Causes of non-traditional orientation. What is non-traditional orientation? gay stars

What is non-traditional sexual orientation? What causes same-sex couples? Turns out it's all about...

People of non-traditional sexual orientation and transsexuals do not quite correctly understand their nature and what kind of soulmate they need!

Types of traditional love

According to the science of socionics¹, people have two types of traditional love. The first type of traditional love, when a naturally strong man seeks to conquer a sensitive and tender woman. And the second sexy type when Strong woman subjugates the timid and shy man who could not resist her feminine perseverance.

Then the question arises: why do non-traditional sexual relations?

Before answering this question, it must be said that each person has his own aura and energy field. When we communicate with each other, not only information exchange takes place, but also energy exchange. We are able to feel and remember the natural energy of another person!

Why does non-traditional sexual orientation arise?

What is commonly referred to as homosexuality² is actually a loss of sexual orientation.

This is due to long-term communication with women and getting used to the female energy.

That is, men who from childhood experienced a lack of male attention and were brought up only by their mother, grandmother, and often were in sorority, do not feel attracted to a woman, as they are accustomed to female energy.

Getting into a male society and feeling a different kind of energy, they experience new sensations and this novelty excites them.

Of course, there are men who, although brought up in a women's society, still retained their traditional orientation. But if a young man brought up by women could not get used to communicating with men, talking with friends or doing active species sports, the risk of loss of sexual orientation and the emergence of non-traditional sexual relationships will be even greater.

Homosexuality - deviation or norm?

Despite the opinion of some scientists, homosexuality is not a natural norm for male body. Some scientists say that the cause lies in the genes, sex hormones, or in the special structure of the brain, while others believe that the cause of this phenomenon has not yet been thoroughly studied, and all existing explanations devoid of scientific basis.

Homosexuality refers to temporary psychosexual disorders, which in a sense can be compared with a headache or overeating!

However, there is reason to believe that scientists are not quite right in explaining this phenomenon.

Basic energy reserves human body are laid down in the reproductive system, and a certain percentage of this energy falls on the rectum. When having sex, or rather during orgasm, energy is consumed from the reproductive system, which contributes to weight loss. But that's not the way to reset excess weight. Frequent orgasm exhausts the body and increases the risk of mental disorders!

Physiological problems

If a person uses the rectum not for its natural purpose, but for intercourse, then, not to mention various proctological and venereal diseases, his energy field will be greatly destroyed and immunity will weaken.

A low level of energy in the body provokes a deterioration in physical and mental health, which leads to greater sensitivity, irritability, mental disorders, depression, up to thoughts of suicide. Weak energy, unfortunately, is not uncommon for people of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Homosexuality in animals

By the same principle, the loss of sexual orientation occurs in the animal kingdom. same-sex sexual contact take place when the female alone brings up her offspring, without a male, for example, in lions. But this happens rather by mistake, and not by some special call of nature.

In the animal kingdom sexual attraction may be observed to representatives of a species other than its own, inanimate objects and even to humans. But later, the male's sexual orientation is restored, and he leads a normal natural sexual lifestyle with females!

Observations of roosters have shown that bisexual relationships occur only in those males who are in the predominant environment of females. In a purely male company, they do not observe homosexual behavior, but aggression increases, which entails a showdown in cockfights.

For the same reason, same-sex relationships occur in all other polygamous and monogamous animal species.

Possible ways to change sexual orientation in men

Men who are very much accustomed to female energy, you need to get into some male company in order to get used to male energy and, thus, “re-educate”. You can also create a relationship with a naturally strong woman who will take the lead in a couple.

Men should not be mistaken and take their attraction to members of the same sex seriously, as this is not real love and not real sex drive. It's just a way out female energy from the body and getting used to the male society. Over time, the novelty of sensations will pass, and the man will feel his true nature and needs.

What are the causes of same-sex relationships in women?

Non-traditional sexual relations in women can arise from a lack of male energy in the body, due to insufficient communication with men.

When women communicate only with each other, their energy field is destroyed to some extent. It is so laid down by nature - for men, in a male company, the energy is strengthened, and for women, on the contrary, in a purely women's company energy is weakening.

