Signs of the Asian American race. Introduction. On the difficulty of studying racial variability. The human race and the robot race


Asian American race. Pacific Mongoloids

Far Eastern Malayaras. It is part of the population of Korea, China, Japan. Skin color is dark. The eyes are dark. Epicanthus is common. The tertiary hairline is very weak. Height is average or above average. The face is narrow, of medium width, high, flat. High brain skull. The nose is long, with a straight back, slightly-medium protruding.

South Asian Malayaras. The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. In comparison with it, the epicanthus is less characteristic: the face is less flattened and lower; lips are thicker; the nose is relatively wider. The skull is small and broad. The forehead is convex. The body length is short. The area is the countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Northern Mongoloids

North Asian minor race. The skin color is lighter than that of the Pacific Mongoloids. The hair is dark and dark blond, straight and coarse. The face is high and broad, very flat. The brain skull is low. There is a very low nose bridge. Part of the epicanthus. The eye slit is small. Body length is average and below average. It is part of many indigenous peoples of Siberia (Evenks, Yakuts, Buryats).

Arctic minor race. It is part of the Eskimos, Chukchi, American Indians, Koryaks. The pigmentation is darker than that of the North Asian minor race; the face is more pro-gnate. The hair is straight and coarse. Epicanthus occurs in 50% of the race. Nose protrudes moderately. Wide lower jaw. The bones and muscles are strongly developed. The body and arms are short. The chest is rounded.

American race

The range is the vast territory of America. Large nose, sometimes convex. The flattening of the face is moderate. Epicanthus is rare. The face and head are large. Massive body.

Australo-Negroid race. African Negroids

Negro Malayaras. Range - savannah and forest zone of Africa. Skin color is dark or very dark. Eye color is dark. The hair is heavily curly and spirally curled. The nose is wide in wings. Low and flat bridge. Lips are thick. Severe alveolar prognathism. Tertiary hairline is medium and weak. The palpebral fissure is wide open; the eyeball protrudes somewhat forward. The interorbital distance is large. Body length is average or above average. The limbs are long, the body is short. The pelvis is small.

Bushman minor race. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement is the desert and semi-desert regions of South Africa. Yellowish-brown skin color. Hair and eyes are dark. The hair is spirally curled and grows slowly in length. The nose is wide, with a low nasal bridge. The tertiary cover is weak. The section of the eyes is smaller than that of the Negro race, epicanthus is found. The face is small, somewhat flattened. Small lower jaw. Body length below average. Strong development of fat on the buttocks. Wrinkling of the skin. The Bushmen are a remnant of the ancient race of Africa in the ancient Middle Stone Age.

Negril minor race. Aborigines of the African rainforest. Pigmentation and shape of hair, like that of the Bushmen. The nose is broader, but protrudes more strongly. The incision of the eyes is significant, the eyeball protrudes strongly. The tertiary hairline is strongly developed. The length of the body is very small, the legs are short, the arms are long. The joints are mobile.

The Asian-American, or Mongoloid, large race is distinguished by swarthy or light skin tones, straight, often coarse hair, weak or very weak growth of beard and mustache, average nose width, low or medium nose bridge, slightly protruding nose in Asian races and strongly protruding - in American, procheilia, average thickness of the lips, flattening of the face, strong protrusion of the cheekbones, large face sizes, the presence of epicanthus. On the skull, the rhinal index - middle, symotic - varies greatly, since the protrusion of the nose is very different between Asian Mongoloids and Indians; the absence of types with low orbits is also characteristic; the facial skeleton is flattened, which is expressed, in particular, by a large nasomalar angle, the canine fossa is shallow, and the palate is wide. There is a wide variation in the width of the pear-shaped foramen.

The range of the Asian-American race covers East Asia, Indonesia, Central Asia, Siberia, and America.

The Asian-American race is subdivided into several minor races.

