What payments are due to pregnant women? Payment of maternity benefits: what the social assistance package includes

State support for expectant mothers applies not only to officially employed women, but also to those who, for various reasons, do not work, have been laid off, have been laid off due to the liquidation of a business entity, or are receiving education. Let's figure out what benefits are available to pregnant unemployed people in 2017 and how social payments are processed correctly. The list of required documents is given below.

All existing categories of benefits for unemployed pregnant women are defined in Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. Recipients include working women; full-time students; persons who have adopted children; contract military personnel. This regulatory document establishes the types of benefits and payments to pregnant women at the federal level. In addition, regional authorities provide additional support measures for expectant mothers at the municipal level through the issuance of relevant regulations and laws.

Note! The right to receive benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2016-2017 is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia (Article 38) and the Family Code (Article 1). Not only expectant mothers, but also fathers, as well as other relatives who are actually caring for the child on vacation, or guardians can apply for state support.

Types of benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2017

The maximum guarantees for the birth of children are provided to employed individuals, for whom the employer makes mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Fund in case of temporary disability or maternity. For example, if we are talking about B&R benefits, only an officially working woman at her place of employment can receive it in the amount of her average earnings based on the previous 2 years. Unemployed pregnant woman such benefit in 2016-2017. cannot receive, except in exceptional situations.

When are maternity benefits paid on the occasion of BiR:

  • In case of liquidation of the company.
  • Due to the woman being declared unemployed for 12 months. from the date of staff reduction in the organization.
  • When a woman has the status of an individual entrepreneur and ceases activities.
  • When a woman is a full-time student in an educational organization at any level.
  • In the case where a woman is a contract soldier or the wife of a military man serving on conscription.

In the above situations, benefits for non-working pregnant women in 2016 can be received in the minimum established amount, but at the same time using unemployment benefits is not allowed. This status is lost when registering BiR payments and must be renewed after the end of the period of incapacity for work lasting 140 days (calendar) for uncomplicated childbirth.

What other benefits can a non-working pregnant woman be entitled to? An expectant mother can apply for a lump sum birth payment from social security. But unemployed pregnant women (with the exception of students and those dismissed due to the liquidation of the company) are not entitled to benefits for early registration in housing complexes for medical registration, since the calculations of such amounts are made by the employer. In addition, after the child is born, monthly payments are provided until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

What benefits are available to pregnant women - amounts and categories of payments in 2017:

Table of benefits for 2017 for unemployed pregnant Russian women:

Type of social benefit Amount, rub. Allowance for early registration - in case of liquidation of a business 613.14 Benefit for accounting due to liquidation 300 Allowance for accounting for female students Amount of scholarship Allowance for accounting for military women Amount of cash allowance One-time benefit for pregnant women after the birth of a child 16,350.33 One-time allowance for pregnant wives of conscripted military personnel 25,892.45 Child benefit , paid during the period of leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years

3065.69 – relies on the first child;

6131.37 – relies on the second and all subsequent children;

40% of the average salary in compliance with the specified minimum and not more than 10,873.36 rubles. – considered dismissed due to liquidation of the enterprise

Social benefits for employed pregnant women are calculated and transferred by the employer. When a woman does not work, all state benefits should be registered with the territorial social protection authorities at her permanent residence/registration address. Pregnant women whose organization was officially liquidated will also have to contact social security.

Time frame for granting benefits to pregnant women - terms

It is important not only to know what benefits pregnant women are entitled to, but also in what period they should apply for them. For the BiR benefit, the deadline for filing an application is 6 months. from the date of completion of maternity leave (displayed on the sick leave certificate). After the package of required documents has been collected and submitted, consideration should not exceed 10 calendar days. Payments from social security authorities arrive at the individual’s account by the 26th of the next month.

Important! If the deadlines are missed, it will be difficult to achieve social guarantees; you will have to prove the existence of valid reasons that prevented the woman in labor from applying for payments.

The procedure for obtaining benefits for unemployed pregnant women in 2017

The conditions for receiving payments vary depending on what type of guarantee is issued. Thus, both mother and father can submit documents for the assignment of a lump sum amount of benefits for the birth of children/child to their employer in the case of official employment. And the exact amount of the amount will depend on the number of children born:

  • 16350.33 – relies on one child.
  • 32700.66 – due at the birth of two children.
  • 49050.99 – due at the birth of three children, etc.

