Corporate Code. Summary: Corporate codes.

Corporate Code

In a civilized economy, the development and adoption of a corporate code is a matter of honor for every company that claims a high reputation in the market. The presence of a corporate code in a company and, what is important, its observance significantly increases its investment attractiveness. At the same time, it is important that it be a living document developed by the company itself. And not rewritten in someone's image and likeness.

The Corporate Code is a set of norms and rules that describes those patterns of behavior and uniform standards of relations and joint activities that exist in the company.

The corporate code is the embodiment of the company's philosophy. In particular, it establishes voluntary obligations to employees and the outside world, which the company assumes in excess of those prescribed by law. The Code declares a higher level of business culture, implies compliance with high ideological principles and norms, and promotes a clear positioning of the company in relation to its customers and employees.

The code is used:

As a management tool- regulate the behavior of employees in the workplace.

As a tool for development (maintenance) corporate culture - clearly define the main goals and values ​​of the company and strengthen the corporate identity of the subjects of the corporation at all levels (shareholders, management, personnel).

· As a tool to increase investment attractiveness .

Corporate Codes taken primarily with the aim of improving corporate conflict management. An appropriate level of such management significantly reduces the risk of disputes. For effective management a modern manager must take into account the totality of interests (customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, government).

Internal corporate code:

sets priorities;

determines the "rules of the game" for all employees of the company;

establishes the rules of the work process of the company;

Explains why one should act in a certain way;

· encourages the creation of a unique corporate culture.

The adoption of a corporate code helps to strengthen the positive image of the company. Today, the management of many large organizations understands that reputation is a way of capitalization. Invest in someone they trust.

Currently, codes of corporate ethics are being implemented in many companies, however, due to the difficulties of implementation, they often remain a formal declaration. When developing a document, it is important not only to create a code of corporate ethics that will meet all the requirements for documents of this level, but, most importantly, to make it really work. To do this, the code must be accepted by all employees of the company, become an integrating document, a reason for corporate pride.

The structure of the corporate code may be different, but its main goal should be to bring together all the resources of the company in order to achieve its goals.

Ideological, which includes the following sections:

· Company's mission

Company goals (strategic, tactical, operational, local, private)

company values

· Basic principles of the company.

Regulatory, where the provisions adopted within the company should be reflected:

Information about the structure of the company

Information about the basic principles of management in the company

Information about what the company expects from its employees and what it does not welcome

· Standards of conduct in work time at work

Standards of interaction with colleagues, managers and subordinates

Information about the procedures adopted in the company for rewards and punishments

Relationship of the company with the external environment

· Company image

・Company trade secrets policy

Use of official position

Work and personal life employees

Information about the style of behavior adopted in the company, communication, dress code

It is important to remember that the corporate code is a document that states:

for a newcomer and an employee of the company - what and how it is customary to do in the company,

top management of the company - what ways to achieve the goals are desirable and acceptable,

the client of the company - what and how the company does for him, what he is guided by, what he values, except for his profit,

a partner of the company - how honest and fair the company is in relation to its partners, whether it is interested in long-term relationships,

· to society - about the benefits that the company brings to this world, about the social responsibility that the company has assumed.

Standard is always something new in the life of the company. Even in the case when he simply describes what has been accepted in the organization for so long. Resistance to everything new is quite natural - a person is so arranged. Researchers claim that only 15% of people have a positive attitude towards innovations, the remaining 85% resist, criticize, devalue, sabotage, and so on. This is fine. Therefore, in order for the corporate code of the company to be effective, it is necessary to take seriously and painstakingly not only its creation, but also its implementation. After the adoption of the code, it is important to achieve strict implementation of its main provisions, which must be monitored by leaders at all levels. For example, if we are talking about the implementation and observance by the personnel of the standards of interaction with clients, the following approach is possible:

1. Train staff in effective interaction with customers.

2. Support the effect of training directly at the workplace in the form of mentoring and coaching.

3. Train managers to monitor the work of subordinates according to standards, the ability to give effective feedback and competently criticize.

4. Link incentives and the implementation of standards (that is, introduce categories, intra-company qualification groups that differ in wages: if an employee works according to the standard, then he receives an additional payment, if he does not work, he does not receive an additional payment; but it is not recommended to fine for non-compliance with the standards, it is more expedient to pay extra to those who work in accordance with the requirements of the standards).

5. Identify the personnel who have adopted the new rules of the game (new standards) and encourage these employees; identify personnel who do not want, cannot, still do not know how to work according to standards and make a management decision on what to do with these employees: talk, support, train, consult, etc. For example, the Mystery Shopper program helps to track the implementation of intra-company standards with maximum objectivity in trading floors.

Constantly pay attention to personnel who are required to work to standards. One well-known management axiom says: "Only a satisfied internal customer can provide a satisfied external customer." CEO, line managers, mentors, HR director, trainer, coach, and others key figures certainly in one form or another must support the staff who are getting used to working in a new way.

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Most companies use internal labor regulations to create and maintain organizational culture. It is worth noting that they do not meet modern requirements and, moreover, are not a motivational tool. In terms of the ratio of accessibility and effectiveness of the formation and maintenance of a positive organizational culture, the implementation of a code of corporate conduct is the most effective. In such a code, the priority goals and objectives of the organization, its mission, as well as accents in internal and foreign relations, with employees, customers, management. This is an element of the traditional corporate culture that improves and strengthens the psychological atmosphere of the team.

A code of corporate conduct can perform three main functions:

1) reputation;

2) managerial;

3) the function of corporate culture development.

The reputational function of the code is to build confidence in the organization on the part of reference external groups (states, customers, customers, competitors, etc.). The presence of a company code of corporate conduct is becoming a global business standard.

The managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Improving the efficiency of employees' activities is carried out by:

Regulation of priorities in cooperation with significant external groups;

Determining the order of decision-making in complex ethical situations;

Indications of unacceptable forms of behavior.

Corporate ethics is also integral part organizational culture and the code of corporate conduct - a significant factor in its development. The Code is designed to identify priority values ​​for the organization and bring them to each employee, both a novice and an experienced professional. Ideally, the staff will focus on common goals and thereby enhance corporate identity and commitment to a common cause.

As a rule, codes contain two parts:

Ideological (mission, goals, values);

Normative (standards of working behavior).

At the same time, the ideological part may not be included in the content of the code.

