Difficult questions for a pen pal. How to interest a man by correspondence, what questions to ask

Ask, be interested and find out what he breathes and what he hears, what he dreams about, about whom he suffers!


The main thing is that some "rules" are observed:

  1. Don't be intrusive! Guys (men) avoid people with such a negative "feature"! Wouldn't you avoid it yourself? Put yourself in the place of any of them.
  2. Don't bombard him with questions. Give the dialogue a chance! Imagine what the conversation will turn into if you put “question rain” on the lines of your correspondence.
  3. Don't interrupt him. Write what you wanted to write when the guy or man fully speaks out, speaks out.
  4. Answer the interlocutor's questions! If you ignore them, you will lose the thread of communication.
  5. Always let me know if you are busy with something or if you need to go somewhere.
  6. Be mega-punctual even in virtuality! We agreed to meet online at a certain time - do not be late!
  7. Do not force a boy or a man to answer certain questions if he does not want to. Move the conversation to a completely opposite topic or arrange a "rest" from each other.
  8. Be honest and open, not forgetting tact. Be very careful with your words. Any "sloppy" word can hurt very much.

Questions for a man or a guy (with an "Internet" acquaintance)

Do not rush to ask the guy the following questions

Questions like these can stump any guy!

You dare to ask such questions ahead of time- a man will visit such thoughts:

If a guy (man) took the initiative, then let him think about what to talk to you about. There will be difficulties in communication - save the situation. You can not only ask questions, but simply have a conversation on various topics (entertainment, adventure, incidents, jokes, paranormal phenomena).

You can write a joke or copy from the site. The main thing is that it should be "inserted" on the topic, and not just for the sake of humor. Do not be offended if he does not understand what you wanted to say or prove with a joke. You see, dear, men are completely different people. They are different from us in many ways. And do not try to count the differences, as you will lose all accounts!

If you ask questions, get answers to them, but the conversation does not “stick” - don’t worry! Everything happens in life. You will definitely meet your favorite person.

Do not fall in love with people whom you have never seen in reality (so that later, suddenly, you will not be upset and disappointed).

Continuation. . .

Dating is so exciting that even thoughts disappear from my head. But you really want to be witty and know what questions to ask guys at a meeting, date or during correspondence, so that he pays attention to you and falls in love. But it doesn't matter if you don't know how to strike up a conversation. We have collected the best questions for a guy, which are compiled according to the dating method of American intelligence agencies Jack Schafer. Well, go ahead to win his heart!

If you don’t know what to ask a guy, then pay attention to the recommendations of Jack Schafer, who compiled 6 rules of charm according to the methodology of the special services. Based on them, you can choose a question for a guy who will not be ashamed to ask and to which he wants to answer. Here are the rules:

  1. Make a mistake;
  2. Ask guys interesting questions about themselves;
  3. Address him by another name;
  4. Sympathize;
  5. Ask for a favor;
  6. Make the guy praise himself with your question.

Perhaps enough theory, and let's start to analyze the original questions to the guy, which are drawn up according to these rules.

95% of guys love it when a girl texts him first! Poll data

The first is to make a mistake. And what error can occur when you first contact a guy? Of course, you made a mistake with the address, phone number or VKontakte page. Write him a provocative question that was supposedly not addressed to him.

  • Have you by any chance changed your mind about tomorrow?
  • How did you like me yesterday?
  • I saw you yesterday near ...?

With these questions for a guy, you will show that you are not a bore, and at the same time start a conversation. At this stage, it is better not to ask intimate questions to the guy, but to be more modest so as not to scare him away.

Maybe you have a question that will help other girls get to know a guy? Share them in a comment.

If your chosen one answers briefly and does not continue the conversation, then he himself may be shy or not know what to answer you. In this case, take the initiative and ask a question for the guy from the second rule. Try to find out about him, since you have already written to him, or tell him that it may not be accidental with the following questions:

  • Do you think accidents really happen for a reason?
  • I wonder why exactly your address came into my hand?
  • And you definitely don’t know me, it seems to me that I’ve known you for a long time?

If you are ashamed to cheat, and you do not want to play by chance, then we will tell you what you can ask the guy in this case. Here it is necessary to act according to the third rule: "turn on someone else's behalf."

