What are the plans? Do you think being an actress is a woman's job?

She believes that everyone has their own path. And she always knew that her roles would not go anywhere from her. Masha Mironova works at Lenkom and does not cheat on him on the side with the exception of working with director Andrei Zholdak. Their first joint project was "The experience of mastering the Seagull" by the Stanislavsky system. The second, after which professional recognition came to her, “Phaedra. Golden ear". On March 28, Masha will receive the Idol Award for him.

Photo: Roman Alexandrov

Masha, for “Phaedra” you were awarded the House of Actors Award, they will give you “Idol”, you are nominated for the “Golden Mask” ... Is this recognition pleasant?

By the way, I do not want to receive the Golden Mask. Together with me, a wonderful actress, Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya, whom I adore, who devoted her whole life to the theater and who does not have this award, is nominated. Of course, I am pleased that I took a step in the profession, discovered the genre of tragedy. As for recognition… I don’t feel anything special, I exist outside of it.

But has a confession ever been pleasant, unexpected for you?

The most unexpected, of course, the first. And it was the movie "Wedding". Not only awards are associated with him, but also amazing, very joyful memories - about a reckless youth and the very beginning of his creative path. (Laughs.)

Recklessness and you ... It's hard to combine!

(Laughs.) Yeah! But "Wedding" for me was just reckless. I played then not so professionally, there was more "courage of the first meeting". Yes, and all the actors were still unknown - young guys who went to shoot with wonderful mood, and as a result we are a friendly company headed by Pavel Semenovich (Lungin. - Note. OK!) made such a film. Although, of course, he made it, and we had fun.

Mark Zakharov once said that he took you to Lenkom as the daughter of a friend, but he is doubly happy that you turned out to be talented ... Have you proved to everyone what you are worth?

I didn't prove anything to anyone. I did not follow in the footsteps of my parents, and I feel sorry for the people who do this. I believe that there is a destiny, and a person builds it himself. Anywhere you can be realized, having the desire. For me, it was Lenkom that was very important, I wanted to be there. And it was a step on my part - to come to Lenkom. It was not the step of Mark Anatolyevich, who saw me somewhere and took me. I just came to him and said that I really want to join Lenkom.

Anna Bolshova told how Zakharov asked her: “Anya, you good man? She said, "Good." What would you say?

I would say: “I, Mark Anatolyevich, am a very good person!” (Laughs.) To be honest, I don't have a serious answer to this question. It seems to me that it cannot be.

Do you think your opinion of yourself matches the opinion of others?

For a long time, when I did not know myself yet, it seemed to me that no. (Laughs.) But from the side it is always more visible, so it is useful to listen to someone else's opinion. Only I am against stamps, labels. I am ready to listen to the opinion of people who know me closely, but I do not like it when people judge too simply. For example: “Since this person was born in such and such a family, therefore, he is glamorous, belongs to the elite, he has such and such a lifestyle” ... They put a stigma without knowing you at all. I have always been on strike against this and have never taken it seriously. Otherwise, I would go crazy.

Do you think you have changed since you were 18-20 years old?

I don't think I have changed drastically. I try to develop in the profession, to work on myself. Before I was not very interested Savor, now she is not interesting to me at all, as well as such things as awards, ratings. In general, a Russian person has such a mentality: we love to the point of insanity, and then we overthrow this same love. The same with recognition. I am afraid of this huge love of people, as well as exaltation. Initially, so much criticism poured into my address due to the fact that I bear the surname Mironov ... Critics give such assessments that many actors after their articles do not have enough strength to go on stage a second time!

You have always been very closed to the press.

It's not closeness or distance. Rather, I prefer the respectful "you". I don't understand why talk about personal life. Maybe those who tell me will explain? (Laughs.) Do you know what people do with it? "It" lies in the toilet or is thrown into the trash. And I don’t want the history of my relationship lying in someone’s trash can or in the toilet.

You either shoot at night, or leave for another city ... But what about the family, son Andrei?

Problems arise when I leave. In Moscow, with all the density of the schedule, I'm still close to my family. And Andrei is 14 years old, he is old enough to warm up dinner and stay at home alone.

Do you feel like a mother of an adult son?

No, I can't get used to it yet.

Do you communicate as equals?

In general, yes. But from time to time, my mother turns on in me: I become the eldest and begin to give instructions. Like all teenagers, Andrei feels the measure of what is permitted, the boundary, and he wants to move this boundary and slightly shifts it. I see it as a parent's mission to warn him and guide him so that he doesn't cross that line. But you can’t say “no” to everything: if you go too far, the child will jam, and he will demand more and more.

You can give him a lot financially, aren't you afraid to spoil him?

Never in my life have I spoiled him, treated him like myself. Yes, Andrey has no big requests. Thank God he wasn't spoiled by things. In our family, this was not emphasized. As a child, he had only home pants, which he wore to holes and cried: he was afraid that there would be no second ones. It was touching. In general, I do not want to talk much about my son. He has never done anything to be so interested in him.

Communicating with Andrey, do you remember how you grew up, how you were brought up?

Grandma said I had an easy life. But I grew up in incomplete family lost her father early. I had to start earning myself - this was a tough necessity. Worked as a translator from English. Andrei lives more chocolate than me. Not because I pamper him, but just the reality. They have a time of permissiveness - party, solid clip.

And if you temporarily had to live only on a salary in the theater? ..

So what? I have had such periods. I know how to organize the budget in such a way that I can live within the means that I have.

