Pregnancy and ophthalmic complications. Myopia of a low degree during pregnancy: the causes of the disease, the course of the disease, the recommendations of the oculist, the features and nuances of childbirth

Women with a high degree of myopia (such 5-7%), as a rule, become victims of prejudices and rumors regarding pregnancy and childbirth. However, the risk of myopia during pregnancy, or the progression of an existing one, does exist.

Nearsightedness or, scientifically, myopia is one of the most common eye diseases. About 1/3 of the world's population are its victims, and, apparently, it is not going to give up. Let us examine in more detail the essence of myopia. The physiological essence of myopia is the changes that have occurred with the shape of the eyeball and increased refraction of light rays by the eye lens and cornea.

Due to such visual specificity, the focusing of images does not occur on the retina, as it should be in the norm, but in front of it. It turns out that the eye seems to be "adjusted" for viewing images close - the lens remains convex. To adjust the eye for the ability to see objects in the distance, the lens must acquire a flat shape. This function does not work well for those suffering from myopia, they need to squint their eyes to see objects that are further than 5 meters.


Myopia can be diagnosed in people of all ages, but it usually occurs more often between the ages of 7 and 12. Approximately after 25 and up to 35 years, the condition becomes stable, myopia stops progressing. For what reasons it occurs, it is not fully understood scientifically.

It has long been established that myopia appears in persons whose main work is associated with eye strain, for example, those who write or read a lot. Causes that adversely affect visual capabilities:

  • insufficient amount of light;
  • prolonged focusing of the gaze on closely spaced images;
  • eye strain;
  • uncomfortable working postures.

Scientists have found that such unnatural visual tension provokes atrophy of the accommodation muscles (ciliary or ciliary), which is the cause of the disease.

Often myopia is inherited, which is most likely due to inherited characteristics of the eyeball:

  • form;
  • susceptibility to pathology.

If the diagnosis of myopia is in both parents, then with a 50% probability, myopia will also occur in children under 18 years of age. At the same time, if mom and dad have good eyesight, then the likelihood of developing myopia in their children is low - up to 10%. Individuals who are genetically predisposed, with a negligent attitude to eye health, will face the rapid development of the disease.

Myopia-related risks for pregnant women

Pregnancy, which passes without any complications, does not affect the refractive power of vision (refraction). However, it should be borne in mind that there are pathologies of pregnancy that can affect the degree of myopia. These states include:

  • toxicosis in the early stages (nausea, vomiting), in which vision may temporarily decrease by 1-2 diopters;
  • preeclampsia (swelling, high blood pressure, eclampsia, protein detection in urine tests) - is fraught with pathological changes in the blood vessels of the retina, like dystrophy (angiopathy). With this complication of pregnancy in women prone to myopia, the observation of the dynamics of the development of myopia by an ophthalmologist is shown.

Pregnant women suffering from myopia should visit an ophthalmologist from 2 times during pregnancy: in the first stages and at the final stage of pregnancy. The doctor prepares an ophthalmological report on whether there has been retinal dystrophy or another complication of myopia. He concludes whether there is a need for coagulation of the retina with a laser.

Causes of visual impairment during pregnancy

The heart and blood vessels of a pregnant woman experience a double load. For this reason, intraocular pressure may increase. This process is physiologically reversible, associated with an increase in the intensity of metabolism, and an increase in the volume of circulating blood, an increase in venous pressure and pulse. The reason for such changes in the formation of fetal blood flow.

The mechanism of development of peripheral retinal dystrophy, in which retinal detachment and ruptures are possible, has not been fully studied to date.

Pregnant women with a diagnosis of "myopia" are subject to a decrease in eye hemodynamics and pressure inside the eye. The ciliary body receives less nutrition, which disrupts the regulation of the hydrodynamics of the eye. Significant changes in the hemodynamics of the organ of vision occur both in the normal course of pregnancy and in its complications. The reason for this is the new distribution of the central and cerebral circulation, due to spasm of arterioles.