Professionally homogeneous organizations (banks, research centers, consulting companies) often use codes that primarily describe highly specialized dilemmas. These codes are derived from the codes of professional communities. Accordingly, the content of such codes primarily regulates the behavior of employees in difficult professional ethical situations. In banking, for example, this is access to confidential information about the client and information about the stability of the bank. The Code describes the rules for handling such information and prohibits the use of information for personal enrichment.

First of all, management tasks are solved here. Complementing such a code with chapters on the mission and values ​​of the company contributes to the development of corporate culture. At the same time, the code can have a significant volume and complex specific content and be addressed to all employees of the company.

In large heterogeneous corporations, the combination of all three functions becomes complex. On the one hand, there are a number of policies and situations that are traditionally enshrined in ethical codes in international practice. These are policies in relation to clients, suppliers, contractors. Description of potential abuse situations, such as bribery, bribery, embezzlement, deceit, discrimination. Based on the managerial function, the code describes the standards of exemplary behavior in such situations. Such a code has a significant volume and rather complex content. Addressing it to all groups of employees in the conditions of a significant difference in the educational level and social status employees is difficult. At the same time, the development of the company's corporate culture requires a single code for all employees - it must set a common understanding of the company's mission and values ​​for each employee.

In fact, the declarative version is only an ideological part of the code without regulating the behavior of employees. At the same time, in specific situations, employees themselves must navigate how to behave, based on basic ethical standards indicated in the code. However, in some cases it is difficult for employees to assess the ethical legitimacy of a particular act based on general principles.

Thus, the declarative version of the code primarily solves the problems of developing corporate culture. At the same time, in order to provide the code to the international community and solve specific management problems, it is necessary to develop additional documents.

In the expanded versions of the code with detailed regulation of the ethics of behavior of employees, specific actions of personnel are recorded in certain areas where the risk of violations is highest or where difficult ethical situations arise. These regulations are described in the form of policies regarding customers, the state, clients, political activities, conflicts of interest, labor safety.

At the same time, the large volume and complexity of the content of such codes determine their selective addressing (see Table 3). In most companies, such codes are developed for top and middle management and are not a universal document that unites all employees.

So, each company defines its own tasks, For the solution of which it intends to use such a tool as a code of corporate conduct. But the creation of the code, of course, is not limited to writing the text of the document. There is a performance specification similar documents: it is impossible to force to fulfill the code of ethics. Therefore, in order for it to really work, even at the stage of its creation, it is necessary to provide procedures that include, if possible, all employees of the company in the process of developing a document. Only if each employee accepts the code of corporate conduct will it be actually implemented.

The main solution of the project was the idea of ​​a “two-way street”:

1) "from top to bottom" - determining the basic values ​​and goals of top managers, developing a project based on them;

2) "from the bottom up" - each employee was given the opportunity to become a co-author of the Code through its discussion and making their own proposals.

Overall plan development consists of three stages.

1st stage. Design. Development of a draft code with a focus on purpose and values, including important place assigned to control the security and safety of confidential information. It also indicates the attitude of the first persons and top management to the ethical issues existing in the organization.

To do this, an analysis is made of the existing codes of other companies in the context of their application.

The core values ​​and goals of the organization were identified, as well as the most relevant areas of application of the code.

As a result, the concept of the code should be formed, including its ideology, format, scope, and a preliminary draft of the text is being created.

2nd stage. Discussion. Discussion of the draft code in labor collectives, in all departments of the organization and collection of proposals for finalizing the text of the code and the system for its implementation.

At this stage, it is important to work on the following positions:

Explaining to employees the meaning, meaning and scope of the code;

Involvement of ordinary employees in the process of creating the Code;

Creating a positive public opinion regarding the code among the staff, as well as training management and qualified employees as a resource for implementing the code in the practice of daily activities.

The discussion process includes elements such as:

Face-to-face and absentee forms of discussion of the draft code, which allows employees to become co-authors of the code;

An original method of group work to discuss the draft code, both with managers and with informal leaders of public opinion, who would initiate further discussion of the document in labor collectives;

Online processing and transmission of face-to-face discussion data for immediate use in a parallel remote discussion in corporate facilities mass media;

Interactive modular scheme an information campaign that allows for an interactive explanation of the key meanings of the Code and answers to the most pressing questions.

Face-to-face discussion is focused on the inclusion in the dialogue of employees who are interested in the future of their organization, who have something to say and offer in order to increase the general moral climate.

Remote discussion (information campaign in corporate and federal media, as well as in corporate virtual networks) can theoretically cover a higher percentage of employees than is physically feasible with face-to-face accounting of the scale of the corporation. During the period of discussion of the Code, all available funds, printed publications, coverage of the topic on the corporate website of the organization, in wall newspapers.


The very discussion of the code is already the beginning of its implementation. The discussion process serves as the basis for searching for common interests of employees and management, building a single value-target picture and developing a dialogue between employees and management.

3rd stage. Integration. This stage includes an analysis of all proposals received, changes to the content of the project, development of mechanisms for the execution and implementation of the document.

After discussing the document, the proposals received from employees are analyzed and the content of the code is adjusted on its basis.

In addition, at this stage, a scheme for constructing mechanisms for the implementation and enforcement of the code is applied, based on studying the experience of other companies, as well as on the suggestions of employees.

The result of the third stage of the project is the creation of the final version of the text of the code, its printing and distribution among the staff.

After some time, a situation is possible when one day adopted code corporate behavior will lose relevance, become obsolete. In this case, top management is required to convene a commission to review it, and in case of a decision that changes are inevitable, develop new project Code, with the obligatory consideration of past experience.

The formation of a positive corporate culture, taking into account the specifics of safety, affects the change in such significant ideas as the internal psychological climate of the team, fundamental values, established patterns of behavior, a set of formal and informal requirements for personnel in the form of norms, and, finally, the general ideas of the team members about the environment, organization and individuality of each employee.

All these concepts are components of the organizational culture and determine the activities carried out consciously or uncontrollably by individual norms of the organization's subcultures, which must be adjusted in such a way as not to oppose the primary security values ​​established by the main dominant culture, not to be in opposition to them.