  • I was told you're a great guitar player?
  • Is it true what they say about you? (think about what exactly)
  • My friend says you're cool. I wonder if this is true?
  • Heard you don't have a girlfriend? (for the most daring)

Of course, if you are asking such unusual questions for a guy, then you need to be ready for an answer. Find out a little about him, meet his friends, or at least read his VK page.

Guys who are well dressed and have tattoos are lonely at heart and try to express themselves like that!

The ideal question to ask a guy is asking for a favor. Real men rarely answer “no” to them, so after these provocative questions, you will probably not only talk to him, but also meet him.

  • Could you show me the places where the cool kids hang out? Kind of boring.
  • Sorry, those guys got me, can I pretend to be your girlfriend so they get behind?
  • Could you help me with the computer?
  • May I ask you for a favor? (think about what)

Another option to easily strike up a conversation. Of course, here you have to learn a little more about the guy. Namely, about his achievements and ask such a question that the guy can be proud of himself.

  • You played great football yesterday. Are you the leader of the team?
  • How long have you been doing karate? I liked your moves.
  • What do you play in the Comedy Club? I laughed to tears at that joke.
  • How old are you? You look so young.

These provocative questions will not leave him a chance to pay attention to you. In this case, it is not necessary to use these particular questions for a guy. What to ask, you must decide for yourself according to these principles. Also, not every girl can meet in person, because it is men who should be the first to get acquainted. This is best done in correspondence.

Next, we will tell you what questions to ask a guy during correspondence, so that there is time to think and not worry so much. The subsequent meeting will be easier, because you will talk online and will already partially know each other.

Tell me in the comments, did these psychological questions help the guy? Share your experience with other girls.

Many girls think what to ask a guy in VK or ask. And indeed there is something to think about. After all, there are a lot of “bad” questions for a guy that can scare him off and make you look weird. That is why we will tell you not only what to ask the guy in Ask, but also explain why.

Before you decide what to ask a guy on VK, you should know a few good manners when communicating online:

  • Don't be intrusive - would you like to be bombarded with messages every day?
  • Have a dialogue - think not only about what to ask in VK, but talk with him, preferably about him first;
  • Report to him - say that you will write tomorrow, that you need to leave with your mother or on business. Men like it when they have everything under control;
  • Awkward questions - avoid vulgar questions to the guy, only if he himself does not begin to be frank;
  • Always speak honestly - do not lie, because in the future it may say badly on your friendship or even relationship.

By following these rules that pickup girls use, you will not get into an unpleasant situation, but will seem good, interesting and loyal to him. This will be the key to successful communication. Now, what to ask the guy in Asuka?

Guys love girls with their own opinion!

First of all, you don't have to ask dumb questions. Banal questions for a guy, which you want to ask, should be immediately thrown out of your head. Try to show your sharp mind, sense of humor, relaxed behavior, interest in him with the following questions:

  • Why is one head good and two better?
  • Do you know how to "google" in Yandex? (need to come up with an answer)
  • Do you know how erotic lingerie differs from men's?
  • What would you do if you were alone with me for a week?
  • I'm playing Pokemon now, what are you doing?
  • Guess what's my name?
  • How to stir tea, clockwise and counterclockwise?
  • Who is third on your VK friends list?
  • What do you value most in a relationship?
  • Sneakers or shoes?
  • Do you play poker?
  • Last movie you liked?
  • What to ask a guy to like him?
  • Where will we meet?
  • By what principle do you live?

Any of these questions can reveal a lot about a guy, so before you annoy him or get a date, try to find out more about him. And if it still comes to a meeting, then you should know what questions you can ask guys when meeting. They will help you avoid awkward silence and again help you learn more about it.

What questions can you ask guys when meeting?

If you still managed to meet and you need to keep the conversation going, then it is best to do this with a question. We will tell you not only what questions to ask a guy when meeting, but also why they are good. So, here's the best thing to ask a guy on a date.

Thanks to social networks, mobile applications, people can communicate with each other, being in completely different places. However, the problem of communication does not disappear anywhere: people, more often girls, are embarrassed to get acquainted, communicate with the opposite sex. It will be useful for them to know what to ask the guy in correspondence.

