First day of kindergarten. How to prepare, how to conduct it? Child's first day in kindergarten. Our experience

This difficult day, which most children have to endure, can and should be turned into a holiday without tears and fear. It’s enough just to organize everything correctly..

You have been waiting for this day. Some with impatience (“I’ll finally go to work!”), some with horror (“why did he grow up so quickly?”). But everything is with excitement. And here it is - tomorrow is yours baby is coming V . Of course, blouses and jeans were purchased, pencils and albums were purchased separately, napkins and spare shoes were purchased separately. Everything is folded and stands right at the exit, so as not to forget. Some especially caring and nervous people (I’m like that myself, so what) bought flowers for the teacher and nanny. But what about September 1st - it’s in kindergarten the beginning of the school year.

What else is left to do?

— Remind the child that he is going to kindergarten tomorrow. Let the morning rise not be an unpleasant surprise for him.

- Take a shift for yourself - if in your kindergarten parents are allowed to be in a group with their children for the first time.

- To calm down the grandmother - she must have already begun to lament: “Oh, my poor little thing, and how will you be there without us, in this garden!” If you can’t explain to your grandmother that her moaning can turn into nightmares for her granddaughter, then simply isolate her by sending her to bed with the words: “We’ll get up early tomorrow, and we need you cheerful and cheerful!” The same applies to dad. As soon as he opens his mouth on the topic “men don’t cry” or “ good girls they like to go to kindergarten,” we immediately take the child away, and treat dad like we treat grandmother (see above).

- Go to bed on time. Try to make the bedtime ritual as ordinary as possible for your child: with a familiar fairy tale, a lullaby and a glass of milk. Did they tell you, sing, give you something to drink? Go to bed yourself, you need morning vigor and freshness more than anyone else.


You shouldn’t try to get “another five minutes” of sleep after the alarm goes off. So you can be late, but this is completely contraindicated for you today. Carefully wake the child, open the window, open the curtains to make the room fresh and light. You can turn on fun, energetic music, this will help create an atmosphere of joy. And calmly, calmly - no need to make noise, push, tug. Let the child feel that new life not as unusual as he thought.

Breakfast - important point. Prepare it for your baby favorite dish. It’s clear that you don’t eat pasta or French fries with ketchup every day in the morning; porridge and cottage cheese are certainly healthier. But today we can make an exception. And under no circumstances force food on your child if he refuses even sweets and cakes. Perhaps now he is just worried, but in kindergarten he will be happy to have breakfast with other children.

Dress your baby in comfortable clothes. Pants with arrows or bows “bigger than Masha’s” should be left for New Year's party– on the first day in kindergarten, a child may already feel uncomfortable. During the training camp, tell a few funny stories from my “kindergarten” life. If you did not go to kindergarten, the experience of the child’s older brothers or sisters, as well as the father and other relatives, will come in handy. The baby must realize that this is a normal stage in every person’s life. But don’t overdo it by talking about the rain of candy and the bag of gifts from the teacher, otherwise later baby will be disappointed (unless, of course, this is exactly what happens in his garden). On the way to kindergarten, sing a funny song that you will sing every morning from now on. Say that this is a magical song - it improves your mood, gives you strength and makes your day especially good. In the future, such a simple ritual will help the child get ready for going to kindergarten.

What not to say to your child:

- “Darling, you will be the best there!” or “There are such good kids going to kindergarten, they will love you right away, you will become friends!” Firstly, you understand that this is not entirely true - so why lie. Secondly, disappointed expectations will bring the baby nothing but bitter disappointment.

- “Take your Bear with you!” – if you already know that in your kindergarten, indoor toys are prohibited. Motivations “what if they don’t notice?” and “what’s the matter, you can’t bring a toy” don’t work - it will all end with the fact that at the final point of the route the baby will have to part with not only his mother, but also his favorite teddy bear.

So, here we come!
In kindergarten, help the child undress and change his shoes, escort him to the group, and bring him to the teacher. If the parents are allowed to stay at least for a while, walk around the room with the baby, look at the toys together, find out where the toilet and bedroom are. The baby needs time to get comfortable.

