When should colostrum go in pregnant women. Conditions when a doctor's consultation is necessary. Signs of the appearance of colostrum

One of the substances secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy is colostrum. Every expectant mother should know at what stage of pregnancy colostrum appears, and what significance this nutritious product has for the baby.

The woman's body goes through many important physiological changes in the process of bearing a child. The mammary glands in pregnant women can increase in size, swell, increase sensitivity skin. Physiological phenomena also include the release of colostrum from the mammary glands to later dates pregnancy. Therefore, if you have noticed a change in the condition of the mammary glands in the third trimester, then you should not worry and panic. It is important to remember some features of the composition of colostrum and breast care during its release.

When should colostrum be produced normally?

The secretion of colostrum is fully regulated by the hormonal system, especially important role In the timely appearance of colostrum in a woman, the hormone oxytocin plays. Normally, it begins to appear a few days before childbirth and persists for 3-5 days after the baby is born. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the mammary glands are gradually prepared for the process of lactation and breastfeeding.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women do not notice significant changes mammary glands However, the longer the gestational age, the more pronounced are the physiological changes in the mammary glands.

The second trimester is characterized by an active onset of colostrum secretion, the breast increases in size, swells, and becomes more sensitive. During such a period, a woman may note the release of a few drops of a yellowish liquid from the nipples. Colostrum during pregnancy begins to stand out in more significant amount a few days before upcoming birth. Some expectant mothers note the appearance of this substance at the very beginning of the third trimester. Gradually, the secreted fluid becomes less thick and more transparent.

Some factors of the external and internal environment can provoke an increase in the amount of discharge from the mammary glands. These include stressful situations, pronounced positive emotions, long stay in a hot room with high humidity(bathroom, sauna), sexual intercourse, drinking hot drinks, massage of the mammary glands and shoulder girdle.


Colostrum has specific smell, has a thick, viscous consistency and yellowish color. This product is considered extremely useful for a newborn baby, as it contains many valuable nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Its main components are:

  • water;
  • easily digestible proteins (albumin and globulin fractions);
  • saturated and unsaturated fats;
  • enzymes that improve the digestion process (lipase, amylase and others);
  • vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C, E, PP;
  • carbohydrates (lactose);
  • zinc, selenium;
  • growth factors (epidermal, insulin-like);
  • cortisol, insulin.

This nutrient secretion of the mammary glands is considered the most optimal intermediate product for the nutrition of a newborn baby, since its composition is similar to the composition of the blood from which the fetus received nutrients throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Benefits for the baby

breast mother's milk is the most useful product for a newborn child (provided that the mother is healthy, eats properly and does not have bad habits). Therefore, some women believe that when colostrum appears after childbirth, it is bad for the baby. However, this most valuable product has many useful properties and will help the child adapt to new nutritional conditions.

The nutrient secreted after childbirth has the following positive effects on the baby's body:

  • saturates with easily digestible proteins, they are necessary for the baby in the stressful postpartum period;
  • contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora due to the presence of lactobacilli and bifidumbacteria in the composition;
  • colostrum improves the absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the intestines;
  • has a laxative effect on the digestive tract, thereby helping to get rid of the original feces;
  • participates in the formation and strengthening immune system a child, it contains immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and other factors of immune protection;
  • prevents development physiological jaundice newborns, since the proteins in its composition have the ability to bind bilirubin to digestive tract and bloodstream;
  • growth factors contribute to the normal formation of the intestine and enzyme systems;
  • provides the baby's body with many vitamins and antioxidants that are necessary for normal metabolism.

Also colostrum is very nutrient, effectively satisfies the hunger of a newborn baby, contributes to the rapid adaptation of the child to the environment.

Deviations from the norm

Every pregnant woman or a woman who has just given birth should remember that the amount of colostrum secreted and the timing of its appearance depend on many individual factors.

This process is affected general state health, condition hormonal system, the presence or absence of the harmful effects of the environment.

