Male and female homosexuality in clinical psychoanalysis. Joseph Nicolosi: "Almost all homosexual men had overly sympathetic mothers"

Love for a member of the same sex causes different emotions in people. Someone treats such a feature with understanding, others perceive it negatively. And some people don't care how others live.


The topic of homosexuality is especially discussed in society. This is due to the fact that men of non-traditional sexual orientation openly declare themselves, and do not hide their connection. Women behave differently. They don't flaunt their emotions. Therefore, same-sex female love does not cause special outbursts in society. In fact, such relationships exist and are part of society. This article will focus on lesbians and their lifestyle.

What is meant by the term "lesbian"?

It should be said that lesbianism has existed for a long time. Same-sex female love has been described by historians since ancient times. It is also known that women were previously considered a deviation from the norm and specialists such as psychologists and psychotherapists encountered it in their work. The history of the emergence of such a term as lesbianism began about three thousand years ago.

Lesbianism is described as a relationship of a homosexual nature between women. Girls who engage in intimate and emotional relationship with other representatives of the fair sex, it is customary to call them lesbians. This terminology has not changed for many years. It is also known that scientifically lesbianism has more complex underlying causes than male homosexuality. That is, doctors note that the reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian are hidden, so in some cases they cannot be recognized at a glance.

Why do women prefer same-sex love?

How to recognize a lesbian? There are certain signs. We will consider them further. Now we will tell you why women prefer same-sex love.

The female sexual nature is complex and multifaceted. There is an opinion of medical specialists in the field of psychiatry who believe that not all girls who position themselves as lesbians are actually like that. There are some women who are involved in this direction other members of the fair sex. That is, real lesbians seduce completely normal women and persuade them to lesbianism, although they are actually normal women or girls without any psychological or mental abnormalities. Also, some girls switch to homosexual relationships for whatever reason. For example, an unsuccessful union with a man or some other circumstances.

There are also statistics that lesbians include 4 percent of the total female population of the planet. According to sociologists, there are the same number of homosexual men. There are bursts of discussion of lesbians in society, and sometimes there is a lull. In any case, the number of women who choose same-sex love does not increase or decrease. Their number is always at the same level.

It should be said that some women may be in relationships with representatives of their own sex for some time, and after a few years, quietly get married and have children.

The well-known doctor of psychiatry Freud said that girls are bisexual. That is, they can have relationships with their own and the opposite sex. They may experience sexual attraction to both women and men. This is explained by the fact that in childhood the child is attached to the mother, and this applies to both boys and girls. At a subconscious level, this instinct remains with every person. With age, he may never wake up, or attraction to another woman may become more active.

When a girl grows up, she has a definition of who she prefers sexually, a man or a woman. Namely, she chooses who is more attractive to her. As a rule, this choice is not individual, as it is imposed by society, family and traditions, so the girl chooses a man. In the future, as she grows older, she can reorient herself and gain sexual experience with a representative of the weaker sex. It is possible that her partner will be older and will involve her in lesbianism.

  1. True lesbians. This category includes women who have relationships only with members of their own sex. They are not interested in relationships with men, they have never had sexual contact with them. Or their experience was unsuccessful.
  2. Bisexual women. This category includes the fair sex, who may have love relationship with both sexes. They can be married and have mistresses.
  3. Random lesbians. There are cases when a woman was involved in a homosexual love relationship. She does not continue them, gets married and does not return to this topic throughout her life.

Bisexual nature

How to recognize a lesbian woman? All of the above women consider themselves to be representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

However, from a medical point of view, true lesbians and bisexuals are of interest. In addition, there are surveys that show that about half of women have had sexual experience with members of the same sex. This fact suggests that women are bisexual in nature.

History of lesbianism. The legend of Zeus and the beautiful lady

There is historical evidence that lesbians appeared in Greece. Eat beautiful legend about how Zeus fell in love with a beautiful woman who lived on an island called Lesvos. Zeus fell in love with her and seduced her in all sorts of ways, but did not receive reciprocity in return. She refused him all the time. Then Zeus got angry and destroyed the entire male population of the island. Including boys. For a long time only women lived on the island. Even the ships did not sail to the island, Zeus did not let them in, as he was angry because of the beauty's refusal.

Forty years later, when the sailors managed to land on the island, they discovered that women had learned to do just fine without a male. Namely, some of the girls took on male functions, including those of a sexual nature. The sailors who sailed were surprised and amazed at the skills of women.

Another origin story

There is another legend about the island of Lesbos. She says that the poetess Safina lived here. She wrote wonderful poetry. They talked about the love of women for each other. These verses were beautiful and beautiful. Safina's poems were very popular among the local population, and also became known throughout the world. It is worth saying that the poetess herself had many connections with men and was not a lesbian.

It is also known that there were many lesbians in countries such as Syria, Iran, China. There are a large number of Chinese poems about unconventional love. It is worth noting that little is written about lesbians in the poems and without any details. But as for the homosexual relations of the samurai, there is a colorful description of them with details of intimate relationships. There is even a description of a homosexual nature between mentors and students. The fact that lesbians are not given much importance suggests that such behavior of girls is quite normal. Also, women's love was described as thin, tender. She was more beautiful and refined than the usual relationship between a man and a woman.

Reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian

How to recognize a lesbian? There is a medical opinion that women are not born with such a mental deviation from the norm as lesbianism. They become lesbians because certain circumstances occur in a woman's life that push her towards lesbianism. But also do not deny the fact that there is a part of women who have a craving for homosexual relationships. Their number is 1% of all gay girls. The rest of the lovers of same-sex love became her adherents due to the influence of external factors.

It has also been proven that a deficiency of serotonin in the female body can push for a change in orientation. Since the girl does not get enough emotional coloring from her usual way of life, she needs new sources. Lesbianism is one of these sources, it can give a woman new sensations and emotions that will fill her life with the right colors and make her happy and satisfied. This behavior of girls has the right to exist, but is a theory. Scientific evidence highlights other causes that influence the reorientation of women.

Medical features of the female body

Pathological processes that affect an organ such as the ovaries affect female behavior. Girls have masculine behavior. What are the signs of a lesbian? They start looking masculine and dating women.

Psychological features

The main psychological problem for a woman is her unattractive appearance. Some girls think that they are absolutely not of interest to the male. Therefore, they cannot start relationships with men, but switch to women. In addition, some of the fair sex begin to compare themselves with others. They think they are beautiful, but they are not. They then begin to become sexually attracted to their gender and extol their mate.

Social aspect

This reason is more multifaceted than the previous ones. Some life situations can push a woman to the fact that she becomes an adherent of same-sex love. Sometimes it is difficult to get to the original source, as many factors come into play. For example, such a complex is possible when relations between the daughter and the father were not established in childhood. Parents could really want the birth of a son, and they had a daughter.

In this case, the father can begin to develop in the daughter masculine qualities such as leadership, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal. So how do you recognize a lesbian? It turns out that the girl acquires a masculine demeanor and becomes a lesbian. She begins to compete with men, she lacks femininity, tenderness, complaisance. In another case, due to the early departure from the mother's family, a woman can take over household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of all family members, deciding domestic problems. She suffers from a lack of motherly affection and in the future may seek affection in another woman. It was revealed that social causes becoming a lesbian girl is the strongest. They are able to switch a woman to an interest in same-sex love. Also, a bad experience with the opposite sex can cause the loss of interest in communication and the establishment of normal relationships with men.


A few years ago it was believed that features lesbians is that they look masculine. Actually this is not true. The following will list the signs by which you can determine that a woman is a lesbian. How to recognize a lesbian by looking? They spend a lot of time with women, they prefer women's companies. Girls show an active interest in their gender.

And how to recognize a lesbian by their eyes? A woman has masculine traits of behavior, she is friends with men. Moreover, there are many such friends in her social circle.

If lesbians are married, they are not satisfied with family relationships. They are sexy. Also, women have aggressive behavior towards their husband or other members of the stronger sex.

Women present themselves in society as adherents of traditional relationships. They may even actively oppose lesbians and homosexuals.

How to recognize a lesbian? Supporters of unconventional love spend a lot of time with women. Such girls prefer women's companies. In addition, there may be individual external signs of lesbians, since each organism has its own characteristics.

What other signs are there that a girl is a lesbian? Pay attention to her makeup. Usually gay girls do not use cosmetics. This fact is an additional indicator of lesbian inclinations.

Active lesbian behavior

How to recognize a lesbian of this type? Active lesbians look like boys. Their position manifests itself from an early age and is laid down at the genetic level. Further, parents and society praise such a girl for her active life position and so on. Thus, the girl has a tendency to male behavior. She begins to like this behavior.

Passive lesbians

What are the signs of a lesbian wife? Now let's figure it out. This category includes women who are not satisfied with family life and are offended by the male sex. Most likely, they did not experience sexual satisfaction in bed with their husband. Basically, such women have a large number of unsatisfied sexual fantasies that they could not realize and suffer from this. They may have been abused by men. Such lesbians can return to the traditional orientation after a certain time.


How to recognize a latent lesbian? This type of women manifests itself in aggressive behavior towards the male sex due to unsatisfied sexual desires. These ladies go to see a psychoanalyst. At the same time, they have a family and reach heights at work. How to recognize a latent lesbian? This can be done by aggressive behavior to men.

family lesbians

Now you know the signs of a latent lesbian. In addition to this type, there are also family ones. Who are they? In recent years, there are women who begin to live together and have children. They create a family and live in marriage with each other.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education

"Saratov State University them. N.G. Chernyshevsky"

Department of Environmental Protection and Life Safety

Department of Biology

Female homosexuality: a social danger or not?


1st year student of group 131 Krivitskaya E.V.


Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences

Stepanov Mikhail Vladimirovich

Saratov - 2013


Within the framework of the stated topic, I assume consideration of the phenomenon of female homosexuality, possible causes of its occurrence, forms of manifestation and assessment by society. In addition, I need to find out whether this phenomenon represents a social danger or not.

Statistics do not know the truth about the prevalence of homosexuality and lesbianism due to the isolation of these groups, public rejection and criminal prosecution. However, this phenomenon is practically popularized on the Internet, in in social networks, all kinds public pages and means mass media. Young people are getting involved in this environment because they see famous examples on television - their idols who admitted to having experience of same-sex contacts or relationships - Cynthia Nixon, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Naomi Campbell, Christina Aguilera and Lil Kim, Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga and others

At the same time, one can observe an extremely negative attitude towards representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation on the part of society: they are not accepted by parents, family, and peers. Massive “parades” of the LGBT (“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender”) movement cause great dissonance in society. Attempts are being made to prohibit, including at the legislative level, the public manifestation of homosexuality of women and men. The phenomenon of homosexuality is sharply criticized by the institutions of the church.

The study of sexuality, moreover sexuality unconventional, for a long time remained a closed topic for scientific study in our country. The development of various aspects of homosexuality was carried out, for the most part, not by psychological, but by medical and forensic criminological science. In recent decades, the situation has gradually begun to change, but homosexuality still remains an understudied area of ​​scientific knowledge. Moreover, scientists are more engaged in the study of male homosexuality. So far, female homosexuality has been little studied as a socio-psychological phenomenon, but I will try to do this on the pages of this work.

Chapter 1. Definition, essence of the phenomenon and its history

In this chapter, I will try to reveal the very concept of homosexuality, its essence, then how different eras and societies perceived this phenomenon and the history of the emergence of female homosexuality.

1Definition and essence of homosexuality

“Homosexuals are persons who, due to the erogenous significance of their own genital organs, are deprived of the opportunity to accept a sexual object without organs similar to their own.” (S.Yu. Golovin, 1998)

“Homosexuality is a concept introduced at the end of the 19th century. by the Hungarian physician Kara Maria Benkert, meaning sex drive individual to persons of the same sex and sexual relations between them. Male homosexuality is also called sodomy, female - lesbianism. Often there is an alternation of homosexual and heterosexual relationships. (B.G. Meshcheryakov, V.P. Zinchenko, 2007)

H. Ellis legitimized the use of the term in his book Sexual Inversion, published in 1908.

According to the last two theses, homosexuality or homosexuality is a psychological disease or a perversion. That is, gay people are sick people or perverts. And this phenomenon stands along with other sexual pathologies, such as bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, etc.

However, this perception of this phenomenon was not always. It has changed and is changing over time and depends on the territorial and national affiliation. Studying the work of S.Yu. Golovin, one can judge that the attitude towards homosexuality in different societies is different. Among some peoples, homosexual contacts were an obligatory element of teenage initiations: there was a belief that in this way the strength and other qualities of an adult man are transferred to a boy. In many societies, they are considered normal for teenagers, but unacceptable for adults, such as in ancient Greece. In most societies, homosexuality is condemned. In the Middle Ages, it was perceived as a sin, a vice, and people suspected of it were severely punished. In the 19th century it was considered an incurable disease. Nowadays, most scientists are inclined to believe that homosexuality is a specific lifestyle. (S.Yu. Golovin, 1998).

2 History of female homosexuality

Analyzing the book by V.V. Saltykov, one can clearly imagine the consistent emergence and development of female homosexual relations.

In the era of the birth of mankind, people regardless of gender were left to their own devices and joint partnerships arose only during the period of aggravation of the instincts for procreation. This time, the representatives of the stronger sex chose “worthy females” for themselves, and the rest had no choice but to spend time with their own kind. Over time, this phenomenon strengthened and took root, thereby developing into same-sex relationships, which were widely practiced. Numerous dangers awaiting man at that time thinned out the male population, which led to the emergence of matriarchy. Women, having felt their superiority, no longer sought relationships with men, performed their social and sexual roles and "used" them only for the purpose of reproduction.

However, female homosexuality was practiced not only under the dominant matriarchy. Under the conditions of male polygamy, the phenomenon was spreading when young beautiful girls were deprived of sexual attention from their husband due to the large number of his wives. Because of this, they were forced to resort to self-satisfaction - monosex, or sexual intercourse with other women, i.e. to homosexual relationships.

In antiquity, when men fought, traded or were involved in politics, which means they were absent from home for a significant part of the time, female homosexuality also took place and was actively practiced.

From all this, we can conclude that female homosexual relations appeared when there were no men in society who provided sexual practice with guaranteed satisfaction. (According to V.V. Saltykov, 2003-2010).

Chapter 2. Female homosexuality in modern society

Female homosexuality is an ancient phenomenon and since ancient times it has undergone significant changes. Sexual attraction to the representatives of the same sex in women has a completely different motivation, causes and even forms of manifestation.

1 Causes of lesbianism in the 21st century

According to V.V. Saltykov: "If earlier lesbian relationships were caused by the absence of men, now their presence." (2003).

But in fact, this phenomenon there are many different causes:

Biological, or congenital - chromosomal disorders - about 10% of cases.

Psychological - violations of sexual-role identification, difficulties early childhood, unfavorable family conditions(divorces, early deaths, frigidity of parents, narcissistic tendencies are seen in almost all families from which homosexuals came out) - about 90% of cases.

Promotion of homosexuality. Homosexuals occupy a prominent place in modern life, mainly associated with people of bohemia and creativity (Verlaine, Rimbaud, Tchaikovsky, Jean Marais, Versace, Luchino Visconti, many pop stars.). (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002).

Analyzing these data, it is easy to understand that most often female homosexuality is not an innate erotic preference for one's own sex, but a pathology that has been caused by various psychological problems, difficulties or traumas. From the words of the author, we can conclude that non-traditional sexual orientation can be caused by such reasons as:

· Antagonism to the parent of the opposite sex (authoritarian father of the daughter, fear of the father).

· Frequent violent quarrels between parents, provoking aversion to heterosexual relationships, which is reinforced by good relationships with same-sex peers.

· Deprivation of the company of children of the opposite sex ( Orphanage, single-sex boarding school).

· A distinct preference for a significant parent of the opposite sex ("if you were a boy").

· Character traits (excessive isolation, shyness, leading to difficulties in contacts with the opposite sex). (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002)

According to another author, the causes of female homosexuality are: fear of men, emotional attachment to mother, identification with a man, masculine absolutization, developmental delay at the stage of narcissism due to an authoritarian mother, experience of incest or violence, seduction by lesbians, and only 10% - biological deviation. (D.Davis, 2001)

Sex guru Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) believes that: “The very phenomenon of homosexuality is the result of improper upbringing. Homosexuality will disappear from the world the day we allow men and women to date.” (Osho, 2007)

2 Forms of manifestation of female homosexuality

Homosexuality is a heterogeneous phenomenon. Its manifestations depend on the type of personality, on the nature of the person, on the reasons why the person acquired a non-traditional sexual orientation or had experience of sexual contact with a representative of the same sex. Because of this, A.N. Mokhovikov distinguishes the following forms of manifestation of lesbianism:

· Pseudo-homosexuality (there is no attraction, and contact is for the sake of profit, prostitution).

· Narcissistic homosexuality (delayed sex-role identification at the narcissistic stage) is family-related and most suitable for psychotherapy.

· Psychogenic homosexuality (out of fear, shyness, consequences of trauma) is also cured if the client wishes.

· True homosexuality (manifestation of a biological nature).

The author singles out teenage transitional homosexuality, in which it is necessary to find out whether such contact is the norm, a pathology, a forced measure (a reaction to deprivation of communication with the opposite sex) or simply the result of an experiment (up to 90% of adolescents had a single homosexual contact). (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002)

· Age-structured relationships between same-sex people different ages, most commonly between adult men or women and adolescents.

· Gender-reversible relationships, when a person who has sexual relations with a person of his own sex changes his gender identity, clothes, occupation, etc. to the opposite; a man socially-symbolically becomes a woman, as it were, and vice versa.

· Specialized (professional) relations, when an individual acts as a carrier of a certain social role, and sexual intercourse with persons of the same sex becomes his responsibility.

The author believes that all these relationships are officially recognized and sanctioned by society. In addition, he identifies two more types of homosexual relationships that culture does not prescribe, but only allows, takes into account.

· Equal and voluntary relationships between same-sex people who are sexually attracted to each other. Different cultures have different ideas and norms in this regard, often different for different social and age groups.

· A socially unequal relationship where a person of higher social status, with power or money, sexually exploits the poor and dependent. It is not the gender of the sexual partner that is decisive, but the sexual position; In an equal relationship, this is a matter of individual taste. (I.S. Kohn, 1998)

female homosexuality lesbianism social

Chapter 3

Over the past ten years, the number of lesbians has increased significantly. Such women can be found in any ethnic group and in any circle of society. Lesbians are also found among factory workers, and among doctors, teachers, translators, college and university students. It is believed that most lesbians are among saleswomen, sportswomen, trade union leaders and politicians. Some of them have children, or they are planned for the future, others, on the contrary, do not want to hear about children. Among some lesbians, close ties are maintained throughout life, while others, on the contrary, are celibate. Some women are married, it is difficult for them to leave the family after they have realized that they are lesbians.

In this regard, the question arises of how such people are evaluated in modern society?

