Non-traditional sexual orientation: which souls, why? What is gay? Gay stars

Homosexual- fact human life, which existed at all times along with the traditional orientation (which is quite clearly proven by historical documents from different places and eras).

Attraction to people of the opposite sex existed among people as if “by default”; it was obvious that this was the dominant type sexual desire. However, it turned out that not everyone is able to experience attraction only to opposite sex.

IN different periods history and in different cultures formed different attitude to those whose sexual orientation was unconventional - from open persecution to the acceptance of this kind of contact as ritual practices, from disgust to the assertion of equality before the law.

On the one hand, these people really found themselves and find themselves in the minority, while the majority continues to experience attraction to members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, this minority is quite stable. By different estimates it makes up 3-7% of the total number of people.

Naturally, statistics are difficult to collect from past historical eras, however, researchers are inclined to believe that this percentage remains almost constant at all times.

Sexual orientation in nature did not imply complete certainty: among animals, unconventional sexual behavior occurs in many species, from worms to mammals, and in approximately the same percentage as in humans. And therefore, it is difficult to say that homosexual- something “unnatural”.

So what is sexual orientation? Where does it come from? homosexual? And which ones even exist? types of sexual orientation? We will talk about this in the first part of the series about various forms sexual preferences.

Navigation through the article “Types of sexual orientation and its formation”:

The modern scientific community has not developed a single hypothesis about how sexual orientation is formed. They looked everywhere - in genes, studied various parts of the brain, hormonal factors, and, of course, the cultural, social context, early childhood experience and education in general.

You can read about all this in any modern encyclopedia. But there is something on which most scientists clearly agree: sexual orientation and sexuality in general are something that is formed at least with early childhood, and the deep foundations of human sexuality are laid in the intrauterine environment.

If we look at the development of the fetus, it turns out that any person in the womb goes through the stage of hermaphroditism: the embryo has the rudiments of both male and female genital organs.

Under the influence of various biochemical factors (including hormones), the embryo eventually acquires the characteristics of one sex or the other. However, this does not happen to everyone - there are also those who, even at birth, do not have a completely definable anatomical sex. The existence of hermaphrodites has been known at all times - just look at some ancient Greek statues.

This phenomenon intrauterine development allowed some researchers (in particular, Freud, Kinsey, Weiniger) to conclude that a person is basically bisexual, even if his anatomical sex is formed without deviations at the time of birth.

However, later, with the development of sexual consciousness, one of the vectors - attraction to the opposite sex or to one’s own, a specific sexual orientation - begins to dominate, and bisexuality becomes latent, i.e. hidden, unconscious, remains in potential.

The formation of the fetus and what set of internal inclinations it will come into this world with, not yet realized by the person himself, are influenced by too many things: the biochemistry of the mother’s body, hereditary (genetic) factors, even emotional background The environment in which pregnancy occurs can influence the formation of the child's future sexuality.

But we are not yet able to accurately trace the entire chain of formation of such a complex set of reactions as sexual orientation: after all, an infant cannot talk about how he is aware of himself, his gender, and his awakening desires. And he still realizes very little.

And much more before that how gender and sexual orientation are generally perceived, on baby begin to influence social factors: expectations of parents, norms of sexual behavior accepted in a given culture, ideas about the acceptability of manifestations of sexuality in a particular family.

By the time a person completes the period of sexual development and becomes, moreover, a full-fledged member of society (and the age of majority, 18 years, is considered to be the statistically average age of completion of sexual development), he, in fact, has already been formed and his sexual orientation too.

But it's not that simple. Only if sexual orientation is traditional, it does not raise questions. The teenager is supported in his awakening desires or, at a minimum, they do not attach importance to this.

But in the case when a non-traditional orientation manifests itself in one way or another, or a teenager cannot decide to whom he feels more attracted, development occurs with a large component of neurotic factors - emerging questions about himself, fears, anxiety, self-rejection, or vice versa – open protest.

This is due to the fact that in societies of different cultures, non-traditional orientation is something negative, unacceptable, and pathological. And the child learns about this quite early, as a rule.

Despite long story attempts by scientists to prove that non-traditional orientation is a variant of the sexual norm, the philistine consciousness is afraid of such manifestations.

Delve into the explanations for why gay people have been rejected by different cultures in different times maybe for a long time. I will only say that something different from the majority in one way or another frightens many, creates a feeling of insecurity, and then people think little about whether there are grounds for fear - for many it is easier to prohibit than to understand, and this is already a matter of limited intellectual resources.

In our modern society, most parents think that if a child lives his life according to patterns that are understandable and familiar to parents, he will live it more safely.

And by the time such a teenager comes of age, he can no longer fully distinguish what is truly true in his awakening sexuality, what is the fruit of his own belief in “what is right,” formed under the great influence of the opinions of parents and society, and what – protest behavior or defense mechanism.