However, in some cases, the secretion of this nutrient fluid is accompanied unpleasant symptoms. You should immediately consult a doctor if colostrum is secreted during pregnancy against the background of severe pain in the mammary glands, has bad smell or pathological impurities. Often pain syndrome and a fetid odor appear against the background of purulent mastitis. This disease occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation, lymph flow and stagnation of milk in the mammary glands. bacterial infection also often accompanied by fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

The appearance of bloody impurities can be a formidable symptom of the growth of a malignant or benign neoplasm, therefore, a woman should inform the doctor about this and undergo a breast examination. Sometimes pain when colostrum is secreted, they appear in the lower abdomen. This may be due to a violation of the normal tone of the uterus and can lead to premature birth. Therefore, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and seek medical help in a timely manner.

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Expecting the birth of a baby, a mother takes care of many things. So that the birth goes smoothly, so that, God forbid, there are no complications, so that the baby is born healthy and in due date. And also, so that mom has enough milk. Every normal pregnant woman strives to attach the baby to the breast in the first hours and days after childbirth. After all, there is nothing better for him than colostrum.

However, the appearance of colostrum even before childbirth, during the bearing of a child, can greatly frighten the expectant mother. Is it normal? What could it be? After all, it’s not time to give birth yet, but colostrum is already being released?

Colostrum in pregnant women is normal

We hasten to reassure you: the release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon in the same way as its absence. Usually it begins to be produced already in the second trimester of pregnancy, even if it does not flow. begins preparation for the upcoming feeding of the newborn. At first, colostrum is thick, yellow and sticky, and closer to childbirth it becomes more liquid and transparent.

In this case, you may feel some itching or tingling in the chest, even "movement". This is also normal: the muscles push the colostrum towards the nipple.

Once again, we want to note that if you do not produce colostrum until the birth itself, this is just as normal. The allocation of colostrum before delivery is not at all necessary; this is one of the options for a normal pregnancy. And if you do not have it, do not think that your breasts are "non-dairy" and that you will have little milk - this is not related to one another. Often, colostrum begins to stand out during childbirth or immediately after them. It also does not matter how much colostrum is secreted during pregnancy and after it - its amount is very individual for each woman.

There are also cases when colostrum is secreted for another early dates pregnancy. In this case, this may be one of her signs, along with breast enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can be released during, sexual stimulation of the breast, as a result of the transferred, in conditions of severe elevated temperature air, due to which the ducts expand.

What to do if colostrum is secreted?

If the colostrum leaks heavily, then you should definitely use disposable breast pads, which must be changed in a timely manner: colostrum is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. In this regard, do not forget to wash your chest warm water(but no soap).

In no case should you press on the chest or, even worse, express colostrum. Any stimulation of the breast entails the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes contractile activity of the uterus. That is, as you understand, a miscarriage may occur.

When colostrum is a dangerous harbinger

However, the appearance of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so safe. Since it is secreted from the breast, and its stimulation is directly related to the condition of the uterus (when the baby suckles, the uterus contracts), the release of colostrum can signal the threat of termination of pregnancy. If you are on conservation and along with other signs of a threatened miscarriage ( pulling pains lower abdomen and lower back spotting from the vagina) your breasts swell dramatically and colostrum begins to flow out - be sure to tell your doctor about this! And if you are not in the hospital, then you need to be hospitalized.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Changes in the breast begin to occur from the first days of pregnancy. This is one of hers. Very often it becomes painful and hypersensitive, it noticeably increases in size, the nipples and areolas can change color to darker, and a vein network often appears on the breast itself. In addition to other symptoms related specifically to the breast, colostrum discharge from the nipples is also possible. This is considered quite natural.

If nothing bothers you and you do not observe anything alarming with your chest, then there is no reason to worry. However, you should know that it is not necessary to express the fluid that is released from the chest. It is also imperative to observe breast hygiene (wash twice a day in the shower and wipe the nipples dry). Also, you need to wear comfortable bra, not squeezing and not restricting the mammary glands.

In general, discharge from the mammary glands is quite physiological phenomenon, which can be observed not only in pregnant women and even not only women. Incredibly, such “anomalies” are also possible in men, moreover, even in newborn girls, liquid can be released from the nipples (due to advanced level female hormones in the mother's blood during pregnancy). What to say about future mother! So the main thing - do not worry once again. And in case of something “suspicious”, just play it safe with a visit to a specialist.

The breast fills up in anticipation of the start of the lactation period, the ducts expand and over time a yellowish liquid similar to milk appears in them. During the period of bearing a child, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out colostrum. What is the reason for the ban and when it is possible to express milk from the breast, it will become clearer further.