In order for actions aimed at strengthening security mechanisms to be adequately perceived and accepted by the team, they must not only be reasonable, but also correspond to the basic ideas of employees about correctness, which is facilitated by the study and understanding of corporate culture. Subconscious rejection or even open opposition to security policy can be avoided if timely careful observation, during which the prevailing type of corporate culture of each structural unit should be identified, which may vary depending on functional, age, professional, geographical or other characteristics. It is also extremely important to identify informal leaders to identify the most authoritative subcultures that significantly affect the internal life of the organization. It is important to choose the most efficient subculture and use it as a starting point for innovation.

The framework set by codes streamlines business processes, increases their efficiency, prevents the development of non-standard situations, creates a single emotional and spiritual space, and is a concentrated expression of the corporate culture and ideology of the organization.

Corporate codes are rules that apply to all members of an organization and beliefs shared by all team members. The purpose of developing such rules, I think, is obvious: the framework set by the codes streamlines business processes, increases their efficiency, prevents the development of non-standard situations, creates a single emotional and spiritual space, and is a concentrated expression of the corporate culture and ideology of the organization.

Moreover, corporate codes are one of the important and necessary components of corporate culture. They define and fix the identity and individuality of the organization.

Often, a corporate code means the Organization's Code of Ethics or the Code of Corporate Ethics. But there are other types of codes, such as the Corporate Governance Code. It all depends on what goals the organization pursues when creating them.

The Corporate Code can be formed in various situations and conditions:

  • At the stage of business growth, the code fulfills the mission of socialization in relation to new employees.
  • When managers need to spread their vision of the business to their subordinates, agree on a development philosophy with them, and find common approaches.
  • When an organization develops internal communications and is engaged in the formation of an internal image.

The corporate code reflects the target image of the corporate culture as a list of communication standards, information exchange, values ​​that are suitable for a particular business (production cycle) and can meet the expectations of employees.

For example, in our bank, which is at the stage of formation, we are faced with the need to develop a Code of Ethics, which reflects the rules of conduct and communication adopted in the organization, both between employees and in relation to external clients and partners, describes general principles and standards of employee behavior. On the basis of this Code, the Ethics Committee operates in the organization, which decides contentious issues arising in the course of business activities, and ensures the implementation and compliance with the provisions of the code.

Other aspects of corporate culture are reflected in other documents of our bank, such as, for example, the Business Conduct Policy, which describes the dress code established in the organization, communication style, etc. at a more detailed level.

Last year, our organization successfully completed a project to define and implement corporate values. A project to develop corporate competencies is nearing completion. In the future, we will probably unite all corporate guidelines in a single Corporate Code, which will become a "desk bible" for our employees.

Of course, the creation of a code is a serious project that requires time and intellectual costs. On different stages employees are involved in the project different categories, since it is important to form and take into account the general and shared principles of the organization.

But it is not enough just to create the Code, it is important to carry out activities for its implementation and promotion, such as:

  • Publication and access to the Code
  • His regular broadcast to beginners
  • Information promotion of the Code through corporate communications channels
  • Holding collective events
  • Building an organizational system for the implementation of the Code (committee).

Nowadays, every serious company has a Corporate Code. The main thing is that it should be valid and effective, that is, a document executed by all employees of the company.

Natalia Mandrova, General Director of the consulting company Incorpore (Incorpore):

Treating the Code as Local normative act, it is important not to turn it into a dry regulation, while maintaining a broader ethical component in it.

IN last years The Code of Corporate Ethics has become a popular tool for business development. Summing up the existing practice, we can talk about three approaches to the implementation of the Code, which distinguish the status of this document and the purpose of its creation.

  1. The Code as a Tool for the Development of Corporate Culture
  2. IN this case The Code plays the role of an internal document that reflects the characteristics of the corporate culture of the organization: its values ​​and principles of interaction between people in the process of work. Such Codes are aimed at strengthening the corporate identity of employees, and key factor their implementations often become provisions that reflect the company's uniqueness. Being intended only for internal audiences, such Codes are not presented to external audiences.

  3. The Code as a Tool for Improving Management Efficiency
  4. With this approach, the development of the Code requires a value audit, testing of existing management practices with a view to their further correction (primarily in the field of personnel management and internal communications). In Codes aimed at improving managerial effectiveness, organizational values ​​and principles should be described operationally. The use of abstract categories without deciphering, unlike the first case, is unacceptable here. The implementation of such a code is much more laborious, but its “materialization” in the life of an organization is higher: such a configuration in organizational reality has not only “sails” (ideology of the organization), but also a “keel” (correlation with real practice).

  5. The Code as a tool to prevent violations and deal with losses

The most common option in Russian and international practice. Its task is to prevent violations, as a rule, associated with a low risk of exposure and requiring, along with the implementation of internal control measures, the maintenance of ethical attitudes in the organization. The content of such a code includes the most “vulnerable” areas: conflict of interest, prevention of corruption, responsible use of company resources, etc. However, the implementation of such a document has its own specifics. Considering the Code as a local normative act, it is important not to turn it into a dry regulation, while retaining a broader ethical component in it. The implementation program should help employees better understand the need for this document, and not perceive it in a series of other instructions, since the final goal is to create an atmosphere of zero tolerance for ethical violations in the organization.

Pavel Tsypin, HR director of the Fleishman-Hillard Vanguard agency:

The corporate code will be successfully implemented if it is inherently simple, understandable and gives the employee clear answers to all key questions about the company's position in the market and its prospects. A confusing, ambiguous, unreadable corporate code will not be accepted by the team and, therefore, will not be implemented.

The corporate code is usually understood as a system of normative and other documents that regulate the behavior of company employees and provide them with worldview guidelines in their work.

The basic version of the corporate code includes:

  • staff regulations or internal labor regulations;
  • privacy statement;
  • employment contract and annexes to it (in particular, job description);
  • Brochure about corporate culture and history of the company.

To that basic set added additional documents depending on the nature of the organization. For example, in a number of companies there are Rules of Conduct for corporate events, Regulations on working with clients, Regulations on certification, Regulations on staff training, Rules for filling out forms for recording working hours, etc.

The corporate code is a fruit collective labor. When creating it, one cannot do without the creative contribution of the CEO and all other senior staff and key specialists.

When creating documents included in the code, you can take samples from other organizations and refine them. The main thing is to understand the specifics of your company.

The core of the code is usually a philosophical and ideological brochure with slogans and principles of the company, which should demonstrate, among other things, the originality or even uniqueness of the brand in the market. An employee, after reading such a brochure, should be imbued with the spirit of the company, increase his loyalty to the employer, and, of course, understand what exactly the company requires of him, what she focuses on when evaluating his work.

