways of subject-cognitive activity;
- ensures the assimilation of sensory standards;
- provides mastering of skills of educational activity;
- influences the expansion of the child's vocabulary;
- affects the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.
Sensory (from Latin sensus, “perception”) is a category that describes the direct perception of sensations, external influences. In physiology, sensory is a function of the nervous system, which consists in the perception of external stimuli.
Sensory development of a child is a way of knowing the world around, which is based on the work of the senses. Sensations give us an idea of ​​the various properties of the environment and help us form holistic images of objects. So, visual perception involves distinguishing objects of the surrounding world by color, shape, size. Skin perception includes tactile sensations (distinguishing objects by texture - smooth / rough, hard / soft), tactile sensations (determining the shape of an object by touch - flat / voluminous), temperature sensations, pressure sensations (weight, heaviness).
Sensory development, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.
The level of sensitivity to sensory stimuli in all of us varies significantly and depends on three factors:
The first factor is innate qualities: absolute hearing, increased sense of smell are genetically inherited, as well as the possibility of congenital anomalies - blindness, deafness, etc.
The second factor is the condition of the sense organs: they can be affected by injury or illness.
The third factor is the development of the senses and perceptions, both in the process of spontaneous knowledge of the world, and in the course of special training. For example, no one will doubt that a person who has tried various dishes of different national cuisines since childhood will have a much finer taste than someone who ate only cereals and pasta.
Sensory education of children, according to the definition in textbooks and manuals, means the development of perception of various phenomena of the surrounding world and sensations that arise, understanding their meaning and properties, the formation of ideas about certain objects and their differentiation. The improvement of sensory abilities is directly related to the mental and intellectual level of the child. Therefore, sensory education is also used as one of the methods for treating problem children with delayed development of any age.
The sensory system of every healthy, fully developed person consists of five aspects of perception: touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste. If we talk about sensory perception, then there are generally accepted standards that should be learned from an early age: geometric shapes, sizes, primary colors of the spectrum, etc. this is what sensory exercises for children are aimed at.
Thanks to the sensory method of education, the child learns such concepts as:
shape and size;
color and quality;
taste and smell;
sound, music.
What are sensory standards?
What and how to teach a child? The first and main task is to provide the child with a wide variety of objects for examination and draw his attention to their properties. But this is not enough for the full development of perception. The child must learn to determine the relationship of the identified or considered properties of a given object to other properties or objects. To do this, there are special "measures" - it is on their development that the main efforts should be directed. These measurements are called "sensor standards".
"Sensory standards" are generally accepted samples of the external properties of objects.
We, adults, own sensory standards without thinking about them at all. The child operates with them with the same ease only by the age of five.
Sensory standards:
- Color standards - seven colors of the spectrum and their shades in terms of lightness and saturation.
- Form standards - geometric shapes; quantities - metric system of measures.
- Hearing standards are sound-pitch relations, musical notes, phonemes of the native language.
- We divide tastes into sweet, salty, bitter and sour.
- Smells - heavy and light, sweet, bitter, fresh, etc.
Assisting children in mastering sensory standards is the main task of adults, and teachers, and parents. After all, in order for the difference to be fixed in the mind of the child, it must be named, emphasized and repeatedly reminded of it.
Sensory education faces different challenges:
At an early age: the accumulation of ideas about color, shape, size (it is important that these ideas are varied). In the first year of life, it is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys, grab objects of various shapes and sizes.
In the second - third year of life, children should learn to distinguish color, shape and size as special features of objects, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size.
At middle school age:
- formation of sensory standards;
- teaching children how to examine objects;
- teaching the grouping of objects according to one or more characteristics;
- the development of analytical perception in children - the ability to understand the combination of colors, dismember the shape of objects, highlight individual quantities.
Starting from the fourth year of life, sensory standards are formed in children: stable, fixed in speech ideas about color, geometric shapes and relationships in size between several objects.
Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children how to examine objects: grouping them by color and shape around standard samples, sequentially examining and describing the shape, and performing increasingly complex visual actions.
At senior preschool age: distinguishing between speech sounds and distinguishing between the perception of the outline of letters (when acquiring literacy).
A low level of sensory development greatly reduces the possibility of a child's success in school. Sensory development of the child must be given attention throughout preschool childhood. Once learned the names of colors, mastered the concepts of geometric shapes without constant training and repetition are forgotten.
The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for the further neuropsychic education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important is sensory experience. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a certain role. N.M. Shchelovanov called early age the "golden time" of sensory education.
How to introduce the child to the signs of objects?
This is best done according to the principle of the “three-step lesson” (Maria Montessori):
1. First, a new property is presented to the child (for example, an adult calls and shows a red card).
2. Then the teacher offers various tasks to consolidate the concept being mastered (the game "Show the same color").
3. Independent naming by the child of the mastered concept (an adult asks the question: “What color is this object?”).
Working with the sensory development of children is a long and very laborious process.
For continuous sensory development, it is necessary to regularly reinforce knowledge with practical observations and exercises. You can repeat and consolidate what you have learned in memory in a playful way.