What kind of relationship did you have with your mother?

I love my mother very much. I always treated her like a child. It seemed to me that I was much older than her, I was the eldest in the family. Generally internally to me more years, only now I am beginning to enter the time of correspondence of my spiritual age to the biological one.

You say that you are not interested in things, but at the same time you are always stylishly dressed ...

The main part of my style is created by my profession. In life, I have little interest in the brands of things that I wear. Perhaps the only brand that I can name is Burberry. I like this brand for its European style. There is no pretentiousness in it, there is perfect taste.

Do you have outfits for parties, awards?

Evening dresses do not fit with my country, it seems to me that it looks unnatural here. This whole "vanity fair" thing is ridiculous here. I can't dress for a cinematic ceremony the way American stars dress up for the Oscars. We do not have that stellar industry, that standard of living for actors to stand out so much. I have never been to Aries, to Kinotavr. I will go to the “Mask” for the first time, and then because I am nominated. And I certainly won't Evening Dress.

You can often be seen without makeup. No time to paint?

I don't even think about it. Maybe I'm not a woman by nature? (Laughs.) Sometimes I feel like I should have been born a boy.

You have a lot male qualities?

Very! I used to build my life, I have everything laid out on the shelves. There is no female hysteria in me. I always know what I want. And the same at work. For example, it was difficult for Andrey Zholdak at the rehearsals of Phaedra: for a woman, I take too much initiative. I myself am madly in love with courageous women. Such as my grandmother. She often said: “There are women like chickens. The chicken sees the grain, and she pecks at it, pecks, and what’s next, she doesn’t see in general, because she is a chicken. I like women and people who, apart from this grain, see something further.

Do you believe in love for life?

Certainly. This is not so rare.

You said that love, in principle, cannot be happy, because it is doomed anyway: someone leaves earlier ...

There is a tragic side to love. Moreover, I am convinced that there is no happy ending in life at all. The objectivity of our life is great tragedy. It remains to see the joy in what we have. There are proposed circumstances: we live, realizing that we will die ... We need to come to terms with this.

Is it true that while rehearsing Phaedra, you were so immersed in the role that it didn't matter if there was a man around?

Yes. This is probably a terrible trait, and the man who is next to me is having a hard time. But I believe that everything that is needed will be in my life, and that which is not needed, I do not need. I am a fatalist. And I'm not one of those women who will hold, attract. Maybe this is how I justify my selfishness, but I was never ready to subordinate my life to anyone. In my profession, I am very proactive, but in my personal life I adhere to the position: “Do what you must, and come what may.” I give a man a lot of freedom: if he wants to leave, I will let him go. I understand that it’s hard for men to exist with this, but it’s a given. I am a stubborn person.

What must be in your man? strong shoulder?

Not at all necessary. The main thing is loyalty. Otherwise, I am more inclined to look for problems in myself than in others. Maybe it's age? (Laughs.) But I don’t want to talk about the shortcomings of men, I admit that something was wrong and is in me myself.

You have been with Dima for a long time. Perhaps you know how to forgive, understand a person?

I am conservative, I don’t like to change anything in my life - and first of all people. I am not at all frivolous in this. Although I don't know what I'm being frivolous about. (Laughs.) I no longer have this feature. Sometimes, maybe, I would like some kind of frivolity, but it doesn’t work anymore.

Not with anything? For example, once - and got up on skiing

And she came with her foot in her hand. (Laughs.) As has happened to many.

And suddenly break into a romantic trip?

No, I definitely won't. I plan my life, and there is no recklessness in me at all. (Laughs.) It's horrible!

On August 30, the comedy "The Leader of the Diverse" is released based on the story of O. Henry. In the film, the action is transferred from provincial America of the last century to modern Moscow, and the boy's father "turned" into his mother - business woman performed by Maria Mironova. GRAZIA asked the actress whether the role of the “iron lady” is close to her, why she does not want to appear on the same stage with her son and what she expects from the new season.

GRAZIA: Maria, in the film you play a tough, uncompromising woman. Was the role easy?
MARIA MIRONOVA: I immediately liked this image, because I always wanted to perform male role. This, of course, is not quite what I dreamed of, but my character really has qualities that are more common among the stronger sex.

GRAZIA: Do you yourself have such traits?
MM.: Some manifestations, of course, are present, because I consciously developed them in myself.

GRAZIA: Do you think the uncontrollable nature of your heroine's son is her fault? Did the boy become like this because of a lack of attention?
MM.: Certainly! The film just says, in particular, that if, because of a career, you abandon the upbringing of a child and miss some moment, wait for unforeseen situations. In our time absolute freedom children is fraught with trouble, but even without it, nothing ...

GRAZIA: Would you be proud of such an independent son?
MM.: It would be nice if, in addition to this quality, he had a certain inner core and knew how to fully realize his capabilities.

GRAZIA: You play a real business woman - but you yourself have never thought to try your hand at something similar?
MM.: It depends on what is meant by business. If we translate this word literally as “business”, then I am already doing it - I am one of the founders of the Artist Charitable Foundation for Supporting Artists. But of course, other mechanisms work here and the goals are not personal enrichment, but diametrically opposed.

GRAZIA: In the stories of O. Henry, the ending is always unexpected. Have similar stories happened to you or is everyday life not so action-packed?
MM.: Why, the reality is no less paradoxical. The further, the more clearly I understand that we constantly place all sorts of expectations on her. Well, except for the kids, maybe. The limit of their dreams is perhaps ice cream, and sometimes they don’t get it ... Every day life turns any of our ideas about it.

