Dictionary of preschool pedagogy. Preschool pedagogy as a science: subject, basic concepts and functions. Formation and development of preschool pedagogy

a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of development, upbringing and forms of education of children at the age preceding school entry. D.p. relies on the methodology and categorical apparatus of general pedagogy. Research in D.p. are interdisciplinary in nature and occupy a border position at the intersection of the areas of general pedagogy, child psychology and age physiology. In the history of pedagogical thought D.p. a long period did not stand out as an independent industry. Main the principles of training and education of a person from birth to adolescence, including the period of preschool childhood, were formulated by Ya.A. Comenius ("Mother's School", 1632; "Great Didactics", 1657; "The World of Sensual Things in Pictures", 1658). The problems of educating preschool children were posed in the works of J. Locke, J.Zh. Russo, I.B. Bazedova, I.G. Pestalozzi. In the 19th century the formation of D. p. as an independent industry contributed to the activities of F. Frebel. At the heart of the system preschool education Fröbel's ideas were progressive ideas: the idea of ​​a child as a developing personality, an understanding of personality development as an active entry of a child into the world of natural and social phenomena, the organization of special preschool kindergartens, the priority in educating preschoolers using the game method, etc. D.p. created P.U. Kergomar, O. Decroly, M. Montessori. In the 2nd half of the 20th century. foreign D.p. relied on various currents in psychology (cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, etc.). Almost all experts recognize the importance of early childhood experience as a decisive factor in determining the further development of the child. Main differences in views on D.p. relate to the use of forms of teaching preschoolers, games, the ratio of "academic" (cognitive), emotional and social factors in the formation of children's self-awareness. Conditionally allocated various models preschool education: "academic" (formation of skills and abilities), intellectual (free search activity in an "enriched environment", verbal interaction with adults and peers), "traditional" (the most common - based on a combination of mental, emotional, physical and creative development ). In Russia, for a long time, the issues of preschool education were considered in folk pedagogy and were mainly related to family education. Public upbringing of children was perceived negatively in society, preschool institutions were not of a mass nature. In the 18th century system of closed education of children I.I. Betsky provided for the education of preschoolers. In the 19th century E.O. Gugel created a school for children 4-6 years old and developed the didactic foundations for educational work with older preschoolers. The need to develop D.p. ("science before science") recognized V.F. Odoevsky. In creating the domestic concept of D.p. important role played by D.K. Ushinsky, E.N. Vodovozova, A.S. Simonovich, E.I. Conradi. Simonovich published the first Russian magazine on D.p. "Kindergarten" (1866-76). At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Froebel societies and courses that developed the theory of D.P. and trained educators for children's institutions became widespread. The ideas of public education of children were supported by P.F. Kapterev. original system physical development suggested P.F. Lesgaft. The ideas of free education of preschoolers were put into practice by K.N. Wentzel, L.K. Shleger, E.I. Tikheev. After 1917, the state began to give D.p. great attention. In the 20s. Frebel institutions still continued to operate. At the congresses on preschool education (1919, 1921, 1924, 1928) a new concept of preschool education was worked out. The congresses were attended by P.P. Blonsky, S.T. and V.N. Shatsky, K.N. Kornilov, E.A. Arkin, G.N. Speransky and others. V.M. Bekhterev, N.M. Shchelovanov, N.M. Aksarina and others. Starting from the 2nd congress on preschool education (1921) in D. the ideas of Marxist pedagogy began to dominate. The ideologization and politicization of preschool education was largely promoted by N.K. Krupskaya. The leading principles of D.p. (practically until the mid-80s) became collectivism and materialism, the labor principle in education, anti-religious propaganda, a critical attitude towards non-ideological games, holidays, children's books, etc. By the end of the 20s. children's institutions that used educational systems that were not approved by the People's Commissariat of Education were closed. Significant damage to the development of D.p. caused the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On pedological perversions in the system of People's Commissariat of Education" (1936). In 1943, a sector for the problems of preschool education was created under the APS of the RSFSR. In 1944-53 A.P. Usova, together with her staff, developed a system of didactics in kindergartens. In 1960, the Scientific Research Institute of Preschool Education of the APS was established. Its employees, together with the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, created a unified education program in preschool institutions. Great influence on D.p. rendered work in the field of psychology of preschool age A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina, L.I. Wenger, N.N. Poddiakova. Since the mid 80s. new concepts of child development are being created, based on the principles of humanism and democratization and focused on the inherent value of preschool childhood. State and private children's institutions work according to variable (including author's) programs. Parents have the opportunity to choose a children's institution depending on their educational preferences and financial capabilities. Theoretical problems of D.p. are developed at the Research Institute of Preschool Education and family education RAO and other institutions, the training of specialists is carried out by pedagogical universities.

Great Definition

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a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of development, upbringing and elementary forms of education for children at the age preceding school entry. It is based on the methodology and categorical apparatus of general pedagogy. Research in the field of D. p. are interdisciplinary in nature and occupy a border position at the intersection of areas of general pedagogy, children. psychology and age physiology: data from these scientific. disciplines are theoretical. the basis for the development of goals, means and methods of education and training in doshk. age.

In ped. Literary history of D. p. can be traced by some authors since antiquity. However, throughout the centuries-old history of ped. the psychotherapist thought, the originality of preschool childhood did not actually stand out. The arguments of the majority of ancient thinkers about education were predominately. general, and their remarks about the early stages age development presented only by indirect statements. This was due to the prevailing in societies. and scientific consciousness with the concept of childhood, which was not distinguished at all as a kind of stage in human development. Consideration of the child from the point of view of his imperfection, lagging behind the adult in all physical. and psychol. parameters gave rise to a general orientation of ped. ideas to overcome this gap. The goal of education and upbringing was to achieve the level of a normally developed adult by an "imperfect adult", which was considered a child. Features of age-related psychophysical. development were regarded by Ch. arr. as obstacles to achieving this goal.

In the history of human development, an objective allocation of doshka. childhood in specific the stage of personality formation has a socially conditioned character. According to D. B. Elkonin, doshk. childhood appears only at a certain stage in the development of society, which makes increased demands on the formation of personality. Throughout centuries of history, the inclusion of the child in the world of adults, in the process of material production, was carried out gradually from the earliest years and was almost exclusively determined by the maturation of the organism and the parallel assimilation of elementary labor skills. The material and spiritual progress of society has necessitated a long, gradual entry of the child into the world of adults and specific isolation in this process. age periods. In pedagogy, this manifested itself in the design of the concepts of childhood as a qualitatively unique age stage.

Regulation on the decisive role of ped. influence on the developing personality of the child naib. fully took shape in the works of Ya. A. Kamensky, to-ry formulated goals, objectives and developed the content of training and education for the period from birth to adolescence, including in the preschool period. childhood. Book. The "Mother's School" (1632) and the corresponding section of the "Great Didactics" were the initial stage in the formation of D. p. Comenius believed that the basis for the development of the speech and qualities of the mind of a small child should be "play or entertainment." He wrote a book for children. "The World of Sensible Things in Pictures" (1658), which should "encourage young minds to look for something entertaining in it and facilitate the assimilation of the alphabet."

During the Age of Enlightenment, the humanistic tendencies were developed by J. Locke, who spoke out against srvek. personality suppression, drill, intimidation of young children. He advanced important psychol. -ped. accounting provisions age features, the mechanism of habit and its role in the formation of character, the development of curiosity and consciousness of children, showed the ways of the formation of morality.

For D. the item was important de-wet. the ideas of J. J. Rousseau, which contributed to the development of interest and respect for the personality of the child. Rousseau argued that childhood should be regarded as something independent in common process formation of personality and having its own laws of development. He made valuable statements about the sensory education of the child, his physical. and moral hardening, giving children the greatest possible independence, about the use of natural factors in the development of feelings and thinking.

In the 2nd floor. 18th century attention to doshk issues. education has intensified. I. B. Bazedov singled out a range of issues for doshk. education requiring development: systematic and consistent. development of children, the use of didactic. games, etc. J. F. Oberlin (France) founded (1769) the first institutions for the education of young children, which received the name. "knitting schools", in which games were used, subject visualization was widely used, special attention was paid to the development of speech and morals.-religious. education.

Promising for raising children in doshk. the age of the direction of pedagogy, including the principle of developmental education, the organization of the life of children on the basis of their independence, was developed by I. G. Pestalozzi. He pointed to the connection between doshk. upbringing and school, to-ruyu proposed to carry out through special. "det. Class". Recommending a careful study of the individual characteristics of children, Pestaloztsp contributed to the psychologization of the upbringing process, developed didactics and methods of the first. learning.

In the 30-40s. 19th century formed ped. F. Froebel's system, which acquired will exclude. influence in D. p. in the 2nd floor. 19 - beg. 20th century Fröbel's teaching included many progressive ideas: the concept of the child as a developing personality; interpretation of development as an active entry of the child into the world of natural and societies. phenomena; creation of special institutions for the upbringing of children - “det. garden”, significantly different from dec. types of "schools for toddlers"; approval of the game as the basis of education in children. garden; didactic development. materials, methods of speech development, content of classes in children. garden; creation of an institution for the training of educators. Frobel's activity is connected with allocation of D. of the item in independent. branch of ped. Sciences.

