Grunge style in men's clothing. Grunge dresses. What is grunge

Grunge is tantamount to rebels. Young people love to rebel, and in clothes, including She always protested against the averageness of life and personality, she strove to be "not like everyone else." This was expressed in music, youth subcultures and, of course, in clothing. What, if not clothes, can most clearly demonstrate "otherness" and emphasize originality? But what is grunge style fashion?????

It was a protest from the very beginning. Unwillingness to pay attention to "little things", such as, for example, the style and quality of the suit. jeans on duty, old and frayed, on top of your favorite worn shirt, a faded T-shirt or an elongated sweater and you are ready to conquer the world. It all looked rather repulsive, yes, in fact, this is what grunge meant in American slang. The very word grunge in American slang is something unpleasant, repulsive and disgusting. The direction is eclectic, combines a variety of textures, denies generally accepted stereotypes and combines different fashion trends.

Historically, the grunge style originates in America, the city of Seattle. After all, its bright representatives Nirvana, Pearl Jeam and others appeared there. Grunge music appeared in the 80s. Kurt Cobain has become the epitome of trend and style icon for teenagers. This gave impetus to the formation of the grunge style in clothing.

And grunge became a subculture in the 90s. He became insanely fashionable. The emergence of unusual forms, ideas and images was determined by the desire of the younger generation to stand out, to be different from others, and to show the whole world their personal individuality. The founder of this style of clothing can be called the famous designer Marc Jacobs. In 1993, he presented the world with original looks that combined light floral dresses and chunky boots, worn-out jeans and stretched sweaters. He was the first to fill the catwalk with models of the “homeless” look. As they say, “the models of Marc Jacobs emphasized that the spiritual, gentlemen, is much more important than the material. And clothes, respectively, should not be taken seriously. Wear something and something to protect your body from the cold. Appearance doesn't matter."

His collection made a splash, and the effect of the bomb. But only the audience saw it. But the next day, when fashion magazines were full of photos from the show, the grunge style in clothes really “blew up” the fashion world. It was immediately dubbed “marginal chic” and everyone wanted to match it.

He became the opposition of luxury, pomposity and pathos.

The popularity of the style is due to a combination of several directions. It has elements of hippie and punk culture. Negligence, the presence of holes, scuffs and patches on denim clothes, dropped loops and protruding threads on jackets and sweaters, layering and eclecticism are considered characteristic features of the direction.

What can you wear in this style????

  • jeans- frayed, with cuts, with raw edges;
  • shirts- with holes and patches;
  • knitted sweaters with skipped loops and long elongated sleeves;
  • frayed t-shirts
  • wrinkled dresses and ripped skirts
  • men's shoes, sneakers

But now, grunge is a fashion trend, and there are rules!

how to dress grunge grunge clothing should be:

  • new,
  • clean,
  • from good quality fabrics
  • but still look like an old one.

Excellent quality and ugliness - that's the motto of grunge.

All effects, scuffs and tears are only an artificial effect. Worn shoes - effect. Unwashed hair - the effect created using a special gel. Eclecticism in the combination of costume details is a special effect, a statement that one can be happy not only by following the rules and observing aesthetic standards.

Women's clothing in grunge style is characterized by elements of sensual maturity and acts as a provocation. It emphasizes sexuality, combined with hidden aggression. Clothing looks sloppy, but neat, a little puffy, but not aimless. Women's clothes are very different from men's style, as they carry a gender accent.

A core part of a woman's grunge wardrobe is denim, which should be dirty grey, jagged or faded black. The fabric should look absolutely worn to the holes and as shabby as possible. Straight or tapered fit is preferred. Grunge style is driven by images of bad girls with a bright future. An easy game of rebellion is designed to help show your individuality without overstepping the bounds of decency.

versatility in clothing. To do this, wear a sweater or shirt over a T-shirt. In this case, each previous detail should casually look out from under the next one. Well, if they are different and do not harmonize with each other.

Grunge shoes

As already mentioned, there is a complete ridiculousness of forces, but one of the many in this style is shoes that have wide tops. as if several sizes larger than the mistress's leg. Army motifs in grunge shoes are no less relevant. Military-style boots or boots look great. Grunge style in clothes allows you to wear such strange shoes.

