Take as a rule: how to wear an engagement ring. On which finger do you wear your wedding and engagement rings?

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How to wear an engagement ring?

For many girls, grooms, when proposing, give engagement rings, but here where to wear an engagement ring: on which hand, on which finger - not everyone knows. During the survey, it was found that the majority of girls believe that engagement ring is worn on ring finger of the left hand. Let us hasten to dispel doubts about engagement ring on which hand wear. As to whether which finger is the engagement ring on put on, we can say that in general in Russia it is customary to wear engagement rings on the right hand, on the ring finger. But, for comparison, in Europe engagement rings are worn left hand, on the ring finger. In our country, divorced women or widows usually wear rings there.

Conclusion: The engagement ring is worn on the right hand on the ring finger.

How to choose an engagement ring?

Information for grooms: if you want buy engagement ring, specify the size of the finger of your chosen one, as well as her preferences. You should look at jewelry from which metals (gold, silver, platinum) your bride wears more often. Of course, all this should not be done openly, otherwise there will be no surprise. A how to choose an engagement ring? - Walk around jewelry stores, try to enter in the Internet search " engagement rings catalog”, even if you don’t make a purchase there, you will at least orient yourself, what should be the engagement ring.

In general, engagement is an ancient custom. When the groom gives the ring, and the bride accepts it, this indicates the firm intention of the young to tie the knot. Before the official registration in the registry office, the bride wears the engagement ring on the same finger where they put on the wedding rings. Only on the day of the wedding, this ring is removed, because on this day it is not customary for the bride to wear jewelry on her hands. After the wedding, the wedding ring is worn along with the wedding band on one hand, on one finger.

As before, so now, the engagement was a very family event, which was celebrated in a narrow family circle. By the way, it was for the engagement that the very first diamond ring was presented, this happened in the fifteenth century. Before that, they gave gold rings without stones. On the day of the engagement, it is customary not only to give rings, but also immediately discuss the estimated date of the wedding, the composition of the guests, consider the possibility of financial support for the young, the wedding venue and other preparatory moments. Different people have different attitudes towards engagement: for some it is a beautiful pre-wedding custom that simply cannot be ignored, but for some it is a relic of the past or an outdated formality. By the way, a full-fledged guy and a girl can be called a bride and groom just after the engagement.

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Organize the engagement, as a rule, after submitting an application to the registry office. Usually close friends and relatives are invited, to whom you first of all want to inform about this wonderful upcoming event - the wedding day. On the day of the engagement, you can also invite those people who cannot come to your wedding for one reason or another.

An engagement is an important event, but it is not worth celebrating it with special grandiosity. You can, of course, book tables in a restaurant or cafe, but you can also celebrate this event at home, and if the season allows, then in nature. And now, when everyone has gathered, the groom presents the bride with an engagement ring. If the application has not yet been submitted, the bride cannot take the ring and still refuse to marry. The acceptance of the engagement ring by the bride automatically means her consent to get married. Modern grooms give their brides diamond engagement rings, emeralds or other precious stones. For engagement in the modern world, it is not customary to give products with cubic zirkonia. After all engagement ring cost directly reflects how the groom appreciates his beloved. Although everything is very individual here, not all suitors have a high material income. Indeed, it is completely different to evaluate the fact that a student groom gives his girlfriend an inexpensive gold engagement ring and asks her to marry, or, for example, an adult respectable man who has already achieved a lot in life gives his companion an inexpensive ring. Agree that in the last situation it somehow turns out to be undignified.

What to do with the ring after the wedding?

After the wedding, the engagement ring can be put away in a box and in the distant future, if the marriage is successful, this ring should be inherited by your children and grandchildren. Or you can not clean it after the wedding, but just wear it. We have already talked about where, on which hand and on which finger to wear an engagement ring.

After the young people got engaged, and officially began to be called the bride and groom, they had the first common and important business in their life - preparation for the wedding. In one or two months of preparation for the wedding, future newlyweds often get to know each other from a new perspective. Disagreements may appear, but there is nothing supernatural in this. After all, before each of them lived for himself, and now they are preparing to become one and form a new cell of our society.