For all its popularity, the Fröbel system has been critically evaluated and revised from the first years of its existence. On its basis, some nat. doshk systems. education, in which such features of the original theory as mysticism, symbolism, pedantry, canonization of didacticism were denied. material.

P. Kergomar developed her own system, called the "French method" (as opposed to the "German"). Organizing a new doshk system. institutions (“mother schools”), Kergomar contributed So. contribution to the development of types of games, children's problems. discipline, conducting subject lessons.

D. p. con. 19 - beg. 20th century influenced by changing social conditions, success in the development of natural science was forced to abandon the concept of strict management of education and brought to the fore the biologization direction with its position on the spontaneous development of the child's abilities. In accordance with this setting, the role of the teacher in Means. degree was reduced to the selection of sets of exercises and the creation of the necessary environment for self-development and self-education of the child. O. Dekroli and M. Montessori used in doshk. institutions improved methods of training the senses, skills, as well as didactic. materials created by them while working with retarded children; they were guided by the individual style of the child's activities in preschool. institution. Findings and recommendations of these teachers in the field of sensory education have significantly enriched the theory and practice of D. p.

In practice doshk. education, the pragmatist pedagogy of J. Dewey, who brought to the fore the development of applied skills and abilities, became widespread.

In foreign D. p. 2nd floor. 20th century approaches to doshk problems. childhood are determined by commitment to decomp. currents in psychology: cognitive (followers of J. Piaget), behaviorist (B. Skinner, A. Bandura and others), psychoanalytic (in particular, the psychosocial theory of E. Erickson), the theory of genetic. determinism (A. Gesell), humanistic (A. Maslow, K. Rogers and others). Numerous specialists. The directions are united by the recognition of the experience of early childhood as a factor decisively determining the further development of the child (especially susceptibility to school education). Main the breakdown is centered around several problems: the admissibility of formal education in preschool. age; educate. the meaning and value of the game; the ratio of "academic" (cognitive), emotional and social goals in the formation of the child's self-awareness.

Practical D. problems are solved within the framework of conventionally distinguished models of education: the “academic” model (the formation of specific skills and teachings necessary for schooling); "intellectual" model (free search activity of children in an "enriched" environment, intensive verbal interaction with adults and peers), model of "parental efficiency" (assistance to parents in creating an environment stimulating development in the family), "traditional" model (the most common - provides combination of mental, social and emotional development with physical hardening and development of creative abilities). Programs are being developed to compensate for the "lack of education" in conditions of social inequality and the creation of a relatively "equal start" for children (see "Heo start") in school. learning.

In Russia, the ideas of D. p. were formed and developed in close connection with the development of world pedagogy, Ch. arr. Western European. In ancient times, the provisions will bring up. norms were expressed in folklore form (folk pedagogy). In Dr. Rus' from the 10th century. ideological Christian morality was the basis for the influence of parents on children. The development of secular upbringing and education led to the appearance in the 18th century. works on pedagogy. I. I. Betskaya on the basis of Op. European philosophers and educators (in particular, Locke) developed a system for raising children, including ml. age, in closed institutions. For Russian pedagogy new and progressive were his recommendations on physical., morals. and mental education, attention to games, etc. ped. funds. N. I. Novikov came up with ideas about the need to develop a ped. sciences, about aesthetic. education, about the publication of children. liters.

In the 1st floor. 19th century E. O. Tugel created a school for children 4-6 years old, developed a didac-tich. basics of educational and upbringing. work from Art. preschoolers. His experience was not developed, but was nevertheless known in Russian. teachers. The need to create a special science of raising children before school was emphasized by V. F. Odoevsky, the author of the first work on this topic in Russia - “Science before Science”.

Means. impact on the formation of societies. and ped. the views of figures D. p. 2nd floor. 19th century had op. Russian Democrats V. G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen, N. A. Dobrolyubov, N. G. Chernyshevsky, D. I. Pisarev. prominent societies. figures defended the ideas of democracy, citizenship education, pointed out the need to turn to the people. experience and traditions.

The most important role in the development of D. p. in Russia was played by ped. the system of K. D. Ushigsky, the principles of national education developed by him, the formation of the need for work, as well as thoughts about using the enormous possibilities of the native language, the role of the personal influence of the teacher in the upbringing of the child. For D. p. Ushinsky's ideas about the features of mental health are valuable. development of children, the role of activity and activity at an early age, the need to study children. nar. games, oh ped. the meaning of fairy tales, etc.

From the 60s. 19th century in practical and theoretical activities of E. H. Vodovozova, A. S. Simonovich, E. I. Konradi and other followers of Ushinsky worked out and comprehended the features of Russian. nat. doshk systems. education. Simonovich began to work according to the Frebel method, but later modified it, strengthening the role of Russian. nar. elements: she introduced specials into the system of classes. section "Ro-dinovedensnie", used Nar. songs, games. Published the first Russian. doshk magazine. education "Kindergarten". Vodovozov with democrat. positions resolved the issue. about the goals of education, revealed the content and methods of morality. and mental education at an early age, pointed to the leading role of the mother in shaping the personality of the child.

In con. 19 - beg. 20th century leading institutions that promoted the ideas of societies. doshk. education and preparing qualifiers. educators, steel fre-belevsky about-va and courses. The propaganda of science has intensified. fundamentals of family education. P. F. Kapterev defended the idea of ​​societies. doshk. education, which at that time had many opponents, analyzed the experience of decomp. directions in education. P. F. Lesgaft considered in detail the purpose, objectives, content and methods of family education, with scientific. psychol. and physiol. position analyzed the issues of personality formation, created an original system of physical. education. On the theory of free education, Naib. a consistent propagandist to-roy was K. N. Wentzel, adjoined several. directions (M. X. Sventitskaya, L. K. Schleger). Development of own doshk systems. education was handled by E. I. Tikheeva (methodology for the development of children's speech, problems of sensory education and its role in mental development, the creation of a complex of didactic materials and games, promotion of the merits of social education and criticism of the theory of free education). During this period, doshk questions. education were widely discussed on the pages of ped. magazines "Bulletin of Education", "Education and Training", "Rus. school". "Free Education".

After 1917, the development of the fatherland. D. p. was characterized for several. years of a certain ideological-ped. pluralism, when simultaneously existed diff. directions in doshk. upbringing. In the 20s. kept children. gardens that worked according to the Froebel system, according to the “Tikheeva method”, as well as others that combined elements of decomp. systems. At the same time, the type of owls began to form. det. garden. Vseros were held. congresses on doshk. education (1919, 1921, 1924, 1928), in which scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology (P. P. Blonsky, S. T. Shatsky, K. N. Kornilov), pediatrics and hygiene of children (E. A. Arkin, V. V. Gorinevsky, G. N. Speransky, L. I. Chulitskaya), art and artist. education (G. I. Roshal, V. N. Shatskaya, E. A. Flerina, M. A. Rumer). During this period, research was launched on the problems of education in preschools. institutions for young children (V. M. Bekhterev, N. M. Shchelovanov, H. M. Aksarina, etc.).

N. K. Krupskaya played an important role in the formation of the Soviet Democratic Party. She, together with other teachers (D. A. La-zurkina, M. M. Vilenskaya, R. I. Prushitskaya, A. V. Surovtseva) introduced doshk into the theory and practice. upbringing ideas arising from their own interpretation of the socio-economics. tenets of Marxism. This interpretation consisted in the extreme ideologization of the entire process of doshk. education, expressed in the dominance of political goals over humanistic ones.

2nd congress on doshk. education (1921) proclaimed the idea of ​​creating a system of societies. doshk. education on a Marxist basis. The leading principles of re-pigat. work affirmed collectivism, materialism, activism. The need to pay great attention to familiarizing children with the basics of political literacy, research methods in the study of the world around children was emphasized. Ideological installations in the field of D. p. characterized by an exaggeration of the role of labor education in preschool children. age, active anti-religious. propaganda, deny attitude to the doll, fairy tale, tradition. holidays, ignoring pl. provisions of the prerev. pedagogy. All R. 20s a rejection of attempts to adapt and use (“Sovietization”) of other pedagogical systems was proclaimed, and to the end. 20s kindergartens that followed systems that did not receive the approval of the People's Commissariat of Education were closed.

Changes in the work of boards. institutions, inevitably followed the changes in school. politics. The resolutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the school of 1931-36 contributed to a decrease in the ideologization of the content and forms of education. work, abandoning the extremes of the previous decade. The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On Pedological Perversions in the System of People's Commissariat of Education” (1936) had ambiguous consequences for the study of child development. were criticized mechanistic. approaches to explaining the factors of children. development (biological-congestion and sociological directions) and shortcomings of test measurements. However, this decision led to the curtailment of a number of areas in the study of childhood.