When the time will come to break up, explain that you will be leaving for a while on business or work and will be back soon. Hug and kiss your child goodbye. Some people believe that if the baby becomes capricious at this moment, you should definitely wait until he calms down. However, practice shows that you will have to wait forever. With this attitude, your morning goodbyes will not only become your personal nightmare, but will drive the teacher, the children from the group and their parents crazy. Keep in mind that as soon as mom leaves, most children switch to playing with other kids, and your long persuasion will only upset the child more. Psychologists say that a mother’s confidence and calmness will affect the child better than any words, therefore, no matter how the moment of parting touches you, never allow yourself to shed a tear or sob. Also, you should not persuade your baby: “Don’t be offended, don’t cry.” If the child is upset, then he still will not accept your words, but will continue to do everything to make you stay, that is, cling to you and cry, cry, cry.

On the first day, do not leave your baby in the garden for more than 1.5-2 hours. Warn him in advance what time you will return, and arrive exactly on time. If, according to the plan, the children go for a walk in kindergarten, try not to come at this time. A walk is an important point in the “kindergarten” schedule, and your child will be busy exploring a new playground, playing with new friends and learning the rules that the teacher will announce.

When you return to pick up your child, make sure he is ready to go home. If he is still interested in the game, let him finish playing so that he does not have any problems. negative emotions. On the way home, be sure to ask him how his day went - let him understand that you don’t know something, and he has something to tell you. This will make him feel more mature and significant. Arrange small holiday: buy sweets for your baby, air balloons– going to kindergarten should be associated with positive emotions. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because we are not talking about some kind of achievement. Gifts or congratulations, as well as noisy party with all the relatives will make the child think that he should receive a reward for every day in the garden.

In the evening, put your baby to bed on time: a holiday is a holiday, and the next day you can get up early again. Read a fairy tale, play quiet games before bed - after a busy day, the child needs to calm down.

Nadezhda Zarochintseva

There are only a few days left until your child's first appearance in kindergarten. Have you mastered the procedure for breaking up with him so that the morning is not darkened by tears? Have you switched to a kindergarten daily routine to make it easier for your baby to adapt to new conditions? Here are some more tips on how to make it easier for your child to adjust to kindergarten.

The hardest thing is breaking up in the morning?

The first day of kindergarten is a real test for both the child and the parents. What to do? Instill self-confidence! How better baby will be prepared for the garden, the less he worries and worries about this, the less he will feel lost and abandoned in a new environment for him.

Even if you have prepared your baby well, it may happen that he will cling to you when you try to leave him in the group. You will feel sorry for him, and, like many parents, you will experience uncertainty. Are you right in deciding that your child should go to kindergarten?

However, such behavior of a child does not necessarily mean that he will feel bad in kindergarten - there can be many reasons for tears.

“Every day it’s the same story,” says one mother. — Thibault gets up and begins to gradually get ready. He looks happy and has nothing against the kindergarten. The road is also quite normal.

However, the closer we get to the garden, the more tense he becomes. As soon as I cross the threshold, Thibault grabs me and starts crying.”

This doesn’t mean that Thibault is bad at kindergarten, it’s just that parting with his mother is not easy for him. How to deal with such a situation?

Wake up your child early from the very first morning so that he does not have to get ready in a hurry. Don't be nervous or rush him.

Let him have breakfast in peace, prepare something that he especially likes.

Choose clothes and shoes that are easy to take off and put on.

Place in his pocket a handkerchief moistened with a few drops of your usual eau de toilette- the smell will remind him of you. You can also give him a small toy (to fit in his pocket) that will remind him of home.

When saying goodbye, avoid two extremes: do not leave your child in a hurry, trying to hold back your own tears, and do not look into his eyes and do not say goodbye to him for an hour. tender kiss, a calm and confident expression on your face, a parting word to the teacher, a farewell hand gesture at the door - and that’s it, you can leave. The faster you do this, the easier child will get used to the new rhythm of life.

In the first days, the baby may have problems with sleep, with eating, he may have nightmares, he may act too excited and even pee in the crib... Don’t worry - everything should quickly fall into place.

If, after a few weeks, the child continues to cry in the morning, and the teacher confirms that he is sad and apathetic during the day, then it makes sense to contact a child psychologist.

Problems of children's adaptation. How to understand that a child’s adaptation to kindergarten is difficult?

