Male and female homosexuality. Female homosexuality in modern society

Love for a member of the same sex causes different emotions in people. Someone treats such a feature with understanding, others perceive it negatively. And some people don't care how others live.


The topic of homosexuality is especially discussed in society. This is due to the fact that men of non-traditional sexual orientation openly declare themselves, and do not hide their connection. Women behave differently. They don't flaunt their emotions. Therefore, same-sex female love does not cause special outbursts in society. In fact, such relationships exist and are part of society. This article will focus on lesbians and their lifestyle.

What is meant by the term "lesbian"?

It should be said that lesbianism has existed for a long time. Same-sex female love has been described by historians since ancient times. It is also known that women were previously considered a deviation from the norm and specialists such as psychologists and psychotherapists encountered it in their work. The history of the emergence of such a term as lesbianism began about three thousand years ago.

Lesbianism is described as a relationship of a homosexual nature between women. Girls who engage in intimate and emotional relationship with other representatives of the fair sex, it is customary to call them lesbians. This terminology has not changed for many years. It is also known that lesbianism with scientific point vision has more complex underlying causes than male homosexuality. That is, doctors note that the reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian are hidden, so in some cases they cannot be recognized at a glance.

Why do women prefer same-sex love?

How to recognize a lesbian? There are certain signs. We will consider them further. Now we will tell you why women prefer same-sex love.

The female sexual nature is complex and multifaceted. There is an opinion of medical specialists in the field of psychiatry who believe that not all girls who position themselves as lesbians are actually like that. There are some women who are involved in this direction by other representatives of the fair sex. That is, real lesbians seduce completely normal women and persuade them to lesbianism, although they are actually normal women or girls without any psychological or mental abnormalities. Also, some girls switch to homosexual relationships for whatever reason. For example, an unsuccessful union with a man or some other circumstances.

There are also statistics that lesbians include 4 percent of the total female population of the planet. According to sociologists, there are the same number of homosexual men. There are bursts of discussion of lesbians in society, and sometimes there is a lull. In any case, the number of women who choose same-sex love does not increase or decrease. Their number is always at the same level.

It should be said that some women may be in relationships with representatives of their own sex for some time, and after a few years, quietly get married and have children.

The well-known doctor of psychiatry Freud said that girls are bisexual. That is, they can have relationships with their own and the opposite sex. They may experience sexual attraction to both women and men. This is explained by the fact that in childhood the child is attached to the mother, and this applies to both boys and girls. At a subconscious level, this instinct remains with every person. With age, he may never wake up, or attraction to another woman may become more active.

When a girl grows up, she has a definition of who she prefers sexually, a man or a woman. Namely, she chooses who is more attractive to her. As a rule, this choice is not individual, as it is imposed by society, family and traditions, so the girl chooses a man. In the future, as she grows older, she can reorient herself and gain sexual experience with a representative of the weaker sex. It is possible that her partner will be older and will involve her in lesbianism.

  1. True lesbians. This category includes women who have relationships only with members of the same sex. They are not interested in relationships with men, they have never had sexual contact with them. Or their experience was unsuccessful.
  2. Bisexual women. This category includes the fair sex, who may have love relationship with both sexes. They can be married and have mistresses.
  3. Random lesbians. There are cases when a woman was involved in a homosexual love relationship. She does not continue them, gets married and does not return to this topic throughout her life.

Bisexual nature

How to recognize a lesbian woman? All of the above women consider themselves to be representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

However, from a medical point of view, true lesbians and bisexuals are of interest. In addition, there are surveys that show that about half of women have had sexual experience with members of the same sex. This fact suggests that women are bisexual in nature.

History of lesbianism. The legend of Zeus and the beautiful lady

There is historical evidence that lesbians appeared in Greece. There is a beautiful legend about how Zeus fell in love with a beautiful woman who lived on an island called Lesvos. Zeus fell in love with her and seduced her in all sorts of ways, but did not receive reciprocity in return. She refused him all the time. Then Zeus got angry and destroyed the entire male population of the island. Including boys. For a long time only women lived on the island. Even the ships did not sail to the island, Zeus did not let them in, as he was angry because of the beauty's refusal.

Forty years later, when the sailors managed to land on the island, they discovered that women had learned to do just fine without a male. Namely, some of the girls took on male functions, including those of a sexual nature. The sailors who sailed were surprised and amazed at the skills of women.

Another origin story

There is another legend about the island of Lesbos. She says that the poetess Safina lived here. She wrote wonderful poetry. They talked about the love of women for each other. These verses were beautiful and beautiful. Safina's poems were very popular among the local population, and also became known throughout the world. It is worth saying that the poetess herself had many connections with men and was not a lesbian.

It is also known that there were many lesbians in countries such as Syria, Iran, China. There are a large number of Chinese poems about unconventional love. It is worth noting that little is written about lesbians in the poems and without any details. But as for the homosexual relations of the samurai, there is a colorful description of them with details of intimate relationships. There is even a description of a homosexual nature between mentors and students. The fact that lesbians are not given much importance suggests that such behavior of girls is quite normal. Also, women's love was described as thin, tender. She was more beautiful and refined than the usual relationship between a man and a woman.

Reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian

How to recognize a lesbian? There is a medical opinion that women are not born with such a mental deviation from the norm as lesbianism. They become lesbians because certain circumstances occur in a woman's life that push her towards lesbianism. But also do not deny the fact that there is a part of women who have a craving for homosexual relationships. Their number is 1% of all girls gay. The rest of the lovers of same-sex love became her adherents due to the influence of external factors.

It has also been shown that a deficiency of serotonin in female body may prompt a change of orientation. Since the girl does not get enough emotional coloring from her usual way of life, she needs new sources. Lesbianism is one of these sources, it can give a woman new sensations and emotions that will fill her life with the right colors and make her happy and satisfied. This behavior of girls has the right to exist, but is a theory. Scientific evidence highlights other causes that influence the reorientation of women.

Medical features of the female body

Pathological processes that affect an organ such as the ovaries affect female behavior. Girls have masculine behavior. What are the signs of a lesbian? They start looking masculine and dating women.

Psychological features

The main psychological problem for a woman is her unattractive appearance. Some girls think that they are absolutely not of interest to the male. Therefore, they cannot start relationships with men, but switch to women. In addition, some of the fair sex begin to compare themselves with others. They think they are beautiful, but they are not. They then begin to become sexually attracted to their gender and extol their mate.

Social aspect

This reason is more multifaceted than the previous ones. Some life situations can push a woman to the fact that she becomes an adherent of same-sex love. Sometimes it is difficult to get to the original source, as many factors come into play. For example, such a complex is possible when relations between the daughter and the father were not established in childhood. Parents could really want the birth of a son, and they had a daughter.

In this case, the father can begin to develop in the daughter masculine qualities such as leadership, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal. So how do you recognize a lesbian? It turns out that the girl acquires a masculine demeanor and becomes a lesbian. She begins to compete with men, she lacks femininity, tenderness, complaisance. In another case, due to the early departure of the mother from the family, a woman can take on household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of all family members, and solving household problems. She suffers from a lack of motherly affection and in the future may seek affection in another woman. It was revealed that social causes becoming a lesbian girl is the strongest. They are able to switch a woman to an interest in same-sex love. Also, a bad experience with the opposite sex can cause the loss of interest in communication and the establishment of normal relationships with men.


A few years ago, there was an opinion that the hallmarks of lesbians are that they look masculine. Actually this is not true. The following will list the signs by which you can determine that a woman is a lesbian. How to recognize a lesbian by looking? They spend a lot of time with women, prefer women's companies. Girls show an active interest in their gender.

And how to recognize a lesbian by their eyes? A woman has masculine traits of behavior, she is friends with men. Moreover, there are many such friends in her social circle.