The attraction of women to the same sex is not a manifestation of love or any male qualities. IN adolescence girls often feel affection for each other. They can hug, walk holding hands, kiss when meeting or parting, and this is not a sexual deviation. Very rarely, such relationships develop into a same-sex relationship, but this is the exception rather than the norm.

How to keep the balance of energies?

It is possible to maintain the balance of energies in the body only when there is an exchange of energies with the opposite sex. Since one of the main stores of energy is reproductive system, then it becomes clear why women, when the energy is destroyed, can mistakenly take their feelings for sexual arousal in relation to each other.

In adolescence, when the body has not yet gained enough of its energy, and in the absence of communication with men, the energy balance is disturbed.

According to scientific studies, women who were long time in a same-sex relationship, immunity, mentality and many other health problems are very weakened.

Women should not be afraid to show the strengths and weaknesses of their nature. They need to be natural in their behavior and take the initiative when necessary. A woman may well be strong and strong-willed, and this is not a manifestation of male nature.

Behavior of females in the animal world

If you pay attention to the animal world, you can sometimes observe how a female jumps on another female or male and behaves like a male. This occurs most often in monkeys and artiodactyls, but it also occurs in other animal species. This can not be called unconventional attraction. The female behaves this way to show that she is ready for rapprochement, so she tries to attract the attention of the male.

Since animals are guided by instincts, the female demonstrates her desire on any animal similar to herself, whether it be a male or another female. After mating, the female calms down and no longer exhibits this behavior.

females different types animals attract males in different ways and show readiness for reproduction. For example, a lioness can not only jump on her relative, but also take the initiative herself. She can approach the male, rub herself and crawl under him, thereby encouraging her to procreate.

Does same-sex love exist?

Most likely, same-sex love does not exist at all. This is nothing more than a deep psychological self-hypnosis based on a misunderstanding of one's nature and one's feelings, which a person perceives as sexual attraction.

Socionics says that harmonious relationship possible only with the spiritual and physical unity of opposites. The second half should be a complete opposite in terms of energy, mental organization, body structure, etc., but preferably with a slight difference in age.

If a man is strong-willed and strong, then he needs a complaisant and tender woman. If the qualities of a leader predominate in a woman, then a gentle and understanding man should be next to her.

The real feeling in such couples will be born gradually. First there will be interest in each other, then friendly relations and then love. The feeling of love and the desire for relationships is natural for a person. Love gives meaning to life, gives inner joy, peace of mind and simple human happiness.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Socionics is the concept of personality types and relationships between them, originally formulated in the 1970s by the Soviet Lithuanian sociologist Aushra Augustinavichyute, based on Jung's typology and A. Kempinsky's theory of informational metabolism (

The problems of discrimination against people with a non-traditional orientation are especially relevant at the present time: the LGBT movement is determined to eradicate any restriction on rights, and, it should be noted, so far it is winning this battle. So, about two months ago, same-sex marriages were finally legalized in the United States.

However, despite this fact, a sufficient number of people remain in society who do not belong to either sexual minorities or their opponents - homophobic individuals. This is the majority, whose point of view is built under the influence of public opinion. It, in turn, is closer to homophobia than to tolerance towards LGBT people. And this is an issue that needs attention.

Army under the flag of the colors of the rainbow

LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender". The latter also affects gender self-identification, but now I would like to consider such a definition as “non-traditional orientation”.

This term refers to sexual attraction or sexual relations between members of the same sex.

Unconventional orientation includes:

    homosexuality (gays and lesbians);

    bisexuality (attraction, both to oneself and opposite sex);

    pansexuality (love for the soul, not the body, therefore, attraction to any manifestation of gender self-identification: men, women, hermaphrodites, transsexuals, etc.);

    asexuality (not always included in this list, means the absence of any interest in sex at all, in other words, asexuals do not need sexual intercourse with their chosen ones).

    Disease or love?

    It is widely believed that homosexuality is a mental disorder, a disorder that should be treated. A century ago, such attempts were even made - not always in humane ways, and often completely inhuman.