Shoes in this style also have rock and punk details such as pins, zippers and rivets.

Worn sneakers in discreet colors, which can be both high and low, are also perfect. Lace-up shoes look great, reminiscent of men's boots. Gorgeous chic will create the effect of shoes worn on bare feet.

Grunge hairstyles for women

grunge hair? What's new here? external untidy hair. But remember, this is just an effect. Grunge styling is styling, after all, and not just a dirty head.
The strands should look uncombed, slightly unwashed, a little shaggy, the greasy effect is welcome. The basis of the direction is loose, unfastened hair. But this does not mean that you need not wash your hair for a month.

Hair length and hair color may vary. making your own grunge hairstyle is not at all difficult.

Natural shades and bleached blond are welcome. Careless details such as regrown roots or faded colored strands fit well into the image.

The most popular hairstyle is a tousled ponytail or bun with strands falling out of it. grunge haircuts for women on medium hair are diverse!

Asymmetry in haircuts is also characteristic. Women with short hair are recommended to do wet styling.

Grunge makeup accentuates the lips. For this, red or dark lipstick is suitable, which should stand out on a pale face. At the same time, eye makeup is practically absent.

Ideally, no makeup. It is acceptable to use a tone for the face, while it should be very light. No tan. In some cases, light eye makeup is allowed. For example, in cases where eyelashes and eyebrows are too light.

Grunge style is often confused with boho and hippie styles. there are common features. In these styles, there is an opposition to fashion and a protest against extras. Emphasis on individuality! There is a place for creativity, outrageousness, catchiness, exclusivity. And yet - convenience. The difference is that in the grunge style, a thing that, even if bought in a second-hand store, must be of excellent quality, and not just cheap and environmentally friendly, like a hippie. There is a place for luxury in boho, which is impossible in grunge.

Which celebrity loves grunge style?

Conencho is the favorite of women - Johnny Depp.

Shakira, Taylor Momsen, Alice Dellal, Pixie Geldof, Ruby Aldridge. Their images are rather not “pure” grunge, but a kind of symbiosis of different trends.

Modern youth is distinguished by the fact that they constantly express their opinions, defend their rights and love to rebel. Moreover, their rebellion and protest can be traced even in clothing. It is the wardrobe that is the best way to demonstrate individuality and highlight originality. Grunge style in clothes today can be seen more and more often. But what kind of style is this and what clothes correspond to it, we will figure it out further.

History of occurrence

What is grunge style? If you translate the word from French, then grunge is “barn”. But from English it is translated as dirty. In the late 80s of the 19th century, this style was just beginning to emerge. He owes this to the founders of the rock group Nirvana. Soloist Kurt Cobain and his colleagues released an album of songs, where the music, lyrics were full of aggression, a bad mood for the future.

This is how the band members treated life, which, as they claimed, was tough, unfair. Young people who are already a little fed up with disco, glamor, have become like-minded group. And as a result, they imitated the team not only in terms of behavior, but also in style.

After a short time, grunge became in demand among the growing population. This style was traced in the behavior and songs of such performers as Soundgarden, Alice in chains.

The clothing style in question began to be viewed, and Marc Jacobs became its founder in this regard. Under his control, a collection of products for young people was released. This included checkered shirts, floral print dresses that had a worn look, loose-fitting and torn sweaters. In clothes for girls, one could see the features of slovenliness. For its production, expensive, high-quality fabrics were used. Thanks to this style, the fashion of Marc Jacobs, as a designer, began to be actively promoted. After some time, he was able to create a name brand.

Grunge style is in high demand among celebrities. You can see this in the clothes of Shakira, Johnny Depp and Alice Dellal.

Style Features

Now it is worth determining what is characteristic of him. At the end of the 20th century, young people began to go out in T-shirts worn over turtlenecks and torn trousers. This method was perfect for standing out from the crowd and showing your attitude to the outside world. That is why the grunge style is characterized by boldness, unpredictability. It can be called even a little defiant. No wonder grunge is translated from English as disgusting. If you look at a person from afar, you get the impression that there is a homeless person in front of you. And only at a close distance it becomes clear how skillful the outfit is.