If lesbians are married, they are not satisfied with family relationships. They are sexy. Also, women have aggressive behavior towards their husband or other members of the stronger sex.

Women present themselves in society as adherents of traditional relationships. They may even actively oppose lesbians and homosexuals.

How to recognize a lesbian? Supporters of unconventional love spend a lot of time with women. Such girls prefer women's companies. In addition, there may be individual external signs lesbians, as each organism has its own characteristics.

What other signs are there that a girl is a lesbian? Pay attention to her makeup. Usually gay girls do not use cosmetics. This fact is an additional indicator of lesbian inclinations.

Active lesbian behavior

How to recognize a lesbian of this type? Active lesbians look like boys. Their position is shown early years and laid down at the genetic level. Further, parents and society praise such a girl for her active life position and so on. Thus, the girl has a tendency to male behavior. She begins to like this behavior.

Passive lesbians

What are the signs of a lesbian wife? Now let's figure it out. This category includes women who are not satisfied family life and offended by the male sex. Most likely, they did not experience sexual satisfaction in bed with their husband. Basically, such women have a large number of unsatisfied sexual fantasies that they could not realize and suffer from this. They may have been abused by men. Such lesbians can return to the traditional orientation after a certain time.


How to recognize a latent lesbian? This type of women manifests itself in aggressive behavior towards the male sex due to unsatisfied sexual desires. These ladies go to see a psychoanalyst. At the same time, they have a family and reach heights at work. How to recognize a latent lesbian? This can be done by aggressive behavior to men.

family lesbians

Now you know the signs of a latent lesbian. Except of this type there are also families. Who are they? IN last years there are women who begin to live together and have children. They create a family and live in marriage with each other.

System-vector psychology about female homosexuality

Homosexuality is a phenomenon that is contrary to human nature. sexual attraction created basically for the conception of a child, that is, for the continuation of the human race in time. But in men in one case - in the case of the presence of an anal vector - there really is a homosexual attraction to boys. It was created so that a man with an anal vector, experiencing a craving for teenagers and sublimating this attraction, wants to fulfill his specific role in the pack - to teach them the art of hunting and war.

If the anal vector is underdeveloped or frustrated, then sublimation does not occur, and then we are faced with cases of pedophilia. Or attraction to children can be transformed into attraction to adult men. This somewhat alleviates the situation, but in general causes a very negative reaction in society. In a number of developed countries, male homosexuality is legalized, but most often it encounters resistance from the same anal men, who are the most violent homophobes. An animal fear of being lowered speaks in them. In an animal pack, a lowered, that is, subjected to the ritual of homosexual relations, the male loses the right to bite, while experiencing a state incompatible with life.

The situation with female homosexuality is quite different. According to system-vector psychology, female homosexuality does not exist. It is not given by nature. There can be no attraction between a woman and a woman. That is why society reacts quite calmly to the supposedly homosexual relationship of two women. In fact, such relationships are not based on sex, but on homoeroticism and emotional connection. What kind of women enter into lesbian relationships?

Female homosexuality. Possible Scenarios

The most common option is urethral and dermal-visual women.
The urethral girl, having a huge four-dimensional libido, matures very early - already at 6-8 years old, and begins to actively learn about herself - to masturbate. She keeps her hands in her panties all the time. If such a girl has an anal father, then his priority is the purity and purity of his daughter. Seeing that she is engaged in THIS, he begins to "educate" her. Since the urethral girl is uncontrollable and knows no limits, it comes to beatings.

Urethral girl. Photo from

The urethral is defensive, but since she is not a leader and has no species role, she does not run away from home like a urethral boy. After beatings, she runs out into the yard and with her pheromones attracts boys and girls, leads them along, playing the role of a leader. So she relieves stress and gets her portion of endrophins. And now - a street girl, a little robber and chieftain is ready. Already at the age of 11-12, when other children begin to mature, she, in an attempt to maintain her group, enters into sexual relations, more often with boys.

But if the urethral girl has been greatly depressed, she unconsciously sees her tragedy in the fact that she is not a boy, because what is allowed to him is not allowed to her. If she had been a boy, she would not have let her father lay a hand on her. So she starts behaving like a boy. And here we see an angular girl with an imposing gait and a short haircut. She doesn't do makeup and isn't bothered by details. She spreads her pheromones everywhere, on which not only men, but also women flock like moths.

But such a girl is aggressive towards men, as towards competitors. And this, of course, does not contribute to the development of relations with them. In order to relieve internal tension, she seeks her species role according to the male principle, trying to prove herself as a leader. In such a depressed state, the urethral woman seeks only one thing - to dominate men, confirming her rank among them. Therefore, she can fight, arrange brawls in public places.

A severely depressed urethral woman will attract a skin-visual friend to confirm her role as leader. After all, a urethral man always chooses a skin-visual woman. The urethral woman has an unlimited range of sexual acceptability, and so does the cutaneous-visual woman. They have no prohibitions on sex between women. But this is not homosexuality, namely homoerotica.

It can be a very stable relationship. A skin-visual woman has the ability to create the deepest emotional connections, undifferentiated by sex. She generally tends to fall in love with everything: nature, flowers, cats. So she projects a feeling of love outward. Therefore, a healthy skin-visual woman can also enter into such relationships. Or maybe not very healthy - in fear, subconsciously trying to get protection from the urethral girlfriend, which she willingly provides.

If the urethral woman is strongly suppressed, then the relationship with the skin-visual friend will be stable, and if not strongly, then she can have both men and women. But even a healthy urethral woman will occasionally have sexual relations with women, because her sexuality is not regulated.

Another version of a lesbian relationship is between two skin-visual women. This is a relationship based on an emotional connection. As a rule, between two visual friends there is crazy love, seasoned with eroticism. A visual woman in general is much superior to a man in the power of love, because she does not have an erection. Sexuality is the opposite of feeling. And in such a relationship between two girlfriends, love rolls over.

Female homosexuality

It happens that women with other vectors pair up. For example, two anal-muscular women can live together. But they will be united, most likely, by some common interests. For example, general housekeeping, rather than an emotional connection. Well, a bit of eroticism.

Female homosexuality. How does it happen

Zhenya and Lisa met at work. Zhenya came a little later. Lisa immediately drew attention to her - there was something unusual in Zhenya's appearance. She looked very much like a boy. short haircut with a shaved head, a low, rough voice, unchanging trousers and a masculine-cut jacket, a certain cockiness. Some kind of strength and energy was felt in her, which made Lisa for some reason irresistibly drawn to her.

Liza herself was the complete opposite of Zhenya. Everything in her life somehow did not work out. She always got into some unpleasant situations. Fear was her constant companion. She was terribly afraid of men, so she could not establish relations with them. It was difficult for her to explain this fear. Most likely, this was a consequence of that childhood fear when the father returned home drunk. Drunk, he became aggressive and "got under the skin." Lisa pretended to be asleep on such occasions, but her heart was pounding with fear.

In general, at some point, Lisa realized with horror that she was in love with Zhenya and could not do anything about it. She followed her like a shadow. I must say that Zhenya treated Lisa patronizingly and supported in every possible way. But when Lisa confessed her feelings, she said: “Damn, this was still not enough for me.”

It turned out that Zhenya is a lesbian. Relations between Lisa and Zhenya did not work out. Zhenya already had a constant relationship with another woman. In addition, she tried to fight the attraction to women, but she did not succeed well. This case has been made public. The organization where Zhenya and Liza worked was not very tolerant - they wanted to fire Zhenya. But as a result, Lisa left.

I witnessed these relationships, and a few years later, I heard from a mutual friend that Zhenya had almost got rid of her “addiction” to women. But what does "almost" mean? Crushed? drowned out? Is it possible to suppress desire?