Creating a corporate code is half the battle; its implementation is not an easy task. First of all, if a company has operated for some time without a documented corporate culture, many employees will show resistance to increased work regulation, trying to defend their former “freemen”. HR and line managers need to have the guts to argue for the need for a code. The stage of bringing the content of documents to each employee is very important. This is done by getting acquainted with a number of documents against signature, as well as using a corporate server.

After completing this stage, explanatory work should be carried out with the staff in the form of trainings or meetings, at which certain provisions of the code will be discussed.

In general, a corporate code will be successfully implemented if it is inherently simple, understandable and gives the employee clear answers to all key questions about the company's position in the market and its prospects. A confusing, ambiguous, unreadable corporate code will not be accepted by the team and, therefore, will not be implemented.

Julia Gubanova, Head of Human Resources Department Representative Office in Russia and CIS of BBK Electronics Corp., LTD.:

In order for the code of corporate conduct to be adopted by the labor collective, it is necessary to involve all employees of the company in the work on its creation, if possible.

The Code of Corporate Conduct has the following functions:

  • reputational;
  • managerial;
  • function of corporate culture development.

Codes usually consist of two parts:

  1. ideological (mission, principles, values);
  2. normative (standards of conduct).

Sometimes the ideological part may not be included in the code. In order for the code of corporate conduct to be adopted by the labor collective, it is necessary to involve all employees of the company in the work on its creation, if possible. We must not forget about PR and presentation of the final document to employees. Only under the condition that each employee of the code accepts it, will it be actually implemented. The Code of Corporate Conduct, in my opinion, is not a static document; it should be changed and supplemented depending on the level of development of the company and its tasks.

Sergei Ryzhikov, CEO 1C-Bitrix company:

After recruiting a certain number of employees, any organization already needs a set of corporate documents that implement an informative function and also convey the main spirit of the company: the goals of the task and, of course, the requirements of the management. These documents can be called differently: the corporate code, charter, work regulations, corporate culture, etc. But in fact, they will always be an internal law, constantly adjusted and improved. I want to emphasize once again that the so-called internal codes are only relevant for companies with a large number or frequent rotation of staff.

Elina Polukhina, Head of Human Resources Department, Element Leasing LLC:

It will be effective to gradually introduce a code of corporate conduct under the guidance of recognized leaders of the company, with the support of an initiative group, by example.

"Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide, there is no guide and everything stops." V. Hugo

The Corporate Code is created, as a rule, in order to document the already established corporate culture, to fix in writing the values ​​and rules adopted in the organization, to introduce elements of the ideal company model into it. It's like a bull's-eye in a target - they don't always hit it, but you should always aim only at the bull's-eye. Otherwise, what's the point of shooting?

The development of any corporate code begins with the formulation of the company's mission. It is important to understand the fundamental difference between a mission and a goal. Their main difference is their orientation: the goal is directed inward, the mission is inward. external world. That is, the goal is what the company wants for itself, to ensure its well-being. And the mission is the purpose of the company, that is, in the literal sense, the answer to the question “How, achieving its business goal, does the company fit into society and why does this society (clients, partners, the state as a whole) need it (the company)”. We can say that the mission is the internal (aimed at its working employees) and external (aimed at society as a whole) PR of the company.

The mission is the cornerstone of the corporate culture and the first paragraph of the corporate code. The best option is when all employees of the company, or at least middle-level managers and top management, are included in the development of the mission. This involvement creates additional interest and ownership, and the mission will no longer be just words imposed "from above", but a child born through suffering and born, close and understandable to all team members.

The developed code can be implemented by an order from above. This is also an option. People will read, sign - and forget. IN best case- they will remember that the company has some kind of document called the “Corporate Code”. But much more effective will be the gradual implementation under the guidance of recognized leaders of the company, with the support of the initiative group, by example. People must realize, accept, understand and apply in practice the rules and principles fixed on paper. Only in this case, the corporate code will become the embodiment of the company's philosophy, its strategy and tactics in relations: management-employees, employees-employees, management-employees-outside world.

Corporate codes.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………2

1. The history of the emergence of corporate codes………………………3

2. The concept and components of corporate ethics. ………………………..6

3. Main tasks and functions of the corporate code. ..........................eleven

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..………14

Bibliography. ……………………………………………………………….15


In recent years, codes of corporate ethics have appeared in many large Russian companies. Is it a fashion, a nod to Western investors, or is the owner really trying to improve the efficiency of company management with the help of the code?

A new employee who has come to the company has minimal information about it, and even after receiving more complete information over time, some points may need to be clarified. Numerous internal documents ( job descriptions, orders, regulations and schemes) are not able to form a holistic view of the enterprise among beginners, binding rules and norms of behavior, standards of work.
You can combine, structure and make information convenient for perception and effective assimilation using the corporate code (handbook) or the corporate book of the company.

The content of the corporate code depends on the size of the company, its structure, the number of employees and, in fact, the number of rules and regulations. Thus, the content of the corporate code of a large company may differ significantly from the points of a similar document of an organization with 50–70 employees. A more complex, multi-level structure of the enterprise, the presence of separate subcultures in regional branches and, as a result, numerous procedures and instructions, suggests the need for a more voluminous code than with a simpler management system for a small company.

Purpose of work: To consider corporate codes.

To implement the task, the following tasks are set:

1. Study the history of corporate codes

2. Define the concept and components of corporate ethics

3. Consider the main tasks and functions of the corporate code.

1. The history of the emergence of corporate codes.

The first corporate codes of ethics appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, these were short statements of the main ideas, such as: "The company adheres to the standards of the American free enterprise system," as well as lists of some norms for treating customers and competitors.

The next stage in the development of corporate codes came in the early 1950s, when, after a series of sensational lawsuits against large companies, certain provisions of the antitrust laws adopted in the United States in 1890, 1914 and 1936 began to be included in the codes. In the codes of companies of this time one can find detailed instructions how to comply with antitrust laws that prohibit the imposition of pricing policy other firms and collusion with competitors.