  • he begins to behave like a baby - he pees in the bed, speaks slurred;
  • he withdraws into himself;
  • at the end of the day he seems unnaturally tired;
  • he suffers from dermatitis, nightmares or recurring sore throat;
  • he has been crying every morning for more than three weeks straight.

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The first days in kindergarten are not so scary; the child still doesn’t know or understand a lot of things. But after a few days he begins to understand that home is better than in the garden. Then you need to actively talk with your child. We tell our son that we are going to work, and you have to work like everyone else. Your job is to go to kindergarten. By the way, it works, the child is more willing to go to kindergarten, knowing that he will earn money and mom and dad will take him for a ride on cars on the weekend.

Comment on the article "The first days in kindergarten: how to improve a child's life"

Adaptation in the garden. - gatherings. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers. Please tell us, how is/was your adaptation to kindergarten going? shove them into a group and let them yell...


By the way, if mine went with some business, then it went much more willingly. He needed a justification for why he needed to go there at all...
Here, a lot depends on the contact with the teacher. In one of our kindergartens they worked every other day; I went to one willingly, but had to be persuaded to go to the other.

Why shove it? It’s so interesting there, lots of toys.
I brought mine and left it on the first day until lunch, on the second I took it after sleep, on the third for the whole day. Because mom needs to work. Until he was three years old, he stayed with a nanny. (I believe that a child does not need kindergarten until he is three years old.) On the fourth day, he cried a little, but the teacher immediately distracted him. A couple more days like this, and I stopped crying altogether.
We also had a group on duty for the first hour. Every day is different. How he loved it! He especially liked spending this hour in the preparatory group - the most interesting toys were there.

Share your experience. Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine How to help a child? Preparing for kindergarten Hello, kindergarten! A child's first days in kindergarten Adaptation of a child to kindergarten is often not easy.


Come up with something that will happen immediately after sleep. For example, you will come with a gift. But only after sleep, because before bedtime “mom won’t have time to buy it,” etc. Then transform this into the idea that mom works while she sleeps in the garden.

After another two-week sick leave, I brought him to the kindergarten, came to pick him up after lunch (at most he had lunch there), and the teacher said that he himself had already undressed, apparently with everyone in the company, he was confused, probably, after the break. We decided to leave it. He's been sleeping there ever since.
But we never even talked about sleep, but about the offer to stay for an afternoon snack, he immediately throws a tantrum. So for now I'm waiting.
If you just don’t show up, maybe he’ll also join everyone for company?

Difficult adaptation to kindergarten.. Education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition Difficult adaptation to kindergarten. My son doesn’t want to go to kindergarten when he’s 3 years old, and he’s still crying. If he doesn’t adapt, I’ll transfer him. Because the child is very sociable, loves children...


My eldest is like that, she cried constantly in the garden, they started walking and stopped, they made visits at 3, 4 and 5 years old, from 5 she went because there was nowhere to retreat, she cried constantly until the end of the garden, she cried not only in front of the entrance to the garden, but also in the garden, I didn’t eat anything there, I began to get sick, in short, horror. The youngest went from 2.5 straight to a full day, cried for two days at most, always ate and slept first, bigger and better than everyone else))) constantly came with medals - to the first one who fell asleep) or - to the one who ate everything and asked for more) A in his group he has a boy who has been crying every morning for three years now, and he sheds such tears and hangs on his mother that it is scary to watch and does not immediately come to his senses after she leaves.

Try to take a break - 2 months (if possible) ... then he will forget a little and will be older - maybe he will look at the garden differently.
If she continues to cry, then try to change the group or kindergarten - perhaps she has not found contact with the teacher or she has not found contact with him - anything can happen. If it doesn’t work out this year, postpone kindergarten for 1 year - my son was crying when he was 3 - postponed for a year. At 4 I went without any problems at all - I immediately got involved in the game. GKP didn’t go with her 2-year-old daughter - over the course of a year they tried to start walking several times: first with interest, then gradually worse and worse, until she couldn’t even walk towards the garden without hysterics. I took a break 2 times - it didn’t really help. Now I’m older, I hope that I should go normally from September 1st. If it doesn’t adapt, I’ll translate it. Because the child is very sociable, loves children... I think that the problem is with the teacher.
I also can’t stand a crying child. It may be difficult for a child to adapt for 1-2 days, but if he cries for a week, then he doesn’t need to go there.