Grunge style has the following features:

A person who has decided to worship this style must come to this not only externally, but also internally. To do this, he will have to abandon the opinions of others, the general framework.

How to dress

Those who decide to go headlong into this daring and controversial world of fashion should understand how to dress in grunge style. Only knowing all the moments, it will be possible to distinguish yourself from the crowd and declare yourself as a person. Sticking to the grunge style is equally difficult and easy. The choice of clothes should correspond to style features. But the wardrobe can be based on certain elements of clothing, makeup, shoes, hairstyles. All these and other features in more detail in the video:


When creating a grunge look, every girl should know what she can buy in a clothing store:


When creating a daring image, in addition to clothes, you need to choose the right shoes. Grunge style dictates the following options:

  1. Sneakers and sneakers. Moreover, their id should be as worn as possible.
  2. Ballet shoes.
  3. Rough grunge boots.
  4. Bulky high heels.


The following elements will help complete the image:


Looking at the photo of this extraordinary style, it becomes clear that make-up is most often missing. If you can’t do without it, then you should use dark shades. At the same time, you need to forget sequins, rhinestones, various manifestations of glamor. The created make-up should favorably complement the look, making it more rebellious.


Fans of the grunge style in clothes follow certain limits when choosing styling. The easiest way is to loosen your hair or collect it in a high ponytail. Not so long ago, it became possible to dye the ends of the hair in bright shades.

Of course, using all these recommendations, you can get an approximate look of the grunge style. But for full compliance, clearly marked individualism is needed. Each person puts something of his own into this term, while remaining true to the main style features.

Style Brands

There are a few more features that define soft grunge. This is quality, branding, expensive clothing. Of course, hippie style has some things in common with grunge, but when it comes to buying a wardrobe, then hippie things can be safely bought at any Second Hand, but orange items are not sold there. Certain world-famous brands are working on the creation of grunge things. Therefore, their cost will be corresponding. The most popular brands that produce grunge clothes can be considered:

  • Marc Jacobs;
  • Zara;
  • Bershka;
  • River Island;
  • Chanel;
  • Vivienne Westwood;

The grunge style has been fixed in the wardrobe for a long time and throughout this time has not lost its popularity. It is in demand mainly among young people who want to show their individuality and independence to the whole world. And although the appearance of the clothes looks worn and unattractive, not every girl can afford to wear it, since it is expensive.

Video bows:

The end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s was marked by the emergence of a new style, which was called "Grunge". It is generally accepted that grunge style corresponds to a person devoid of prejudice and adherence to some styles. Many creative individuals prefer this particular direction in clothing. This is not surprising, since its founder is an American singer, artist and musician, vocalist and guitarist of the North American alternative band Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, who then lived in Seattle. He became a promoter of a new style in the music scene. This style has become a certain form of protest against the past generation, the protest of luxury and glamour. Not all young Americans could show their image due to lack of sufficient funds, so many liked the new style, which did not require large investments.

Conscious disregard for clothing eventually resulted in a fashion movement that has its own specific features. It all started in March 1988 when Kurt Cobain founded Nirvana. Gradually, this careless style was picked up by fashionable circles. Translated from French "grange" means barn, threshing floor, and translated from English grunge- it's unkempt, dirty, repulsive. In a word, to dress in the Grunge style means to put on things that have been forgotten for a long time in hidden corners, which have practically become unusable, even if they are all in holes and worn out from time to time. Strange as it may seem, but in the early 90s this image, one might say "homeless", became quite popular. Representatives of this style were even flattered when they were confused with homeless vagrants.

Grunge denied the refined and discreet luxury of luxury. He became a symbol of the underground, a slap in the face of the bourgeoisie. Sexuality and negligence, the neighborhood of frankly expensive things with obviously cheap ones. Worn-out garments, old plaid shirts, stretched sweaters, oversized items (usually shapeless), shabby shoes, a vest, an old sagging T-shirt, torn jeans, boots or boots with thick soles or “tractor” resembling military ones are all distinguishing features grunge style.