I remembered this case at a training in system-vector psychology, in a lesson on the urethral vector. Then I asked Yuri Burlan a question: “Is it possible to return a depressed urethral woman to normal relations with men?" I no longer doubted that Zhenya was depressed by her father. I heard something from her, something was added by the picture drawn by Yuri. He replied that yes, it is possible, due to the awareness of the cause of this attraction. Zhenya understood that something was wrong with her, but, not understanding the underlying causes of what was happening, she could not cope with such a powerful desire as the urethral vector has.

Now it’s hard for me to say what other vectors she had. Perhaps anal, because she felt guilty about her misdirected sexuality. But in any case, system-vector psychology could help her understand her bad conditions and get rid of them.

She could also help Liza, a girl with a victim scenario, with a skin-visual bundle of vectors, which is under stress. Awareness of the causes of numerous fears and getting rid of them at a training in system-vector psychology could open up the possibility of a new life and healthy relationships with men.

It is necessary to understand why the scenario of homosexual relations between women is taking shape. It can be natural, but short-term in a urethral and cutaneous-visual woman, for whom there are no restrictions in sex based on gender. And then there is no reason to feel guilty about it. But if we talk about natural relationships, then for a woman it is still relationships with men, which is why system-vector psychology claims that there is no such thing as female homosexuality.

You can learn about female sexuality already at the first free lectures on system-vector psychology.

Marina Golomolzina

A kind of female homosexuality, in which satisfaction is achieved by rubbing the pubes and external genital organs of the partners, the Greeks called tribadia, and the women using it - tribadia (from the word "rub").

Male homosexuality, in which intercourse is performed in the anus, they called pederasty (“love for boys”).

The Greeks especially revered friendship between adult men and young men, which was sealed by homosexual intimacy. In Sparta, the relationship between an adult man and a young man was even considered a marriage, which ended when the young man grew up and his face and body hair began to grow.

For a long time, the Greeks saw the main goal of male homosexual unions in ensuring the full-fledged education of young men under the guidance of elders - preparing brave and skillful warriors from them. Later, emotional intimacy came to the fore. The lovers even made a pilgrimage to the grave of Yalnos, the beloved of Hercules, where they swore an oath of eternal love.

Homosexuality was also widespread in the Roman Empire.

His special adherents were the nobility of both sexes. Only in the IV century BC. e. Emperor Constantine the Great, who recognized Christianity, banned it under pain of death. In some countries of Asia, Africa and America, relatively legal homosexual relations among some part of the indigenous population are still common today.

Homosexual men play a passive, "feminine" role in homosexual relationships. In women, the situation is reversed - the active side is exclusively homosexual here. True, in men, a passive partner may not necessarily be exclusively homosexual, but to play this role in connection with physical or economic coercion (in adolescents out of curiosity). Women - active homosexuals do not have a desire for heterosexual relationships, but their experience sometimes happens. It may be associated with a failed attempt to be "like everyone else" or with coercion.

Active male homosexuals and passive females usually have experience of heterosexual contacts, i.e. they are bisexual. (In homosexual relationships, they play characteristic, specifically for their sex, respectively, active and passive roles.)

Bisexualism is due to a person's upbringing, not necessarily conscious, and life situation. So in conditions of isolation from the other sex, for example, in prisons, homosexual contacts of yesterday's heterosexuals become massive. This is especially true for women's prisons, since the easily vulnerable female psyche forces one to seek emotional support from another person, and such support most often occurs with a sexual partner. After a change in the situation, heterosexual relationships are often resumed after a certain period of time. But not always. Brought up habit, established relationships can crowd out the previous ones. But, in any case, the path to heterosexual relationships is not ordered for such people.

The exclusively homosexual orientation of a person is associated with his psychophysiological development, which may have genetic prerequisites. It is obvious that such a person cannot be changed.

The preference for homosexual contacts means, although not always, but very often, the rejection of heterosexual marriage, and consequently, of the physical reproduction of a person. This, in turn, with a high prevalence of homosexuality, can cause narrowed reproduction of generations, progressive depopulation, that is, the degeneration of the basis and subject of the entire public life person. Therefore, society has the right to counteract the creation of such a situation.

At the same time, it is necessary to strive to create conditions that reduce the risk of cultivating homosexual inclinations. For this, for example, it is necessary to avoid the creation of closed same-sex groups, especially of adolescence and youth, in which the risk of forming homosexual attitudes is very significant. Homosexual propaganda must also be prevented, but various means to show the attractiveness of heterosexual relationships, heterosexual love, the significance of people's reproductive activity for themselves and for the whole society.

Otto Fenichel. Excerpt from The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neuroses

M., publishing house "Academic project", 2004 - ss. 422-445, 478-479)

The works of Fenichel in their significance for the clinic can only be compared with the works of Freud. In a work written before the issue of therapy for homosexuality became politically incorrect, Fenichel summarizes the results of half a century of research and treatment of male and female with encyclopedic accuracy and coverage. female homosexuality in orthodox psychoanalysis.

General remarks

The perverse manifestations and urges of psychopaths (eg, vagrancy, kleptomania, drug addiction) are sometimes referred to as compulsive symptoms because the patients are compelled to carry out their pathological acts. But the patients' experience of these urges is characteristically different from compulsive experiences, which allows us to immediately assume the existence of structural features that make the difference. It would not be entirely correct to generalize that perversions and pathological urges are pleasurable, or at least carried out in the hope of obtaining pleasure, while compulsive actions, on the contrary, are painful and are realized in order to get rid of pain. There are exceptions to this rule: guilt can disrupt a perverse act to such an extent that it is actually experienced as painful, while some compulsive games are pleasurable. More significant is the difference in the way urges are experienced. A compulsive neurotic feels compelled to do something unpleasant to him, i.e. acts contrary to own desires. The pervert is in the grip of unhealthy addictions and cannot resist them even with the help of strong-willed efforts. Guilt sometimes counteracts harmful impulses, but at the moment of arousal, addiction is experienced as a syntonic ego and desire is fulfilled in the hope of getting pleasure. The impulses under consideration, unlike compulsive ones, have an “instinctive” character. They are experienced in the same way that ordinary instinctual urges are experienced by normal people. For this reason, perverts and impulsive neurotics are sometimes called psychopaths rather than neurotics.

General properties of perversions

Perversions are clearly sexual in nature, with their implementation comes an orgasm.

The starting point for the study of perversions was Freud's discovery of child sexuality and his establishment of the identity of the sexual goals of perverts and children (555). In perverse sexuality, one of the components of infantile sexuality returns. The problem is the origin and cause of this substitution. Even before the advent of psychoanalysis, some researchers pointed out that perversions are unilaterally exaggerated actions that are carried out in a less exclusive and definite form in the sexual behavior of normal people, especially in the prelude to sexual act.

The condemnation of perversions as "constitutional inferiority" is one of the manifestations of the universal tendency to repress infantile sexuality. In fact, perversions are a universal human phenomenon. Perversions are practiced at any age and among all races. In certain periods, the attitude towards some of the perversions was characterized by universal tolerance and even benevolence. According to Freud, perverse tendencies or random perverse acts occur, at least in fantasies, in every individual, whether normal or neurotic. As follows from psychoanalysis, neurotic symptoms are veiled perverse acts. Freud states: “If it is true that the obstacles to sexual satisfaction and the deprivation of sexual life bring to the surface perverse tendencies in people who are not prone to perversions, then one should conclude that these people are ready for perverse behavior or, if you like, that they have perversions in latent form” (596). Since the goals of perverse behavior and infantile sexuality are identical, each person's ability to become a pervert is rooted in the fact that he was once a child.