Section: Adoption (adaptation of abandoned children). The child is a refusenik. Is adaptation always difficult? Difficult adaptation to kindergarten. How to help a child adapt to a new social environment?


Refuseniks may exhibit problems that are specific to refuseniks: lack or underdevelopment cognitive activity, which is formed during the first year of life, hospitalism, which has external manifestations similar to autism, inability to recognize emotions and their external manifestations, inability to adequately interpret own feelings and feelings.

The child who was seized may not have this, or it may be more severe - it depends on where it was seized from, what happened before the seizure. If the child is exposed ill-treatment, this will have consequences that will manifest.

Your adaptation is unlikely to have anything to do with this. This is your addiction to the child, not him to you.

How your child gets used to you depends on his individual characteristics and your addiction to it

18.09.2013 09:56:02, _______

NOT always, it all depends specifically on the child. With children removed from social families, and also those who have suffered violence, everything is much worse.

Difficult adaptation to kindergarten!!!. Adaptation to kindergarten conditions. Child psychology. Well, just imagine, a child vomits, but then he still eats. If a child doesn’t like being in the garden, will he eat after vomiting?


Well, just imagine, a child vomits, but then he still eats.
If a child doesn’t like being in the garden, will he eat after vomiting?
The only thing I don’t understand is what she vomits in the morning? Do you feed her breakfast at home?

Well, your child is not ready for kindergarten, not physiologically ready, imagine that doctors forbade you to take her to kindergarten, what would you do? Probably they would have come up with something, a nanny for half a day, a grandfather, a change of job to a second shift. But it turns out that the child must adapt to your conditions, not you :(

Adaptation to kindergarten. Massage, gymnastics, hardening. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development Before kindergarten, my son suffered from acute respiratory infections once. He is now 2 years and 3 months old. The first week in the garden ended with green snot and cough.


it will still hurt. This is already an “unwritten” script - we go for 2 weeks, we get sick for a week. Despite the immunal, Aflubin, at the first sneeze and my vigilance reaching the point of insanity, the child still gets sick as scheduled - they left for 2 weeks, had a fever on Friday evening and were “completely free” until the next Friday.

We started drinking Immunal two weeks ago, after the first day in kindergarten we started having snot, we immediately took emergency measures: milk in the nose, Nazivin, a loading dose of Immunal, garlic around the apartment::)) Now I resumed vitamins and began to smear it on my nose before kindergarten oxolinic ointment, and Immunal :) Don’t get sick!

Adaptation to kindergarten. How to help a child? Adaptation of a child in kindergarten and nursery. Podcasts. Polls. Therefore, it is very important whether your baby can successfully adapt to kindergarten, and helping him with this is not only the task of educators.


Don't worry, children adapt just fine, and another language is not a barrier for them at all. When we arrived in Australia, our daughter was 5 years old and in 5 months it was necessary to adapt the child to kindergarten. How to help a child adapt to a new social environment?


Don't worry, children adapt just fine, and another language is not a barrier for them at all. When we arrived in Australia, our daughter was 5 years old and in 5 months she had to start school. We sent her to kindergarten for 1 day a week so that she could get used to communicating with children, and all she could say then was toilet, the first thing we memorized was so that no sin would happen. She walked with pleasure. By school I had made a lot of progress in English, thanks to English-speaking relatives and neighbors, and at school I also had no problems - I started chatting instantly. Plus, the school had special teachers for newcomers, plus for those who speak English as a second language. Moreover, her English is much better than that of English speakers from the cradle; she comes to the Olympiads in the highest percentage. Honestly speaking, you will have to worry about how to maintain Russian, because... children switch to the language spoken around them and do not really want to speak Russian.