An interesting fact is that in ancient times three engagement rings were bought: for the bride, the groom and ... the witness! Now such a gesture would seem at least strange, right? In general, the tradition to seal your union with rings came to us from antiquity and carries a deep meaning: to strengthen and protect the union of the young.

Engagement, unlike matchmaking, is not such a long-standing custom. However, in recent years it has become increasingly popular among young people.

The tradition of giving a bride a ring is not Slavic. The homeland of this custom is European countries. Now, a large number of modern couples arrange an engagement, during which a man gives his beloved an engagement ring, which confirms his decision to take her as his wife. Having received such a gift, a girl may think about which finger to wear an engagement ring on. However, the problem may lie in the fact that the guy could not know on which finger and hand the engagement ring is worn. In this case, you will have to wear the ring on the finger on which it will fit. There are traditions, but life sometimes makes its own adjustments, and you should not be afraid of this. The main thing is that the groom understands that you are wearing an engagement ring as a sign of consent to the future marriage with him.

If possible, the ring can be adjusted by the jeweler to the required size.

Which hand is the engagement ring worn on?

The engagement ring is a symbol of the consent of two people to unite their destinies soon. Not all couples have holiday engagements. Sometimes lovers prefer to spend their engagement party alone. It is on such an evening that the groom gives his beloved a beautiful gift that the bride should not part with until the very day of the wedding.

An engagement ring, unlike a wedding ring, is an unpaired symbol. That is, only the groom gives the ring. If the girl agrees to marry, she accepts the gift. If, during the engagement period, she changes her plans, she must return the ring to the former groom. If the guy changed his mind about marrying, then the ring should remain with the girl.

Sometimes future spouses argue on which hand to wear an engagement ring. There are different opinions on this subject, which is connected with the traditions of different peoples. In Germany, such a ring is worn on the left hand, and in Poland and Slavic countries - on the right. This is because the engagement ring is the forerunner of the wedding ring. That is, on which hand the wedding ring is worn, the engagement ring is also put on that hand.

In many Slavic countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, widows and divorced women wear on their left hands. Therefore, when choosing on which hand to wear an engagement ring, it is better to give preference to the right hand.

On which finger is the engagement ring worn?

The engagement ring is a symbol of a young couple's serious decision to live together, have joint plans and property, and raise children. Therefore, the ring should be beautiful, memorable, made of precious metals and stones. The bride must keep the ring like the apple of an eye. Because according to the sign, the loss of the ring or its damage meant an unsuccessful family life in the future.

When choosing a gift for his beloved, the groom should find out in advance on which finger the engagement ring is worn in order to choose a gift in size. Since the engagement ring is the predecessor of the engagement ring, it is worn on the same finger. It cannot be removed from the ring finger of the right hand until the day of marriage. On the day of the wedding, it must be removed, like all jewelry, and taken with you. The engagement ring must be put back on the ring finger of the right hand after all the wedding ceremonies have passed. It is believed that if this is not done, the marriage will be unsuccessful or short-lived.

In the future, the engagement ring can only be worn on big family holidays over the wedding ring.

Every girl dreams of meeting a handsome prince who, with a gaze blazing with love, will fall on his knee in front of her, put an engagement ring on his finger with trembling hands and, with a sinking voice, utter the cherished phrase: “Darling, be my wife!”. But do you know which hand and which finger you need to extend to your gentleman at this exciting and crucial moment? Everyone knows about the wedding rings that are exchanged at the registry office, but what is the right way to wear a ring presented during an engagement? We will talk about what traditions exist on this score, as well as about the fate of the treasured decoration after the wedding, in this article.


The tradition of giving the bride an engagement ring came to us from medieval Europe. In the 15th century, the Austrian Duke Maximilian fell in love with the incredible beauty Mary of Burgundy. The future marriage was considered politically advantageous, and the parents of the young man liked the choice of their son, so there were no obstacles to the future union of the two young people. But since the celebration was not planned soon, the duke in love was sincerely worried that the girl would change her mind and refuse him. And then he presented the bride with a ring with diamonds and the letter "M", so that the jewelry would always remind Mary of Burgundy of her chosen one.

