Knowledge of the laws of love. Love is knowledge. Knowledge of the general cosmic law of love


17. What else do you need to know about love?

From the lesson of love No. 11 (The word of the creator of the One Universe):
“My children! Love and lies are incompatible. Where there is lies, there is no love. Divine love brings great truth to Earth. Great wisdom teaches a person to accept the truth and look it in the eye. Great wisdom is the harbinger of love. She teaches to look at the world with open eyes.
My children! Do not close your eyes! He who is afraid or does not want to see the truth cannot see the transcendence of his soul, cannot know love.
Having begun to see clearly, closing your eyes is a betrayal of Divine love.
... To embellish the truth, to look for excuses, to escape from reality is a sin. True love is sinless. It does not take a person into the world of illusions. True love leads to the realm of eternal love...
... My children! Your eyes are open! Learn to see! Learn to face the truth! Go towards great wisdom! It will teach you to see God in everything, everywhere and always. She will teach you to love.

Wisdom leads to love. Love teaches wisdom. The milky way of wisdom leads to the knowledge of love. Only those who have seen the light can enter it.
The light of truth, the light of love, pours from the eyes of the lover. It illuminates the path of great wisdom. Only those who can face the truth can hear her voice. The voice of truth is the voice of God, the voice of Divine laws...
… Only a pure, open heart can hear the voice of love coming from the depths of the soul. The voice of love is the voice of God, the voice of eternity.
The soul sings the hymn of love. The spirit of eternity, the spirit of the Age of Fire brought her the score of love. The fiery spirit of eternity plays the instrument of the soul. He plays on the 127 love strings of the human soul. It awakens the mind. He carries the laws to the body. It allows the heart to hear. The blood carries the voice of love throughout the body. The voice of love warms the blood, it carries Divine warmth. Warmth allows you to touch the truth, feel the truth of life, get away from lies and breathe in a fresh breath of freedom.

Only a free person who follows great wisdom can breathe the air of truth. Great wisdom reveals to man the laws of love and the laws of life, allows him to feel the taste of the truth of life, to feel love, to know the joy of love and the joy of creation.

From Love Lesson #14 (Divine Word):
“My children! The great truth has come to Earth. It is in the hands of the conscience of all mankind. It distributes grains of truth to the conscience of every person. A pearl of truth grows from the grains of truth, revealing eternity in the human soul.
Truth is the life-giving force of Divine love in the soul, the elixir of life, the key that opens the soul.
The conscience of mankind follows great wisdom. Great wisdom bears the truth of life. She lifts to heaven. It opens freedom of conscience. She releases faith.
Faith is a prisoner of lies. The lies are gone. Remain chains and shackles of lies. Only the truth can take them down.
Only a free person can feel the taste of truth, the taste of love. Only a free person can open the world of creativity of his soul, breathe out the fiery inspiration of love, start a new life, kindle the fire of love in the soul and touch the beauty and harmony of the Divine structure of the universe.
There are eyes of truth - eyes filled with the fire of love. These are the eyes of conscience, the eyes of honor, the eyes of purity, the eyes of freedom, the eyes of eternity. There are many of them. They are opened by the truth of life - love. She opens the eyes of the body. The body becomes sighted.
The all-seeing eye is the eye of truth, the eye of divine love.
It's time for the truth - time to open your eyes.
Today's man is blind and stupid. He is afraid of the truth. He is a prisoner of lies. There is no fire of love in his eyes. The crystal of the eye does not work, it does not carry knowledge. A crystal can only work in the fire of love.
The eyes of a man of the new time, the era of Fire, radiate the light of truth, the light of the fire of love.
The light of truth allows you to see the shackles of lies. Only Haya, the fiery inspiration of love, can liberate them from them.”

"The First Book of Revelations" - from Revelation #5:
“My children! I, your God, send my word to those who love me, to those who are waiting for my revelations. My words are for you, who are thirsty for my word, who are eager to receive my messages. Love me, and then all the barriers between us will go away. My love for you has no barriers when your love for me comes from a pure heart, from the depths of your soul. Only then can I breathe life into your souls.
Your souls are asleep. It's time to wake up and act... The soul must work for the good of the cosmos. This is the first duty of a person of a new time for you - the era of Fire ...
…There are sleeping souls and there are dead souls. A dead soul is a soul without faith. If there is no faith, then there is no love. A sleeping soul is a lost soul. She must be brought to light, brought to her path ...
... Only a living soul can escape from the captivity of the gray worlds, escape from the slavery of addictions, from shadows and ghosts ... "

A living soul is an open soul. She reaches out to Divine love.