GRAZIA: And what are your expectations for the coming season? What do you have planned for the coming months?
MM.: Together with Daniil Strakhov, I played in the film "Apothege" based on the novel by Yuri Polyakov. Under the Soviet regime, this work was banned, lay on the shelf for a long time, and only now it has been filmed. I hope in next year premiere will take place. In addition, I am filming a new adaptation of The Three Musketeers, directed by Sergei Zhigunov. I got the role of Anna of Austria. And in the coming season, I plan to start rehearsals of the play based on the play by Alexander Volodin "Five Evenings" at the Lenkom Theater.

GRAZIA: Do you have time to follow the events in the country with such a schedule? How do you feel about the influence of the church on modern Russian realities?
MM.: Religion and faith have nothing to do with secular life.

GRAZIA: And if you are offered to play in a film whose heroines resemble members of the Pussy Riot group, will you agree or refuse?
MM.: I perceive everything that happened as a scandalous story with the ensuing PR. I understand the goals of the girls - and they are by no means kind. Therefore, it is simply not interesting to take part in this. I used to play Carmen - in my understanding, the role very well reflected the essence of what is happening today. The way names and careers are quickly made on scandal. How important is the moment of alleged breakthrough to freedom. The topic is tragic, because as a result it does not lead to anything good.

Maria's partner on the set was Dmitry Dyuzhev. He got the role of one of the kidnappers of the unbearable son of the main character

GRAZIA: In continuation of the theme of Carmen - do you think that in the pursuit of a goal, all means are good or is there some limit to what is acceptable?
MM.: Now there are no frames. You can enter the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and do what everyone already knows about. It is important to understand why a person does this - he is guided by sincere delusion or self-interest. If he is selflessly mistaken, then he can be justified, understood and forgiven.

GRAZIA: Your son is studying acting. Have you thought about going on the same stage or set with him?
MM.: I would not want him to have any professional attachment to me. Andrey should have his own bright destiny, the one he chooses himself. I don't want people to think that he and I are some kind of family business.

GRAZIA: But the cooperation of independence is not a hindrance ...
MM.: Even some!

GRAZIA: Moreover, comparisons will still be difficult to avoid.
MM.: The question is whether I enter this game or not. I've made my choice and I don't care about the rest.

GRAZIA: What do you consider the biggest success in your life?
MM.: The birth of a child at the age of 18.

GRAZIA: And what qualities would you call your main advantages and disadvantages?
MM.: Character traits that we define as negative sometimes suddenly become virtues - and vice versa. Everything is very vague. IN Lately I try to find and not lose a harmonious state - peaceful, conflict-free and accepting. Some things, of course, interfere - for example, the same masculinity that we were talking about. Because by nature I am still a woman.

“I wanted to live without fuss, in the smooth flow of time, in nature. And now I have Vacation home. Where I come so far only to finance some new problem that has arisen. Either the electricity went out, or the rack broke down, ”says Maria Mironova on the eve of the premiere of the film "Salyut-7", in which she played one of the main roles.

- Maria, recently you started your photoblog on the Internet and immediately got a large number of subscribers ...

I just wondered what social networks are, why everyone around is sitting on these phones, this is already unthinkable! You want to talk to a person, and he is always in the virtual world. As a result, now I myself write to the social network, but only if there is a reason. I posted there the trailer of my new film "Salyut-7", some kind of event of our "Artist" fund. But dedicating my whole life to this is not my story.

- You post there not only something informative and useful for business, but also photos from travels - Bali, Venice ...

- You are now traveling with the passion of a fanatic to the farthest corners of the planet ...

I am glad that now I can see such distant countries. Until recently, I traveled only by trains, and I had to limit myself to Europe. For a long time flew only when absolutely necessary.

- Did something scare you?

There was a couple unpleasant situations in airplane. The last - when the pilots were able to land only on the fourth attempt and already from a fairly low altitude. My friends and I flew to Corfu. There - a German scheduled airline, and everything went great. And back there was some kind of incomprehensible charter ... I don’t want to scare people and describe everything, but it was terrible. Pavel Kaplevich (theatrical artist. - Ed.) and his son Maksik flew with me. An old woman was sitting next to them. And when we finally landed, she threw up right on Max. All passengers were white color. And they held hands because they thought this was the end. Then I stayed away from the planes for a long time. Fortunately, I overcame it and now I can fly somewhere far away, to the sea ... I have become directly sun-dependent. Bright sun For me it's the battery.

Maria Mironova. Style: Nadina SMIRNOVA Makeup: Kirill SHABALIN (National Makeup Artist of YSL Beauty in Russia) Hairstyles: Elbek PULATOV (trainer Paul Mitchell)

Maria Mironova: "Love does not exist without friendship"

Today, no one will dispute her merits in the profession. Maria Mironova believes that a hardworking and capable person will always find its place. And talking about the impossibility of something, because everything is bought or given away by pull, he calls the approach of a loser, with whom nothing can be achieved. She is young, pretty, there are many plans ahead, and looking at her, it is impossible to imagine that her son Andrei is already twenty-five years old, and he serves at the Theater. Vakhtangov, continuing the acting dynasty.

Masha, you said that now you want to enjoy life, just be happy, and professional self-realization is not in the first place for you ...