Which hand is the engagement ring worn on?

Western and Eastern countries have different beliefs in this regard. So, in many countries of Europe and the USA, the engagement ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand until the official marriage ceremony. And the Slavic peoples, as well as the inhabitants of Greece, Norway, India, Spain, on the contrary, put on an ornament symbolizing a future wedding on the ring finger of their right hand. Perhaps this is partly due to the traditions of religion among Catholics and Orthodox. After all, the hand with which they are baptized is considered more important and stronger.

Brides from all over the world treat the engagement ring with no less trepidation than the engagement ring. They cherish it like the apple of their eye, since losing an ornament is considered a bad omen. Girls sincerely believe that if the engagement ring goes somewhere, then the long-awaited wedding will not take place.


In ancient Egypt, grooms also put rings on their chosen ones on the ring finger. They firmly believed that it was in this place that the so-called artery of love passes. It was believed that a man, having ringed the lady of his heart, thus appropriated this sacred artery to himself forever.

The fate of the engagement ring after the wedding

On the day of the wedding, the engagement ring gives way to the engagement ring. Europeans and Americans put it on the ring finger of the left hand, and the Slavic peoples put it on the ring finger of the right hand. But the further fate of the first decoration can develop in different ways. For example, some newly-made wives prefer not to remove the jewelry and combine it with a wedding ring. That is, wear two rings at once on one ring finger. In preparation for the celebration, they even try to choose wedding rings in such a way that they fit in style and look harmonious with the jewelry given at the engagement.

Other girls, on the contrary, hide it away in a cherished jewelry box and then pass it on from generation to generation as a family heirloom. Most often this happens in Western countries. For many brides, it is very valuable to wear a ring on the ring finger, which was once handed to the mother of the groom by his father in love with him without memory.

In our country, there are no strict traditions about which finger the engagement ring is worn on after the wedding. Someone simply removes it from the right hand and puts it on the ring finger of the left hand. Other girls simply choose any finger they like and decorate it with an engagement jewelry (of course, if the latter fits in size). And still others take it off altogether and put it on only on some special occasions.


What is the meaning of an engagement ring? Firstly, it is a symbol of a man's endless love for a woman and the seriousness of the groom's intentions. Putting on the finger of the bride a piece of jewelry specially bought for this occasion, he thereby makes it clear that he is ready to marry and take on the burden of responsibility for his wife and future children. The girl, accepting the ring, thereby agrees to go down the aisle with her beloved and undertakes to wear jewelry before the wedding, demonstrating that her heart is busy.

In Europe, a ring given during an engagement is also an indicator of a man's material well-being and his ability to feed his young family. That is why many Europeans still adhere to a long tradition of giving their beloved a ring that costs at least two of his monthly salaries. In our country, engagement jewelry is not so pragmatic. For Russian brides, a ring is more of a romantic detail during a beautiful rite of marriage proposal than a way to check the financial security of a future husband.


If the wedding didn't happen...

Life is very unpredictable, and not always the engagement ends with a wedding. Alas, it also happens that young people break up without reaching the gates of the registry office. What is the further fate of the ring in this case? According to the rules of good manners, if a girl became the initiator of the termination of the engagement, then she must return the jewelry presented to her former lover during the betrothal. To take it back or not is a private matter for every man. It's up to you to propose, and let him decide how to do it right. But if it so happened that the groom took his word back and refused the wedding, then it is not at all necessary to return the ring to him. The deceived bride, if she wishes, has every right to keep the gift for herself.

If, by a fatal coincidence, the groom dies before the wedding, then many girls continue to wear an engagement ring on their ring finger as a sign of mourning and memory of their soulmate. And they remove it only if after a while they meet a new chosen one and receive a new decoration from him as a gift.