A friend's shirt, dad's sweater, second-hand or flea market items, clothes with history are just what you need if you decide to dress up in this style. But, all this could be combined with satin, expensive wool and trendy accessories. People dressed in this style are reminiscent of the victims of the elements, who have gathered on the shore everything that will help them keep warm. Irony is the main weapon of the grunge style. This image embodies the symbol of rebellion against all sorts of rules and prohibitions. In the 90s, in order to try on this image, a large amount of money was not required at all. It was "cheap and fun". Grunge has something in common with those who rebelled in England in the 60s and.

Street fashion doesn't often make it to the catwalks of the world, but that's exactly what happened with Grunge. In 1992, American designer Marc Jacobs showed a new collection in which he used things of this direction. The show was received extremely negatively, critics were outraged. But since the origins of this style were not a podium option, he continued to live among ordinary people. Designers, having looked closely over time and got used to this image a little, decided to supplement it and ennoble it a little. It has not been seen on the fashion scene for a long time, but recently many famous fashion houses have been borrowing elements of grunge.

The hallmarks of modern grunge, after it stepped onto the catwalks of the world, is that it has ceased to be a cheap pleasure. Now you can buy seemingly old, worn, artificially aged clothes or ripped jeans for a very large amount. Grunge things have taken on a more noble look and, first of all, they should be new and clean, but create the illusion of antiquity and dilapidation. Modern grunge is all about thoughtful casualness and being able to combine things in this style to make it look beautiful and tasteful is not at all easy.

Eclecticism in world trends has become more and more relevant in recent years. Designers try to combine things of different styles and directions. Grunge has become more refined and even has a touch of glamour, although this was absolutely not the case initially. For this, special fabric treatments were invented, inverted and frayed seams, wrinkled, wrinkled fabrics, holes and puffs on things. Accessories are used preferably metal, hair is usually not needed, and you can do without makeup.

Grunge style can have a different focus. It is used in everyday clothes, in deliberately glamorous and elegant, as well as in an outrageous direction. It looks pretty funny, and sometimes comical.

Many celebrities also liked the style of Grunge, free and laid-back.

In grunge, it is important to be able to combine eminent brands and completely simple and well-worn things, to bring down the glossy pretentiousness with deliberately careless details and not look ridiculous at the same time. This is where modern taste and sense of proportion are manifested.

If you are tired of a strict style, certain rules, want to feel free from stereotypes, try on this interesting style of creative slovenliness. Let it not be pure Grunge, but at least a few elements from this direction.

Maybe these experiments will end with a change in your image? Good luck to all!

Tell us about your impressions of the grunge style.

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H what is grunge? First of all, it is a rebellion, a zealous protest against any rules and stereotypes. This is comfort and absolute indifference to appearance. This is a daring challenge to society and an aggressive rejection of luxury and the bourgeoisie. Grunge is not just a style that brought the entire fashion world to its knees, but also a real cultural revolution that excited the minds of millions.

Girl in torn stockings, boots and dress in grunge style Grunge style image
Girl in boots and stockings in grunge style Girl in a big shirt and torn jeans in grunge style
Grunge style image
Girl in a grunge striped jacket
Grunge style image Girl in a torn sweater and high boots in grunge style Girl in dress boots and leggings in grunge style Girl in a mini dress and cape in grunge style
Grunge style images
Girl in sweaters and jeans in grunge style
Girl in jeans and boots in grunge style
Girl in a coat and platform shoes in grunge style

The history of the grunge style

AND The origin of grunge is deeply rooted in rock music. It was thanks to the anarchist rockers who declared war on the old foundations that a whole youth subculture and a completely new look at reality appeared.

Kurt Cobain in a striped longsleeve Kurt Cobain in a grunge vest and ripped jeans

R One musical style of grunge is the city of Seattle, from the underground of which came such bands as Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam. This was the music of outsiders and losers, the psychology of which was covered in depression and the eternal craving for suicide. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), who stood at the origins of the style not only in music, but also in fashion, is considered to be the founder of grunge. He re-introduced us to iconic flannel shirts, ripped jeans, oversized sweaters, vests, second-hand clothes and sneakers.

M Who knows, but Kurt's layered outfits were not at all accidental: he was too thin and thus tried to somehow hide it. Cobain had an absolutely disregard for appearance: he literally borrowed some clothes from homeless people, bought the rest in second-hand stores and wore them to holes. Kurt just didn't care what people thought of him. And his style was completely in line with the music he created: daring, reckless and teenage.