Happiness can bring everything. It’s just that there were periods in my life when the profession was a priority. Not to the detriment of the family, of course, but still I set foot on the race track, I didn’t have time to do anything. And, to be honest, I already stopped feeling joy from what was happening, because everything turned into a routine. Now I understand that life is short, and you need to enjoy everything. And to agree to such an amount of work that it would be a joy, and not a burden, like communication with people. But our profession is unstable, so not everything depends on you. About two years ago, I simultaneously starred in four films and rehearsed at Lenkom in Konstantin Bogomolov's performance Prince, which I had to refuse, because it was physically impossible to combine everything. "Garden Ring" by Alexei Smirnov is a very interesting work for me, I gave it a lot of time with pleasure. My heroine lived for many years in pink glasses with a rich husband. Then everything changed, and she has to go through a serious drama. In Salyut-7 by Klim Shipenko, I play Dzhanibekov's wife. And shooting in "Dr. Richter" brought me a lot of joy. Now I try to do only what brings pleasure.

- But ten years ago you were obsessed with the profession ...

Probably, I still have this obsession, but recently I want to develop in other directions.

- Do you mean the "Artist" fund?

In addition to activities in the Artist Foundation (which we organized together with like-minded people Yevgeny Mironov and Igor Vernik eight years ago and have already entered the regional level helping our veterans not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in twenty small towns in Russia), I tried myself as a producer. I had experience in organizing concerts, events for the fund, and before that - producing experience in the play "Carmen", and I realized that this is close to me, that I enjoy the whole process, and not just as a performer. We have already made a video for Anatoly Bely's Film Poetry. And now we start enough big story from cinema.

- And for yourself as an actress there is something prepared?

The funny thing is that now I don't think about it the least. (Laughs.) I have no motivation to start a project to play the main roles. The production story is much more voluminous than the acting story. And I love it.

- You're a wonderful comedian, but, in my opinion, a little overstayed in dramatic roles ...

You're right. I really have a glut of drama and suffering heroines. There is some fatigue from this. And I really want to change the genre and do something else in comedy.

Can you offer yourself to one of the directors or go to the casting after learning about the planned interesting work?

Can. And I have already submitted such an application to Klim Shipenko. (Laughs.)

How do you feel now psychologically at the beginning of filming or rehearsals with gaining a lot of experience?

This of course depends on the material. But still a few shooting days I'm very worried. Despite the experience and baggage, you still grope for something every time and experience joy, fear, and awe - a lot of things, this existence is on the verge of a foul. If you don't feel borderline when taking on new job, you can tie up with the profession, because it is this energy that is needed.

- What do you want last year managed to do in life itself?

Compared to last year, this year was just a vacation for me, because in September I finished filming, and then I was quite free, except for my production and fund-related activities. So I was able to take some rest. I really feel the need for the sea, the sun, because we have very little sun in Moscow. For me, travel is a big drink.

- And what places fed you this year?

This year I visited Japan for the first time. Went with a group of friends. I wanted to take pictures of everything. I would call Japan a country of colorful and sanitary order. We were at cherry blossom. It's divinely beautiful and the smell is impressive! In general, in Japan, just unreal colors. And everyone wears masks, it's their hallmark in sanitation. I began to love long-distance travel.

- Including Gauguin places. And what have you already visited?

I really like the Indian Ocean, I have already flown almost everything there, I still dream of going to Australia. There are delightful places in Bali, and their ancient monasteries cannot be compared even with Japanese ones in beauty. I really love coral reefs. They are in the Seychelles and the Maldives, these are such blue lagoons. I have always had problems with geography, but now I understand that it must be learned while traveling. And I already know all the capitals, airports, where to go and where not, where are the bays, what is the climate and much more. In general, I fell in love with geography. So if anything, get in touch. (Laughs.)

You always called yourself adequate and rational, but it turns out that in your youth you were desperate, at the age of sixteen you could rush to a wild vacation at sea with a friend.

No, I've never been a particularly rational person. I am practical because life forces you to be responsible. And accordingly, I have to think with my head. But it doesn't always work for me either. (Laughs.) Yes, my friend and I went to rest in Khosta as savages. Our parents let us go. And nothing bad happened to us there, on the contrary, there were a lot of interesting things. In general, I had a lot of easy deeds. Anything can happen in life, including when you think eight hundred and fifty six times before you do something.

- Are you still friends with that girlfriend with whom you then went to the sea?

Yes, and we've been friends since the fifth grade. She tells me a lot about our childhood (laughs), since I have bad memory, and sometimes instead of memories - a "white sheet". So I'm interested to learn something from her. (Laughs.) Although some moments still pop up as pictures. In general, my friends are people who have been proven over the years. If someone enters my life, then this is for a long time, and we communicate sincerely, sharing everything.

And you can communicate closely with friends almost around the clock on vacation? You seem to be quite a complex and closed person...

No, I'm a fairly accommodating person. Sometimes I can share one number. In general, I really like to relax with friends. On close examination, it is not at all difficult with me. And for mass consciousness it is exactly like that. But I don't tolerate being used in any way. And when something is put up for sale, it immediately turns into a similar story. You can't be sincere with a hundred thousand people, it's not true anymore, I don't believe in it. There are people in my life with whom I am absolutely open.

You seem to have new girlfriend Ksenia is your son Andrey's girlfriend. Is it good that she came into your life?

Of course, but this happened five years ago. Ksenia is ours, I love her very much.