From the lesson of love No. 14 (The word of the creator of the One Universe):
“... The soul is open to Divine love. She is waiting for her. She is ready to accept it. She reaches out to God. She breathes the air of freedom. She breathes in the truth of life, knowledge of Divine laws, the air of love.
My children! Open the doors of the temple of love! Open the transcendence of your soul, and the fiery Haya will carry you along the paths of love for God, to the knowledge of the truth of your soul, to the true source of life, to the Divine principle of your soul. There you will find a sea of ​​joy and an ocean of creation.”

Love Lesson No. 18 (The Word of the Creator of the One Universe):
“My children! The vessel of the universe is being filled. I, the creator of the One Universe, fill its new vessel with the energies of formation. The old vessel goes with the old time. The energies of formation are bringing the rift to Earth. The Earth's surface is being reshaped. The earth is cold. The wind of change brought coolness. It was replaced by a cold hurricane of knowledge.
Only cold can stop decay. Only in the cold can knowledge be preserved. Only a cold mind can know love. Cold moonlight never blinds. 127 moons burn with the cold, white fire of freedom. The white sun of the mind illuminates and cools the inflamed human brain, opening the way to the subconscious.
The love of cognition is unconscious love, the ardent, blind love of man for God. She lifts to heaven. It leads to God along the path of doubt and suffering.
The knowledge of love is the knowledge of cold, conscious Divine love. The knowledge of love is the way of cooling the earthly love of man

This journey starts in heaven. It leads to Heaven. Heaven - the depth of knowledge of Divine love, immersion in the subconscious.

Purity of thought cools the mind. The purity of the look chills the blood. Cold-bloodedness stops the process of decay in the body, stops decay. Coolness preserves love, preserves Divine knowledge, preserves purity of perception.
My children! The split has come to Earth. The split of mankind has come. A hurricane of knowledge will divide your world into two parts. Hot, blind love will go with the old time. Earthly love fever has taken and is taking many lives. The cold, rational love of the new time, the era of Fire kindles the cold fire of knowledge and leads to a new life.
My children, creators of the One Universe! I call you to the knowledge of love, to the knowledge of the beauty and harmony of the inner world of man.
Cold-bloodedness and cold mind reveal the deepest feelings of the soul. They allow you to see the truth, allow you to hear the truth, allow you to touch the truth, allow you to breathe in the fresh air of truth, feel the taste of truth, and thereby approach the Divine truth.
The world of the purity of the human soul is a cold world. Cleanliness always brings cold. Pure, naked truth freezes the heart, enlightens the mind and heals the body.
My children! Don't be afraid of the cold! Cold absorbs cosmic dust. Viruses of infectious diseases do not live in the cold for eternity. fire ice- cold fire of creation. It preserves the originality and uniqueness of your soul.”

Love Lesson #33 (Divine Word):
“My children! Listen to me, your God, listen and remember! My word brings you freedom. My word brings you my love.
My love is free from human envy. My love is free from human meanness. My love is free from human greed. She is free from pity. She is free from tears. She is free from dreams.
Listen to me, my children! Let the word of my love hear your heart and tell your body about it.
The human body hurts just like the mind. The body suffers from the same diseases. It is infected with the same viruses. If a person is envious, his organs will envy each other. If a person is greedy, the organs will not give him enough. If a person pities others, his organs will give more than they need. If a person is mean, his organs will not be able to work in harmony.
Free the body and mind from addictions - free love. To release love is to release laws. Divine laws must be in the blood of a person.
The fiery plasma of eternity spreads through the blood and carries the Divine laws to the body. The fiery plasma of eternity is the water of the ocean of my love. They make the liver a source of love, a source of laws.
To liberate love is to liberate the liver and blood from envy, greed, pity, meanness, and so on. Only a free liver can speak. She will tell the body the laws of life through the blood.

Love Lesson #36 (Divine Word):
“My children, listen to me, your God. I am God alone and omnipotent. I love you, follow my word and I will lead you to the victory of reason. We will continue the lessons of love, they will help you learn how to properly develop the subtle feelings of your soul.
The lessons of love are not only the lessons of conscience. Lessons in love are also lessons in courage. A coward cannot love, he is afraid to love, he is afraid to live, he is afraid to do my will. Courage is one of the main qualities of the masculine principle. A man in whom the masculine principle is developed knows how to love. He knows the laws of justice. Love knows no fears, it leads a person to me through all obstacles and trials. A loving person is always a warrior, he is ready to fight for his love, he knows no cowardice.
But you must know, my children, that love is always the winner. She will stand up for herself in the fight with evil spirits. She herself protects you, my children, whose loving hearts are turned to me, your God.
Listen to me, my children! Listen and remember! The divine beginning of your soul brings my love to the material world. Love attracts laws. The laws courageously go towards it, overcoming the resistance of the matter of the material world. Divine laws lead man to the knowledge of love. They are responsible for the feminine, for the knowledge that follows them.
The sense of responsibility is the tool that allows the Divine decision to attract laws to itself. Courage allows the masculine to meet my love. If a person has a weak masculine principle, he is a coward and cannot love.
My children, first of all, develop feelings of masculinity! Be courageous, and you will know the laws of my love, the laws of supreme justice.”