According to S.Yu. Golovin's erotic preferences for most people are not the fruit of a conscious choice, so it is pointless and cruel to pursue them. In most states, criminal penalties for voluntary homosexual contacts between adults have been abolished, homosexuality has been excluded from the list of mental illnesses, because homosexuals do not differ from heterosexuals in any psychological way. As a rule, attitudes towards homosexuality are closely related to the general tolerance of a certain culture: the more intolerant the society, the stronger the rejection of homosexuality, as well as other deviant lifestyles. (S.Yu. Golovin, 1998)

1 Assessment of female homosexuality among Russian youth

In order to understand how my peers feel about lesbianism, I conducted a survey among my friends aged 16 to 24. The question was formulated in this way: “How do you feel about female homosexuality (lesbianism)?”. There were 4 possible answers: “positive”, “neutral”, “negative”, “had a similar experience”. 26 people participated in the survey, and the answers were distributed as follows:

· Positive - 1 person -3.8%

· Negative - 14 people - 53.8%

· Had a similar experience - 2 people -7.8%

Adding to this the analysis of numerous youth forums, questionnaires, articles on the Internet and conversations of my peers, I can conclude that the majority of young people have a negative or neutral attitude towards lesbianism, a very small number of people are included in the groups of those who have a positive attitude or had similar experiences .

2 Assessment of female homosexuality in contemporary literature

According to the author of the book "Pink Psychotherapy" there are 3 types negative attitude to homosexuality. The most brutal and illegal type is physical: beating, raping or killing lesbians and gays. The next type is discrimination, that is, the refusal to ensure the observance of the rights of sexual minorities, for example, in their education, work, rent or purchase of housing, as well as the refusal to treat them as equals. The last type is verbal denial, when people openly verbally express disgust and hatred towards sexual minorities, using dirty jokes and derogatory nicknames. (D. Davis, 2001)

Some believe that homosexuality is a complex psychosocial phenomenon that should be treated with the utmost tolerance. (A.N. Mokhovikov, 2002)

L.M. Shcheglov declares that homosexuality is not a disease or a perversion. According to him, views on homosexuality drifted along with the development of the culture of society, in different countries, at different times, a certain “fashion” arises when homosexuality is cultivated as a sign of some kind of advantage, refinement, “advancement”. He believes that in Russia this is the lot of only large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, and otherwise it remains homophobic: "in a small town, even today, being a homosexual is a shame and a curse." (L.M. Shcheglov, 2002)

As V.V. Saltykov, female homosexuality is not as negatively discussed as a male topic. According to him, this is due to the fact that lesbians cope with any sexual role at will, in contrast to homosexual men, whose same-sex practice eventually completely excludes the possibility of sexual contact with a woman, since she is excluded from the category of sexual pathogens. (V.V. Saltykov, 2003)

3 Assessment of female homosexuality in religion

3.1 Judaism

The Old Testament of the Bible condemns same-sex sex no more severely and in the same terms as many other vices, but other prohibitions have weakened over time, while this one has remained and even strengthened. All references to homosexuality in the Talmud and later Jewish literature are strongly negative. Since fear and aversion to vice were instilled from early childhood, violations of this prohibition were found extremely rarely. Jewish law pays little attention to lesbianism. In principle, it was forbidden, women caught in it (mesolelot, literally - "women who rub") did not have the right to marry rabbis and were sometimes flogged (not for a sexual act, but for disobedience). Little was said about this (two mentions in the Talmud and one in Maimonides), not so much because there were no such facts or that people were embarrassed to wash dirty linen in public, but because men did not know about them. In contemporary Israel, religious parties and groups still denounce homosexual relationships, meaning that Judaism has a negative attitude towards homosexuality. (I.S. Kohn, 2003)

3.2 Hinduism

According to I.G. Faktullova in Hinduism, the main importance is attached to the sacred texts of the "Veda" and "Upanishads", from which other sacred scriptures arose: "Ramayana", "Mahabharata", "Laws of Manu". In the institutions defined by these texts, homosexuality is condemned as an unnatural phenomenon that is in conflict with human nature, one of the main purposes of which is procreation. Therefore, there are a number of punishments for this act. For example, according to the "Laws of Manu" a person could be expelled from a higher caste to a lower caste, up to and including the "untouchable" caste. There were also such punishments as shaving the head of a woman (considered a great shame) who had corrupted a young girl, or cutting off two fingers on her left hand. In some cases, the case was limited to a significant fine or such a measure of public influence as public transportation through the settlement on a donkey. In the Hindu scriptures called "Puranas", homosexuality is spoken of as a disgusting trait inherent in the representatives of demons (asuras, pretas, rakshasas), as well as a deeply depraved person. (I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

3.3 Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrianism as an independent monotheistic religion developed in the middle of the 7th century BC, approximately at the same time as Buddhism appeared. Its founder was the prophet Zoroaster (Zarathushtra). This religion has gone its own way of development and its followers exist today, though not in such a in large numbers like in its heyday. To date, the largest communities of Zoroastrians exist in Iran and India. I. G. Faktullov writes that homosexuals are forever expelled from the Zoroastrian community, they are renounced by relatives and friends, as before, for the followers of Zoroaster, not only the “unnatural connection” itself is a sin, but even the thought of it. (I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

3.4 Buddhism

If we consider the issue of attitudes towards homosexuality in Buddhism, then first it is necessary to highlight that, due to its exceptional peacefulness and tolerance, this religion tries to avoid strict prohibitions on certain manifestations of human promiscuity. The creator of this creed, Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), told his followers: "Do not do evil, but practice all that is good and keep your heart pure." The exceptions are the requirements to refrain from self-stupefaction (alcohol and drug use) and sexual relations. Buddhism forbids sexual misconduct as harmful: zoosexual intercourse, prostitution, rape, adultery, lesbianism, and pederasty. (According to I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

3.5 Christianity

As for Christianity, in the Gospel of Matthew, as Jesus Christ himself reminds people that "He who created in the beginning male and female created them and said: ... the two will become one flesh" (ch. 19: 4, 5). We see that the Almighty originally created two creatures of different sexes, about whom He said: “They are no longer two, but one flesh” (Ch. 19:6). That is, the Great Plan of God provides for the union of a man-woman, a heterosexual couple who are destined to continue God's intention, producing offspring, populating the earth and transforming it to the best of their ability, while praising the Creator and worshiping Him. So, according to this religion, same-sex relationships are unnatural and homosexuality is sharply condemned. (According to I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

According to the Muslim Teaching, the original supreme plan of God when creating the human race was to create exactly two types of intelligent people, differing in their physiological structure, but called upon to complement each other, creating a union based on love - and, most importantly, serving as a continuation of the human race. kind. Hence comes the categorical rejection by Islam of same-sex sexual relations as a violation of the order of things established above. As for female perversions - lesbianism, they are subjected to flogging "in public". Islam directly postulates a harsh practice of ruthlessly suppressing homosexuality. In Shiism, there is even, as a separate exception, the right to sentence by burning alive ”(According to I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

3.3.7 Sikhism

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that arose in the 15th century in India from the merger of Hinduism and Islam, but is completely independent, not recognizing any attempts to present it as some kind of sect. Today, Sikh communities are geographically located in the northwestern states of present-day India - Punjab and Haryana, as well as in the UK, Southeast Asia and the Fiji Islands. It is a monotheistic denomination founded by Guru Nanak (1469-1539). The ranks of this community today number over 22 million followers (the eighth largest religion in the world). The sacred book of the Sikhs is the "Adi Granth" ("The Primordial Book"), consisting of 3,384 hymns-prayers glorifying God. There are no direct references to homosexuality in this book, but, at the same time, a number of its provisions can be interpreted in such a way that homosexual relations are designated as unnatural. Sikhs believe that homosexuality is one of the manifestations of "kham", that is, "lust", which, a person who follows the path of God, should avoid in every possible way. In short, homosexual relations are strongly excluded from Everyday life follower of Sikhism. At the same time, it should be emphasized that a homosexual can become a full member of the community, but only after a decisive rejection of everything that contradicts the religious principles of this religion. (According to I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

3.3.8 Baha'i Faith

Turning to the issue of attitudes towards homosexuality in the Baha'i Faith, it must first be noted that today it is the youngest religion in the world, existing since 1844. But, despite such a young, by historical standards, age, it has already become the most common (geographically) in the world after Christianity. The Bahá'í Faith is practiced in 205 countries by representatives of 2112 peoples, nationalities and tribes (data from the Encyclopædia Britannica for 1991), and its literature has been translated into 800 languages ​​of the world. Since 1948, the Baha'i International Community has been recognized as an international non-governmental organization by the United Nations. By revising moral aspects the relationship of the sexes in this religion, as in all monotheistic religions, marriage and the family are at the forefront, as the basis of human society. “God has ordained marriage for you… Get married, O people, so that one may come from you who will remember Me among My servants. This is My command to you; hold fast to it,” Bahá’u’lláh wrote in His main work, the Most Holy Book (“Kitab-i-Agdas”). Therefore, the Baha'i Faith strongly defends and strengthens this God-ordained institution by declaring sexual relations only between husband and wife. “No matter how selfless and tender love between persons of the same sex, it is unacceptable that it finds expression in sexual intercourse. The assertion that this love is allegedly perfect cannot serve as an excuse for this. Bahá'u'lláh has forbidden all immorality; he also included homosexuality in it, which, among other things, is contrary to nature itself. To have such an inclination is a great burden to the sincere soul. Nevertheless, thanks to the help of doctors and their advice, thanks to their energetic volitional efforts and prayers, the human soul can overcome this vice ”(note 134 to Kitab-i-Agdas). In the Baha'i Faith, along with complete rejection and condemnation of all sexual manifestations of same-sex love, there are indications that, firstly, homosexuality is a disease, and secondly, that this disease can and should be treated. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the natural attraction to the opposite sex, which can and should be cured, and the tendency to sodomy, resulting from one's own licentiousness and depravity. If someone, fed up with communication with the opposite sex and, following his perverted desires and the fashion for sodomy relations that has appeared today, becomes a supporter of such aspirations and declares himself a homosexual, then there is a conscious departure from the principles established in all religions of the world, in favor of their base motives. Such an individual, of course, deserves condemnation, and sometimes even the adoption of some measures by society. For those who have disorders in their health in the form of homosexual aspirations, the followers of the Baha'i Faith offer, without hesitation, to take the help of medical specialists.