H at the peak of the popularity of the Nirvana group, young people completely and completely copied their rock idol, which greatly affected the urban street-style on both sides of the ocean. This could not fail to notice the young and talented designer Marc Jacobs. In the spring of 1993, he created a revolutionary grunge collection for the house of Perry Ellis. But fashion critics flatly refused to accept the provocative images of orphans on the catwalk, as a result of which Mark was fired from the fashion house, while gaining world fame. So the grunge style officially and, as it should be, scandalously broke into the world podium from the streets and still does not leave it.

Grunge models
Grunge style image

WITH Over time and due to changes in social and cultural trends, the grunge style has undergone quite strong changes. Now no one is chanting Rape me!”, does not wear worn clothes and will not go around with an unwashed head on purpose. In our time, 90s grunge is perceived, as designer Jean-Paul Gaultier said: "Nothing more than a way to dress when you have no money."

IN Two thousand eminent couturiers, taking the main ideas of classic grunge as a basis and rethinking them in their own way, created a completely unique fashion style direction: neo-grunge. Now it can be considered a symbol of a new generation of free, self-sufficient and purposeful young people.

neo grunge, unlike its predecessor, has become more polished, mature and artsy, turning into marginal chic. Today, grunge is a priori high-quality things made of good fabrics, sewn with a light flair of deliberate negligence. It is worth recognizing that the classic grunge of the 90s has gone forever into the pages of history along with its founder, Kurt Cobain.

Grunge style images

Three male looks in grunge style

Distinctive features of the grunge style

ABOUT The main features of the grunge style are: endless comfort, eclecticism, layering and easy carelessness. The color palette is based on dark and muted shades: black, gray, brown, dark green, blue. The exception is the white color in the minimum quantity.

R patterns, ornaments and bright prints are taboo in grunge. But all the colors of depression, despair and hopelessness go hand in hand with this style. From a stylistic point of view, you can successfully add elements of such styles as military, casual and vintage to grunge. A categorical ban is a mix of grunge and glamor, an abundance of sequins and rhinestones. After all, do not forget that these are completely opposite styles.

Grunge style image

Male images in grunge style
Two male images in grunge style
Male images with a grunge coat

Grunge style wardrobe elements

  • beanie hat
  • checked flannel shirt
  • ripped and frayed jeans or mini shorts
  • layering
  • sneakers, heavy combat boots, Dr. Martens
  • oversized sweaters and coats
  • black stockings or tights with holes
  • stretched t-shirts in muted colors
  • backpack
  • vest
  • caps, hats, baseball caps
  • long shapeless sundresses
  • frayed leather biker jacket
Girl in a sweater dress - grunge image Girl in a leather mini skirt and stockings, grunge style
Grunge black lace-up studded boots Model in grunge style Model in transparent dress and denim coat
Grunge style image Grunge style image Male image in grunge style Model in black jacket and boots in grunge style

G range is a unique style. It invites us to look stylish and feel free at the same time. It does not impose any prohibitions, but gives the will to self-expression and complete independence. Be stylish without thinking about style, breathe in a breath of freedom and break the boundaries of stereotypes. Challenge yourself!


Kate Bosworth and Gwen Stefani Girl in blue shorts, a plaid shirt and a leather jacket, grunge style

Grunge style is the epitome of rebellious character. At all times, youth was characterized by audacity and the desire to be different from others. This is reflected in subcultures, music and, of course, in the elements of clothing.

Bright stylish wardrobe will help to express a unique individuality and originality. At the same time, the emphasis is on protest, unwillingness to pay attention to such details as quality and style.

The grunge style in clothes is due to negligence and the desire to combine the incongruous. Old torn jeans, shapeless sweaters, worn shirts and so on are very relevant.

The word grunge in American slang means something unpleasant, repulsive and disgusting. The direction is eclectic, combines a variety of textures, denies generally accepted stereotypes and combines different fashion trends.

It is believed that grunge originates in the American city of Seattle. It was there that such bright representatives of the direction as Nirvana, Pearl Jeam and others were born. The youth was captivated by the original music and bright, rather careless images in the grunge style.