Perverts are people with infantile sexuality instead of adult. Deviations are caused by developmental delays or regressions. Perversions often occur in response to sexual frustration, indicating that the regression is working. A simple formula is as follows: individuals who react to sexual frustrations by regressing to infantile sexuality are perverts; individuals who react with other forms of defense or use other defense mechanisms after regression are neurotics. This formula is proposed by Freud in his Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Lectures" (596).

In fact, everything is not so simple. It is true that there are pathological conditions which are merely "regressions to infantile sexuality". But they are not typical perversions. The perverse actions of such individuals are polymorphic, the main feature of their sexual life is a shift to the pleasures that precede the sexual act, and it is not easy to tell where stimulation ends and where satisfaction begins. Patients of this type are also infantile in non-sexual relationships (701, 904).

The typical pervert has only one way of getting sexual pleasure. All his sexual energy is concentrated on one special private instinct, which, hypertrophied, competes with the primacy of the genitals. However, if the perverse act occurs, a genital orgasm occurs. And again, we have to point out the excessive simplicity of determining the absence of the primacy of the genitals in such patients. The capacity for genital orgasm is blocked by certain obstacles, which are more or less overcome by the perverse act. Thus, perverse sexuality is not disorganized, like the sexuality of a polymorphically perverse child and infantile personalities. Rather, it is organized under the auspices of some component of instinct, the satisfaction of which again makes the genital orgasm possible.

Analysis shows that in perverts, like neurotics, repression occurs. Moreover, they also have a specific pathogenic repression. They repress the oedipal complex and castration anxiety to the unconscious level. Thus, emphasizing one component of infantile sexuality does not exclude the possibility of repressing other components. In fact, a perverse symptom, like a neurotic symptom, contributes to the discharge of part of the cathexis of impulses that were originally repressed, and thereby facilitates the blocking at the unconscious level of the rest of the material (58, 601, 1252). The difference between neuroses and perversions is that the symptom is "desexualized" in neuroses but remains a component of infantile sexuality in perversions. In neuroses, the discharge is painful, and in perversions it leads to sexual orgasm.

The main problems can now be formulated as follows: 1) what determines the violation of the primacy of the genitals? 2) why does the satisfaction of a special private instinct eliminate this violation?

1. The factor which disturbs the primacy of the genitals in the first place is the same as in the neuroses: anxiety and guilt directed against the Oedipus complex. Among the anxieties that motivate defense in neuroses, the anxiety about the loss of love in the case of perversions is not so important. Anxiety about one's own arousal cannot play a significant role either, since in the end it becomes possible to achieve orgasm. Thus, castration anxiety (and guilt as its derivative) must be decisive.

In perversions, mature sexuality is replaced by infantile sexuality. There must be something repulsive in adult sexuality and something specifically attractive in infantile sexuality. The latter factor varies, while the former remains constant. The full enjoyment of genital sexuality is always hindered by the castration complex. In fact, the differences between the male and female castration complex correspond directly to the differences between male and female perversions.

After genital gratification becomes impossible due to fear of castration, the individual tries to regress to the infantile sexuality component on which he has become fixated. However, some non-fear component becomes more than just a substitute for frightening genital sexuality. The essential components of infantile sexuality are repressed, and the apparent hypertrophy of one of its components is used to increase this repression.

Emphasizing the fact that the choice of the infantile component that is overcathected in perversion depends on fixation (245) implies first of all a grain of truth in the old assumption of the "constitutional" conditioning of perversions. However, everything is certainly more complicated than it seems to some authors who easily use Latin neologisms. Attributing to each component of sexuality a specific hormone, the amount of which allegedly determines the corresponding perversion, is not convincing. As you know, under certain circumstances, each person can become a pervert, which, of course, limits the importance of supposed constitutional factors.

The connection of perversions with fixation on childhood experiences was known even before the birth of psychoanalysis. However, the "childhood experience" referred to by the earlier writers was not the cause, but rather the first manifestation of the perversion. To claim that the first sexual arousal was experienced under some concomitant random circumstances, and subsequently the sexual response remained tied to these circumstances, is to avoid the question: "What caused the sexual arousal to happen at that particular time?" Such childhood events, as psychoanalysis shows, are not the usual fixation of experience, but veiled memories that serve to distort the real cause of the fixation. Accidents of this kind are recalled with excessive readiness, and the individual writes off the origin of the perversion on them.

The patient recalled that once, when he saw a girl with bare legs, he took the "command to remember": "You must remember all your life - girls have legs." The patient subsequently developed a fetishistic interest in women's feet. During the incident, the patient, out of fear of castration, unconsciously craved an experience that would give him confidence that girls had penises. Thus, the perversion did not develop because the boy accidentally became aroused by seeing the woman's legs, on the contrary, the arousal arose because the sight female legs calmed the fear of castration, which in other cases disturbed sexual arousal (423).

Among the fixed experiences that underlie perversions, one type of experience plays a prominent role: the experience of sexual satisfaction, which simultaneously brings a sense of security while denying a threat or contradicting some kind of fear. When genital sexuality is disturbed by castration fear, the pervert regresses to that component of infantile sexuality which once in childhood made him feel secure, or at least guaranteed against fear. Then the satisfaction was experienced with particular intensity due to the denial of danger or the acquisition of certainty. Let us represent the events schematically: a pervert is an individual whose sexual enjoyment is blocked by the idea of ​​castration; by means of perversion he tries to prove the absence of castration; sexual pleasure and orgasm become possible to the extent that the evidence is admissible. The hypertrophy of the infantile private instinct guarantees the maintenance of the oedipal complex and other rejected remnants of infantile sexuality in a repressed state. Partial repression of infantile sexuality is achieved through the exaggerated expression of some of its components (601). In discussing the defense mechanism of denial, the psychological dynamics of veiled memories came to light. An individual who tries to repress a memory seeks a replacement for it in associative scenes in order to offer it to his memory (409,553). A parallel to this phenomenon is found in the formation of the symptom in perversion. Whereas in other states everything related to the repressed is also repressed, in perversions the representations associated with the repressed material are consciously accentuated, like veiled memories, which clearly facilitates the repression. The presence in the mind of normally forbidden urges guarantees the repression of the castration complex and the Oedipus complex (1331). Some people think that perverts get in some way more sexual pleasure than normal people. This is not true. The discharge of impulses is possible for them after overcoming obstacles and only through distortions, therefore it inevitably remains incomplete. They are, according to Freud, poor fellows, highly paid for limited enjoyment (601). The prejudice is rooted in the fact that perverts, while enjoying less than normal people, are in a sense more enjoying than neurotics, whose repressed infantile sexual desires are not satisfied. Neurotics who repress perverse desires may envy perverts who frankly satisfy these desires. The subsequent consideration of these conditions in specific perversions will allow us to test this theory.

Male homosexuality

Choice sexual partner the same sex cannot be considered due to a purely infantile private instinct, although for children the sex of a partner is much less important than for adults. In contemporary cultural conditions, homosexuality appears systematically to some extent in latency and adolescence (p. 152).

Initially, sexual feelings are poorly differentiated and the search for an object is less limited by sex than is commonly thought.

In practice, it is very important to keep this in mind. In the process of psychoanalysis, a poem composed by the patient in childhood with the help of an older brother and sister remained incomprehensible for some time. The poem featured three men and three women. Until psychoanalysis revealed the duality of the imagination of adolescents, it was impossible to understand whose characters the heroes of the work represent. Regardless of gender, in some situations the characters behaved like men, in others like women.

In psychoanalytic practice, a “countersexual” transference is typical, that is, the transfer of the image of the mother to the male analyst, and the image of the father to the female analyst.