Changes are divided into:

  • functional - without retinal pathologies. These include retinal vascular changes;
  • organic - with ophthalmic changes in the fundus. These are retinal edema and detachment, retinal hemorrhage, retinal artery occlusion.


There are the following stages of myopia:

  • weak - no more than 3 diopters.
  • average - 3-6 diopters.
  • high - over 6 diopters.

If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies and difficulties, then the refraction remains unchanged. Myopia progresses, as a rule, against the background of severe late gestosis, less often - with toxicosis of the beginning of pregnancy. After the 5th month of pregnancy, the accommodative function may decrease by 1 diopter or more. This is due to the increased permeability of the lens due to increased production of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

The most dangerous forms of consequences in such pregnant women:

Retinal detachment threatens with the following severe complications:

  • irreversible retinal degeneration in the form of lattice dystrophy;
  • retinal break;
  • splitting of the neurosensory layers of the retina (retinoschisis).

Degrees of myopia from an obstetric point of view:

  • weak and moderate (does not affect the process of pregnancy);
  • high degree, not complicated (constant ophthalmological observation, natural childbirth is possible);
  • high degree, complicated by initial retinal dystrophy (ophthalmological control, the possibility of childbirth naturally);
  • a high degree, complicated by severe retinal dystrophy (a consultation of an ophthalmologist and an obstetrician, jointly decide on a caesarean section, based on aspects of the course of pregnancy).


Complaints of pregnant women suffering from myopia are as follows:

  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of flashes, flies, dots, sparks before the eyes (photopsy).

These conditions may be caused by:

  • posterior vitreous detachment;
  • partial hemorrhage into the vitreous body or into the space around it (hemophthalmos);
  • severe vitreoretinal traction syndrome (retinal detachment).

The signs preceding retinal detachment, which are relevant for obstetrics and gynecology, as they require immediate measures to prevent the process, include conditions when:

  • vision is blurred at separate time intervals;
  • there are light flashes, flashes, sparks;
  • curvature, distortion, curvature of objects when trying to examine them.

Establishing diagnosis

If the above symptoms occur, the pregnant woman is shown an urgent appeal to an ophthalmologist in order to make a diagnosis.

The appointment with the doctor should begin with the clarification of the patient's history. In the information provided by the patient, the ophthalmologist will pay special attention to the following facts:

  • previous retinal detachment;
  • surgery for high myopia;
  • the presence of hemorrhages.

Recommended laboratory research methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood clotting test (coagulogram).

Diagnosis also requires instrumental research methods:

  • examination of the fundus: retina, blood vessels, optic disc (ophthalmoscopy);
  • determination of visual acuity (visometry);
  • diagnostics of eye structures (biomicroscopy);
  • measurement of intraocular pressure (tonometry);
  • study of the blood flow of the eye (rheophthalmography).

The ophthalmologist must exclude the following pathologies of the visual organ by differential diagnosis:

  • glaucoma;
  • eye complications (retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhage, optic nerve edema).

Treatment and correction

Treatment and correction of myopia is carried out in order to control metabolic processes and microcirculation in the retina.

To select a method of preventive treatment, the following rules must be applied:

  • block all retinal breaks (without a tendency to self-limit);
  • block areas of lattice dystrophies in combination with retinal detachment.

The most effective and not very traumatic method for the prevention of detachment is laser coagulation. Timely laser coagulation minimizes the possibility of retinal detachment. In this case, natural childbirth is possible if after laser coagulation there were no negative changes in the fundus.

It is advisable to choose argon laser coagulation, which ensures the stabilization of pathological processes for a long time.

A few months after the operation (scleroplasty, laser coagulation), they begin to treat with medications:

  • nicergoline;
  • pentoxifylline;
  • riboflavin;
  • taurine;
  • trimetazidine.

Possible Complications

Mandatory ophthalmological examination of all pregnant women is carried out from the 10th to the 14th week of pregnancy. Ophthalmoscopy with maximum pupillary dilation is an indispensable condition for such an examination.