From New Life Lesson #30:
“…God ​​loves man. He gives him the laws of life, the laws of being. Man loves God when he fulfills Divine laws. The one who fulfills part of the Divine laws - pretends to love, he does only what is easy for him to do ... "

Loving God and believing in God are not the same thing. There are enough people on Earth who believe in God, who do not doubt that God exists. Unfortunately, most of them do not love God. They lack intelligence and lack the courage to carry out Divine laws. The era of Fire has come to Earth, the era of manifested love, it will teach a person to love - to fulfill the Divine laws.

- It seems to me that by love we are accustomed to mean some manifestations that are pleasant to us. And love is, most likely, that creative energy that is impersonal. We ourselves color it with some of our relationships.

Everything is a manifestation of the Love of the Great Creator. But it is not possible for a limited, fragmentary mind to see it in its entirety. Love is an energy that operates out of wholeness. But since a person sees himself as a small speck of dust separated from everything, he is afraid of such Love. If he recognizes himself, he will enter into the unity of everything with everything. And then he himself will become one. But you can do this only by opening your heart. My task is to tell you this, yours is to feel it. You can only feel it with your heart.

- I want to revisit the issue of mirrors. Here is Irina, to some extent, a reflection of me, and I like this part. If I like this part, I accept it and do not consider it critically.

We are all One - whole. In fact, we mirror certain parts of each other. For example, I now personify your part - "awareness". So what I am saying is what this part of you is telling you. It is also in you. And through me she is now speaking to you. And what does she tell you? She says that you need to fully open your heart and remember yourself as Essence, Soul. In this case, a lot depends on you. My job is to speak, yours is to hear. A lot depends on you now.

- No. Your opinion is wrong. Not just to say, but to convey to us so that everyone understands what you mean. Maybe I, for example, do not perceive your words.

You do not perceive because your false personality resists them. For her, this is a threat. And I warned about it. What do you identify with now? With a false personality or Soul? My task is to strengthen your Essence. If all this is not just philosophy for you, then you will hear what I am now saying on behalf of your Essence.

- How much time should be spent on self-examination?

I devote all the time I have and all the energy I have to it.

- I want to give one example. There are batteries that are used instead of batteries. To charge them, you must first completely discharge them. Then he takes the whole charge. If we put an incompletely discharged battery on charge, then it will work very little. Any battery needs to be discharged, otherwise it will not take the full charge. We are like these accumulators. We came here to get a charge, but we don’t want to completely discharge for this. Therefore, we cannot take the potential that is now being given. Probably, you need to somehow defuse yourself.

It is possible to discharge your old charge by sincerely pronouncing your feelings and thoughts. With their subsequent awareness and release.

- When you discharge the old charge, the old programs, you will become calmer and more confident in yourself.

And here's another very important thing. Expansion of vision is given as you act in the work of self-realization. There is a task. For example, I know that I have to perform a certain task. This task consists of many subtasks that I solve. In this world, you need to navigate well, you need to master a lot of things. I had to do very different things. I just do what I feel I need to do, and as I do it, I am given what is necessary for the proper performance of my tasks. The larger and more complex the problem to be solved, the more vision is given.

Some come to school and sit with their hands folded, waiting for enlightenment. But it won't come to them. If a person knows how to do at least some business well, then you can talk about something with him. If he can't do anything well, then there's nothing to talk about with him. I will tell you new things only if I see that you have begun to use for your work what I have already shown you. Do something and then I will give you the following.

- I noticed how often we put barriers on ourselves. Let me tell you about my child. I tell him: "Cook yourself an egg." And although he has already seen it done ten times, he answers: “I can’t.”

Quite right. The task before you here is very difficult. And only the one who will act will be able to solve it. Only the one who will participate in our process not only in words, but in deeds. There is no need here for a crowd of people who do not know how to do anything, but are always ready to talk about “spiritual” things. We need people here who can do it. Each of us has a lot of life experience. This is not a compliment, but a fact. Therefore, what is required, you can do. This does not apply to those who come here only for new information. They usually leave very soon. By inertia, they can still continue to call here, come, or something else. But they did not do the most important thing: they did not understand why they came here. And you can understand this only by participating in our work with Soul, Heart and Body.