For most patients, the gender of the analyst is not very important. Patients of both sexes experience both paternal and maternal transference towards the analyst, whether male or female. However, some patients may respond quite differently to analysts of the opposite sex. This minority is more burdened than others by the castration complex and includes homosexuals.

The fact that subsequently the normal individual restricts the choice of object to the opposite sex is a problem in itself. This problem is less difficult for boys, since the mother, their first love object, is of the opposite sex; girls' development towards normal choice is more difficult because their first object was of the homosexual type (p. 127).

In all, however, a certain orientation of sexual feeling towards same-sex objects remains, as a relic of the original freedom of choice.

Freedom of choice can be attributed to the biological "bisexuality" of man. However, this term does not have a sufficiently defined meaning (216,1243). Detection of male hormones in women and female hormones in men is associated with the presence in each embryo of rudimentary signs of the opposite sex, but both sets of facts are by no means identical. These facts are probably related to the data of the cytological theory about the presence of male and feminine in every cell (752).

The term "bisexuality" is also not clear in the field of psychology. There are three aspects that are often confused with each other, but in fact they should be separated:

a) choosing an object of the same or opposite sex;

b) focus on the active introduction of the part own body into an object or desire to have something introduced into the body;

c) offensive or passive-contemplative attitude to life. These three aspects of "masculinity" or "femininity" in an individual sometimes coincide, but at other times they vary independently of each other.

There are very active homosexual men and very passive lesbian women. In fact, the understanding of masculinity and femininity depends more on cultural factors than biological ones. Surely motives with active and passive goals take place in both sexes. Thus, the problem of homosexuality boils down to the question of what limits the homosexual's choice of objects of his own sex, since he, like other human beings, is initially able to choose objects of any gender.

First of all, in this regard, it is necessary to deal with the role of somatic constitutional factors. Under the pressure of certain conflicts, some individuals are more inclined to use the described mechanisms than others. Biological (hormonal) factors play a decisive role in such readiness. The nature of these factors becomes clearer after the clarification of the psychogenic reasons blocking the choice of a heterosexual object (pp. 438-439, 477).

In some situations where women are absent, such as in swimming or prisons, men who are otherwise normal establish homosexual relationships. This is so-called accidental homosexuality (555), and it turns out that latently every man is capable of homosexual choice. Normally, men prefer a woman as a sexual object, but if women are unavailable, a same-sex choice is possible.

If, in case of accidental homosexuality, the actual absence of women provokes men to choose a same-sex partner, then homosexual men must also have a reason that excludes the possibility natural choice. In the search for such a cause, an impressive factor is revealed. The rejection of women by homosexuals is, as a rule, of a "genital" nature. Many homosexuals have sex with women friendly relations and highly value this relationship, but any thought of genital contact is terrible and disgusting for them. Whenever difference in the genitals plays a prominent role for an individual and the attitude towards other human beings is determined solely by their sex, such an individual is under the strong influence of the castration complex. This is also true for homosexuals, whose psychoanalysis constantly reveals their fear of the female genitals. The sight of a creature without a penis terrifies homosexuals, and to avoid such a spectacle, they refuse sexual relations with women (160,162,1345). A homosexual, according to Freud, is so determined by the presence of a penis that he rejects sexual relations with a partner without this organ (566).

The sight of female genitalia causes anxiety in boys in two ways. First, the recognition of the existence of human beings without a penis leads to the conclusion that it is possible to become such a being; this observation is reminiscent of earlier castration threats (566,599,612). Secondly, the female genitalia, by linking castration anxiety with previous oral anxieties, can be perceived as a castrating tool capable of biting off or tearing the penis (614). It is very common to see a combination of the two types of fear.

The mythology and dreams of men with castration anxiety are filled with ideas of "terrible phallic women", like the head of Medusa, snakes (definitely a phallic symbol), witches with one protruding tooth, riding a broomstick. Phallic characteristics are an attempt to negate and overcompensate for "lack". However, the "attribution" is unsuccessful, the characters remain scary, despite the addition (634).

The castration shock provoked in boys by the sight of female genitalia is by no means peculiar to homosexuals. This reaction is also found in the lives of men with a normal orientation. The consequences of the shock are decisive: homosexuals in adulthood refuse to deal with such a “terrible spectacle”.

A few homosexuals, namely those who in early childhood were unusually fixed on a man (due to the absence of a mother, her father took her place), simply regress and choose a person who recalled the first object (1621). Most homosexuals, however, cannot free themselves from the normal attraction to a woman. They continue to be attracted to women, but due to their inability to come to terms with the idea of ​​beings without a penis, they crave phallic women, hermaphrodites, so to speak. A strong attraction to objects with a penis forces such men to choose boys, but boys should have a maximum of girlish and feminine features. Basically, homosexuals are still attached to their original love objects, but since the physical attributes of femininity are disgusting to them, the objects must appear in male form. In the practice and fantasies of homosexuals, boys in women's clothes and girls in men's clothes play a big role. The ideal of a homosexual is a "page boy", which actually proves the search for a girl with a penis. Homosexual men, as psychoanalysis has found, usually continue to be aroused by women; there is simply a repression of this interest and a shift of the excitement originally evoked by women onto men (555). Very often, homosexuals choose love objects who exhibit certain characteristics of their mother or sister.

The homosexual patient's friend was strikingly similar to his sister, and in addition, bore almost the same name.

Most homosexuals not only experience an oedipal love for their mother, as do neurotics, but the intensity of fixation on the mother is even more pronounced in them. Sometimes they are quite aware of the attachment to the mother and sincerely discuss their feelings.

Following the loss of the object or disappointment in the object, there is usually a tendency to regress from love of the object to the level of identification. Thus, a homosexual identifies with an object after being disappointed in its genitals (608,1364). Whether an individual becomes a homosexual is determined by how and in what respect the identification takes place. The male homosexual identifies with his frustrating mother: like her, he loves men.

For some homosexuals, identification with the mother occurs mainly as identification with the aggressor, that is, in childhood they were very afraid of their mothers.

After a decisive identification, further development can take place in different directions:

1. Individuals who are more narcissistic than feminine try first to provide a substitute for oedipal aspirations. In identifying with his mother, this type acts in the same way as he would like his mother to act towards him. He chooses young people or boys resembling himself as objects of love, and cares for them with the tenderness that he would like to receive from his mother in childhood. Such an individual, like a mother, is concentrated on her love object and thereby enjoys self-love.

This scheme can be complicated by a number of circumstances. The woman with whom the patient identifies is not necessarily his mother. Sometimes it is his sister or another woman from the children's environment. Transference from mother to other person may occur at a very early age or simultaneously with regression from love to identification.

The considered type of development generates "subjective-homoerotic" individuals who are actively looking for young people as objects (164,465). Such individuals are narcissistically in love with themselves and their sexual organs, have a "phallic character" (pp. 638-639) and are fixed on the period of life when the decisive turning point took place. They usually love young men who represent themselves in adolescence (555) and are very affectionate with their objects. But it can also happen, if their sexuality was previously masochistically distorted, that their relationship to love objects acquires a predominantly sadistic coloring in them.

A young man with a pathology of character was presented during psychoanalysis as gallant and feminine, always ready to yield to others; his sexual manifestations were limited to masturbation. He had many friends in whom he was more interested than in women. In the process of psychoanalysis, he often made psychological comments about his friends, in his opinion, justified. Thus, it became clear that the friends were chosen by him according to the narcissistic principle of choosing an object. This patient attached himself to his friends with a tenderness that can only be called maternal. Gradually he came to realize that his passive nature resembled his mother's placid nature. One day a patient said, "My mother and I must stick together because we are friends in misfortune." These words, while having a certain conscious meaning, hid the genital identification with the "castrated" mother, which he unconsciously imitated when choosing friends who resembled him.

