Bream caught. What to do next? Alyosha Charitable Foundation Children with SMA are very smart, they understand everything

Bream baked in the oven.
To cook bream baked in the oven, we need products such as one bream, three onions, a few fresh sprigs of dill or parsley, pepper, salt.

And now let's move on to the very method of cooking bream baked in the oven. We will clean the fish and gut it well, and if there is caviar in the fish, be sure to set it aside, do not throw it away. Be sure to remove the gills from the fish, wash the fish and cut it. Moreover, it is desirable to cut any fish in which there are a lot of bones, both large and small. Cut - this means you need to take and use a knife along the ridge and along the tail to make cuts, approximately every three to five millimeters.

If you cut a fish, then small bones disappear somewhere immediately after frying, which is why this method of fish is good.

Now we start rubbing the fish. We rub it with our favorite spices for fish, salt and pepper, and we rub it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Inside the bream we put whole branches of green dill and parsley, we also put onion chopped into large pieces (it would be better to cut it into large rings), after that we fix the belly of the fish with toothpicks so that all the filling does not fall out, put the fish neatly on a baking sheet, previously greased vegetable oil, carefully wrap the baking sheet with fish in foil and put in a preheated oven, bake in a fairly preheated oven for about forty minutes, after which we carefully remove and unfold the foil, and put the fish on a serving dish, just before serving, you need get greens and onions from her abdomen, while greens are usually thrown away, and onions and caviar are served as a side dish or an additive to fish.

Bream fish soup recipe.
To prepare a delicious fish soup from bream, we need such products - one hundred grams of bream, one hundred grams of any other small fish, one hundred and twenty grams of potatoes, twenty grams of peeled onions, ten grams of parsley root, fifteen grams of tomato puree, five grams of oil, five grams of bacon fat, one peeled clove of garlic, a little fresh parsley, black peppercorns to taste and a few bay leaves, a little salt.

Now we will tell you in more detail about the method of preparing our fish soup from bream. We boil a good strong fish broth from small fish and other fish waste, after adding peppercorns and bay leaves to the pan with broth. After preparing the broth, we filter it. Then put it on the fire again and bring it to a boil, and immediately after boiling, add to the soup pre-peeled and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes or strips, chopped onions, chopped parsley root and boil it all for ten to fifteen minutes, after this time we add in the soup cut into portions pieces of fish, peeled from the skin and bones, tomato puree fried in oil, add the right amount of salt and cook until cooked for about ten or fifteen minutes. We fill the cooked fish soup with bacon prepared in advance and chopped garlic. We serve the fish soup from the bream to the table, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

How to pickle bream.
We will tell you about the method of preparing salted bream, with which you can also salt carp, roach, rudd and tench. The method of salting can be any, but the simplest of all is the dry method of salting bream. To do this, it will be enough just to rub the fish with salt, it is desirable that the salt be finely ground. If the fish weighs no more than five hundred grams, then you can salt it without gutting it, but if the fish is larger, then it is advisable to remove all the insides from it.

To begin with, just before the salting, the fish must be thoroughly washed, and then be sure to cut it from the tail to the head, remove the intestines from the fish and all those insides that are connected to it (except for caviar and milk). Then we roll the prepared fish in salt, be sure to pour salt into the gills, and into the internal incision. If the fish is quite large (from one and a half to two kilograms), then the fish must also be further cut on the back; salt must also be poured into this longitudinal dorsal incision. Then we put the fish prepared in this way in a container with its belly up or put it in a well and tightly knocked down wooden box, and each additional row of fish must be sprinkled with salt. And you need to pour it so that there should be more salt closer to the upper layers of the fish than in the lower layers.

So, for salting fish in this way, you will need about ten kilograms of fish for about one and a half to two kilograms of salt, fine salting is desirable. If you salt the fish in a cool room (for example, in the basement), then the fish is salted for about twelve days, you can extend it to fifteen days, if you salt pike perch or carp, and if you salt it in an uncooled room, then you need to salt the fish from five to seven days .

Fried bream.
To make fried bream, you will need oil, salt, one bream, and to make chili sauce, take salt, two coriander roots, ten chili peppers, one clove of garlic, a large spoonful of white sugar, three or four large spoons of lemon juice or lime juice, a large a spoonful of fish sauce.

Now let's start the process of cooking fried bream. We thoroughly wash the fish, then clean it and rub it with salt, leave it for salting for five to ten minutes.

