Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's adventures of Koshchei the immortal and Baba Yaga". The Tale of the Stolen New Year


(Adaptation play. Lyrics, music and dance may vary depending on age features actors and audience)

Immortal Koschey.

Fairy tale

B a b a - I g a.
The first kikimora.
The second kikimora.
The third kikimora.
Act one
A forest river with lavas thrown over it separates Baba Yaga's hut from the viewer. Baba Yaga is one.
B aba-Ya ha.
The wind blows from the warm side,
And all through the mermaid week
He plays with young grass
Yes, in the whirlpools the river water wrinkles.
The forests are noisy, the meadows are blooming,
In the white world everything is green
And everyone everywhere strives to wake up.
Once again! Oh I know this song
Grows, grows and turns yellow all at once
By cold. You look, and the year has passed,
Then another, and a third, and a fourth -
All as one year old! I don't even know
Where are they running, forward or backward?
Even stand, even fall, it's all the same
Everywhere you look, it's the same...
Ringing in the ears, circles and spots in the eyes,
You can't figure out what
noise more,
In my forest or in my gray head.
And there is no death...
Death appears behind Baba Yaga.
Death. Well, what are you all calling? B a b a - I ha.
No urine to live! Darling, don't be shy
Don't pass by today
Take me, I will bow at the feet... Death.
Everyone wants to live, but she is unbearable.
So no, here it is! You will not wait for death ... B a b a - I g a. What are you punishing for? Death.
You will live forever!
Why do I need someone who does not want to be alive?
I love the one who strives to live forever,
He is not alive who wants to die.
After all, the dead are also indifferent to life,
I don't see any difference between them.
B a b a - I g a. Damn!
I don't want to scold.
It's not so easy to rummage around the universe, Waving a scythe, guarding the sick and drunk, Rattle a bone, not knowing fatigue, I'll go to the hut, lie down for an hour. (Disappears in the hut.)
B aba-I ga-nosed! You just come to sleep .. Look how he snores! Look, it brings out the sounds ... Oh, fathers, am I not a fool? I completely forgot ... Memory is gone, Which year everything falls out of hand. Let's light it, smoke it with sleepy grass, And then we'll start thinking and guessing. (Fumigates the hut with sleepy grass.)
Death. Up-chi!
B a b a-z ha.
Here you go, sneeze, sneeze. Even the gun won't wake you up now. You will sleep as much as you want! (Quickly locks the door.)
A song is heard in the forest, then on
stage a soldier appears.
Soldier (sings).
Legs are walking, arms are waving,
Not the first time on a trip
We drink water, we sip porridge,
The forest rumbles overhead. At-two!
What do we need a wagon and a cart,
Top and top along the way.
From overnight to overnight
The wind is blowing straight on. At-two!
Oh, let's serve good people
Let's go further through the forest.
We will not die - so we will be alive,
And we will die - we will not be lost, At-two!
Let's live in the white world
Why should we be discouraged?
There are no two deaths
And don't miss one!
At-two! Baba Yaga.
For a long time human did not smell on earth,
For a long time the Russian spirit did not blow through the forest.
Alive, alive, smoking room... Soldier. We wish you good health!
Baba Yaga. Where are you going, from war or to war?
Soldier. On a hike today. We serve. Without cheating. B a b a - I g a. To whom? Do you even know? Soldier. It's none of your business! I serve everything. Baba Yaga. What can you do?
I can prick and cut, with a cleaver
Cut from the shoulder...
Baba Yaga. What are you bragging about, fool! Soldier.
You are the fool! And also an old woman.
Another would be with a road walker
I talked, I would pour soup,
She let me into the quarters and bivouac.
Here I am you!
(Pulls out a cleaver.) Baba Yaga.
Wait, don't freak out...
Hide the gun and take your breath away.
Listen to what I say. I don't have time.
Sleepy grass blooms today
I'll go to collect, I'll spend the night in a yaruga,
I don’t know who to leave the hut to,
Even though it's locked, it's still... A soldier. It's clear. Baba Yaga. Serve, right? Soldier. There would be food. Baba Yaga.
Pokaraul. Chur, not a foot in the hut!
Full of intoxication - the stove closed early.
Don't let anyone through the lava
To this shore...
Soldier. We understand service.
B a b a - I ha.
Look, do not drink wine and beer,
Do not go to the forest, do not respond to the cry
And guard the hut more than your eyes! Soldier. Not for the first time.
Bab a-Ya ha. So I went, soldier ... (Leaves.) Soldier (looks around).
I contacted a woman, and even with Yaga.
Let's smoke, so be it, though at the post.
Pouch is full, not like a belly.
Looks like the old woman will not feed for a long time -
She does not eat and does not give to people.
Hey who's coming? Who is splashing water?
There is not a soul. One forest evil.
It's getting dark, right? Well, quarantine!
Here and there, kikimoras protrude from the darkness.
The first kikimora. What are you looking at? The second kikimora. Doesn't believe his eyes. The third kikimora.
Don't listen to them, come here soldier
In my swamp it is quiet and dark:
You sit on a bump in warm water,
You'll get warm... The first kikimora.
Where did he come from?
We have never seen such people in the forest before. Soldier. Chur, churn me. The second kikimora.
Why did you come
How is the bath sheet?
(Drags the Soldier by the floor,)
Poor bastard!
I need you like a dead poultice. The second kikimora. Go to Leshem.
Goblin, young and cheerful, looking out! from the darkness.
Goblin. And why should I? (Hidden.)
Chur, churn me! Well, it looks like it's getting light. Evil spirits time has passed. Kikimoras, marsh shishigs, They spit in their noses, grimacing, squealing, They distract them from service for bad deeds, And if you scare them, they are also the weaker sex! (Bows his head.) Such a night, barely off duty. Worn up. And the belly failed.
A wet, old, maybe drunk Waterman appears.
Be patient, soldier. Don't complain about life.
You are not alone...
Soldier. Another chuvyrlo! Water.
Health is, and okay, and portly.
You are your own boss when you are young.
In any water diving or swimming,
And don't ask anyone for anything.
Half the battle for Leshem, he is young and vigorous.
And there is strength, almost no mind is needed ... Soldier. So you are the same Waterman? Water. Yes, like me. Soldier. You are very lame. Water. You see, I'm all in the mud... Soldier. Well, miracles! Water.
You lie at the bottom, there is no dry place.
Water flows both in summer and winter.
Where does it flow? Don't ask her about it
She never flowed back.
In the spring, she is especially unhandled,
Grumbles, boils, turns with a stone,
On the shores steals anything,
In a hurry, dragging by the beard,
And you lie, eyes on the sky beam
And blow bubbles like a fool
Goblin comes out of the forest, playing the pipe merrily.
And who orders? Take it stop.
Float up, and walk through the forest,
Piss like me
Water. It hurts you voster! Soldier. Chur, churn me! Goblin.
Come here, corporal,
Do not be afraid of us, we are not naughty in the morning.
Soldier. And what's that? (Slaps the cleaver.) Goblin.
Hey, come on, don't get bullied!
Go to the hut, bring the cards.
They lie in the closet, let's play throw-in. Water. He can't. Goblin. So I go myself. Soldier. Not allowed! Le sh i i. Where is the mistress?
Water. He wanders through the forest, collecting herbs. Goblin.
I know where to find the old woman. Come with me, even if you breathe some air... Water. And really, it's time to warm up.
Goblin and Vodyanoy leave. Mermaid appears.
And now the grasses have bloomed late.
short northern summer
Will the flowers have time to warm,
Cover with bliss every blade of grass
And strengthen, and nourish with juice?
The foliage rustles, the green wind flies,
Leshy and Vodyany walk along the sogrs,
In tight water, in a blue bed
Pine they throw cones x
And they hoot like little guys... Soldier. Where are you from? Mermaid. I got out of the water. Soldier. Whose kind? Mermaid. I am a mermaid girl.
My soul is always waiting for something.
From the pool I want to go to the shore,
And from the shore to the warm lawn,
From meadow to tree...
Soldier. Where is the tree? Mermaid. I don't know yet... Soldier.
What has it come to!
They themselves do not know where to stay, Where to step, what to do first And where to spend the night tonight. Sit down for now, bask in the sun, Listen to the birds and weave a wreath. And I will cut the branches into whistles ...
Koschey goes to the river.
Koschey. Tell me, who is sentry on the lava? Soldier. Well, I. And what? Koschey. Please let go. Soldier, where are you from and what is your name? Koschey. Koshchei Ivanovich. (Shows something.) Soldier.
Expired paper... Wait, wait! Yes you, I see, grip! Well! Get out of here! Koschey. Uncle, don't drink.
Let him go, he, poor thing, is frozen,
All night trembling with an aspen leaf,
From mosquitoes did not know where to go,
Cared for until dawn.
Such a kind... Soldier. Okay, come on.
Koschey. Thank you. How much will I owe? Soldier. Go go! Yes, away from the hut. Koschey. And what's in the hut? Soldier.
Do not touch! Get away.
Do not hand, do not go where they do not ask. Koschey. Tell me, soldier, who has been in the service for a year? Soldier. What do you want? Let go, sit down! Mermaid.
Grow grass. Ring, forest stream.
Kukuy , cuckoo, pines, burble!
So good for me today, so light
My soul is so quiet and peaceful.
That the heart stops and eyelashes
Blended with light and heat.
Dear forest, take a deep breath now,
Wrap me in golden slumber.
(Leaves.) The first kikimor a.
"Dear forest..." Just think, let's go.
I can do that too... The second time is kiki mora.
And how much ambition!
Let's make up, so we are no worse than her. First kikimora.
What are you?
Sit in your swamp! The second kikimora. She is like that! Koschey. Ladies, be quiet! Soldier. Let them sing. Don't disturb the girls. Koschey. Did you see what is there?
(Shows a flask.) Soldier. On duty. I do not wish. Koschey. Yes, at least a little! Soldier. I don't drink without food.
Koschey lays out food.
Of course, if ... in terms of consumption,
Especially when not on duty...
On a hike, say, or in camps,
Caught in the rain or there under the bullets.
It is then useful ... Koshchei. Hold on! Soldier. Well, if only a little, one at a time...
Thank you brother. Koschey. What about the other leg? Soldier. With one foot in the campaign you will be lost! Koschey.
Without a head, moreover... Have a bite.
Pour some more? Soldier. Pour it, if you're not sorry!
(Drinks for the third time.)
And we were once in trotters,
It used to be brother...
Well, you're not old yet
Get married just right, what a mug. Soldier.
I, in general, do not mind getting married,
Who will go? Koschey.
Choose any!
Well, at least this one, or something ...
(He nodded at the First Kikimora.) Second Kikimora. What about me? The third kikimora. And I want... Soldier (sings).
A? Is it bad? We walk!
I break down, I break down
I'm marrying a kikimore... Koschey.
The province went to write, went.
Hey everyone dance! My pipe is playing ..,
A jumble rises, everyone dances, except for Koshchei.
I got tired. Not girls - stallions!
They tickle, they pinch. The legs were trampled.
Ivanovich! Pour one more! Koschey.
Razvari old ... Well? Do you hear? Live!
Work your arms and legs... Soldier. It used to be so. It used to be ... Koschey. Drunk. One more? Soldier. Koshcheiko, pour it! .. (Falls off.) Koshchey.
All my life I've been afraid of such idiots,
Mind for a penny, and the power is in their hands.
What are you? The fun is over.
Get outta here! Alive, in order.
One, the second... The second kikimora.
Don't touch me, I'm married... Koschey.
Into the swamp! Step march!
My girlfriend, white water,
Before you any doors wide open,
You bring giants to their knees
You destroy strongholds, you shake thrones,
When you gurgle in skillful hands!
Roars, suffers, climbs on the rampage,
Afraid of death, bursting medicines,
And only he will drink, he will gather in a heap -
And the drunken horde forgot everything!
(Kicks the Soldier.)
I cut myself. Wow, retired bastard
Mustachioed horseradish, uniform plug!
You will learn how to live on errands
And bow to any fool.
It's time for me to straighten my shoulders.
Hey you, warrior, can you stop snoring? Voice of Death (from the hut). Open to me. Koschey. The hut is ... not empty. Who else is there? Death. I am your death, open.
Koschey. Yes, I myself suffer under arrest ...
Voice of Death (from the hut).
Don't be afraid, let it out! Until I touch you, You are young, live, Koschey, and hello ...
Koschey. Look for fools in other forests! (Pushes the door even tighter.)
Voice of Death. Fool is...
Hey, do you want to be immortal? And live forever?
K o sh e and. And what will you give for it?
(trembling, opens doors and jumps in
side.) DEATH (appearing on the threshold).
Wow! Here it is well and well!
This is the first time on my road.
For the right to live, he still wants something ...
Hey man, can you hear it? It would be an honor to know!
(Winds her scythe.) Koshchei. Grandma, stop! I was... joking. Death. Jokes like this don't go unnoticed. Koschey. I opened the door... Death.
Get used to bargaining.
Go, if you're alive! And who is snoring?
Campaigner! Zero! Empty creature!
He boasted to me that he was not afraid of death,
What was he sneezing...
Take him to the hut.
Don't release it until you need it.
Don't say anything to the old woman
Let it smoke
And he thinks that I'm still in the hut.
Don't be afraid, dog! Do not tremble with fear.
We will always agree with you
You will live in the world as long as you want,
But with only one condition... Koshchei. With which?
Death. Don't do good deeds.
Koschey. And the evil ones? Can? Death.
To think, he already agrees!
He will do any evil deed,
He will do anything to live.
Well, Koschey, do you agree?
Koschey. Deal! Death.
Well you'll live as long as you're full of malice
While the soul is saturated with untruth
And hatred turns the brains
Warming up lies and slander.
But you will die at the first indulgence,
Follow the first good deed.
Look, boy! Remember the deal.
Old woman Death, and that morality reads. Go, go, you're whole.
Parting the grass with a stick, Baba Yaga goes out to the hut.
B a b a - I ha.
We live in the forest region, we do not notice
Deaf enmity and fleeting disputes,
The rumor of the human stalls like the wind
In dense pine resin forest.
What is there to grieve about? News that butterflies:
Fresh until noon, rotten by evening,
Although not everyone has a wormy gut.
Who is sitting here? Is it really you, Koshcheiko? Koschey. Don't you see, you old hag! B a b a - I g a.
Rotten snout, dry-handed idol,
As he left, so he returned.
Ooh, jerky! Where is my security? Koschey. There is no soldier, he went to war. B a b a - I g a. What are you, you bastard! Koschey.
True truth
Went, sang, waved his hands,
At-two! At-two! Like an empty mill ... B a b a - I g a. Have you been in the hut? Koschey. What did I forget there? B a b a - I g a.
Batog in bracket, gate on constipation...
Whose cards?
K o sh e and. I have had mine for a long time. ^
B a b a - I g a. Marked? Look, you bastard!
Waterman appears.
At my age, Leshy cannot be kept up.
Like an elk runs through a swamp and a stone,
With such a walk - you can’t save bast shoes.
What are you thinking about now, old lady?
Are you all powdered? B a b a - I g a. And you are younger. Water.
Well, if so, let me spend the night,
Stele the feather.