Grunge music appeared in the 80s. The multi-million audience was captivated by the Nirvana group. The vocalist of the group became the personification of the direction and the style icon among teenagers. This led to the gradual birth of the grunge style wardrobe.

This direction turned into a youth subculture in the early 90s. The emergence of unusual forms, ideas and images was determined by the desire of the younger generation to stand out, to be different from others, and to show the whole world their personal individuality.

The founder of this style of clothing can be called the famous designer Marc Jacobs. In the 1993 season, he presented the world with original looks that combined light floral dresses and chunky boots, worn-out jeans and stretched sweaters.

Women's summer dress in grunge style, straight cut, with short sleeves, dark gray with a white pattern, knee length looks perfect with black boots on a low run and a handbag in black and brown.

Spring female look in grunge style in the form of a blue-and-white checkered shirt, loose fit, combined with tight black pants, a large black bag and black low-cut ankle boots.

A fashionable summer look in grunge style in the form of a short shirt in blue and red tone, in a cage, combined with blue and red checkered shorts, a black clutch and black leather boots with low speed.

An autumn grunge-style look in the form of a voluminous knitted sweater in a swamp shade from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM, combined with a black leather skirt just above the knees and black leather BLK DNM low-cut boots.

A black leather jacket for a grunge look from the BLK DNM Fall/Winter collection paired with a black mini skirt, a dark green voluminous sweater and black low heels from BLK DNM.

Stylish black leather jacket in grunge style from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM in combination with a black tunic, tight black leather pants and black leather flats BLK DNM.

The daring grunge style has become the opposite of luxury, pathos and bourgeois. He has a predisposition to the anti-culture of street teenagers.

The popularity of the rebellious style is due to a combination of several directions. It has elements of hippie and punk culture. The characteristic features of the direction are negligence, the presence of holes, scuffs and patches on denim clothes, dropped loops and protruding threads on jackets and sweaters, layering and.

Grunge style 2018 is not only clothing for teenagers. In the modern world, such things can be seen in the wardrobe of women, men and children. Clothing is made from expensive, high-quality fabrics. The combination of different textures, colors and styles remained unchanged.

An asymmetric tunic in a grunge style, red color, loose silhouette from the Edun collection in combination with tight leather pants in a dark blue shade and red tone boots with a heel from Edun.

A fashionable grunge look for women in the form of a long-sleeved gray-red shirt from the Givenchy collection in combination with a black midi skirt with a floral print and red-black Givenchy heeled boots.

Short dress for a grunge look, yellow, with a deep neckline from the collection of the fashion house Saint Laurent, combined with a long shirt in blue and black colors and chunky boots in black from Saint Laurent.

Long sleeve grunge shirt in blue and black from the Saint Laurent collection, paired with a short black leather dress and chunky black Saint Laurent low top boots.

A voluminous long black grunge sweater with silver inserts from the collection of the fashion house Saint Laurent, combined with black chunky leather low-top boots from Saint Laurent.

Grunge blue denim mini skirt decorated with metallic embellishments from the Saint Laurent collection paired with a black shirt with a white collar, a voluminous black cardigan and leather boots from Saint Laurent.

Women's clothing in grunge style

Women's clothing in grunge style is characterized by elements of sensual maturity and acts as a provocation. It emphasizes sexuality, combined with hidden aggression. Clothing looks sloppy, but neat, a little puffy, but not aimless. Women's clothes are very different from men's style, as they carry a gender accent.

A core part of a woman's grunge wardrobe is denim, which should be dirty grey, jagged or faded black. The fabric should look absolutely worn to the holes and as shabby as possible. A straight or tapered fit is preferred.

A casual grunge look in the form of a leather jacket combined with light blue cropped jeans, a red and beige striped top, a black knitted hat and navy plum tone low heels.

A grunge straight-cut long skirt in burgundy and white checkered tone will perfectly complement the look in combination with a milk-colored top, a short blue denim jacket, a black-and-silver bag and massive black heeled ankle boots.

A spectacular spring look in grunge style in the form of a red checkered shirt in combination with a short leather jacket, light gray skinny jeans, a red handbag, a gray hat and beige high-heeled shoes.