If both parents do not work officially or are undergoing full-time education in institutions of any level of education, the social security authorities will pay a lump sum benefit, where any of the already established parents has the right to apply.

If the mother is currently not employed anywhere and does not have unemployed status, that is, does not receive payments from the Employment Center (employment center), then by law she is entitled to a monthly allowance for pregnant women in 2016-2017. is prescribed until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. Such amounts are transferred to the recipient the month the child turns one and a half years old. To register, you should contact the social security authorities or the MFC.

Attention! Child benefits until the age of 1.5 years are not issued to those women who were unemployed before pregnancy, because the purpose of this payment is leave-exemption from work duties.

Thus, we can conclude that all payments to unemployed pregnant women and women who have already given birth are handled by the Social Protection of Citizens. What will be required for prompt processing of amounts? Let's look at the bureaucratic details.

Registration of benefits for a pregnant unemployed woman - necessary documents

To prove your legal right to social guarantees, you should collect a package of mandatory documentation. It should be noted that the list is provided for federal payments; the procedure for receiving benefits of regional and local significance may differ.

List of documents for processing benefits for unemployed women:

  • Application in the form established for various types of benefits.
  • Sick leave is not provided by all unemployed women, but only by those who are entitled to benefits under the BiR.
  • Passport – copy and original; the woman’s SNILS may also be needed.
  • Certificates of birth of a child/children - photocopy and original, SNILS of children.
  • Work record book – original and duly certified copy.
  • A certificate from the child’s father regarding non-payment of benefits – is submitted if the individual is unemployed or a full-time student.
  • A certificate from the territorial bodies of the Central Employment Service - is provided to confirm that the woman is not registered and does not receive unemployment benefits.
  • A certificate from the educational institution confirming the fact of studying in the full-time education system.
  • Certificate of family members.
  • Income certificate – provided to confirm income for the last 3 months. It is taken when assigning types of benefits provided for low-income citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Other documents - upon request.

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The legislation of the Russian Federation contains a number of norms that describe what pregnant women are entitled to. For example, a benefit familiar to many related to pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. To make payments from social protection, it is necessary that the woman is an employed citizen, since in this case insurance contributions are transferred on a regular basis. However, what is the reality? Let us consider this issue in as much detail as possible.

What's a working woman supposed to do?

So, the first fairly logical question: “What payments are due to pregnant working women in 2019?” Let's go in order. As soon as the duration of pregnancy is thirty weeks, a woman engaged in working activities has every right to take out maternity leave, during which she will receive the maternity contributions promised to her by law and the government, the total amount of which directly depends on the amount of her income.

It is also worth considering that in the case when there is only one fetus in a woman’s womb, the opportunity to take a vacation appears only from the thirtieth week. If a woman has two or more children at heart, she has every right to leave the workplace two weeks earlier.

It is also impossible to discount the fact that cash accruals will be made only if the woman actually went on maternity leave. If she continues to work, she will not receive maternity benefits. This situation is actually extremely popular, especially in large cities. Mainly because of the fear of losing your place of employment.

If the workplace decided that the woman is going on maternity leave, then social insurance provides sponsorship:

  • Within seventy days before birth and after this event.
  • For a little more than 150 days in cases where there were complications during the birth of the baby. That is, an addition occurs in the form of 80 days, which are given for recovery after the process.
  • If there is more than one baby in the mother’s womb, then she can take out maternity leave for 194 days.

I would also like to highlight one of the benefits for pregnant women before maternity leave. Normally, a woman registers her pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at twelve weeks, that is, about three months. In the event that registration occurs earlier than this period for a number of compelling reasons, the woman has the right to receive payment for this. If you look at the all-Russian indicator, then in 2016 the amount was approximately five hundred rubles. However, only women engaged in working activities are entitled to such a payment.

Any payments to pregnant women are subject to annual indexation. Of course, the Government of the Russian Federation has charted a course to increase the size of such payments. However, at the moment there is no exact information. According to authorized persons, news will be released in the summer of 2019.

What should the unemployed do?

Of course, women who are not engaged in work activities can also receive some cash payments. The legislative side of the issue does allow for such a possibility. Moreover, payments are made by social protection of the population.