What questions can you ask a pen pal

It is difficult to ask unprepared questions that will help you learn more about a person, have an interesting time and attract attention. Many girls get lost during correspondence, not knowing what to ask a guy about and what topics to avoid. Experts and experienced people advise: you should always build on the situation, come up with your own questions, and not ask banal ready-made ones. It is important that there is a dialogue. What to ask a guy in correspondence?

What can you ask a stranger

At the initial stage, you should find common interests, hobbies, learn about the area in which you work. What is the smartest thing to ask a guy in a text? Start with neutral questions, for example, ask what the person is doing, how they are doing, and so on. After receiving the answers, you can try to reveal the temperament, learn about life preferences. Ask, for example, which dance is more to your liking: rumba or waltz, jazz or zouk.

What to ask a guy in correspondence? Any person will be happy to think about what he will do on a desert island, how he will spend a huge winnings in the lottery. The following questions will help to maintain correspondence and learn more about the guy:

  1. What sport do you prefer?
  2. Does he like noisy parties?
  3. What do you like to listen to, watch?
  4. Were there any extreme actions?
  5. How does it relate to religion, the other world?
  6. Does he turn to his parents for advice or help?
  7. Does he love unfamiliar places, and what countries does he dream of seeing?
  8. How about virtual dating?
  9. Does he recognize former teachers?

What to ask a guy when meeting on a social network

If it is difficult to start a conversation, it is recommended to start by simply saying hello, waiting for an answer, and then taking action. What to ask the boy? Ask when the cold will end, if it's winter outside, or write about your desire to get to know each other. A guy might take it as flirting, and that's fine too. Another option is to use a trick, for example, to write that a person looks like an old acquaintance from whom there has been no news for a long time.

You should not ask long, complex questions that require long, detailed answers - on social networks, on websites it is easier to communicate in concise, easy-to-read phrases. It is recommended to study the guy's profile and use the information received when corresponding. Photos, personal information, statuses and so on will help a lot. If, for example, the page shows that a person is interested in cars, you can ask if he has his own transport, is it difficult to drive it. You can ask for advice, recommendations for buying, maintenance.

Questions for a guy to get to know him better

If you like a guy and you want to get to know the person better, have the right conversation from the very beginning. Avoid talking about the level of wages, social status, religious views, attitude to politics, to the current government. To get to know a guy better, ask about hobbies, dreams, goals, desires, taste preferences. Sample list of questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite book or author?
  2. Does he know how to cook?
  3. What character do you like in the opposite sex?
  4. Do you want to start a family in the coming years?
  5. Does the mother swear?
  6. What films do you prefer?
  7. Where does he like to walk?
  8. How often does he fall in love?
  9. What topics are of interest?

What to ask a guy when communicating on VK

Vkontakte is the most popular social network through which it is easy to get to know any person on your own or through friends, acquaintances, colleagues. As a rule, people indicate on their pages full information regarding education, marital status, preferences, set and change statuses, upload photos. Thanks to this, a lot can be learned about them without correspondence. in VK? Sample list:

  1. What should be the ideal day off?
  2. How do you like to spend your free evenings?
  3. Do you have favorite holidays and what do you like about them?
  4. What dishes does he like to eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner), what kind of cuisine does he prefer?
  5. Is there a hobby?
  6. Does he like to attend concerts, theaters?
  7. What are the parents doing?
  8. Is there a brother or sister?
  9. What color do you like?
  10. Favorite clothing style?
  11. Does he like night walks?
  12. Are there many friends?

What to ask a guy with a sense of humor

To defuse the situation, to laugh together, to establish contact, you can ask cool, funny, non-standard questions. If you like the answers, don't forget to let us know. What to ask a guy in correspondence? Examples of unusual, original questions:

  1. What was your school nickname?
  2. What's the weirdest or funniest thing you've ever experienced?
  3. Have you ever danced a striptease?
  4. Was he afraid of monsters and brownies as a child?
  5. Until what age did you go potty?
  6. Have you ever looked funny in front of a crowd?
  7. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  8. What pictures do you like?
  9. Do you want to be a girl at least once?
  10. How did people remember birthdays before when there was no social media?
  11. Why does food taste better at night?