In the development of a child of preschool age, the leading role belongs to an adult.
The role of the development of auditory attention in preparing for school
Particular attention should be paid to the development of auditory attention. This factor is important for preschoolers who will be focused on lessons in a comprehensive school.

A good phonemic ear is important for teaching preschoolers to write. Distortion of one or two sounds of a word can significantly distort the meaning of the word. And the future first grader is required to pronounce the words so that the teacher and classmates can understand them. And if the child does not confuse the sounds, it will be easier for him to subsequently navigate the spelling of the letters that represent these sounds.

The system of games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception in preschoolers

I. Preparatory stage of work
Work on the perception of non-speech sounds begins with work with pictures, toys and their actions:
Game "Tell me what you hear?"
Purpose: development of auditory perception, differentiation of non-speech sounds.
Equipment: glasses (with water and empty), jars of cereals, foil, wooden and metal spoons, a screen.
Description of the game: speech therapist shows and names objects, demonstrates their sound. A speech therapist behind a screen performs various actions with objects (pours water, pours cereal ...). The child must determine what he hears (rustling of paper, the sound of pouring water, etc.)
Game "In the world of sounds"
Purpose: development of auditory attention, differentiation of non-speech sounds.
Description of the game: an adult invites children to close their eyes and listen to what is happening in kindergarten.
The game "Woodpecker", "Slap like me"
Purpose: development of auditory perception, differentiation of rhythmic patterns.
Equipment: musical triangle, a picture of spring.
Description of the game: the speech therapist asks the children to determine what season is shown in the picture, to name the signs of spring. Speech therapist offers children
repeat the songs of spring. The speech therapist taps the rhythms on the musical triangle, and the named child slaps: /- /, / -//, //- //...
Differentiation of voices by timbre:
The game "Guess whose voice?"
Purpose: development of speech hearing, differentiation of voices by timbre.
Description of the game: the child turns his back to the other children. One of them (whom the speech therapist touches) calls the name of the leader. He must determine who called him.
The game "Attentive ears"
Option 1 - An adult invites children to listen and memorize a series of words, and then, in strict accordance with the words sounded, put pictures on the board:
catfish - house - scrap
poppy - cancer - varnish
cat - whale - whale - cat
roof - rat - rat - roof - rat
goat - braid - braid - braid
Option 2 - An adult asks the children to raise their hand if they pronounce the word incorrectly, if it is correct, clap their hands. The speech therapist says: wagon, bottle, paddock, wagon, fagon ...
"Guess whose voice"
An adult depicts an object with sounds (an airplane, a cat, a dog). The child guesses.
Games and exercises for the development of visual perception.
. Games for the development of the ability to follow the eyes.
Purpose: Formation of image scanning strategies, development of accurate tracking eye movements, eye measurement, hand-eye coordination.
Development of orientation in time
It is important to develop the baby's orientation in time and teach him to distinguish between the times of the day; give an idea of ​​the months of the year. Knowledge of the standards of time helps the child to lay out a clear sequence of ongoing events, a causal relationship between them. This will subsequently help him in the perception of temporal relations in texts of varying complexity, that is, it will contribute to the development of the abilities of language analysis. In turn, this knowledge is very necessary in the process of reading and writing.
Games for the development of spatial perception:
Counting sticks - games with counting sticks develop
not only subtle hand movements and spatial representations, but also creative imaginations. Ideas about form, quantity, color. The following tasks are offered: (for children 3-4 years old)
Lay out a triangle, square, rectangle.
Name geometric shapes, how many triangles, how many squares.
Build a figure according to the model.
Games with sticks can be accompanied by reading riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, suitable for the topic.
A solid mastery of these concepts prepares the basis for successful mathematics.
Didactic games in the classroom take into account the age characteristics of children:
stories should be interesting, but not too difficult to understand;
various objects of small sizes are necessarily used - sticks, figures, cubes;
verbal designations of an elementary quantity are repeated many times;
when naming the criterion, gestures are used - pointing (if the object is one) and circling (the more objects in the group, the wider the child circles it with his hand);
productive activities are necessarily introduced - modeling, application, drawing.