1. The North Asian race is distinguished from the Asian-American races predominantly by a smaller percentage of tight hair, lighter skin color, less dark hair and eyes, very weak beard growth and thin lips, large size and strong flattening of the face, high orbital index, large width of the pyriform foramen. , orthogonality, high vertical craniofacial index.

As part of the North Asian race, two very characteristic variants can be distinguished - Baikal and Central Asian, which differ significantly from each other.

The Baikal type is distinguished by less coarse hair, lighter pigmentation, weaker beard growth, a more flattened face, lower nose bridge, and thinner lips. It would be possible to distinguish these types as separate races, but with all the differences indicated, both types are still less different from each other than each of them from the American, South Asian, Far Eastern and Arctic races.

The Central Asian type is presented in various variants, some of which are close to the Baikal type, others - to variants of the Arctic and Far Eastern races.

2. The Arctic (Eskimo) race differs from the North Asian in coarser hair, darker pigmentation of the skin and eyes, less frequency of the epicanthus, a somewhat smaller zygomatic width, a narrower pear-shaped opening and a low nasal index on the skull, a less orthognathous face, a higher nose bridge and more protruding nose, thicker lips, in general, more dolichocephalic skull.

3. The Far Eastern race, compared to the North Asian, is also characterized by tighter hair, darker pigmentation, thicker lips, and mesognathism; it differs from both the North Asian and the Arctic in having a much narrower face. It is characterized by a large height of the skull, a slightly lower face, and correspondingly smaller values ​​of the craniofacial index.

4. The South Asian race is characterized by an even more pronounced expression of those features that distinguish the Far Eastern race from the North Asian - it is even darker, it has thicker lips, a shorter mesognathic face, and a smaller vertical craniofacial index. It differs from the Far Eastern race in a significantly higher nasal index, less flattened face, and shorter stature.

5. The American race, varying greatly in many ways, is on the whole closest to the Arctic, but possesses some of its features in an even sharper form. So, the epicanthus is almost absent, the nose protrudes very strongly, the mesognathism is pronounced, the skin is very dark; the American race is characterized by the large size of the face and its noticeably less flattening. Based on the totality of these non-Mongoloid traits, the American race, apart from its genesis, deserves to be singled out as a special race that does not fit into the framework of a triple division.

The Ethiopian, South Indian, South Siberian, Ural, Polynesian and Kuril are considered borderline between the three large races.

1. The Ethiopian (East African) race occupies a middle position between the Equatorial and Eurasian large races in terms of skin and hair color. Skin color varies from light brown to dark chocolate, hair is most often curly, but less spirally curled than that of Negroes. The growth of the beard is weak or medium, the lips are moderately thick. However, in terms of facial features, this race is much closer to the Eurasian. Thus, the width of the nose varies in most cases from 35 to 37 mm, and the nasal index - from 69 to 76; a flattened nose is rare, prognathism is weak or absent, the face is narrow, the facial index is high. The shape of the head is dolichocephalic. Growth above average; characterized by an elongated type of body proportions.

2. The South Indian (Dravidian) race, in general, is very similar to the Ethiopian, but differs in a straighter form of hair and somewhat smaller stature; the face appears to be a little lower and a little wider; the South Indian race occupies an intermediate position between the Veddoid and the Indo-Mediterranean races.

3. The Ural race, in many ways, occupies a middle position between the White Sea-Baltic and North Asian races. In addition, a concave bridge of the nose is very characteristic of this race.

4. The South Siberian (Turanian) race is also intermediate between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid large races. A significant percentage of mixed eyes. However, despite the generally unsharp expression of Mongolian features, this race exhibits very large measurements of both face height and zygomatic width, no less than in some variants of the North Asian race. In addition, a convex or straight back of the nose, lips of medium thickness are characteristic.