What question to ask a guy to interest him

There are several topics of interest to men that can be touched upon if you are not texting for the first day. To have an interesting time, you can discuss intimate, frank things with a young man, flirt, use elements of the game. So, what to ask a guy in a frank correspondence? Ask:

  • What body part do you like the most (in response, send a photo of the voiced part of the body in clothes)?
  • Are you familiar with the Kamasutra, have you used it in everyday life?
  • How does he feel about nudists, will he be able to visit their beaches?
  • Did you resort to paid sexual services?
  • Does he know how to do erotic massage, does he want to try it on himself?
  • Can he sunbathe naked?
  • What does he sleep in?

What to ask a foreign guy

If it is not possible to see a person in the near future, because he lives in a foreign country, leading questions will help to get to know a man better. What can you ask a guy - a pen pal:

  1. Have you been to Russia? What did you like about the country?
  2. Are there any plans to leave your homeland?
  3. How often does he take vacations?
  4. What languages ​​does he know perfectly?
  5. How does he rest?
  6. What cuisine do you prefer?
  7. Do Russian girls like you?
  8. What are the customs of his country he always observes?
  9. What is the guy's family like?
  10. What should be the ideal family?

In addition, when meeting a foreign guy, you can ask to tell more about work, place of residence, customs. It is recommended to clarify how the man's parents would react to a Russian girl. If you have virtual love, you can clarify what the future wife will do, what work to do, where to live, and so on. You should not ask vulgar, tricky questions when corresponding on the Internet, especially if the guy does not know the language well.

Questions not to ask a pen pal

Even if the guy willingly answers all questions, shows interest in correspondence, you should not directly ask about such things:

  • financial condition;
  • saturation, quality of intimate life;
  • about the number of ex-girlfriends;
  • the presence of a car, apartment, business, and so on;
  • financial solvency of parents;
  • plans to have children;
  • last sex;
  • gifts for girls.


If you don’t know what questions to ask a guy when talking on a date, then today’s selection is just for you. Here you will find the top 100 interesting questions for a guy that you can ask him in various situations, as well as in VK correspondence. You will be able to keep up the conversation, arouse his interest in you, and also get to know him better.

This will be even more useful if you are going on a date with your new acquaintance. The main thing is to know a few rules on how to ask questions correctly:

#1 Do not bombard your interlocutor with questions. In this case, the guy will be tense, and he will want to immediately run away from you.

#2 Ask about things that interest you. For example, you want to know what hobbies a guy has, how he likes to spend his free time. If you are really interested, you can easily continue the conversation. If you ask just to fill a gap, communication will not stick. This leads to the third point.

#3 After asking the guy about something, develop the topic. Express your attitude to the situation. Ask a clarifying question and so on. Thus, natural communication develops.