In short, the Baha'i Faith does not turn its back on those who are physiologically disposed towards homosexuality and offer them a way out in the use of achievements modern medicine to correct the shortcomings of human nature. However, this young religion categorically denies homosexual sexual relations as completely contrary to the laws of life, which are established by the Creator. (According to I.G. Faktullov, 2012)

Chapter 4. Female homosexuality: a social danger or not

The main social danger of female homosexuality is the destruction of the institution of the family, since only couples who are in an officially registered marriage are recognized as a family. According to Article 12 of part 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, “For marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of a man and a woman entering into marriage is necessary, and their achievement marriageable age". Based on this, the marriage of two women is impossible. However, although same-sex couples in our country are not allowed to enter into legal marriage, but at the same time they can live in a civil marriage and even have children.

Lesbian couples who adhere to the “child-free” position, that is, who do not want to have children, undermine the demographic situation in the country, since these women will not become successors of the family, there will be no reproduction of human resources, and the growth of the country's population. The same couples who adopt children or resort to IVF (in vitro fertilization) create an even more dangerous situation.

A child growing up in a same-sex family cannot be properly and fully developed psychologically. He will not receive examples of male gender behavior. Before him there will always be an example of his "parents", which will lead to the formation of an initially homosexual or homophobic consciousness. This child will be subjected to active ridicule or even bullying by peers, which further traumatizes his psyche. As a result, he will grow up as an inferior perverted or crippled person.

Lesbians pose a social danger to their family, as their family will be stigmatized by society. And this, in turn, will affect the psychological health of family members and their social and status well-being.

According to S.Yu. Golovin, homosexuals are 6-7 times more prone to depression, psychosis and other psychological disorders than heterosexuals, and are more easily addicted to alcohol and drugs. (S.Yu. Golovin, 1998) These factors cannot but pose a social danger to society, because if a person is mentally unstable, then he poses a threat.

Based on all these theses, we can conclude that female homosexuality is a social danger.


At the dawn of its history, mankind formed the phenomenon, and then the concept of female homosexuality - lesbianism, that is, same-sex sexual relations between women.

In different areas and stages social development society gave a different assessment of female homosexuality: it was considered normal, recognized and practiced, was part of rituals and ceremonies, condemned, forbidden, punished, considered a crime, was hallmark various social groups, castes, subcultures, etc.

At present, in the vast majority of societies, female homosexuality is a negative and criticized phenomenon. However, along with this, there is also a popularization of lesbian relations through the Internet, media, movie stars, sports and art:

· International parades of sexual minorities are held to promote freedom of sexual relations and choice of sexual orientation.

· Voluntary homosexual relationships between adults are allowed and not officially prosecuted.

· Numerous full-length films and even series are being shot that reflect the life and relationships of representatives of non-traditional sexual orientations.

· Many pop stars are in favor of a tolerant attitude towards representatives of sexual minorities.

· In May 2006, the "Russian LGBT Network" was formed - a Russian interregional public movement that deals with the protection of the rights and social adaptation of sexual and gender minorities, which has an official Charter, symbols, propagandists, supporters, many participants and conducts an active policy of legalization and the spread of same-sex and other non-traditional relationships.

According to most psychologists, homosexuality is a sexual pathology or sexual perversion associated with psychological problems, and only in rare cases is this phenomenon the result of a congenital abnormality.

Due to the fact that female homosexuality is a psychological deviation that leads to numerous disorders, dependence on alcohol and drugs, undermines moral and ethical values, destroys the institution of the family and is actively spreading, this is undoubtedly a social danger that requires attention and action. to prevent the propaganda of same-sex relationships and, possibly, the prohibition at the legislative level of same-sex "love".

List of sources used

1.Big psychological dictionary. Ed. Meshcheryakova B.G., Zinchenko V.P. Moscow: Prime-Eurosign, 2007 - 672 p.

2.Sexology: An encyclopedic guide to sexology and related fields. Minsk: Belarusian encyclopedia. them. Petrus Brovki, 1994 - 348 p.

.Dictionary practical psychologist. - Minsk: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

4.“I know everything about sex. And you?" - V. V. Saltykov. 2003-2010.

5.Article "Deviation of sexual orientation" - A.N. Mokhovikov. 2002.

6.Faces and masks of same-sex love. Moonlight at dawn." I.S. Kon.- 2nd edition. - M.: Olimp, AST, 2003. - 576 p.

7."Pink Psychotherapy". D. Davies.- M: Olympus, 2001.-247 p.

."About Women". Osho - Ed.: Sofia, 2007. - 256 p.

."The Book of Perversions". Max Frei, Lev Shcheglov. St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2002.

10."Religions of the World on Homosexuality: An Overview of the Teachings of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith". I.G. Faktullov - Publisher: Vladimir Chupin, 2012.

."Family Code of the Russian Federation" of December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ.

As you know, the sexual orientation of both sexes can be different. If everything is clear with the traditional attraction of a woman to a man, then many questions arise regarding the reasons for the relationship between the two ladies.
Non-traditional sexual orientation of girls can be expressed either in lesbianism or in bisexuality. In the first case, women prefer only their own kind as partners, and in the second they are interested in both girls and young people. There is still no clear opinion why some ladies refuse to have sex with men, despite the high scientific interest in this phenomenon.
Mismatch of needs
There are several theories about the causes of female homosexuality. According to the first of them, the so-called biological, non-traditional sexual orientation in girls is due to the fact that the fair sex takes more time to get excited than men. As a result, women find solace and much longer caresses in the arms of their girlfriends. It is the duration of sexual intercourse, almost entirely consisting of foreplay, that lesbians most often cite as the main reason why they took
decision to abandon intimate relationships with men.
Questions of heredity?
Supporters of the evolutionary theory are sure that female homosexuality originated in antiquity. While men fought for food and for females, women had to satisfy their natural sexual needs only with each other. According to some scientists, as a result of this, their children had a special gene for homosexuality, due to which the sexual orientation of the descendants changed (which, however, has not yet been proven). It is believed that lesbian relationships are still common among residents of countries where polygamous marriages and harems are considered the norm.
Strong weaker sex
According to sociological theory, the love between two women is due to the fact that for many centuries it was customary to treat the representatives of the weaker sex with special awe and care, and they were allowed much more weaknesses than men, who were immediately reprimanded. At the same time, in many cultures of antiquity, for example, in China, it was believed that the sexual orientation of any person is dual and implies the simultaneous presence of both the masculine (yang) and feminine (yin).
The embodiment of secret desires
Numerous sociological surveys conducted by modern researchers from different countries also showed that the vast majority of women either had experience of homosexual relationships or would like to try them, provided that none of their friends and relatives find out about it. Among sociologists, it is customary to divide lesbian and bisexual women into three groups - depending on their age. The first category includes teenage girls, who often try to stand out with the help of non-standard behavior and are most susceptible to the influence of mass culture, in which the image of homosexuals has recently been actively replicated.

Clinical forms of homosexuality

Since the end of the 19th century, it has been customary to distinguish between active and passive forms of male homosexuality on the basis that one of the homosexuals during sexual relations plays a male (active) second - a female (passive) role. This division of roles comes out clearly in cases of pederasty.

With mutual masturbation, oral-genital contact, and intercourse between the thighs, it was difficult to establish whether a given homosexual was playing a male or female role. In addition, wanting to please each other, partners sometimes could change roles.

No distinction was made between the forms of female homosexuality at all, since, apparently, it was assumed that, unlike men, both women play the same role in the homosexual act.

The author, together with his colleague E. M. Derevinsky, examined 96 homosexual women. Most of them were serving sentences for a criminal offense. Of those examined, 9 were younger than 30 years old, 70 were from 30 to 40 years old, and 17 were over 40 years old. The observations made showed that, by analogy with male homosexuality, two forms of female homosexuality can be distinguished - active and passive. As a criterion for the distinction, one should take the sexual self-identification of a homosexual - the presence or absence of sexual disorders, the feeling of belonging to one sex or another - a subjective gender. At the same time, homosexuals who feel like a man should be referred to the active form, while those who feel that they belong to the female sex should be classified as passive. The active form of homosexuality was noted in 57, the passive form - in 39 examined.

An active form of female homosexuality. Active homosexual women are characterized by the fact that both in sexual and non-sexual relationships they tend to imitate the behavior of a man, sometimes in an exaggerated form. They note that they feel like men, that they are, as it were, born men and experience sexual attraction only to women. Men do not cause them sexual arousal and are perceived only as comrades. Even the very thought of a man's caresses, not to mention sexual intimacy, is unpleasant for them.

In the appearance of 60% of active homosexuals, one or another masculine features appeared - highly developed muscles, narrow pelvis, coarse facial features, broad shoulders, masculine gait, angular movements, low rough voice, male-type pubic hair. At the same time, their mammary glands were normally developed. Most active homosexual women have been wearing men's hairstyle- short hair. Almost half were transvestites, i.e. wore men's clothing. Many active homosexual women had a negative attitude towards women's jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches. Only one wore a medallion with a portrait of her partner on her chest. About 40% of active homosexual women in their physique and appearance did not differ in any way from heterosexual women.

Masculine features stand out distinctly in the photo of an active homosexual taken by the author (Fig. 2). It must be said that masculine somatic and mental traits are sometimes observed in healthy heterosexual women, so that in themselves they cannot serve as a basis for diagnosing homosexuality, although they are more common in active homosexual women than in heterosexual women.