If abnormalities are found in the fundus, laser coagulation is prescribed in case of ruptures, or surgery if there is detachment. Medium and high degrees of myopia of pregnant women are an indication for examination every trimester. The final ophthalmic examination should be carried out at 36-37 weeks. This examination is decisive in choosing the method of childbirth, according to medical opinions.

Severe anemia, preeclampsia - provoke violations of both the central circulation and blood circulation in the eyeball, which is fraught with increased risks of exacerbating myopia.

The following complications are indications for hospitalization:

  • preeclampsia,
  • hemorrhage,
  • retinal disinsertion,
  • swelling of the optic nerve.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the stability of the state of the fundus, the absence of deterioration during pregnancy.

If the symptomatic treatment of preeclampsia in the first trimester is not effective, and the pathology of the fundus worsens, in this case, the only way out is to terminate the pregnancy.

Early toxicosis and frequent vomiting are treated in an obstetric hospital in order to prevent hemorrhages in the retina and conjunctiva.

The impact of maternal myopia on the health of the unborn child

Prevention of eye pathologies begins:

  • with the clarification of the hereditary factor;
  • conditions of intrauterine formation of the fetus;
  • course of pregnancy, childbirth.

Many eye pathologies and vision defects can have a genetic predisposition. Myopia is no exception.

For successful prevention of hereditary eye pathologies, it is necessary to determine it in time in future parents, as well as in their families. And take further actions aimed at minimizing the risks to the health of the unborn child.

It is important for a pregnant woman:

  • monitor the general state of health;
  • take walks in the fresh air;
  • take special vitamins.

Pregnant women who do not have vision problems are also required to consult an ophthalmologist in the first stages of pregnancy, as well as before childbirth. Often such examinations are crucial for the course of pregnancy and childbirth. They can also affect the health of the baby.

Women should know that the laying of the baby's vision occurs from the 2nd month of pregnancy. The most important stage of prevention is the creation of optimal conditions for the correct construction of the eye structure of the embryo. This implies the maximum exclusion of the influence of harmful factors, in particular during the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. Since a miscarriage or severe malformations can provoke a number of negative points:

  • disease;
  • taking certain medications;
  • trauma;
  • bad habits;
  • overheating.

During further pregnancy up to 4-5 months, the laying and development of vital organs, including the eyes, occurs. Any harmful factors can affect negative changes in the formation of visual structures.

In the life of any woman, pregnancy is the most important and responsible period. But for the body, such a state is in a sense stressful. And it's no secret that during pregnancy, various diseases often worsen, sometimes even those that a woman did not even suspect. One of these diseases may be such, at first glance, a non-serious disease, like myopia (or, simply speaking, myopia). But during pregnancy, it is myopia that can be a contraindication to natural childbirth!

Myopia is very common in pregnant women.

Ophthalmologists distinguish three degrees of the disease:

  1. mild myopia (up to 3 diopters);
  2. moderate myopia (from 3 to 6 diopters);
  3. high degree of myopia (over 6 diopters).

As practice shows, even mild myopia during pregnancy can be a good reason to refuse natural childbirth.

With this disease, there is a risk that the retina will detach during childbirth, which can lead not only to visual impairment, but also to blindness. As a rule, with weak myopia, there are no threats to pregnancy. But, since diseases can often progress during pregnancy, you must definitely pay attention to your vision and visit an ophthalmologist, even if you suffer from a mild degree of myopia.

Especially in the third trimester there is a risk of complications of the organs of vision. For example, early or late toxicosis during pregnancy can significantly contribute to the deterioration of vision (from 2 to 5 diopters). It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist at the very beginning of pregnancy, as well as in the last trimester.

A timely appeal to a specialist will allow you to identify the changes that have begun in the retina at an early stage and take measures to prevent the onset of the disease. You will be able to give birth to a baby with a weak, moderate and even high degree of myopia on your own if you are regularly observed by an ophthalmologist and your gynecologist.

The onset of the disease

Sometimes a pregnant woman learns about visual impairment only at preventive examinations. She is often diagnosed with mild myopia.