According to scientists, the most typical issues developed in corporate codes provided for the punishment of their employees for the following violations: offering a bribe and agreeing to accept it, advice to give or accept a bribe, accepting expensive gifts making or participating in decisions that are in your own interest, stubbornness in conflicts of interest, personal conduct that harms the company's reputation, engaging in illegal political activities, unjustifiably overcharging or underpricing, using inside information about the company's affairs, directly or indirectly, unethical conduct. In the service sector, most often faced with the problem of gifts and various kinds of "concessions".

The American Managers Association has published a set of ethical codes for various firms with an assessment of their effectiveness. Studies have shown that codes consisting of general provisions(for example, "do not steal"), bring little benefit and are easily forgotten by those to whom they are addressed. Codes should reflect as fully as possible the real situation and the specifics of the organization in which they are adopted.

According to the results of the research, it turned out that the content of most American codes can be represented by three main provisions:

1) employees must be loyal to their organization, put its good above personal;

2) in private life, employees do not have the right to take actions that are potentially dangerous for the company;

3) Employees must behave in a respectful and ethical manner towards customers.

The codes provide the most detailed coverage of problems that may arise in relations with clients, partners, investors and competitors, as well as conflicts of interest.

Today, almost all large corporations (97%) and half of small US firms have detailed sets of rules governing relationships with customers, partners, government and society. Codes differ significantly both in content and scope.

Many codes, especially in large corporations, have lost their meaning, as they were focused only on the needs of the company itself. They talked a lot about the responsibility to the company and the loyalty of employees to it, and very little about the obligations of the company to its employees and the whole society. Studies show that most American codes are written in an authoritarian spirit, which convinces employees that the criterion of truth is the level wages and rank in the management hierarchy. Only 40 of the 155 US codes studied set out the firm's obligations to its employees.

This feature of American corporate codes becomes even more obvious if we compare their content with the provisions of similar documents adopted in other countries. Outside of America, corporate codes have received little distribution so far. A 1997 study of 200 corporations around the world showed that only 30% of non-US companies have their own codes. In Canada, their number is 50%. in the United Kingdom - 42%. Of the 189 British, French and West German companies surveyed, 41% adopted the codes.

In general, European codes are much more focused on employee relations issues than American ones. This theme is found in all European and only 55% of American codes.

If in the USA to public problems and issues of protection environment 42% of codes are circulating, while in Western Europe - 65%. We can say that the American business ethics is more turned to clients, contractors and partners, and the European - to employees and society as a whole.

2. The concept and components of corporate ethics.

The quality of corporate governance today is the most sensitive issue for many Russian companies. Some of them have already developed and published their corporate governance codes for the public. These companies undertake to respect the rights of shareholders and investors, undertake to be open to creditors, partners and customers.

It is quite difficult to ensure high standards of corporate governance in practice. Therefore, the adoption of its own code of corporate conduct is one of the ways to ensure the information openness and publicity of the company, for which compliance high standards corporate behavior is a means of increasing the attractiveness of the company.

The Corporate Code shortens the way for the company to enter the All-Russian and international markets, to foreign investments, to quotes of the company's shares on foreign exchanges. Therefore, sooner or later, shareholders must insist on the appearance of such a code. If the charter of a joint-stock company is a kind of constitution, then the code is a declaration. It contains the rules of internal behavior for the subjects of a joint-stock company and the rules of relations with external partners. Moments that the charter does not provide for in terms of their “genre” are fixed in the code. And in order to detail it, they are developing additional “procedural” provisions, a kind of by-laws.

The corporate code, as a rule, consists of sections:

1. Message from the leaders of the company;

2. Mission of the organization and corporate myths: strategic mission

Philosophical mission Mission-slogan. History of creation and activity of the company. Outstanding cases, precedents of behavior, corporate heroes

3. Organizational structure of the company, main personalities;

4. Goals and objectives of the organization, basic goods and services;

5. Responsibility.

Responsibility of the company's personnel to customers, contractors, shareholders. Responsibility of the company to the staff of the organization

6. Internal policy of the company: Personnel policy. Social politics. Relationships in the team. Duties of employees. Leadership responsibilities. Hiring organization. Policy in the field of remuneration of employees of the company. Social package provided to the employees of the company. Relationship with the leader. Appearance and speech of employees. Attitude towards customers, partners, competitors. Customer service. Dealing with complaints and claims. Ethical problems arising in the analysis of complaints of claims. Position relative to competitors

7. Requirements for personnel. The level of professionalism. Loyalty. Organizational value systems. Norms of personnel behavior, standards and regulations.

So, each company defines its own tasks, for the solution of which it intends to use such a tool as a code of corporate ethics. But the creation of the code, of course, is not limited to writing the text of the document. There is a specificity in the execution of such documents: it is impossible to force the execution of the code of ethics. Therefore, in order for it to really work, even at the stage of its creation, it is necessary to provide procedures that include, if possible, all employees of the company in the process of developing a document. Only if every employee accepts a code of corporate ethics will it be actually implemented.

But how to accomplish such a task in a large corporation? What if a large company needs a code that performs all functions simultaneously: developing corporate culture, increasing management efficiency, positively influencing reputation?

If the charter and constituent agreement of a corporation is, in a sense, its constitution, and the corporate code is a declaration. It contains the rules of internal behavior for the subjects of the corporation and the rules of relations with external partners. Moments that are not regulated by the charter or memorandum of association due to their status should be enshrined in the corporate code.

Corporate codes are adopted primarily with the aim of improving corporate governance. The proper level of such management significantly reduces the risk of disagreements leading to corporate conflicts.

Formed culture becomes peculiar calling card company by which its owner can be judged.

Corporate culture (otherwise - socioculture, organizational culture, business culture) in its content is a system of values, rules and norms of behavior in the company. Written and unwritten laws, customs and rules of conduct for employees of an organization create a business culture. Based on the definition, we can say that any company already has a corporate culture, the only question is how developed and perceived by management and staff, and how much it contributes to the survival, existence and development of the company's business.

Employees want to have an idea about their company and be proud of it.