By the time a person begins to understand this topic within himself, he has already been fully formed, and his true core of desire has formed inside, but much of himself has been repressed into the unconscious, and therefore the search for what his true sexual orientation is can continue already in adulthood.

But let's talk about what generally happens to a person in this sense.

The main types of sexual orientation are heterosexual (attraction to people of the opposite sex), homosexual (attraction to people of the same sex) and bisexual (attraction to both sexes, but not necessarily to the same extent and at the same period of life).

In other words, a bisexual may experience attraction to women at one period of his life, and to men at another; it may be that the choice of a sexual object depends not so much on his gender as on human qualities, or it may be that in one period His life is fascinated by women and men equally.

However, types of sexual orientation this does not stop there. Asexuality is also considered one of the varieties of sexual orientation, when a person basically does not experience sexual desire or experiences it very weak degree.

What causes this and whether this is considered a variant of the norm is a topic for a separate article, but people themselves who identify themselves as asexuals can be fully realized in all other areas of life, and research does not confirm the presence of any mental disorders or pathologies in most of them personality.

Types of sexual orientation may have a more complex structure. For example, I have had clients in my practice who were more focused on attraction not to a person's anatomy, but rather to their psychological gender.

For example, a man was attracted to young people, both anatomical men and anatomical transgender women, who were planning sex reassignment surgery or had partially transitioned.

What was important was not what anatomical features characterized this person, but that psychologically it was a man - this was the most important thing in the emergence and development of desire in my client.

This man considered himself homosexual, and in the event of contact with a woman who identified herself as a man and sought to occupy a proper social role, who looked the part and was preparing for sex reassignment surgery, he believed that anatomy simply “didn’t stop him” from receiving satisfaction from relationships and sexual contact.

I also remember a woman who identified herself as heterosexual, and she had two episodes of relationships with masculine women in which she felt like the same woman being courted by a man. Psychology was also more important to her than anatomical features.

Or, for example, a man who considered himself bisexual, but clearly preferred either straight women or transsexual men who looked like women wearing women's clothing, while not necessarily seeking to change gender.

All this, theoretically, can be attributed to bisexuality, however, types of sexual orientation include the term “pansexuality,” which emphasizes attraction to people with a certain set of qualities, regardless of their anatomy.

Scientists continue to argue about terminology, however, I gave these examples for only one purpose: to show that sexual orientation includes not only an anatomical factor. Just like gender does not consist only of the configuration of the genital organs, but also includes psychology, social role, and identification.

It is also worth mentioning the variant of the sexual norm. In sexological practice the following definition is accepted:

Sexual norm - sexual actions of capable subjects who have reached sexual and social maturity, carried out according to mutual agreement and do not involve harm to health and also do not violate the boundaries of third parties.

Simply put, if these adults are responsible for their actions, are aware of them, do not commit violence, do not resort to sexual acts with a person who is not fully aware of themselves (a child, a mentally ill person), do not involve in the process those who did not give their consent to participation, and do not seriously injure each other - they have the right to everything that they can do within these limits.

But in every society there are additional restrictions, which, as a rule, stem from many factors, mainly value-based, moral and sometimes, as a consequence, legislative, which can limit the right of people to have sex the way they want.

Considering all types of sexual actions from the perspective of “norm/pathology” is not the purpose of this article, but if we return to the topic of sexual orientation, then sexual contact between two adults of the same sex, carried out according to mutual consent and without causing harm to health, is a variant of the sexual norm.

It would be simple and easy if the world was organized unambiguously. White or black, bad or good, up or down, right or left. “Pure” homosexuals and the same “pure” heterosexuals. But in reality, it is not possible to divide the world into such simple and understandable categories.

Zoologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey, studying the sexual behavior of people and animals, came to the conclusion that “pure” unambiguity in this matter is rare. Look at this scale and you will understand everything yourself:

Kinsey confirmed his hypothesis with extensive statistical data, but another one emerged interesting fact. Not only may a person not be a “pure” representative of his orientation, it is not possible to evaluate him on this scale once and for all, because different age periods may be characteristic different manifestations.

For example, in adolescence When sexuality is just awakening, it is quite easy to confuse situational manifestations of homosexuality with true homosexuality. During those periods of life, girls and boys exist in their own, mostly same-sex, companies or pairs of friends.

Friendship at this age can be very important, it is truly intimate during this period, and many of my clients admitted that they felt attracted, for example, to a girlfriend or boyfriend of the same sex.

Sometimes this even led to some kind of situational sexual contacts; curiosity about sexuality was strong, but it was still difficult and scary to decide on contacts with the opposite sex.