Another patient, whose personality and neurosis were determined by identification with his mother, had a perverse desire for his beloved to urinate in his presence. He played the role of a mother who used to put him on the pot when he was a child.

The same mechanism operates in heterosexual individuals. Narcissistic men who, as children or teenagers, liked to imagine themselves as a girl, later fall in love with "tomboys". In their beloved they see the reincarnation of themselves and in caring for them they show the once desired attitude towards themselves on the part of the mother (416). These men love their partners not as whole individuals, but rather as the female component of their own ego (1565). Castration anxiety, like that in cases of homosexuality, can result in an unconscious constellation in which the narcissistically chosen girl is loved with the tenderness that the lover once desired from the mother, and the girl embodies not only the personality of the lover, but also in a specific way his own penis (428).

Certain characterological types are guided by the desire to give others what they themselves have not received. They enjoy "gaining" through identification with the person they are gifting (607). Anna Freud described this type of "altruism" when people deny themselves some pleasures in favor of others and enjoy identifying with them. Love for privileged friends in such cases is very ambivalent, with an admixture of envy and an unexpected turn into anger if the girl is not as happy as the patients would like.

The basic mechanism of the considered type of homosexuality is probably also the essence of another perversion, pedophilia(247, 927). It is true that sometimes superficial reasons are enough to attract children. Children are weak creatures and remain attractive when other objects are excluded due to anxiety (555). But usually love for children is based on a narcissistic choice of object. Unconsciously, patients narcissistically love themselves as children. They take care of their child objects in the same way that they would like to be taken care of, or they treat these objects in the opposite way.

The same motives that give rise to pedophilia, in sublimated form, are the source of pedagogical interest. Love for children usually means: “Children should be better than I was,” and much less often the opposite maxim: “Children should not be better than I was” (128).

The repression of the pedophilic attitude can lead to fear of children or a lack of understanding of children. Some feel awkward when dealing with children or young men. As a rule, these are persons who are forced to repress the experiences of childhood or adolescence. (In a smaller number of cases, "other children" do not represent the patient himself, but children from his early environment, for example, his sisters or brothers)

2. Clinical picture is very different if development, in addition to identification with the mother, is determined by anal fixation. Then the desire for sexual satisfaction with the mother is transformed into the desire to enjoy in the same way as the mother. From that moment on, the father becomes the object of love, and the individual seeks to submit to him, like the mother, in a passive-receptive manner (555). In the discussion of anal regression, it became clear what conditions are favorable for it and that in the case of this regression, feminine reactions are enhanced in men (pp. 398-399). Femininity, rejected and kept latently in compulsive neurotics, becomes apparent in homosexuals of the second type. This is the basis for the development of "object-homoerotic" individuals (465). In such cases the Oedipus complex is resolved by adopting a negative Oedipal attitude characteristic of the opposite sex (608).

Despite being very friendly and gentle image behavior in a feminine manner, patients of this type may unconsciously be guided by a very hostile attitude towards the paternal figures to whom they submit. Nunberg described a variety of such homosexuals with pronounced traits of cruelty (1181). Passive obedience to the father hides unconscious thoughts about depriving him in case of masculinity, because homosexual intercourse symbolizes active castration. In fact, feminine men often do not completely abandon the desire to be masculine. Unconsciously, they regard their femininity as temporary, as a means to an end, and consider being in " female role"as teaching the secrets of masculinity" master", Or as depriving him of these secrets. In such cases, passive obedience to the father is combined with features of the old and original (oral) love for him, based on identification (147). Every boy loves his father as a model he would like to be; he feels like a "learner" able to achieve through temporary submission active position in future. This type of love, always ambivalent because of the ultimate goal (to replace the master), could be called "apprentice love". Having lost faith in his own greatness and projecting it onto his father, the boy has several ways to join the omnipotence of his father in order to restore his power. The extremes consist in killing the father or gaining confidence in him through obedience and submission, so that the father, of his own free will, bestows power. Homosexuals of the type discussed here are located on the whole scale between the two poles.

Some homosexuals are unconsciously motivated by an ambivalent love for older kids who do things they don't dare to do themselves. Stealthily participating in the sexual adventures of "yard guys" gives sexual pleasure in conditions of relative impunity: "It was done by others, not by me." In such cases, love and fear are combined in relation to accomplices. This type of love can provide not only overcompensation for unconscious cruelty to the father, but also for the earlier fear of him: "I do not need to be afraid of my father, because we love each other." But escape attempts are not always successful. The ways in which the denial of anxiety is carried out can arouse new anxiety. In an attempt to avoid castration as a punishment for sexual lust for the mother, the individual now fears castration as a precondition for sexual satisfaction with the father (599).

The femininity of men, i.e., when they present a sexual goal as a kind of entrance of a partner into their body, which is usually accompanied by fantasies about their own female role (163), is often combined with the choice of a partner of the same sex (homosexuality). The essence of this femininity is identification with the mother in relation to instinctive purpose. Identification of this type takes place in the case of fixation on the passive-receptive goals of incorporation in the pregenital period; leading, as a rule, is the anal-erogenous zone. In men, too, there is a "passive-genital zone", prostatic erogenity, closely intertwined with anality (p. 118). The similarity of the pregenital goals of incorporation with female genitality underlies the femininity of men.

a) The decisive identification with the mother may come from castration anxiety caused by the sight of her genitals. Some men, who are not at all homosexual, show love that is imbued with identification with their sexual partner; identification serves the purpose of overcoming anxiety. The patient, who loved women with “identification love,” wanted to prove to his girlfriends: “Look how well I understand you and all your interests, what empathy I am capable of. There really is no difference between you and me!” The traumatic spectacle of the female genitalia disrupted the patient's development in childhood relatively late. He experienced what he saw as something completely unusual and condensed all his early fears into fear of this strange thing, which he perceived as an "oral danger". The patient tried to master the anxiety by denying that women are different from men, and adopted the attitude: “Women are exactly the same as me, there were no frightening discoveries, because I know everything about women's affairs". He identified with the object of anxiety and became feminine.

b) In other cases, feminine men the decisive role is played by the following attitude: "Since I am afraid that men can castrate me, I do not want to deal with them and prefer to be among women." These individuals are, of course, heterosexual, though feminine. They are forced to suppress their homosexuality due to their unwillingness to contact with men and are more likely to show female homosexuality, i.e. they want to be “a girl among girls”, being interested in women's activities and entertainment. Often this "femininity" allows you to control anxiety as long as in one way or another the absence of a penis in women is denied.

Femininity as a defense against the danger of castration may be untenable if the individual is unable to deny that "becoming a girl" would mean losing the penis. Feminine men show every effort to support this denial, they try to emphasize the fact that they actually have a penis, and at the same time behave like girls. Thus, as it were, the existence of girls with a penis is proved. Often there is an unconscious reasoning of this kind: “I am afraid that I will be castrated. If I act like a girl, people will think that I have already been castrated, and in this way they will avoid trouble.

In general, the manifestation of femininity in men is infantilism, a regression to passive adaptation. Initially, the phallic love of the little boy for his mother is also not active (1071). A little boy, like a girl, enjoys the attention given to him. The feminine behavior of men may in fact be infantile behavior and therefore not necessarily directed towards persons of the same sex, it is directed towards mother substitutes.

In the discussion of states of inhibition, a type of man was described who is completely inhibited because he fears his own aggressiveness (p. 234). Such men sometimes feel that if they were a woman, they would not be expected to be active, so they develop feminine aspirations. The rejected aggressiveness can then be renewed, and the dominant unconscious thought undergoes a change: "If I were a woman, I would have the opportunity to take revenge on men."