To con. 30s formed the main theoretical the provisions of the Soviet D. p., to-rye remained generally recognized until the middle. 80s Basics were determined. principles: ideological, systematic and consistent education, its connection with life, taking into account age-related psychophysiol. characteristics of the child, the unity of the family and societies. education. The principle of the leading role of the educator in shaping the personality of the child was established, the need for clear planning of education was emphasized. work. In 1934, the first work program was adopted by the children. garden. Over the development of diff. N. A. Vetlugina, A. M. Leushina, R. I. Zhukovskaya, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, F. S. Levina-Shchirina, E. I. Radina, A. P. Usova, B. I. Khachapuridze, and others. Particular methods of speech development were developed: Tikheeva, F. N. Blekher, E. Yu. Shabad; depict. activities - Flerina, A. A. Volkova, K. M. Lepilov, N. A. Sakulina; musical education - T. S. Babadzhan, N. A. Metlov; natural history - R. M. Basya, A. A. Bystroye, A. M. Stepanova; formation of elementary magems. representations - Tikheeva, M. Ya. Morozova, Bleher. At the same time, due to the prevailing social and watered. conditions of development of the country there was a certain alienation of owls. D. p. from the world theory and practice of doshk. education.

Research questions doshk. education continued in the years of Vel. Fatherland war. The problems of physics were studied. education and hardening, children. nutrition, protection of the nervous system of children, patriotic. education. When the APN of the RSFSR was created (1943), a sector of doshk problems was formed. education. In the postwar period, work in the field of D. p. developed in the republic. Research Institute of Pedagogy, in the departments of ped. II Comrade. Usovoi joint. with the staff, a didactics system was developed for children. garden (1944-53): a program and methodology for teaching preschoolers were identified, and subsequently a systematic introduction was made. education in children. garden. In the 2nd floor. 50s experiments were carried out teaching children 6 years old and studying foreign languages. lang. in children garden.

In 1960, the Research Institute of Doshk. education APN RSFSR. Its employees jointly with specialists from the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, a unified program for raising children in preschools was created. institutions, aimed at eliminating disunity in education. working with early and preschool children. age.

The emergence of NII DV contributed Means. strengthening the study of decomp. aspects of doshk. childhood. Increased attention to psychol. aspects of preschool development. The works of A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, L. I. Venger, H. H. Poddyakov were widely known.

In the 2nd floor. 70s Zaporozhets developed the concept of enriching development of the child from the first years of life (developmental amplification). Its implementation requires the search for reserves of the possibilities of the preschooler at max, taking into account his age and individual features. The most important areas of research in modern. D. p. the formation of visual-figurative thinking as the basis of conceptual thinking, the education of stable morals. habits, the development of creative imagination, the widespread use of the game for the purpose of education and training.

From Ser. 80s there was a wide public-ped. movement that embraced the system of doshk. education. Changing approaches to the goals, content and means of education leads to the emergence of new concepts of doshka. education, characterized by an orientation towards the recognition of the self-worth of preschoolers. childhood, the need to move away from authoritarian methods, the rejection of ideological. extremes in the content of education and training, to create opportunities for more free to natural positions of participants in ped. process - the child and the educator.

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Test for teachers

"Preschool Pedagogy" (with answer key)

1. The source of preschool pedagogy as a science is ...

a) religion;

b) experimental studies;

c) ideas of the community of residents of the area, residential complex;

d) views of different families on education;

e) children's games.

2. Define the concept of "preschool pedagogy".

a) the science of the development of a preschool child;

b) the science of organizing a holistic pedagogical process;

c) a section of pedagogy dealing with the upbringing of a child in a preschool educational institution;

d) a section of pedagogy dealing with the education of children;

e) a section of pedagogy dealing with the development, upbringing and elementary forms of education of preschoolers.

3. Formulate the main goal of preschool pedagogy.

a) raise an obedient child;

influence preschoolers by suggestion;

c) scientifically substantiate the technology and methodology of educational work with preschoolers of various age groups;

d) conflict research;

e) instill in children a desire to learn.

a) Methods of pedagogical research;

b) primary education;

c) education, training, development, socialization;

d) subject activity;

e) musical education.

5. Define the concept of "education".

a) the process and result of training;

b) teaching;

c) learning outcome;

d) the result of education;

e) the purpose of education.

6. What types of preschool institutions were in Russia in the XVIII - XIX centuries?

a) mentoring centers;

b) public kindergartens for children of the poor;

c) experimental schools;

d) gymnasiums for gifted children;

e) maternity hospitals.

7. The development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology of physical education of preschoolers in Russia was carried out ...

a) R.S. Bure, T.A. Markova, V.I. Nechaeva, L.A. Penevskaya, E.K. Suslova, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.A. Kozlova;

b) V.G. Alyamovskaya, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, N.N. Kozhukhova, E.G. Stepanenkova, S.E. Shukshin;

c) N.A. Vetlugina, L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, T.N. Doronova;

d) L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, L.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Novoselova, N.N. Poddyakov;

e) T.G.Kazakova, O.P. Radynova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina;

e) T.G.Kazakova, O.P.Radynova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina.

8. Define the concept of mental education of preschoolers.

a) a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society;

b) a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical improvement;

c) the process of philosophical understanding of life;

d) the development of active mental activity of preschoolers, including the formation of intellectual skills, imagination, perception, memory, thinking, curiosity and mental abilities;

e) organizing the life and activities of children, contributing to the development of their aesthetic feelings, the formation of ideas, knowledge and appreciation of beauty in life and art.

9. Find the correct statement.

a) the unity of influence on the feelings, consciousness and behavior of the child is the task moral education;

B) the unity of influence on the feelings, consciousness and behavior of the child - a method of moral education;

c) the unity of influence on the feelings, consciousness and behavior of the child is the principle of moral education;

d) the unity of influence on the feelings, consciousness and behavior of the child is a form of moral education;

e) the unity of influence on the feelings, consciousness and behavior of the child is the result of moral education.

10. Which of the modern teachers, in your opinion, most fully developed the theory of aesthetic education of preschoolers?

a) O.S. Ushakova;

b) M.I. Mishchenko;

c) L.M. Clarina;

d) V.A. Slastenin;

e) T.S. Komarova.

11. Which of the teachers and psychologists has made a significant contribution to the theory of the game of preschoolers?

a) M.I. Lisina;

b) D.B. Elkonin;

c) V.A. Slastenin;

d) T.S. Komarova;

e) S.N. Nikolaev.

12. highlight the main directions of development of contemporaries of preschool pedagogy.

a) development of problems of the content of the upbringing of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution;

c) construction of saunas and swimming pools at preschool educational institutions;

d) opening children's clubs at preschool educational institutions;

e) development of methods for effective preparation of children for school.

13. Define the meaning of creating a modern "Concept preschool education» (1989).

a) the essence of the educational and disciplinary model of education is disclosed;

b) a personality-oriented model for constructing pedagogical work with children has been determined;

b) areas of work with the family of preschool children are disclosed;

d) talking about the financing of preschool educational institutions;

e) the features of "difficult children" are revealed.

14 What levels of management of preschool education exist at the present stage?

a) federal;

b) home;

c) family;

d) administrative;

e) through society.

15. Is it possible in modern conditions of the development of society to achieve the goal of education - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of preschool children?

a) it is the ideal to which any state should aspire;

b) it is impossible;

c) it is quite possible;

d) why is it for the education of preschoolers;

e) there are no objective conditions for this.

16. Should we still be guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child when organizing a holistic pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution?

a) it is not connected with the pedagogical process;

b) no need;

c) the Convention ensures the legal protection of children during the organization of the pedagogical process;

d) sometimes;

e) it is not aimed at the content of education.

17. Specify the components of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

a) the purpose of the upbringing and development of children;

b) a two-way process;

c) the result of education;

d) work with personnel;

e) work with parents.

18. Select the requirement for the teacher's work plan with a group of children.

a) the plan must be consistent with the plans of the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

b) meet the wishes of parents;

C) the presence of volitional effort;

d) transition to subject education;

e) creating conditions for daytime sleep.

19. Select from the proposed factors aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions.

a) dosed movements;

b) physical activity;

c) the presence of problematic situations;

d) reducing sleep time through exercise;

e) excursions to museums.

20. What principles and requirements should reflect the mode of life of children in preschool?

a) taking into account the age capabilities of children;

b) provide for the interests of children;

c) develop children's creativity;

d) heredity;

e) social development.

21. Most efficient view activities that contribute to the development of children's creative activity is an activity ...

a) labor;

b) legal;

c) game)

d) club;

d) family.

22 What is the form of education for children in preschool?

a) advice for parents;

b) travel among the subject environment;

c) mode;

d) occupation;

e) teachers' council.

23. What is included in the structure of a didactic game with children?

a) didactic task;

b) cooperation of children;

c) the presence of parents at the lesson;

d) connection with society;

e) work with paper.

24. What should educators pay attention to when organizing the process of moral education of preschool children in a preschool educational institution?

a) on the relationship of children in a group of peers;

b) the attitude of children to punishment;

c) to the whims of the child;

d) parental care for the child;

e) on the work plans of the teacher - psychologist of the preschool educational institution.

25. What is it aimed at productive activity preschoolers?

a) on the formation of consciousness;

b) to foster cognitive activity;

c) on the development of children's speech;

d) modeling objects of the surrounding world;

d) contact with the family.

26. Choose from the proposed non-traditional forms of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

a) question and answer evenings;

b) exhibitions of children's works;

c) individual consultations;

d) observations;

e) questioning.