B a b a - I g a. You know, she ran away. Koschey. Shall we play, uncle? V o d i n o i. Nothing to play. Koschey. You bet on a catfish, and I'll bet on a hare. B a b a - I g a. We are ready to lose ourselves. Water.
And the truth is, hares are doing something,
Leshuk forgot his forest affairs. B a b a - I g a.
Do you want to restore order in the forest?
Look, there is only mud in the river,
There is always pandemonium along the pools,
Your brat is in almost every puddle. Water. Is it a lot? B a b a - I g a. Nowhere to step.
The first kikimora protrudes from the bushes.
Wow, whose are they?
Water. Let's go play, Koshcheiko. B a b a - I g a.
Go, but away from the hut.
Slanting sleeps, everything is calm in the world,
Sleepy grass is now in abundance ..
Burn, burn, my forest potion,
When you burn out, I'll go down another narva.
The day follows the night, the moon follows the sun.
One will die, another will be born,
Only time rolls by.
I don't know where the thread starts
And where is the end, and who spins it ... Water. Shuffle the deck!
Koschey. I put a couple of hares. Water. I'm going for two.
Koschey, I won, point!
Water. Look, you ... I'm going to all four Koschey. More to give? Water.
Let's! Let's! Let's!
By twelve came the ace of wine... Koschey. Knock, uncle!
Water. I'm going to eight. Another card... Overkill again!
Baba Yaga. These have neither grief nor dreams... Koshchei. Lucky today, I don't play anymore. Water. Give me a deck! I didn't bank.
They appear in the meadow. Goblin and R u-
I'm bored, Leshy. There is only forest everywhere.
Alone all day...
Goblin. Learn to play the pipe.
Baba Yaga. Pick flowers.
Mermaid. I'm not small!
Flowers are needed in the color of our years.
Besides, you forgot so soon
Blizzard whistle, and blue snowdrifts,
And a long sleep under an icy roof. Mermaid. Summer days are running in vain... Goblin. What do you want?
Mermaid. I do not know myself.
Baba Yaga.
Wait, Leshuk, do not believe the words of the girls.,
And trust your eyes if you want to know the truth^
The girlish words are the same moths,
They themselves do not know why they fly ... Goblin.
Other eyes, too, grandma, lie.
You tell me what in the world to believe?
Where to go? Baba Yaga. Drovets get out.
Leshy takes an axe.
Too wise. And you, little dove, I would take buckets, go for water, Here the shore and water are nearby.
They send me back to shore.
Again water, the end of the water is not visible,
And I want to sit in the hut.
I raise something on the hoop,
I'll open the chest, lie down on the stove ... B a b a - I'm a.
Stop! And you can't think
You can't go there...
Mermaid. Well, where can you? Koschey. Again there. Into the head. B a b a - I g a.
Sit closer, I'll tell you a story.
I dreamed that you gave birth to a son.
And Leshy seems to carry both of you
Through all the forests, dense on our hands. Mermaid. What more! B a b a - I g a. But why not good dream? Water. Play fool! Koschey. What will you put in now? Mine now
perch and pike. Water.
Shut up! I'll provide what you need.
Do you see the girl?
(He nodded at the Mermaid.) Koshchei.
He flashed...
Wherever it went! Another one with a picture
Come on and cut yourself now. Water.
Damn forest, damn heat
Noise all day, noisy and does not stop,
If only there was a thunderstorm... Oh, too much again! Koschey. I'm tired, that's enough, enough of the game. Water.
Play, bastard, I bet on myself!
It cannot be that there is no end and edge
My trouble.
Koschey. Fate, she's blind. Water. Who are you? Koschey. Guide to fate. Water. Everything is over. Now I'm not myself. Koschey.
Not everyone can be themselves
Walking after is more pleasant for many,
And if you just think on the orders -
Much easier to live by order. Water. You're right, scoundrel, but who will believe you? (Exits.)
K o sh e and.
Hey thinker! Catch the fish! Around me is one gloomy forest, I'm frightened by the wild desertion, From here there are no paths, no roads. The face of untouched nature is dangerous, The untamed spirit is even more dangerous, Knowing no borders and order, The free spirit of taiga tramps. This element must be tamed! Someday they will say thank you For having learned to live like people
And they renounced the freedom of the forest. Be bolder!
B a b a - I ha.
What is he muttering? It is not easy to carry him to the hut. Stop!
Koschey. Well, wake up!
B a b a - I ha.
He wakes up Death... Mermaid, dove, Go away, he will destroy you, And Death now loves the young.
The old man lost the Mermaid in cards, With me the girl has nothing to be afraid of.
Baba Yaga. Damned... Don't come near the hut!
Koschey. Hey stop sleeping! Woke up at last.
A sleepy Soldier appears at the door, the Mermaid hides.
Soldier. I wish you health!
B a b a - I g a. No more urine...
Soldier. They have a war, and I'm sitting in a hut.
Baba Yaga.
Tell me, soldier, how did you get there?
Where did you look? Whom did you listen to?
Looks like you only know how to clean plaques
Yes, tighten the straps on the chest. Soldier.
I blundered ... Kikimors confused,
Haven't had a drink in a while...
Koschey. Well, pull yourself up! Who are you with us? Baba Yaga. And a scarecrow in a cap. Soldier.
Have you forgotten who you're dealing with?
I can shake it - you won't pick up the bones. Baba Yaga.
He spoke. I suffered from a hangover
Al grew bolder under the new commander?
A drunkard to a rogue is the first well-wisher.
Fraudsters! Don't poke, I'm not afraid.
It's high time, but there is no one yet
Blame the deceivers to the whole world,
Open drunken eyes to the truth.
Look, look who you foolishly serve
With what a scoundrel he went out to maneuver ... Koschey. Shut up, thicket snake! Baba Yaga. And fie on you! Soldier. The grave cries for her. Baba Yaga.
The wine burns the road to the churchyard!
All drunkards are in the bosom of Death,
Remember... Koschey.
Push her there
In the cold, let it cool down. Baba Yaga. Remember! (She went into the hut.) Koshchey- Close! Do not release! Where is Water? Soldier. Went to the river to drown.
Waterman appears.
Water. Such a life that fit and to the bottom. Koschey.
Take a boat, sit on a locker,
You can’t doze off, look out the door at both
And we'll go look for the others.
(Leaves with the Soldier.) Baba Yaga (from the window).
Aren't you ashamed, aren't you? The old woman is guarded. Water. He reached the handle ... Baba Yaga. Come to the window. Water. I lost the Mermaid to him in cards ... Baba Yaga.
A marked card does not count.
It's gone bad! Yes, stay on guard
And pretend to serve impeccably.
Kikimoras peek out from under the shore with curiosity.
The second kikimora. Look look! The first kikimora. Sit down, don't get out. The third kikimora. Where is the soldier? The second kikimora. Hush, don't push. The first kikimora. You heard? Koschei
already immortal. The third kikimora. They go here...
Goblin enters the clearing, playing topo
rum. ^
Hello, water!
I see you are in a new rank today,
Why did you get such honor? Water. Do not ask and do not poison the soul. Goblin. And what did the old woman do wrong? Water. I do not know.
Goblin. So you need to know, brother. Open it. Baba Yaga (leaning out of the window).
And I'm good at home
Doubly calm, sitting under lock and key. Goblin.
Nothing lasts forever in the world under the moon,
Prisons, it used to be like they were afraid of fire,
Who wants to go home and go to jail?
Now the prison is right at home,
Water. Where is Mermaid now? Goblin. It is more pleasant to spend the night on a tree. Water. And you left her alone in the forest?
Unscrupulous. Goblin.
She doesn't know yet
That you lost it to Koshchei.
She would have known and immediately come running ... Water. All the jokes to you... Baba Yaga. Lead the girl out of the forest! Goblin.
She's cold to me like a fish...
Lead, lead! What do you have to do with her?
Stay in a jail? Lick Koshcheya's heels?
Is it for you to go for berries?
Get up old man! Wake up from obsession!
Water. You know, Goblin, what do I need now
do? Goblin.
Take the batog, and I'll take the ax - Insolence, like spring water,
Empty burrows first fills
And only then he tries to blur them. Water.
But the evil force is not in impudence alone,
She is still in shamelessness and mind. Goblin. The most important thing is in our laziness with you. Water. Probably so. But what to do
us? Goblin.
Put on shoes, stand up and drive Koshchei in the neck,
Through forests and rivers - straight ahead! Baba Yaga.
Now you can't compete with Koshchei.
He, before getting out,
And himself and all his antics
Defended with a soldier's cleaver. Goblin.
There are cleavers on cleavers!
Perhaps we won’t freeze before autumn without firewood.
Get your club, Merman! B a b a - I ha.
Come to your senses, Leshy! Death walks through the forest
Sniffing out what to profit,
You are not the only one living in the forest with us!
Put the ax down.
The First Kiki Mora is shown again.
And what do you need here? Shh! All mine... Goblin.
Hey chicks, over here! Well, what are you?
(Begins to dance, pulling out the First Kikimora.)
The second kikimora. We don't dance like that. The third kikimor a. Where is the Soldier? The first kikimora. You are more interesting at night. Goblin.
I don't want to think day or night.
We will sing ... Sing? The first kikimora. Let's sing! The second to and to and m about r and. Let's sing!
Goblin with kikimors begin to sing and dance.
Kikimori (sing).
Why forests, why oak forests
And spring water
We will easily achieve glory,
We will get everything without difficulty.
Sleep in winter, wake up in summer
We will master any reservoir,
We do not accept anyone's advice
And we don't recognize anyone.
Why forests, why oak forests ...
(They enter into a rage, but the dance is suddenly interrupted.) Leshy (The first kikimore).
Farewell, beauty, stop dancing for me, Dance with other dancers. Thunder rolls in the forest. You hear? The wind breaks branches.
Nobody hears anything
Bird's nests fly in the dark across the sky,
The water of the lakes rises from whirlwinds,
The animals call their young.
I'm leaving...
Baba Yaga. Where are you, looking at the night? Goblin.
I'm leaving you, not the storm
While roads are not measured in the forests,
Roots and grass are not trampled!
What about a thunderstorm? Fresh air in a thunderstorm.
Goodbye everyone!
Baba Yaga. Why do you need a cleaver? Goblin. I might find this thing useful. Baba Yaga. Oh, Goblin, Goblin... Water. Around the head.
Act two
The hut is upholstered in plastic. The forest has been cut down.
Who can afford freedom in the world?
Fantasies, empty dreams,
More winds, and then out of the blue,
Whistle, fly and don't blow your mustache.
But if you are a living being,
And a head on his shoulders, not a hat,
Learn to sleep and have fun
Know the rules and do what you are told. Baba Yaga.
And so that you die with your orders!
When he sleeps, the inky soul.
(Throws out slop.)
Ko neck. The order for the forest number ... recorded? The first kikimora (writes down).
“Complain. Send to the allotment.
Strengthen the ration. Give out boots. Vodyanoy (to the Soldier).
You will go with me to cut forest pines,
Sharpen a cleaver.
Soldier. Wherever we serve. The first kikimora. I heard that Leshy
somewhere close. Koschey.
It can't be... Fuck it! Cancel!
(To a soldier.) Go to the post!
The soldier rises to his post.
floating river
What have you accumulated? The second kikimora. IN
we can live longer. Koschey.
As for water, write to Vodyany.
All in place! Strengthen the guard!
(WITH businesslike leaves.)
Mermaid appears.
Yesterday's places are unrecognizable today.
What force cut down the groves
And the water in the rivers turned back?
Wish I could wake up a little earlier
How interesting... Soldier. Stop, don't come near! Mermaid.
Perhaps you don't recognize me?
After all, I'm a Mermaid, remember, on the lava
Koshcheya you didn’t miss yesterday,
But I asked to be missed. Soldier. Are you a mermaid? Don't want a fig?
We no longer believe in forest evil spirits.
Get out of here! Enough of your stories
And don't start a conversation with me. Mermaid. But before it was... Soldier.
Little did it happen!
And if it was, so one fool,
Get out!
B a b a - I g a. Who are you scolding? Soldier. Yes, bless me, suddenly an obsession.
B a b a - I g a. Let go, fool! Soldier. Bring permission. Baba Yaga.
Yes, he is crazy, do not listen, come in.
In my forest, I became not the mistress. ^
They don’t let you through the lava without a pass,
That's what the old woman lived up to!
How are you?
Mermaid. Nobody loves me... B a ba-Ya ha.
Look what the stupid thing came into her head.
You are not alone in a girl's time
You're putting yourself out in vain,
Do not drive away the obsessive thought,
That no one in the world needs.
You are masters of roaring in vain,
It's good for you to invent flaws
To ourselves and, inciting envy,
To give the will to mental flour. Mermaid. Everything has changed. Where are my birches? B a b a - I g a.
Go to the hut, mother, go.
And hide there, sit without getting out.
Kikimora, Koshchei's assistant,
I went through the forest to look for Leshy. Mermaid. Why does she need him? B a b a - I g a. Koschei sent her.
The mermaid goes to the hut.
They want to first lure out of the forest,
I don't know what their plans are...
Are you all standing? Soldier.
I stood, I stand and I will stand! Baba - I ha.
Who's stopping you?
It's sweeter to go crazy in your own way.
Soldier. Where did you go?
B a b a - I g a. By berries, statues!
Let loose, go anywhere,
Do not recognize daily routines
The night ones are also badly recognized.
Hey you, shishigs!
The second and third k and k and seas are trying to penetrate to the other side.
The second kikimora. Ugh, how rude. Soldier. Let's swim where you came from. The third kikimor a. Swears... The second kikimora.
Blink to him, dunce,
Press your thigh, stroke his mustache.
Let me try it myself. Soldier!
Hello Hello! He does not recognize his own.
Raised? Damn bouncer...
Goblin approaches the lava, he is still with a cleaver.
Goblin. Wait, soldier, why are you so her? Soldier.
Let's go again. One is cleaner than the other.
And all over the lavas, from this side.
Well, come what may, I won’t give up cheaply ...
Koschey appears.
Blind, fool? Skip immediately!
We are all waiting for you. For a long time and impatiently. Goblin. Who are you? Koschey.
Far from safe
In the dense forest, besides without a weapon,
In a thunderstorm and rain, with our impassability ...
Hope all is well with you? Goblin.
How many words have become in the world.
Stop, stop being hypocritical
I see you and I know what you need. Koschey. Don't know yet. Goblin.
So much the better for me.
Where is Water? Kikimory? Mermaid?
Pine forest, where could he go?
And what happened to the river? Koschey.
But will you ever understand me
And say you were wrong. Goblin.
And in your honor we will erect monuments
On the site of the former century-old oak forests! Koschey.
At least a stupid inevitability
Ignore and act kind.
Look at the world we have transformed.
We do not stand still, we go!
Yes, you are going, I agree, but you are going, Erasing your traces behind you, Anticipating Death and emptiness! You outwitted yourself too...
I need to see you alone. There are no obstacles for our
friendship with you.
And to spend time in stupid squabbles Both of us, probably unworthy.
Goblin. Teach? Put in a position?
Koschey. The uniform and saber will suit you.
Goblin. Me to the post, Soldier to lumberjacks...
But Vodyanoy can barely move his legs, (nods at the Soldier) Well, hard work is good for him. Please don't rush to answer.