Now let's prepare the chili sauce - take and mix the salt and coriander, rub them well together, add crushed garlic, chopped chili peppers, lemon or lime juice, sugar and fish sauce to the mixture. The sauce should be hot, and it should taste sweet or sour, salty or not.

It is best to fry such bream on a grill, to do this, carefully place the fish on the grills or coals and do not forget to turn over as necessary. Serve the fish hot with the sauce prepared in advance.

Hello is Lesha Doc.

And in this article I will answer the question of the guy who sent me an email, and the question sounds like this “What to do if you broke up with a girl?”


I will answer you personally

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

And here is his letter:

Hi Lesha. I am your longtime reader, thanks for your work. The situation is this, the girl said that we need to part when I left town. For a month abroad on business. said 5 days after leaving. when I found out that she returned to the city where she lives, I immediately began to call, write, ask for a meeting, just to talk. find out how and why.

Wrote 3 days She didn't pick up the phone but answered text messages.. in the end she freaked out, and sent me to 3 funny letters. I could not restrain myself and also spoke unflattering words about her, trying to hook her very dignity.

I grieved for a couple of days and realized that I had made a mistake, since she no longer answered SMS, then I decided seek a meeting with her through her inner circle got everyone. Everyone started ignoring me, I waited near her house, she just ran away.

I contacted her old friend, after the girl found out that I got to the old friend, she called me herself. And asked not to touch her or her friends or anyone. don't humiliate yourself, don't ask for a second chance and stuff like that. I hung up silently.

I didn't cut off contact with my girlfriend. but looking for other people who could really help. in the end, he got this girlfriend, flew off to ignore, began to look for people at her work, found a guy who opened one piece of news to me.

She met a guy while she was abroad. He is also a foreigner from Romania. she decided in 4 weeks that in a year she would go to him and marry him. right after school. I found a guy on the Internet looked at his data but did not understand anything who he is, what he is like.

He began to wonder what she was up to. knowing her, the option was seduced by money, seduced by a fairy tale about a good life disappeared. one left. just fell in love. like once in me. I continued to follow her experiences online.

And then she found out how I do it and also closed all kinds of accounts. I created a left page and wrote to her friend. asked me to convey the words in which he asked me to forgive me for everything, promised not to follow her on the Internet, not to touch her friends. and this time he said goodbye.

Yes, I realized that I messed up a lot of wood and to return this girl, well, a very small percentage. I know what I did wrong. I analyzed everything she said, everything that I myself saw wrong in the relationship. I started to change both inside and out. while I'm working on it.

I'm afraid I'll just be late she will go to him during the winter holidays Or he will come here. She doesn't make contact at all. few mutual friends. met for half a year. I didn't love her at first. only wanted one. eventually fell in love and intends to return it to the wrong relationship that was. but to new ones. more quality.

Now the actual question. how to return the location to yourself? how to show her that I really change. How to make her forget about that holiday romance that she had?? how to become interesting for her again?

My mistakes that I made before and after breaking up. gave few gifts. a couple of times just for the holidays. in the house where I lived almost never cleaned. over the winter recovered by a decent amount of kilograms.

acted like a rag, but after I realized that she likes to be in tight rein. I didn't take care of my appearance. had no real interest in what she was doing. did not go shopping with her, although she is a fashionista and she needs it. raised his voice, sometimes with obscenities, for no apparent reason. did not give proper support when it was needed. this is my introspection. maybe I forgot something.

I don't want to look for a new one. because I love this one. Please give advice or instructions on how to proceed in such difficult cases. I'm already changing. sport. cleaning. Reading books. popular in her area of ​​expertise. I update my wardrobe. What to do if you broke up with a girl?

So, I'm answering this question!

What can be said about this guy, the guy is completely confused and does not understand what does he do
completely wrong
, thus the girl makes a decision - this boy is not a couple for her.

What mistakes did he actually make?

1. Strong need for a girl.

Due to the fact that the guy does not know how to get acquainted with girls (the experience of communicating with them is completely absent), he falls into the trap, which is as follows:

He considers any girl who accidentally turns up his future wife, which means that you need to hold on to it with all your might and in no case let go! If he lets her go, it will mean the collapse of his entire life and reality, since he lost his only future wife.

It doesn’t even occur to such guys that there are millions of girls, among whom there is a girl much better and more feminine.

As a result, the guy becomes paranoid and starts following her, connects all the friends, brings the girl to hysterics, as a result, the girl has to literally run away from him, since he cannot leave her alone!