- Have you ever been jealous of Andrei for her?

No, there was no jealousy for a second. On the contrary, I am glad that she appeared. It seems to me that if you meet a good person, you need to hold on tight to him. They have been together for a long time. We met when Andrei was still in his first year at another institute.

- Did you immediately understand that she is a good person?

Yes, I understood it at first sight. As soon as I saw him walking down the street with her, I thought: "This is the girl." And Xenia too creative person, artist.

- But for you difficult moment Andrey's departure?

Yes, it wasn't easy. I even had panic attacks(laughs) when I started thinking about it. But seriously, I tried my best to delay this moment. But now I understand that his departure was very correct. Of course, it is always difficult when children go free swimming. I needed to get used to it. When he left, I felt very empty. I was absolutely jewish mom, which can be shown in skits. Moreover, in Andryushin's early childhood, she did not notice this for herself, and then, as they say, I pecked. (Laughs.)

- Probably because in his early childhood you were very young...

Yes, probably. He was born a week after I turned eighteen. And for ten years I was a very friendly and democratic mother. But as soon as he began to disconnect a little, school absenteeism began to happen, something else, I suddenly “pecked”. He then all the time told me: “Mom, what is it? Why didn’t anything like this happen when I was little, and now all this total control trash has begun? (Laughs.)

- It is true that in his transitional age you refused to shoot almost ten films?

Yes its true. But there is nothing special about it. I realized for myself that at that moment I should devote the maximum amount of time, effort and attention to my son. Otherwise, I just couldn't. But all this is nothing compared to the peace of mind and well-being of your child.

- How often do you now manage to see Andryusha, with your mother?

I think this is all right. Recently Andrei had a birthday, and together we went to the performance of Pavel Kaplevich and Kirill Serebrennikov "Chaadsky" at the "Helikon-Opera". So of course we see each other. And with mom too. From time to time I meet with friends, I go to visit.

- You are a "famous" athlete. Do you spend a lot of time on sports now?

Periodically, yes. Of course, during long shoots this is unrealistic, and if I have a break in classes for more than two months, I begin to physically feel it. Sports brings energy recharging gives me vitality. I have a coach with whom I have been training for two and a half hours for many years, of which I run on the track for an hour.

- The coach does not have to force you?

No, he just stops me, says no more. (Laughs.)

- Almost all the stars today moved to country houses or bought cottages. And you?

Recently, I also became a summer resident. I built a house and already felt what country life is, what laziness and relaxation it is. (Laughs.) And if your stay in the dacha drags on for several days, then the further you go, the less you are drawn to Moscow, you lose your tone. This is a whirlpool. And I understand that it is necessary to jump out of it in time, because you still have to.

- But it’s more difficult to get out of the country, working in Moscow ...

I know Moscow very well, so I have never used a navigator before. But if I get stuck in a traffic jam, little depends on me. It remains only to reconcile and apologize to the people you are going to.

- How do you feel about non-punctual, and most importantly, optional people?

Lack of punctuality, optional for me a serious diagnosis in a person. I try not to get involved with such characters and not to enter into business relationship You won't get far with these qualities.

- And do you forgive your friends for minor sins, shortcomings, or does a person automatically drop out of a close circle?

I forgive everything. But if I don’t accept something, then I don’t want people to torture each other either in friendship, or in love, or in communication. I am only guided by this, because I believe that all relationships should be a joy. If they become painful, misunderstanding, resentment begins, which means that this is no longer useful for both. I'm running from showdown. In my opinion, it starts when they are no longer there.

But it seems to me that the phrase “to sort things out” is a cliche, and even psychologists say that everything should be spoken out, and not hushed up, driving the problem deeper ...

No, you can clarify the situation, but clarifying the relationship is something else. This means that people are beginning to download rights, express claims and dissatisfaction, speak hurtful words. When it becomes a system, I distance myself.

- Do you have enough solitude or loneliness?

Today I have neither solitude nor loneliness. I just need to be calm, so that I can sleep, and at this time no one touched me. In general, I do not need time when I could not communicate with anyone. I come home, and if it suddenly turns out that there is no one to talk to for fifteen minutes or an hour or two, then I communicate with cats (laughs), I have five of them.

- Why so much?

I had a cat and a cat. She recently gave birth to one kitten, Andrey took him. And then three more appeared in a row, I overlooked. And no one takes them. So I advertise in a magazine if anyone wants pet, let him turn. (Laughs.) Cats are ordinary, but very beautiful. Now I hide the cat and the cat in different rooms - if she gives birth to five more, then I can open the Kuklachev Theater. But I love these animals. I have with them good contact they are all well-mannered, obedient. I can get along with them. And cats, to be honest, are much dumber than cats. (Laughs.)

What household chores do you enjoy?

I love to cook, I especially like it lately. I already know a lot, for example, different dishes from meat and chicken. I don’t like sweets, so I don’t do it practically, although I can even bake a banana cake, according to my mother’s recipe. A friend gave me a slow cooker, and at first I made an effort on myself to cook something, but then I got involved. But, of course, it's nice to do it for someone, and not for yourself alone. Plus, the less I eat, the better I feel. I have no cult of food at all, I am very unpretentious and do not like fastidious people.

Are you obsessed with a healthy lifestyle?

No. My healthy lifestyle life is a dream, necessarily sports and a total restriction in food.

- Total restriction - sounds terrifying ...

For me, a healthy lifestyle is a ballet lifestyle.