27. Is there a specific work of preschool educational institution with different types of families and which one?

A) individual work with families of "risk";

b) there is no such specificity;

c) exists and depends on the attitudes of upbringing and the level of pedagogical competence of parents;

d) work with families of disabled parents;

e) work with large families.

28. What indicators are most important in evaluating the effectiveness of working with parents of preschoolers?

a) parental interest in the content individual lessons with kids;

b) interest in the quality of food for children;

c) interest in planning the work of the preschool educational institution;

d) harmonization of the goals, objectives and methods of raising and educating children in the family and preschool educational institutions;

e) study of children's creative works.

29. What should a teacher know about to determine the readiness of preschool children for school?

a) about the physical, mental and social development of the child;

b) about living conditions in the family;

c) about the school where the child is going to study;

d) about the heredity of the child;

e) about the labor activity of parents.

30. what document defines the goals, objectives and content of the continuity of preschool and primary education.

a) the law "On Education";

b) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

c) Model provision on the preschool educational institution;

d) The concept of preschool education;

e) The concept of the content of continuous preschool and primary school education.

Answer plan:

1. Preschool pedagogy, definition

2. Object, subject and functions of preschool pedagogy

3. Tasks of preschool pedagogy

4. Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy.

5. Sources of development of preschool pedagogy.

6. Communication of preschool pedagogy with other sciences.

7. Methods of preschool pedagogy


1. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool Pedagogy. M., 2008

Main content of the answer:

Preschool pedagogy is the science of the upbringing and education of children in the first years of life (from birth to school entry).

Preschool pedagogy studies:

· The process of education and training, its goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, methods, techniques and means of implementation.

The influence of this process on the development of the child, the formation of his personality

The object of pedagogy is those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society.

The subject of pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special institutions (family, educational institutions).

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the process purposeful development and formation of the personality of a child of preschool age in the conditions of upbringing, training and education.

Functions of preschool pedagogy: social, applied, prognostic, theoretical and technological.

The social function of preschool pedagogy is connected with the requirements of modern society in the field of education of the younger generation.

The applied function of preschool pedagogy is to develop new advanced programs and methods for educating and teaching preschool children.

The predictive role of preschool pedagogy is to study the trends and prospects for the development of the system of preschool education, the organization of the upbringing of preschool children. On the basis of a scientific forecast, new concepts of raising preschool children are created, standards for preschool education are developed, the theoretical foundations and technologies for raising preschool children in a family and preschool educational institutions are studied, and the features of the educational process in preschool educational institutions of various types and types are studied.

theoretical function, implemented at 3 levels:

Descriptive or explanatory level - the study of advanced pedagogical experience in preschool education,

· Diagnostic level consists in identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena, effectiveness, establishing the causes and conditions for their provision,

· The prognostic level includes an experimental study of pedagogical reality and the construction of models for the transformation of this reality. The prognostic level is associated with the disclosure of the essence of pedagogical phenomena, scientific justification proposed changes, the creation of theories of education and training of preschool children, models of pedagogical systems.

Technological function implemented at 3 levels:

The projective level is associated with the development of methodological materials (plans, programs, manuals, methodological recommendations), embodying theoretical concepts, a plan of pedagogical activities of the preschool educational institution, its content and character.

· The transformative level is aimed at introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into the educational practice of a preschool educational institution in order to improve and reconstruct it.

· The reflexive, corrective level involves assessing the impact of the results of scientific research on the practice of teaching and educating preschool children.

The tasks of preschool pedagogy are permanent, timeless and temporary.

Permanent timeless tasks preschool pedagogy:

· Development of theoretical problems of upbringing, training and education of preschool children. The implementation of the task is connected with the study of the patterns of the processes of upbringing, training, education of preschool children, the development of concepts, programs, methods, technologies, new models of the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

· Study and generalization of practice, experience of pedagogical activity and implementation of research results into practice.

· Forecasting preschool education. A scientific forecast makes it possible to build a policy and economics in the field of education, improve the educational system, and train preschool specialists.

Temporary Tasks preschool pedagogy:

· Development of new programs, manuals, guidelines for preschool institutions.

· Development of tests (to determine the readiness of children for schooling, for pre-school preparation, good manners, etc.).

· Making changes to the subject-spatial developing environment of a group room, a section of a preschool institution.

Studying the effectiveness of the activities of additional education services for preschool children, etc.

Preschool pedagogy operates with pedagogical concepts: upbringing, training, education, pedagogical process, integral development of the personality, childhood.

Education is the transfer of accumulated experience from one generation to another. Specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence on the student in order to form the desired qualities. The process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Education is a process of purposeful transfer of socio-historical experience; Team work child and adult, aimed at assimilation by the child of the meanings of objects of material and spiritual culture and methods of action with them. Education involves the creation of conditions for specially organized forms of work with children and for unregulated children's activities based on programs, methods and technologies that ensure the development of children's abilities.

Holistic development is the humanistic ideal of education, which affirms the integrity of human nature. The internal conditioning of the subject, which determines its uniqueness.

Preschool pedagogy is the science of upbringing, training, and education of children in their first years of life (from birth to entering school).

The pedagogical process is a specially organized, developing in time and within a certain educational system, the interaction of the educator and pupils, aimed at achieving the set goal and designed to lead to the transformation of personal qualities and properties of pupils.

Subject-developing environment - a set of natural and social cultural subject means that meet the needs of the current, immediate and future development of the child. The formation of his creative abilities, providing a variety of activities, has a relaxing effect on the personality of the child.

Amplification of the development of preschoolers - the maximum use of the possibilities of each age for a full-fledged mental development child, “enrichment” of the content of child development (A.V. Zaporozhets) with the most significant forms and methods of activity for the child.

Preschool didactics is a branch of general didactics that studies the theoretical substantiation of the purpose of preschool education, the content, forms of organization, methods and means that ensure the holistic development of the child's personality and prepare him for schooling.

The sources of preschool pedagogy are:

Folk Pedagogy.

Folk pedagogy reflects the culture of the people, their values, ideals, historically established and life-tested traditions of the people in the field of education and training of preschool children. Folk wisdom has preserved proven by experience and time pedagogical councils in the form of proverbs, sayings, epics, legends, fairy tales, games, toys, songs, nursery rhymes, incantations, etc.


Pedagogy uses the positive core of religious teachings for the benefit of the upbringing and education of preschool children. Biblical commandments reveal the ideals of relationships between people. In religious books: the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, and others, mankind's ideas about morality and morality are revealed. Christian teaching calls to love and forgive each other, treat people kindly, strive for perfection, and love the Motherland.

· Progressive ideas of the past and present in domestic and foreign pedagogy.

Pedagogy, analyzing, summarizing, interpreting the pedagogical views of different times, expands its theoretical base and ensures the continuity of the world pedagogical culture. Monuments of world pedagogical culture are carefully preserved.

· Special experimental studies of the problems of preschool Childhood.

・Pedagogical excellence

Pedagogical practice, the experience of upbringing, education of preschool children, which is available in different countries, individual preschool educational institutions, in individual activities teacher has an invaluable contribution to the science of preschool pedagogy.

Data from related sciences

In various sciences, the personality of a person is studied: philosophy, sociology, anatomy, psychology. Mankind has made significant progress in the study of human personality. Discoveries in related sciences determine the study of the problems of preschool pedagogy.

modern science preschool pedagogy has various sources development.

Preschool pedagogy is associated with many sciences.

Preschool pedagogy as a science develops due to the close relationship, the creative use of other sciences. The general approach to cognition, the study of pedagogical phenomena and processes, is indicated by philosophy of pedagogy. Philosophy is the science of general laws development of nature, human society and thinking, is the methodological basis of pedagogical science.

Based on the data of the social sciences (sociology, ethics, aesthetics, etc.), preschool pedagogy studies the objective needs of society in the upbringing of a preschool child and the conditions for their implementation.

K.D.Ushinsky, developed an anthropological approach, which consists in using the data of all sciences about a person as a subject of education and taking them into account in the construction and implementation of the pedagogical process. K.D. Ushinsky attributed human anatomy, physiology and pathology, psychology, logic, philosophy, geography, statistics, history, etc. to a wide range of anthropological sciences. If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first recognize him in all respects too ”KD Ushinsky.

If the social sciences deal with the problem of man as a member of society, then man as a product of biological evolution is the object of study of the biological sciences. Physiology is considered as the natural science basis of pedagogy, which relies primarily on physiology data on the development of human higher nervous activity, on the typological features of the nervous system, on the development and functioning of the sense organs, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and the endocrine glands. Based on these data, preschool pedagogy successfully solves the problems of improving the quality of upbringing and education, penetrating into the laws of mental phenomena and processes. Physiology reveals the basic principles of the structure and patterns of functioning of a growing organism, which makes it possible to determine the means and methods of education that correspond to children's age,

Psychology, as a science about the laws and mechanisms of the psyche, determines a person's knowledge of reality, explores a variety of mental processes, states and qualities that are formed in the process of human development, upbringing and interaction. Conditions, flow mechanisms internal processes, the formation of various qualities and personality traits are taken into account when developing pedagogy of the content and methods of education.

Preschool pedagogy, having its own subject and field of study, is closely connected with the sciences that study a person, the laws of his physical and mental development, behavior and activities in society. This connection is carried out in various forms: a joint study of the general problems of preschool childhood, the use by pedagogy of the data and facts of other sciences, the application of the methods of these sciences in pedagogical research.