But then such impulses faded away, and with further growing up and with the emergence of wider access to the opposite sex, the development of communication and dating skills, and maintaining relationships, those “random adventures” began to be perceived as a game and were even forgotten for a long time.

Often, when working with teenagers, I was faced with the fact that enthusiastic adoration, for example, of an older teacher was mistaken for falling in love and the teenager began to ask himself the question: am I gay?

But, as a rule, for the majority, such loves do not carry any information about what the real sexual orientation of an adult will be in the future.

They serve a completely different purpose: to reveal to the teenager himself the power of his emotions, they allow him to show sexual curiosity, to study himself and his reactions. Mature feelings and real strong attractions come, as a rule, later.

It also happens exactly the opposite. A person who, in adolescence, was “unconscious” relative to his peers of the same sex, has matured, lives an ordinary heterosexual life, and suddenly begins to mature age experience strong same-sex attraction.

How is this possible? As a rule, this is a consequence of harsh upbringing. If a child with early years actively instill horror of homosexuality, emphasize that non-traditional orientation is a shame and a nightmare, then the child will try with all his might to suppress and repress even latent manifestations of his own bisexuality (which - remember! - is inherent in everyone by nature).

As a result, his attraction will begin to form not as his nature requires, but as society requires. Moreover, this happens differently for girls and boys. For some time, boys, under the influence of strong youthful hormones, think that girls completely satisfy their desires.

In fact, the general illegibility of male youthful desires is reflected, especially among those who have a strong sexual constitution. At the moment of peak sexuality, instinct so powerfully demands an outlet that it gives rise to the ability to be satisfied with almost any more or less suitable object.

And taking into account the fact that the girl is awarded the label “the right object” by everyone around her, the universal approval of this step of the young man fuels his ardor. And only when the topic of self-affirmation in society recedes into the background can a person’s true sexual orientation emerge.

In my practice, there have been male clients who, on a wave of self-affirmation, managed to get married and even have children. But later, when other, deeper factors were needed for attraction, the attraction to his wife disappeared completely, and unconventional orientation “suddenly” announced itself with an unexpected, but passionate and irresistible love.

What happened more often with women was somewhat different: many of them started relationships with men, not at all guided by sexual impulses, if only curiosity. For many, something else was important - spiritual friendship, security, support in a woman’s desire to become a mother.

“I thought that sex was not the most important thing,” one of my clients said about that period of life, “we got along great, we had a child. And only later did I realize that I really wanted to have fun in bed, I sincerely wanted sex, but at the same time I realized that I really want this sex not with my husband or even with a man in general ... "

There have also been examples where a person realizes his orientation, develops a completely “ordinary” relationship, but at the same time suddenly experiences an impulse to “try something new” with a partner of the same sex. In general, there are a lot of development options.

I gave all these examples just to show: sexual orientation itself is formed early, but it manifests itself in different ways, at different periods of life, with different intensities, and most importantly, it may not be realized for a certain time, especially if it - homosexual.

Not many people fall on the extreme end of the scale as soon as they become aware of their sexuality at all. And there is nothing wrong with that: human nature is plastic for a reason, it is a certain resource that is given to man by nature.

For what? Well, at least so that in a situation where there are no sexual partners of the opposite sex, you can at least switch to your own partners for a while. Sex is a function that exists not only for procreation, and non-productive (not leading to conception) sex occurs among animals.

Sex helps the species survive in general because, among other things, it serves as a form of consolidation of the union between people, a source of creativity, a way of self-expression, etc. It has many important functions besides procreation.

As one of interesting examples– some fish change sex during life. This is how nature controls the balance of females and males in the population. And with regard to people, some scientists are inclined to assume that non-traditional orientation is a way of regulating population numbers.

At least before the advent of assisted reproductive technologies, these people were those who, in essence, refused to actively reproduce, while maintaining the ability to conceive, and could still take part in the reproductive process if necessary.

And in the next part of the article we will talk about is it possible to change sexual orientation, what things can interfere with this and why it might be needed in general.

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Non-traditional orientation is a fact of human life that has existed at all times along with traditional orientation, which is quite clearly proven by historical documents from different places and eras.

Attraction to people of the opposite sex existed among people as if “by default”; it was obvious that this was the dominant type of sexual attraction. However, it turned out that not everyone is capable of experiencing attraction only to the opposite sex.

In different periods of history and in different cultures, different attitudes towards those whose sexual orientation was non-traditional were formed - from open persecution to the acceptance of this kind of contact as ritual practices, from disgust to the affirmation of equality before the law.

On the one hand, these people really found themselves and find themselves in the minority, while the majority continues to experience attraction to members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, this minority is quite stable. According to various estimates, it amounts to 3-7% of the total number of people.

Naturally, statistics are difficult to collect from past historical eras, but researchers tend to believe that this percentage remains almost constant at all times.