1) ensure that the staff is informed about the plans and prospects for the development of the company, successes, personalities of managers, etc. The means of achieving such awareness can be meetings with managers, an internal information network for prompt dissemination, and, if necessary, clarification of information related to the activities of the organization;

2) to keep people confident in the future. Show employees that even in a difficult situation for the company, they will be held on to;

3) motivational rallies. People need to feel like they are alone. big family. Make it clear to the person that they are not indifferent to him, value his opinion, experience, creativity, initiative;

4) create a comfortable working atmosphere in the office. This can be achieved by renovating the premises, buying furniture and office equipment, installing air conditioners, etc.;

5) provide a system for training personnel and improving their skills;

6) encourage any person who produces results. Conduct public awards;

7) ensure staff rotation;

8) it is advisable to introduce a uniform, company badges, badges;

9) implement a policy of paternalism (guardianship) in relation to employees. Assistance in solving housing problems, providing family (children's) recreation, material aid or interest-free credit in extraordinary cases, etc.;

10) introduce all sorts of "rituals". Celebration of birthdays of employees, anniversaries of the foundation of the company, various holidays etc.;

11) practice days open doors, i.e. when any employee with all his problems, suggestions, questions can get access to the boss without any problems;

12) interview / survey employees, introduce codes of conduct, company anthems, create sports teams companies, subsidize meals in the canteen, organize joint recreation.

In order for the code to work, it is necessary to involve employees in finalizing the draft code so that they perceive it as “their own”, and not as “imposed from above”. Practice shows that a maximum of 10% of employees will take advantage of this opportunity, but everyone will have a positive attitude.

In the future, you need to make sure that the codex works, and does not gather dust on the shelves, even published in excellent printing performance. Excerpts from the code can be issued in the form of posters and postcards, decorate office walls with them. The mission of the company should be posted for everyone to see, placed in the heading of branded stationery accessories (diaries, business cards). The Code should become a working document, the bible of the employee. A beautifully designed brochure should be given to every employee, solemnly presented to every newcomer. The Code should be referred to when holding general meetings, planning meetings, rallies. The Code should be constantly cited by the internal communications system.

In order for the Code to work, its provisions and requirements must begin to be implemented by those people who serve as an example for employees, are in full view of employees and customers. By their behavior, the company's top managers should illustrate the seriousness of the company's intentions regarding the code it created. The company can and should consider the requirements of such a code for a member of the company as the duties of an employee defined by an employment contract. For example, the employment contract of the Russian representative office of Motorola stipulates that violation of the rules enshrined in the "Code of Business Ethics" (the fundamental principle of which is "uncompromising honesty and respect for people") may lead to a reduction in bonus payments.

And, of course, the code should not become a dogma. It is impossible to cover by the code all situations, without exception, encountered in work and in relationships. When developing the code, it is necessary to provide for the possibility and mechanism for its change and addition. It may be worthwhile to provide for a certain working body, an arbitration court for situations that are difficult to interpret after the first reading of the Code.

3. The main tasks and functions of the corporate code.

The root cause of ethical problems in business is contradictions in the interests of interest groups. Business involves economic relationships between many groups of people: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, competitors, governments, and communities - stakeholders. For the most effective management, a modern manager must take into account the totality of interests, and not just the interests of shareholders.

The most important tasks of the code of corporate ethics are to set priorities in relation to target groups and ways to harmonize their interests.

A code of conduct can perform three main functions:



development of corporate culture.

The reputational function of the code is to build confidence in the company on the part of reference external groups (a description of the policies traditionally fixed in international practice in relation to customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.). Thus, the code, being a corporate PR tool, increases the investment attractiveness of the company. The presence of a company code of corporate ethics becomes a global standard for doing business.

The managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Improving the efficiency of employees' activities is carried out by:

regulation of priorities in interaction with significant external groups,

determining the order of decision-making in complex ethical situations,

pointing out unacceptable forms of behavior.

Corporate ethics, in addition, is an integral part of corporate culture. The Code of Corporate Ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey the values ​​of the company to all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

The Code is obliged to provide answers to questions and include separate provisions defining:

♦ What foundations does the company hold in relation to society, business partners and visitors.

♦ How relations are built between employees of the organization, managers and subordinates, between employees of the company and its visitors. For example, respect for any person, the general status of all employees, the selection of top-class experts in the company, the delegation of opportunities and responsibilities, devotion to the company.

♦ What stable universally recognized standards and foundations of the life and work of the organization they delimit. Every employee is called to feel own duty for the reputation of the company, in consequence of this, conscientiousness, attentiveness and reliability are important.

♦ What kind of behavior can be considered allowed or unacceptable. For example, in some organizations they say, in fact, "the customer is almost always right", as a result of this, it is impossible to blame the visitor for failure in their work. In others, it's the opposite.

With the essence of corporate rules, emphasis should be placed on ethical generally accepted standards of behavior. It is no coincidence that in the codes a lot of time is devoted to corporate values, generally recognized measures of career behavior, moral principles work of the company and staff.

The most often mentioned in the codes are relations with visitors and partners, relations with subordinates, relations with competitors, relations with executive authorities, rules for working with information, collision resolution, basics business etiquette, such as claims to the exterior of workers.

To form a corporate culture, there is a very effective tool - corporate rules (norms). Corporate rules are a system of binding rules that are formally defined, enshrined in official documents, and supported by organizational coercion. The norms developed for the implementation of corporate culture can be classified according to the subjects involved in the activities of the organization.

1. Individual norms are rules of conduct developed by individuals that express their own will and are maintained by the power of collective coercion. Individual norms should not contradict the current legislation, violate the interests of the organization and other persons.

2. Intra-organizational norms - the rules developed by the management bodies of enterprises, apply only to their employees and are aimed at regulating relations that are developing at the enterprise. On the basis of these norms, management, labor, financial, organizational issues are regulated. It is these norms that give a greater degree of freedom in regulating the activities of the enterprise and complement the centralized norms. Unlike individual norms, they do not have personal certainty and are valid until they are canceled by the company's management bodies. Intraorganizational norms, as a rule, are drawn up in written documents and are used to streamline intraorganizational activities.

3. Contractual norms - rules of conduct established by agreement between two or more subjects of mutual interest. The scope of contractual norms can extend both to the organization itself (collective agreement, labor agreement), and to the organization's relations with external partners or owners.

4. Centralized (state) norms are developed and adopted by various state bodies.


Professional codes regulate relations within the professional community and are effective for "free professions" where professional ethical dilemmas are most pronounced. One of the first professional codes of ethics was the Hippocratic Oath - the code of physicians. The most well-known codes of ethics are those professions where significant ethical dilemmas are set by the content of the activity (lawyers, psychotherapists, journalists, realtors, etc.).