Research methods are the methods by which the study and generalization of pedagogical practice are carried out, independent scientific research is carried out. These include: observation, conversation, questioning, experiment, study of pedagogical documentation, children's work.

GOU SPO (SSUZ) "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical College No. 2 »

Preschool Pedagogy

Test tasks for intermediate certification of students

Compiled by: Pronyaeva S.V.,

teacher of preschool pedagogy


In the modern conditions of the development of Russian society, it is believed that one of the important trends in the reform of the educational system has been the introduction of the state educational standard.

The state educational standard is designed to solve a wide range of tasks, such as providing high level professional education and quality of training of specialists; ensuring the academic freedom of an educational institution in the formation of a flexible and variable content of education and organization of the educational process; ensuring the unity of the content of education and compliance with the norms and requirements for the organization of the educational process throughout the educational space of Russia; ensuring control over the effectiveness of the VE system and the quality of education in it.

Education cannot be complete without regular and objective information about the degree of assimilation of educational material by students, about the practical application of knowledge by them. The need to control learning and assess knowledge is dictated by obligatory fulfillment the following chain: the goal of learning - the learning process - the result - a new goal. The most important component of learning technology is a test as a tool for measuring the level of knowledge, without which it is impossible to identify the fulfillment of the standard, but also to optimally manage the educational process, without which it is impossible to achieve high-quality assimilation of the standard.

The course of preschool pedagogy is one of the leading teachers in professional education, its study takes a fairly large amount of time, which requires a variety of types and forms of control. Test control is not the only form of control; in the presented version, it claims to assess knowledge along the content lines of the educational program and does not affect the practical skills of students.

These materials can be certified for the following reasons:

Name of the discipline: preschool pedagogy

Name of the educational program: Preschool Pedagogy, 2005

Purposes of creation: intermediate certification

Number of jobs: 15

Number of options: Z, 4

lead time: 30 minutes

Type and form of tests: closed, with a choice of answers

Grade: 100% - 80% - rating "5"

81- 70% - rating "4"

71- 60% - grade "3"

"5" - the student knows the program material, understands and firmly mastered it, gives correct, conscious and confident answers to questions

"4" - the student knows the program material, understands it well, makes minor mistakes

"3" - the student discovers knowledge of the main program material, experiences some difficulties, overcomes them with the help of a teacher

"2" - the student reveals ignorance of most of the program material, answers uncertainly, makes gross mistakes

Instructions for use: 1. Read the question carefully, paying attention to the construction of the question. 2. Indicate the number of the question and the options for answers to it 3. If you wish, you can answer first the questions, the answers to which do not cause you any difficulties, and then on more difficult questions

Test on preschool pedagogy to the topic "Education is the leading function of preschool pedagogy"

1.Early childhood education is:

a) the process of introducing universal human values ​​to the world

b) the process of formation of moral values

c) the process of interaction between an adult and a child aimed at shaping the child's personal qualities in accordance with universal human values

2. From the proposed groups of value relations, select the one in which universal human value relations are presented:

a) Attitude towards the family, attitude towards oneself, attitude towards the Fatherland, attitude towards culture, attitude towards art, attitude towards religion

b) attitude to national culture, attitude to material culture, attitude to the historical events of one's country, attitude to national heroes, attitude to the traditions of one's family

c) relationship to national holidays, attitude to the days of one's own birth, attitude to the pedigree, attitude to Orthodoxy, attitude to Russian culture

3. From a number of proposed definitions, choose the one that, in your opinion, most fully reveals the essence of the process of moral education:

a) Moral education - the influence of the educator on the educated in order to form his moral qualities of the personality

b) Moral education - a pedagogical process aimed at promoting the development of the moral properties of the individual on the basis of the assimilation of universal and national moral values

c) Moral education - organized interaction between the educator and the educated, aimed at the formation of consciousness, feelings and relationships

4. Specify the researchers of the problems of moral education of preschool children:

a) Vinogradova A.M.

b) Zaporozhets A.V.

c) Nikolaeva S.N.

d) Nechaeva V.G.

5. Choose the methods of education aimed at the formation of moral consciousness:

a) ethical conversation

b) a story on an ethical topic

c) encouragement

d) reading fiction

6. Identify methods that are not used in raising children:

a) suggestion

b) physical punishment

c) accustoming to the rules of social behavior

7. What is included in the content of preschool education:

a) physical education

b) polytechnic education

c) moral education

d) aesthetic education

8. What is the purpose of the ideal goal of education:

a) is a guide to human capabilities

b) helps to formulate the tasks of education in different directions of a multifaceted personality

c) is the basis for the development of tasks in educational programs Oh

9. Determine the patterns of upbringing of preschool children:

a) activity of the child himself

b) the child's need for love

c) personality develops effectively in a situation of success

c) observance of the rights of the child

10. What are the main components of the mechanism of moral education of preschool children:

a) knowledge and ideas

b) skills and habits

V) moral qualities

d) feelings and attitudes

11. Means of moral education in kindergarten are:

a) children's own activities

b) surrounding the child situation

c) nature

d) funds mass media

12. Name the semantic blocks that make up the content of moral education:

a) education of humanity

b) education of collectivism

c) education of patriotism and citizenship

d) political education

a) the education of collectivism

b) education of humanity

c) education of diligence

d) education of discipline

14. What are the conditions for the effectiveness of the application of upbringing methods:

a) tactful application of the method

b) the reality of the method

c) humane application of the method

d) isolation of methods

15. What methods should be predominant in preschool age:

A) practical methods

b) methods of formation of consciousness

c) methods of persuasion

d) methods of punishment

Test on preschool pedagogy to the topic "Child and society"

1. Specify programs social development children:

a) I am human

b) "I, you, we"

c) Reveal yourself

d) "Childhood"

2. What is meant by "social reality"?»?

a) material objects

b) social phenomena

c) everything that surrounds the child

3. Highlight the means of familiarization with social reality:

a) activity

b) knowledge

d) didactic aids

4. What function of knowledge characterizes the child's familiarization with the values ​​of knowledge:

a) regulatory

b) informative

c) emotional

5. Which of the tendencies of introducing children to social reality does not correspond to the age characteristics of preschool children?

a) optional knowledge

b) formal introduction of children to social reality

c) overloading children with knowledge about social reality

6. During what process does the child join the sphere of social reality:

a) socialization

b) democratization

c) individualization

7.What methods of familiarization with social reality activate cognitive activity children?

a) surprises

b) switching to another activity

c) elementary and causal analysis

8. What types of activities contribute to introducing the child to social reality in real terms?

b) observation

c) household activities

9. What is the content of introducing preschoolers to social reality?

a) attitude towards oneself

b) attitude towards the Motherland

c) attitude towards people of different nationalities

d) familiarization with spatial and temporal relationships

10. What sections are included in the S.A. Kozlova "I am a man"?

a) our land common Home

b) What do I know about myself?

c) Man is the creator

d) Children of the whole Earth are friends

11. What is the core concept in the program "I am a man"?

a) Man

b) Reality

c) child

12. What regulations underlie the social development of the child?

a) Declaration of the Rights of the Child

b) The concept of preschool education

c) Regulations on a preschool institution

13.Name the researchers of the problems of social development of preschool children:

a) A.V. Zaporozhets

b) E.V. Ryleeva

c) S.A. Kozlova

14. Name the indicators of the social development of the child:

a) the level of mastery of self-service skills

b) social adaptation

c) social status

d) level of knowledge

15. The result of the social development of a preschool child is:

a) socialization

b) individualization

c) socialization-individualization

Test on preschool pedagogy to the topic "Education healthy child »

1. Determine the most precise definition the concept of "physical culture":

a) it is part of the general culture of the people

b) it is a set of material and spiritual values ​​of society that are accumulated, created and used for the physical improvement of people

c) a system of physical exercises

d) academic discipline in educational institutions

a) methods and techniques of physical education

b) outdoor games

c) daily routine in kindergarten

d) exercises in basic movements

3. What means of physical education are used to solve health problems:

a) rational mode

b) good nutrition

c) social factors

G) artistic means

4. What means of physical education are used to solve educational problems:

a) example of an adult

b) healing forces of nature

c) artistic means

d) own activities

5. What means of physical education are used to solve educational problems:

a) a variety of activities for children

c) exercise

d) fiction

6. What groups of tasks are allocated in the system of physical education:

a) educational

b) developing

c) wellness

d) educational

7. Name the researchers of the theory of physical education:

a) P.F. Lesgaft

b) G.V. Khukhlaeva

c) T. I. Osokina

d) S.A. Kozlova

8. What tasks belong to the group of educational tasks of physical education:

a) the formation of skills to perform basic movements

b) protection and promotion of health

c) the formation of ideas about your body and health

d) education of will, courage, discipline

9. What groups of cultural and hygienic skills are included in the content of the education of preschoolers:

a) management skills own behavior, discipline

b) skills to maintain order in the environment

c) food culture skills

d) cleanliness of the body

10. What skills are included in the group of food culture skills:

a) chew food properly, use a napkin

b) correctly hold a spoon, fork, bread

c) thank you for the meal

d) skip ahead small children, girls

11.Choose the principles of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills:

a) the presence of algorithmization for the execution of procedures

b) creating conditions for the independence of the child

c) example of an adult

d) creating situations that clearly demonstrate the effect of household procedures