A woman who is not working can receive payments only in cases where:

  • She is a university student. Moreover, training takes place exclusively on a full-time basis, both during the day and in the evening.
  • In the event that their husbands are conscripts.
  • If they themselves are contract military personnel.
  • In case of dismissal of a woman from the organization during its liquidation. Also suitable here is a woman who was an individual entrepreneur, but for objective reasons was forced to cease her activities.

It is worth talking in more detail about the situation with the military. In the case when a pregnant woman who is not working is the wife of a conscript, she has the right to receive financial assistance from their social security authorities. Other pregnant women can only count on the possibility of obtaining benefits to provide proper care for a growing family member. Other categories do not have any other possible means of funding from the state.

How to get benefits

I would also like to briefly describe the procedure for obtaining the most popular benefit among working women. Fortunately, the procedure itself has remained unchanged for a long time.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  • It is necessary to obtain a certificate of incapacity for work by visiting a doctor. The specialist carries out an examination for temporary disability, after which he fills out the form.
  • Next, you need to fill out an application and send it to your superiors.
  • A certificate must be issued to calculate the amount of maternity benefits in the form of an assessment of income for two years prior.
  • The last step is to receive this benefit at the woman’s place of employment.

The possibility of receiving support from the state in one way or another stimulates citizens to increase the demographics in the country, which is one of the key tasks of any territory.

After the birth of a newborn, the state pays the young mother benefits for the baby. By the way, this kind of money is needed more than ever for every family, because caring for a newborn requires a rather large budget. Some families spend this money on the necessary furniture and clothing for the child: a crib, a chest of drawers, a stroller, diapers and nappies. If all this is purchased, then the money will also not be superfluous, since as the baby grows up, new financial expenses are required. It is worth knowing that these payments differ from each other in each country and region. But if we talk about Russia, then at the birth of a child, the mother is entitled to maternity benefits in 2018 and accruals for up to one and a half years.

Maternity leave is the time allotted to a woman to care for her baby. The state accrues benefits after the birth of a newborn to the following mothers:

  • a working woman who will receive money from the enterprise;
  • persons who adopted a child;
  • ladies who gave birth to a newborn in the army.
  • non-working mothers who can only count on payments from the state;
  • female full-time students;
  • women entrepreneurs. To do this, the mother must apply for social protection, and the amount of payments depends on the level of income for the working period.

It is worth noting that only women who are registered somewhere can receive benefits from the state. To receive payments, the mother must be registered with unemployment if she does not have official employment. Depending on which category the mother belongs to, you can receive payment in different places. Female students must collect and submit documents in the dean's office, working and serving in the army under contract in the personnel department, and non-working parents who have adopted a child in social protection.

Changes in maternity leave in the coming year

The conditions for receiving benefits have not changed compared to the previous year. However, the number of days for care has changed.

  • for simple childbirth it is 140 days, 70 of them are allocated for the period before birth, and 70 after birth;
  • for complications 156 days, after childbirth 86 days are required for recovery;
  • in case of multiple pregnancy, maternity leave consists of 194 days, where 84 are allocated before birth and 110 after the birth of twins.
  • for women who have adopted children, maternity leave lasts only 70 days, and for women who have adopted several children, this period increases to 110 days.

Payment types

In 2018, mommy claims to receive the same benefits as in 2017. All women claim the following payments:

  1. Allowance for registration in the residential complex. If the mother visited the gynecologist’s office before the 12th week, then she is entitled to a payment after the birth of the child. It is one-time and amounts to 614 rubles. To obtain it, you need to collect documents at the consultation and submit them to social protection.
  2. Compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of this payment depends on the woman’s status. If a working mother needs benefits, she will receive 100% of the average salary for the last 24 months. If the company is liquidated, then the payment is due from social security. The amount of benefits in 2018 for a working woman should be 34,500-266,190 rubles. Ladies who serve under contract in the army can count on 30,000 rubles. Girls studying full-time at a university claim 1,340 rubles. If the scholarship was indexed, the amount of the payment may be increased. And non-working mothers can receive the least amount; the amount of payments does not exceed 600 rubles.
  3. One-time payment for childbirth. To receive this benefit, you must collect all documents before the child turns six months old. The payment amount for 2018 is 16,350 rubles. For adoptive parents, the amount may be lower - 15,512 rubles. At the birth of a baby to a military personnel, the benefit is 24,500 rubles.
  4. Payments up to 1.5 years. You can count on a subsidy for up to 1.5 years. If a woman receives money from an enterprise, then the amount is at least 40% of average earnings for 2 years. For the firstborn, the minimum payment is 3065, and for subsequent children 6131. ​​The maximum amount should not exceed 23120 rubles. If the company is liquidated, then payments will also be 40%. But social security will accrue them, which means the maximum threshold per month cannot be more than 12,262 rubles. For non-working women, the allowance starts from 3065 for one child and twice as much for the second.
  5. Benefit up to 3 years. You can expect compensation from the employer in the amount of 50 rubles for the period from 1.5 to three years of the child.