    Proponents of the "disease" theory argue that the deviation occurs on genetic level When the subconscious program of procreation through reproduction (which, as you know, individuals of the opposite sex are required) is ignored for some reason, sexual attraction manifests itself “incorrectly” and “incorrectly”.

    "Love" theory is based on the concept this feeling as such: man differs from other mammals in his ability to experience emotions, and reproduction in the species Homo sapiens does not occur purely out of biological need. Why, then, those who support non-traditional love ask, why, when raising the soul of the beloved on a pedestal of perfection, is it necessary to pay attention to his / her gender? By the way, these are the arguments that pansexuals also make - in their view, if inner world a person is beautiful, you can be attracted to him, even if he has sexual characteristics of both men and women.

    The question of the naturalness of homosexuality is raised point-blank. "Sexual orientation" is called a rebellion against nature. The LGBT community, in response to such statements, cites examples of homosexuality among animals. By the way, it was this argument that won the lawsuit in favor of the decriminalization of same-sex relationships throughout the United States in 2003. Accordingly, it is scientifically determined that homosexuality in animals occurs not only in unnatural conditions. Although, of course, sometimes some social prerequisites become the cause.

    The devil is not as scary as he is painted

    It is interesting that ardent homophobes, who disown both representatives and the very term “non-traditional orientation”, although for the most part accept the statement “homosexuality is a disease” as given, still continue to believe: it is possible to learn to be a gay (lesbian). The fact that the very idea of ​​mental deviation implies the biological causes of homosexuality (which has been proven more than once), in moments of polemics and discussions on this topic, they prefer not to think about.

    So one of the problems of the informationally progressing twenty-first century is the propaganda of homosexuality. It is allegedly encouraged by the media and media, culture and art.

    And it's bad because:


    Renders bad influence on children (the risk of growing up as a homosexual increases).

    The result is a low birth rate in the country.

Only the last point turns out to be really logical as a consequence of the first two. However, just the same points a) and b) are poorly argued and fundamentally wrong.

Contrary to all the assumptions of the inhabitants, it is impossible to get infected with homosexuality! Gays and lesbians are like that because they were born that way.

Proceeding from the contrary, it will not work to stop being a homosexual for exactly the same reason. This is not fashion, and not posturing, and not demeanor. And if at some point a teenager wants to try it, but realizes that “gayness” is not his element, his self-identification in the sexual sphere will not go beyond one attempt. In addition, not every person will at least think about it.

Homosexual propaganda: gays in art and literature

On one point public opinion agrees with the truth: Lately mass culture focuses on the problems of the LGBT community. The meaning of this is acceptance this phenomenon and tolerance towards it on the part of both the younger generation and mature individuals.

It can also be documentaries or popular science films in which homosexuality is actually considered: its causes and manifestations are determined. Such works of cinema became widespread in the twentieth century - at that time as an innovation that challenged moral norms.

Today people gay often appear on the screen - in feature films and such popular TV shows at the present time, as well as media faces.

Homosexual characters are often introduced into the plot to demonstrate tolerance for representatives of sexual minorities, but there are also well-known works in which LGBT people occupy the central branch of the narrative.

Released in 1999, the British TV series "Close Friends" became a cult for English gays and lesbians. Demonstrating homosexual relationships as they are, with all the barriers and interconnection with the outside world, "Close Friends" for the first time showed a homophobic society what it means to be homo.

Historical reference

In pre-Christian times, non-traditional sexual orientation was not such a rare phenomenon.

Ancient Greece, for example, strongly encouraged male love and sang it as a more beautiful and sublime manifestation of feelings. The ban was introduced only on such relations among slaves:

    firstly, because their reproduction was necessary, and homosexuality made it impossible;

    secondly, in the slave male love the Hellenes did not see anything aesthetic.

With the advent of Christianity as the dominant religion in the world, sodomy began to be considered a mortal sin. This attitude towards homosexuals lasted a very long time: the consequences of this are still visible.

But even in Ancient Greece only gay guys were popular. Lesbians, although not strictly prohibited, were not encouraged in society.