5. The Polynesian race, according to many systematic features, occupies a neutral position; so it is characterized by wavy hair, light brown, yellowish skin, moderately developed tertiary hairline, moderately protruding nose, mesognathism, lips somewhat thicker than those of Europeans; rather strongly protruding cheekbones; the Polynesian race is characterized by a very tall stature, a large face, a large absolute width of the nose, almost equal to the Negro, and a rather high nasal index, much smaller than that of the Negroes, and larger than that of the Europeans, i.e., approximately close to the upper limit in the Mongoloid race. The skull is characterized by a large height of the medulla.

6. The Kuril (Ainu) race, in its neutral position among the races of the globe, resembles the Polynesian race; however, some features of the large races are more pronounced in it. In terms of a very strong development of the hairline, it occupies one of the first places in the world. On the other hand, it is characterized by a flattened face, a shallow canine fossa, and a rather large percentage of epicanthus; hair combines great rigidity with fairly significant waviness; it differs from the Polynesian race in short stature.

The proposed classification (Roginsky, Levin, 1978) does not reflect the anthropological composition of the world's population to the same extent in its various sections. Many territories of the ecumene are still very poorly studied anthropologically, and most importantly, without observing a unified methodology. Further research will undoubtedly introduce many changes and additions both to the characteristics of individual races and to their mutual arrangement in the system.

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Anthropological research methods are based on anthropometry, or the measurement of the size of the human body. According to the object that serves as the subject of measurement, somatometry is distinguished - measured

Anthropometric points on the head
Apical, vertex (v) - the highest point on the crown when the head is set in the Frankfurt horizontal. Tragus, tragion (t) - a point above the upper edge of the ear tragus, le

Anthropometric points on the body
Upper sternal, suprasternale (sst) - a point on the upper edge of the jugular notch of the sternum (along the medial line). Mid-sternal, mtsosternale (mst) - a point in the body of the sternum at the level of the ver

Anthropometric points on the limbs
Shoulder, akromion (a) - the most protruding outward point on the edge of the acromial process of the scapula. Radial, radiale (r) - the upper point of the head of the radius. Styloid, stylion

Anthropometric points on the skull
The orientation of the skull in the established plane (horizontal) is important. The most common orientation is in the so-called Frankfurt horizontal, in which the head must be fixed.

Measurement of the longitudinal dimensions of the body
To determine any longitudinal size, it is necessary to know the height of the upper and lower anthropometric points that limit this size. The difference between the height of their standing and will be

Diameter measurement
Measurement of head diameters Anterior-posterior and transverse diameters of the head are measured with a small thick compass. When determining the anterior-posterior diameter, the distance between the glabella and the s

Measurement of girth dimensions of the body
When measuring girth dimensions, it should be ensured that the centimeter tape, with which measurements are made, lies horizontally and its zero division is in front of the subject

Determination of the body surface
Boyd's formula is widely used to determine the surface of the body: S = 71.84 * W 0.425 * H 0.725, where: S is the body area (cm2), H is the length of those

Measurement of skin-fat folds (caliperometry)
The thickness of the subcutaneous fat fold is measured using a caliper or a sliding compass (caliper). To avoid errors, carefully determine the place of measurement. It is important to properly raise the skin

An integral characteristic of the brain is its weight. Starting from the very first stages of intrauterine development and throughout further growth, the brain is closer in weight to its final value.

Eye area
The eye area includes the upper and lower eyelids, the orbit and the eye itself. In the thickness of both eyelids, closer to their free edge, there are plates of very dense connective tissue - the cartilages of the eyelids. Che

Nose area
The dimensions and shape of the external nose are an important diagnostic feature in anthropological studies, as they are highly variable: racial, age-sex, individual.