If a woman worked continuously for two years before pregnancy and was a full-time student, she can count on benefits received from two organizations, but only if the conditions of continuous activity are met. It is worth knowing that the amount of maternity benefits in 2018 may differ in different regions. The most important thing is to collect the necessary documents in time and contact social security to calculate the payment.

Look video about the terms of benefits, registration, payment procedures and pitfalls:

The state takes care of citizens by establishing financial payments and benefits for socially vulnerable categories of the country's residents. Pensioners, disabled people, military personnel, law enforcement officers have long been “under the wing” of social services. Pregnant women were not left out either. Confirmation is the maternity benefit, which every woman can receive. The procedure, conditions, and terms for providing benefits are regulated by federal and regional legislation.

One-time payments for pregnancy and childbirth

Being in an interesting position, the expectant mother requires moral and material support. Relatives, friends, relatives provide all possible assistance to a woman expecting a baby, understanding her anxious situation. The state does not stand aside either. Every pregnant woman has the right to receive state maternity benefits if she submits the required package of documents within the prescribed time frame.

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Who can receive benefits

A one-time maternity benefit is targeted assistance that is used for the needs of the expectant mother. Therefore, only a woman who is in an interesting position and has a certain status can receive it. Husbands, parents, sisters, brothers are not entitled to claim payments. Such financial assistance should not be confused with the money that parents receive after the birth of a child. State funds are intended:

  • Working moms. The certificate of incapacity for work is provided to the employer’s administration, which is responsible for the timely accrual and payment of funds.
  • A business woman who has the status of an individual entrepreneur and has been paying contributions to the state social insurance fund for at least a year (if there is no debt).
  • Full-time students receiving a scholarship.
  • Unemployed, dismissed due to staff reduction or liquidation of the employer's organization, if they are registered with the employment service.

There are nuances with unemployed pregnant women who are not registered with the state employment service. They are not paid benefits, since it is a kind of compensation to the employee for loss of earnings due to being in an interesting position. Unemployed pregnant women had no income, which means they were not entitled to compensation.

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Early pregnancy benefit

Financial assistance in early pregnancy is provided to women who contact a medical institution before twelve weeks of pregnancy (obstetric weeks are counted). The amount of payments, taking into account indexation, is 543.67 rubles. The following may be eligible for payment:

  • working women;
  • female students;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • unemployed pregnant women registered with the employment service.

To receive money, a document from the medical organization that registered the pregnant woman is presented, confirming the fact of pregnancy.

Such assistance is paid by the employer, educational institution or social security authority at the place of permanent registration of the applicant. The period for receiving financial assistance is ten days from the date of submission of the certificate serving as the basis for payments. If a woman was fired due to layoffs or due to the liquidation of a legal entity, the money is transferred until the twenty-sixth day of the month following the month in which the medical certificate was registered by the social security authority.

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Deadlines for payment of benefits

Pregnancy is a period in which a woman should take care of herself and take care of the health of her unborn baby. Therefore, quite significant deadlines are allocated for submitting documents. Since the deadline for paying maternity benefits is directly related to the speed of preparation of the required documentation, expectant mothers are in a hurry to collect certificates and receive money before the birth of the child. Some believe that childbirth is a kind of “point of no return” at which maternity benefits are not paid.