Gay girls at all times have a different problem: their love is put on the same level as a joke or a misunderstanding, nothing more. Although there are examples of unjustified cruelty towards them.

Doctors-executioners: do not treat, but cripple?

As already mentioned, homosexuality, considered a disease, was tried to be cured.

Most known ways"treatments" for gays:

    castration (until the beginning of the twentieth century);

    conversion therapy - the development of the correct ( needed by doctors) conditioned reflexes;

    psychoanalysis, hypnosis and auto-trainings;

    lobotomy (fifties of the twentieth century);

  • hormone therapy.

Needless to say, none of these methods helped get rid of same-sex attraction? Moreover, methods such as castration and (especially) lobotomy worsened the mental and physical health patient. The development of conditioned reflexes gave a temporary effect that did not formally change the consciousness of the "patient".

What about lesbians? No less stringent measures were taken against them. The effect of electrical impulses on the brain was popular. Often this led to disruption of the work of the central nervous system, although, it is worth noting, in this case, the attraction still disappeared.

In 1973, homosexuality was removed from the list. mental illness. But the proponents of some treatments, such as conversion therapy, still remain. Mostly these are religious organizations.

Despite its low prevalence, conversion therapy takes place in modern world. It is in the power of everyone to have a hand in ensuring that "doctors" do not try to "cure" homosexuals, thereby injuring their personality.

It has been scientifically proven what this treatment leads to:


    low self-esteem;

  • suicidal thoughts.

Criminal punishment for homosexuality

An interesting fact: despite the fact that homosexuals are often called sick people, in a number of countries there were or still are laws prohibiting same-sex love.

    Until 2009, gays and lesbians in India received ten years in prison for making love. It was a victory for sexual minorities, but since 2013 the law against homosexuality is again in force in this country.

    Northern Cyprus punishes homosexuals with up to five years in prison.

    In Singapore, it is legal to be a lesbian, and being gay, you can go to jail for two years.

    Iran, Nigeria and Jamaica are the most homophobic places on earth. If a homosexual here is lucky to escape persecution by the local authorities, he will at least be beaten, and at most the population itself will kill him.

Law against homosexuality in the territory Russian Federation was valid until 1993. However, many people know that gay propaganda has been banned since 2013. The decree does not affect representatives of sexual minorities by the authorities, but thanks to it, society began to treat unconventional love even tougher, including attacks on gays and lesbians.

"And you're not one of those?"

As soon as in the vastness of great Russia they do not call LGBT: both “blue” and “pink”, and using much more obscene definitions. Not everyone, of course, thinks about whether he considers himself to be among those whom he so respectfully calls. But still it happens.

Someone for fun, and someone out of sincere curiosity, a little afraid to find out the answer, consistently passes the test for sexual orientation. Fortunately, finding at least one of them is not difficult. It is worth noting that such questionnaires can only mean something by fifteen percent, because, especially in the case of sexual orientation, a person must realize, understand and accept such things himself. The questions that a sexual orientation test can offer are very superficial - it's easy to guess how to answer in order to get the desired option.

The impact of homosexuality on the institution of the family

Conservative people may be concerned that, according to their point of view, LGBT people undermine morality. With the same proportionality with which the percentage of homosexuals increases, the birth rate decreases - and this could be a huge problem, but there is one thing.

Traditional sexual orientation continues to be common. The percentage of sexual minorities remains at the level of no more than five percent. Scientists have not noticed an increase in this phenomenon: rather, at present, more attention is focused on it.

A same-sex family is no longer new for the 21st century, but for some it is still wild. Progressive countries have legalized marriages between homosexuals or are at a stage close to it, while in the post-Soviet space this is still very far away.

Incidentally, legalization same-sex marriage, contrary to popular belief, will not corrupt society, but on the contrary, it will help to establish moral principles. It is these people who, for the most part, take children from orphanages into their families, and it is the official recognition of homosexuality as something normal that will help people get rid of prejudices.

Currently, same-sex marriages are legalized in countries such as:

  • Netherlands;
  • Belgium;
  • Portugal;
  • Norway;
  • Spain;
  • Sweden;
  • England and Wales (since 2014);
  • Germany (civil partnerships only).