Let's say I'm the head of a large industrial organization with seven hundred people. What will I talk to everyone? And I will tell the cleaner about my economic situation in the market? The cleaning lady needs to know what she needs to know in order to clean the room well. Is it true? And if I have a vice president, then I will tell him what the vice president should know. There will be much more information for him than, for example, for the same cleaner. I'll see how he uses it in action. If he's a good VP, he'll use that information to make the business run better. It's the same here. Only our goals are much more global.

- I have read many books. I had a feeling that I could potentially learn something from them, but it was always difficult for me to realize this.

That's why just reading doesn't do much. It is necessary to make the transition of the amount of information you have accumulated into a new quality. You have accumulated a lot of excess, and if you continue to continue in the same spirit, then simply “litter” yourself. Everything that you know worthwhile will be highlighted in our work and become truly yours. Everything that is not needed will be eliminated and left, because it only interferes.

- I also want to say that all the time I tried to accumulate some knowledge. I understand that now it is time for me to move to action. After all, I know the basic thing that I need to do. When I buy a new book, my first impulse is: "Oh, how interesting." Bought. Looked through. Then I think: “Why did I buy this? Why do I need it?" Bought on impulse. I have a number of books that are close to me, and everything else can be removed. My mind is always looking for something new, but on the other hand, I know that internally I know everything, but for some reason I don’t realize it.

Everything we already know must be used for the right purpose. The main thing is to see this goal and start acting. Then everything that you received during your life: knowledge, skills, feelings, is realized. All parts of your experience will come together like a mosaic into a single picture. Otherwise, you will continue to accumulate, which will make it even more difficult or even impossible to collect everything into a single whole. Only conscious knowledge becomes a guide to action.

- I read books and see the same thing in everyone: it is awareness that comes first. I read Ouspensky. Castaneda also has awareness as a red line. She's just in such an exotic shape.

- I had an interesting case last summer. My family and I were supposed to go on vacation, and at the last moment we were told that it was impossible to go there with a dog. I, as always, had to stay. I said: "Well, you go, have a rest, and I will be with the dog." I had two weeks, and I decided that I would starve. Since such an opportunity presented itself, I will starve, I will not go anywhere, I will not watch TV, I will not read anything. And so he did. It was complete isolation. And what is interesting: when I was hungry for ten days, I saw that I could ask myself any question and get an answer to it. It could be almost any question. I even surprised myself. No matter what I asked, I got an answer right away. It was so great. Probably, in the ordinary bustle of life, this ability is suppressed by the ego.

The biggest miracle is to meet yourself and find out why you are here now in this incarnation. Only by meeting yourself can you know it. The soul will tell you about it. But it is the ego that does not want and resists it. Because the action of the ego is completely opposite to what the Soul wants. The man tries to sit on two chairs. But then it degrades. Although it has the illusion of development. To meet the Soul means to know your task.

- What do you mean by task? Introspection?

Self-observation is the way to know it. Now you are only working for yourself. And this is a necessary step. But if you want to develop further, you need to start working for others. The ego only wants to work for itself. He doesn't care about others. To transform the ego, one must understand it. How can you change something you don't know. Feel responsible for what you create in your life. The knowledge you gain here should be the essence of your actions, because the clear, holistic vision that we are moving towards is action.

There are two universal non-physical laws of the universe: the Law of Love and the Law of Attraction. These are natural laws similar to the laws of physics that our scientists recognize.

The Universal Laws do not govern you, because there is no external consciousness that decides that you must obey these laws. Rather, we are talking about universal principles, similar to the laws of physics, which describe the nature of the Universe. Laws themselves are descriptions of the nature of things.

The basic law is the Law of Love. Everything exists within the framework of this law and is created by it. Love is the complete and absolute acceptance of what is. Love allows. To love is to allow yourself to be who and what you are, and to give the same right to others. Without the Law of Love there would be no free will, for free will is free will. It cannot be partial - either it is there or it is not.

Love is the complete and absolute acceptance of what is.

The universe is one huge consciousness, divided into smaller parts, which in turn are divided into even smaller units. This separation exists for the purpose of creating experience, for it is through experience that the whole begins to know itself. If you are a point of light in the center of everything that is at the same time a vast nothing, you cannot understand who you are until you look at yourself from the outside. Looking from this perspective, you will actually know who you are by experiencing yourself as All That Is and at the same time experiencing your individuality. In order for the universe to develop through its experience, "permission" or love is necessary, because experience can have no limits. To know yourself, you must also know what you are not. This comparison pushes you forward, because comparison is one of the most effective ways to help you choose what you want. This comparison leads to desire, and desire is the mother of creation, because without desire, nothing would exist.