Reasons for the ban

The breast begins to prepare for feeding the baby long before he is born. In the first weeks of pregnancy, no discharge appears, but starting from the second trimester, colostrum appears.

Can you squeeze colostrum during pregnancy? No. Many pregnant women begin to notice small yellow spots on their underwear, and most of them, to the extent of their ignorance, are trying to squeeze out colostrum. Women do this in order to understand the causes of unknown secretions from the chest, and this should not be done under any circumstances.

Why You Shouldn't Squeeze Colostrum:

  1. it is possible to provoke a miscarriage;
  2. action brings the uterus into tone, which on recent weeks may cause premature birth;
  3. the appearance of infectious inflammation is likely due to the sweet environment of the milk fluid;
  4. cracks appear on the nipples.

Therefore, squeezing colostrum during pregnancy is not worth it. Really harm the body, as well as provoke trouble with the development and birth of the baby. It is required to take care of the mammary glands in order to protect them from unwanted problems.

Features of breast hygiene during childbearing:

  • it is not recommended to express colostrum during pregnancy, so as not to injure the nipples, and not to increase the production of milk ahead of time;
  • do not squeeze the chest with tight bras, they should have a supporting effect;
  • it is necessary to wash the chest with warm water 2-3 times a day, but without detergents;
  • at copious excretion colostrum, it is required to use special linings for nursing mothers.

It must be understood that the formation of colostrum is an absolutely normal phenomenon during pregnancy. Therefore, you should not panic because of the discharge, unless it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, pus or does not have a reddish tint, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Each woman is different, therefore, in the absence of colostrum formation before childbirth, there is no need to worry - it will appear after the birth of the crumbs.

The use of extrusion after childbirth

Not all women start producing colostrum during pregnancy. It happens that the baby has already been born, and the mother does not yet have milk, or it is too little for full feeding. Such women in childbirth need to try hard to establish the lactation process in the shortest possible time, only in this case, extrusion can be used to normalize colostrum production. It is required to follow certain recommendations so as not to injure the chest and express the first drops.

How to properly squeeze out colostrum after childbirth:

  • wash your hands thoroughly or treat them with an antiseptic;
  • put the fingers of the opposite hand on the chest in the place where the areola and normal skin meet;
  • need to direct the movement to the side chest, press on the milk ducts;
  • it is significant not to rub the wounds on the mammary glands, otherwise the process of feeding the baby will turn into real torture.

To improve production breast milk, it is required to use all known methods that are allowed to be used. In this case, you need to try not to harm either the breast or the baby.

It is very important not to miss the moment and squeeze out at least a few drops of colostrum in order to disperse and fully feed the newborn.

First, it is worth trying to do breast self-massage. Such manipulations stimulate the production of colostrum. If possible, it is desirable to take warm shower, it will also have a beneficial effect on the appearance of milk fluid in the first weeks of feeding. If the massage does not bring results, you can use drinking herbal tea to increase lactation. A certain set of herbs will contribute to the rapid development of the feeding process.

Such methods are sparing, if they are not effective, it is necessary to use special medicines that increase milk production. This should be a last resort, only if every effort has been made natural ways effects on the mammary glands, because the tablets penetrate the milk and harm the baby.

Breastfeeding by an infant is the best and safest stimulation of milk production. correct and frequent application contribute to the establishment of lactation in the first days of a newborn's life. Do not despair if you can not immediately achieve positive result. The baby may return to the breast after artificial feeding. It is recommended to start using mixtures only when everything that is possible has been tried.

It is clear that squeezing out colostrum through force is unpleasant, painful and difficult, but there is no better nutrition than mother's milk. That's why the main task mothers - to ensure full breastfeeding, by all means.

Squeezing out colostrum is allowed only after childbirth, when this procedure is simply necessary. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to carry out such activities, because it is possible to provoke the uterus to sink and, as a result, premature birth.

Very often, the first sign of pregnancy is changes in the breast. A woman may note that the bra has become too small for her, the mammary glands have acquired unusual sensitivity and even soreness. The thing is that already in the very early stages of bearing a baby, the breast begins to prepare for the upcoming lactation.