Sexual orientation in nature was not completely unambiguous: among animals, non-traditional sexual behavior occurs in many species, from worms to mammals, and in approximately the same percentage as in humans. And therefore, it is difficult to say that non-traditional orientation is something “unnatural”.

Sexual orientation: hypotheses about its origin

Why do some people have non-traditional sexual orientation?

The modern scientific community has not developed a single hypothesis about how sexual orientation is formed. They looked everywhere - in genes, studied various parts of the brain, hormonal factors, and, of course, the cultural, social context, early childhood experience and upbringing in general.

You can read about all this in any modern encyclopedia. But there is something on which most scientists clearly agree:

Sexual orientation and sexuality in general are something that is formed at least from early childhood, and the deep foundations of human sexuality are laid in the intrauterine environment.

If we look at the development of the fetus, it turns out that any person in the womb goes through the stage of hermaphroditism: the embryo has the rudiments of both male and female genital organs.

Under the influence of various biochemical factors, including hormones, the embryo eventually acquires the characteristics of one sex or the other. However, this does not happen to everyone - there are also those who, even at birth, do not have a completely definable anatomical sex. The existence of hermaphrodites has been known at all times - just look at some ancient Greek statues.

This phenomenon of intrauterine development allowed some researchers, in particular Freud, Kinsey, Weiniger, to conclude that a person is basically bisexual, even if his anatomical sex is formed without deviations at the time of birth.

However, later, with the development of sexual consciousness, one of the vectors - attraction to the opposite sex or to one’s own, a specific sexual orientation - begins to dominate, and bisexuality becomes latent, i.e. hidden, unconscious, remains in potential.

The formation of the fetus and the set of internal inclinations with which it will come into this world, not yet recognized by the person himself, are influenced by too many things: the biochemistry of the mother’s body, hereditary (genetic) factors, even the emotional background of the environment in which the pregnancy takes place can influence on the formation of the child’s future sexuality.

But we are not yet able to accurately trace the entire chain of formation of such a complex set of reactions as sexual orientation: after all, an infant cannot talk about how he is aware of himself, his gender, and his awakening desires. And he still realizes very little.

And much before gender and sexual orientation are generally recognized, the child begins to be influenced by social factors: the expectations of parents, norms of sexual behavior accepted in a given culture, ideas about the acceptability of manifestations of sexuality in a particular family.

By the time a person completes the period of sexual development and becomes, moreover, a full-fledged member of society, he, in fact, has already been formed and his sexual orientation too.

But it's not that simple. Only if sexual orientation is traditional, it does not raise questions. The teenager is supported in his awakening desires or, at a minimum, they do not attach importance to this.

But in the case when a non-traditional orientation manifests itself in one way or another, or a teenager cannot decide to whom he feels more attracted, development occurs with a large component of neurotic factors - emerging questions to oneself, fears, anxiety, self-rejection, or vice versa - open protest .

This is due to the fact that in societies of different cultures, non-traditional orientation is something negative, unacceptable, and pathological. And the child learns about this quite early, as a rule.

Despite the long history of attempts by scientists to prove that non-traditional orientation is a variant of the sexual norm, the philistine consciousness is afraid of such manifestations.

It would take a long time to delve into explanations of why non-traditional orientation was rejected by representatives of different cultures at different times.

I will only say that something different from the majority in one way or another frightens many, creates a feeling of insecurity, and then people think little about whether there are grounds for fear - for many it is easier to prohibit than to understand, and this is already a matter of limited intellectual resources.

In our modern society, most parents think that if a child lives his life according to patterns that are understandable and familiar to parents, he will live it more safely.

And by the time such a teenager comes of age, he can no longer fully distinguish what is truly true in his awakening sexuality, what is the fruit of his own faith in “what is right,” formed under the great influence of the opinions of parents and society, and what - protest behavior or defense mechanism.

By the time a person begins to understand this topic within himself, he is already fully formed, and his true core of desire has formed within him, but much of himself has been repressed into the unconscious, and therefore the search for what his true sexual orientation is can continue already in adulthood.

But let's talk about what generally happens to a person in this sense.

Types of sexual orientation

What types of sexual orientation do people have?

The main types of sexual orientation are heterosexual (attraction to people of the opposite sex), homosexual (attraction to people of the same sex) and bisexual (attraction to both sexes, but not necessarily to the same extent and at the same period of life).

In other words, a bisexual may experience attraction to women at one period of his life, and to men at another; it may be that the choice of a sexual object depends not so much on his gender as on human qualities, or it may be that in one period His life is fascinated by women and men equally.

However, the types of sexual orientation are not limited to this.

Asexuality is also considered one of the varieties of sexual orientation, when a person, in principle, does not experience sexual desire or experiences it to a very weak degree.