Well developed in mammals, the auricle in humans is partially reduced. The process of reduction begins in monkeys. In the process of reduction, the length of the auricle decreases and changes

The color of the skin, hair and iris of the eyes depends on the distribution of melanin pigment in them. Lack of melanin - albinism is a pathology. In the skin, melanin is formed in the cells of the germ layer

Growth and development of the body
The growth and development of an organism are complex phenomena, the results of many metabolic processes and cell reproduction, an increase in their size, processes of differentiation, shaping, etc. These problems

General periodization of ontogeny
The development of a science-based periodization of human ontogeny is extremely difficult. It is obvious that only some signs - morphological, physiological or biochemical - cannot be

biological age
When describing the main morphological features of a person in different age periods, as a rule, average indicators are used. However, individual differences in the processes of growth and development

secondary sexual characteristics
Biological age is widely determined by the degree of development of secondary sexual characteristics, since this is the most accessible assessment in mass surveys. The most frequently taken into account

Skeletal age
The most universal of all biological age criteria is skeletal age, since it can be determined in fact throughout the entire ontogenesis, starting from the fetal period and

Tooth maturity
Tooth maturity is usually determined by counting the number of erupted teeth and comparing it with existing standards. Recently, new methods for determining the tooth have been proposed.

Physiological and biochemical criteria
Ontogenetic changes are based on age-related transformations of metabolism and the main system of its regulation - neuroendocrine. The age-related decrease in basal metabolism can be traced from one year to 18

mental development
The problem of the ratio of the rates of mental (emotional, mental) and physical development is of particular interest for human age biology, anthropology and pedagogy in connection with axel

Body aging
Aging is a set of biological processes that occur in the organs and systems of the body in connection with age, reducing the body's capabilities and increasing the likelihood of death. Aging - vr function

Species lifespan
Species lifespan in primates is closely correlated with the rate of aging: this can be shown by comparing macaques and humans; in the first case, aging of the musculoskeletal system prot

Acceleration - (lat. acceleratio - acceleration) - the acceleration of somatic development and physiological maturation of children and adolescents noted over the past 100-150 years. This term was introduced into the letter

Constitutional anthropology
The constitution of a person is a set of functional and morphological features of the body that have developed on the basis of hereditary and acquired properties and determine the reactivity of the body to ra

body proportions
Body proportions - the ratio of the sizes of its individual parts. They are determined on a living person by measuring the longitudinal and transverse projection dimensions between the boundary points established

Age variability of body proportions
It is known that newborn children have a relatively large head, a long, narrow body and short legs. In the process of age development, body proportions gradually change due to different

Sex differences in body proportions
When comparing the relative sizes of men and women, some gender differences are revealed. In women, the shoulders are somewhat narrower and the pelvis is much wider. On average, their arms and legs are slightly shorter, and their bodies

body composition
By body composition, most experts understand the ratio of the components of the weight of the human body. The doctrine of the composition of the human body - relatively new branch of morphology. Significant development of e

Specific body weight
Specific body weight is very sensitive to changes in the ratios of body weight components and quickly responds to these changes. According to variations in the specific weight of the body, conclusions can be drawn about changes in physical

Physiological and biochemical correlations of body weight components
Comparison of biochemical parameters of blood with the main somatic components of the body, carried out by T.N. Alekseeva, found that total lipids and cholesterol are characterized by a positive relationship

Morphological aspects of the constitution
The doctrine of the human constitution has a long history. Hippocrates, the founder of ancient Greek medicine, identified several types of constitutions: good and bad, strong and weak, dry and wet.

Male constitutions
When describing male constitutions in Russia, the scheme of V.V. Bunak. In total, three main types are distinguished: chest, muscular and abdominal - and 4 intermediate subtypes: pectoral-muscular, mu

Women's constitutions
Of the working schemes of women's constitutions, the most successful one can be considered the scheme proposed back in 1927 by I.B. Galant. He proposed to single out 7 types of constitutions in women, grouped into 3 categories

Children's constitutions
When diagnosing children's constitutions, either schemes intended for adults are used, unless it is specifically stipulated that they cannot be used to assess the constitutions of children, or special

Constitutions and physiological features
In the world literature, there is very little data on the physiological characteristics of individual types of constitution. It is believed that in men the highest level of oxidative processes is characteristic of the chest and