Get away from me, you cowardly bastard! You measured everything, but with your arshin, Distributed to whom in what place When to step, what to chew today And what, and how much tomorrow in the morning. Will you understand that in an indivisible world, unique heart human There will always be something that no one will ever keep track of?
You forget who you are dealing with And what it threatens you with in the end.
And I don't give a damn that you're Koschey the Deathless, And I'm not afraid of you or Death! Let him go... Rather than live in such a neighborhood, Among the stumps, among the waterless plains, Without bird songs... it is better to die. Call her!
Mermaid quietly comes out of the hut.
He calls everyone to him
One does not even want to see me,
Doesn't want to know what's in my heart...
Goblin (Mermaid).
I've been searching the woods all night looking for you.
When a midnight flower burned in the darkness,
Dropping ruby ​​sparks into the moss,
I forgot doubts and fatigue
And I saw a mermaid fire in it.
No, really, Leshy? All my birch trees have gone somewhere. The forest has changed. I screamed, but you didn't answer.
Goblin. Let's go, let's go...
Goblin wants to take the Mermaid away, but Koschei makes a sign to the Soldier.
Soldier. Will have to linger.
Adjust the belt on your belly, you scoundrel!
Yes, look around you more disgracefully ... Soldier. Get out of the way! Water. Again they have a war ... Koshchei. Not here, away... Mermaid. Leshy, stop it!
Death appears.
Oh, how ridiculous are my pagans!
They do not care that my power is without measure.
A blade of grass will grow, a bug or a bug,
Or a tree, or a fish in an okian -
Everything dies quietly and calmly,
Nobody asks to extend their life.
But a real trouble with a person,
Sits in the womb, and already bitches
Against me with hands and feet.
I look at it from afar
I'm not in a hurry, let him come out of the dungeon.
On White light let it appear.
One, two, ten, millions!
They are born and do not know themselves
That they will all die someday.
Already born in my hands
And those who have not yet been born. Goblin.
I will die in battle, and you will be powerless ...
Let's go, Soldier, find out who wins. Death.
I bless you! Mow, my scythe.
Mow, scythe, while the dew is in the forest,
While there is bloody dew in the forest,
Mow, spit, mow and day and night,
From century to century, on land and at sea,
Mow, spit, mow and don't be stupid!
Goblin and the Soldier begin to fight to the death, retreat into the back of the stage.
Agreed! Haha. I love, love to see forest mosses, soaked in blood, Hot-blooded foamed rivers. I don’t see something who is pushing whom ... Ah, well done! The initiative is more valuable than the deed. War, war! She will roll around the world like a taiga fire From hour to hour, And all the tears of the deceived world That fire can no longer be extinguished. Cheers cheers! Now you can’t stop, Vaughn, they got up, they are already saddling the horses. Has eclipsed the dust of the eastern dawn. The earth trembles with trampling and roaring, Rows closed, galloping without a road And burning and trampling on their green World! And these are sleeping ... As if drunk, Vaughn, heard the noise, someone woke up, Moved like ants,
The kings and commanders ran,
Soldiers are called under their wing.
Like sails billowing banners
A military trumpet sings at the zenith!
And there, on the sidelines, frozen in fear,
Spies are waiting for time
Allies, hope without a fight
Save power for the future
And push around the devastated land.
It happened! It won't work this time.
And your shoulders will crack in battle.
Go-go! Here will be beauty
When the whole earth is engulfed in fire,
The sun will go out, the metal will rattle,
When they meet in mortal combat
All the people of the world, one and all!
What sea of ​​blood will spill
What breadth! Oh, how many will die!
Out of the darkness comes B ab a- Ya g a.
B ba- I ha.
Calm down, oblique, step back, come to your senses. Take me, leave people alone, Let them live.
Death. Enough, profit! B a b a - I g a.
Joints with a cold ache,
Herbs and roots do not help.
Take off the curse! Spare me the pain
From the sun, from the sky, from the earth!
Live Yaga. I don't know you. Oh, let's go! They'll get together now. On the road, Death! Now it's your time.
B a b a - I g a.
Damn! Let your scythe Step out of the common human, To make you wave beyond your strength, Let your bone fall apart, Fill your empty eyes with sand. Damn! From now on and forever I'll go after the black hoodie, I'll strive to follow your heels, Everywhere interfere, swear tirelessly, Spit in the eye and strive badly, Hold her!
Death breaks out of Yagi's hands and disappears.
Water. They are fighting again.
Soldier and Goblin continue to fight.
B a b a - I g a.
Again, again. Where were you looking?
You can't leave the house for a minute.
Stop the carnage, Koshcheiko. Koschey. I didn’t start it, and it’s not for me to finish.
Poor Goblin dropped his ax, Goes on the attack with his bare hands...
Koschey. Himself to blame.
R u s a l k a. __0 they will kill him!
Water. Already killed...
R u s a l k a. He doesn't move!
Baba Yaga. Damned! Where did the stick go?
A bewildered and cheerful Soldier appears.
Soldier. He will remember how to argue with sentries. Water. How will he remember if he is killed? Koschey. Bury! Place an obelisk. Baba Yaga.
The earth does not hold people like you!
She is shaking with pity and anger,
And the cramp brings everything inside,
She's ready to break...
Koschey. Soldier, silence the old woman.
Baba Yaga. Out of shame the sun blushes
in the sky.
K o sh e and. Where do you get your eloquence from?
The second kikimora. Some horror!
The third kikimora. What's going on here?
The second kikimora.
Your dear Leshy killed. Now the dead are buried in the moss.
The third kikimora is not true, no, let me go, let me go! He is not like that, all this is slander.
The second kikimora. And why is there blood on the cleaver?
The third kikimora. What kind of blood? Crushed cranberries.
Zy, shut up, swamp woman! Everyone come in! Live indoors. And you, and you go there, one at a time.
Koschey drives everyone into the hut, The third kikimora quietly dodges.
The first kikimora. In alphabet order? Koschey.
The old woman is not included in this list.
She is also immortal for some reason.
Look how many berries you have collected. Baba Yaga. Pah, pah on you... Koschey.
Lock the gate.
My star rises above the forests
She burns, burns and does not burn,
How does not burn my hatred.
Everything is behind! I have no one to fear
I will fix this world!
Holding on to my own thoughts,
Everyone on earth will now follow me
And they will do what I want. Soldier. More digging?
Bury it deeper.
Wait, wait, but where does Death walk? Soldier. I didn't see. Koschey.
Leave him for now.
There was no red tape here either.
Orders ... But where to look for her?
(Leaves.) The third kikimora (sings).
I'll get off the path in the forest
And I will stand under the needles,
Let the raindrops drip
On my head.
I guess my fate
Oh, odd or even?
I guess, I think
Where does the river flow?
Flowing under the clear sun
Under the yellow moon
By pebbles, by pegs
Forest side.
The gloomy, the clear.
The water takes the days
And extinguishes the red in the field
Bathing lights. Soldier.
The moon sets, know, before dawn.
Again my kikimore can't sleep.
Above the dead owl hoots and groans.
Or maybe I am afraid?
Fuck me, fuck me...
The third kikimora. Soldier? catch up! Soldier.
Wow, fuck you ... I dragged my cap.
Flirts, beckons right into the pool.
Why be afraid? I am no worse than others.
(Throws himself into the water.) Ba-ba-Yaga.
Dry not to be in the son-in-law of the Vodyany,
And fools don't drown, they don't burn.
Mermaid, are you still sitting, poor thing? Mermaid. I'm waiting for the morning ... B a b a - Yag a.
Let's go, let's go.
Cry over him, and you will feel better. Mermaid. I can't cry. B a b a Yaga.
When they don't cry, the heart turns to stone,
But bitterness melts stone weight,
The soul is brighter from crying tears ...
Lies, cordial, as if not dead.
Washed the wound morning dew... Mermaid. Does he hear us? Baba Yaga. And how should I know. Mermaid (sits at Leshy's head).
Crystal ringing of birch icicles,
Pine sigh in a deep forest dream,
Sinichiig whistling snowfall
Let my dear hear in the winter.
Swan cry for blue seas, Green current in the leaves from the rhizome, Splashing in the sky of the solar reach Let my dear hear in the spring. Underground rumble, born of heaven, The womb voice of wordless creatures And my voice over the head of death Let my dear hear in the summer!
Water. For all the living one and the same fate...
Baba Yaga.
While it's dark and no one sees us, Don't stand like a stump! Hurry, bring some water, First dead, then alive, Wake up, wake up!
Where can I take it?
All springs with living water have dried up...
Baba Yaga.
Don't be lazy! Get it out of the ground. You are Vodyanoy, you have the cards in your hands.
The first kikimora.
Who manages the water here? There is nothing to wash.
Baba Yaga. Idol, deserved ...
The first kikimora.
Do you conjure? This work is in vain, No one has ever been resurrected from words, And, in my opinion, it is not necessary to resurrect.
Baba Yaga.
One for you, one for us. Don't stand, wiggle! Go where you went. You have enough sense to play and drink, You have the ingenuity to cut forests, And you have the strength to thresh each other, And as for business, your legs froze. Looking for a spring!
The first kikimora.
It's funny to even listen to them,
What could be more stupid than divination?
Baba Yaga.
Standing again, .. Go, go quickly, Look for the living, the dead everywhere, Yes, plug your ears along the way.
First kikimora. Oh mother darkness!"
The second kikimora.
The usual pretense.
Or maybe just child's play?
Koschey appears.
They play in childhood, in old age they become stupid.
Where are you, my friend Vodyanoy?
Let's go ashore, we'll talk a little. Water.
Let go, Koschey, she sent me
Look for a spring with living water in the forest... Koshchei.
Is there such a thing on earth?
What a people! They need yesterday.
But how much can you believe in these fables,
Can't see anything around you?
Water. Yes, I’m something ... There, she’s all there, the old woman ...
The first kikimora. They want what is dead forever.
Mermaid. He looks to the sky! B a b a - I g a.
No, my killer whale.
The heavens look into his eyes.
Wipe off the dew, wipe his eyelashes
And keep quiet until the morning wind... Koschey. Bury it! Hey, where's our security? The first kikimora. As always, Soldier
left a post. Koschey. Fell in love, right? (Soldier tries
catch the Third Kikimora.)
The first kikimora. Fairy based. The third kikimora. Catch, catch! Soldier.
Oh, just a punishment
Such a girl, worse than any gun.
Neither front nor rear is given. To about sh it.
Come hither, dear sentinel!
And you, I see, are also fascinated ... The third kikimora (looks at Leshy).
Who is this?
The second kikimora. Goblin. Isn't it clear?
The third kikimora. But he... lies. The second kikimora. Take it and wake up. Koschey.
So, brother, is that how they serve?
He left his post, did not complete the task.
Well, where did you walk? Soldier.
I'll fix it, I'm sorry.
In the night forest, alone, without reinforcements
You stand, you stand, and suddenly you are tempted,
And with the secret power, too, jokes are bad. Koschey.
No, there are no goblin or mermaids!
No water ones! Well, how many times to repeat? B a b a - I g a. All canceled, whom not to kill
forces ... Water. Tell me, Koschey, and Death too
No? The third kikimora. Who is he? Whom
are we so afraid? Koschey.
Shut up, you bastard. Alive! Backstage!
Drive her!
Soldier. Ivanovich, be quiet. Baba Yaga. Ivanovich... hour by hour it doesn't get any easier. Koschey. What are you waiting for? Soldier. To chill you. Koschey. But I do not announce the order twice. Soldier.
And I won't let you hurt her.
And so the girl froze through the swamps,
Who in the world did she hurt?
Come here and put down the cleaver.
Well? How much to wait? Soldier.
We didn't swear to you.
And perhaps we do not want to swear
No, this case needs to be dealt with!
(Reveals the cleaver.) The first kikimora. But he's joking! What
You! Calm down...
Soldier. And you, disheveled, move away too. Water. Let him find out where the crayfish hibernate. Mermaid.
Leave him, soldier, wait!
Dont kill! Don't be a killer twice.
He is among us, perhaps the most unfortunate of all.
Life is not easy without heart and soul. Baba Yaga. Yes, and the mind of Herod is not too much. Mermaid. Is Death again on the lava
set foot? Koschey.
Unthinkable... They feel sorry for me.
They forgot about my immortality.
Forest trash! Cattle with a cleaver!
Well, what are you looking at? Soldier.
He laughs in my eyes
He scoffs, and I will finish him off, Baba Yaga.
And who will give you wine to drink?
gamble? To slip a kikimore? Water.
Yaga, Yaga, hold your tongue.
Things are bad ... B a b a - I g a. One is worth the other.
The third kikimora is crying.
What, mother? The third kikimora.
They will kill each other.
And I'll be left alone in the forest again ...
B ab a- I ha. Yes, they don’t listen to me. You see, they are furious, they are marking time, They splatter with saliva, they don’t smell anything And they all hiss like two black grouse.
Koschei retreats into the hut.
Soldier. Well, get out!
Baba Yaga.
How things have changed.
Wait, soldier, lock the doors tighter,
Plant a scoundrel on bread and kvass
And keep until death
In the hut a chapel, a fortress and a prison,
And Death will come and judge everything for you ...
Again serve like a copper pot! (Stands up.)
in vain do not be limp, but Life will take its toll! 1 Where is my little soldier?
Death enters the scene again.
Water. Easy, easy oblique in sight.
The third kikimora.
Don't need Death, I'm afraid of it
Unheard of! Unseen! war
The earth was ready to choke
And suddenly the mortal anguish subsided.
I rushed there, on the battlefield,
Where the dust of the campaign slowly settled,
I look, and there they fly under the clouds
Not crows, but hats and banners
Scattered, and battle cries
The teeth got stuck, the muscles softened.
And the evil blood recoiled from his eyes.
Enemies pour wine to each other,
And they shake hands, and slap on the back,
What's going on... Call Koshchei here!
Soldier. Settle.
Death. And who is this?
Soldier. Deaf, right? Said away.
Maybe I don't understand these words. Where did you, unkempt, come from?
Soldier. I'll probably brush you too!
The second kikimora. I'm used to being rude "with everyone indiscriminately. Water. Goes to Death ... The third kikimora. Don't!
The first kikimora. Insolent! (With air
leaves the stage in anguish.)
Baba - I ha. Do not raise a booze in front of everyone in the forest.
And we will talk without strangers.
Guard the gate, Waterman! ___ Take Urazina just in case. ~(TShtsyt~Death-behind-scene-.)
One bone, but the strength of an ox ... B a b a- Ya ha.
Don't leave her without a craft.
Everywhere hemp, drag more carefully.
She is alone, but there are many of us in the world ... Vodyanoy. Who do you pity, gray-haired witch? B a b a - I ha.
Stay on guard and
There would be Death, the Third kikimora. B a b a - I g a.
Honey, I don't know.
Run after them, they might come in handy.
The third kikimora runs away.
(Second kikimore.) And you, rospel, do not turn up your nose. Get on your feet, call your friend Yes, collect Koshchei's transfer Perhaps he will pay good.
The second kikimora leaves lazily.
Mermaid... They don't let us cry... (Threatens Watery with a black finger.) Look after him. I'm going to look for a spring.
It's getting light.