What causes this and whether this is considered a variant of the norm is a topic for a separate article, however, people themselves who identify themselves as asexuals can be fully realized in all other areas of life; research does not confirm the presence of any mental disorders or personality pathologies in most of them .

Types of sexual orientation may have a more complex structure. For example, I have had clients in my practice who were more focused on attraction not to a person's anatomy, but rather to their psychological gender.

For example, a man was attracted to young people, both anatomical men and anatomical transgender women, who were planning sex reassignment surgery or had partially transitioned.

What was important was not what anatomical features characterized this person, but that psychologically it was a man - this was the most important thing in the emergence and development of desire in my client.

This man considered himself homosexual, and in the case of contact with a woman who identified herself as a man and sought to take an appropriate social role, looked the part and was preparing for sex reassignment surgery, he believed that anatomy simply “did not prevent him” from receiving satisfaction from the relationship and sexual contact.

I also remember a woman who identified herself as heterosexual, and she had two episodes of relationships with masculine women in which she felt like the same woman being courted by a man. Psychology was also more important to her than anatomical features.

Or, for example, a man who considered himself bisexual, but clearly preferred either straight women or transsexual men who looked like women, wore women's clothes, and were not necessarily seeking to change their gender.

All this, theoretically, can be attributed to bisexuality, however, types of sexual orientation include the term "pansexuality", which emphasizes attraction to people with a certain set of qualities, regardless of their anatomy.

Scientists continue to argue about terminology, however, I gave these examples for only one purpose: to show that sexual orientation includes not only an anatomical factor. Just like gender does not consist only of the configuration of the genital organs, but also includes psychology, social role, and identification.

It is also worth mentioning the variant of the sexual norm. In sexological practice the following definition is accepted:

Sexual norm - sexual actions of capable subjects who have reached sexual and social maturity, carried out by mutual consent and not involving harm to health, and also not violating the boundaries of third parties.

Simply put, if these adults are responsible for their actions, are aware of them, do not commit violence, do not resort to sexual acts with a person who is not fully aware of themselves (a child, a mentally ill person), do not involve in the process those who did not give their consent to participation, and do not seriously injure each other - they have the right to everything that they can accomplish within these limits.

But in every society there are additional restrictions, which, as a rule, stem from many factors, mainly value-based, moral and sometimes, as a consequence, legislative, which can limit the right of people to have sex the way they want.

Considering all types of sexual actions from the perspective of “norm/pathology” is not the purpose of this article, but if we return to the topic of sexual orientation, then sexual contact between two adults of the same sex, carried out by mutual consent and without causing harm to health, is a variant of the sexual norm.

Gay or traditional? Developmental Facets and the Kinsey Scale

It would be simple and easy if the world was organized unambiguously. White or black, bad or good, up or down, right or left. “Pure” homosexuals and the same “pure” heterosexuals. But in reality, it is not possible to divide the world into such simple and understandable categories.

Zoologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey, studying the sexual behavior of people and animals, came to the conclusion that “pure” unambiguity in this matter is rare. Look at this scale and you will understand everything yourself:

Kinsey confirmed his hypothesis with extensive statistical data, but another interesting fact emerged. Not only may a person not be a “pure” representative of his orientation, it is not possible to evaluate him on this scale once and for all, because different age periods may have different manifestations.

For example, in adolescence, when sexuality is just awakening, it is quite easy to confuse situational manifestations of homosexuality with true homosexuality. During those periods of life, girls and boys exist in their own, mostly same-sex, companies or pairs of friends.

Friendships at this age can be very important, they are truly intimate during this period, and many of my clients have admitted to feeling attracted to, for example, a girlfriend or boyfriend of the same sex.

Sometimes this even led to some kind of situational sexual contacts; curiosity about sexuality was strong, but it was still difficult and scary to decide on contacts with the opposite sex.

But then such impulses faded away, and with further growing up and with the emergence of wider access to the opposite sex, the development of communication and dating skills, and maintaining relationships, those “random adventures” began to be perceived as a game and were even forgotten for a long time.

Often, when working with teenagers, I was faced with the fact that enthusiastic adoration, for example, of an older teacher was mistaken for falling in love and the teenager began to ask himself the question: am I gay?

But, as a rule, for the majority, such loves do not carry any information about what the real sexual orientation of an adult will be in the future.

They serve a completely different purpose: to reveal to the teenager himself the power of his emotions, they allow him to show sexual curiosity, to study himself and his reactions. Mature feelings and real strong attractions come, as a rule, later.

It also happens exactly the opposite. A person who, in adolescence, was “unconscious” in relation to peers of the same sex, has matured, lives an ordinary heterosexual life, and suddenly, already in adulthood, begins to experience a strong attraction to the same sex.