In this situation love from her side no longer smells, since such behavior of a guy causes only aggression and hostility!

2. Self disrespect

The guy is so sick of this girl that for her sake he can completely cover himself with shit and walk down the street.

When the girl realizes this, she begins to despise him.

3. The guy does not know female psychology

The guy believes that if he gave her more flowers, gifts, would devote more time to her, go in for sports, then everything would change!

In fact, after a girl stops respecting a man, then no gifts and his appearance will save him!
Since the male core is important for girls, she looks at how he behaves in difficult situations, how he knows how to solve difficult problems and questions!

And there are 2 options guys:

Option number 1

The guy at the first failure starts to cry to the girl how difficult it is for him to live, that everyone around is to blame, he alone is well done, but no one will admit it!

Such a guy shifts everything onto a girl, sits on her neck and lives like that!
After that, the girl leaves him, and he runs after her like a tail and tries to return for years, but without success

Option number 2

The guy stands firmly on his feet, there is no need for him resolves all issues quickly and accurately.
Never blames anyone and always answers for his words!

Girls don't leave this guy, and if he leaves, he will quickly find himself even better without any problems, since there are a lot of girls!

This article is only a small part of what is on my site, there is a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls without wasting your time.

Now I have 2 sites - a site and And every week I I add new articles to these sites that are useful to you, therefore, in order not to miss them, add these sites to your favorites and visit them periodically. Now there are about 450 articles and 70 videos on 2 sites on topics that are interesting for you.

Articles by Lesha Dok (on the site

By the way, if you want to get a guaranteed girl from scratch, then go to my new site

Click: Guaranteed to get a girl for a relationship

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, they change their own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alex, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)
Kostya, Minsk.

Lydia Moniava:

- A very heavy, long, but very important text for me. The incurable genetic disease SMA has 3 forms. With severe SMA, children ride in electric seats, go to school, and live into adulthood.

But with a mild form of SMA, children die in infancy. Often, doctors connect them to a ventilator and thereby stretch the process of dying for months and even years.

Many parents of children with the most severe form of SMA do not want their children to prolong the suffering, because it is impossible to watch immobilized children suffer, all in tubes and devices, alone in intensive care. Nevertheless,

Refusal to prolong suffering is a very difficult, ambiguous, legally unprescribed choice. These families have the hardest time.

Lesha's mother decided to tell her story publicly in order to support the parents of children with the most aggressive form of SMA1, who have yet to make a choice.

Olga Presnyakova, Lesha's mother:

My husband and I waited for the birth of our son for 7 years.

- My husband is a businessman, I'm a speech pathologist in a kindergarten. We have two daughters in our family. Our first son Lesha was born on August 21, 2015. We really wanted Lesha to become a priest - in our family there were two Old Believer metropolitans who were starved to death by the Bolsheviks in prisons. Lesha's grandfather was an archpriest.

At the 3rd week of life, Lesha became weak, became lethargic, weak, almost without reflexes. I took him to the clinic, the doctors immediately sounded the alarm. I was very scared, suddenly Lesha had cerebral palsy. But the doctor said: "It would be better if it was cerebral palsy."

We went to the hospital for examination. They did electromyography - a method for studying the bioelectric activity of muscles. Although the doctor understood everything at once, she didn’t tell us anything: “I can’t tell you anything yet, you need to calculate everything.”

Then we were transferred to a separate room, and all the doctors started running away from me. From shift to shift, they passed the message of the diagnosis to each other. They passed it on in portions: at first they told me that Lesha had “sluggish child syndrome”, something from a group of hereditary genetic diseases, and most likely he would not be able to walk, he would probably live to be 13 years old.

The next day they said that, most likely, it is SMA, spinal muscular atrophy, the child will live for 2 years. On the third day, the doctor said that Lesha had the most severe form of SMA, his life expectancy was 6 months. With the help of a ventilator, you can artificially prolong life, but the child will not be able to do anything, just lie down and watch cartoons. There is no cure for SMA.

They sent me a psychologist. She advised to treat Lesha like an ordinary child, to play ... And I thought - the window in our ward is boarded up, probably, someone has already made attempts to jump out of here? My husband came to us every day and cried. I told him that if the doctors were right in their predictions, then it was not yet time for us to cry.