During pregnancy in the body future mother the hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin are especially actively produced. Under their influence, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland begins to grow. Outwardly, the breast also changes: it swells, the nipples and areolas darken.

And, finally, one day, the expectant mother discovers transparent yellowish droplets appearing through linen and clothes. If this happened to you, now you know what colostrum looks like.

What is colostrum?

If women's breast milk is sometimes called "white gold" due to its useful properties, then colostrum can probably be compared with platinum. Subject to a successful birth and correctly organized feeding, colostrum is the first thing that should get into the baby's mouth after he is born. Therefore, it should contain a maximum of useful substances intended for the protection, nutrition and development of the child.

The colostrum of any woman contains:

  • Growth factors: hormones and peptides. They stimulate like active growth Total child's body, and the accelerated development of the intestinal epithelium, preparing it for the upcoming work on the assimilation of mother's milk.
  • Nutrients: natural antioxidants (vitamins, selenium, zinc, beta-carotene), as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The concentration of proteins in colostrum is greater than in mature milk. But there are less fats and lactose (milk sugar), since the baby's digestion is not yet ready for their assimilation. Colostrum also has a laxative effect, helping the newborn to get rid of meconium accumulated in the intestines.
  • immune factors: white blood cells various kinds, immunoglobulins. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides inhibit harmful bacteria when they try to attach to the walls of the intestines of the child, and lactoferrin eliminates excess iron, which is necessary for the development of many pathogenic microorganisms.

It is important to remember that the child in the first days after childbirth, subject to feeding on demand, colostrum is quite enough as a food. And when a child is supplemented with milk mixtures and supplemented with water, they are washed out of his intestines. useful material so necessary for the baby.

At what stage of pregnancy can colostrum first appear?

There is an opinion that when colostrum appears, it's time to wait for childbirth. But in fact, most often colostrum begins to ooze from the mammary glands in the second trimester of pregnancy. This process may be irregular: discharge appears and disappears. Factors such as overheating, massage, stress, marital intimacypossible reasons colostrum leakage during pregnancy.

Some future mothers, knowing how often women have colostrum during pregnancy, do not observe this phenomenon in themselves and begin to worry: what if something is wrong with their ability to produce milk. Also, someone may be alarmed if the discharge was, and then disappeared.

On this occasion, it should be noted that such factors as the absence or presence, as well as the frequency with which colostrum appears in pregnant women, do not at all affect the amount of milk after childbirth. And in order for the baby to have enough milk, you need to observe simple rules: apply it to the breast whenever he asks for it, and do not forget to feed at night, because it is at night that prolactin is produced - the hormone responsible for milk production.

In which case should you be concerned?

While it is normal for colostrum to leak during pregnancy, there are situations where medical attention may be needed.

  • Abundant separation of colostrum in the early stages, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and / or spotting. All this indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. The fact is that the same hormone, oxytocin, is responsible for the separation of colostrum (as well as milk) and for the contraction of the uterus during childbirth. Its excess in the body of the expectant mother indicates the possible approach of a miscarriage or premature birth.
  • When colostrum appears, pay attention to how it looks, what color it is, and whether it contains blood impurities. At some point, this may be the norm, but it is better to consult with a mammologist just in case.
  • Also, consultation is indispensable if the discharge from the chest is accompanied by a change in its shape (dents, bulges). Inspection and ultrasonography breasts during pregnancy will not harm you. It is better to be vigilant, as there are diseases of the mammary glands that can manifest themselves at any time, including during the bearing of the baby.

What to do if colostrum during pregnancy brings discomfort?

  • What definitely cannot be done is to express or squeeze out colostrum. At an early stage, you can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy, and at a later date, you risk causing premature birth. The reason is the same oxytocin: stimulation of the nipples contributes to its production, and then appears increased tone uterus and related problems.
  • If the moisture on the chest delivers discomfort, it is better to get special pads for nursing mothers, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. Remember to change them often to prevent bacteria from growing. Colostrum is a nutrient medium for them.
  • wear special underwear for pregnant. It is usually made from natural materials, has no underwire, provides comfort and good support for the breast, prevents it from overheating.
  • Rinse your breasts with water once or twice a day, but do not use soap as it dries out the skin. It is especially important to continue to do the same after childbirth. Many maternity hospitals advise you to wash your breasts with soap before each feeding. However, this the right way earn cracked nipples, which in the future may discourage the desire to breastfeed. Therefore, do not use soap for breast hygiene, but wash your hands with it as often as possible.