How is this possible? As a rule, this is a consequence of harsh upbringing. If a child is actively instilled with horror of homosexuality from an early age, emphasizing that gayness is a shame and a nightmare, then the child will try with all his might to suppress and repress even latent manifestations of his own bisexuality (which - remember! - is inherent in everyone by nature).

As a result, his attraction will begin to form not as his nature requires, but as society requires. Moreover, this happens differently for girls and boys. For some time, boys, under the influence of strong youthful hormones, think that girls completely satisfy their desires.

In fact, it is the general indiscriminateness of male youthful desires that affects us, especially among those who have a strong sexual constitution.

At the moment of peak sexuality, instinct so powerfully demands an outlet that it gives rise to the ability to be satisfied with almost any more or less suitable object.

And taking into account the fact that the girl is awarded the label “the right object” by everyone around her, the universal approval of this step of the young man fuels his ardor. And only when the topic of self-affirmation in society recedes into the background can a person’s true sexual orientation emerge.

In my practice, there have been male clients who, on a wave of self-affirmation, managed to get married and even have children. But later, when other, deeper factors were needed for attraction, the attraction to his wife disappeared completely, and unconventional orientation “suddenly” announced itself with an unexpected, but passionate and irresistible love.

What happened more often with women was somewhat different: many of them started relationships with men, not at all guided by sexual impulses, if only curiosity. For many, something else was important - spiritual friendship, security, support in a woman’s desire to become a mother.

“I thought that sex was not the most important thing,” one of my clients said about that period of life, “we got along great, we had a child. And only later did I realize that I really wanted to have fun in bed, I sincerely wanted sex, but at the same time I realized that I really wanted this sex not with my husband or even with a man in general...”

There have also been examples where a person realizes his orientation, develops a completely “ordinary” relationship, but at the same time suddenly experiences an impulse to “try something new” with a partner of the same sex. In general, there are a lot of development options.

I gave all these examples just to show: sexual orientation itself is formed early, but it manifests itself in different ways, at different periods of life, with different intensities, and most importantly, it may not be realized for a certain time, especially if it - homosexual.

Not many people fall on the extreme end of the scale as soon as they become aware of their sexuality at all. And there is nothing wrong with that: human nature is plastic for a reason, it is a certain resource that is given to man by nature.

For what? Well, at least so that in a situation where there are no sexual partners of the opposite sex, you can at least switch to your own partners for a while. Sex is a function that exists not only for procreation, and non-productive (not leading to conception) sex occurs among animals.

Sex helps the species survive in general because, among other things, it serves as a form of consolidation of the union between people, a source of creativity, a way of self-expression, etc. It has many important functions besides procreation.

As one interesting example, some fish change sex during life. This is how nature controls the balance of females and males in the population. And with regard to people, some scientists are inclined to assume that non-traditional orientation is a way of regulating population numbers.

At least before the advent of assisted reproductive technologies, these people were those who, in essence, refused to actively reproduce, while maintaining the ability to conceive, and could still take part in the reproductive process if necessary.

And in the next part of the article we will talk about whether it is possible to change sexual orientation, what things can interfere with this, and why this may be needed in general.

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This time, as part of our special topic Queer: love without borders, we’ll talk about how to identify a girl with a non-traditional sexual orientation in your environment.

So, there are three main directions in the self-identification of such ladies.

A kind of slang stereotype of the LGBT community, usually denoting a masculine young lady with the same manners, short hair and baggy clothes. Typically, such women do not hide their orientation and can quite easily openly flirt with the objects of their affection.

Accordingly, the question of recognizing orientation in in this case removed because everything is too visible.


Here everything is a little more complicated. Externally, most of the dykes are well-groomed girls, with a stylish short haircut and a formal suit that does not imply any women's details and elaborate makeup. However, dykes always take care of themselves and their style, and when working, they can even walk in stable heels and in formal skirts, but outside of work they choose exclusively trousers and jackets or jeans jackets, which are often worn on T-shirts instead of shirts.

At the same time, such girls in any case do not look feminine, but rather, with a strict style, they specifically emphasize their isolation from natural female beauty.

And now we come to the most difficult part. Fem or - feminine lesbians. Outwardly, femmes are almost impossible to distinguish from heterosexual women; they can even often be courted by men. However, femme girls do not need male attention at all; they strive to fall into the tender arms of women and stay in them forever. In relationships, they can often be driven, accepting the advances of the other half. The only thing that can give away their orientation in femme girls is deliberate flirting with the object of sympathy.

So, take a closer look to see if a new acquaintance compliments you too often or invites you to take a walk or listen romantic music or watch a film with no men in its cast. By the way, the topic of men is usually ignored by femme girls, so don’t be surprised if you spend two hours telling her about your relationship with your ex, and she not only won’t support you, but will change the topic to something more sensual, because that’s what she likes It’s just not interesting, because there is no place for men in her life at all.