Games for the development of tactile perception:

1. Funny balls. Inflatable balls need to be filled with various fillers - flour, buckwheat, peas, beans, sugar. With each type of filler, two balls should be made, mix them and put them in a bowl. The child must guess the contents by touch and find a pair of bags.
2. Name a letter. Sit the child on a chair or lay him on the sofa with his bare back up and slowly write the letters of the alphabet with your finger. The preschooler must guess them. You can play with numbers the same way.
3. Match. Better to play in a group. Each of the participants is offered a bag with different items. First you need to feel for one of them with your eyes closed, describe it and guess what it is - for example, a round tennis ball made of felt. Then name and describe objects of similar qualities and shapes - for example, an apple is also hard and round, a carpet is the same rough, etc.
Games and exercises for the development of smell and taste in children
Game exercise "Fruit or vegetable?"
Purpose: to develop the ability to recognize the sign of smell and classify objects.
Material: pieces of fruit and vegetables arranged in glasses (cucumber, apple, banana, orange, lemon, onion, etc.).
Game progress: invite the children to identify the products lying in the glasses by the smell with their eyes closed and divide them into fruits and vegetables.
Game exercise "Help the monkey."
Purpose: to develop the ability of children to determine by smell edible - inedible.
Material: foodstuffs are laid out in glasses: bread, fruits, vegetables; Toiletries: soap, perfume, toothpaste.
Game progress: to offer children, on behalf of a sick monkey that has lost its sense of smell and sight, to determine by smell the products that are edible for it.
"What did the chef cook for dinner?"
This game exercise is best done during lunch.
Purpose: development of smell, taste.
Game progress: invite the children to smell the menu for today's lunch. For example: cabbage soup, pea or fish soup, etc. Confirm the smell with the taste of the dish.
Games for the development of perception for preschoolers are an important step towards acquiring the skills and abilities necessary in the future. Such classes will greatly facilitate the first school years of the child.

So, the sensory education of a preschooler is a necessary and important event if you are concerned about the future of the child, his school performance, the full and deep development of potential talents and abilities, self-realization in adulthood. It is impossible not to note one more positive side of such activities: the child is in contact with parents, which contributes to warmer, more trusting relationships in the family, with peers - this forms the skills of behavior in society, in different situations, including conflicts. Finally, it is a training of discipline, mindfulness and perseverance.
All work was extremely interesting, both for me and for my pupils. The previously listed methods, techniques and forms of work taught children to compare the surrounding objects and toys, to generalize them according to similar features, to establish the simplest connections between them.
And now I invite you to watch some excerpts of the classes, how I introduce your children to some sensory representations.