INresuscitation to my son we were allowed for 15 minutes

The tests were over and we were discharged home. The first thing we did was go to church and baptize the child. And then, instead of weakening, Lesha began to develop - he learned to hold his head, move his legs. My husband said that when Lesha starts walking, we will take him by the hand to the Morozov hospital - to show the doctors how wrong they were.

At two and a half months, Lesha caught an infection and fell ill, his temperature rose, and he began to cough. I twisted it from side to side and tapped it to help clear my throat. Once again, I turned Lyosha on the other side and saw that he was all white, his eyes rolled back, his breathing was erratic.

Then everything was like in a movie - an ambulance, adrenaline, resuscitation. I was sitting near the doors of the intensive care unit, signing some documents. Then my husband came and asked to be allowed to anoint Lesha with church oil. The doctor on duty was a kind person and went to meet us halfway. Then we were told to go home and arrive the next day at 13.00. The fact that you can ask to stay with the child in intensive care, it did not even occur to us. We unconditionally followed all the instructions of the doctors.

The next day I did not go to the hospital, because I was afraid to see Lesha only in tubes. Husband went. They let him in for 15 minutes. Lesha's pulse immediately began to go off scale, as dad came. He probably just didn’t understand why he was alone, he wanted us to take him in our arms and not leave.

The pulse on the monitor was 200, and the nurse told dad to leave. I think that parents should be there all the time, when you come in for only 15 minutes, it's hard for both the child and the parents. Many children spend their last days in intensive care. It turns out that the parents do not see their child for the last precious minutes, and the children die there alone.

In intensive care allowed to transfer breast milk. I sat in the car near the hospital and expressed milk. I got a call from the intensive care unit on my mobile: “Where are you? Come soon, we are transferring your child from intensive care to the department. Doctors told us that Lyosha would hardly get off the ventilator, he would hardly be able to breathe on his own. But he did.

We still waited for Lesha to get better.

For several months we lived between the hospital and the house. But as soon as we came home, as something happened, Lyosha cried for whole nights, screamed, we all did not sleep for days, called an ambulance, returned again to the hospital. Once we were discharged from the hospital in the evening, already at night Lesha became ill, and in the morning we returned to the same hospital in an ambulance. The head of the department came out to me and said: “What do you want from me? Your child is terminally ill. We can't help him." I called my husband and we went home...

At the hospital, nurses came with a special device, a suction device, to remove mucus from Lesha's throat, to help him breathe. I always closed my eyes when they put the pipe down his throat. When we were at home, my husband went to the pharmacy, bought such a suction, and I began to remove sputum myself, administered antibiotics to him myself.

I understood that calling an ambulance did not make any sense, doctors could not do anything. I stopped letting my daughters into Lesha's room so that they would not bring infection.

The hospital once said that we need to go to the palliative care service, talk to other parents of children with SMA. I asked: “What will it give? Will this cure my child? The doctor said no. And I decided not to waste precious time on communication on the Internet at parent forums. I tried to spend all the time with Lesha, and when he slept, they prayed that he would get better.

We did not apply to the palliative care, because understood that this is for children who are dying. And we were waiting for Lesha to get better.

On January 3, I was sitting with Lesha in the room and saw that he was suffocating. I shouted to my husband: “Lesha is very bad!”. He called an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, Lesha was already barely breathing. The doctors told me: “Hurry up in the car, he might not get to the intensive care unit.” I understood that it was pointless to go to the hospital, that this was the end, agony. But my husband and I were in a state of passion, did not understand what to do.

The ambulance doctors said: "Faster, faster, we must save the child." We went to the elevator, I carried Lyosha in my arms. I stood with him in my arms at the entrance and realized that Lesha was no longer breathing, he had died. The doctors pushed me into the car and started doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After 5 minutes, the child began to breathe.

So we got to the hospital. At parting, the ambulance doctors said: “Well, everything is fine, we arrived, he breathed, now everything will be fine, he will recover.” And they left. And I remained to sit on a bench under the intensive care unit door. They took out Leshin's clothes. They said to go home and come tomorrow. Then for a month, my husband and I came to the doors of intensive care every day. If the shift was good, they let us in for several hours, if it was strict, for half an hour.

A ventilator breathed for Lesha. The doctors said that we should install a tracheostomy for long-term ventilation. I asked if this would cure Lesha? The doctors said no.

My husband and I decided to refuse a tracheostomy because we understood that if Lesha could not be cured, we should not artificially prolong his suffering. We did not want him to be given additional pain at the end of his life, to cut him.