However, a bisexual woman who does not exclude relationships with members of the opposite sex can behave in a similar way. Just on this moment She's interested in you.

However, femme girls can also attract attention with the generally accepted symbols of the LGBT community.

International signs gay among women

1. Rainbow symbolism. It’s simple, the LGBT community has a rainbow flag, which means that similar colors of clothes, shoes or accessories are perceived by people with gay identities as a sign of distinguishing them from the crowd.

2. Ring on thumb. The sign, of course, is ambiguous, because in modern times anyone can wear rings on thumbs, as part of the style. However, if the ring is completely simple, not decorated, and in addition to it there is rainbow symbolism on clothing or a characteristic short haircut, then the chances are very high that the girl is gay.

3. The symbolism of two female signs of Venus, united into one. “Mirror of Venus” is an international sign for the female gender. Accordingly, if a girl combines, say, two similar icons in accessories, then this can become a symbol of her belonging to a non-traditional orientation.

4. Black triangle. Not very often, but still used as an identifying mark of a lesbian. In the 1980s, homosexual women in Germany and the United States made it their symbol, since at that time, in principle, there was no official sign of women’s belonging to the LGBT movement.

Now you have a lot of debates in the world about people of non-traditional sexual orientation and transsexuals. I want to dispel your myths and guesses and show everything as it really is. So for what reason do certain people take this path?

You know that as souls you can incarnate not only in the body of one gender, but also in another. The soul also has a gender. She even has genitals, since she is the totality of all your subtle bodies. And each of these bodies has all seven chakras, including the second, which is manifested on the physical level in the organ intended for the continuation of the human race. Souls generally choose to incarnate in bodies corresponding to their gender: male soul- V male body, the female soul - into the feminine. It is not that you are born alternately as a man and as a woman. You can only sometimes try yourself in the role of the opposite sex. However, this is rather an exception to the rule.

And yet there are souls who are interested in experience in two forms: both male and female. And they, more often than others, are embodied in either a female or a male body. Such souls are a minority, but they exist. And often such souls, intuitively remembering their experience as the opposite sex, begin to be drawn to their own sex.

A considerable number of homosexuals are female souls who have a female psyche and corresponding subtle organs. That is, they have a lot of feminine energy in their subtle bodies. These are, one might say, women in men's bodies. And these inner women, despite the gender of their body, they begin to be attracted to their own gender and become homosexuals. Initially such women's souls wanted to go through a full experience in a male body in order to develop their energies masculinity and balance yin and yang within oneself, thereby evolving. They didn't plan to become homosexuals. But they have freedom of choice in the moment now, and by inertia they began to play a role that does not correspond to the gender of their body.

There are souls who reluctantly agreed to incarnate in the body of the opposite sex. The Higher Powers insisted that they needed to gain experience of male or feminine to balance yourself. So they strongly inspire if they see that their ward soul is stuck in degradation and inferiority, when it has too much masculine energies and is an extremely rude and primitive person or has an excessive amount of feminine energies and is spineless, weak, unable to make independent decisions and show willpower. All this extremely interferes with the evolution of this or that soul. And if the soul listens to advice Higher Powers and agrees to incarnate in the body of the opposite sex, then such an incarnation occurs. Only a certain part of souls, the smallest of them, having incarnated in the body of the opposite sex, takes the path of non-traditional sexual orientation. Most of them live their experience as an ordinary heterosexual person.

If you talk to many transsexuals, they will tell you that they don't feel like a woman when they have female body, or a man, having masculine. And this is theirs inner knowledge about the belonging of your soul to a certain gender, which does not always correspond to the gender of the body. Many gays and lesbians will tell you the same thing.

But still a considerable part of souls become non-traditional in sexual orientation due to their spiritual degradation. You may have observed that many people of low morality are homosexuals or lesbians or transgenders. The energy of darkness in the soul blurs all boundaries and frames, turning everything into chaos. Darkness blurs the boundaries between the sexes, and harmonious relationships with one's own and the opposite sex are disrupted. Everything gets mixed up. And so they become homosexuals and lesbians because of their inner darkness.

Demons, dark forces - they are all bisexuals, transsexuals, homosexuals and lesbians. They have no boundaries. Chaos reigns inside and around them. The masculine and feminine are not balanced among them, and this causes sexual attraction for the souls of both sexes. Where there is no balance, there are excessive potentials that interfere with harmony.

All people who consciously follow the path of darkness do not consider it shameful to copulate with a person of the same sex. They have no moral principles, no boundaries. Everything is allowed to them, and at the same time they are slaves to everything. Keep in mind that a considerable part of people who have chosen the path of non-traditional sexual orientation are under the power of maya-illusion, darkness, which blurs all the boundaries of harmonious interaction. Chaos is the property of darkness, the uncontrolled mixing of everything with everything. And that is why orgies and collective copulations are so characteristic of dark consciousnesses. This is the mixing of everyone with everyone.