In bisexual men it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the positive or negative Oedipus complex plays a major role. Usually the explanation is facilitated by the hypothesis of a normal oedipal complex at a deep level and a reverse oedipal complex as a reactive formation.

In some cases, the individual has a combination of narcissistic and anal fixation, and homosexuality appears in both forms. The concepts of "subjective homoeroticism" and "objective homoeroticism" have a relative meaning. Active homosexuality can serve to suppress deep passive-sexual desires and vice versa. Most male homosexuals are of the types discussed, but there are other types.

An individual brought up without a mother, due to castration shock, may lose interest in women altogether and return to the male objects of childhood. This option has already been mentioned (1621).

Freud described "soft" homosexuals, in whom the early fixation was not on the father, but on the older brother (607). Close friendships between brothers often represent, as psychoanalysis has shown, an overcompensation for the original hatred. Affection for the brother follows a period of hostility, and the initial hatred is still betrayed by some signs of ambivalence in the manifestations of love. Homosexual love of this type is mixed with identification and, according to Freud, contributes a lot to the subsequent formation " social feelings» (606). The younger brothers, who have overcome envious hatred of their elder brothers, treat them with love from the time when the identification goes so far as to consider the prosperity of the elder brothers as one's own success. Then the experiences of the younger brothers no longer fit into the formula: "He is successful, and I am a failure." Another attitude becomes dominant: "We are successful." This mechanism often plays a decisive role in the pathological veneration of heroic figures. The patient, who had an older brother, fully shared his fame. However, the initial envy stood out in an obsessive reflection on which of the celebrities was more majestic.

Overcompensatory love through identification allows the patient to safely get rid of anxiety and hopeless hatred, since the patient no longer needs to compete with his brother. He and his brother can share, so to speak, areas of activity. Some areas of effort will be given to the brother, if his success brings complete satisfaction to the patient. Thus, a collision with a brother is avoided. This is also the basis of certain types of “altruism”, when there is an arbitrary rejection of success that causes envy in favor of another person (604). By identifying with him, one can enjoy his success if guilt makes it impossible to enjoy one's own success (541). Sphere sexual activity especially susceptible to this type of bias. If the individual is homosexual and desires a brother as an object, sexual competition in this way is avoided.

It is clear that there are many points of contact between the variants of overcompensatory "identification love" and the types of homosexuality described above. A brother to whom altruism is manifested can be at the same time an ideal embodiment of the aspirations of the individual. Identification with the mother certainly does not exclude simultaneous identification on another level with the brother. In general, identification is more significant in homosexual love than in heterosexual love. Homosexual objects have a greater resemblance to the patient than heterosexual objects, which is explained by close connection between homosexuality and narcissism (1364). Penetration into the mechanisms of homosexuality allows us to return to the problem of differential etiology. The necessary prerequisites for homosexuality are pregenital frustrations, especially anal ones, and a readiness to replace object relations with identification. Such readiness must be combined with pronounced secondary narcissism, that is, narcissism. The likelihood of a homosexual orientation increases with the boy's tendency to identify with his mother. Children usually identify with the parent who is the greatest source of frustration for them. This explains Freud's data on the predisposition to homosexuality in men who had a "weak" father or grew up without a father at all (555), in other words, frustrated in significant situations by their mother. However, the opposite is also true. Boys who grew up without a mother are also prone to homosexuality, but for different reasons. Passive receiving pleasures in the pregenital period under the tutelage of a man, instead of a woman, serves as a provoking factor. Freud suggested that the prevalence of homosexuality in Ancient Greece due to the fact that the upbringing of children was carried out by male slaves.

Female homosexuality

Castration shock, the source of which is the sight of the female genitalia, is the main factor that turns homosexual men away from the female sex. Can the sight of a penis similarly impair the sexual enjoyment of some women? The answer is yes, given certain limitations. The sight of a penis can generate fear of forced penetration, but more often the sight mobilizes thoughts and emotions about differences in appearance. Such fears and thoughts can disrupt sexual pleasure so much that it becomes possible only in the absence of contact with the penis. Thus, female homosexuality is in fact analogous to male homosexuality. One factor, however, complicates the picture. In women, the exclusion of the genitals of the opposite sex is achieved by regression. The first object of every human being is the mother. All women, as opposed to men, initially have a homosexual attachment, which can later be revived if the normal heterosexual orientation is blocked. While the man in this situation has the only opportunity to regress from "object relation to mother" to "identification with mother", a woman can regress from "object relation to father" to "object relation to mother" (328, 329, 626, 628, 1007).

Thus, with female homosexuality, two etiological factor: a) rejection of heterosexual relationships due to the castration complex; b) mother's attraction due to early fixations. Both factors complement each other, since fixation on the mother can have a protective and calming function (balancing the force of the castration complex. And again, the formula common to perversions is true: those fixations that provide both satisfaction and security are enlivened.

So, the factors that avert from normal heterosexual relationships are similar in both sexes. Freud described a case in which disappointment in the father played a decisive role in the development of female homosexuality.

The patient in adolescence reacted to the trauma by identifying with her father. From that time on, she chose women similar to her mother as her love object. IN this case secondary advantages are obvious: avoidance of competition with the mother and the opportunity to take revenge on the offending father (604). The case corresponds to male homosexuality of the second type (p. 435). Men with a similar deviation have a desire that their father loves them as he loves his mother. The patient, after identification with her father, developed a desire to love her mother in the same way that her father loves her.

Freud (604) described a patient who was traumatized at puberty by the birth of a child in her family. At that time, she herself unconsciously wanted a child from her father. In discussing the case, Freud asks whether the development of a homosexual orientation in the patient corresponded to the disappointment experienced at puberty or the painful experience of more early period. It is much more likely that the “adventure” in adolescence had such a profound effect, because it was perceived as a repetition of a similar childhood experience. We can assume such an experience in connection with the castration complex. Unfortunately, insufficient analysis of the case did not allow us to draw a final conclusion. It is only known that three years earlier a child was also born in the family.

Homosexuality of the second type is often found among women with a homosexual orientation. Patients overcome frustration in their oedipal desires by identifying with the father, and hence an active masculine attitude towards women representing mother substitutes is assumed. The relation of these active masculine lesbians to their objects (equivalent to mother) often includes the realization of all features female complex castration, constructed according to the type of fulfillment of desire (20). Just as Freud's patient used her homosexuality as an act of aggression against her father, so other patients may combine homosexuality with cruelty to men in general, as if to demonstrate: "I don't need men, I can be a man myself."

In describing sexual development, it was noted that normal sexuality is more strongly disturbed by the "clitoral sexuality" of women than by the "erogenous prostate" of men (p. 118). Because of this, the masculinity of women is more important than the femininity of men. Another reason is the difference in attitudes towards women and men in existing cultural conditions.

The masculinity of women, that is, the idea of ​​a sexual goal as entering the body of a partner, is formed similarly to the femininity of men, through identification with a parent of the opposite sex (or brother). While the goal of feminine men corresponds to the pregenital goals of incorporation, the goal of masculine women is the opposite. When the desire to incorporate is frustrated, a sadistic attitude arises to take by force what is denied, and this force, which is often thought initially as penetration into the mother's body (958), can subsequently be mobilized in masculinity.

The masculinity of women, again, is not necessarily related to homosexuality. Some women with a normal orientation act in an overly masculine manner towards men. The character traits of this type of women, learned in the process of identification, are closely intertwined with the characteristics of their lover. In their male partners they see and love themselves as men (1565). They may emphasize their partner's masculinity, show a strong reaction to his penis, and are often very interested in male homosexuality. Often such girls think that their fathers do not love them, because they are girls, and if they were a boy, love would be provided. Subsequently, in love life they play the role of a boy loved by a father, and also the role of a father who loves a boy.