Consequently, most EU countries, while being tolerant of homosexuals, still do not allow them to officially register their relationship.

In the United States, as mentioned above, the legalization of same-sex marriages took place quite recently.

Idols of millions

Famous gay people have long ceased to be a joke, as it was in the 2000s in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. On the contrary, one can notice a trend towards the emergence of star same-sex couples who have been together for quite some time.

The following gay stars are an example of great and strong, pure love:

  • Elton John and David Furnish (formed their relationship in 2014, have been living in a civil union since 2005, and the couple have been together for 21 (!) Years);
  • Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi (married six years, together 10 years);
  • Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak (dating for thirteen years);
  • Jodie Foster and Sidney Bernard have been happily together for fourteen years;
  • Neil Patrick Harris and David Bartka (registered their marriage in 2014, raising two twin boys);
  • Cynthia Nixon and wife Christine Marinoni Nixon have been together for more than ten years, raising their son;
  • Stephen Fry is a national treasure of Great Britain, he is happy with his chosen one Elliot Spencer, although he is thirty years older than him;
  • John Barrowman and Scott Gill have been married for six years.

There is a widespread opinion about the relationship between homosexual orientation and the creative bias of the individual. Indeed, in history there are many examples of real geniuses who did not limit the choice of their partner to one sex. Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo - famous people gay comes from the Renaissance, the wonderful Renaissance. Their creations are undeniably beautiful and even masterpieces. However, this does not mean that every gay person is a potential dancer, singer, artist or artist.

In fact, it turns out that this is a stereotyped point of view, spread, rather, by the sexual minorities themselves. Gay stars are the exception, not the rule.

Bisexual, pansexual and asexual - what is it?

Bisexuality is defined as sexual attraction to both sexes. It can be intermediate, temporary orientation, or transitional. If in the end a person considers himself to be homosexual, then bisexuality in this case is a disguise.

On the Kinsey scale of orientations (from 0 to 6, where 0 is absolute hetero, 6 is absolute homo), pure bisexuality ranks 3rd.

It is noticed that men are usually more resistant in choosing their orientation. Women usually consider themselves bisexual.

Pansexuality in the world is often confused with bi. But, unlike the previous definition, it has practically no limits and is not limited to the usual two sexes.

Pansexuality comes from the fact that gender is not binary, as is commonly believed. If we imagine that a man and a woman are black and white, we can say that there are still a huge number of shades between them. A separate line in this palette is occupied by agenders and androgynes (bigenders).

Asexuality (not to be confused with frigidity!) denies the importance of sex as such. These people are not attracted. Asexual couples build relationships based on trust and love without intimacy.

Where to go?

Based on global opinion polls, it was found that only 28 percent of the world's population is tolerant of homosexuals. It's just over a quarter. That is why separate communities, organizations, etc. are created. There are special gay clubs. They work according to their own rules and laws.

So, for example, most of them do not favor straight people, and homosexual men (in lesbian establishments) or women (in gay clubs) are allowed only to special, mixed parties. Of course, such rules apply more to high-class establishments where mature, adult individuals who have realized their orientation gather and relax. Clubs with a lower rank are less strict, but they are also aimed at "their" audience.

Final part

Non-traditional orientation is a topic that, unfortunately, is often treated with contempt at the present time. At the same time, they do not seek to talk about it frankly, to be honest.

Despite the fact that this phenomenon has spread many years ago, real reasons homosexuality has not been elucidated so far. There are many assumptions about the social prerequisites for the origin of sexual minorities, but scientists argue that the nature of this is innate, although perhaps not at the genetic level. This means that the notorious propaganda of homosexuality, a hot topic in the vastness of Russia, cannot really have power. A person is either born that way or not. Being gay is not a choice.

In turn, heterosexual orientation is still the most common and it is unlikely that this will change either in the near future or after a rather impressive period of time.

Do not forget that gays and lesbians are not "wrong" people. They are just people who need support and understanding. And if the world wants to develop as a social infrastructure, it probably still needs to abandon homophobia.