After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


- Our dear guests, we hasten to congratulate everyone,
May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!
May for all good people who are not afraid of worries,
It will not just be new, but a happy new year!

Child 1:

- We begin children's ball- a fun, noisy carnival!
We are inviting guests to celebrate! Hurry to us here soon!

Child 2:

- The Christmas tree came to visit us and glows with lights,
Let friends meet a fun hour with us!

Child 3:

- Under the tree we will dance and sing, because New Year Today.
Look everyone, and we will start our New Year's holiday.

KHOROVOD about WINTER (at the choice of the music director).

In a conspicuous place there is a clock. An old man enters the hall - Old year.

Old year (walks, shuffles its feet): - Oh oh oh. The Christmas tree has already been dressed up, soon the chimes will strike 12 times and my year will end. Ay! (grabs heart) I'm getting old, I'm getting old.

Presenter: — Hello, grandfather!

Old year: - I'm not a grandfather, I'm an Old Year!

Presenter: - So let's say goodbye to you guys, it was a good year, but we got together to meet a new one!

Old year: - Don't want! I don't want to leave. I won't leave! (stomps feet)

Presenter: - But the old year ends, let us send you a cheerful song!

Child 5:

- Snow falls from the ceiling, golden tinsel,
The tree shimmers with sparkles, the rain on it is made of silver.

Child 6:

- It will be fun today, we will not be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday, we came to meet you.

Round dance "Winter holiday".

While the children are in a round dance, the Old Year removes the hands from the clock.

Old year: - All! I outsmarted everyone! The New Year will not come, it will never come, there will always be my year! Here they are arrows, here they are! I will take them to the chest of Koshchei the Deathless and lock them up forever. The chimes will not strike 12 times, the magic clock has stopped. Runs away.

The music of "Koshchei" sounds. Koschei rides on a horse. Stops in the center, does exercises.

With cries of "Koshcheyushka! Save!" the old year runs.

Koschey: - What's happened? Who is screaming? Oh, it's you, Santa Claus! Why are you screaming like that?

Old year: - Oh, trouble, Koshcheyushka! My power is ending, the old year is ending and the new one is on the threshold. Oh oh oh!

Koschey: - And what did you do?

Old year: - So I stole magic arrows from children from New Year's clock so that the New Year does not come! Let's hide them in your chest - there the children will never find them.

Koschey: - Of course, come on! There are many places... (hide arrows) Don’t worry so much, the place is safe, they still can’t find my death, and even more so the arrows! Let's better song let's sing!

Old year: - A song?

Koschey: - Yeah, the hit of 2012!

Koschey and the Old Year sing to the tune "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass."

1. A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest.
It has one needle
Green was.

Imagine, imagine.
Green was.
Hee hee hee, ha ha ha
Green was.

2. And once under the tree
The bunny jumped.
green needle
He took ... and broke off (crying).

Imagine, imagine
He took ... and broke off.
Hee hee hee, ha ha ha
He took ... and broke off!