Beginning myopia, in turn, can give complications and develop into an average or high degree. That is why it is very important to see a doctor at an early stage of pregnancy.

The main symptom that should alert a pregnant woman is blurred vision when trying to see objects in the distance.

There are a number of signs by which it is possible to indirectly diagnose the onset of mild myopia:

  1. the appearance of discomfort when working at a computer, at your usual distance from the monitor;
  2. blurring of car numbers, price tags in supermarkets, faces;
  3. squinting of the eyes when trying to consider an object that is far away (or when considering small details);
  4. general eye fatigue and headache.

Of course, to determine the exact diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of ophthalmological diagnostics: examination of the eye structure, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound, various ophthalmological tests, etc.

Elongation of the size of the eyeball is the most common cause of myopia. With this form of the eyeball, the image, unlike the norm, appears in front of the retina, and not on it.

Precisely because the focus point is located in front of the retina, a person cannot see objects located at a certain distance from him. As a result, the picture is blurry.

Among other reasons for the formation of mild myopia in pregnant women, doctors distinguish the following factors:

  • hereditary predisposition. Parents suffering from myopia have a 70% chance of having a child with such a diagnosis, if one of the parents is sick - 30%. In the latter case, the child is predisposed to myopia, but is born healthy;

  • deficiency of various vitamins and minerals in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • prolonged stress on the eyes;
  • transferred various diseases of an infectious nature, disorders in the system of cerebral and intracranial circulation, hormonal changes.

Methods for the treatment and prevention of the disease

As mentioned above, mild myopia is one of the most common diseases of the visual system of a pregnant woman. But modern medicine is quite capable of coping with the onset of the disease and preventing complications.

First of all, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. First, the doctor should conduct a routine examination. A special liquid is instilled into the eye, which allows the pupil to expand. This allows the doctor to examine the most distant surfaces of the retina, on which pathological changes often begin in a pregnant woman. You can ask your ophthalmologist yourself about the need to examine it with the help of drops that allow you to expand the pupil. After the doctor has made a diagnosis, he collects information about your lifestyle, about existing diseases.

To create a treatment program that is right for you and takes into account all the risks, the doctor needs to get all the necessary information about you.

Consider commonly used methods for the treatment of mild myopia in pregnant women:

  • vision correction with glasses. With myopia, glasses should be used only when necessary. If you wear glasses constantly, myopia will continue to progress, as the glasses relax the eyes and the peripheral muscles responsible for moving the eyes to the sides weaken;
  • contact lenses. This is a good alternative to glasses. Since the lens moves with the pupil, the risk of degradation of the peripheral muscles of the eye is reduced and the correction of the pregnant woman's vision proceeds more efficiently. Thus, the muscles of the eye are in good shape. Another plus of contact lenses: they do not distort the size of objects, which often happens when wearing glasses;
  • laser treatment. On examination, an ophthalmologist can identify dangerous foci on the retina in the form of small holes. In this case, you may be prescribed laser photocoagulation of the retina. This procedure can be performed during pregnancy as the procedure is simple and safe. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts a few minutes. It should be noted that a similar method of treatment is advised to use in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy. It is important not to carry out the procedure about a month before the expected date of delivery. The essence of the procedure is that the doctor uses a laser to seal the holes in the retina. As a result, the connection between the retina and the cornea becomes stronger. After laser treatment, the eye is able to recover within an hour.

Further, the pregnant patient is monitored, and if the ophthalmologist does not reveal pathological changes at the last examination, the doctor issues a conclusion that the woman can give birth on her own.

Every woman, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, needs to familiarize herself with the prevention of myopia.

The most effective prevention of myopia is the observance of the rules of visual hygiene. While watching TV or working at a computer, every hour you need to give your eyes a rest for 15 minutes. It will also be helpful to look out the window and focus on an object that is at least 20 meters away from you.

Other measures to prevent myopia include:

  • performing exercises for the eyes;
  • compliance with the diet, eating all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body;
  • compliance with the rules of work in front of the monitor and when reading (alternating loads and rest, good lighting, etc.);
  • healthy and complete rest;
  • regular examination by an ophthalmologist.