We would not have forgiven ourselves for this for the rest of our lives.

We went for a consultation to another hospital to the head of resuscitation. He said: “Olya, I have had a child with SMA on a ventilator in intensive care for the third year now. He has no skills, he cannot communicate, move. Just lying and watching cartoons. I told you this, and then you decide what you will do.”

Children with SMA are very smart, they understand everything

I went to consult with the father. The priest said: “Olya, nurses work in the intensive care unit every three days. They are interchangeable. And you will have to be permanent near this apparatus. How many days do you think you'll start going crazy? If you had one child, I would say to you: yes, this is your cross, carry it. But you have two more children.”

I kept thinking and thinking. I understood that Lesha was simply prolonging the agony with this ventilator. He can't do anything by himself. He is fed through a tube, he breathes through a tube, mucus is pumped out of his throat with a catheter, he could no longer even go to the toilet himself, they inserted candles for him. This is an endless torment for him. And it is painful for us parents to see our child in such a state. It should not be like this, a person should die a natural death, surrounded by love, care, and not by all these tubes and beeping devices. The trouble is that children with SMA are very smart, they all understand what is happening to them ...

We were like hostages in this intensive care unit. It turned out that by calling an ambulance, we wanted to help the child, but then the cycle of the medical system began to spin, and now our child is tied to a ventilator, and we no longer have a choice, we were driven into a cage.

At night I could not sleep and came up with a plan to steal Lesha from intensive care. There seemed to be no way out. Doctors insisted on a tracheostomy. We were threatened that they would go to the police if we interfered with the child's treatment. I asked: “But how can you cure him?”. They said no.

Soon we were called to the guardianship authorities, to which the hospital applied, and asked why we were refusing to treat the child.

My husband and I were like hunted animals.

Day and night we prayed that Lesha would be able to breathe without a ventilator, and we would take him home from the hospital.

One day we came to visit Lesha in intensive care. The manager came out to us and said: “Alexey is not here. He was transferred to another intensive care unit.” I asked: “How did you move? He didn't even have clothes." The manager told me not to worry that such children can live long, up to 18 years old, that Lesha is a pretty child ... I didn’t listen to what she says, only her words stuck in my head: “Now the main thing is your Alexei’s health.” What did she want to say?

We immediately went to the hospital in Izmailovo, where Lesha was transferred. And they regretted that they did not agree to transfer there earlier. There is a small intensive care unit, only 3 children, parents can stay all day. Local resuscitators continued to insist on a tracheostomy. One doctor persuaded us: “Why don't you agree? He can even learn to speak with a tracheostomy. He will live for a long time. Everything will be fine". But we understood that this was not true, Lesha had the most aggressive form of SMA, with which children do not live long...

We spent whole days with Lesha in intensive care. Because of the tubes, I could not take him in my arms, shake him, could not give a pacifier. I just sat next to him and stroked his head.

When I was around, he almost did not cry, calmly fell asleep. I understood that later I would really regret that month in the previous resuscitation when I could not spend time with him. Resuscitators began to train Lesha to breathe on his own. Then they brought us a device for non-invasive ventilation from the hospice to try to transfer Lesha from a tube to a mask.

Once I noticed that Lesha had an unusually large amount of mucus in his throat, so I called the resuscitator on duty. The resuscitator came very angry and said: “I told you that you need to put a tracheostomy. His endotracheal tube has shifted, and now this will happen very often.”

She took Lesha away and returned him to me 15 minutes later, all bloody. Lesha had furious eyes. If he is not sleeping, then he was not given anesthesia when they moved the tube? I asked: "Didn't you give him anesthesia?" The resuscitator answered: “Why does he need anesthesia, he has SMA, he has no reflexes.” But he feels everything, he was in pain!!!

I realized that I needed to be discharged home as soon as possible, otherwise this horror could happen again. She asked our doctor to try to transfer Lesha to ventilation through a mask as soon as possible. And this was done. Lyosha breathed calmly on the mask, smiled and quickly fell asleep. The head of the palliative department said that tomorrow at 9 am we can be discharged. But some feeling inside told me that I had to go home today, otherwise the situation when a tube was inserted into Lesha's throat without anesthesia could happen again.

The head of the department did not want to let us go in the evening. She screamed and said that she would contact the police if we left the hospital in the evening.

And indeed, I received a call on my mobile from an unknown number: “Hello, this is the juvenile department. Where are you now?