Grunge ripped cropped jeans in a light blue hue will look good with a leopard print shirt, a black leather jacket and black flat sneakers.

Women's long shirt in grunge style, red and white checkered, goes well with a gray top, light blue denim shorts and black sneakers on a small platform.

A grunge-style long denim jumpsuit in a light blue hue with a loose fit will go well with a blue and white checkered long shirt and black and white flat sneakers.

Look very stylish with a checkered or striped print that resembles an American school uniform. This part of the wardrobe can be very catchy. Bruising, exposed, is welcome. In addition, knitted sweaters with missing loops and long stretched sleeves fit well into the style.

Leather jackets look great, having cut leather jackets and sitting not according to the figure, but as if from a man's shoulder. Jackets should also be worn and shabby. Grey, black and dark brown colors are preferred.

Not excluded in the style of grunge and dresses. They should be emphatically feminine, they can have a naive floral print and an absolutely varied cut. Anything will fit into the style if it is with holes and competently complemented with accessories.

Fashion designers are in awe of this style, because thanks to its freedom it allows you to create many variations of performance. The grunge style is driven by images of bad girls with a bright future. An easy game of rebellion is designed to help show your individuality without overstepping the bounds of decency.

Winter look in grunge style in the form of a black insulated leather jacket from the collection of the fashion house BLK DNM, combined with skinny dark plum leather trousers and massive black BLK DNM low-top boots.

Women's grunge evening look in the form of a long black skirt from the Edun collection in combination with a red and black checkered blouse, a black leather vest and black patent leather boots with Edun heels.

Fashionable autumn look in grunge style in the form of a black leather vest from the collection of the Edun fashion house, combined with a short dress in a dark gray shade of a fitted style and black boots with heels from Edun.

An original grunge look in the form of a plum-colored leather jacket from the collection of the fashion house Jean Paul Gaultier, combined with a long brick-colored chiffon skirt and chunky black boots from Jean Paul Gaultier.

An evening grunge look in the form of a short black dress with golden inserts from the autumn-winter collection from Saint Laurent, combined with a black and red checkered cardigan and massive black Saint Laurent leather boots.

A stylish grunge look for women in the form of a short black leather jacket from the collection of the fashion house Saint Laurent, combined with a black short dress and low-cut leather boots from Saint Laurent.

Fashion shoes in grunge style

The main features of grunge-style boots are a heavy sole with a tread, a rough texture, and metal fittings. The main rule of the grunge look is the combination of rough boots with feminine clothes.

The more massive the shoes, the lighter and more feminine the rest of the wardrobe details will be. Conversely, light shoes will help smooth out a heavy set.

Shoes that meet all the rules of style are made of thick leather and have a natural relief. The material looks great with such wear elements as wrinkling and attrition.

Grunge style low running summer sandals in black and silver colors will go well with a gray leather jacket, a black and white top, light gray shorts and a dark blue clutch with metal studs.

Massive black grunge leather boots decorated with metal studs look perfect with short gray denim shorts and a light gray t-shirt.

Stylish massive boots in grunge style, red, with wide heels will perfectly complement the image in combination with a red and black checkered shirt, a black and white T-shirt and a light red clutch.

Fashionable red grunge sneakers will go well with tight black and white printed pants, a blue denim long shirt, a slate-colored T-shirt and a red-beige backpack.

A distinctive feature for this direction is shoes with wide tops. It should create the effect of being a few sizes larger than necessary. Army motifs in grunge shoes are no less relevant. Military-style boots or boots look great.

These shoes are characterized by such punk details as pins, zippers and rivets. Grunge ensembles actively use shoes with similar decorative elements. It is worth noting that in this version the shoes may not be of a heavy rough shape. Boots or ankle boots with stable heels are welcome.

Worn sneakers in discreet colors, which can be both high and low, also fit well into the style. Lace-up shoes look great, reminiscent of men's boots. Gorgeous chic will create the effect of shoes worn on bare feet.

A casual grunge look with a light blue oversized denim jacket paired with leopard print leggings, a black top and black flats.

Massive black grunge leather boots will perfectly complement the look in combination with a voluminous long sweater in a light gray shade, a gray hat and a small black hat.