100 questions for a guy

  1. Name one thing that makes you smile?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. What makes you smile?
  4. At what point in your life was the scariest thing for you?
  5. What moment from your childhood do you remember the most?
  6. What gives you the most pleasure in life today?
  7. What is your favorite movie?
  8. Tell me about one thing, important or not, that you haven't told anyone else?
  9. If you had to urgently move to another country, what three things would you take with you first?
  10. Do you have pets?
  11. What's your favorite ice cream?
  12. Who are you closest to in your family?
  13. Tell me your favorite joke?
  14. The dumbest thing you've ever done?
  15. If you could change your past, what moment would you choose?
  16. What is your most positive trait?
  17. When you're in a bad mood, how do you try to get out of it?
  18. What are you into?
  19. What do you like most about your work?
  20. What trait characterizes you the most?
  21. Describe yourself in three words?
  22. Which country did you like the most of those where you were?
  23. How would your best friend describe you?
  24. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
  25. What is your ideal date?
  26. If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?
  27. Best compliment you've ever received?
  28. What are your talents?
  29. Describe your best friend?
  30. The main thing you have to do before you die?
  31. If you were given a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?
  32. How do you usually spend your weekends?
  33. What is your zodiac sign? Do you fit the general characteristics of this sign?
  34. What do you regret the most?
  35. What can immediately improve your mood?
  36. What would you change about yourself?
  37. If you had the opportunity to start your life over again, would you take the opportunity?
  38. When was the last time you cried? For what reason?
  39. Would you like to have children?
  40. What scares you the most about the future?
  41. How do you imagine your future family?
  42. Favorite saying or proverb?
  43. Have you ever truly fallen in love?
  44. Have you had your heart broken?
  45. How do you understand the concept of "love"?
  46. What lesson did you learn from your past relationships?
  47. The craziest thing you've ever done?
  48. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  49. Your dream job?
  50. What is your favorite word?
  51. Favorite book?
  52. What is the main goal in your life?
  53. Name 3 of your weaknesses?
  54. What questions would you like to ask me?
  55. Who is your idol?
  56. What are your bad/good habits?
  57. Tell me about your first kiss?
  58. Which famous person would you like to talk to?
  59. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  60. What do you like more: reading books or watching movies?
  61. What is your favorite song?
  62. If you had a day to live, what would you do?
  63. Is the glass half empty or full? What is in the glass?
  64. If you wanted to write a book, what would it be about?
  65. What do you usually think about in the morning after waking up?
  66. Got tattoos?
  67. They gave you a yacht. What will you call her?
  68. What is your favorite color?
  69. Favorite season?
  70. Do you feel comfortable going to a restaurant or cinema alone?
  71. If you had an extra hour in your day, what would you spend it on?
  72. What do you keep in the trunk of your car?
  73. What was your name at school?
  74. What is your favorite sport?
  75. If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first anniversary?
  76. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?
  77. What is your favorite car brand?
  78. Favorite dish?
  79. What do you pay attention to when meeting a girl?
  80. What is your favorite restaurant/cafe?
  81. What will you do on a rainy day?
  82. What is your favorite computer game?
  83. Are you a believer?
  84. Can you dance?
  85. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  86. What qualities attract you in a girl?
  87. Do you prefer active or passive rest?
  88. What inspires you?
  89. Are you afraid of old age?
  90. How do you imagine yourself at 60?
  91. At what age did you first fall in love?
  92. At what age did he confess his love?
  93. How important is sex in a relationship, in your opinion?
  94. What do you think about open relationships?
  95. What would you choose: wealth or fame?
  96. Do you like cleaning your room?
  97. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  98. Favorite month of the year?
  99. Do you eat in the shower?
  100. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Do not ask an endless number of questions, one after another. It is better to choose a couple of interesting ones, depending on the situation, and develop a conversation from them. This will be the most interesting and natural. Good luck!

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

All girls want to know more about their lover. And each thinks about how to ask the right question for a guy in order to get an exhaustive and honest answer.

How to ask the right questions to find out what a guy thinks

First of all, the girl should ask the guy about his plans for the next 2-3 years. Psychologists say: a man who has a specific plan for the coming years has a chance to succeed in the future. But if he cannot clearly answer such questions, it means that he is unreliable and lives one day.

Also, a girl should ask a man how serious his intentions are towards her, only you need to do it carefully. Thus, one can understand whether he wants to build a family with her and have children. Questions for a guy about what he thinks about his companion play an important role in relationships.

If a guy confidently answers all the questions of his chosen one and gives examples, this means that he really likes her.

The guy's answer to the question of how he treats his chosen one is very important. A guy who finds it difficult to answer the question of what attitude he has towards a girl most likely does not want a serious relationship with his companion. He probably just uses the girl for selfish purposes.

What should you ask when meeting?

If a girl met a guy in her life with whom she wants to start a family, she should not ask a man about children and future family life. Psychologists recommend asking questions about his interests, family and friends.

For example:

  • What kind of music can bring you out of a depressed state?
  • How often do you take a day off in the middle of the work week?
  • How often do you visit your parents?
  • How many friends do you have that you trust as yourself?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What do you think about people who are constantly on social networks?

Questions on a first date

It is very important to make a good impression on the first date, as this will affect the further development of the relationship. A girl should gently hint to her partner that she is ready for a serious relationship, but at the same time not demand reciprocal actions from him.


  • Have you dreamed of meeting me?
  • Why did I interest you?
  • How romantic are you?
  • What do you think about guys trying to please their girlfriends?
  • Could you give up a promising career for the sake of your girlfriend?
  • What do you think a real man should be like?