Constitutions and psychological features
The problem of the correlation of psychological characteristics and physique features was developed in the most detail by the German scientist Kretschmer and the American scientist Sheldon. Understanding the nature of the amount in

Anthropogenesis (from the Greek anthropos - man, genesis - development) is the process of evolution of the predecessors of modern man. Sometimes anthropogenesis is called a branch of the science of man - anthropology, the study

Modern primates
Of all mammals, primates (monkeys and semi-monkeys) are distinguished by the greatest diversity and richness of forms. But, despite external differences, they are united by many common features of the body structure, which

Suborder Prosimii (Prosimii)
This suborder includes the most primitive representatives of primates - tupai, lemurs, tarsiers. Sometimes dull and lemurs are combined into a group of strepsirin primates that have nostrils in

Family Tupaiformes (Tupaiidae)
The Malay word "tupaya" means "animal like a squirrel". Indeed, tupai are small, squirrel-like animals, with an elongated torso and short five-fingered limbs. On the fingers

Lemur family (Lemuridae)
The family of lemurids, or lemur-like semi-monkeys, unites the lemurs themselves, living in Madagascar and some small neighboring islands. These animals have thick hair

Indrisidae family (Indrisidae)
Indrisids have long hind limbs, with the help of which they move along the ground with large jumps, while the front legs are pulled up or forward. The back of the fingers is covered with hair;

Family of bats (Daubentoniidae)
Rukonozhkovyh is also called ail-ail. These animals were discovered in 1780 by the traveler Pierre Sonnera on the west coast of the island of Madagascar. The Madagascarians themselves, to whom Sonner showed the captured

Lorisidae family (Lorisidae)
Lorisids are subdivided into two subfamilies: lorian lemurs (Lorisinae) with genera of thin loris (Loris); slow loris (Nycticebus); perodicticus, or common potto (Perodicticus)

Tarsiidae family (Tarsiidae)
The family consists of one genus of tarsier (Tarsins) with three species: Philippine tarsier, or sirihta (T. syrichta), bank tarsier (T. bancanus) and ghost tarsier (T. spectrum); V

Suborder humanoid higher primates (Anthropoidea)
The suborder of higher primates includes broad-nosed (Platyrrhina), or American, and narrow-nosed (Catarrhina), or African-Asian monkeys. This division is based on the difference in the structure of their but

Marmoset family (Callitrichidae)
Marmosets are the smallest monkeys. The largest of them are lion marmosets (Leontidens) weighing 450-550 g, the length of the head and body of these monkeys is 22-37 cm, and the tail is 30-36 cm.

Cebid family (Cebidae)
Tsebids are characterized by medium body size and slender long legs. The tail is long and often prehensile, with the exception of the short-tailed saki, or uakari (Cacajao). Do the howler

Monkey family (Cercopithecidae)
The subfamily of marmoset monkeys includes 8 genera. The genus of common macaques (Macaca) includes animals of medium and large sizes with a body weight of 3.5-18 kg, females are much smaller. Dl

Gibbon family (Hylobatidae)
The genus of true gibbons (Hylobates) includes 6 local species with 15 subspecies distributed in Southeast Asia. These are monkeys of small and medium sizes weighing 4-8 kg; head length and

Pongidae family (Pongidae)
The family of large apes, or pongids, includes 3 genera: orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. The orangutan genus (Pongo), like the gibbons, is an Asian form of anthropoids. K n