12. What are the methods for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in kindergarten:

a) exercise

b) artistic word

V) playing tricks

d) experiment

13. Name the main components of the educational process that are included in the content of the first half of the day:

a) morning meal

b) walk

c) afternoon snack

d) classes

14. Determine the reason for the distribution of the content of the activities of children on a walk through the stages:

a) the need for alternating calm activity and physical activity

b) algorithmization of regime process

c) discipline

d) the requirements of the parents

15. What components are included in the content of the walk:

a) observations

b) outdoor games

V) sports entertainment

d) duty

Test on preschool pedagogy to the topic "Continuity between preschool educational institution and school"

1. Continuity between kindergarten and school is:

a) one of the forms of communication between educational institutions

b) a set of educational programs

c) management structure

2. Select the content components of the succession:

a) pedocentric

b) communicative

c) information and educational

3. Choose the types of school readiness:

a) motivational

b) practical

c) intellectual

4. Select the components of motivational readiness for school:

a) interest in school

b) the ability to cooperate

c) desire to learn

5. Specify the tests that are included in the diagnosis of school readiness:

a) Kern-Jirasek test

b) graphic test

c) "Secret" technique

6. What are the grounds for continuity between kindergarten and school:

a) the development of curiosity

b) development of communication

c) teaching writing and counting

7. Name the options for interaction between kindergarten and school:

A) kindergarten-school

b) preschool

c) primary classes are located in kindergarten

8. Select aspects of interaction between kindergarten and school:

a) methodical

b) information and educational

c) communicative

a) mutual visits to educational institutions by teachers

b) teachers' councils

V) parent meetings

10. The components of intellectual readiness for school are:

a) school knowledge

b) desire to learn

c) cognitive mental processes

11. Name researchers of problems of school readiness:

a) L.A. Wenger

b) S.L. Novoselova

c) V.A. Petrovsky

12. What is the main activity of a preschooler:

a) learning activities

b) play activity

c) labor activity

13. What is the main activity of a younger student:

a) educational

b) educational and cognitive

c) productive

14. What is the special preparation of children for school:

a) physical training

b) training in the main educational areas (mathematics, the world)

V) psychological preparation

15. What regulates the relationship between kindergarten and school:

a) a special agreement on interaction between the kindergarten and the school

b) joint work plan

c) educational program

Test on the topic "Game activity of a preschooler"

1.Complete the phrase: "The main components of the game as an activity":

c) result

d) actions

e) imaginary situation

2. Creative games are:

a) drama games

b) fun games

c) role-playing

d) mobile

e) musical

g) didactic

3. The basis of games with rules:

a) a set of formalized rules

b) imaginary situation

c) a set of game actions

d) win

4. Games with rules:

a) chess

c) "shop"

d) mothers and daughters

e) paired pictures

5. Type of relationship playing games with rules:

a) friendships

b) ownership

c) competition and rivalry

d) cooperation

e) rivalry

6. End result in creative games:

a) he is not

b) implementation of the game plan

c) win

d) creative recreation of actions

e) victory

e) establishing friendly relations

7. The main purpose of creative games:

a) enjoy the process

b) implementation of the plan

c) accept the role

d) actions with objects

e) organization of leisure

8. Basic game tools:

A) toys

B) imaginary objects

B) substitute items

D) game actions

9. The main components of role-playing games:

a) didactic task

b) game task

c) imaginary situation

e) game actions

f) rules

10. Characteristic features of role-playing games for older preschoolers:

a) a chain of 1-2 actions

b) roles are not recognized

c) an imaginary situation is held by an adult

11. Highlight the correct statement:

a) "the game of the child of labor"

b) the game is social in content

c) the game is social in origin

d) "labor child of the game"

e) the game has a biological origin

12. Name RPG technology researchers:

a) A.P. Usova

b) D.B. Mendzheritskaya

c) L.S. Vygotsky

d) S.L. Novoselov

e) N.A. Korotkov

f) A.N. Leontief

13. Name the main components didactic games :

a) imaginary situation

b) didactic task

c) play relationships

d) rules

f) game actions

14. Determine the dependence on the toy of the play activity of the older preschooler:

a) the child first determines the game, then the toy

b) the child first chooses a toy, then a game

c) the game does not depend on the toy

d) the game can proceed without a toy

e) toy - the material basis of the game

15. What needs are met in the game:

a) the need to move

b) the need for communication

c) the need for actions with objects

d) biological needs

e) the need for knowledge of the world around

16. What toys provide the development of a child's creativity?

a) game modules

b) substitute items

c) items and benefits

d) sets of themed toys

e) didactic toys

17. Highlight the main components of leadership technology role-playing games S.L. Novoselova:

a) the minimum number of toys

b) educational games

c) phone game

d) activating communication between an adult and a child

e) subject-play environment

f) inventing games

g) getting to know the environment

18. Highlight the paradoxes of the game highlighted by L.S. Vygotsky:

a) game-school of will

b) game-school of morality

c) the contradiction between desires and possibilities

d) gaming and real relationship

e) the need for leadership creative activity

f) the imaginary situation is constantly evolving

Topic: The system of preschool education

1. What levels of education are united by the educational system?

a) preschool

b) after school

c) additional education

d) independent

2. What institutions are educational?

a) institutions of additional education

b) preschool

c) corrective

d) professional

3. What document defines the specifics of the activities of the institution and is the basis for the development of the charter of the educational institution?

a) Law of the Russian Federation on Education

b) Model regulation on an educational institution

c) Educational program

d) The concept of preschool education

4. Define the types of preschool institutions:

a) kindergarten

b) Orphanage

c) a kindergarten for supervision and rehabilitation with priority implementation of sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures

d) child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and rehabilitation of all children

5. What components are included in the concept of "education system"?

a) a set of educational institutions

b) the system of educational authorities

c) the totality of the system of educational programs

d) a set of state educational standards

6. What procedures make up the system of legal foundations for improving the quality of preschool education?

a) certification

b) licensing

c) program review

d) accreditation

7. The procedure for licensing a preschool institution provides the right:

a) for teaching activities

b) to open a kindergarten

c) admission of children to kindergarten

d) for financing

8. The kindergarten accreditation procedure provides the right to:

a) for financing

b) to open a kindergarten

c) to protect the rights and dignity of the child

d) on the guarantee of the parent in the upbringing of children

9. What is the subject of examination during the licensing procedure of a preschool institution?

a) equipment of the pedagogical process

b) staffing

c) software

d) conditions of stay of children in kindergarten

10. In what case does a preschool institution receive increased funding?

a) if certified for category (second, first)

b) if it meets sanitary requirements

c) if it meets the needs of the parents

d) if it ensures the safety of life and health of children

11. In what case does a preschool institution acquire the status of a "Development Center"?

a) if educational services exceed the requirements of the State Standard in all areas

b) if educational services exceed the requirements of the State Standard in one direction

c) if the institution meets the needs of parents

d) if it receives increased budget funding

12. Who is involved in the certification procedure of a preschool institution?

A) Kindergarten teaching staff

b) parents

c) special commission

d) public organizations

13. Do the principles of state policy in the field of education apply to the system of preschool education?

c) partially

d) are adjusted taking into account the specifics of the kindergarten

14. Name the directions of development of the system of preschool education:

a) development of the theory and practice of preschool education

b) development of a network of preschool educational institutions

c) development of the material base of preschool institutions

d) training

15. How is the national-regional component implemented in the content of preschool education?

a) updating the content with the traditions, culture of the area where the child lives

b) the division of children according to the national composition within the preschool institution

c) studying the interests of parents

d) updating technologies for raising a child

Preschool Pedagogy Test

Topic: Teaching preschool children

1. Choose the correct answer:

a) a method of teaching is a way of cognitive activity of an adult and a child

b) the method of teaching is a system of methods of work of the educator and children in order to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for children, to develop cognitive abilities

c) the teaching method is a method of interaction with the child regarding the acquisition of cognitive information

2. Which of the following methods are visual?

a) conversation

b) observation

c) showing methods of action

3. Which of the following is a form of training organization?

a) classes

b) excursion

c) looking at a picture

4. Game methods belong to the group:

a) practical

b) visual

c) verbal

5. Which of the following do not apply to verbal teaching methods?

a) conversation

b) sample show

c) a story based on a picture

6. Highlight preschool learning patterns:

a) developing

b) activating

c) personality-oriented

7. Which of the teachers dealt with issues of preschool education?

a) A.S. Makarenko

b) A.P. Usova

c) N.N. Poddyakov

8. What is the main form of education in kindergarten?

a) classes

b) circle

c) independent activity

9.Choose the most complete answer:

a) learning is the process of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities

b) learning is a way of acquiring cognitive information

c) learning is the process of interaction between a teacher and children in order to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of cognitive activity

10. Name the main components of the learning process:

c) way

d) form of organization

11. The purpose of early childhood education is:

a) transfer of knowledge, skills, abilities

b) learning ways of knowing, experiencing and transforming the surrounding reality

c) transfer of experience

12. What didactic principle of teaching Ya.A. Comenius called the "golden rule of didactics" in preschool age?

a) systematic

b) visibility

c) accessibility

13. The purpose of which process is the transfer of ways and means of cognition of the surrounding reality?

a) learning

b) education

c) education

14. Name the components of the learning process:

a) learning

b) teaching

c) teaching

d) activity

15. What is included in the structure of educational activities:

a) learning task

b) learning activities

c) monitoring and evaluation

d) practical skills

Test on the topic "Preschool pedagogy as a science"

1. Specify the most precise concepts of "preschool pedagogy":

1. Preschool pedagogy is the science of teaching preschool children.

2. Preschool pedagogy is the science of raising children from birth to school.

3. Preschool pedagogy is the science of education and development of preschool children.

4. Preschool pedagogy is the art of educating and teaching preschool children.

5. There is no correct answer.

6. I don't know

2. Indicate the most accurate definition of the concept of "learning»:

1. Learning is a purposeful, systematic process of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to students.

2. Education is a process of interrelated, consistently changing activities of the educator and the child, aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills, and the comprehensive development of the child.