We gave our son away early, at 2 years 3 months. Moreover, since we are liberal and inexperienced parents :), together we got used to the kindergarten very gradually. The first week we sat with him for two or three hours until he went to bed. Then I left for work. He was crying and didn’t want to go. One day I left early (at about 10 o'clock), he cried all day, so I had to leave work in the afternoon and pick him up. Arriving at the kindergarten, he sat on my lap and watched the children play, but he did not want to go play himself.
Then, gradually (even very gradually :)), he began to move away from me a little. I demonstratively talked to the teachers, saying that these were our friends, that they loved Roma, so that he felt that he could trust them. Then, I started leaving early. The teacher took him in her arms, he screamed, but then (as they said) calmed down, although he went on strike for various reasons - he refused to eat, sleep, etc. Then (after 2-3 months) he finally began to calmly let me go, even going to close the door behind me.
Now Roma has been away for almost a year, he loves his kindergarten (we all call his kindergarten “work”, which he is very proud of). He made friends, he just became older and some interests appeared that he shared with the guys in the garden.
So the moral of this story is this: it won’t be easy at first, but then everything will pay off in full. The main thing is not to delay the process and everything will work out.

Anna Belaya

Several days have passed since the children's graduation preparatory group to school and now kids from 1.5 to 3 years old are doing first steps in our kindergarten. So it flew by first month in our new group–group early age. IN first day mothers and children come to the group kindergarten. We welcome the baby kindly. The mother should help the baby create a positive image of the teacher. If the child does not want to go to the group, the mother sits down with him, watching the other children.

The baby looks around in new conditions, gets used to an unfamiliar environment. At first he is wary and tries to sit closer to his mother. We don't rush him or bother him. Let him get used to it. Next time, together with the children, we approach play corner to get a better look at all the toys. The mother helps the child get used to it faster, supports his interest in the environment; “I like it here so much!”, “What funny little animals are sitting at the table!” etc. Each visit to children's the garden lasts no more than two hours. Having become accustomed, the child does first trying to get through the group. He is drawn to see what interesting things the teacher is doing. The mother approves of such actions of the baby, encourages him with a smile and gestures. The adults, for their part, also smile approvingly, and the child begins, as it were, play: either he will approach the teacher, or he will run back to his mother.

More and more often he lingers near me in order to confirm his good attitude towards himself again and again. It is interesting to note that at this time the baby does not notice his peers. It is now difficult for him to disperse his attention. In addition, due to their age, peers cannot so clearly demonstrate their positive attitude towards him. Their gaming skill level is not high enough to attract his attention. The child sees the carrier of something new, interesting, and exciting. (with the help of mom) only a teacher. Against this background, his fleeting contacts with me are consolidated and strengthened.

We, as educators, know how game material You can interest and captivate a child. I call it baby affectionate name, as his family calls him at home, I hug him affectionately and invite him to participate in the game. Against the backdrop of positive emotional communication, business cooperation between an adult and a child easily develops. The child is captivated by joint activities, and his gaze turns to his mother less and less often. Now she can leave the group for a while. If the baby comes to his senses, discovering her absence, he immediately calms down, hearing assurances that there is no need to worry, the mother will be back soon, and indeed, the wait for the child is short, there is no reason to worry. This is how the baby begins to trust the adult, while experiencing a feeling of physical and mental security.

IN The final stage During the adaptation period, the child begins to attend the group for 2-3 hours a day. Parents at home kindergarten we, educators, we carefully monitor the state of health, note the nature of sleep and appetite. You should know that in the process of getting used to first In turn, the baby’s mood and well-being are normalized, then his appetite is restored, and lastly, sleep. Therefore the child is in peace home environment They feed him breakfast, after which he is brought to the group, where he plays with everyone else, walks for 2-3 hours, and returns home for lunch and sleep.

The manifestations of children are purely individual, so some earlier and some later can be offered to have lunch in a group, and return home to daytime sleep so as not to disturb the duration and pattern of sleep of each of the adapting children. Later, if the child’s health is good, the teacher tries to invite him to stay in kindergarten after lunch. I'm turning to baby: “We will have a celebration in the evening, the dogs will dance. Don't go home, otherwise you won't see anything. Lie in bed while the kids sleep. Don’t close your eyes, just lie down, and I’ll sit next to you!” The adaptation period is considered complete if the child eats with appetite, falls asleep quickly and wakes up on time. in a cheerful mood, plays alone or with peers. The duration of adaptation also depends on the child’s level of development. If he was systematically taught at home and he grew up to be a sociable and independent person, then in a group he quickly establishes contact with the teacher, can occupy himself with meaningful play, serve as best he can, and does not feel abandoned and helpless. A child with this level of development gets used to it within 10-12 days. If the baby has poorly developed speech, low level independence, he cannot do without the help of adults either in play, or when feeding, or when putting him to bed. In new conditions, the child does not leave his mother and immediately begins to cry if he does not see her. The adaptation period for such a child can last up to a month.