Rice. 2

Most active homosexual women (35 out of 57) noted that already from childhood they discovered the interests inherent in boys - they climbed trees, shot from a slingshot, threw stones, played football, hockey, Cossack robbers, war, knew how to fight, while At the same time, they never liked to play with dolls, wear pigtails, bows. Showed interest in menswear. In 2/3 of active homosexual women, sexual feeling manifested itself early - before the onset of puberty. It was found in the form of falling in love with a girl or woman. There was a vague attraction to intimacy with her, a desire to hug and kiss her. They declared their love, wrote letters. Childhood or youthful love for boys was extremely rare.

Menstruation began at the age of 12-15 years in 41%, at 16 years old - in 12%, at 17 years old and later - in 47% of the active homosexuals examined by us. Thus, in more than half of them, the time of the appearance of menstruation was normal. Most of them arrived late. In almost half of the surveyed, they were relatively poor. Many of the active homosexual women noted that menstruation was perceived by them as something alien, noted that they were embarrassed by the development of their mammary glands.

More than half of active homosexual women masturbated at puberty or during puberty. Some of them slept in bed with older girls who taught them how to masturbate to each other. Homosexual activity began in most cases after prolonged masturbation or after the girls learned about the intimate side of sexual life. They directed their sexual activity more often to younger girls or women, less often to women of their own age. At the same time, sexual interest was initially hidden. They behaved like devoted, attentive friends: they tried to help in everything, often made gifts. Gradually, having won trust and sympathy, they began to show more and more tenderness. They sought permission to caress, kiss, after which they proceeded to sexual activities. Only a few of them began to show homosexual activity without much preparation. They sought at any cost to cause the experience of orgasm in their partner, while at the same time they showed considerable skill. Many of them first sought to evoke a psychoerotic mood in their partner, then moved on to general caresses of the body, trying to identify erogenous zones. Subsequently, depending on the particular location of these zones, in relation to some women, stimulation of the clitoris by hand or mouth was used, in relation to others, manual stimulation of the vagina. The latter was generally used relatively rarely. Sexual intercourse with a partner often dragged on for up to 20–30 minutes or longer and, depending on her temperament, was repeated many times, until the partner experienced a state of prostration. Simultaneously with irritation of the sexual organs, the partner made frictions of their genitals on her thighs and thus simultaneously reached orgasm with her. Less often, they allowed their partner to cause an orgasm in themselves by manipulating the genitals. The majority of active homosexual women had a single peaked orgasm 1-3 times during the night.

Active homosexuals often showed sadistic inclinations to one degree or another. In general, sexual relations with a partner were characterized by their unevenness. In non-sexual relations with partners, during the formation of a homosexual "family", the majority of active homosexual women also sought to imitate the behavior of the male head of the family. They demanded obedience to their will, disposed of money. The work that is considered traditionally female (cooking, washing, sewing) was not performed, laying it entirely on their "wives". Traditionally, men's work was done with pleasure, sometimes they found high skill in it. Almost all active homosexuals liked it when their partners wore jewelry, wore low-cut dresses, and looked feminine. Many of them were very jealous, and they were jealous of their partner for both women and men.

In addition to the influence of upbringing, innate codes and programs matter for sexual behavior. One of them is the desire for rapprochement, for mastering the opposite sex, the instinct of sexual aggression. This instinct is leading in the formation of sexual behavior in animals, but it can also play a role in the emergence of drives in humans. Unlike heterosexual women, active homosexuals are characterized by high sexual aggressiveness. With great perseverance and perseverance, they pursue the woman they like, sometimes not stopping even before threats and direct aggression.

So, G., 34 years old, a former police lieutenant, fell in love in a therapeutic hospital with her attending physician S. - a woman of 26 years old who had a husband and two children. After her discharge from the hospital, she began to stalk her, waiting daily at home despite her protests, seeing her off to work, sending her flowers and perfume, threatening to commit suicide or stab her husband if she did not agree to “meet” her. Having received a categorical refusal, she came to her house. The husband (a healthy man, 1 m 85 cm tall) refused to call his wife, G., pushing him away, burst into the room and began to insist on a “talk”, begged S. to be with her, threatened her and her husband. It took the intervention of the authorities to protect the family from persecution.

Another homosexual, having entered into the confidence of a girl she liked and stayed with her to spend the night, overcame her resistance and manually deprived her of her virginity; the third achieved sexual rapprochement under the threat of a knife.

However, in most cases, active homosexual women found partners without resorting to violence.

By nature, 60% of the homosexuals we examined were sthenic, resolute, persistent, enterprising, 40% were at the same time fearless, 14% were deceitful, selfish, 20% were kind, sociable.

Although all active homosexual women reported that they had never had a sexual attraction to men, most of them had ever had sexual intercourse with a man. At the same time, 3/4 of the respondents noted that in their heterosexual life they did not experience sexual satisfaction and sexual intercourse was unpleasant. None of them began sexual activity as a result of rape. We present a typical observation.

Patient V., 47 years old. The father suffered from chronic alcoholism, the mother is a quiet, modest woman. My paternal aunt was masculine, often wore men's clothes, and was not married.

She grew up as a healthy girl. She graduated from the 4th grade, she did not want to study further. She worked as a shoemaker. Served a sentence for theft. As a child, she loved to play only with boys in their games, she knew how to fight well, throw stones; climb trees. At the age of 13, she got herself men's clothes and from that time on she stopped wearing women's dresses, she felt like a man. Menstruation from the age of 14, moderate, painless, for 3-4 days. I learned about sex life from my friends early. She notes that she never experienced the slightest attraction to the male sex, but only attracted her to women. At the age of 14–15, she fell in love with her friends, with one of them mutual manual stimulation was allowed. At the age of 19, there was casual sexual intercourse with a man, but apart from discomfort didn't experience anything.

From the age of 20 homosexual relations with women. Duration of relationship with one partner is up to 4 years. One girl violated her virginity with her hand. Claims that the thought of sexual intimacy with a man is disgusting. She is rude and demanding with her partners. He does not do homework, leaving it entirely to his “wife”. Once she beat her partner for disobedience. By nature, bold, quick-tempered, explosive, vindictive, decisive. Efficiency is high.

The physique is masculine. The posture and gait are male, the movements are angular. The mammary glands, external and internal genital organs are developed normally, from the side of neurology - without features. He refuses to be treated for homosexuality, as he considers his condition natural.

In the above case, manifestations of homosexuality developed in a psychopathic personality from the excitable group. In the family, apparently, there was a hereditary burden of homosexuality on the father's side. Attention is drawn to the presence from childhood of some characterological features characteristic of boys, as well as masculine physique and motor skills. The orientation of sexual attraction to persons of the same sex began to manifest itself in the early adolescence. Casual sexual intercourse with a man was not accompanied by sexual satisfaction and did not lead to a weakening of the homosexual orientation of sexual desire, but rather contributed to its consolidation. A sectarian attitude towards society and its moral requirements gradually developed. In the genesis of the emergence of an active form of female homosexuality and transvestism in this case the main role, apparently, was played by a congenital anomaly in the direction of sexual desire, while situational factors were only of secondary importance, although they contributed to fixing the inversion.

Fig 3. Active homosexual transvestist. The passport is listed as a man. There is a mark of a registered marriage with a woman.

The phenomena of homosexuality can also occur in women who do not show psychopathic character traits. Thus, a female doctor, active, energetic, kind, balanced by nature, maintained homosexual relations with her partner for two decades. She did not like to use cosmetics, did not wear women's jewelry, but she did not find masculine features in appearance and manners.

Sometimes active homosexual transvestists try to hide their female gender and impersonate a man.

Patient A., aged 35, was referred to a psychiatric clinic of a medical institute for a consultation about mild irritability, excitability, fatigue, and insomnia. Upon admission, she pretended to be a man, demanded that she be placed in the men's department. dressed in men's suit(Fig. 3).

She lost her father early. He notes that he was angry, rude, suffered from chronic alcoholism. Mother is a kind, sociable woman. The patient grew and developed normally. I went to school for 8 years, graduated from the 4th grade. IN school years she loved to play only with boys, fought, always defended girls. She loved only men's work, she was a loader, and recently she has been working as a security guard.

She has been smoking since the age of 17, and has been abusing alcohol for the last 5 years. By nature, fearless, proactive, decisive.

She claims that she never wore women's dresses, “as a child, she only went in panties, panties, then she began to walk in trousers.” Menstruation from the age of 16, moderate, painless, for 3-4 days, during menstruation the mood is lowered ("I despised myself").

There was an accidental sexual relationship with a man, he is reluctant to talk about it. She never felt attracted to people of the opposite sex, did not experience pleasure from intimacy with a man. In relation to women, she felt like a man, pretended to be a man and illegally obtained a passport for male name. Registered a marriage with a woman. In sexual relations, he plays a male role.

In non-sexual life, he does not perform women's work, he is engaged only in male labor (chopping wood, repairing shoes, performing joinery and carpentry work). Demands attention, but with the "wife" is affectionate, gentle, pitying her. He often gives her gifts. The children of the “wife” from the first marriage are warmly, condescendingly, they call her “dad”, they consider her a man.

At one time she was in love with another woman, began to look after her, and stayed overnight with her. The first "wife" was jealous of her. Both "wives" fought because of her. She stayed with the second "wife" for several months, after which she returned to the first.

In the department, she is calm, sociable, embarrassed to undress in the presence of other patients. Looks at young women, compliments them. Claims that she is now unable to fall in love with others, as she is insanely attached to her "wife". Keeps at ease, in behavior there is a lot of deliberateness, prone to panache.

The patient is of average height, athletic build. fatty tissue and mammary glands well developed. On the part of the internal organs without features. From the side of neurology, no symptoms of focal brain damage are detected. Intelligence corresponds to the received education.