To know better

List of topics that must be touched upon when talking with a guy:

  • What is your favorite animal?
  • Would you like to get into the Guinness Book of Records?
  • Can you play musical instruments?
  • Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?
  • Do you like to discuss?
  • Which drink do you drink more: tea or coffee?
  • You have good memory?
  • Do you like extreme recreation?
  • In which city do you dream to live all your life?
  • Would you like to be in the place of Robinson Crusoe?
  • Are you a reliable friend?
  • Can you be trusted?
  • What gifts do you like?
  • Do you watch cartoons?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Do you write poetry?
  • Do you have detractors?
  • What do you most often give to your loved ones?
  • Can you be trusted with a secret?
  • What do you want to achieve in your life?
  • What kind of people make you nervous?
  • What films have you watched lately?
  • Do you hate smoking girls?
  • Are you able to forgive a friend if he betrayed you?
  • Who do you turn to for help most often?
  • What job bores you the most?

About life and hobbies

Questions for a guy about his life and hobbies will be very appropriate at the first stage of dating. A girl is recommended to ask her lover about his hobbies, relatives, childhood, etc.

Questions for a guy on first dates should not be too frank

Thus, you can establish a friendly contact:

  • Have you ever flown to European countries?
  • What genres of books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie would you like to watch a second time?
  • Are you into swimming?
  • Do you think your friends are irreplaceable?
  • Did you want to be like your parents as a child?
  • Do you often go out with your family?
  • Can you cook your own food?
  • Can you be called a jack of all trades?

Funny, tricky trick questions

Questions for a guy, funny with a catch, will help defuse the situation and give you a reason to laugh. Having answered the questions of his companion with a joke, the guy relaxes and feels relaxed.

  • How do you deal with an alarm clock that wakes you up in the early morning?
  • What color would you use to paint the refrigerator?
  • Do you associate yourself with the clouds or the sun?
  • Do you often have to look for your socks all over the house?
  • Have you ever walked around the city in a bathrobe?
  • Would you like to fly in the clouds?
  • How do you react when you see yourself in the mirror with unkempt hair and bags under your eyes?
  • Can you eat a big bowl of borscht on an empty stomach?
  • What are you doing while the food is heating up in the microwave?
  • What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

By asking playful questions, you can at the same time find out how the guy is doing, with such an important sense as humor.

Personal questions to understand whether he loves or not

When a girl has been dating a guy for a long time and hopes for a joint future with him, she wants to be sure that the guy loves her.

There are questions that will help her figure it out, for example:

  1. What are your plans for the future?
  2. What do you mean by the words: love, loyalty, care?
  3. Are you planning children?

According to the answers of the man to these questions, it will be clear whether he is in love with his companion.


If a girl wants to impress a guy and intrigue him, then she will be able to do this with the help of provocative questions.

Here are some options:

  • Are you always so sad or are you just so bored with me?
  • Do you doubt my loyalty?
  • I don't understand: are you interested in me or not?
  • You are nice to me, and I to you?
  • Who's your sign? Perhaps you and I are perfect for each other?
  • I would like to meet with myself tomorrow evening, and you with me?
  • Do you think we have a chance to start a close relationship?
  • Will you and I have children?
  • What name will we choose for our first child?
  • Will your family love me?
  • Are you ready to marry me?
  • What will you tell your friends about me?
  • What is my role in your life?


Intimate questions help partners get closer and diversify their sex life. A girl should not be afraid to ask questions for a guy of an intimate nature.

  • How good are you in bed?
  • Do you like experimenting in your sex life?
  • What experience do you have in sex?
  • Can you describe your first time?
  • Do you watch porn movies?
  • Have you ever had a threesome?
  • What kinds of sex have you already tried?
  • What sexual fantasies would you like to fulfill?
  • Did you have sex with a girl you barely knew?
  • Have you ever watched someone else have sex?
  • What breast shape do you like best?
  • How much time in sex do you devote to foreplay?
  • Do you like dirty sex?
  • What sex do you think is the most disgusting?

vulgar questions

Most of the stronger sex have erotic fantasies that they are afraid to tell their lovers about.

But, when the girl herself asks the guy vulgar questions, he begins to be frank:

  • Are you willing to have sex with me right now?
  • What is your favorite sex position?
  • Have you ever read the Kama Sutra?
  • What poses from the Kama Sutra do you like?
  • Can you take off your underwear without hands?
  • What RPGs have you already tried?
  • Do you like to have sex in silence or with music?
  • Do you usually spend a lot of time foreplay?
  • Would you like to have hard sex?
  • Let's have sex in a public place, like a cafe?