Prepared by Belaya A.B., teacher of the 2nd early age group.

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It is difficult to predict how your child will behave on the first day when you take him to kindergarten. Perhaps, when he sees toys and his peers with whom he is allowed to play, he will completely forget about your existence. Or maybe she will burst into tears. But most likely, he will want to examine everything first, and at the same time it is better for you to be close to him.

In any case, try to make the “start of a new life” gradual. Never try to just show up, leave your baby and leave. Otherwise, he will experience severe stress.
You can develop your own plan.

For example, this one.

First day. Spend the morning with your child in kindergarten, let him have breakfast there. Then you both will know what kind of food they give in the kindergarten. Take your baby home around lunchtime.

Second day.
Stay with your child in kindergarten for a few hours. Sit next to him, watch and try to get him to play without you. Be within sight of the child, then he will feel better. After a few hours, leave, and later return and pick it up. Make sure your baby understands that you are leaving and will be back soon. Never leave without warning - otherwise the child will be offended and stop trusting you.

The third day. Go to kindergarten for a couple of hours, kiss your child goodbye, explain that you will come back later, and leave. Come back at the end of the day.
Fourth day. Bring your baby; make sure he's settled in properly, say goodbye, tell him you'll come pick him up in the evening, and leave.
Unfortunately, there are kindergartens where parents are not allowed to stay in the group for any length of time.
These rules also apply in the kindergarten where I brought my daughter (she was 3 years old).
Therefore, I did this: we explored the territory together, met the teacher and nanny, and then we hugged, kissed and agreed that the baby would stay (along with her favorite toy) in kindergarten until the walk (just a couple of hours). The next day, my daughter stayed in kindergarten until lunchtime, and a few days later she asked me to come pick her up at about five o’clock.
Several Yet useful tips How to make your child's first days in kindergarten easier.

Take your time getting your child ready for kindergarten in the morning. Children hate being rushed and do not gather well in such an environment. Spend a lot of time getting ready - even if it means waking up your child earlier.

Let your baby take his favorite toy with him.
However, keep in mind that there are kindergartens that prohibit this. Therefore, you must be sure that the teacher will treat the baby’s favorite things with understanding and, if necessary, the child will receive support. Very often the baby, in order to feel calm in stressful situation, you definitely need to know that his favorite doll is nearby.

Never leave while your child is doing something else. If you've already left without warning several times, don't be surprised if your baby sticks to you and won't let you go.

Often children do not cry for 1-2 days, since at this time their interest prevails - an indicative reaction to everything new. But after 2 days they begin to cry, act up and suffer a lot. Therefore, try to pick up your baby from kindergarten early.

Say goodbye quickly. When you decide to leave, kiss your child and leave immediately. Don't drag your feet by going into long explanations about why you need to go. An angry or upset child still won't understand. Don't worry: the baby won't cry all day, as babies usually switch easily. When you leave, the caregiver will help him settle in and do things that will distract him from your leaving.

Don't scold a child who is crying because you are leaving. Frustration is a natural reaction to your leaving, so it’s stupid to ask your baby not to be sad and stop crying. Just tell him that you love him and that you don't want him to be upset. Promise him that you will return, and then leave.

Keep your promises. If you promised to arrive at 17.00, be on time. If you are late, contact the teacher and ask them to tell your child (or talk to him yourself on the phone, if possible) that you will be late for a short time, but will definitely come.

Don't get caught up in your feelings. You may also want to cry after parting with your baby. Still, try to hold back your tears until the child can no longer see you. There is no need to create the impression that the place where the baby is staying is bad or sad.

When picking up your child from kindergarten, don’t be upset if he doesn’t look as neat as he did in the morning. If you pick up a child, and snot is smeared all over his clean face in the morning, then perhaps you have a reason to be upset and you should talk about this “event” with the director. But if a child is wearing his shirt backwards, it may mean that he was trying to deal with it on his own. If he has yellow dye on his hair and plasticine under his nails, then he most likely had a wonderful day.

Give your baby a bath immediately after arriving home.

On weekends, follow the kindergarten schedule.

The atmosphere in the family should be calm, the adults should treat the baby affectionately.