Due to the resistance of the patient, a gynecological examination was performed under amytal-sodium anesthesia. According to the conclusion of the gynecologist, the labia minora and labia majora are underdeveloped. The entrance to the vagina is free, the mucous membrane is moistened with whites in a moderate amount. The cervix is ​​formed, cylindrical in shape, the pharynx is punctate, closed. The uterus is small, mobile, with a smooth surface, the appendages are not defined.

Soon her “wife” came to the clinic to see the patient. She refused to give any information. The patient with the "wife" was very tender, hugged, kissed her. She categorically refused treatment for homosexuality. Discharged home.

In this case, A., being a woman, always felt like a man, for many years she was in a registered marriage with a woman, that is, a homosexual family was formed. Both in sexual behavior and in family life, A. played the role of a husband. Men considered her (both colleagues and others) a man. She herself in her appearance, clothes, a number of characterological features, professional activities (loader, security guard) looked like a man. In contrast to this, her partner (“wife”) in her appearance, manner of dressing, and behavior did not differ from ordinary women; active homosexuals often have separate character traits that are more characteristic of passive ones.

“I read your book “Female Sexopathology” (1st ed. - A.S.), writes M., 26 years old, and classified myself as an active form, although not everything is so straightforward. As a child, I loved boyish games: hockey, football , war, but for some reason I began to play with dolls in the first grade. I think that the concept of male and female activities in our time is very arbitrary. If I had a same-sex "family", I would not care: wash the dishes or knock with a hammer , if only she liked it. My profession is mostly female, although I don’t like it. I almost always use cosmetics, wear long hair, wear women’s clothes more often, I don’t feel much love for trousers. I really like women’s jewelry (especially Czech). As a child, she had dreams of clearly erotic content, where she acted as a man.

Menstruation from the age of 10, flow normally. Masturbation since the age of 13. There was no particular remorse in this regard. Somewhere at the age of 15, I began to meet with an interesting young man of 18 years old. Walks, movies, cafes. He spoke passionately to me about love, but I met him only because most of my peers were also friends with someone. Somewhere I even felt sorry for him and that's why I allowed him petting. I experienced an orgasm, but there was no question of delight, the merging of souls. It was like I was doing my duty. We broke up.

For as long as I can remember, I have always fallen in love with women and girls. I fell in love passionately, suffered, suffered. At school, she was always a leader, and she hid her homosexual orientation in every possible way. Once she fell in love with a new teacher, but, having learned that she loves her husband and he loves her, she hid her feelings.

During homosexual contacts, I often acted as a husband. Now about once a year I meet with one woman. She is bisexual and married. I really like her and I can talk to her all night without noticing how time flies. I don't even know how she treats me. It suits her that there is a husband and me. She leaves and again longing and loneliness. And I need to know that after work they are waiting for you at home, that you can take daily care of your loved one. I like to give women compliments, gifts, I appreciate femininity, defenselessness, subtlety of the soul. And if my girlfriend would play an active role, let there be something masculine in her, but under all this, a sensitive female soul and there was a desire to create a same-sex "family", I could well play a passive role in this case. So where can you find it? After all, we do not have such clubs as in Sweden and Denmark, where people find a kindred spirit, and then a sexual partner. Maybe homosexuality is not natural, but since nature has played such a cruel joke, then so be it! I don’t want to change my gender or get treated and I won’t.”

The inversion of sexual desire does not exclude the high development of intelligence, rich emotionality. Among homosexuals there were brilliant artists, musicians, outstanding writers and scientists.

Passive form of female homosexuality characterized by the fact that with her homosexuals, not only in sexual, but also in non-sexual relations, play a female role. They identify with the woman. In appearance, they are no different from the women of their circle. Facial features are soft, feminine. Secondary sexual characteristics are well developed. Many of them had long braided hair and a fashionable hairstyle. All 39 passive homosexuals examined by us dressed only in women's clothes (there were no cases of transvestism) and, unlike the active ones, they liked to wear rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, painted their lips, let them down. eyebrows, etc. More than half were sociable, soft, calm, easily subject to someone else's influence, easily suggestible. In 8 out of 39, such features as theatricality and demonstrativeness were prominent. Almost all passive homosexual women had women's professions(seamstress, secretary-typist, nurse) or neutral.

Passive homosexuals developed as girls. They loved dolls, needlework, tried on dresses and outfits, played with girls, often experienced childhood or youthful love for boys. Their menstruation came on time (24 out of 39 - at the age of 12-15 years and only 5 - at 17 years and later, i.e., with a delay). Of the 39 homosexual women, 36 had ever had a heterosexual sex life in the past, and half of them were married, some had children, but none had a happy marriage. Most of them did not receive sexual satisfaction during their heterosexual life. Few have ever experienced pleasant sexual sensations. Only a few have ever masturbated (unlike active homosexuals).

They all started homosexual relationships at a time when they were not living a heterosexual sexual life, or when they were not satisfied with the existing family relationships. Many of them experienced a feeling of loneliness, a need for tenderness, affection and close friend. Almost all of them initially saw in their future homosexual partner an attentive, affectionate, devoted and loving friend, sometimes a strong person who can be leaned on. Soon, however, erotic love became more and more prominent in the relationship, and the initial manifestations of tenderness and affection developed into homosexual acts. Most passive homosexual women experienced a strong orgasm for the first time in their life under the influence of homosexual influence, many - an orgasm, much stronger than before during sexual intercourse with men. They had a feeling of falling in love with their partner, which developed into sexual affection. A homosexual couple was formed, in which one of the partners played the role of the husband (leader), the second - the role of the wife. There were very rare cases when, during sexual intercourse, a periodically passive homosexual woman took on an active (“male”) role for some time, but the “leadership” in the family still remained with an active homosexual. Homosexual couples sometimes maintained their relationship over the years, masking it as a friendship. Breaking up with a partner was sometimes extremely painful.

Patient N., 28 years old, complained of a neurasthenic nature, “in addition, she noted a feeling of melancholy and loneliness. These phenomena came, as it turned out, shortly after the break with close friend with whom they lived together for 3 years. No one in the family suffered from neuropsychiatric diseases. The mother is domineering, selfish. The father is sociable and kind. She grew and developed normally. As a child, she loved to play with dolls and other games for girls. She was interested in women's toilets, jewelry, was flirtatious. Fell in love with boys, went on dates. The character is soft, sociable, easily suggestible.

Menstruation from the age of 12, 3-4 days, a cycle of 28 days. Sexual life from the age of 18. Before marriage - three short-term sexual relations with young people. Married since 22, for love. During sexual life with men, she never experienced orgasm, although the sexual intercourse took place for quite a long time. There was only a painful sexual arousal, gradually sexual intimacy became disgusting, tried to avoid it in every possible way. The husband turned out to be a rude, inattentive person, he often drank. Relations deteriorated. They separated after 4 years.

The patient moved to a new job, felt lonely. At this time, she met G., a leading engineer, 10 years older, an intelligent, energetic woman, who began to pay much attention to her, invited her to the cinema and theater. G. lived alone in an apartment and was unmarried. N. began to stay with her for a long time in the evenings, and soon stayed overnight. Under pressure, G. entered into sexual intercourse with her. For the first time in my life I experienced a strong orgasm. In fact, she moved to G. and began to live with her. G. had daily sexual intercourse with her, caused repeated, multiple orgasms, mainly by manual stimulation of the clitoris (intravaginal stimulation did not cause erotic arousal and was rejected). Gradually, a sexual attachment to G developed. Interest in men faded. At home, G. behaved like a man, she did not perform “women's” work, she was assigned to N. G. looked somewhat masculine, did not like women's toilets, jewelry. Recently, she has become rude, inattentive, picky. There were frequent quarrels. It turned out that G. had another partner. This was the reason for their breakup.

N. correct physique, feminine. Long hair is tied in a knot. Lips and eyebrows are tinted. Wears women's clothes, jewelry. During psychotherapy, the patient was pointed out the peculiarities of her sexual constitution (clitoral type of excitability) and explained why she had not yet experienced sexual satisfaction with men. Instilled installation on heterosexual life. Six months later, she entered into a close relationship with a man who, by additional stimulation of the clitoris during intercourse, caused her an orgasm. A feeling of attachment arose to him, interest in G. disappeared.

Throughout her life, N. always felt like a woman.

In the case cited, the young woman in her childhood and adolescence developed normally sexually and showed a heterosexual orientation of a rather strong sexual desire. I have always felt like a woman. However, during sexual life with men before marriage and with her husband during marriage, she did not receive adequate sexual stimulation (there was a clitoral type of sexual excitability), she remained in a state of frustration, sexual dissatisfaction. As a result, there was a negative attitude towards sexual life. There was no attachment to her husband and as a friend due to his rudeness and drunkenness. The marriage ended in divorce. She experienced a feeling of loneliness. At this time, she became the object of claims from an active homosexual who showed warmth and attention to her. During sexual intimacy with her for the first time began to experience a strong orgasm. Gradually a sexual attraction developed. A homosexual couple was formed, in which N. played the role of a wife, that is, she revealed the phenomena of a passive form of homosexuality. The heterosexual orientation of sexual desire was replaced by a homosexual attitude. The break with the partner caused severe feelings, neurotic depression. Under the influence of psychotherapy and explaining the reasons for the failure of her sexual life with men, she managed to redirect her sexual desire into a heterosexual channel. Sexual life with a man who managed to satisfy her sexually led to the consolidation of this orientation. Thus, the passive form of homosexuality in this case was completely situationally determined and turned out to be reversible.

Sometimes, under the influence of the individual's active desire to overcome homosexuality, a transition to a normal heterosexual life is possible.