Of course, it is better to lead a correct lifestyle and prevent the appearance of myopia, but since the disease has overtaken you, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After all, only a doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis, draw up a treatment program. And you will definitely be able to give birth to your baby on your own.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman with myopic refraction needs to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor conducts the following diagnostic examinations necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for refractive errors:

  • determination of visual acuity;
  • determination of the magnitude of refraction;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • ophthalmoscopy in conditions of drug-induced mydriasis.

Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis is established and further tactics of the patient's management are determined. If myopia of moderate or high degree with a pathology of a dystrophic nature in the fundus is detected, a woman is referred for a consultation with a laser surgeon to decide whether laser coagulation of the retina is necessary.

Is myopia inherited to a child?

Only the predisposition to myopia is inherited, but not the disease itself. Therefore, if the parents have myopia, then do not panic ahead of time, there is a chance that the baby will have normal vision.

How does pregnancy affect myopia?

Myopia: is it possible to give birth yourself?

The possibility of independent childbirth in the presence of myopia is often questioned by obstetrician-gynecologists. What does the method of delivery depend on? Is it possible to give birth on your own with vision, for example, minus 5 and 6?

Previously, it was believed that with minus vision, you can not give birth yourself. Today, most women with myopia give birth themselves.

The main value in choosing the method of delivery is given to the state of the retina, and not the magnitude of myopia.

Myopia of the 1st degree, as a rule, is not accompanied by any changes in the retina. Such women have no contraindications for natural childbirth.

If myopia of the 2nd degree during pregnancy, then how to give birth is decided after a detailed study of the condition of the fundus, since the average degree of myopia increases the risk of developing peripheral retinal dystrophies.

Natural childbirth with an average degree of minus vision is possible in the following cases:

  • there is no peripheral dystrophy in the fundus;
  • no retinal breaks;

Previously, all women with myopia of the 3rd degree were caesarean. This approach has now been revised. Patients with a high degree of myopia need a thorough examination of the periphery of the fundus. Natural childbirth with a high degree of myopia is possible under the following conditions:

  • no PCRD or PVRD;
  • no breaks in the retina;
  • no local asymptomatic retinal detachment.

What to do if peripheral retinal dystrophy is detected?

There are two types of PCRD: "hazardous" and "non-hazardous". The degree of "danger" of PCRD is determined by the laser surgeon.

If, upon examination, the identified changes are classified as “not dangerous” and, therefore, laser treatment is not required, then natural delivery is possible, preferably with a shortening of the pushing period.

The detection of "dangerous" dystrophy requires a restrictive one. If LKS is carried out before childbirth, then delivery is performed with a shortening of the straining period, if LKS is not carried out - caesarean section.

It is possible to exclude the straining period in childbirth with myopia, that is, to perform a caesarean section, in the following cases:

  • the presence of "dangerous" dystrophy not operated on by a laser;
  • the presence of local asymptomatic retinal detachment;
  • previously operated retinal detachment.

The final decision on the method of delivery is made by the obstetrician-gynecologist based on the data of the gynecological and obstetric examination, consultations of specialists, analysis of data from laboratory and instrumental examination methods.

Yulia Chernova, ophthalmologist, specially for the site

Useful video

At the end of the first trimester, all pregnant women will have to consult an ophthalmologist. Statistics say that every third woman carrying a child is diagnosed during the examination.

In general, the disease is not a contraindication to childbirth. But there are some situations when expectant mothers with reduced visual acuity will need a special approach. About how myopia proceeds during pregnancy, are there any risks for mother and baby, and how the disease will behave after childbirth, read on.

Possible risks of complications

The influence of pregnancy is experienced by all organs and systems of a woman, including the visual apparatus. Myopia (ICD code 10 - H52.1) during gestation carries certain risks associated with changes in the retina. With myopia, the eyeball changes its shape, which entails a thinning of the retina, especially its peripheral parts. During childbirth, intraocular pressure rises, the retina experiences an increased load, and in “weak” thinned places it can exfoliate.