Family people (Hominidae)
Hominids are the most highly organized family of great apes. Includes modern man, his predecessors - paleanthropes and archanthropes, and also, according to most scientists,

fossil primates
The oldest primitive primates apparently arose at the end of the Cretaceous period, and their further evolution proceeded throughout the Cenozoic era. The “great split” of the mother that began in the Mesozoic

lower primates
As mentioned above, primates are descended from Upper Cretaceous insectivorous mammals. As a characteristic representative of this group and at the same time, perhaps, the ancestral form for

fossil tupaya
The most important is the discovery of anagale (Anagale gobiensis) in the Oligocene of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. The skull of the anagale, 6 cm long, had a great resemblance to the blunt skull, but the dental formula is very

fossil lemurs
They are known both from the layers of the Tertiary period (Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene) of North America, Europe and Asia, and from the Quaternary - to the island of Madagascar. Representatives of plesiadapids (Plesiadapidae), related

Fossil tarsiers
Fossil tarsiers are known from the Paleocene and Eocene of North Africa and Europe, in total 22 genera. A relic from those times is the modern tarsier, to which pseudolori and teto are close fossils.

higher primates
An important material that allows us to understand how the characteristic features of man arose, which ultimately brought him beyond the limits of the animal world, is provided by the fossil remains of ancient people, their

Fossil broad-nosed monkeys
The first monkeys of South America are known from the Oligocene - branisella (Branisella) from Bolivia, dolichocebus (Dolichocebus) and tremacebus (Tremacebus) from Argentina and are similar to modern marmosets and cebuses

lower narrow-nosed monkeys
Fossil lower narrow-nosed monkeys are known in a fairly large number of forms from the Lower Oligocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Old World, their oldest representative is the apidium (Apidium phi

Fossil great apes
Fossil great apes are known only in the Old World, starting from the Lower Oligocene. Their oldest and most primitive representative is the parapithecus (Parapithecus fraasi) from the Lower

fossil hominids
The first discovery of Australopithecus is a children's skull from the Taung cave in South Africa, described by R. Dart in 1924. The find was assigned to the genus Australopithecus

Man's place in nature
The eighteenth century enriched the biological sciences, including human anatomy, with new facts, and most importantly, with new points of view and fruitful ideas. For the first time, a scientific basis was laid for

Structural features of a person, common with vertebrates
It is well known that man belongs to the world of multicellular beings. Among the colossal number of multicellular forms, a person belongs to the group of bilaterally symmetrical: the right and left halves

Structural features of humans that are common to mammals
Vertebrates according to the modern classification are divided into 6 classes: 1) cyclostomes, 2) fish, 3) amphibians, 4) reptiles, 5) birds, 6) mammals. Man belongs to the class of mammals, in which the entrance

Human structural features common to primates
The limbs of primates and humans are five-fingered, and the thumb is able to more or less oppose the rest. Only in rare cases is there an underdevelopment of the thumb and a transition to

Musculoskeletal system
One of the most characteristic elements of the human body is its foot, which represents the organ of support when standing, walking and running. The following main differences can be found in the skeleton of the foot

One of the most characteristic features of man, which distinguishes him from anthropomorphic apes, is the exceptionally strong development of the brain. If we bear in mind that by the mass of bodies

The human larynx, having many structural features in common with the larynx of higher monkeys, nevertheless has significant differences: the large size of both the upper and lower horns of the thyroid cartilage; have

Skull and teeth
The human face is small in comparison with the muzzle of the gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan, especially if we compare the sizes of the facial and cerebral parts of the skull. These ratios are expressed in the following qi

Hair reduction
The distribution of hair on the head, on the face and on the body of a person as a whole is very characteristic of him and has no analogies among other primates. However, individual features of the hairline, reminiscent of

Origin of human society
When discussing the problem of the origin of human society, scientists are forced to rely heavily on speculative hypotheses and assumptions. These hypotheses, however, are not always groundless.

primitive human herd
The historical reconstruction of primitive human society is the most difficult problem of primitive history. In the absence of any direct parallels, it can only be judged

The role of hunting in the primitive herd
It is difficult to say which of the two branches of the economy of ancient and ancient people - gathering or hunting - was the basis of their life. Probably, their ratio was not the same in different historical epochs.