The old year nudges Koshchei with his elbow and points at the children, he makes a "brutal" face.

Presenter: “Well, shame on you! The whole country is celebrating the New Year, children are waiting for Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden.

Old year: - Not one bit ashamed. I have not done all the things that I planned ...

Presenter: “Give me the magic arrows immediately!”

Koschey: - In 100 years I will give it back, but for now let them lie down with me - they will be safer.

Presenter: — How in 100 years?

Koschey: - And what? I don't care, I'm Koschei the Deathless.

Presenter: - It is impossible without the New Year! And the children are waiting for gifts!

Old year: - Look, they wanted gifts!

Koschey: - Can you take them away?

Children: - Yes!

Koschey: - Well, let's see. I will give you gifts if you collect them and can carry them away.


Koschey scatters Stuffed Toys. Put two bags. Bags without a bottom, but it is not visible. Two children collect toys at speed and put them in bags. Koschey and the Old Year comment: “There is enough for everyone, where do you have so much, leave half.” At the end of the game, Koschey and the Old Year come up, pick up the bags and all the toys fall out. Koschei and the Old Year laugh.

Koschey: — Ha-ha-ha! You haven't collected anything. You don't know anything. You won't get anything. Bye-bye gifts.

The old year at this time collects gifts and takes them away.

Presenter: — Is it possible? Is it possible to deceive children?

Old year: We are not lying, we are joking like that!

Presenter: - The children were preparing for the New Year so much, they were waiting for it, but are you kidding!? Look at the dance the guys were preparing for the holiday!

Koschey: - Well, let's see.


Old year: “Don’t give up the arrows, I don’t want to leave, I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want ...

Koschey (interrupts): “I understand, if you don’t want to, don’t leave, just don’t cackle, otherwise I’ll turn you into a chicken.” These kids will cry. (threatens children)

Presenter: We're not going to cry. We will call Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Snowmen, friends, go - mark the path for Santa Claus.


Koschey: “Oh, grandpa, I think it’s time for us!” The meeting does not promise to be joyful ...

Children call "Santa Claus, Santa Claus! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!".

The old year says to Koshchei: "Let's run," they leave. The music includes Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: - Hello my friends!

“I searched the whole city. Finally found you!
I traveled for a long time, are you all waiting for me? (children answer)
Greetings to all viewers - your parents! (waves to parents)
And you, my dear, obedient and mischievous!
Ah yes, the tree, it’s just a miracle, how elegant and beautiful!
I've been to all the gardens - better than a Christmas tree did not see!
To make the tree burst into flames, you use the words:
“Surprise us with beauty, Christmas tree, light the fires!”

Presenter: - Come on together, come on together!

Children repeat the words, the tree flashes with lights.

Father Frost: - In a circle, guys, stand, the music is calling to the Christmas tree. Hold hands tight, let's start a round dance!

Round dance with Santa Claus "Oh, how Santa Claus dances." Words and music by N. Bazyleva.

Presenter: - Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you for so long, and how many poems the guys have prepared at home. Sit down, listen.

CHILDREN READ POEMS (at the choice of educators).

Father Frost: — Dear children! I didn't dance with you, I didn't play games with you!


Father Frost: “And now we’re going to jump into the New Year!”


As soon as I say the word "Three" - you jump, do not pull!
New Year is a favorite holiday. How beautiful - look!
In the new year we will jump together, as I say "One, two, five"!
New Year comes at midnight, look at the clock,
As the arrows converge together, let's jump together: one, two, one!
Round dances around the Christmas tree ... come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Our Christmas tree will light up when it hears: one, two, seven!
We are tired of waiting for a long time, it's time to say "three".
Who jumped, well done! Who did not jump - cucumber!

Santa Claus listens, puts his hand to his ear.

Father Frost: - I don’t understand anything, we jumped into the New Year, but it didn’t come. Where is the chiming clock?

Presenter: Grandpa, look at magic clock! There are no arrows on them! Guys, what happened here?

The children and the presenter say that the Old Year and Koschey took the arrows so that the New Year would not come.

Presenter: - Grandfather Frost, will you help us get to Koshchei's kingdom?

Father Frost: - Aren't you afraid to go through the dark forest, through thickets untrodden? Hold on to your hands then.

Children join hands.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden lead the children like a snake through the hall to the music. The light goes out.

Father Frost: - It's scary, it's dark.

Snow Maiden: - What are we afraid of? All the animals in the forest are happy for us. They know all the forest paths and guide us.

DANCE OF THE FOREST ANIMALS (music at the choice of the music director).

The Christmas tree goes out, only the beam directed at the mirror ball burns.

Snow Maiden: — It seems that we are approaching, something has become even darker.

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost: - Calm, calm! I know who will help us. Stars of heaven come out, light the way for us.

Star Girls:

- We live in the world
Many centuries.
We shine bright light
People all over the planet.
We are way for travelers
We light up everywhere.
We are very high
We see everything and know everything.

DANCE OF STARS (beautiful lyrical music).

Father Frost: “Thank you, dear stars, for lighting the way for us.

The star girls sit down.

The music "Entrance of Koshchei" sounds. Koshchey comes in.


I am cunning, I am angry, I am greedy.
Rough, cruel and merciless.
I use my sword in cold blood.
I don't know anxiety
I handed over my heart for safekeeping -
And I don't regret anything.

Koschey: - Most importantly, calm! (looks at children) Are you afraid of me?

Children: - No!

Presenter: - Not a bit.

Koschey: "And you don't shudder?"

Presenter: “Why are we afraid of you, we know everything about you: death is at the end of your needle, a needle in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare ...

Koschey (irritated): - Okay, okay, okay! Smart what!

Father Frost: - Come on, give us the arrows from the magic clock!

Koschey: “Well, no, I won’t give you arrows just like that.

Presenter: — What should be done?

Koschey: - Play with me.

Presenter: - So with pleasure. Guys love to play.


Koschey and one child must run around the Christmas tree on horses (on sticks), Koschey loses, the host calls another child - Koschey loses again.

Father Frost: - Well, Koschey, the guys beat you, give us arrows!

Koschey: Wait, don't rush me. I have one more game in stock. Come on, get in the circle! Listen and repeat!

MUSICAL GAME "Christmas Trees-Stumps".

Presenter: - Mr. Koschey, now give us the arrows from the magic clock.

Koschey (surprised): - Arrows? What arrows? I don't have any arrows!

Presenter: - Well, how is it possible? Real friends don't do that.

Koschey: “Here, you have friends ... And I’m alone - alone, no one needs ... There was one friend - the Old Year, and you are driving that away ... out, afraid to show yourself ...

Father Frost: - Yes, how is it one, but what are we for !? What about guys? Well, kids, go out in a round dance - we'll show Koshchei how we can be friends.


Koschey: - Thank you guys! You will forgive me. I will definitely return the arrows from the New Year's clock to you. I’ll run away, otherwise the Old Year is watching them there. Only I would have security, otherwise the cargo is valuable, suddenly something happens along the way.

Father Frost: We will provide security for you. Where are my faithful hussars?

Hussars: We are here! (go to center)

- At any time of the year, we stand guard
And we will not let anyone offend in the district.
We do not know fear, pain, we are not afraid of enemies.
We will help Koshchei - after all, we are very brave!

Father Frost: - Deliver Koshchei with valuable cargo safe and sound!

Hussars: - Will be done!


At the end of the dance, the Old Year and Koschey come out, carrying a casket.

Children go to chairs, heroes remain.

Koschey: “Here are your arrows, as promised!”

Old year: - Forgive me, Santa Claus, I really liked the guys, I didn’t even want to leave ...

Father Frost: We will always remember you only good words After all, a lot of good things happened in the old year. Really guys?

The children answer.

Presenter: - How good that we found the arrows and the New Year will come soon!

Old year: Well, that's all, my power is over. You have a lot of fun at the holiday, but I have to go, the clock will soon strike 12 times. In parting, I want to tell you:

- In the New Year you will all be lucky!
Get yourself a huge notebook.
Write down all your wishes
And make plans.
After all, the main wealth is your friends!
You can't live without them in the world! Goodbye! Happy New Year!

Koschey: - And I'll see you off, otherwise my forest is thick and dark. Bye everyone and Happy New Year!

The heroes leave.

Presenter: - Grandfather, come on quickly arrows, I'll put them in their place. New Year is on the doorstep!

The presenter glues the hands to the clock. Chiming clock!

Father Frost:

- Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
So that you grow and get smarter
They had fun and sang songs.

- Well, my granddaughter, Snow Maiden, it's time for us to go on our way!

Winter: - Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten anything?

Father Frost: - No, it seems ... il forgot. Granddaughter, remind grandfather ...

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, we haven't given gifts to the guys yet!

Father Frost: - Ah, gifts, here I am old ...

- Let any crackers explode,
Let thousands of thunderstorms fall.
No one will be left without a gift,
I'm talking about Santa Claus!

Winter: — And where is your bag, Grandfather Frost?

Father Frost: - And you, Zimushka, look into the casket!

Winter opens the casket - there is a gift.

Winter: - Santa Claus, but there is only one gift, but there are many children ...

Father Frost: - Well, am I not a magician, Zimushka!

Santa Claus conjures, they pull out a box with gifts, hand them to the children.

Father Frost:

- We gave you gifts,
And we give you orders
To keep you all healthy
Getting better every day!

Snow Maiden:

- To have in your life
And fun and laughter.

Together they say:

- Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Tale of the stolen New Year. Beyond the seven seas, beyond the seven mountains lived Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And only on the thirty-first of December they got out of there to visit people: not empty-handed, with gifts. "A balloon for Misha, a doll for Gali, an airplane for Petya," Father Frost collected gifts in a bag while saying. “Snow Maiden, go to the closet and look, we haven’t forgotten anything there,” he said, when almost everything was packed. -Grandpa, now, I'm quick. Putting aside a notebook with poems and songs for New Year's parties, the Snow Maiden left. Having finished collecting the bag, Santa Claus sat on a chair to wait for his granddaughter. Everything was ready for departure. It remains, if the Snow Maiden finds forgotten gifts in the closet, put them in a bag too, tie it tight and go. The horses and sledges had been waiting for them in the yard for a long time. A magpie flew into the upper room, sat down on the table and crackled. - There will be no new year! There will be no new year! -Shut up, motherfucker! - Santa Claus got angry. She often said whatever came to her mind. Usually Frost didn't pay any attention to her stupidity, but not now, when the New Year was only a few hours away. It is necessary to have time to put gifts under the Christmas trees, to congratulate everyone on the upcoming. Tomorrow is morning. Santa Claus loved his work, and then suddenly - there will be no New Year. The way even stupidly cracks forty, but still he could not calmly listen to this. “The thirty-first of December is not here, and the first of January will not come,” continued her magpie. Nobody wants your gifts. Santa Claus stomped angrily. -Galya behaved well all year, studied for one five. She deserved a gift, waiting for it. Petya too ... - But no, - the magpie crackled. - Nobody expects gifts. Children now summer holidays and they swim in the sea, the river, sunbathe in the sun. How many times have I told you not to collect gossip. She must have confused something. At least sometimes I complain about my memory, but I remember well, yesterday was the thirtieth of December. So today is thirty-one. - Look at the calendar before you accuse me. Santa Claus looked and froze, not knowing what to think. On the calendar was the thirty-first of July. - Grandpa, look how much I have found! - a cheerful happy Snow Maiden ran in with with full hands presents, but when she saw the confused grandfather, she froze in place in fright. - What's happened? she got excited. Santa Claus did not answer anything, did not even turn around, just kept looking at the calendar. She had never seen her grandfather in such a state. He looked as if he had forgotten something important and now he is trying hard to remember what, but he is not succeeding. The Snow Maiden went up to Frost and also looked at the calendar. -Summer?! she wondered. - And what about the New Year! And what about gifts! Grandpa, what happened? - I don't know, granddaughter. -What about the children? - The Snow Maiden could not believe that it was summer on the calendar when they were just preparing for the New Year. - They are probably sad without gifts and a Christmas tree? Santa Claus just shrugged. All year he received letters in which the children wrote what they want to receive as a gift for the New Year. And now, it turns out, he will not be able to give anything to anyone. “Grandfather, we can’t leave everything like this,” the Snow Maiden was worried. - Children should have a New Year's holiday! Need to do something! “And I know who stole the New Year,” the magpie crackled. -Who? Who? - interrupting each other, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden started talking. - If I say, what will you give me? How dare you ask? - squealed the mouse Clarissa, who crawled out from behind the plinth where she lived. She had recently had children and she was also worried that they would not have a New Year and they would not receive gifts. - If you know who, speak up! “I know, I know,” the magpie chirped and looked at the Snow Maiden, as she, putting the gifts she brought on the table, took a Christmas tree garland from there. - Take it, this is for you to Novo ... - she stopped in mid-sentence. Choosing a gift, the Snow Maiden forgot about the misfortune for a second, and now she reproached herself for it. Clinging to Santa Claus, she began to cry, and he sighed heavily, stroked his beard and waited for the magpie to say who stole it. But she was in no hurry, hanging a garland around her neck, and looked with admiration at her reflection in the window. "Koschei the immortal," she finally said. - I saw how he was heading to the Keeper of Time's castle, and shouted that he would take the New Year away from him. The Snow Maiden must marry Koshchei and then he will return the New Year. - Is that what he said? - the Snow Maiden asked with fright. -Yes, it's true. He already once wooed the Snow Maiden, but she refused. The Snow Maiden looked at Santa Claus with a prayer. -Shut up, motherfucker! he shouted at forty. - I won't let that happen. - We must take the New Year away from Koshchei, - Clarissa squeaked, - return it to the children. -That's right, - supported the Snow Maiden. - Let's go save the New Year! Clarissa immediately climbed into the Snow Maiden's bosom, and everyone immediately set off. “I forgot my staff, I forgot my staff,” the magpie crackled when they were already outside the gate. -Empty head! - Santa Claus threw up his hands. The Snow Maiden ran for the staff, and they went to Koshchei's castle. In the castle of the Keeper of Time, he most likely was no longer there. Magpie flew ahead, showing the way. Nobody knew how to take the New Year away from Koshchei. Hoping that he would be imbued with sympathy for the children, and return it, was naive. It is better, of course, for the Snow Maiden to agree to become his wife. Only no one allowed this thought, except for the magpie. But she doesn't count. Firstly, no one asked her, and secondly, this is not her mind's business. Santa Claus, Snegurochka and Clarissa believed that they would be able to force Koshchei to return the New Year. They were also worried about the fate of the Keeper of Time. Just like that, he would not have given away the New Year, Koschei could only take it by force. The road was not close, not far, through the river and the forest. Finally, they reached the river. Only it turned out to be not frozen, someone destroyed the bridge, and there was no boat. “Koschei did his best,” the magpie crackled. - Disorder! - Santa Claus was indignant, looking at the course of the river, - there should have been ice here for a long time, - and lowered his staff into the water. The river was immediately frozen over. - Oh, grandfather, what a fine fellow you are! Let's go faster! And they moved on slippery ice to the other side. “Thanks to me,” the magpie crackled, “if not for me, Frost would not have remembered the staff.” - Thank you, sweet magpie. What would we do without you? - thanked the Snow Maiden, then Santa Claus. -That's it! And then, forty such and such. - Do not be offended, sit on your shoulder, rest, - suggested Frost. -Thank you! Magpie sat on her shoulder, nestled comfortably in the warm collar of Frost's fur coat, and they walked on. Finally, the travelers reached the forest. The Snow Maiden only wanted to enter it, but the branches of the trees fell and intertwined with a solid wall. -Grandfather, the forest won't let me in. - Wait, granddaughter, let me. Santa Claus stepped into the forest, but the branches were intertwined in front of him. -What's going on?! Frost shook his staff menacingly. It was not yet such that the forest did not let them in. - The tricks of Koshchei, - the magpie crackled. - He ordered the forest not to let you in. - Grandpa, we need to go around him. - Come on, granddaughter, let's not waste a minute. The travelers were about to leave, but the magpie began to crackle again. - Garland, garland. - Do not crack in vain, - Santa Claus said, - you see, we are in a hurry. Then again you will ask for forgiveness and thank you. I'm kind, forgive rudeness. - Excuse me... - Well, here, I told you, - Frost interrupted the magpie. “Magpie, please don’t make fun of me,” the Snow Maiden pleaded. -Who's bullying who? - Well, please, - the Snow Maiden put her palms together and raised them to the sky. -OK OK. Take the garland from my neck and throw it into the forest. On the magpie's neck hung the same garland that the Snow Maiden had given her. The Snow Maiden did as the magpie ordered. At the place where the garland fell, a path lay. - Thank you dear forty, you helped us out again. Grandpa, let's go! - the Snow Maiden said joyfully, and they walked forward. Soon a castle appeared on the horizon. A little more time passed, and the travelers entered it. “Well, here we are,” Frost sighed and said in a menacing voice. - Koschei, we came for the New Year! - And here are the guests dear! - Koshchei's creaky voice rang out, and soon he himself appeared. - Magpie, well done brought them, as I ordered. “I didn’t hire you as a servant,” the magpie was indignant. She brought it because she wanted to. I also want to dance around the Christmas tree, tell poems and receive a gift. “Then, right before the wedding,” Koschei got down to business, “we’ll arrange a feast with a mountain, then we’ll celebrate the New Year together.” I'll tell you a secret, I also like to receive gifts. Sorry, dear guests, for making you go through difficulties. I was angry at the Snow Maiden, now my heart has softened. "You don't have a heart," she protested angrily. - The villain, took away the New Year from the children! Yes, I'm a terrible treacherous villain. Koschei walked past the Snow Maiden, almost hitting her, and laughed, because she was trembling with fear. He liked being feared. -Who is to blame for this? he continued. - Do not you know? Whose fault did I deprive the children of the holiday? “Heartless,” the Snow Maiden shamed him. - You refused to marry me, so I became like this. But you can fix everything: make me kind, - Koschey laughed again, - and return the New Year to people. Just say - yes, I agree to become your wife. - Grandfather, - the Snow Maiden, in fright, clung to Santa Claus. Don't be afraid, my dear, I won't let you hurt me. There will be no wedding, - Santa Claus menacingly hit his staff on the floor. - Grandfather, he promises ... - A little more and she will agree to become mine, - Koschey was delighted. - If you do not return the New Year, I will turn it into an icicle! Frost threatened with his staff. -Ha ha ha! I am immortal, I am not afraid of your staff. Guards, throw this old man into the dungeon! Two people ran up to Santa Claus, grabbed him by the arms and dragged him. “Koshchei, let grandfather go,” the Snow Maiden pleaded, “I will do as you want.” -Wait! he ordered the guards. The guard stopped. - Now you have the fate and Santa Claus in your hands. You see how omnipotent you are, and I'm just an unfortunate lover. Say yes. - Do not agree, Snow Maiden! - said the newcomer. It was the Keeper of Time - tall handsome guy , the one that the Snow Maiden has been waiting for all her life - he will destroy you, as he has already destroyed all his wives. Koschey came to the castle of the Keeper of Time and demanded that he cancel the New Year. "The Snow Maiden should not go to the holiday until she agrees to become my wife," he said. But in response, the Keeper of Time ordered the servants to expel the guest. And after that, Koschey conceived an insidious plan. Pouring a sleeping potion into the wine, he treated them to the guards at the gates of the Keeper of Time's castle. "Drink to my happiness," he said, pouring wine from a jug into the mugs of the guards. - "Drink to the happiness of my bride. I invite everyone to the wedding." He gave another jug ​​of wine and the same potion to the servants. When everyone in the castle fell asleep, Koschey entered there with one of his servants. Having connected the Keeper of Time, the Immortal took him with a servant to the basement of his castle and threw him to be eaten by rats. But before that, Koschei stole the clock that controls the change of seasons from his office, moved the hands and the calendar to the summer. On Earth, winter immediately turned into summer. Only in the kingdom where the Snow Maiden and Father Frost lived did winter remain, because there is no summer here. Soroka mixed everything up and rang out that Koschey stole the New Year. He stole the watch and was proud that time was now in his power. After the wedding with the Snow Maiden (he was sure that the granddaughter of Frost would not refuse him), he wanted to declare himself the Lord of Time. Everything turned out better than Koschei expected: he received both the Snow Maiden and power over time. Just did not expect that Clarissa would appear along with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and destroy his plans. Slipping out unnoticed from under the Snow Maiden's fur coat, she ran off to find out the news from the local mice. The news was as follows: Koschey threw someone into the basement and launched bloodthirsty rats there. Clarissa also shared her sad news - there will be no New Year, he was kidnapped by Koschey. The mice decided that the one who is sitting in the basement is the New Year and rushed to save him. It was easy to get into the basement - through cracks and holes. Defeating the rats is more difficult, the forces were not equal. The mice fought not for life, but to the death. Victory would not have been on their side if Clarissa had not remembered how fate once brought her to Koshchei's castle, and she accidentally saw rats dancing to his tune. Taking aside one of the mice participating in the fight with the rats, she spoke about the pipe and shared her thoughts on how to lure the rats out of the basement. The mouse said she knew where the pipe was, and they went after her. It is very good that all the servants were keen on spying on the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and Koshchei. No one noticed how mice entered Koshchei's chambers and took out the pipe. Clarissa, standing near the hole in the basement, played the pipe, the rats, obeying the sounds, dutifully came out of it. As soon as the last rat left the basement, the mice rushed to the bound captive, gnawed through the ropes and freed him. Now we had to get him out of the cellar. But how to do that? The hole is small for him, and the door is closed. However, the mice decided to explore the door. It turned out to be propped up with a stick, so it did not open. They just couldn't take it away. And then one of the mice offered to gnaw through the stick. And so they did. The door opened and the prisoner was released. But it turned out not to be the New Year, as the mice thought, but the Keeper of Time himself. Now it was necessary to think about how to take the watch from Koshchei, which would bring back the New Year. And mice came up with. No wonder they knew all the nooks and crannies in the castle and spying on everyone. Under the pillow, Koschei kept the needle in which his death was located. He kept it there after the incident with Ivan Tsarevich and forbade everyone to enter his chambers. In the castle, no one knew about the needle, except for mice. They did not obey the ban. Penetrating again into Koshchei's chambers, they stole the needle and advised the Keeper of Time to exchange it for a watch. So he ended up in the hall where Koschei was outrageous over the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. -Ha! - said Koschey, seeing the Keeper of Time. - I thought you were already drinking tea in the next world. -It's early for me there, I came to pick up mine. What was yours has become mine. Now I am the Keeper of Time and henceforth proclaiming myself the Master of Time. I give you life. -And I give you death, - the Keeper of Time showed the needle. - No, - scared Koschey, - you won't do it! - I'll do it if you don't return the watch! “I give you a watch, you give me a needle,” suggested Koschey in a trembling voice. In the hands of the Keeper of Time were now his life and the all-powerful clock. Koschey prayed that he would not guess about it. “Agreed,” agreed the Keeper of Time. He was kind and did not wish death on anyone. As soon as the Keeper of Time received the clock, he immediately moved the hands and the calendar to the New Year. Winter has come again on Earth, where it should be climatic conditions. But the New Year has come to the whole planet. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden went to congratulate people on the New Year. Along with them went the Keeper of Time. He fell in love with the Snow Maiden at first sight, and so did she. Santa Claus was very happy about this. He did not want his granddaughter to repeat the fate of her mother snow queen. Her heart without love turned into ice. Clarissa, after leading the rats into the forest, returned home to the children and took them to the Christmas tree, which Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden then arranged. And the magpie came. Then the wedding was played by the Snow Maiden and the Keeper of Time. I had honey there, I drank beer, it didn’t flow down my mustache, everything got into my mouth. Santa Claus was also going to get married, enough for him to be a widow. For whom? I will not say.

What's the noise, the clatter,
We have come to visit you.
We came for the anniversary
To congratulate...
(coughed ..... addresses Grandmother Yaga)
Hey pour!!!
(grandmother pours a glass)

(Approaches the hero of the day, reads congratulations)

This number is 50
Shouldn't be embarrassing!
That means five and zero!
On the "excellent" to live if you please!

I want to give you a rejuvenating apple, you eat it -
and listen to us with grandma Yagulka ...