Before the wedding, according to tradition, a man should ask for the hand of his beloved from her father. If the father gives his consent, the man proposes to his chosen one, giving her an engagement ring. If the girl agrees to marry, she accepts the ring as an affirmative answer and wears it until the wedding itself. Of course, at a wedding, the wedding ring is already a sign of family life. Girls often have a question about whether they wear an engagement ring after the wedding, this article will give a detailed answer.


In fact, there are two options for how to wear the ring.

In addition to the above, we can also note the moment of regular wearing of the ring. You can hear a lot of debate about whether you can wear a ring every day. Such disputes are not at all groundless, but all because there is a certain belief. This ring symbolizes the beginning of a happy family life, and its loss can also mean the loss of love. Therefore, ladies cherish this gift very much and protect it in every possible way in order to preserve their love.

As you can see, there is no definite answer here, but the conclusion can still be drawn. Of course, you need to take care of the jewelry, but you should not refuse to wear it either.

How to choose a ring?

Here, advice is inappropriate, since you always need to choose a decoration based on personal preferences. But there are some recommendations, thanks to which the purchase will be successful.

  • White gold rings with a small stone look very gentle on a woman's hand. You can choose options where different types of gold are used in one product.

What to do after the wedding?

So, what to do with the engagement ring, whether it is worn after marriage. The conclusion suggests itself, there are options for how to deal with it, and the choice depends only on the girl:

The problem of where to put the ring was decided by itself. The only important point is that such things should not be treated as a simple decoration. A beloved husband will please his wife with a new ring more than once in family life. But those quivering feelings, boundless love and a great desire to be together forever, will only symbolize an engagement ring and no jewelry will replace those emotions.

The tradition of exchanging rings on a wedding day dates back almost 5,000 years - in ancient Egypt, the groom put a ring on the bride's ring finger as a symbol of their eternal love. The choice of the finger is not accidental - the Egyptians and Romans believed that the so-called "vein of love" runs through the ring finger, reaching to the very heart. The round shape symbolized the infinity of feelings, and the hole in the center served as a kind of portal, allowing the energy to reach the girl's heart. Over the years, the wedding ceremony acquired more and more new rites, in addition to the wedding ring, a second one appeared - the engagement ring, and with it the rules prescribing how to properly combine these two rings after the wedding. About this and much more - in the ELLE review.

On which finger is an engagement ring worn?

Traditionally, presenting the bride with a ring on the day of the engagement, the groom puts it on his ring finger. Right or left hand - depends on the country. In Russia, an engagement ring, like a wedding ring, is usually worn on the right hand. In America and most European countries - on the left. The engagement ring is the physical expression of wedding plans, while the engagement ring is the symbol of their fulfillment.

What to do on your wedding day

Wedding etiquette dictates that on the day of the ceremony, the engagement ring should be worn on the middle finger of the hand. After the wedding, tradition prescribes to leave it in the same place. The second popular version says that the engagement jewelry must be changed on the ring finger of the other hand, "ringing" both "love veins".

How to match an engagement ring with a wedding ring

There is simply no official textbook rule book on how to pair engagement and wedding rings - the young tradition of wearing both rings after marriage gives carte blanche to choose any combination. It can be both the middle and ring finger, as on the day of the ceremony, and a much more popular option is to wear both jewelry on one finger. Even then, there is room for maneuver. The first version - the engagement follows the engagement - refers to the symbolism of the rings, so the decoration, symbolizing the marriage bond, remains closer to the heart. The second suggests putting on the engagement over the engagement, keeping the sequence in which they were presented. By the way, when planning to wear rings one on top of the other, it is better to immediately take care of how harmoniously both jewelry will look together. The easiest option, for which you don’t even have to leave your home, is to “try on” the ring in the application using the stunningly realistic Tiffany & Co. Engagement Ring Finder. Having found the right pair of jewelry online, it is still better to consolidate success by trying it on in the flagship boutique in GUM - consultants will help you choose the perfect size for both rings, which will ensure their perfect fit.