3. Learning is a process of active, purposeful interaction between a teacher and students, as a result of which students develop knowledge, skills, experience of activity and behavior, personal qualities.

4. Education is a purposeful process of interaction between the educator and the child, during which education is carried out, the versatile development of the individual.

5. There is no correct answer.

3. Indicate the most accurate meanings of the concept of "pedagogics":

1. Pedagogy - an area of ​​​​practical activity

2. Pedagogy is the art of education

3. Pedagogy is a field of scientific knowledge, science

4. Pedagogy - science and art

5. There is no correct answer.

4. At what time did pedagogy begin to take shape as a branch of theoretical knowledge:

1. in the 17th century

2. in the 18th century

3. in the 20th century

4. in 1148

5. There is no correct answer.

5. Whose name is associated with the formation of scientific pedagogy:

1. J.J. Rousseau

2. Ya.A. Comenius

3. K.D. Ushinsky

4. I.G. Pestalozzi

5. I don't know

6. Highlight the sources of pedagogy as a science:

1. Literature

2. Art

3. Religion

4. Folk pedagogy

5. Pedagogical practice

7. Highlight the branches of modern pedagogy:


2. Preschool pedagogy

3. Psychology

4. History of pedagogy

5. Pedagogy of the school

8. What branch of pedagogy studies the theoretical foundations of raising children with developmental disabilities:

1. Private methods

2. Correctional Pedagogy

3. Age pedagogy

4. History of pedagogy

5. There is no correct answer.

9. The connection of pedagogy with which sciences is most significant:

1. Philosophy

2. Psychology

3. Anatomy and physiology

4. Computer science

5. Mathematics

10. Specify the methods of pedagogical research:

1. Observation

2. Study of theoretical sources

3. Questionnaire

4. Laboratory experiment

5. I don't know

11. Specify the characteristics of the upbringing process:

2. Education is a social phenomenon

3. Education is a historical phenomenon

4. Parenting is an ever-changing phenomenon

5. Education is the function of a teacher

12. The category of basic pedagogical concepts includes:

1. Personality

2. Education

3. Activities

5. Pedagogical process

13. Specify what is the subject of preschool pedagogy as a science:

1. Child

2. Patterns of child development

3. Patterns of raising a child

4. Interaction of the teacher with the child

5. Tasks of pedagogy

14. In which book was the system of preschool education first introduced:

1. "Great didactics" Ya.A. Comenius

2. "Maternal School" Ya.A. Comenius

3. "Hello, children" Sh.A. Amonashvili

4. "Birth of a citizen" V.A. Sukhomlinsky

5. "Teaching children" V. Monomakh

15. Free answer. Justify how you understand the words of great teachers:

1.Sh.A. Amonashvili: "A truly humane pedagogy is one that is able to involve the child in the process of creating himself"

2. K.D. Ushinsky: “In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality.”

3. K..D. Ushinsky: "In order to educate a person in all respects, you need to know him in all respects."

4. V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "True education is accomplished only when there is self-education"

Preschool Pedagogy Test " Labor education preschool children »

1. Choose the most complete definition of labor education:

a) the interaction of the teacher and the child in order to form a positive attitude towards work and mental qualities necessary for labor activity

b) a way to attract a preschooler to work

c) purposeful influence on the child in order to form a positive attitude towards work

d) interaction between an adult and a child in the formation of the ability to work

2. Name the researchers of the problems of labor education of preschoolers:

a) M.V. Krulecht

b) D.V. Sergeeva

c) S.L. Novoselova

d) M.I. Lisina

3. Choose the types of work for preschoolers:

a) productive work

b) household

c) manual

a) L.S. Vygotsky

b) M.V. Krulecht

c) D.B. Elkonin

d) A.V. Zaporozhets

5. Choose ways to organize the collective work of preschoolers:

a) individual

b) work nearby

c) teamwork

d) general labor

6. Choose the forms of labor organization for preschoolers:

a) self service

b) labor assignment

c) on duty

d) joint work with an adult

7. Define the components of labor as an activity:

b) result

d) way

8. What are the principles of labor education of preschool children:

a) the principle of voluntary participation

b) the principle of visibility

c) the principle of dialogue communication

d) the principle of humanization

9. Determine the specifics of vigils:

a) always come from an adult

b) are a duty

c) it is work for others

d) are voluntary

10. What components reflect the ability of children to work:

a) mastery of the knowledge system

b) desire to work

c) the presence of generalized labor skills

d) availability of special labor skills

11. Name the means of labor education for preschoolers:

a) labor training

b) independent labor activity

c) familiarization with the work of adults

d) proverbs and sayings about work

12. Note the specific features of household work:

a) is cyclical

b) accompanies any activity

c) used only in primary preschool age

d) the target is distant in time

13. What forms of organization of labor education are typical for children of primary preschool age:

a) joint work with an adult

b) self-service

c) self-employment

d) long orders

14. What types of labor are typical for children of older preschool age:

A) collective labor

b) manual labor

c) labor in nature

d) individual work

15. What is the difference between work and play:

a) procedural activity

b) productive activity

c) activities carried out in an imaginary plan

d) realistic activity

Answers to test tasks:

"Education is the leading function of preschool pedagogy"

1. V 2. b 3. b 4. and in 5. a b d 6. b 7. a in d 8. A 9. a B C 10. a b d 11. a B C 12. a B C 13 . b 14. a B C 15. a B C

« Child and society

1. a B C 2. b 3. a b 4. b 5. a B C 6. a 7. A 8. b c 9. a B C 10. a B C 11. A 12. a b 13. b c 14. a in d 15. V

Raising a healthy child»

1 .b 2 . b c d 3 . a B C 4 .a c d 5 .a b 6 . a in d 7 . a B C 8. V 9 . b c d 10 .a B C 11 . a b d 12. a B C 13 . a b d 14. A 15 . a B C

Continuity between preschool educational institution and school

1. A 2. A b 3. and in 4. and in 5. a b 6. a b 7. and in 8. a b 9. a b 10. and in 11 . and in 12. b 13. A 14. b 15. a b

"Game activity of a preschooler

1. a B C D 2. and in 3. A 4. a in d 5. at 6 a 7. A 8. a B C 9. V d d 10. G 11. a B C 12. b d e 13. b c d 14. A 15. a b c d 16. a b 17. a d j 18. a b d e

Preschool education system

1. and in 2. a b d 3. b 4. a in d 5. a B C 6. a b d 7. A 8. a d 9. a b d 10. A 11 . A 12 . and in 13. A 14. a B C r15.A

Teaching preschool children

1. b 2. b c 3. a b 4. A 5 . b 6. a b 7. b to 8. A 9. V 10. a b 11. b 12. b 13. A 14. b c 15. a B C

Preschool pedagogy as a science

1. 2 3 2 . 3 3. 3 4. 1 5. 2 6. 3 4 5 7. 2 4 5 8. 9. 1 2 3 10. 1 2 3 11. 1 2 3 12. 2 4 5 13. 3 14. 2 15 .

« Labor education of preschool children»

1. A 2 . a, b 3 . b,c 4 . b 5 . b, c, d 6. b c d 7 . a,b,d 8 . a, c, d 9 .b,c 10 . a, c, d 11 . a B C 12 . a, b 13. A 14. b,c 15 . b, d

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy that studies the patterns of development, education and elementary forms of education of children at the age preceding school entry. It is based on the methodology and categorical apparatus of general pedagogy. Research in the field of preschool pedagogy is interdisciplinary in nature and occupy a border position at the intersection of areas of general pedagogy, children. psychology and developmental physiology: the data of these scientific disciplines serve as a theoretical basis for the development of goals, means and methods of education and training in preschool age.

Preschool pedagogy studies the essential (main, defining) properties and objective connections within and between the processes of upbringing, training and education of preschoolers.

The object of preschool pedagogy is a preschool child whose development is determined by educational relationships.

The subject of preschool pedagogy are the essential properties and patterns of upbringing, training and education of preschool children, the study of the processes of development and formation of the personality of a preschooler.