This is an erroneous judgment. After all, the law defines a six-month period from the end of the maternity leave for submitting documents. That is, a pregnant woman’s right to maternity leave arises on the day she receives a certificate of incapacity for work, and ends six months after the end of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

After submitting the paper to the employer, the applicant receives maternity leave within a ten-day period. The social security authority pays funds until the twenty-sixth day of the next month. The assistance is paid in one amount for the entire period of incapacity.

If a new mother misses a deadline for a good reason, she has the right to go to court with a reasoned statement and ask for an extension. Supporting materials are attached to the claim. The judge examines the evidence objectively. If the mother's reasons are confirmed to be valid, the deadlines are extended.

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How to determine the amount due

All pregnant women know about their right to maternity benefits, but few people know where to go with a medical certificate to get money. The answer is simple. Pregnant women go to the employer's HR department; individual entrepreneurs, as well as unemployed people registered with the employment service, - to the state social protection agency; female students - to the administration of the educational institution. But how much money will “fall” into the account? You can tell fortunes on coffee grounds or take a piece of paper, a pencil and make simple calculations yourself.

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Calculation for working women

A certificate from a medical institution confirming pregnancy is the only basis for calculating benefits.

The calculation period of the benefit is two full calendar years (730 days). Before calculating maternity benefits, you need to know the total amount of income for a two-year period. Norms Art. 136 of the Labor Code oblige the employer to inform employees about accrued earnings, withheld taxes, and mandatory contributions.

That is, to find out the total two-year earnings, it is enough to summarize the data on the payslips for this period. The “dirty” salary (without deduction of taxes and contributions) is taken into account. You can get the coveted figure by contacting your employer’s accounting department. Everything is taken into account: salary, bonuses, vacation pay, financial assistance.

Let’s say the amount earned was 730,000 rubles. Initially, the average daily income is determined: 730,000 rubles/730 days = 1000 rubles per day. Now the received amount is multiplied by the number of days of sick leave, thereby finding out the amount of maternity leave.

The duration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the number of expected children:

  • 140 days (70 days before birth + 70 days after the birth of the baby) for normal childbirth;
  • 156 days (70 days before birth + 86 days after the birth of the baby) in the presence of complications;
  • 194 days (84 days of birth + 110 days after the birth of the baby) for multiple pregnancy.

That is, to find out the amount of the benefit, you need to multiply the average daily income (1000 rubles) by 140, 156 days or 194 days. Taxes, fees, and contributions are not deducted from the amount received.

The state limits the amount of salary that is taken into account when determining material benefits, and the maximum amount of maternity benefits is correspondingly limited.

Financial assistance for pregnant women serving in military service is calculated based on the amount of their monthly allowance for the previous two-year period.

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Benefit for unemployed pregnant women

If a woman in an interesting condition quit of her own free will, or did not work before pregnancy, then, according to federal law, she is not entitled to maternity benefits. However, such individuals may be supported by local authorities at the regional level.

To receive federal payments, a pregnant woman must be registered with the state employment service. Upon receipt of a medical certificate, she prepares materials for receiving benefits and transfers them to the territorial social protection authority at the place of permanent residence.

The following is submitted to the government agency:

  • statement;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a copy of the work book (if available);
  • original medical certificate;
  • certificate from the employment service confirming that you are registered;
  • Bank account number.

After checking the completeness of the documentation provided, the social security authority issues a written receipt of their receipt. This eliminates disputes regarding the timeliness of filing an application for benefits.

When determining the minimum maternity benefit, officials and accountants take into account the minimum wage. Now it is 5965 rubles. Accordingly, the average daily earnings is 196.11 rubles (5965 X 24 months (two years): 730 calendar days). This means that a pregnant unemployed woman who gave birth to a child without complications will receive 196.11 rubles X 140 days = 27,455 rubles 40 kopecks.

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What do students have to do?

How is maternity benefit calculated for female students? Girls expecting a baby have the right to receive financial assistance only if they are in full-time education and receive a scholarship. If pregnant women are studying in their third year, then assistance is determined based on scholarship amounts. In the absence of such payments in the “required” two-year period, they are replaced by the minimum wage.

Thus, when determining the amount of maternity benefits for a second-year student, the scholarship for the first year of study and the minimum wage are taken into account. Benefits are calculated after the original medical certificate is provided to the educational institution. Payments are made within ten days from the date of registration of the document.

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What can foreigners and stateless persons expect?