- They eat very little only at the choreographic school, and then gobble up how much more!

I don't know, but the amount of food eaten at a time should be counted. You should always keep the same weight. And if you eat a lot, you will never be able to do it. People who have this problem understand what I'm talking about.

But you don't have that problem...

I don't, because I've been following this all my life. I improved a lot. And during pregnancy I gained thirty kilograms. You have to eat a little. And I have already got used to it, accustomed myself to a certain regimen, and if I don’t fall out of it, then this is a healthy lifestyle for me.

You recently said that doubt is bad, because such a person can achieve little. Did you take risks in any projects? For example, did you like the script but didn't know the director? What do you rely on then?

To intuition. In addition, in any project there are components, a team: in addition to the director, it is also a producer, and a cameraman, and partners. But in creative process It's hard to predict the outcome, just like in a relationship. How to predict whether they will develop, whether people will be together all their lives or not.

- Do you mean male-female relations?

Any. In everything that concerns creative energy or human relationships, it is impossible to make a prediction. And I haven't done it in a long time. Life is so beautiful that it is absolutely unpredictable. No wonder they say: "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans."

And in the relationship between a man and a woman, having reached a more conscious age, is the feeling still primary for you?

Don't know. It is important for me that this is my person.

Doesn't it happen that love eclipses the eyes? Overtakes like a lightning strike, or like Bulgakov's, when "she, like a murderer, jumped out from around the corner"?

No, I don't want a lightning strike. (Smiling.) Then the person becomes disabled. But whatever happens in life is an experience. Any situation is not accidental. For me there are no mistakes. I try to take out the maximum number of pluses from everything, to understand what kind of lesson I was given. Love does not exist without friendship. The removal of the brain, in my opinion, when people selfishly want something from each other, quarrel, suffer, cannot be called love. If we are talking about the second half, then he must be an even greater friend.

And what do you most admire in people today and what is important to you in a man who will be next to you?

The further time goes by the more I realize that there is one very important quality- reliability. If you start a business and are connected with unreliable people, then no matter how wonderful, talented, smart they are, the boat will not float or sink on the first snag. The same is true for friendships and intimate relationships. So I understand that without this quality it makes no sense to step on the gas. (Laughs.) Reliability and fidelity are the fundamental base, and all talents and sympathies are already layered on it.

Maria made an appointment on the Arbat in a cafe near her house. I drank coffee as usual. She smoked cigarettes one after another. She kept her back straight, like a ballerina. We sat opposite each other and talked about love.

Love for your neighbor

I will never forget my last meeting with a friend of my grandparents - Matvey Abramovich Osherovsky. He was a director, he devoted his whole life to the theater. He and his wife had no children. They held on to each other. And suddenly I find out that his wife is gone. I called and expressed my condolences. I was shocked by the discrepancy between the terrible grief that was in the air and his cheerful voice when he repeated: “I only need to bury her. I have to do it myself. No, I don't need any help. It's my duty. I have to do it myself. I will do it". I specified his address, intending to visit, but my arrival was delayed. And the hour came when, on a subconscious level, I felt that if I don’t go now, I might not be in time. It was 9 days since the death of his wife. Matvey Abramovich was absolutely alone. And the table was set exclusively for me. We sat, and he talked for a long, long time ... He took out photographs from albums and talked about his life. It lasted an hour, two, three, four, five ... I already had to go, but I could not stop him. And she understood that in a situation of global loneliness for him this is the only chance to speak out. Matvey Abramovich did not say that he was sick or not feeling well. He did not complain about fate. It was a positive meeting in spite of the circumstances, despite the wife's bed decorated with flowers, the curtained windows and mirrors. But I felt that it was ours last meeting. The more joyfully he spoke, the more obvious it was - soon the end. I drove home late in the evening and, sitting in the car, I could not help feeling that I had said goodbye to him. I did. Gone less than a month, and he passed away ... It is very important to know that you managed to do something. I don't know how much my arrival made it easier for him. last days but the memory of this meeting will stay with me for the rest of my life.
He was gone, Alexander Abdulov and Oleg Yankovsky were gone in our theater, Lenkom. And when they leave, I feel how the era is changing. Another generation is coming. Therefore, now, it seems to me, it is very important not only to remember that passing era, but to do everything possible so that people, while they are alive, feel that we need them. After all, it really is!
Again and again, somewhere you accidentally come across a person - and he tries to tell his whole life, because he is fatally, endlessly, universally lonely ... I thought a lot on this topic. And at the moment when I managed to formulate this thought, I did not have a pen with me. Then I typed a text message and sent it to my mom. Let this thought also sound in an interview: “A person becomes truly happy only when he completely and completely resigns himself to his loneliness on earth. Then he receives freedom, knowledge and love, which he can give without demanding anything in return. People are born alone and leave alone, and only resignation to this can really set you free and make you happy. Then you will not demand something from another person in this life.

- And then you decided to create a fund?