The document below is a translation of the gay manifesto from in English by Michael Swift. This manifesto was first published by Gay Community News in February 1987. The Russian translation of this document was first published by the Christian magazine In Victory (September 2005)

Gay Manifesto

We will sexually exploit your sons, the stronghold of your feeble manhood, your banal dreams and tasteless lies. We will corrupt them in your own schools, dormitories, gymnasiums, locker rooms, gyms, seminaries, youth groups, cinema toilets, army barracks, motels, men's clubs and parliament buildings. Wherever men meet other men, they revanch our image. They will lust and idolize us.

Women, cry for freedom. You say that men no longer satisfy you, that they destroy your happiness. Well, we are experts male face, male body and we'll take them from you. We will entertain them, we will teach them, we will comfort them when they cry.

Women, you say you are ready to live with each other instead of men. Well, go and live with each other. We will give your men hitherto unknown pleasures, because we ourselves are the best of men. And only a man knows how to actually please another man. Only a man is able to understand the depth of feelings and experiences, the mind and body of another man.

Your laws against homosexuality will be repealed. The new legislation will encourage love between men. All homosexuals must stand shoulder to shoulder as brothers, we must be united in art and philosophy, united socially, politically and financially. We will only triumph when we can present our united face to our vicious heterosexual enemy.

If you dare to call us gays or pederasts, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and abuse your dead, insignificant bodies.

We will write poems about love between men. We will put on performances in which men openly caress men. We will make films about love between masculine heroes that will replace your cheap, artificial, sentimental, boring, infantile, heterosexual passions that dominate cinema halls today. We carve statues of handsome young men, brave athletes, and install them in your parks, squares and market stalls. World museums will be filled with images of beautiful naked youths. Our writers and musicians will make love between men fashionable and prestigious, and we will succeed because we are experts in popularizing style. We will eliminate heterosexual ties through humor and satire, through the means that we know how to use professionally.

We will remove the masks from powerful homosexuals who pretended to be straight. You will be shocked and frightened when you learn that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists and senators, your mayors and generals, your athletes and movie stars, your broadcasters and public figures, your priests are not the familiar and reliable heterosexual bourgeois who, according to your opinion they are.

We are everywhere - we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when we talk about homosexuals, because we are always among you: perhaps we sit across from you or sleep in the same bed with you.

There will be no compromises. We are not a middle class slob. We are intellectuals and aristocrats by nature among human race and blue blood will never make concessions. Those who turn against us will be sent into exile. We will raise huge private armies like Mishima did to crush you. We will conquer the world because soldiers, inspired and united by homosexual love and respect, are invulnerable like ancient Greek warriors.

The family - this hotbed of lies, betrayal, frailty, hypocrisy and cruelty - will be abolished. The institution of the family, which poisons the imagination and curbs free will, will be eliminated. In genetic laboratories, perfect boys will be conceived and nurtured. They will be united in communes under the guidance and mentorship of experienced people.

All churches that condemn us will be closed. Our only gods will be the youths. We are adherents of the cult of beauty, morality and aesthetics. Everything ugly, vulgar and banal will be destroyed. Because we are ostracized from heterosexual middle-class circles, we can live on nothing but pure imagination. Even the extreme is too small for us.

Our coming sophisticated society will be ruled by an elite of gay poets. One of the main requirements for applicants for public office in the new homoerotic society will be passion for Greek passion. Anyone infected with heterosexual lust will automatically be removed from a position of responsibility. All the bumpkins who insist on stupid heterosexuality will be judged by the judiciary and become invisible.

We will rewrite the history that you have filled and defamed with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We will highlight the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who created civilization. We will demonstrate the inextricable link between homosexuality, intelligence and creativity, homosexuality as a guarantee of true nobility and true beauty in a man.

We will be victorious because we are driven by the bitter suffering of the downtrodden who are forced to play pitiful, secondary roles in your artless heterosexual shows for centuries. We have the knack to use weapons and build the barricades of the final revolution. Tremble, hetero-pigs, because we will appear before you without masks.

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