Free will is the natural result of love.

You are beings with complete and absolute free will. Free will is the natural result of love, for love is the total and absolute acceptance of what is. Since love is the very nature of all that Is, it is also your deepest desire, acting like a magnet on your personality. Everything that is not love is not considered natural for your essence, and everything in nature tends to exist according to the natural laws of the Universe. Your physical reality was created so that you could experience what you are not.

Knowing what you are not, you begin to know what is beyond love, acceptance and allowance. As a soul, you have begun to focus more on the physical world. You have begun to associate yourself more fully and absolutely with physical existence. This has led you to believe that the physical aspect is you, and it is your self that will die when the body dies.

The body seemed fragile and vulnerable, and at first you tried to protect it from the elements, from cold and heat. Watching animals defend their physical self from predators, you also began to perceive your body as weak and in need of protection from predators. And so it continued until you began to see your fellow men as a potential threat, so that the lack of acceptance became firmly rooted in your psyche. So there was a lack of love.

Comparisons were introduced so that you could experience love, complete acceptance, being attracted to her like a magnet. After all, love is the very nature of your essence, and although your personal "I" has developed so much that it considers itself your real "I", it cannot dominate and prevail forever, because nothing can forever deny its nature. Love is like a magnet, it draws you to itself and grows in you.

Looking back over human history, you can see that you have gradually moved towards higher levels of acceptance. In the last hundred years, this trend has become more and more evident, and the driving force of this process is growing exponentially every decade. Within each of you is what can best be described as an atom. This atom contains your craving for love. You have this pull, because such is the very nature of the universe. Love is the basic property of universal consciousness, so there is no consciousness without this atom.

Your craving for love automatically leads you to a state of love and acceptance. You cannot deny this craving, you cannot resist it, you cannot escape it, although you can pretend you don't have it and act as if it really doesn't exist. You can even fully experience reality or a range of seemingly loveless feelings. However, this atom, no matter how weak it may seem, is within you and attracts to itself greater expressions of love, universal love, the love of God. It is your craving for love that pushes you in development, it is it that stimulates your growth over many incarnations, from one cycle to another.

This is the game of the universe. You have decided that you want to go through many paths back to love, paths back to love. That is why you start new cycles and go on new journeys. You have had many lifetimes not only on planet Earth, but you have also completed a full cycle of transition from lack of love to its unconditional expression in many forms, in many worlds, and each stage increased your experience and knowledge of complete and absolute love. The universe seeks to experience itself in love in all its forms. For this, inside the Universe there is an experience of “non-love”, an experience of darkness, an experience of disunity, and all this for the sake of love.

As long as you have this atom, no matter how far into the “darkness” you go, you will eventually be drawn home to love anyway. Everything is arranged in this way, and not otherwise, it cannot be otherwise. Since love is the very nature of God and everything exists in the mind and being of God, everything is God, and therefore everything is love. This is the highest truth. Everything is love. All actions, all beings, all objects are love, because it is the basis of all creation.

Love! Many philosophers of the world are trying to explain this high feeling that every person has in his subconscious. Everyone has the right to feel it, learn its laws, multiply this feeling and give it to people. The key to understanding love is that it is limitless, it must be shared, opening hearts to others and receiving the same from them in return.

But is it? A person at the peak of perfection stands one step away from madness, where, at the behest of inherent bodily needs, he becomes a follower of his instincts, does not try to hear the voice of reason. So how do you learn to love and control this seemingly unearthly feeling, which is not enough for everyone in the world?

So, in order to understand what love is, let's turn to the source. Let's analyze this word according to the image of each letter (Old Slavonic initial letter) Lu-bo-v-b: People of God Know, connecting the heavenly with the earthly. It turns out that love is God! And Rich means to be God (the root of the word is God). You see how simple it is - you need to comprehend God's wisdom. And when it is said that only God knows, a slightly different meaning is understood. God knows, but he wants us to understand our feelings, because love is open to everyone and there will always be those who want to use it just like that. Whenever you open your heart to love, there is something opposite to it, and for some reason it comes from you, trying to catch up and destroy the protection you have built. Isn't that the mystery?

He grows rich in love who knows how to give up lust, self-interest, greed, everything that only increases your position among your kind. And when you give up your place to a person, you lose the same selfish desires and do not enter into rivalry with him, and your heart becomes open to advice. After all, as Confucius said, “I don’t have gold, there’s nothing to give you, take advice from the heart, the truth as it is, and no benefit.”