Questions for dating by correspondence in VK

Video about what questions to ask a guy to get his attention:

Questions for a guy by correspondence in VK should be selected based on the information received about him from his page. If, for example, he has a lot of photos from around the world on his page, then you can ask him about what places he would like to visit next.

Questions to ask by phone

Some questions are more appropriate to ask by phone:

  1. I really like your voice, do you think it's because I miss you wildly?
  2. I really love talking to you! Let's talk more often, shall we?
  3. Let's have a date tomorrow, shall we?
  4. Tell me what's new with you?
  5. Let's agree that you will call me at least once every 3 days?
  6. Do I have a pleasant voice?

Serious and frank about relationships

Psychologists believe that when the relationship between a man and a woman has become close enough, it is time to ask frank questions to each other. You can ask your partner about past relationships, his ideas about family life, etc.

This will help partners understand whether they have a joint future.

  • What will you do if your parents do not like your chosen one?
  • Do you enjoy traveling with friends or family?
  • How do you think you can pleasantly surprise your loved one?
  • How many times in your life have you fallen in love?
  • Do you remember the girl who is your first love?
  • What was your first romantic relationship like?
  • What was the reason for breaking up with your ex-girlfriend?
  • Could you forgive the person who once cheated on you?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make for the girl you love?
  • Would you agree to be intimate with a girl you don't love?
  • Do you believe that a man and a woman can be good friends and their friendship will not grow into something more?
  • Are you talking to any of your exes?
  • How do you feel about people of non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What do you expect from a relationship?
  • What kind of family would you like?
  • If you have to divorce your future wife, will you take care of your children who were born during your joint marriage?
  • How should a girl behave in order to please you?
  • What is the biggest reason for you to end your marriage?

List of 100 questions to help you sort out relationships

  1. What item always makes you smile?
  2. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
  3. What motivates you to have fun?
  4. What moment in your life do you remember as the scariest?
  5. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
  6. What brings you the most satisfaction at the moment?
  7. What movie do you like the most?
  8. Could you talk to me about something you've never discussed with anyone else?
  9. What would you do in the following situation: you urgently need to fly to a foreign country and you can take no more than 3 items with you?
  10. Do you have a pet?
  11. What kind of ice cream do you like the most?
  12. With which of your family do you have the closest relationship?
  13. Can you tell me a funny anecdote?
  14. What games do you like to play?
  15. Are you an atheist?
  16. How often do you dance?
  17. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  18. What kind of women do you like?
  19. Do you like to spend your holidays actively or passively?
  20. What helps you get inspired?
  21. Do you fear the thought of old age?
  22. How do you see yourself at 65?
  23. How old were you when you first truly fell in love?
  24. At what age did you confess to a girl your feelings for her?
  25. Is sex one of the main aspects of a relationship for you?
  26. What do you think about open relationships?
  27. What stupid act of yours do you still regret to this day?
  28. What part of your life would you like to change?
  29. What is your most positive character trait?
  30. How do you deal with a bad mood?
  31. Do you have any hobbies?
  32. Why do you love your job?
  33. What is your main character trait?
  34. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
  35. What countries do you travel to?
  36. What are your talents?
  37. What can you tell about your best friend?
  38. What do you need to do before you die?
  39. If you inherited a huge fortune, how would you dispose of it?
  40. What do you usually do on your day off?
  41. How would your friends describe you?
  42. Which alcoholic drink do you prefer the most?
  43. How would you arrange a romantic date?
  44. Can you tell me about your 3 biggest wishes?
  45. What's the sweetest compliment you've received?
  46. What is your zodiac sign? How well do you match him?
  47. Is there anything you still regret?
  48. What can help lift your spirits?
  49. Would you like to change something?
  50. If you could start life from scratch, would you?
  51. What situation can make you shed a tear?
  52. Do you have a desire to have children?
  53. What difficulties might scare you in the future?
  54. What do you think the ideal family should look like?
  55. Do you have a favorite quote?
  56. Have you ever truly loved?
  57. Have you ever been dumped by a girl?
  58. What does "love" mean to you?
  59. Do you appreciate the experience you got from your past relationships?
  60. What do you think is crazy about what you do?
  61. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
  62. What job have you dreamed of all your life?
  63. What is your favorite phrase?
  64. What book can you call the real bestseller of all time?
  65. What do you strive for the most in your life?
  66. What are your worst character traits?
  67. What would you like to know about me personally?
  68. Which celebrity do you imitate?
  69. What habits would you like to get rid of?
  70. What was your first kiss like?
  71. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
  72. Could you fall in love with a person you see for the first time?
  73. What do you prefer to do: reading books or watching movies?
  74. What is your favorite composition?
  75. What would you do on the last day before you die?
  76. Do you often attend cultural events?
  77. Have you ever wanted to publish your book?
  78. What is the first thought that comes to mind after waking up in the morning?
  79. Do you have a tatoo?
  80. What would you name your own yacht?
  81. What colors do you like?
  82. What is your favorite time of the year?
  83. How do you feel when you visit a cafe or cinema without friends?
  84. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you spend that extra hour on?
  85. What do you usually carry in the trunk of your car?
  86. What was your nickname as a child?
  87. What sport are you interested in?
  88. If we continue our communication, how will we spend our anniversary of dating?
  89. Have you ever cried while watching a melodrama?
  90. What brand is your car?
  91. What is your favorite dish?
  92. What, first of all, interests you in a girl with whom you just met?
  93. What restaurant do you visit most often?
  94. How will you spend the day if it's raining outside?
  95. What is more important to you: money or reputation?
  96. How often do you do general cleaning in your apartment?
  97. What is your favorite month of the year?
  98. Do you prefer taking a bath or a shower?
  99. If you were asked to choose a super ability, what would it be?
  100. Do you believe that love only lasts 3 years?