Do you really want to take the child from the hospital against the will of the doctors?”. They said they would "keep me in check" so I wouldn't harm my baby.

Lesha and I were still in the hospital, and the police came to our house in 2 cars. They rang the doorbell, but the husband did not open it.

I understood that if we stayed in the hospital now, Lesha could again end up on a ventilator, in intensive care, and we might no longer have another chance to take him home. But I didn't know what to do. And then, late in the evening, the head doctor of this hospital called me and said: “You can safely go home. It's a disgrace that the doctors called the police. Here is my mobile phone, if you have any problems, call me at least at night. The police have already left."

I called a private ambulance and we drove home. Lesha smiled, I think he understood that we were going home.

At home, every 3 hours we fed him through a tube, coughed with the help of an expectorator, and sanitized him. Lesha breathed with the help of a non-invasive lung ventilation apparatus through a mask. My husband and I took him in our arms, shook him, talked to him, read aloud.

The next day, a juvenile inspector came to our house. For a very long time she asked my husband and I questions, recorded the answers. What is the child's diagnosis, when did we get to the hospital, when we were discharged, how does he feel.

Alyosha has not been able to take a single breath since birth. The baby was born with an organic lesion of the central nervous system and severe malformations - esophageal atresia and tracheal stenosis. Doctors performed an operation on the esophagus, but the tracheal stenosis could not be cured.

Alyosha spent the first 3 months of his life in intensive care on a ventilator. So that the parents could take the baby home from intensive care, the doctors installed a tracheostomy - they made an incision in the neck and inserted a tube.

But a tracheostomy is only a temporary salvation. Alexey cannot speak, cannot swim, it hurts him to swallow pieces of food. This is a direct open access to the lungs for various infections. At any moment, the baby can pull out the tube and suffocate. At 2 years old, he still cannot stand and walk on his own. But he is surprisingly inquisitive, clever, cheerful kid! Only the smallest thing is missing - to breathe without obstacles. This requires a complex operation.

In Russia, such operations are not done at such a young age and you have to wait up to 5-6 years. But this is the time that the baby will not have to live, but to survive! Such a disease can be cured even at 2 years old in Israel. The family had already visited the doctor at the clinic in December 2016, where Lyosha was carefully examined and diagnosed with complete respiratory obstruction.

Computed tomography showed that her area is small, but it absolutely does not allow Alyosha to breathe. The only way out is an operation to remove scars, expand, and strengthen the respiratory lumen - laryngoplasty. The cost of the operation was 62,370 USD, i.e. 3,851,971.2 rubles (at the exchange rate of Sberbank 60.76+1 ruble as of February 9, 2017). Part of the amount was raised by the parents themselves. To pay the bill, they lacked 51,370 USD, that is, 3,172,611 rubles (at the rate of Sberbank 60.76 + 1 ruble on 02/09/2017). A family living in a remote village in a house with stove heating turned to the Alyosha Foundation for help.

After collection

Alyosha's story touched hundreds of people. A huge number of those who were not indifferent turned to us, being interested in the fate of the boy. Already at the end of February, wonderful news came to us. The German charitable foundation Ein Herz für Kinder transferred 10,000 EUR to the account of the medical center, and the Russian Copper Company - 25,000 EUR. Thus, our collection was reduced to 15,400 USD and we closed it already at the beginning of March. The collected funds will be transferred to the clinic's account in the near future. The operation was scheduled for March 27, 2017, but then the doctors postponed it to May 8, 2017 due to fears of not having time to raise funds for living and bronchitis, which the boy suddenly fell ill with.

Parents' message

"Hello, our dear Lesha's helpers and respected foundation! There are no words to describe our joy! Our collection for laryngoplasty is closed! It was a considerable expense and a difficult collection, but the money was raised. And I wholeheartedly thank the Alyosha Charitable Foundation for their help son! You know, many funds did not take us to the collection, but we were not left alone ... And I directly felt that this was our fund when I wrote a letter asking for help! Dear people! You gave little Lyoshka a chance to defeat the disease! Let your good will return to you a hundredfold! I will definitely write how our treatment is going so that you can see what an important and good deed you have done!

Our huge gratitude to the President of the Foundation Alexei Zinoviev, Development Director Anna Zinovieva, PR-manager Irina Zamotina for sensitivity and attention to our Lyoshka! We wish you prosperity, kind, honest people nearby, grateful wards! Peace, light and love to your families! Thank you!!!"

Family message