– Last April, I attended a charity dinner that we organized with wonderful woman Margarita Alexandrovna Eskina. For many years she was the director of the Actor's House and all this time she kept a card index, which included one and a half thousand veterans of the stage, 300 of whom were participants in the war. Margarita Alexandrovna took care of them, arranged free meals, helped with food and money. For the elderly, this was a tangible help: many of them are lonely people, disabled people, left without a livelihood.
At that dinner, we gave the guests envelopes with financial aid. To be honest, I did not expect such a reaction: the old people cried and thanked. I really wanted to help Margarita Alexandrovna, and I suggested: “Let's make sure that the actors of the middle generation, who have the opportunity to earn money, help the elderly. They would not just look for sponsors, but chip in. Because it's our business. We must not only sing songs on Victory Day and read poetry, but also help financially.” Margarita Alexandrovna said: “What are you doing! Do you really think it's possible? Now is the time when everyone doesn’t care about anything, everyone runs to different shootings, works. Of course, she was right... But the idea had already settled in my head, and I shared it with the actor Yevgeny Mironov, with whom we did the play “Carmen. Exodus, ”I was sure that he would understand and respond. By that time, much had already been prepared in order to arrange for veterans nice dinner at the Pushkin Museum and a concert, collect some money and give it to the elderly. Zhenya immediately suggested: “Let's make a fund. And the evening that we will arrange together with Margarita Alexandrovna will be the opening of this fund.”
And on October 28, 2008, we gathered 120 veterans at the Pushkin Museum. Many responded: Alexander Baluev, Dmitry Kharatyan, Dmitry Pevtsov, Renata Litvinova, Sergei Makovetsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Maria Aronova, Vladimir Spivakov, Alexei Serebryakov, Oleg Menshikov, Volodya Mashkov, Sergei Bezrukov and others. Someone just handed us envelopes, someone managed to come and speak. And then a team was formed that constantly deals with the fund. A difficult period of formation began, because our goal was not one-time actions, but Full time job with the card file of the Actor's House - the one in which one and a half thousand people are included, and the list is constantly updated. And then Margarita Alexandrovna Eskina died. She left on the eve of the start of our first charity theater marathon. So it turned out that we practically picked up her case. As if she bequeathed it to us. Margarita Alexandrovna was buried in February. The marathon started in March. Each of the 25 Moscow theaters that took part in it transferred the fee from one performance to the fund's cash desk. We have raised funds for 500 people to buy Gift certificates for free service in a network of pharmacies with home delivery of medicines. After all, older people can not always get out of the house because of poor health. And they have no money for expensive medicines.

- Does the Foundation help only actors?

- Recently, Ilze Liepa called me and suggested: “Let's help ballet dancers too.” AND this is true. After all, we called ourselves charitable foundation support for artists, and these are not only dramatic actors - these are critics, and people who were accompanists in the Mosconcert, and ballet actors, and musical ones too.

During the year, the Foundation's Board of Trustees was formed, it included Leonid Yarmolnik, Kirill Serebrennikov, Igor Vernik and many others. Yevgeny Mironov, journalist and doctor Natalya Shaginyan and I are the founders of the foundation. And on this moment among other things, I am responsible for the president of the foundation.
In fact, there was a revival old tradition, which existed at the beginning of the last century, when theaters deducted some amount from each performance played for the needs of elderly colleagues. In one form or another, this assistance also existed in the Soviet Union. But then everything fell apart, and it turned out that older people do not find a place in the new time. We are like wolves. Each for himself, who will snatch more. There is less and less unifying beginning. I don't judge people different generations, as best they can, survive in this time. But it is very difficult for old people to do this. All they have to do is die...

love for son

- I was very changed by the fact that I gave birth at the age of 18. I remember sitting right before the birth on the eve of my birthday and thinking: “At 17 am I giving birth or at 18?” As a result, my son and I have a difference in birthdays - a week. When Andrei was born, I had to urgently grow up, because the birth of children is the end of selfishness.

- Did you have the feeling that together with your son you are discovering the world anew?

- My son and I are almost twins - both according to the horoscope, and externally, and in character. Sometimes I find something new in myself by looking at it. Sometimes I look at my son - and it becomes obvious that some of the features of my character, which seemed to me amazing, light, beautiful and bringing only joy to others, are actually not so remarkable, and sometimes simply unbearable and monstrous. Andrei is a stubborn boy, so joyfully stubborn, it is impossible to convince him of something or stop him from achieving his goal. I have always believed that perseverance is a positive quality, and I have cultivated it in myself. But, having come into contact with her double, she realized that she was mistaken, because, as you know, a medal has two sides.
Apparently, the Lord God specifically made my son my reflection so that I could see myself. Norov, stubbornness - to admire them from the outside is very useful. I look at Andrey and correct myself.

Self love

- In one interview I read, you call yourself a person not emotional, but rather rational.

- These are some other people's conclusions. On the contrary, my irrationality has always been much stronger than rationality. But I don't tend to live in illusions. They interfere with life and tend to disperse very painfully. Faith, confidence is another matter. They are also from the field of metaphysics, but very constructive. They do not destroy your castles in the air, but on the contrary, give you the strength to go on.
I had an insane confidence in my youth, a belief that I would definitely realize my idealistic dreams. Youthful maximalism! As a child, at the age of five, she loved ballet, and most of all - Isadora Duncan. I wanted to be like her.

- Do you have such desires that you know for sure that will not come true, but would you really like to?

Yes, and it's scary. Because the inability to do what I want drives me into a frenzy. I can never accept rejection. There have been situations in my life when they said “no” to me, but I did not hear. Because I don't understand the word "no". Even if it sounds a thousand times, I still won't believe it. And this can drag on for years.
But I understand that some of my desires will no longer come true objective reasons. For example, the girl Juliet, alas, will never play. And once, in my early youth, after watching the amazing film Romeo and Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli, I began to passionately desire this.
Life, of course, corrects many aspirations of a person. And the longer I live, the more I understand that being itself brings much more happiness than simply owning something. When something is given to you, you immediately begin to want something else. You strive to have everything new and new, more and more. You're craving something all the time. And that makes you unhappy. But to become happy, you just need to feel yourself.