The formation of primitive collectivism
Although the ancestors of man were herd animals, their behavior was determined not only by herd, but, like the behavior of all animals, by purely egoistic reflexes. This position could not be saved

sexual relations
One of the main lines of struggle between biological and social principles in the primitive human herd was sexual relations. Here the animal instincts must have had an effect with special force, and, consequently,

The emergence of thinking and speech
The origin of thinking and speech is a complex problem in the history of primitive society, the difficulty of solving which is aggravated by the presence at our disposal of not direct, but only indirect

The beginnings of ideological ideas
No less difficult problem is the reconstruction of the ideological ideas of the members of the primitive human herd. Neanderthal burials can play a big role in its solution.

The emergence of a communal-tribal system
Major shifts in the development of the productive forces led to no less major changes in the organization of society. The increased technical equipment of man in his struggle with nature has made it possible

Marriage and family
The question of the initial forms of the family and marriage cannot yet be resolved quite unambiguously. At one time, Morgan outlined five successive forms of the family in the historical sequence: to

Public relations
By the time ethnography first took up the study of the early tribal community, the latter had everywhere undergone radical changes associated with a change in geographical and especially historical

Organization of power
With the emergence of dual exogamy, primitive society received a solid social structure. The amorphous human herd was replaced by a clearly defined and stable tribal community. Together with

spiritual culture
The completion of the process of sapientation and the emergence of a communal tribal system contributed to the development of not only the social, but also the spiritual life of primitive mankind. The era of the early tribal community was marked

Ethnic anthropology
Ethnic anthropology, or racial science, studies the anthropological composition of the peoples of the globe in the present and past. The materials obtained as a result of this study make it possible to determine the genus

General concept of race
From a biological point of view, all living humanity is one species of Homo sapiens. This species is divided into a number of smaller divisions called races. Representatives of most

Races of animals and humans
As a result of numerous studies of the geographical variability of wild animal species, a new idea of ​​the species has been established in the taxonomy of the animal world. Species is the main structure

Race and nation
It is necessary to strictly distinguish between two very different concepts - nation and race. People are united in a nation by a common language, territory, economic life, mental warehouse. Unlike a nation, a race is

Occurrence of symptoms
Establishing with sufficient accuracy the fact of the appearance of a trait as a result of a new mutation in a person presents great difficulties in each individual case. To judge the frequency of mutation, it is essential

Consolidation of signs
The main reason that a newly appeared trait in a plant or animal is preserved, enhanced and made available to an increasing number of individuals is natural selection, or advantages

Influence of isolation on trait concentration
Isolation must be considered among other factors in the formation of races in man on the basis of the following: 1. It can be considered established that the development of primitive society passed through

Distribution of features
The significance of the social factor manifested itself in a very sharp form in the process of distribution of signs in the territory. When a population group, for geographical and historical reasons, is wounded

Race mixing
One of the important factors in the formation of new types was miscegenation, the intensity of which increased with the increase in ethnic units. Several areas of greatest mixing can be distinguished p

Equatorial big race
The Equatorial, or Australo-Negroid, large race is characterized, in general, by dark skin coloration, wavy or curly hair, a wide nose, low and medium nose bridge, little protruding

Eurasian big race
The Eurasian, or Caucasoid, large race is characterized, in general, by light or swarthy skin coloration, straight or wavy, soft hair, abundant beard and mustache growth, narrow, sharply protruding

Australia and Oceania
Australia. The native population of Australia - represents a set of tribes that now live mainly in the desert regions of inland Australia, as well as in the north of the mainland. Their total number

The modern population of the territory of America belongs to the following groups: 1) the pre-European population of America - the Eskimos and Indians; 2) descendants of European immigrants who resettled

Human natural adaptations
Each habitat in which a person lives has its own climatic regime. On the globe, the distribution and change during the year of heat and cold, clear and cloudy days, wind and calm,

Temperature adaptations
The climate in which a person lives actually consists of a number of climatic "shells" - the microclimate of his clothes, the microclimate of his residential and industrial premises, and the geographical macroclimate.