Does it happen that colostrum does not appear in pregnant women?

Usually, after breastfeeding is over, a woman may have a discharge from her breast that looks like colostrum, but not more than for five months. If similar secretions occur later, as well as in a nulliparous woman or in a man (yes, it happens!), then this symptom is called galactorrhea. He needs to see a doctor. The causes may be pituitary gland diseases, thyroid gland, ovaries (in women).

An example is a pathology such as prolactinoma or pituitary adenoma. This is a benign tumor of the anterior pituitary gland that produces prolactin in excess. In both women and men, it negatively affects reproductive function. Fortunately, this disease is most often successfully treated with conservative methods. A few weeks after the start of medication, fertility is restored.

Interestingly, colostrum can be secreted even in infants in the first days after childbirth. This is due to maternal prolactin, which entered the baby's blood when he was in the womb. Then hormonal background stabilizes and the discharge stops.

Keep in mind that if colostrum appears during pregnancy in moderation and without blood admixture, this is completely normal at any time. It will serve as another reminder of what is growing stronger inside you. new life. And about what is most the best food almost ready for the new man!

When colostrum appears in pregnant women, it differs in quantitative and qualitative indicators from breast milk. In the early stages, the liquid is transparent, later yellow and yellow begin to predominate. orange shades due to the high protein content and high calorie content. Colostrum is the precursor to breast milk transitional stage to prepare the baby for breastfeeding.

Why does colostrum flow during pregnancy?

Colostrum during pregnancy is released at the very early stages. For this reason, the chest swells, becomes more sensitive and painful when touched. Often, by enlarged mammary glands, a woman guesses about the onset of conception.

Most pregnant women, only in the 2nd trimester or before childbirth, notice that fluid is flowing from the chest, this is considered a variant of the norm and will not affect subsequent lactation in any way.

At what time and when colostrum appears in pregnant women, questions, the answers to which depend on individual physiological features women. In some, fluid gradually begins to stand out from the first weeks, many feel significant swelling only in the middle of the gestation period. It happens that colostrum begins to be produced only after childbirth, often in primiparas, and this is also the norm.

During the second pregnancy, colostrum is more intense, since the milk ducts are already developed. It all depends on the state of the woman's body and the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the appearance of milk, in the current period.

There are no exact dates for the production of colostrum. In what week or in what month the liquid will appear, no doctor can answer this question. In half of pregnant women, colostrum begins to flow from the second trimester, while in others, droplets can be seen only just before the birth.

Excessive discharge from the chest with increased soreness and pain in the lower abdomen may indicate increased uterine tone, which becomes a threat to the life of the developing fetus.

Why can't you squeeze out colostrum during pregnancy?

Fluid should not be squeezed out during pregnancy because any stimulation of the breast leads to excessive production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractions. The situation can lead to premature labor activity, which in the early stages will provoke a miscarriage.

To prevent the production of oxytocin during the gestation period, you must be extremely careful when the following types stimulation:

This does not mean that you need to give up showering or sex, you just need to be more attentive to your health, do not express or squeeze colostrum when intrauterine development baby.

What color is colostrum in pregnant women?

The liquid in the milk ducts appears from the first days after conception, and the discharge begins strictly individually. At normal course pregnancy, you can notice that colostrum looks like a thick substance from pale to saturated yellow shade. In the early stages, the liquid is often clear, yellow colostrum will appear later, when it is saturated with a large amount of minerals and nutrients.

Colostrum with blood during pregnancy can be considered normal if there are no associated symptoms. As a result of the increased expansion of the milk ducts, the capillaries burst, which provokes the appearance of a certain amount of blood.

A change in the color of the fluid in pregnant women and the presence of concomitant symptoms indicate the formation of a pathological infectious process:

  • excessive pain syndrome of the mammary glands;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and inguinal region;
  • milk color change to dark or greenish;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor.
Such signs should be immediately known to the doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Pathologies often form against the background of the development of mastitis, infection, or as a result of the formation of a tumor.

With a frozen pregnancy, colostrum stops being produced, so you need to listen to your body and consult a specialist if unusual symptoms appear.