The residence of a significant number of foreigners, refugees, and stateless persons in Russia is perceived as a common occurrence. They work on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation and enjoy social support. Officials did not leave pregnant women from among the above-mentioned persons without financial assistance. When applying for assistance, they must provide evidence of their special status.

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Early lump sum benefit

Expectant mothers can count on a lump sum payment only if they are registered with a medical institution. Moreover, the placement is carried out no later than twelve weeks (obstetric weeks are taken into account). Pregnant women can receive payments at their place of employment or from social security authorities. To calculate assistance, a medical certificate is sufficient for the employer, but the government agency needs to submit:

  • statement;
  • original medical certificate;
  • document (original, copy) identifying the applicant;
  • paper (copy, original) confirming the right to stay and live on the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, temporary or permanent residence permit, residence permit);
  • Bank details;
  • certificate from the employment service confirming that you are registered.
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Help during pregnancy and childbirth

The question of how to calculate maternity benefits for foreigners, stateless pregnant women and refugees baffles most employers. Some people mistakenly believe that such persons are not entitled to help and refuse payments, thereby violating the rights of expectant mothers. In fact, only persons staying illegally in Russia are automatically deprived of financial assistance.

Maternity benefits are calculated according to the general rule. Two years' earnings are taken as the basis; in the absence of it, the minimum wage is used. The duration of maternity leave depends on the complexity of the birth process, the number of babies born and is 140, 156 days or 194 days.

The basis for calculating maternity leave for pregnant women expecting one baby is 140 days, and for multiple pregnancies - 194 days. After a difficult birth, the medical institution issues a corresponding certificate, which the woman in labor submits to the organization that pays maternity benefits. Taking this into account, previously received benefits are recalculated. The difference is paid within ten days from the moment the institution receives the certificate.

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What documents will be required?

When is maternity benefit paid to pregnant foreigners, refugees, and stateless persons? The legislation stipulates that the terms for payment of assistance are the same as for Russian women. If the expectant mother is unemployed, then a mandatory package of documents is prepared for submission to the state social protection agency:

  • application for receiving money;
  • passport, other identification document;
  • a certificate from a medical institution indicating the stage of pregnancy;
  • certificate from the state employment service confirming unemployed status;
  • a document confirming the legality of the applicant’s presence in the Russian Federation.

The government agency issues a written confirmation (receipt) to the pregnant woman regarding the acceptance of the materials.

Every expectant mother should understand that state assistance is addressed not only to her, but also to the unborn child. Therefore, you should not delay the formalities to obtain them. If it is difficult to collect all the documents on your own, you can turn to close relatives, husband or specialists for help.

The main task of any socially oriented state is to provide comprehensive assistance and protection to its citizens. This is especially true for those segments of the population that are most vulnerable and defenseless in the face of life’s difficulties - children, disabled people, single mothers, the elderly. Very often they cannot independently provide themselves with the necessary level of material well-being.

The state social support system provides for the provision of financial assistance to such vulnerable segments of the population. This category of citizens, according to current legislative standards, also includes representatives of the fairer sex who are at any stage of pregnancy. Let's consider what benefits pregnant women are entitled to in accordance with the legal regulations of the Russian Federation.

Every Russian citizen preparing to become a mother has the right to receive various payments and non-material benefits from the state.

All of them are divided into three main groups:

  1. Designed for working pregnant women.
  2. Benefits for pregnant women who are unemployed.
  3. Benefits provided in the form of free medical care.

The latter type applies to all pregnant women - both working and non-working. The main document granting the right to accrue the above benefits is a certificate from the antenatal clinic confirming the pregnancy of the given citizen. Accordingly, if the expectant mother does not register officially with a medical institution, then she has no legal grounds for receiving benefits.

The Russian Constitution regulates free medical care for all categories of citizens. Pregnant women are no exception. However, for them the legislation provides for an expanded list of free medical procedures and medicines. Medicines included in this list are obtained from state pharmacies either completely free of charge or purchased at a significant discount, sometimes reaching up to 50%.

As an example: healthy intrauterine growth of a child requires ascorbic and folic acids. Preparations containing them are prescribed by doctors observing the expectant mother absolutely free of charge until the birth of the newborn. The list of benefits includes free visits to a therapist and specialized doctors:

  • Gynecologist.
  • Laura.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Dentist.