Preschool pedagogy as a science performs five main functions:

1. Descriptive - corresponds to the empirical (experimental, primary) level of research. Includes the accumulation of pedagogical facts and phenomena, their classification.

2. Explanatory (main) - aimed at revealing the essence of pedagogical phenomena, i.e. their origin, structure, patterns of development this phenomenon. The function corresponds to the theoretical level of the study.

3. Projective-constructive - expressed in the development of specific technologies of pedagogical activity, projects, programs, forms, methods of pedagogical interaction in the educational process.

4. Prognostic - based on the knowledge of the patterns of education and training, forecasting the development of pedagogical systems in the future is carried out.

5. Worldview - is aimed at the active formation of pedagogical consciousness in the public environment.

Tasks of preschool pedagogy as a science:

1. Adaptation and justification of the general laws of upbringing and education in relation to the conditions of preschool education (studying the specifics of the action of the laws of upbringing and education in relation to preschool children).

2. Substantiation of new conceptual approaches to preschool education, consideration of ways of their practical implementation (the emergence of complexes "kindergarten-school", groups short stay children in preschools, private preschools requires their theoretical justification, the development of mechanisms and conditions for their effective operation).

3. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the developing activities of children in the preschool educational institution, a description of the possibilities and means of their organization (what activities to fill the child's stay in the preschool educational institution to ensure its comprehensive development).

4. Development pedagogical technologies education, training, development of preschoolers in an educational institution (substantiation of the components of pedagogical technologies, indicators of their effectiveness, mechanisms of their action, options for interaction).

5. Identification of the content, forms, methods, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of personality-oriented preschool education, the search for ways to individualize pedagogical technologies.

6. Study, generalization of practice and experience of pedagogical activity.

7. Determining the possibilities of the teacher's creative activity in the context of the implementation of various educational programs. Definition of principles and conditions of pedagogical improvisation.

8. Building a model of a modern professional teacher, its justification, identifying ways to achieve and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution.

Sources of development of preschool pedagogy Keywords: folk pedagogy, progressive ideas of the past (works of outstanding teachers; ethnopedagogy), experimental research, data from related sciences, innovate experience social and family education.

Categories of preschool pedagogy: upbringing, training, education, pedagogical process, pedagogical environment, pedagogical activity, pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills, pedagogical innovation, etc.

Parenting category one of the most important in pedagogy. Historically, there have been various approaches to the consideration of this category. Describing the scope of the concept, many researchers distinguish education in broad social sense, including in it the impact on the personality of society as a whole (i.e. identifying education with socialization), and in the narrow sense- How purposeful activity designed to form in children a system of personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

Education is also considered in broad pedagogical sense- this is a specially organized purposeful and controlled impact of the team, teachers on the educatee in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in an educational institution and covering the entire pedagogical process. Upbringing in a narrow pedagogical sense- this is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational tasks (education of curiosity, independence, diligence, etc.).

Education- this is a specially organized process of interaction between an adult (teachers, parents, etc.) and children, aimed at mastering a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities (KAS), actions and behavioral habits.

Knowledge- this is a reflection by preschoolers of the surrounding reality in the form of learned concepts.

Skills- the ability to independently perform specific actions.

Skills- the ability to automatically perform the actions necessary in a particular case, brought to perfection by constant repetition of the action.

Education - the process of mastering the sum of scientific and cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind. Education is social phenomenon, because is an integral part of the life of any society.

Pedagogical process- this is a developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators.

Theoretical foundations of preschool pedagogy the data of philosophy, natural sciences (biology), theories of domestic scientists in the field of child psychology and the history of pedagogical thought, advanced pedagogical experience are built. Hence, in the general theoretical foundations of preschool pedagogy, four main aspects can be distinguished: philosophical, psychological, natural science, and historical and pedagogical.

Philosophical foundations. In the organization and implementation of pedagogical research and the pedagogical process, the general principles of dialectics are taken into account - the science of the most general laws of the development of matter, consciousness and society (the laws of the continuity of the movement and development of matter, the transition of quantity into quality, determinism, systemicity, unity and the struggle of contradictions as driving force development, inseparable unity of knowledge and practice, etc.).

Natural science foundations of preschool pedagogy define the teachings of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov about higher nervous activity and conducted by their students and followers - V.M. Bekhterev, N.E. Vvedensky, A.A. Ukhtomsky, P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Shchelovanov, N.I. Kasatkin, N.L. Figurin, N.M. Aksarina and others - studies of the development of higher nervous activity in ontogeny. They showed that the neurophysiological mechanisms mental activity child are conditioned reflex in nature, their formation in preschool childhood is greatly influenced by both the processes of maturation, the implementation of genetic programs, and external influences, including education.

Research has established the expediency of starting the upbringing of a child from the moment of birth, since one of the laws governing the development of conditioned reflex activity is that each subsequent reflex in a child is formed faster and easier than the previous one.

The doctrine of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov about the three unities - the dialectical relationship of the body and the external environment, all organs and systems of the body as a single open biosystem and the unity of mental and physical development - is physiological justification organization of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions.

The doctrine of the dynamic stereotype underlies the construction of the day regimen for preschoolers. The dynamic stereotype is the basis for the formation of skills, habits of behavior, it explains the effectiveness of the exercise as a method of education and training. Requirement individual approach in education it follows from the teachings about different types of higher nervous activity, about inclinations, about various anatomical and physiological characteristics of individuals.

Theories about the development of two signal systems in ontogenesis serve as a natural scientific basis for determining the psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of a child's speech, mental, physical, aesthetic, and other areas of education. On their basis recommendations of methods and means of training are developed.

Psychological foundations of preschool pedagogy are:

Cultural-historical theory of the development of behavior and the human psyche JI.S. Vygotsky, age periodization developed by him, concepts of “sensitive periods”, “zone of proximal development”, theory of developmental learning;

The teachings of A.N. Leontiev about activity as a condition, means and source of development of the child's psyche;

The theory of gradual formation of mental actions P.Ya. Galperin, works of N.N. Poddiakova, JI.A. Wenger about the features of the intellectual development of children in the preschool period;

The theory of "amplification" of child development in preschool childhood A.V. Zaporozhets;

Psychology of children's play and periodization of mental development D.B. Elkonin;

The concept of V.T. Kudryavtsev about the sociocultural phenomenon of preschool childhood, etc.

3. Research methods of preschool pedagogy:

In order to reveal the patterns of development of preschoolers, to find the most optimal means, methods and forms of education and upbringing in a preschool institution, pedagogical research is being carried out.

Under methods of pedagogical research understand the ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

The most accessible and widespread method of pedagogical research is observation. Scientific observation is understood as a systematic study of an object, process or phenomenon under study in natural conditions. Observation as a research method is characterized by the presence of goals, objectives, programs, methods and techniques of observation. Scientific observation requires objective and accurate recording of facts (photography, filming, protocols, diary entries, etc.) and processing of the results.

In pedagogical practice, polling methods are widely used: conversation, interviewing, questioning, testing.

Conversation- direct communication with the subjects using pre-designed questions. It involves the establishment of two-way contact, during which the interests of children, their ideas, attitudes, feelings, assessments and positions are revealed. In order for the results of the conversation to be the most objective, it is necessary to determine the goal, develop a program, think over the sequence and variability of questions.

Interviewing is used much less frequently - a one-sided conversation, the initiator of which asks questions, and the interlocutor answers. Interviewing rules require the creation of conditions conducive to the sincerity of the subjects.

Questionnaire- a method of obtaining information through a written survey. Questioning involves careful development of the structure of the questionnaire and, as a rule, is combined with other research methods.

Testing- a targeted survey conducted on carefully worked out standardized questions, and allowing to objectively identify the individual differences of the subjects.

A significant place in pedagogical research is given to experiment- the study of any phenomena and processes in order to test and substantiate a scientific hypothesis. The purpose of the experiment is to establish patterns between individual pedagogical influences and their results in search of the most effective way to manage the pedagogical process. In pedagogical practice, a laboratory and a natural experiment are distinguished: the first takes place in specially created and controlled conditions, the second is carried out in a familiar environment for the subject. Depending on the purpose, an experiment is distinguished: ascertaining (studying the state pedagogical phenomenon); formative (approbation of the put forward hypothesis); control (substantiation of the obtained results and conclusions).

Method of studying pedagogical documentation And children's activity products allows you to get various information about the object under study. The sources of information are the plans and reports of the heads and teachers of preschool institutions, class notes, products visual activity And manual labor preschoolers. The study of these materials allows you to establish the relationship between the studied phenomena, to reveal new facts.

At various stages of pedagogical research, method of studying and summarizing experience. Pedagogical experience is understood as the practice of training and education, reflecting the level of development of pedagogical science. Best practices are characterized by a high positive effect in training and education and the achievement of results without spending a lot of time and effort.

sociometric methods allow you to explore interpersonal relationships in the team. In the process of observation or questioning, the researcher can determine the place, role, status of the subject, distinguish between the stages of formation of intra-collective relations.

In pedagogical practice, they are also used mathematical research methods, which serve to process the data and results obtained in the process of studying, and are reflected in graphs, charts, tables.

In order for the results of pedagogical activity to be comprehensive and objective, it is necessary to use research methods in the aggregate and taking into account the age characteristics of the subjects.