(Baba Yaga takes out a ruddy apple.)

Baba Yaga: Here Koschey, here is the Immortal, could not give me a rejuvenating apple for the millennium! Well, nothing, I will rejuvenate with you! After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all the wines turn into an elixir of youth! So, let's all pour, drink ...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is seventeen years old! (Baba Yaga takes off her mask - her nose with glasses and a scarf.)

And now it's time for sponsorship contributions......

I opened my branch in Sweden.
And the safe in my hands -
reliable and beautiful.
I brought it for
So that Allochka lives beautifully.
(We glue a three-liter jar with money printed on a color copier)

Baba Yaga
We are glad to all the guests on the anniversary,
open an account
Contribute quickly -
Philanthropists - kudos!
Our guests are dear,
It's your turn,
Let the family budget
Everyone will make the first contribution.
Baba Yaga
Pay attention to
constant inflation,
We even accept promotions.
But better than gold, money,
And gems.
Banknotes - any color,
And after a glass for it!
(We roll up a jar of money with a seaming machine, this personifies the reliability and safety of money in our bank)

House children's creativity

Scenario game entertainment program.

"New Year's adventures of Koshchei the immortal and Baba Yaga»

Compiled by:

Popova Natalya Valentinovna

Malygina Dina Mikhailovna

Rodionova Lyubov Vasilievna


Target: create a joyful mood in the child and cause an emotional upsurge,cultivate mutual assistance, loyalty, friendliness.

New Year's holiday in the life of every person, and especially a preschooler, is a very important event, and should become unique, unforgettable.

All roles are played by teachers, which requires additional rehearsals for the participants in the action. Using lighting effects(The appearance of the Snow Maiden, etc.) creates an effect of surprise, concentrates children's attention, maintains the fabulous atmosphere of the whole action.

This scenario is carried out on New Year's holidays in institutions additional education, can also be used by teachers-organizers in primary school, educators and music directors in preschool institutions.

The musical performing repertoire given below can be replaced at the request of the head.



Baba Yaga

Father Frost

Snow Maiden


Attributes: Throne, treasure chests, broom, wooden horse, portraits, pirate hat, eye patch, little red riding hood, basket, sack, two walkie-talkies, luminous ball.

Musical arrangement: ditties of Baba Yaga, musical game“Rides, rides a steam locomotive, Santa Claus is a steam locomotive”, musical game song-dance “Opanki”, musical game “We are raking fluffy snow ...”

the musical game "Confusion", the musical game "We will hang the balls", the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".

Act one

Sounds like disturbing music. The scene opens on the throne sitting gloomy Koschei. The scene is a mess, treasure chests are randomly placed. To the music, an elegant Baba Yaga appears and drags a Christmas tree, stumbles over a chest.

B. I: Oh, trees, green needles, what a mess you have.

TO: Here you are not educated Baba Yaga, you didn’t even say hello. And at all thisnot a mess, but treasures, look how much you have accumulated. And what did you bring me?

I: (angrily) Hello, what, what - Christmas tree,new year soon. Would you tidy up something, your treasures, there is nowhere to step. Yes, why is he so gloomy?

TO: Oh, old lady, I'm sad. I have already counted my wealth 1562 times. He turned Vasilisa into a frog, hid his death far away. I don't even know what else to do.

B. I: Yes, you, that Koschey! Before the New Year, there is so much work, so many worries - you need to prepare the table, choose outfits, invite guests, decorate the Christmas tree, write a letter to Santa Claus.

TO: Yes, what are you talking about, I won’t be able to do all these things in three hundred years. And you, why did you bring me this thorn?

B. I: What do you mean why? She is dressed up for the New Year. So I brought you, took care. I decided Kosha, this year everything is like people do. They decorate the Christmas tree, dress up themselves, lead round dances, receive gifts and happy ones. And we? We'll sit all night staring at your gold, what good, no gifts, no mood. All with today we will do everything right. So stop Koshchei sitting, get up and decorate the Christmas tree.

TO: Yes, I never dressed her up, I don’t even know how to do it.

Koschei walks around the Christmas tree, examining it, conjures, throws golden tinsel on it. (Magic)

B. I: You, what did you do, here’s grief on my head, who decorates the Christmas tree with magic, now it’s scary to touch it, suddenly you become a statue or something good you fall into a sound sleep. Well, confess, what did you conjure?

TO: Yes, as usual, I wanted to decorate with gold.

B. I: All Kosha, there will be no holiday. Now I won’t go to this Christmas tree, and I don’t advise you either. And then you will become Koshchei golden, you will stand among your chests.(wails) Here is a sinister, and spoiled this new year.

Koschey cautiously walks around the Christmas tree.

TO: Yaga, well, I'm sorry, well, I never dressed up Christmas trees. Can't you live without a tree?

B. I: The smart guy was found, but where will Santa Claus put the gifts? So, that’s it, you need to save the holiday, clean up the castle, dress it up, but you can’t be allowed into this business. Think, Yagulenka, think. Maybe ... no, it won’t work, but suddenly ..., no, and this is not an option ... I think I came up with it. Well, the head, not the head, but the mind chamber. Cat, you need help. She will put things in order for you in the castle and decorate the Christmas tree.

TO: Where can I get it for you. No one comes to me willingly.

B. I: And you and I do not need a simple assistant. If anyone can arrange a new year, it's the Snow Maiden.

TO: Yes, where do we find it? And if we do, do you think she'll come with us? Yes, and Santa Claus will not agree to give his granddaughter.

B. I: Yes, we do not need his Snow Maiden, we will make our own.

TO: How do we do it, what do we do it from?

B. I: Koschey, you didn’t eat fly agarics today, are you too slow to think? Well, think for yourself, Sne-gu-roch-ka, what can it be made of?

TO: From snow?

B. I: That's right, from the snow. We blind her, we breathe life into her, whether we are wizards or not, that's all, we will have our own Snow Maiden.

TO: Yes, you have conceived a good deed, but where can we find snow here?

B. I: What is true is true, you are not rich with snow. I'll have to come back to the forest. You get on your horse, and I'll fly on a broom, there, in the forest, and we'll meet. You have a navigator, that is, otherwise you will get lost, look for you later.

TO: No, I don’t have a navigator, but somewhere there was a walkie-talkie(digging in the chest, pulls out a walkie-talkie) . I took it away from one geologist, I thought that it would no longer be useful, but no, it was useful. What was he shouting at her when he saw me? And ... Oak, oak, I'm a birch ... Here I am - an oak, you are a birch.

B. I: What an oak, what a birch, I won’t be any birch, I and Yaga are not bad.

TO: Here is a woman ... Yaga, you are dense ... a woman, so all over the world they get in touch so that no one understands, understand?

B. I: Got it, got it, well, if it's all over the world, then come on, oh, this operation is for me. Go on, saddle up your horse, and I'll fly on a panicle.

Koschei goes backstage. The curtains are closing. Yaga takes a broom. Sounds music from the cartoon "Flying Ship", ditties. Sits on a broom:

B. I:

Oh, flew on a broom,

Koschei rides on a skate,

To the edge of the forest

Until my hut.

Action two

The light goes out. Dynamic music sounds. In front of the stage, Baba Yaga flies on a broom, dancing. The backstage opens, the stage is decorated to look like a winter forest.

B. I: Uh, uh, uh! (Ostares ) Well, where is my hut, hasn’t it set off again without a hostess? No snowdrifts of acquaintances, no oak trees. Oh, brooms-panicles! I knew it, I didn't get there! Missed a little. Well, is it a broom? Ugh! Here before - yes! .. Panicles were where you order - they fly there. Leshy made panicles for me from the slenderest little white birch, and now ?! Is it a birch? Eh, nonsense! Where to look for Koshchei now, will he be lost, after all? Where is his koshperation?(takes out radio). Hey, Oak, Oak! I am Birch! Welcome, welcome... where are you?

Radio interference sounds.

B. I: Useless thing. Well, nothing, now we are going to lure a koshcheevo skate, like Sivka Burka, to whistle.

Whistle. To the music in the hall runs in Koschei riding a wooden horse.

TO: ( stretching arms and legs) Wow, I crushed my bones. I thought I would not get there: I would fail there, I would slip here, just a deadly attraction.

B. I: It’s you Koschey, you haven’t met Leshy yet, that’s who the joker is in our forest, so the joker. He sleeps now, under the biggest snowdrift.

Koschey looks around.

TO: So, that's what it is - snow.

B. I: Yes, let's talk less, but start sculpting, otherwise we won't have time before the holiday.

TO: Sculpt like that, sculpt. Here are the lumps.

Baba Yaga and Koschei are sculpting a Snow Maiden from lumps . Magical music sounds and the Snow Maiden comes to life.

B. I: Here we are, the great wizards of Koschey. They didn’t even have time to cast a spell, but she was already alive.

WITH: (Olooking around looking around) (Oturns to Koshchei and Baba Yaga ). Did you bring me back to life? And then in the summer I jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud, and in the winter I woke up from the cloud with snow.

And who are you exactly?

B. I: Yes, we are forest dwellers.

TO: Yes, yes, we are forest dwellers.

WITH: And I thought it was my grandfather who brought me back. After all, the New Year is coming soon. There are so many things to do and decorate the Christmas tree and prepare gifts for the children and celebrate the holiday itself.

TO: Yes, we have done nothing. The tree is not dressed up, there is no order. We don't know anything about the holiday.

B.I: We would need help. We don't make it.

WITH: So let's go soon.

They go out in front of the stage, the wings are closed.

B.I: We will be walking for a long time. That's what Koschey, get on your horse and ride ahead of us, and I'll ride Snegurka on a whisk. Hold on tight, dear.

To the music, first Koschey runs away, then Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden.

B. I: Earth, goodbye, goodbye.

I'm flying on a broomstick again

I don't complain about the weather

And the Snow Maiden is the soul

Grabbed on the sides.

Act Three

The curtain opens, on the stage - the kingdom of Koshchei.

WITH: What a mess. Have you done nothing for years?

B. I: And I told him what I was talking about. So help him, decorate the Christmas tree and tidy up a little. I still need to festive table cook everything. I flew.

Baba Yaga leaves.

TO: What should I do?

WITH: help me (Cthe maiden begins to collect gold in the chest ).

Here, take your chest and carry it to the pantry.

TO: So there are so many chests here, while you drag all of them, the holiday will begin.

WITH: Here, hurry up.

Koschei grumbles, takes the chest and leaves the stage on the stage alone Snow Maiden.

WITH: (notices a separate Christmas tree) Oh, here is the Christmas tree, it remains to dress it up.

The Snow Maiden touches the Christmas tree and falls dead. Koschey comes out.

TO: Snow Maiden,(notices the Snow Maiden lying on the floor) What happened to you?(Tries to wake her up.) Oh, my garden head, I bewitched the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga told me that it would not end well and it did. What have I done? How to be? Should I call Yaga?Hey birch, birch! I, oak, oak! Welcome, welcome... where are you?

B. I: Where, where am I at home.

TO: Fly to me, I have an emergency.

Until Yaga appears, Koschei is busy with the Snow Maiden. B.Ya. on a broomstick.

B.I: Well, what happened to you? Are you distracting me from business? I already put the pie in the oven, and left the chicken to bake, look, if it burns through your fault, then I won’t see that the holiday is on the nose, I’ll comb it with a whisk in an instant.

TO: But-but Yaga, do not boil, yes, I have nothing to do with it, look.

B.Ya. notices the Snow Maiden lying on the floor .

B.I: What have you done old?(steps on him, aims with a broom) Why did you bewitch the Snow Maiden? Little did Ivan Tsarevich teach you a lesson for Vasilisa the Beautiful. Barely then you left. Do you know what Santa Claus will do to you?

TO: Yes, I have nothing to do with it. She dressed up the Christmas tree herself and pricked herself. And you, by the way, said that the Snow Maiden is a special assistant, the new year will suit us.

B.I: I told you - there is nothing to conjure. All you gold is not enough. And Santa Claus will arrange such a New Year for us now that we will not forget forever. It will turn into ice statues, we will stand until spring. Sculptural composition - bad heads.