Whether the masculinity of women is combined with homosexuality depends on two circumstances: a) the severity of early fixation on the mother; b) a special configuration of the castration complex.

There are also female counterparts to the first type of male homosexuality. Some active lesbians, after identifying with their father, choose young girls who perfectly reflect their own personality as love objects. They then behave towards the chosen ones as they would like their father to treat them.

As a child, the patient was subjected to incestuous encroachments by her father. He used to put the little girl's hand on his penis and masturbate. Homosexuality began to manifest itself in the patient from the following incident. As a teenager, she climbed into bed with her younger sister and put her hand on her clitoris, in other words, behaved towards her little sister, imitating her father. The incest experience contributed to the development in the patient of an unusual fear about the possibility of damage to her genitals. Her father's large penis allegedly could enter her small body and tear it apart. As a result of anxiety, the patient developed an aversion to the penis in general, and she could fall in love only if the penis was "eliminated". In heterosexual relationships, the patient preferred impotent women and preferred women over men. With women, she reproduced her childhood experiences with younger sister. The patient assumed the role of father and tried to do with women what her father had once done with her (415).

Love in which a lesbian shows "altruism" to an object, thereby embodying a desired attitude towards herself, can be just as ambivalent as a similar type of male love.

The patient loved beautiful young girls. She had a complex about her own appearance, and she wanted to be as beautiful as her lovers. In front of the mirror, the patient usually imagined herself as the object of her love. She was very jealous of her growing daughter. In her ambivalent attitude towards her beloved, she clearly showed signs of identification with her father.

Finally, the antagonism between sisters sometimes also compensates and results in love with a homosexual connotation, intertwined with identification.

The patient, who was not explicitly lesbian, had an unusually large number of female friends. She was constantly occupied by the most tender feelings to my older sister. She reproached herself for the slightest pleasure if her sister had not experienced it before. The patient's altruism manifested itself in empathy with her sister's pleasures as if they were her own pleasures. In this case, it was not difficult to demonstrate the initial presence of an underlying hatred for her sister.

Women's rejection of heterosexual relationships is a regression that revitalizes the experience of early relationships with the mother. Therefore, female homosexuality bears a greater imprint of archaism than male homosexuality. It throws back to behavioral patterns, goals and pleasures, as well as fears and conflicts of the first years of life. In fact, the activity of lesbians is mainly reduced to the joint games of "mother and child" (328,329). The basis of female homosexuality, in accordance with its archaic nature, is oral eroticism (as in homosexual men - anal eroticism). This is an empirical fact. Women whose passive-receptive attitude towards their mother is the basis of homosexuality are not necessarily masculine in all behavioral manifestations.

Putting the psychoanalysis of homosexuality into context general provisions about perversions, it can be argued that neither the oedipus nor the castration complex is conscious, but play a decisive role. Homosexuality results from the action of specific defense mechanisms facilitating the displacement of these complexes. At the same time, the goal of homosexual choice is to avoid the emotions around the castration complex so as not to disturb sexual enjoyment, or at least to achieve greater calm (601,1331).

Psychoanalytic therapy of perversions

Consideration of indications for psychoanalytic treatment of perversions is complicated in comparison with neuroses by one factor. The symptoms of perversions are pleasant, or at least promise to be pleasant. The treatment threatens not only with a renewal of the conflicts that the patient has evaded through the disease, but also with the disruption of pleasure, the sexual pleasure, in fact the only one known to the patient. The normal sexual satisfaction promised by the psychoanalyst is pie in the sky for the patient. Consequently, it is hardly possible to psychoanalyze individuals who are internally in agreement with their perversions (604). The prognosis depends primarily and mainly on the determination of the patient to recover and on the extent to which this determination can be awakened. The attitude towards recovery is determined, of course, by many motives. In addition to their own dissatisfaction with their condition, the patient may be motivated to treatment by the arguments of people close to him. The main task of preliminary psychoanalysis in such cases is to assess the patient's will to recovery. Therefore, paradoxically, therapeutic; the prognosis will be the better, the worse the patient feels, that is, in cases of a combination of perversion with neurosis.

From time to time one has to deal with patients who claim to want to get rid of the neurosis, but would prefer to keep the perversion. It is clear that the very essence of psychoanalysis does not allow us to promise such a result. Of course, if anxiety occurs as a secondary symptom in a homosexual, psychoanalysis can remove it without affecting homosexuality. However, the effect of treatment cannot be predicted in advance. It is more likely that the patient will face an alternative: all or nothing. Apart from this particular problem, the psychoanalysis of perversions is on the whole no more difficult than that of pregenitally conditioned neuroses. Constitutional factors are also present in the etiology of neuroses. In homosexuals with a feminine appearance, that is, in cases that are biologically transitional to pseudohermaphroditism, psychoanalysis is correspondingly more difficult. But even with prudent screening out of individuals with such characteristics, there remain many patients for whom psychoanalysis is indicated. Several authors note that the prognosis of psychoanalytic treatment of homosexuals is better than is commonly believed (742,1516). Only modifications of the technique are needed, similar to those proposed by Freud for anxious hysteria (600). At a certain stage in psychoanalysis, the patient is advised to actively seek out ordinary sexual situations that he fears (742).

The need for consolation, expressed in the development of perversions, is often due to an increase in narcissistic needs, and the ability to "consoling denials" corresponds to the instability of the function of evaluating reality. Consequently, in many patients with perversions in transference reactions and in general behavior, pathological features of the narcissistic type appear or even a state close to psychotic is observed (1215). In such cases psychoanalytic treatment, of course, encounters the same difficulties as in narcissistic disorders or psychoses.

Female homosexuality is an ancient phenomenon and since ancient times it has undergone significant changes. sex drive to the representatives of the same sex in women has a completely different motivation, causes and even forms of manifestation.

Causes of lesbianism in the 21st century

According to V.V. Saltykov: "If earlier lesbian relationships were caused by the absence of men, now their presence." (2003).

But in fact, this phenomenon has a lot of different causes:

1. Biological, or congenital - chromosomal disorders - about 10% of cases.

2. Psychological - violations of sexual-role identification, difficulties in early childhood, unfavorable family conditions(divorces, early deaths, frigidity of parents, narcissistic tendencies are seen in almost all families from which homosexuals came out) - about 90% of cases.

3. Popularization of homosexuality. Homosexuals figure prominently in modern life, mainly associated with people of bohemia and creativity (Verlaine, Rimbaud, Tchaikovsky, Jean Marais, Versace, Luchino Visconti, many pop stars.). (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002).

Analyzing these data, it is easy to understand that most often female homosexuality is not an innate erotic preference for one's own sex, but a pathology that has been caused by various psychological problems, difficulties or traumas. From the words of the author, we can conclude that non-traditional sexual orientation can be caused by such reasons as:

· Antagonism to the parent of the opposite sex (authoritarian father of the daughter, fear of the father).

Frequent violent quarrels between parents, provoking aversion to heterosexual relationships, which is reinforced good relations with same-sex peers.

Deprivation of the company of children of the opposite sex ( Orphanage, single-sex boarding school).

· A distinct preference for the significant parent of the opposite sex ("if you were a boy").

Character traits (excessive isolation, shyness, leading to difficulties in contacts with the opposite sex). (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002)

According to another author, the causes of female homosexuality are: fear of men, emotional attachment to mother, identification with a man, masculine absolutization, developmental delay at the stage of narcissism due to an authoritarian mother, experience of incest or violence, seduction by lesbians, and only 10% - biological deviation. (D.Davis, 2001)

Sex guru Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) believes that: “The very phenomenon of homosexuality is the result of wrong upbringing. Homosexuality will disappear from the world the day we allow men and women to date.” (Osho, 2007)