To exercise the right to a free examination by these doctors, it is enough to take a referral from the doctor monitoring the course of the pregnancy. Also, a pregnant woman has the opportunity to undergo a number of medical procedures and hardware examinations for free:

  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Fluorography.
  • Ultrasonography. It is carried out three times during gestation, additional studies are prescribed by a doctor.
  • Laboratory research analyses.
  • Physiotherapy.

The state's financial incentives for childbearing are expressed, in particular, in the payment of benefits to pregnant women. The very first type of payment, entitled to everyone without exception - both employed and unemployed - is a benefit for early registration with a medical doctor. Similar payments are made from regional budget funds, and in different regions and republics range from 500 to 1,000 rubles.

A woman who registers with a medical institution in the first trimester of pregnancy can apply for these payments. That is, before the fetus is twelve weeks old. To do this, you will need to provide the following package of documentation to the social security institution or the MF center at the place of registration:

  • Passport details.
  • Certificate from the consultation about the timing of pregnancy and medical registration.
  • Bank account number to which payments will be received.
  • Work record book (for officially employed people) or a certificate from the Employment Center granting unemployed status.

In accordance with changes in legislative regulations, only citizens who have permanent registration at their address of residence are able to receive this type of benefits. If there is no permanent registration, then the right to payment of money is lost. This is due to the fact that this payment relates to measures of social support for the local population from local authorities - hence its strict link to the place of permanent registration.

If a citizen does not have an official job during pregnancy, she has the right to apply for benefits at the local employment center. When registering as unemployed, she is guaranteed to be paid unemployment benefits until the birth of the baby or even until the end of caring for the baby.

According to the Labor Code, no employer, neither private nor public, can fire a pregnant woman. The only option for dismissal is when the organization is completely liquidated, and with it the jobs. In this case, the woman is required to pay maintenance for pregnancy and childbirth. In total, she is paid 140 days of maternity leave: ½ of this period is for the time before childbirth, and the second half is for postpartum leave.

In case of complicated pregnancy or childbirth, the vacation time may be increased by decision of the supervising doctors up to 194 days (84 “before” and 110 “after”). The same thing happens when more than one child is born at the same time.

To obtain maternity leave, you must contact the social protection center or the district MFC. The benefit is accrued only when the woman is not listed as unemployed in the Central Bank. Otherwise, she should apply for financial payments to the Central Bank.

Benefits for pregnant women with official work must be paid by their employer. The amount of maternity payments, as well as maternity benefits for the care of an infant up to one and a half years old, are calculated from the average salary of the employee for the past year.

Also, a worker in a position has the right to demand relaxations in the working regime. For example, she can write an official petition addressed to her boss for a transfer to another place of work or another position. This is possible if working conditions harm the health of the expectant mother or threaten the normal development of the fetus.

Regardless of the presence or absence of work, a lump sum benefit is paid to the pregnant woman. In 2017, its size was 16.3 thousand rubles, and in 2018 a new one-time payment for pregnancy and childbirth was introduced. Its size will be about 282.5 thousand rubles. These payments were introduced to stimulate the demographic growth of the state's population.

A pregnant citizen whose husband is currently serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation receives separate lump-sum payments. The right to receive this benefit begins after the 6th month of pregnancy. The payment amount in 2017 was about 23 thousand rubles. To receive this one-time payment, you will need to submit the following documents to the social security institution:

  • Application for payment of benefits.
  • Marriage document.
  • Certificate from the antenatal clinic.
  • A certificate from the military unit where the husband is doing his military service. It should indicate its service life.

Payment of one-time benefits is made within ten days from the date of submission of the application with all the necessary documentation specified above.

You should apply for the accrual of maternity benefits or lump sum payments no later than six months from the date of birth of the baby. If this time limit is missed for an unexcused reason, the citizen loses the right to receive money for pregnancy. The exception is cases when she could not contact the social protection authorities for any objective reasons. These include severe pregnancy, or long-term illness after childbirth, and other force majeure circumstances.

After the applicant’s application, the employer (for the employed) or social security workers (for the unemployed) must, within ten days, make a decision on the accrual of appropriate payments. If the employer or social officials delay making payments, the woman has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities.

Benefits and benefits for pregnant women