Let's sum it up, dear ones. How should people behave if the gender of their soul does not match the gender of their body? I am turning to you, dear ones. After all, among those who have awakened, there are also souls who have a discrepancy between the gender of soul and body. If you were given the body you have now, then it was meant to be that way. You have decided to receive and strengthen the qualities of the corresponding polarity in yourself. If you have a male body, develop in yourself masculine qualities. If feminine, then feminine qualities. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this.

In fact, regardless of the gender of your body, you must develop both masculine and feminine qualities in yourself at the same time, fully evolving in your consciousness. But the gender of the body and its corresponding roles in society contribute to the development of the qualities of one or another gender. And you need to use this, and not go on the path of transgenderism, homosexuality or lesbianism. You need to live the experience as planned by your soul.

Not a single soul in the world, except for those who consciously chose darkness, has ever wanted to become a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. This is not written in the chronicles of fate. And embarking on such a path is always a departure from the plan for the soul. And souls of a dark orientation are supervised by dark forces, and they can plan such a scenario. But there are a minority of such souls among people of non-traditional sexual orientation, while the majority are souls who have chosen to experience in the body of the opposite sex.

Dear ones, there are civilizations in the universe similar to yours that also live in third density. Things are exactly the same there, and there are people of non-traditional sexual orientation there too. If n If there were darkness in your dimension, then there would not be such a global sexual distortion that I have already described to you. Darkness is the basis for the perversion of harmonious relationships between people of the same sex.

You still have a sore subject related to the legalization of same-sex marriage. From the point of view of the Higher Consciousness there should be no doubt that this is wrong. A pure soul, not darkened by illusions and imbued with goodness and happiness, would never accept such a bill. She simply feels what is harmonious and leads to true bliss, and what is not.

Same-sex relationships are a departure from the plane of the soul; this is a certain abnormality from the point of view of evolutionary and energetic processes. God did not design human bodies to allow intercourse between people of the same sex. After all, it carries the main mission - the birth of children. But if people of the same sex cannot reproduce offspring in any way, then this a clear sign that something is wrong here. The nature of your bodies signals what is right and what is wrong. And non-traditional sexual orientation is a violation of the natural laws of nature and the harmonious interaction of masculine and feminine principles.

Departure from the truth, from the light, is a disease. If you live in darkness, then you have walked away from the light. And this inner darkness literally leads to physical illness. The nature of your body is light. And departure from its original functions is darkness and disease. And therefore same-sex intercourse is a disease on a par with alcoholism and drug addiction. This is unpleasant to accept for those who have chosen this path. But don’t be scared or offended, dear ones. After all, you people, in many areas of your life, follow the path of darkness. And it is not surprising that sexually you also follow the path of illness. The main thing is to recognize that this is a disease. And then the truth will awaken in you, and it will lead you away from this path, so that you take the path of internal self-purification and harmonious development their men's and feminine qualities simultaneously.

Of course, it cannot be legally supported same-sex marriage. After all, this will allow same-sex couples to raise orphans or “order” them from surrogate mothers. This will have a detrimental effect on the consciousness of such children. The energies of the inharmonious interaction of same-sex pseudo-parents will flow into them. And this can lead to them taking the same inharmonious path. And this is unacceptable in society. Don't fall into darkness. It is impossible to tolerate dark plans and dark foundations. The bright traveler of God can always say “No!” to what is trying to enslave the bright human spirit. You need to be able to defend the light. Harmony is above all!

But how should you feel, dear ones, towards people of non-traditional sexual orientation? Certainly not with anger, my bright ones. Anger breeds darkness in the world, which means it will only increase the manifestation of same-sex relationships in the world. Everything is interconnected: the world and you. Do you need to accept such people for who they are? Of course it is necessary. But don't encourage it. After all, when a person suffers from a serious illness, don’t you think that it is good for him, since he manifests himself this way? You accept that the person is sick, but you believe in his recovery. Also believe in the recovery of people who choose this path. Don't be angry, don't judge. Don't create evil in this world. Don't be a source of injustice.

It is better to treat such people calmly and neutrally. And don’t look at them purely through the prism of their sexual preferences. Evaluate them as just a person, for certain qualities of the soul. Remove the template. You are all people. Remember this. And if this person is sick sexually, then you are sick in another way. Each of you has a bias. And therefore, do not look for reasons to condemn, but also do not encourage the crooked edges of consciousness, both yours and other people.

No aggression. Only a calm attitude, understanding and acceptance without encouragement.

Your Goddess Venus