The codes regulate the behavior of a specialist in difficult ethical situations typical for a given profession, increase the status of the professional community in society, and form confidence in the representatives of this profession. The code also reinforces the importance of belonging to a profession, its adoption can indirectly be a rite of initiation, an act of "conversion to the profession" (for example, taking the Hippocratic oath and admitting doctors to medical work).

The Corporate Code works for personnel management, serving the purposes of forming and developing a corporate culture, creating a system of intra-company communications, defining common goals and ideology of the company. The Code will serve the purposes of adaptation of incoming employees, their familiarization and acceptance by them of the common values ​​and traditions of the company.

The formed Code will help at the stage of selection to protect the company from employees who do not share the values ​​of the company and the beliefs of the staff. The Code will help you to choose the most suitable one in terms of outlook on life, beliefs and values ​​among worthy applicants, thereby minimizing the cost of its adaptation in the company and the team.


1. N. Tesakova "Mission and Corporate Code", M., RIP-Holding, 2003

2. I. Gerchikova "Business ethics and regulation of international commercial practice", M., "Consalbanker", 2002.

3. M. Ivanov, D. Shusterman. "Organization as your tool: Russian mentality and business practice", M., Alpina, 2004.



Andrey Bakharev, Head of Personnel Planning Department, OAO Tomskneft VNK, Strezhevoy, Tomsk Region

In an average company, the corporate governance code includes several key blocks: the organization's policy towards shareholders, resolving conflicts of interest between them and top managers, as well as business partners, and authorities. In addition, modern business requires companies seeking to win the competitive battle for personnel to solve various social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting the environment, charitable and other social activities. The intentions and promises of companies in this area are reflected in the mentioned document.

Extract from the Corporate Governance Code of Lundin Petroleum (Netherlands)

We are obliged:

1. For our shareholders, to maintain a high level of return on investment and ensure continuous growth of assets.

2. For our employees, to provide a favorable working atmosphere.

3. In relation to the resource-owning countries where we operate, to produce oil and gas professionally and efficiently.

4. With regard to local communities - to promote their development and raise the standards of local consumption.

5. In relation to society - to contribute to the creation of material wealth and the elimination of possible adverse influence on the environment.

Corporate (or ethical) codes have been widely used in developed countries since the 1980s. 20th century Currently, 80% of the top 500 firms have their own codes of ethics. the best companies world according to Fortune magazine. The corporate code simultaneously solves several problems. As a tool to increase investment attractiveness, he reveals necessary information for investors. As a management tool, the code regulates the behavior of employees in the workplace. As a tool for the development of corporate culture, it designates and translates the main goals and values, strengthens the corporate identity of all enterprises of the holding.

In its outer incarnation, the corporate code is a document that aims to increase the investment attractiveness of the company, improve its reputation. One of the main arguments for an investor is the transparency of management, the ability to control the financial and economic activities of the organization, especially in terms of the use of invested funds and, accordingly, the size of the investor's share in the share capital. And the corporate code is an open book that tells about the principles of the company's activities, answers questions about where the company is moving, how it positions itself. If an organization is interested in development, in the influx of investments, plans to enter new market sectors or strengthen its positions, it needs to provide the public and investors with a corporate governance statement. At the same time, the code should really work, since its formal adoption will emphasize its inconsistency with reality and reduce confidence in other company documents. Abroad, such a code is the norm for serious business and is perceived as a step towards improving corporate governance.

Along the way, the corporate code helps to solve several more chronic problems of the organization. For example, improving management efficiency, forming and developing a corporate culture, creating and maintaining a system of intra-company communications, defining common goals and ideology of the organization.

Public attention to ethical issues forces managers to analyze ethical aspects activities of their organizations, to bring them into a planned and controlled order. Therefore, a special place in the code is given to ethical principles, defining the relationship between the administration and employees of the company, the social responsibility of the enterprise to society, compliance with safety regulations, and environmental protection.

Corporate codes are guided by the universal principles of ethics, by eternal and modern ethical standards, by national ideas. In any case, the document should contain the basic rules of ethics and business conduct that the organization requires of its employees. These standards can regulate relations both in a single company (corporate codes) and in an entire industry (professional or industry codes).

The Procter & Gamble (P&G) Code of Business Conduct is a set of fundamental moral and ethical values and principles:

– a team consisting of the best specialists in the world;

– a businesslike attitude to the company’s property (as to its own), the desire to ensure long-term successful activity organizations, to the fulfillment of the tasks set, to increase the efficiency of labor;

– honesty and openness in relations between employees, compliance with the law, decision-making based on complete information and its reasonable assessment, taking into account possible risks;

– striving to be the best in fulfilling the assigned tasks, improving the quality of work;

– mutual trust in relations between colleagues, customers and consumers.

The code should reflect as fully as possible the real situation and the specifics of the organization in which it is adopted. Studies have shown that codes consisting of general statements (for example, "do not lie", "do not steal") bring little benefit and are easily forgotten by those for whom they are intended.

At Procter & Gamble, the rules of conduct are based on moral values and the goals of the company - to produce products highest quality. In doing so, the company is guided by the following principles:

- respect for the personality of each person;

– inseparability of interests of the company and employees;

– clear definition and consistency of goals and principles;

– innovation is the basis of success;

- Orientation to the needs of consumers, to close, mutually beneficial relationships with customers and subcontractors;

– encouragement of professional skills of employees;

– the desire to be the best in all areas of importance to the company;

Team work in the spirit of mutual trust and partnerships with customers, suppliers, top educational institutions, government agencies.

There is no strict standard regarding what the corporate code should be filled with. Usually, it formulates the mission and tasks of the company, its core values, fixes the standards of personnel behavior, and describes corporate traditions. As a rule, the corporate code is a document that describes the standards and values ​​of the company, the procedures for their implementation in practical life organizations and mechanisms for monitoring execution accepted rules. As a result, each employee must understand what kind of managers want to see the company, what are its goals, what the authorities expect from their subordinates. Often the code contains an ideological component, which indicates the values ​​and principles of the company. Often the corporate code becomes a kind of tuning fork that "tunes" employees to basic principles companies.

The Corporate Code traditionally consists of the following sections:

1. Message from the leaders of the company.

2. Mission of the organization and corporate myths:

- strategic mission;

- philosophical mission;

- mission slogan;

– the history of the establishment and activities of the enterprise;

– outstanding cases and precedents, corporate heroes.