An immediate physiological response to overheating is an increase in body heat transfer. It is carried out, firstly, through the circulatory system and, secondly, by sweating. The role of the system

The direct reactions of the body to cooling are directed to a decrease in heat transfer and to an increase in the amount of heat produced by the body, i.e., to the preservation of homoiothermy. Man has no defense

Thermal adaptation factors
Anatomical features. The size and shape of the body to some extent affect the intensity of heat transfer. Heat transfer due to convection and evaporation is the greater, the larger the surface

Adaptations to shortwave radiation
The human body is greatly influenced by the ultraviolet rays of the solar spectrum, as well as ionizing radiation - cosmic and emitted by radioactive elements contained in the air.

Ultraviolet radiation
Ultraviolet rays (wavelength shorter than 0.32 microns) cause sunburn and burns. With decreasing wavelength, the erythematous effect of ultraviolet rays increases, reaching a maximum at 0.28 μm.

ionizing radiation
The radioactive background is the radiation of natural sources, which includes cosmic radiation and radiation emitted by natural materials - radium and thorium, located in the earth's crust, and t

Altitude adaptations
One of the most interesting areas of human habitation is the highlands. Its features such as a decrease in atmospheric pressure, lack of oxygen, cold, violation of the geochemical balance, lack

Population density and population
The great diversity of human ecosystems is reflected in the no less diversity of the number of its various populations. The data in Table 12 may serve as some illustration of the connection

Population regulation
The dynamics of human populations can be very diverse: they can increase or decrease and can remain stable. Already in primitive human communities there are

Processes that regulate population size
In communities with limited resources and conservative technology, fertility is such that, after a sufficiently long time, a situation would inevitably occur in which the number

Environmental indicators
The standard of living of this or that human community depends on the way in which this community achieves equilibrium in certain ecological conditions. This balance can be

And East Asia. . Can be divided into Asian and American races.

Characteristic features

Black coarse straight hair; dark eyes; small eyelashes; light or dark skin color; poor development of tertiary hairline; strong protrusion of the cheekbones; flattened face; often low nose bridge; spatulate incisors of teeth; epicanthus and a strongly developed fold of the upper eyelid.


The term "Mongoloid" comes from the name of the people of the Mongols, who in the 13th century conquered most of Eurasia, creating the Mongol Empire. The term "Mongoloid race" was first used by Christoph Meiners in the "binary racial scheme". His "two races", called "Tatar-Caucasians", included the Celtic and Slavic groups, as well as the "Mongols".

In 1984, Roger J. Lederer, a professor of biological sciences at California State University, Chico, separately listed Pacific Islander and American Indian Mongoloid races.

In 1998, Jack D. Forbes, professor of American Indian studies and anthropology at the University of California (Davis), stated that the racial type of the indigenous peoples of the Americas "does not fit" into Mongoloid racial categories. He noted that due to the various physical features of Native Americans, such as the shape of the head, which seem barely distinguishable from many Europeans, Native Americans must have either been formed from a mixture of Mongoloids and Caucasians, or they were descended from ancestors whose type combined features as Mongoloid , and Caucasian race.

Markku Niskanen (Department of Anthropology at the University of Oulu, Finland) disputes the earlier assertion that Finno-Ugric peoples are Mongoloid. He argues that the reality is that "Balto-Finns", Sami, "Volga Finns", "Permian Finns", and Hungarians are phenotypically and genetically typical Europeans.

In 1995, Dr. Martha Mirazon Lahr of the Department of Biological Anthropology at the University of Cambridge grouped all Asian populations under the name "Mongoloid", while the populations of northeast Asia turned out to be typical Mongoloids, and other groups - atypical.

History and signs

The most typical sign of the Mongoloid race - shovel-shaped incisors - is already found among the Sinanthropes, who lived 420 thousand years ago.


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