It is on this simplicity of the soul that a deep relationship of friendship is built. But if you have to experience the betrayal of a friend, then just forgive him and let him go from your heart, but not for good. Wait and hope when friendship manifests itself from him and becomes mutual - only then can this be called real friendship, going from heart to heart, strengthened in thoughts and tempered by separation. And after that, no one else wants to lose such a friendship, because it is invaluable in its scope, and a lot of spiritual feelings have been invested in it. There can be no friendship at work, where the result of everything is money, which incites to those lustful desires. With such goals, the heart turns to stone, the soul turns black, and that crystal clear light of love that comes to us from above no longer passes through it.

Individual character is a gift for everyone!

The question may arise - why is it necessary to be so trusting and open in order to fill the soul with love? Is it really necessary to be so weak in spirit and not love yourself?

No, of course, you can’t bring yourself to resentment. It is necessary to strengthen one's health, to temper one's character, not to back down from anything, if one knows that the truth is ahead of God, and Love is his law. Any business can trust you and open in an endless stream of creative thoughts, from which kind words are born, if only Love is present in your heart. Therefore, Love is an endless process of self-improvement, where you trust God and take on the great responsibility of knowing the truth. And whether we like it or not, the responsibility for Love in this world lies with us.

Responsibility breeds love.

We learn yet another gift of love when we experience feelings of maternal care for our child, whom we created in our own image, just as God created man. God himself gave us this opportunity to be creators, open in our desires, creating a new creator in a child. Isn't it true how beautiful the law of nature is? How a family works, where the mother is the closest to the child, and the child understands this, allows himself all sorts of pranks that develop into whims, and the father intervenes in the upbringing to restore family balance. It turns out that it is the father who is entrusted with the task of pacifying human whims that push the child to strive for something easy, rather than work. And when the father, without noticing it, begins to overdo it, then the mother intervenes in the upbringing process and the family balance is restored again. It is on such family values ​​that the Motherland is built, where the heart of its kindergartens, schools, hospitals, theaters of culture, and protection, reliability, justice and the endless production of material goods are the soul of society, its character.

About love for the motherland.

Love for the Motherland means to love everything that is dear to you. Your house, your street, the city, the nature of the endless expanses, where each stone keeps a part of the cultural and historical heritage. Where, on the fields of endless battles, golden wheat grows again, which is an indicator of the unity of human labor for the sake of a common cause. Mother Earth always gratefully rewards man with generous harvests for his enormous and diligent work. A birch growing near the water with its incredibly beautiful, modest beauty, where, dissolving in great bliss, your soul aspires higher and higher. All the secrets that nature keeps in itself are given to man so that he learns to understand her, and not blindly and recklessly conquer, creating new conveniences for himself. Man is a part of nature, and he must be its amulet, because only he alone on earth knows what Love is. Only he has a mind that cannot live without Love, and no matter how often trouble haunts us, God loves us and wants people to love each other the same way. And if we turn again to the ancient Slavic initial letter, then we see; words Rod, relatives, relatives, people, nature, parents ... Everything is the Motherland! (from the same root ROD) Therefore, only by loving, our Motherland can flourish and give us more and more joys for life.

Love or sex.

We slowly approached the question that the main goal of a person on earth is to learn to love. To love so as not to be mistaken. So that over the years love only fills up, opens up new opportunities for us to know the universe, fills our lives with care for our loved ones, and does not get tired of each other even in difficult times. We are becoming more mature, and our subsequent life depends on which side we know this world. How we have learned to understand our parents, treats the earth with care, whether we value friendship strongly enough to move on to the desired union of heavenly feelings with earthly ones. Can love and sex be combined, where the soul blossoms, and the body fully contributes to this? Maybe, if you approach it with a soul. We see how young people prefer to get acquainted now. This is an ordinary party or birthday, where at first everything is modest, the girl does not allow herself to sit on the guy's knees, just because she drank little wine, and her mind is not so clouded as to feel shame. And she, thinking that it’s so much more fun, as if she’s already drunk, she deliberately takes one, then another glass and the original modesty is simply forgotten. Young people begin to desire from each other what has matured over the years and asks to come out, and the lessons of spiritual practice become unclaimed and there is no point in continuing them. But this one minute eruption of love is not love, but simply bodily lust, which, as it is filled, is absolutely inactive. And love needs constancy so that it does not stop filling each other's hearts and they trust in reason in the harmony of unity.