Patient V., 38 years old, with masculine somatic and psychic features that were found since childhood, at the age of 18–23 years, maintained active homosexual relationships with three partners in turn. Then, under the influence of the conviction of relatives and psychotherapeutic influence, she began a heterosexual sexual life and got married. Sexual intimacy with her husband initially did not cause sexual satisfaction, despite his good sexual abilities. She became a leader in the family. In sexual relations, she seized the initiative, imagined that her husband was her partner, and began to experience an orgasm. Has a 6 year old son. Family relations are good. Within three weeks there was a recurrence of a homosexual relationship during the departure of her husband, after which a normal sexual life resumed.

The phenomena of an active (congenital) form of female homosexuality, which were found even in adolescence, may disappear under the influence of the beneficial effects of the external environment and the active orientation of the individual to overcome them. The following observation is typical.

Patient R., 16 years old, a student of the 9th grade of a boarding school, was admitted to a psychiatric clinic after a suicide attempt. Two months ago, I fell in love with a young teacher, began to write love letters to her, give her flowers, accompany her home, stand by her window for hours. Jealous of her other students. Soon the teacher began to avoid her, recently she allegedly began to treat her badly, forbade her to show any signs of attention. In a state of desperation, R. tried to poison herself with sulfur from match heads.

R. lost her father early and was brought up by her mother and stepfather. The latter treated her well and good, friendly relations developed between them. Mother by nature is a calm, sociable woman. The patient grew and developed normally. I went to school for 8 years, studied well. She lived in a village remote from the school, so from the age of 8 she began to study at a boarding school. Co-education with boys. She was a leader in the class, she had good relations with students.

R. is a beautiful blue-eyed brown-haired woman, of medium height, well built, athletic figure. Secondary sexual characteristics are expressed normally. Menses from the age of 15, regular, profuse, painless. She did not have a sexual life. The boys were successful. They repeatedly offered her friendship, but she reacted negatively to their proposals. The boys were never interested. At the age of 15 I fell in love with a friend. She hugged and passionately kissed her, often saw her in a dream. It was a dream that they were kissing, caressing each other, while sometimes an orgasm arose. I fell in love with the teacher soon after my friend left.

In the psychiatric clinic, at first I really missed the teacher, often saw her in a dream, and waited for her to come. Then she calmed down, began to show more and more interest in the attending physician M. (a young girl), began to show erotic attachment to her. Shortly after discharge, M. began to send love letters to M., and was worried when she did not receive a response.

2 months after discharge, she was again taken to a psychiatric clinic in connection with a suicide attempt (at a school evening she “got upset and drank mercury from two thermometers”). In the emergency room of the clinic, she was interested in the doctor M., who had previously treated her.

The doctor on duty who knew about her special treatment to M., consulted with senior comrades and placed her in a regional psychiatric hospital, where M. does not work. The patient asked to be left in the clinic or to call M. During the conversation, she said that she loved M. and missed her, that she had not received letters from M. for 2 months and then decided to go to the clinic again at all costs to see her. To this end, she staged a suicide attempt.

At the hospital, she was handed over to a young male doctor. She did not pay attention to him, all her feelings switched to another doctor - a young woman.

Psychotherapeutic conversations were held with the patient, during which it was explained to her that falling in love with a friend, teacher, doctor is a natural reaction in adolescence. However, true happiness can only be achieved in a real family. It was suggested that when she gets older, she will be able to choose a worthy life partner, marry him, and experience the joys of love and motherhood.

A follow-up after 6 years showed that a successful marriage led to the normalization of the direction of sexual desire.

In this case, a girl during puberty showed a pronounced orientation of sexual desire to persons of the same sex. It arose without any external cause or adverse effects of the external environment. Instilling sick ideals family happiness, based on heterosexual love, and the installation of a normal sexual life led to the suppression of homosexual tendencies and marriage.

Thus, we can conclude that the homosexual attitude of passive homosexual women is less stable than that of active ones. When they get into a favorable situation, they often experience a transition to a heterosexual life, especially if they have a preserved sense of motherhood. If the husband turns out to be able to give her sexual satisfaction (by stimulating the corresponding erogenous zones), then the transition to a normal sexual life may turn out to be stable. frigid natures do not show homosexual activity.Attempts of homosexual seduction are usually unsuccessful if from childhood or from adolescence a person has formed an attitude towards a heterosexual life and has ethical and moral ideas about the inadmissibility of sexual relations between persons of the same sex, and a feeling of motherhood is also expressed. .

R., aged 28, at the age of 18, able to alcohol intoxication was rudely deflowered by a young man who escorted her from the party. She was having a hard time with this. Subsequently, there were two more short-term relationships with young people, in which she did not experience sexual satisfaction, remained in a state of frustration. Soon, sexual intercourse became generally unpleasant. I once slept in bed with a young woman whom I sympathized with. This woman at night, by caressing the genital area, caused her for the first time in her life a strong orgasm. Then she began to pursue, seeking with her intimacy. R. categorically rejected the rapprochement on moral grounds, but from that time on she began to masturbate occasionally. After 2 years I met a man whom I fell in love with. She married him. Has two children. She is very attached to her husband and considers her marriage a happy one.

R. is feminine, by nature soft, sociable, emotionally labile.

In the above case, homosexual attraction (passive form) did not arise, despite the fact that sexual life with a man began with a mental trauma and was not accompanied by sexual satisfaction. Orgasm was first caused by a woman, but the high ethical and moral ideas that existed prevented the establishment of homosexual relationships and all development went along the path of a normal sexual life.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the study of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and therapy of homosexuality in both women and men was previously usually carried out without taking into account clinical forms. For example, it was indicated that homosexual men had impotence, but it was not indicated whether it was characteristic of active or passive ones, although it is obvious that active homosexual pederasts could not perform their acts with a weak potency. When describing heredity, physique, and the development of secondary sexual characteristics, forms of male homosexuality were not taken into account.

When examining male homosexuals, we adopted sexual self-identification as a criterion for classifying them as active or passive. It turned out that active homosexuals do not differ in their physique, characterological features, interests and general behavior from healthy heterosexual men. Effeminate features in body structure and behavior, as well as the desire to wear clothes of the opposite sex, are characteristic only of passive homosexuals (Svyadoshch A.M., Antonov V.V., 1972).

All of the above indicates that the genesis of the active and passive forms of both female and male homosexuality is different. The basis of the active form of female and passive forms of male homosexuality in most cases is an innate inversion of the orientation of sexual desire. This is supported by the frequency of somatic and mental traits of the opposite sex, which are found in these groups of patients already from childhood. Such forms of inversion, in all likelihood, can be caused both genetically and exogenously caused by violations of the differentiation of the reproductive centers of the fetus in critical period and the production of sex hormones in the mother or fetus, the administration of sex hormones to the mother during pregnancy, and also be the result of pathological secretion of gonadotropins or sex hormones by the placenta, with hereditary or acquired reduced sensitivity of the fetal hypothalamus to hormonal influences (Dorner G., 1972). It is interesting to note that, according to A. A. Ehrhardt and J. Money (1968), in girls whose mothers received male sex hormones during pregnancy to preserve it, “boyish” behavior was surprisingly often observed, i.e., the above characterological features which we have seen in many active homosexual women. Very rare is an inversion acquired as a result of organic brain damage, endocrine and other disorders suffered in adulthood. Situational factors do not play a decisive role in the emergence of an active form of female and a passive form of male homosexuality.

In the genesis of the passive form of female homosexuality, on the contrary, congenital features of sexual desire, as well as cerebral or endocrine disorders, do not play a role. It is based on the formation of a strong conditioned reflex connection between the experience of orgasm and the woman who caused this experience. At the same time, the desire to overcome loneliness, to acquire a friend, etc. contributes to the establishment of regular homosexual relationships. healthy women the attraction to sexual intercourse with a man arises only after they begin to experience an orgasm. In this regard, a woman's sexual life with a man, not accompanied by sexual satisfaction, may favor the fixation of sexual desire on a woman who has managed to arouse her satisfaction. This can also be facilitated by an increased tendency to form very strong conditioned reflex connections.

Thus, we can say that active homosexuals are usually born (more precisely, they are born only with a penchant for an active form of homosexuality), and they become passive. An analogue of the passive form of female homosexuality is the active form of male homosexuality. However, the genesis of this form is more complex. And at its basis, just as at the basis of the passive form of female homosexuality, lies the fixation of the first strong sexual experiences on the person of the same sex that caused these experiences. Two more factors can contribute to this (Svyadoshch A. M., Antonov V. V., 1972).

1. The presence of many boys or youths from 7–8 to 15–16 years of a period of undifferentiated orientation of sexual desire (the period of youthful hypersexuality, according to A. Moll, 1908). At this time, sexual arousal often arises under the influence of a variety of influences, for example, during muscle tension while fighting with a friend, while riding in a car, train, when experiencing pain, fear, etc. At this age, sexual games are also often observed. both heterosexual and homosexual in nature, consisting in the palpation of other people's genitals, their mutual excitation, etc. Since at this age the orientation of sexual desire is not yet strictly heterosexual in nature, its homosexual orientation can easily arise and be fixed.

2. The absence of an innate response of sexual arousal, characteristic of men, upon contact with naked female genitalia. We have often observed these phenomena in male homosexuals, both active and passive.

So, the congenital form of homosexuality (active in women and passive in men) is characterized by the following triad of symptoms:

1. The feeling of belonging to the sex (violation of the sexual self-identification of the gender role) and, in connection with this, the desire to figure as a person of the opposite sex and wear his clothes (transvestism).

2. The presence from childhood of certain somatic and characterological features of the opposite sex.

For a reactive (situationally) conditioned form of homosexuality (active in men and passive in women), the presence of only the third member of the triad without the first two is characteristic.