TO : I do not agree to turn into a statue. And in general it is you Yaga is to blame. She wanted the New Year, like people do. I would sit for myself as before, admiring the gold, but now what, I’ll have to be a composition.

B.I: We won’t have to, we’ll put the Snow Maiden on the snowdrift from which we blinded her, and we’ll quickly get out of there. No one will know, and Santa Claus will figure out how to revive his granddaughter.

TO: What if someone sees?

B.I: So it’s true, you know that Kosha, but let’s change clothes, somewhere here I saw, in some chest, different little things.

He takes out a pirate hat, an eye patch, a red cap and a basket from the chest.

B. I: You will be a pirate, and I will be Little Red Riding Hood, if anyone sees, they will not think of us. But how can we deliver the Snow Maiden to the forest? You won’t put it on a broom - it will fall off, and your horse will fall apart by itself if you sit on it with the Snow Maiden. What to do?

TO: Somewhere around here I had scooter sleds, I took them away from one tourist, I also thought they would not be useful, but I kept them anyway. And you all swear: "Trash, trash"(mimics) .

The sled is rolled out from behind the curtains, the Snow Maiden is placed on them.

B.I: Well, why did your tourist shout for them to go?

TO: (thoughtfully) And you know, before I had time to ask, when he saw me, he jumped off the sled and was like that, only I saw him.

B.I: Well, Kosh, did they drag your sled-scooters to the snowdrift?

B.Ya. and Koschey are taking Snegurochka backstage on a sled. The curtains are closing.

Action four.

Music sounds, Santa Claus and a Snowman come out in front of the stage .

D.M : Well, Snowman, everything is ready for us new year holidays?

S-to: Yes, Grandfather, I helped the animals decorate the Christmas tree, I sorted out all the letters. But there are so many gifts that I can't handle it alone.

D.M: Oh, I completely forgot in the bustle about my granddaughter Snegurochka. She needs to be brought back to earth.

S-to: Where is she, in space?

D.M: No, she jumped over the fire with her friends in the summer and turned into a cloud before winter. Now winter has come and it must be returned to the earth.

S-to: How are you going to bring your grandfather back? How will you find

The cloud she hid in?

D, M. But look,Frost conjures ) violent winds, snow blizzards, bring me a cloud in which my Snow Maiden.

The music of howling wind and blizzard is flashing, the curtain is swinging.

S-to: Grandpa, where is the Snow Maiden?

D.M: I don't understand anything myself. Maybe she woke up with snow on the ground together and now sleeps in a snowdrift? I feel that she is somewhere nearby. And without the Snow Maiden, we won’t be able to start the holiday, we need to find her as soon as possible. You are a Snowman, go this way, and I will go here to make it easier for you to find the Snow Maiden, take magic ball He will show you the place right away. And I feel like my granddaughter.

Santa Claus leaves, and the Snowman remains in front of the stage. Backstage opens, winter forest scene.

S-to: That's the trouble, and where to look for the Snow Maiden now, the forest is big. Or maybe she's sleeping somewhere?

The snowman goes out to the children, drives a ball over him, comments on his actions: “What beautiful girl maybe it's you Snow Maiden? No?" etc. The snowman moves further and further away from the scene. At this time, Koschey and Baba Yaga appear on the stage, dressed as a pirate and Little Red Riding Hood, pushing a sled with the Snow Maiden in front of them.

B. I: Here you have the scooter sleigh, all Koschey, now I don’t even need a new year, I would get to the hut and sleep off.

TO: Yes, to me, and even something from these tourists ... and even to keep. When I get to the castle, I'll throw everything away.

They shift the Snow Maiden and cover her transparent cloth. They themselves fall onto the sled, lean on each other, yawn, fall asleep. Music sounds, the Snowman returns, carries a ball in front of him.

S-to: Oh, how the ball pricks, you can see quite a Snow Maiden nearby.

He rises to the stage, stops in front of Baba Yaga.

S-to: What is this Snow Maiden? Oh my dear, how you have changed. And who is this? What a skinny one. Okay, time to wake up. And how to wake up, Santa Claus did not tell me.

The snowman begins to fuss on the stage, then he calls Santa Claus, then he tries to stir up Baba Yaga and Koshchei.

S-K: Nothing works, what to do, what to do. Can you guys help me wake them up?

A game is being held with children ... After the game, the Snowman rises to the stage.

S-to: Nothing happens, they sleep as if bewitched. Grandpa, Santa Claus. Guys, help, otherwise I can’t shout alone.

Children together with the Snowman call Santa Claus. Music sounds, Santa Claus comes out.

D.M: Snowman, did you find the Snow Maiden?

S-to: So here she is, changed, of course, but the ball points to her.

D.M: Come on, come on, she doesn't look too much like my granddaughter. Now we will all know.

He touches Koshchei and Baba Yaga with his staff, they wake up, stretch.

S.-K: Grandpa, is this the Snow Maiden or not?

D.M: (menacingly) No, Snowman, it's in our forest from somewhere a pirate and Grandma Little Red Riding Hood showed up.

B. I: ( scared o) Duc, they went to the carnival, they got tired, so they sat down to rest.

Koschei sits, hiccups.

D.M: Did you go to the carnival?

B.I: Well, yes, to Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree.

During the conversation, grandfather Frost is coming at Baba Yaga, and she backs away.

D.M: It seems to me that you are not who you say you are. Hold her Snowman.

Baba Yaga runs away, the Snowman catches her, Koschei sits, trembling on the sled, biting his hat. Baba Yaga, weary, descends onto the stage, next to a breathless Snowman.

B.I: No, well, at my age, such energetic movements are generally contraindicated: either push the sled, or run away from the Snowman.

D.M: Yaga, is that you? Isn't Koschei with you?

TO: Just not in sculpture.

Falls into a faint. Yaga takes off his red cap.

S-to: What is it with him?

B.I: He was worried, he did not show himself in public for a long time. Cat, get up, don't be embarrassed. Grandfather is kind, does not offend the weak.

TO: (raises head) Well, Yaga, thank you for the holiday, I have not had so many impressions in my entire immortal life as in one evening today.

B.I: Oh, come on, no thanks, the evening is not over yet.

S-to: So it was you who stole the Snow Maiden?

TO: Yes, we did not steal your Snow Maiden. We made it out of snow. She came to life and then fell asleep.

Sg: What are you talking about, how did you fall asleep?

D.M: The granddaughter could not fall asleep again before the holiday.

B.I: Yes, that's how I fell asleep. She hit the tree and fell asleep.

Sg: It can not be. She decorated so many Christmas trees and never fell asleep after that.

B.Ya. That tree was ordinary, but it was enchanted.

D.M: Again your leprosy Yaga?

B.I: But no, it's our collector who tried.

TO: I didn't try anything. I wanted to turn the Christmas tree into gold. So he put a spell on her. And the Snow Maiden began to dress her up, and so she pricked herself. And now he sleeps in a snowdrift, but I don’t know how to disenchant.

Santa Claus and the Snowman come up to the Snow Maiden, remove the fabric from her.

Sg: And why did the Snow Maiden decorate your Christmas tree?

D.M: So I'm wondering why?

B.I: Yes, we already told you, we blinded her. They wanted to arrange a holiday in the kingdom of Koshchei. So that everything is like with people - with a Christmas tree, gifts ...

TO : We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Santa Claus will help us to disenchant the Snow Maiden, and please take the Christmas tree from my castle.

D.M . Of course I'll help. We have to start the holiday. Granddaughter - beauty, wake up, show yourself to people.

The staff blinks The Snow Maiden comes to life.

WITH: How good, how you want to sing songs and dance, Grandpa.

D.M: Hello granddaughter?

WITH. Hello Grandpa. Hello Snowman, I'm so glad to see you. Did you help your grandfather while I was away?

S-to: Hello Snow Maiden, together we will do even more things.

And now it's time for us to go on holiday.

TO: (takes the sled, turns to Yaga) Let's go Yaga, I'll take you to the hut, maybe not the whole pie burned down, we'll celebrate the new year.

D.M: Wait, Yaga and Koschey, don’t you want to celebrate the New Year with us? At the Christmas tree, together with the guys, with songs, round dances, and games?

B.I: Are you already inviting us? Kosha, we will also have a holiday.

TO: What about gifts?

WITH: Let's go Koschey, you'll behave yourself, Grandpa will definitely give.

D. M: You are right, Snow Maiden.

Not allowed in new year's eve

Sad and discouraged

Let's sing songs together

And dance together.

WITH: On cheerful children's trees

Miracles shine in needles!

S-to: Here under the tree on New Year's Eve,

Everyone will find something!

B. I: You just need to advance

TO: Make a wish!

Final song.

Children stand in a round dance around the Christmas tree.

D.M: Our Christmas tree is smart, it has balls, toys and crackers, garlands and tinsel. Our beautiful Christmas tree

Children: Yes.

D.M: But what is missing?

Children: The lights don't burn on it.

D.M: Let's decorate with lights together.

Let's say together one, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire.

Children unanimously repeat after Santa Claus, the garland on the Christmas tree lights up.

D.M: Now let's sing a song for the Christmas tree.

Children sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

TO: How good it is that you and Yaga invited me to your holiday, I am such a beautiful Christmas tree did not see. But how could you decorate it, I didn’t succeed?

Snegur: So we decorated the Christmas tree ourselves, without magic. Do you want us to teach you?

TO: Of course I want.

The musical game “We will hang the balls” is being held.

S-to: How I love winter and you guys love winter?

Children: Very.

S-to: And now let's all make many, many snowmen together.

The musical game "We are raking fluffy snow ..."

D.M: Something has become hot, come on, Snow Maiden, I'll play with the children, spouts, and freeze my hands.

To the music, Santa Claus "freezes" children.

Snegur: Grandpa, that's enough, look how many kids you've froze. Now we will all dance together and warm ourselves.

The song-dance "Opanki" is held.

Yaga: Ugh, how do you have everything right here. I, as a negative element, will feel bad now. That's it, I can't, I'll be mischievous, I'll confuse you.

The musical game "Confusion" is being held. During the game, Yaga steals a mitten from Santa Claus.

Snegur: You didn’t manage to confuse Yaga children, they are very attentive with us, well done.

Yaga: They are attentive, but Santa Claus has lost something.

D.M: Snow Maiden, the mitten is gone.

Snegur: Yaga, are these your pranks?

Yaga: My. For all my centuries-old life, I wanted to play with Santa Claus. Do you guys want to play with grandpa?

Children: Yes.

D.M: I myself like to play. What are we going to play, hide and seek or catch up?

Yaga: Ha ha ha, hide and seek, can you hide from you in winter, you will freeze your nose everywhere. But in catch-up, it would be great. Only we will not run away from you, but you try to catch up with your mitten. And we'll do our best to make sure you don't catch up with her. Guys, quickly pass the mitten in a circle, but see that Santa Claus does not take it from you.

The game is played to the music.

D.M: I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Do you guys want me to give you a ride on a steam locomotive?

Children: Yes.

The musical game "Rides, rides a steam locomotive, a steam locomotive Santa Claus" is being held.

TO : Now I’ll cry with happiness, it’s like fun, and most importantly, they have fun without treasures. Oh, how much I have lost in my life.(sobbing)

Yaga: I told you, but you resisted so much, you wanted to sit in your castle and count gold. By the way, we heard here that grandfather also distributes gifts.

S-to: And you behaved well?

Yaga: Of course, the Snow Maiden was found and returned to you, and in general, all year long, only good, only good.

TO: And I didn’t leave my palace at all.

D.M: And you prepared poems for me, otherwise I really like to listen to poems about the Christmas tree, about winter, about the New Year's holiday.

TO: Yaga, what are we going to do, have I never taught poetry in my life?

Yaga: Wait, Kosh, now we'll think of something. Your essay. Came up with:

Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree

He hides his head in a bag.

Don't torment us too long -

Untie the sack!

D.M: Well, Yaga, you are cunning, but I liked it, I tried, after all. Come and get your gifts.

Gives gifts to Yaga and Koshchei. Yaga and Koschey thank for the gifts, say goodbye and leave.

Snegur: Have you guys prepared poems for grandfather?

Children read poems and receive gifts.

D.M. and Snegur: Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short

We say goodbye

Until happy good meetings!

Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman leave.