Parable about God's love
God gave man commandments to live in love, and punished: - If you do everything as I tell you, then I will always be there.
Man accepted them with joy and lived by them, even if some kind of misfortune happened to him.
And at the end of his years the Lord came to him and spoke.
Come with me, I'll show you your life. And the man agreed.
He raised it high along the vast seashore and said:
“Look, do you see these footprints? - These are yours, and mine go next to yours.
But going further, the man suddenly saw that some traces were cut off. Then he asked God.
— What is it? God answers: — These are your difficulties.
- So it turns out that when it was difficult for me, you left me? the man asked.
- No, stupid. The Lord laughed.
When it was difficult for you, I took you in my arms.

The love that comes from God teaches us everything: to believe in ourselves, to find a way out of impasses, to understand our thoughts, to build our future. Love and do whatever you want, and your heart will tell you this.

Laws of Life - laws of common sense, which act regardless of whether we know about them, whether we know how to use them.

There are three main laws:

  • The first one is Law of Love
  • Second - )
  • And the third one is

All these three laws are always in force, and one follows from the other and they are intertwined. They are delimited so that we can better understand their action.

The Law of Love says that accepting and allowing everything to be as it is is the most important task that we come with.

The first purpose of a person in the world is to learn to love and accept himself unconditionally.

This is the most important and basic purpose, and it is also the most difficult in essence, but when it is resolved, all other destinations click like nuts.

It seems to be so easy! In fact, this is the most difficult thing that can be. If we have accepted ourselves, all our sides, qualities, fears, complexes, energy blocks, all diseases, everything, everything, everything, then we also accept what we see in other people.

After resolving the main destination, we automatically resolve all other destinations: to be a woman (man); to manifest oneself in this world, one's energies in the form of some kind of internal and external work, uniting Heaven and Earth in oneself; all the purposes that we all came here to fulfill.

The Law of Love says this: "Love is accepting everything as it is". Acceptance is allowing everything and everything to be as it is.

Think about it right now, how much do you allow yourself to be yourself? How much do you allow others to be themselves? How much do you control others, control yourself, your true essence?

When a joyful feeling bursts out of you to create something, to do something, and you (your mind, your Ego) begin to suppress this desire, relying on the experience of others, on public opinion, fears, doubts, etc.

We live in a moment of free choice

Those. we can express free will at any moment and at any time. Moreover, any will and not necessarily something positive, good. Sometimes we can express fear, some kind of emotion, doubt - this is all acceptance and allowing.

When we allow ourselves, first of all ourselves, to freely express ourselves, and at the same time accept all the features in ourselves, even those that are not entirely positive in terms of conscience, rules, etc., from that moment we allow the law of Love to influence us, to live with us in unison, in perfect harmony. This is the essence of the Law of Love.

How to set yourself up, all your life, to a state of complete acceptance of everything that is? It's best to start with yourself. Let me give you a few examples of when we do not accept ourselves.

First of all, it is necessary to find out in what cases it is expressed. Many people are cunning, saying: “I accept myself completely. I worked on it a lot." But, nevertheless, life does not change.

“Once I fully accept myself, life changes in the best possible way.”

Why doesn't this happen? When we honestly admit to ourselves that, being in a circle of people, something annoys us, even a little, even a little, inside there is discomfort from communicating with any people, relatives, children, with anyone, this is a sign that we we do not accept ourselves.

When we are not happy with our body, any part of it, even the smallest one, we do not accept ourselves. Surely you get the point?

When we wake up every morning and are dissatisfied with our life in principle, the events taking place in it, we do not accept it. All these basic signs tell us that we do not accept ourselves. If we cannot accept ourselves, we cannot accept the world around us, because we are what is around us. Our environment depends only on us.

This is very important to acknowledge as a fact. Here the sky is blue, the water is wet, and all that is around us is us. And it is we who make everything around us the way it is. When we honestly admit this, then the starting point comes.

What to do? What is the easiest and fastest way to accept yourself?

We lovingly recommend you Practicum "Accepting yourself" is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. Adoption- This one of the main tasks that we decide in life.

The first thing to focus on is body.

Grigory Bolgov:“I didn’t always like my body either. Once I thought, and the thought came to me that I made my body the way it is now. Throughout my life, I created my body with my thoughts, actions, the way I treated myself. Ask yourself the question: “How have you treated your body, throughout your life? How much did you love him? How much did you care about him? How much did you pamper him?"

We have created our own body. But, the most interesting thing is that we chose it ourselves. Even before we were born, we knew what our body would be like. If you knew about it, then why worry about it. So you chose him and the color of the eyes, hair, and facial expression, and body size before you were born. It is a fact.