Transvestism (from the Greek vestis - clothes) - the desire to wear clothes and appear in the role of a person of the opposite sex. Transvestism has long been condemned by society. So, in the Jewish religion (5th book of Moses, 22.5) it was declared a sin for a man to wear a woman's and a woman - men's dress. Among other accusations of Joan of Arc was the accusation that she wore a man's suit.

At the heart of transvestism is a violation of sexual self-identification - a sense of belonging to the opposite sex. Hence - the desire to wear clothes and figure in the role of a person of the opposite sex. It is most often combined with an inversion of the direction of sexual desire and is then considered within the framework of homosexuality. Along with this, transvestism can act on its own, being observed in persons who are not homosexuals and live a normal sexual life. However, even in these cases, one or another characterological features of the opposite sex are usually noted from childhood, which we cited when describing congenital forms of homosexuality.

Rice. 4 a, b. The man is a passive homosexual transvestist. Works as a cleaner. He calls himself Vasilisa Andreevna (according to his passport - Vasily Andreevich)

A 46-year-old patient was under our supervision. He was married for 24 years. Lived a normal sexual life, had two adult children. The physique featured effeminate features ( wide hips), however, the male reproductive organs were well developed, without any signs of hermaphroditism (Fig. 4 a, b).

Since childhood, he loved women's activities. He liked to try on women's dresses and jewelry. I felt like I belonged to the female sex. In adolescence, this feeling intensified and more and more often there was a desire to wear women's clothes and impersonate a woman. I never experienced sexual attraction to men, but girls caused sexual attraction. Particularly exciting was the sight of a naked female body and touching it. Sexual life began at the age of 17 with a girl 3 years older. After graduation, he was drafted into the army. Successfully advanced in the service. At every opportunity, hiding it from others, he put on a woman's dress. After demobilization from the army, he wore it at home almost constantly. The son's wife began to protest against the fact that he walks in a woman's dress, embroiders, sweeps the floor, cooks dinner. Then he submitted an application to the police with a request to officially recognize him as a woman so that he could freely walk in women's clothes. He showed no signs of mental illness.

We believe that similar cases transvestism are an innate condition. In their basis, as well as in the basis of congenital forms of homosexuality, lie, in all likelihood, violations of the differentiation of the sexual centers in the diencephalic region. These violations may be less pronounced than in congenital forms of homosexuality, and therefore the orientation of sexual attraction to persons of the opposite sex remains.

In women, transvestism is less common than in men, and is usually combined with a homosexual orientation of sexual desire.

System-vector psychology about female homosexuality

Homosexuality is a phenomenon that is contrary to human nature. Sexual attraction is created basically for the conception of a child, that is, for the continuation of the human race in time. But in men, in one case - in the case of the presence of an anal vector - there really is a homosexual attraction to boys. It was created so that a man with an anal vector, experiencing a craving for teenagers and sublimating this attraction, wants to fulfill his specific role in the pack - to teach them the art of hunting and war.

If the anal vector is underdeveloped or frustrated, then sublimation does not occur, and then we are faced with cases of pedophilia. Or attraction to children can be transformed into attraction to adult men. This somewhat alleviates the situation, but in general causes a very negative reaction in society. In a number of developed countries, male homosexuality is legalized, but most often it encounters resistance from the same anal men, who are the most violent homophobes. An animal fear of being lowered speaks in them. In an animal pack, a lowered, that is, subjected to the ritual of homosexual relations, the male loses the right to bite, while experiencing a state incompatible with life.

The situation with female homosexuality is quite different. According to system-vector psychology, female homosexuality does not exist. It is not given by nature. There can be no attraction between a woman and a woman. That is why society reacts quite calmly to the supposedly homosexual relationship of two women. In fact, such relationships are not based on sex, but on homoeroticism and emotional connection. What kind of women enter into lesbian relationships?

Female homosexuality. Possible Scenarios

The most common option is urethral and dermal-visual women.
The urethral girl, having a huge four-dimensional libido, matures very early - already at 6-8 years old, and begins to actively learn about herself - to masturbate. She keeps her hands in her panties all the time. If such a girl has an anal father, then his priority is the purity and purity of his daughter. Seeing that she is engaged in THIS, he begins to "educate" her. Since the urethral girl is uncontrollable and knows no limits, it comes to beatings.

Urethral girl. Photo from

The urethral is defensive, but since she is not a leader and has no species role, she does not run away from home like a urethral boy. After beatings, she runs out into the yard and with her pheromones attracts boys and girls, leads them along, playing the role of a leader. So she relieves stress and gets her portion of endrophins. And now - a street girl, a little robber and chieftain is ready. Already at the age of 11-12, when other children begin to mature, she, in an attempt to maintain her group, enters into sexual relations, more often with boys.

But if the urethral girl has been greatly depressed, she unconsciously sees her tragedy in the fact that she is not a boy, because what is allowed to him is not allowed to her. If she had been a boy, she would not have let her father lay a hand on her. So she starts behaving like a boy. And here we see an angular girl with an imposing gait and a short haircut. She doesn't do makeup and isn't bothered by details. She spreads her pheromones everywhere, on which not only men, but also women flock like moths.

But such a girl is aggressive towards men, as towards competitors. And this, of course, does not contribute to the development of relations with them. In order to relieve internal tension, she seeks her species role according to the male principle, trying to prove herself as a leader. In such a depressed state, the urethral woman seeks only one thing - to dominate men, confirming her rank among them. Therefore, she can fight, arrange brawls in public places.

A severely depressed urethral woman will attract a skin-visual friend to confirm her role as leader. After all, a urethral man always chooses a skin-visual woman. The urethral woman has an unlimited range of sexual acceptability, and so does the cutaneous-visual woman. They have no prohibitions on sex between women. But this is not homosexuality, namely homoerotica.

It can be a very stable relationship. A skin-visual woman has the ability to create the deepest emotional connections, undifferentiated by sex. She generally tends to fall in love with everything: nature, flowers, cats. So she projects a feeling of love outward. Therefore, a healthy skin-visual woman can also enter into such relationships. Or maybe not very healthy - in fear, subconsciously trying to get protection from the urethral girlfriend, which she willingly provides.

If the urethral woman is strongly suppressed, then the relationship with the skin-visual friend will be stable, and if not strongly, then she can have both men and women. But even a healthy urethral woman will occasionally have sexual relations with women, because her sexuality is not regulated.

Another version of a lesbian relationship is between two skin-visual women. This is a relationship based on an emotional connection. As a rule, between two visual friends there is crazy love, seasoned with eroticism. A visual woman in general is much superior to a man in the power of love, because she does not have an erection. Sexuality is the opposite of feeling. And in such a relationship between two girlfriends, love rolls over.

Female homosexuality

It happens that women with other vectors pair up. For example, two anal-muscular women can live together. But they will be united, most likely, by some common interests. For example, general housekeeping, rather than an emotional connection. Well, a bit of eroticism.

Female homosexuality. How does it happen

Zhenya and Lisa met at work. Zhenya came a little later. Lisa immediately drew attention to her - there was something unusual in Zhenya's appearance. She looked very much like a boy. short haircut with a shaved head, a low, rough voice, unchanging trousers and a masculine-cut jacket, a certain cockiness. Some kind of strength and energy was felt in her, which made Lisa for some reason irresistibly drawn to her.

Liza herself was the complete opposite of Zhenya. Everything in her life somehow did not work out. She always got into some kind of unpleasant situation. Fear was her constant companion. She was terribly afraid of men, so she could not establish relations with them. It was difficult for her to explain this fear. Most likely, this was a consequence of that childhood fear when the father returned home drunk. Drunk, he became aggressive and "got under the skin." Lisa pretended to be asleep on such occasions, but her heart was pounding with fear.

In general, at some point, Lisa realized with horror that she was in love with Zhenya and could not do anything about it. She followed her like a shadow. I must say that Zhenya treated Lisa patronizingly and supported in every possible way. But when Lisa confessed her feelings, she said: “Damn, this was still not enough for me.”

It turned out that Zhenya is a lesbian. Relations between Lisa and Zhenya did not work out. Zhenya already had a constant relationship with another woman. In addition, she tried to fight the attraction to women, but she did not succeed well. This case has been made public. The organization where Zhenya and Liza worked was not very tolerant - they wanted to fire Zhenya. But as a result, Lisa left.

I witnessed these relationships, and a few years later, I heard from a mutual friend that Zhenya had almost got rid of her “addiction” to women. But what does "almost" mean? Crushed? drowned out? Is it possible to suppress desire?

I remembered this case at a training in system-vector psychology, in a lesson on the urethral vector. Then I asked Yuri Burlan a question: “Is it possible to return a depressed urethral woman to normal relations with men?” I no longer doubted that Zhenya was depressed by her father. I heard something from her, something was added by the picture drawn by Yuri. He replied that yes, it is possible, due to the awareness of the cause of this attraction. Zhenya understood that something was wrong with her, but, not understanding the underlying causes of what was happening, she could not cope with such a powerful desire as the urethral vector has.

Now it’s hard for me to say what other vectors she had. Perhaps anal, because she felt guilty about her misdirected sexuality. But in any case, system-vector psychology could help her understand her bad conditions and get rid of them.

She could also help Liza, a girl with a victim scenario, with a skin-visual bundle of vectors, which is under stress. Understanding the causes of numerous fears and getting rid of them at the training in system-vector psychology could open up the possibility of a new life and healthy relationships with men.

It is necessary to understand why the scenario of homosexual relations between women is taking shape. It can be natural, but short-term in a urethral and cutaneous-visual woman, for whom there are no restrictions in sex based on gender. And then there is no reason to feel guilty about it. But if we talk about natural relationships, then for a woman it is still relationships with men, which is why system-vector psychology claims that there is no such thing as female homosexuality.

You can learn about female sexuality already at the first free lectures on system-vector psychology.

Marina Golomolzina