- What was your biggest disappointment?

- When in early childhood for the first time, accidentally going into the Kolomna church, I saw a coffin. There was a funeral service, and I was shocked by the incongruity of what was happening. I could never understand that a person was lying in front of me ... Our memory stores a lot. It is unlikely that I will ever be able to forget those long-standing feelings of mine when I suddenly discovered that there are fatal things that we cannot change.
Take the tragedies of Shakespeare or ancient Greek authors, in which there is such a thing as rock. Ideally, if you have the opportunity in life to stop in time and just move from one genre to another. To exist in an ancient Greek tragedy, and then take off the mask and say: "And now there will be a tragicomedy or a farce." But there are things that cannot be treated with humor. This is death and love. If you treat love with humor, it destroys it. Love must be treated with care.
I have a feature: I try to think constructively. If a person calls me and talks about a problem, expecting me to say: “Oh, oh, how bad, poor you, poor,” he will not receive it. I can't just be sorry. The consciousness, psyche, brain are arranged in such a way that I immediately look for an effective way out of this situation. I am convinced that while we breathe, we feel, there is a lot in our hands. For me, the most difficult state is when I don’t understand what can be done to alleviate the situation.

- What then can please or cheer you up?

- A lot of little things pleases, small, happening all the time. You are sitting at home - and a call is heard from a person pleasant to you. Or, as recently, my sister Masha Golubkina and I agreed to meet at the Central House of Writers. I arrived and I see: Pavel Semenovich Lungin is sitting there, whom I adore and love with all my heart. We sat with him for two hours - such a joyful surprise. God has given me many wonderful encounters that I could write a whole book about. A musician has an instrument through which he expresses himself - violin, cello or piano. And in the profession of an actor, the tool is his soul, eyes, voice, heart, mind. Therefore, any meeting in life - large and small - is imprinted in us.

- And with what instrument could you compare yourself, your own psychophysics?

– At some moments I am a violin, and at some moments I am a drum. I generally do not like any definitions and divisions, because a person is much more multifaceted than we think about him and than we can describe.

- Who is your most close person? Except for my son, of course.

- Mom, grandmother Raisa Ivanovna Gradova, sister, brother, my wonderful ex-husbands, Friends. In general, thank you, Lord, the circle of my relatives is quite wide and continues to expand. And I don't want it to shrink. constriction naturally will come with age.


- How much personal time does the fund take from you?

- A lot of. To be honest, from the very beginning I was afraid of these names: “fund”, “organization”. It's just a matter of life, you immerse yourself in it, and it takes you whole. And you already understand that there can't be a stop here: normal woman When she gave birth to a child, the thought of giving him to an orphanage does not occur to her. So is the fund: this is a matter for which you are responsible in all its forms. Like in a family. Responsibility young man in relation to the people who raised him and brought him up, should be in a small family, and in a large professional family.
...Sometimes I cry. Because I see people who have become completely alone. Yes, I can help them financially, listen, even cry with them, but I cannot save them from pain.
I already felt strongly that memento mori- remember death - a very important phrase. I understand that a person is called to give as much as possible in his life. Saving - it makes no sense at all. No money, no emotions. The more you save, the harder it is to part with it. A person comes into the world to give as much as possible. And leave relieved. Give love.

- What does love mean to you?

- Very often, some kind of selfish feeling is called love, when one person, for example, wants another to belong to him. I would rather call that feeling passion, but not love. And human love does not require anything in return. This is what free love is. good sense this word. And what is now commonly called in our world free love, has nothing to do with it. Such love is a constant race for some kind of imaginary freedom and independence, sheer selfishness and satisfaction of one's desires - in fact, a huge addiction that destroys a person.

- What do you like in people?

- Naturalness. When a person is alive. With right and wrong characteristics. I love life in general. When the heart beats, mood changes, thoughts run. When a person is not static, in motion, falls in love, cries, grieves, empathizes and does not hide his emotions under a glossy layer, strives to fulfill his desires, even those that seem illusory.
When we opened the fund, we were asked: “Did you understand that it was difficult? And you did not doubt whether you could or not, would you have enough strength? And all three founders had one answer: "We did not doubt one iota." Although, in fact, the idea was quite reckless and presumptuous. But I knew that it would be the way we want. Faith moves mountains. Any of us is kind - you just need to get through to the heart. You come to a person and say: “My dear, can't you help? It’s impossible, it just can’t be that you don’t help!” But as soon as the slightest doubt arises: someone told someone that once this person refused and that, probably, it was all indifferent to him, - at that very moment you find confirmation of your doubts. What you transmit into this world is what you receive from it as a mirror image. With our thoughts we materialize the space around us. Even in small things. For example, you wake up with bad mood- and all day you see around only the bad. And you wake up with good mood- you see the confirmation of the good. Everything comes from within, from our heart.
I discovered another law for myself: the more you give, the more you get. Remember the parable of the five loaves with which Jesus fed a huge number of people? Using the example of our foundation, I realized that everything happens according to some unknown law that cannot be calculated on paper. The Fund is not a commercial institution, it is impossible to calculate: here we invested, but there we had. The Fund lives by other laws, not commercial, but no less strong.