Elena Zheleztsova:“Conducting sessions back in Thetahealing, in RPT, doing healing from conception, I sometimes had to work through every week from the moment of conception. I saw clearly how a person's consciousness, fears, emotional traumas are formed, all of them are formed during the development of the fetus under the influence of situations that were still in past incarnations, i.e. the soul comes to that kind where there are the same emotional problems. She does not just choose her parents, she knows what will happen.

So first:

we knew which body we would choose; second: take into account how you treated your body during your life, what you thought about it. What can be done to change all this? Once you have tracked the thoughts and all of the above points and said: “Yes! Once upon a time I did not love myself, I was shy, I was afraid to show something. Once upon a time, I didn’t feel good about myself.” All moments are remembered.

This is the first step to begin to accept yourself and the second to really change your body - to allow it to be the way it is.

It's important to allow yourself to be who you are.. This also applies to emotions, you should not control them. If you find it funny - laugh, sad - sad. Allow yourself this. Give yourself permission to do what you really want.

Our Soviet upbringing laid in us a lot of restrictions. As soon as I began to allow myself, you can’t imagine how much my life has changed, how much easier it has become to live, as if I had thrown off my backpack from my back. Allow yourself, first of all, to be who you are, accept it as a fact that you are beautiful, and you yourself have chosen your body, and it is beautiful.

This applies to everything: emotions, feelings, other people

How to accept others? When you think about accepting yourself, your worth; about who you are; begin to allow yourself to manifest as you want in this moment; you will begin to allow everyone else to be themselves.

After all, we are not offended by the fact that a cat scratched us, that the wind rose and covered us with dust, or that a wave knocked us off our feet in the sea. We don't take offense at this, but, for some reason, we chose to take offense at people.

When we understand that everything around is part of one whole, we simply accept. Just like you accept the morning sun that shines on you, you accept the rain, the stars… It just is and there is no getting away from it.

Here are the people around - they just are what they are

They live in their own world with their own fears and worries. You are the owner of your world. Allowing yourself and others to be themselves is the exercise of free will. It's all about the law of love.

Elena Zheleztsova:“I have a very large experience of dealing with myself, life circumstances, situations, for more than 20 years. My greatest need was to love and give love. I have always said: "My world begins with love." I have always lived like this. At the same time, I lived in a state of sacrifice for a very long time.

For a long time I believed that this was karma, there were many beliefs that manifested themselves in my life, as an experience that took place around me. We worked a lot with faith, self-acceptance, but I still felt that I could not accept Grisha to the end, accept some situation to the end, or my child, I could not accept some quality in it. And the Law of Love says that this will disappear from your life as soon as you accept any situation, any conflict, any quality that annoys and angers us. And so our long search led us inside ourselves, they led us to the truth.

Having worked a lot with love programs, we went inside ourselves, looked at what love is, how did we know it from the beginning? And here it went: what is self-acceptance, what is “I”, etc. After that, incredible strength, power, understanding and knowledge opens up.

How to do it? For a very long time I had this question inside me, and when we were born to this, you come to it in a very short time, quickly and easily.


“Grisha needed a certificate from a narcologist. When we arrived at the clinic, I saw a drinking man in the corridor. I have a lot of experience with drinkers since childhood. Drinking has always hurt and worried me.

I saw weakness, lack of will, condemnation in people who drink. This man is sitting absolutely unhappy, all shaking. And while I was waiting for Grisha, I looked at this man not as a weak, weak-willed person, but looked at him with the eyes of Acceptance, the eyes of Love.

I mentally turned to his spirit and said: "I know that you are strong, this is only external." I turned to his spirit, and, accepting his condition, his pain, because of which he forgot about his connection with the spirit. Drinking people completely block the connection with the spirit.

In order to take energy somewhere, they begin to drink, alcohol replaces their energy. At first he looked haunted, he was afraid to look at the doctors, but when I turned to his spirit and accepted his pain, he perked up and felt like a man. He saw that I was talking to him, as with a soul, as with a spirit, as with a man. He immediately felt it."

This is called unconditional acceptance. Because pain or resentment is just an experience or a reaction to some situation in our family or ours. When you look at the root of some event, situation, act of any person, you see that there is Love there.


“My first husband beat me a lot. I did not understand then, I was hurt, hurt, scared. But his soul with great love helped me to awaken. She showed me: “Helen, wake up. Lena, stop thinking of yourself as a victim. Lena, start appreciating yourself, start loving yourself.”

When we wake up, understand the root of any situation - this situation leaves our life. We become aware. Any situation has a place to be until we understand it..

I hope you see the manifestation of the laws in your life, and think about how your life is commensurate with these basic concepts. Next, we will give some practical exercises on how to tune your thoughts, how to shift the focus, how to manifest something in your life.