What questions should not be asked

A girl should never ask her boyfriend about how she looks and in the presence of his lover to evaluate his appearance. Men, as a rule, do not notice the shortcomings of their girls, therefore, in this way, girls only make it clear to their loved ones that they are not perfect at all.

Men love women who are confident in their beauty and sexuality.

Quite often, people think about some insignificant nonsense that simply does not need to be discussed with anyone. And at that moment, when a man thinks about something unimportant, a woman begins to be persistently interested in what he is thinking about now. Most men are infuriated by this. If a woman regularly pesters her man with this question, he will think that his companion wants to own his thoughts.

It is not necessary for the representatives of the weaker sex to ask their loved ones such questions, because they themselves do not tell everything that they think.

When the relationship between a man and a woman has just begun to develop, you should not plan a distant future with him. No need to ask him questions about when he will marry her and when they will have children. After such conversations, the male representative will immediately break off relations with his girlfriend. Therefore, it is better to postpone this.

It is not recommended for a girl to ask her lover who he loves more - mother or her. It makes no sense even to find out, because a man's love for his mother is radically different from the one he feels for his chosen one. A man feels affectionate affection for his mother, and sexual attraction for his companion.

He loves both his companion and his own mother, but each in a different way.

You should never ask a guy if he loves her. Real men show their love through good deeds, not empty talk. Also, you do not need to ask the representative of the stronger sex about how much he loves his chosen one. If a man is truly in love, this is already evident.

It is strongly not recommended to rush your companion with marriage. After all, perhaps he still doubts whether it is worth moving to a new level of relations, especially when they are just developing. Most men do not understand anything about fashion and cosmetics, so you should not ask them about what blouse to wear and what lipstick to wear - it only annoys them.

Quite often, girls ask their lovers questions about whether they see any changes in their appearance. As a rule, men do not pay attention to such trifles as a new skirt, new powder, so you should not ask them about such things.

Categorically, experts in the field of psychology do not advise asking a partner about his former companions. Moreover, girls themselves do not like such questions. The most important thing is that of all he chose her. If a girl does not want to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend, then she should not ask him which of her friends he considers the sexiest.

If a man tells the truth, then his chosen one will begin to be jealous of his girlfriend. As a result, relationships with both a guy and a girlfriend will become worse.

Psychologists also do not recommend asking guys questions about his phone calls. If a guy has a desire to tell his chosen one about any event, he himself will tell. Men really do not like it when their chosen one tries to keep everything under control.

And questions about their whereabouts also annoy them. The girl will still not be able to constantly control the geolocation of her lover, and men most often answer questions of this kind quite sharply. Reasonably worded questions will help to successfully start a dialogue and establish close contact.