REFERENCE! Retinal detachment - what is it? This is the separation of the retina of the eyeball from the vascular. Which can lead to a significant drop in vision.

Whether there will be complications with myopia during childbirth, no doctor can predict. Doctors can only assess the likely risks for a particular patient, which will depend on the degree of myopia:

As for the child, the risks for him are associated primarily with genetic prerequisites. Experts have proven that myopia is hereditary in nature and is transmitted both maternally and paternally. If both parents are diagnosed with myopia, then with a 50% chance the child will also be myopic.

Causes of weak myopia during gestation or childbirth

Decreased vision by 0.8-1.5 diopters over three trimesters, doctors tend to consider as a physiological norm that does not require therapeutic measures.

Why does visual acuity decrease during pregnancy:

  • fluid retention in the tissues changes the shape and thickness of the cornea;
  • the eyes are deficient in nutrients, most of which goes to the development of the fetus;
  • the elasticity of tissues that stretch the eye structures increases;
  • high blood pressure leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye;
  • gestational diabetes (temporary gestational diabetes) affects the small blood vessels that supply the eye membranes with food and oxygen.

A drop in visual acuity to 5 diopters is most often caused by late toxicosis of pregnant women. High edema leads to changes in the lens capsule - it becomes more permeable to fluid. The lens itself is saturated with water and, increasing in size, changes its curvature and refracts the sun's rays incorrectly. The rays are focused in front of the retina, which is the basis for the development of myopia.

There are frequent cases of increased dryness of the eyes, which also cause difficulties with visual perception. This is due to excessively narrowed vessels that prevent the physiological secretion of the lacrimal fluid.

Special drops will help to fix the problem - with myopia, the ophthalmologist can prescribe artificial tears with a composition that is safe for mom and baby.

Doctors say that in most cases visual acuity with mild myopia returns to normal after pregnancy. When all physiological factors cease to influence the structures of the eye.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes vision problems persist throughout the lactation period, and the severity is restored only when breastfeeding stops.

What determines the mode of delivery

The decision on how the birth will take place, whether a woman with myopia will be able to give birth to a baby herself, or whether a caesarean section is required, is made by a gynecologist in close cooperation with an ophthalmologist. Sometimes it is necessary to consult several doctors and conduct a consultation, where all risk factors are compared, taking into account the patient's condition, the presence of complications and common diseases.

The ophthalmologist during the examination takes into account not so much visual acuity as the condition of the fundus. Therefore, even if a woman has a high degree of myopia, but no dangerous changes in the structures of the eye have been detected, natural childbirth can be shown to a pregnant woman.

Caesarean section is prescribed in the following cases:

  • gross dystrophic changes in the retina, ruptures and detachments;
  • retinal detachment operated during pregnancy;
  • retinal detachment after surgery on a single eye.

It is not uncommon for the pre-prepared delivery tactics to change already during childbirth based on the current symptoms and the condition of the woman in labor.

What is better to take to the hospital - glasses or lenses

And, and glasses can be equally comfortable and appropriate in the hospital. It all depends on the personal preferences of the woman, her features and habits. Some people prefer to take only glasses with them to the hospital, as they do not require special care. Others cannot imagine life without contact lenses, giving unlimited freedom of action.

During the fees to the hospital, you can consider the purchase option. Disposable lenses are very comfortable to wear, at the same time there is no need to take with you, and other accessories inherent in reusable lenses.

Planning is an important step

Doctors keep insisting that the best pregnancy is planned. This approach allows you to comprehensively study the condition of a woman even before gestation, identify pathologies in time and take measures to eliminate them.

For example, diagnosed thinning of the retina can be easily treated with a laser. During the procedure, problem areas of tissues are spliced ​​and sealed.

Women with diabetes, a tendency to high blood pressure or intraocular pressure will need to undergo a rehabilitation course. Taking special drugs will help compensate for violations and prepare the internal organs for the upcoming pregnancy.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - our eyes love low-carb foods with lots of vitamins.