Black leather boots for a grunge look will look good with gray-green skinny pants, a slate-colored blouse, a charcoal-colored cardigan, a voluminous cut, and a red and black checkered shirt.

Fashionable grunge flat sneakers in black tone will go well with black shorts, a black and white T-shirt, a long blue checkered shirt and a small black backpack.

A stylish casual look in grunge style in the form of a black leather jacket in combination with a red checkered shirt, a gray T-shirt, a gray and white checkered scarf and black chunky boots with metal studs.

Boots with grunge metal buckles, black, low running, look good with a blue-pink checkered shirt, a khaki jacket and a dark green knitted hat.

In the summer image are acceptable. The main thing is that there are no decorations on them. As a rule, the color of grunge shoes is very conservative. These are such classic colors as black, gray and brown. Shoes must be made from quality materials.

Grunge style: hairstyles, makeup, accessories

Grunge hairstyles are characterized by an underlined externally untidy hair. The strands should look uncombed, slightly unwashed, a little shaggy, the greasy effect is welcome. The basis of the direction is loose, unfastened hair.

Hair length doesn't matter. Hairstyles with long hair and can be present in the grunge look. Hair color can be anything. Natural shades and bleached blond are welcome. Careless details such as regrown roots or faded colored strands fit well into the image.

A long summer shirt in a grunge style, blue-beige, sleeveless, complements the look well in combination with a short black skirt, black star decoration, a black hat and black-brown flat sneakers.

Straight-cut grunge jeans in light blue look great with a black and crimson tunic, a black hat, a black leather backpack and black boots with wide heels.

A grunge summer casual look in the form of a black leather jacket combined with light blue denim shorts, a red bag, a red and blue backpack and black boots with wide heels.

Women's long-sleeved grunge shirt in blue and white will go well with blue denim shorts, a black top and fashionable black sneakers with metal studs.

The most striking hairstyle is a careless tail or knot from which strands fall out. Asymmetry in haircuts is also characteristic. Owners of short hair are recommended to do wet styling.

Grunge makeup accentuates the lips. For this, red or dark lipstick is suitable, which should stand out on a pale face. At the same time, eye makeup is practically absent.

Ideally, the grunge style is due to the lack of makeup. It is acceptable to use a tone for the face, while it should be very light. Sunburn is not welcome. In some cases, light eye makeup is allowed. For example, in cases where eyelashes and eyebrows are too light.

Fashionable grunge-style boyfriend jeans in a light blue hue will perfectly complement the look in combination with a medium-length black coat, a white T-shirt, a large black bag and low-speed black ankle boots.

Women's grunge look for the autumn-winter period in the form of a long coat in a dark gray shade, loose fit, combined with a light gray pullover, blue jeans and black platform boots.

A spectacular evening look in grunge style in the form of a short leather jacket in combination with a black mini dress, a gray-black checkered shirt, a black-brown bag and massive black boots with metal studs.

An evening grunge look in the form of a purple jacket from the Jean Paul Gaultier collection in combination with a gray chiffon midi skirt, burgundy trousers and maroon high boots with Jean Paul Gaultier heels.

A grunge long shirt in gray and red checkered from the collection of the fashion house Saint Laurent in combination with a black and blue loose silhouette dress, a black and white scarf and massive black Saint Laurent ankle boots.

A stylish grunge look in the form of a black leather top, fitted style from the collection of the fashion house Versace, in combination with a black and white checkered skirt, knee-length, and black high heeled boots from Versace.

When choosing accessories, remember the main rule of grunge style - minimalism. Do not wear bright and fashionable jewelry. The style is well emphasized by a few baubles and an original amulet pendant on a leather cord.

This direction excludes all kinds of feminine handbags. Comfortable backpacks should be preferred. As an addition to the image, a knitted hat of a non-catchy shade or an old shabby bandana that can be tied around the neck or head is suitable.

How to create an image in grunge style

To create an image in grunge style, you need to look casual. Do not worry about the harmonious combination. and the t-shirt may not match at all.

Distinctive features are clothes of a larger size. Dark muted shades are preferred.

Grunge photo shoot by Hedi Slimane