3. Organizational structure of the company, main personalities.

4. Goals and objectives of the organization, basic goods and services.

5. Responsibility:

– personnel to clients, contractors, shareholders;

- companies in front of the team.

6. Domestic policy:

- personnel policy;

- social politics;

- relationships in the team;

- duties of employees;

- management responsibilities

- organization of recruitment;

– wage policy;

social package for staff;

- relationships between managers and subordinates;

appearance and speech of employees;

- attitude towards customers, partners;

- customer service;

– work with complaints and claims (including ethical issues);

- position relative to competitors.

7. Requirements for personnel:

- the level of professionalism;

- loyalty;

- the value system of the organization;

- norms of conduct, standards and regulations.

In different organizations, codes differ significantly both in content and in scope. For example, the Marktven Bank (USA) has developed a document called Ethics and Conflict Policy. On 19 pages, employees are explained what is “good” and what is “bad”. In contrast, Cray Research Incorporated, a large computer company, limited itself to 16 words. Her code says: "Cray employees trust each other and are confident that everyone is doing their job to the highest ethical standards."

Domestic companies also have different approaches to filling their corporate codes. For example, everything is declared in the corporate code of the SI-PRO Group: starting with clothing that is considered acceptable at work, and ending with sexual orientation. The company IBS (system integrator) in the first part of the code describes the basics of business (customers, technologies, people, team), mission, "vital the necessary conditions existence”, and in the second – standards.

Experts identify three main functions that the corporate code performs: reputational, managerial, and the function of developing corporate culture. The reputational function of the code is to build trust in the company with outside. Thus, the code, being a corporate PR tool, increases the investment attractiveness of the company. The managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Performing the function of developing a corporate culture, the code can convey the company's values ​​to all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals, and thereby enhance corporate identity.

First of all, top managers and main shareholders of the company should participate in the creation of the corporate code, since it is their ideas about the business that underlie it. Experts need to help knowing the composition and the content of such documents. The first editors and critics may be department heads and other middle managers.

When the draft code is ready, it should be submitted for public discussion: post it on the intranet, publish it in the corporate media, send it to employees via e-mail etc. If employees who have to comply with the code are involved in its creation, and their suggestions and comments are reflected in it, people will become more loyal to its rules.

An attempt to order a turnkey corporate code from outside consultants or to use another company's code as a basis, as a rule, results in a non-viable product. Writing code with only one working group, without further discussion by employees, ends up with a document slightly adapted to the company, which is usually ignored by top managers and management. The correct and rational way lies approximately in the middle.

How to make the corporate code a really effective element of the company's internal PR? It is necessary to clearly formulate the tasks that are supposed to be solved with its help. It is necessary to reflect real, not declarative standards in the document. Codes whose requirements are ignored by management or are unfeasible for staff do not work regardless of the content. Make the code "elegant" and not cumbersome, write it in plain language, highlight the main thing, avoid common truths and bureaucratic turns. You can make it witty, aphoristic, sometimes funny: such codes are remembered, and most importantly, they are observed better than absolutely serious ones.

Funny excerpts from some corporate codes:

Every employee has the right to sleep indoors. For these purposes, there is a special sofa.

- Watering corporate flowers is allowed daily from 10.00 to 10.15 with a minute break to add water to the watering can.

– Employees of the company have the right to arrange their own workplace in accordance with their professional, religious and taste preferences.

– Confiscation for undivided use of corporate cups, spoons, ashtrays, coffee and tea is not allowed.

– The management of the company cannot forbid the staff to work 20 hours a day.

– In case of emergency overtime work, the company at its own expense provides late workers with beer, pizza and taxis.

The company insists on the wearing of underwear by employees.

Involving employees in the finalization of the project contributes to the fact that they perceive it as their own, and not imposed from above. Practice shows that this opportunity is used by a maximum of 10% of the staff, but a positive attitude is formed by everyone.

In order for the code to start working, its provisions and requirements must be followed by those people who serve as an example for employees, are in sight of both them and customers. By their behavior, top managers will illustrate the seriousness of the company's intentions regarding its own code. The organization can and should consider the requirements for a company member specified in the document as the duties of an employee. For example, in employment contract The Russian representative office of Motorola says that violation of the rules enshrined in the "Code of Business Ethics" (the fundamental principle of which is "uncompromising honesty and respect for people") may lead to a reduction in the amount of bonus payments.

In the future, you need to make sure that the code is valid, and not gathering dust on the shelf. Excerpts from it can be issued in the form of posters and postcards, decorate office walls with them. The mission of the company should be posted for everyone to see, placed in the heading of branded stationery accessories (diaries, planning, business cards). The Code should become almost the Bible (Koran, Talmud) of the employee. A beautifully designed brochure should be given to each employee, solemnly presented to each newcomer. The code should be referred to when holding general meetings, planning meetings, rallies.

And, of course, the code should not become a dogma. It is impossible to cover them all, without exception, situations that arise in work and in relationships. When creating a document of the code, it is necessary to provide for the possibility and mechanism for changing and supplementing it, as well as a certain working body, a kind of arbitration court for regulating situations that are difficult to interpret after the first reading of the code. For example, Motorola has a special ethics committee that reviews all contentious issues related to corporate rules.

IDLab's corporate code deals with complex ethical issues in this way:

“It is believed that any act that is consistent with the mission of the company is good.

All corporate standards somehow boil down to four simple principles:

Principle 1: All is well that leads to simplification without sacrificing quality. If you simplify (work - to a colleague, purchase - to a client, etc.) - you are right.

Principle 2. If, when deciding difficult questions you calmly follow procedures and company standards, and not emotions and resentments - you are right.

Principle 3. If what you are doing is protecting the company, you are right.

Principle 4. If you do more than expected of you, you are right ... "


The corporate code can and should become a unique document of the organization, containing not only the strategic vision of the management, the norms and values ​​of the company, the rules of conduct in difficult ethical situations, but also the ways to translate them to ordinary employees. For the document to really work, it must be accepted by all employees of the company, become an integrating document, a reason for corporate pride. The Code serves as a tool for intra-corporate PR, a benchmark that fixes the general values ​​of the company.

This property of his works both to unite the team of employees and to strengthen the reputation of the company. For the most part, foreign analysts note that almost all famous brand companies owe their success primarily to the clear and strong internal integration of company employees around common corporate principles.