ADVICE! In summer, ophthalmologists advise to consume more blueberries and gooseberries, in winter - carrots, bananas and apples. These fruits are rich in vitamins A and E, on which good vision depends.

Another important aspect is vitamin preparations. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is considered the most useful for pregnant women. It contributes to the proper formation of the neural tube of the fetus. The further development of all sense organs, including the organ of vision, depends on it. You can take folic acid already at the planning stage - the gynecologist will tell you the exact dosage.

Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle in general. Quitting smoking and alcohol, good rest, regular walks in the fresh air, no heavy loads (both general and visual).

The factor of heredity

A child born to a nearsighted mother acquires additional visual risks. Parents need to take care of the regular diagnosis of vision in the baby. The first examination by an ophthalmologist should take place already in the first month after childbirth, another one at 6 months, and then annually. A young mother can go to an appointment with her baby. This will allow you to check your vision in a timely manner and at the same time monitor the health of the crumbs.

Useful video

Experts talk about the prevention of eye diseases during pregnancy:

A woman should report all vision problems to the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. Floaters before the eyes, flickering, flashes of light, double vision and distortion. All this may indicate serious ophthalmic disorders that cannot be ignored. Only regular preventive examinations and the responsibility of the woman herself will make it possible to postpone childbirth with minimal risks, even with a high degree of myopia.

Myopia increases during pregnancy due to increased swelling of the lens capsule and its increased refraction. In addition, the development of complications of myopia in the form of edema of the optic nerve and retinal detachment is possible, which leads to loss of vision. With mild myopia, such disorders do not develop. Pathology can be detected using ophthalmoscopy, which is recommended for pregnant women every month.

According to the publication “Causes of complications of myopia during pregnancy”, author V. M. Mironenko, puffiness is caused by the release of hormones, due to which the expansion and increase in the permeability of the uterine vessels occurs.

What are the causes?

Myopia develops more often before pregnancy and is associated with the impact on the body of a woman of such factors:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hereditary anomalies in the structure of the eye;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet;
  • insufficient lighting of the workplace;
  • prolonged use of gadgets.

Myopia in pregnant women can greatly increase due to toxicosis. This is caused by swelling of the lens capsule and an increase in its refractive power. This phenomenon is associated with increased tissue permeability to water, which occurs against the background of hormonal changes in women during pregnancy. After childbirth, vision returns to the original diopters due to the elimination of edema. Increased vascular permeability and swelling is due to the release of specific hormones that help the uterine arteries to better nourish the fetus.

Main symptoms

Pathology provokes fatigue of the organs of vision and, as a result, the appearance of flies and flashes before the eyes.

Myopia during pregnancy causes a woman to develop the following symptoms:

  • fatigue of the visual analyzer;
  • flashing flies and bright flashes before the eyes;
  • distortion of the shape and color of surrounding objects;
  • loss of areas in the field of view;
  • headache pressing and squeezing;
  • burning and discomfort in the eyes.

Myopia in the initial stages can increase significantly up to severe changes in visual function, which causes high myopia. Therefore, women should be warned by a gynecologist, as well as undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist, which will help prevent dangerous complications and loss of vision. The severity of symptoms can change throughout pregnancy. As a rule, in the first trimester, vision is significantly impaired, which is caused by toxicosis. In the second trimester, the severity of clinical signs subsides and later reaches a maximum before a woman needs to give birth.

What are the degrees of myopia?

Visual impairment affects childbirth, since in case of severe changes, the patient is shown a caesarean section, which will help prevent the most severe violation, namely retinal detachment. Myopia of a low degree during pregnancy without the absence of significant edema is not an obstacle to natural childbirth. With diopters from 3 to 5, which is myopia of the 2nd degree, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the patient's fundus in order to stop the detachment of the macula and its significant swelling in time. Myopia of a high stage can provoke a complete loss of vision during childbirth. Therefore, it is important to timely identify severe violations and indications for caesarean section.