Methods for gaining energy. Energy recharge from fire

The sources of human life energy, the methods of its recruitment, preservation and proper use - this is a huge topic, a huge amount of knowledge, a lot of techniques that a person has to master on the way of his development and abilities that need to be revealed. Therefore, we, of course, will not be able to consider everything within the framework of one article.

But we will consider the most basic for life and effective energy development: the main types of energy and its sources, the relationship of energy sources with and, the main ways of gaining energy that every person needs for development and health, the basic principles of accumulation and conservation of energy, etc.

Types and sources of energy necessary for development and life

Energy, life force is different. For the physical body, for health - one energy is needed (physiological, ethereal), in order to think - another (mental), in order to influence others and be a charismatic leader - the third (astral, etc.). For a harmonious life, effective activity, success and happiness, all sources of vital energy are needed.

But the vast majority of people live on the energy bottom and use only a few public sources of energy - this is sleep, food, physical education (and not all of them).

So here it is: healthy sleep- gives a maximum of 15-20% of vital energy (almost all of its types), healthy food without harmful additives - gives 3-5% of physiological energy, but it often happens that a person spends more energy on digesting food than he receives from it. Sports, fitness, competent physical development can give another 10% of vital energy (physiological, ethereal and a little astral).

But, as you hopefully noticed, these three most common and affordable sources of energy give a person a maximum of 20-25% of all the energy that is available to people.

So, what kind of energy is needed for life and effective development in order to always feel as cheerful and energetic as possible:

physiological energy needed by the body. Methods of its set: quality sleep, healthy food, exercise (regular exercise), relaxation techniques and initial meditation - more.

Aetheric Energy necessary for the physical and . Methods for recruiting aetheric energy:, ( , etc.), running, physical exercise, meditative and special esoteric techniques for gaining etheric energy.

astral energy it is necessary to feel strength, to fight, to influence others, to discover extrasensory abilities, to develop one's own. Methods for recruiting astral energy: sleep (to a minimum), some sports (martial arts, etc.), relaxation and meditation techniques. The initial technique for entering meditation is described step by step.

mental energy necessary for thinking, to think, analyze, find and make decisions, to create mental images, to develop the abilities of the mind and. Methods for recruiting mental energy: a targeted set of mental energy in meditation (on the mental body), exercises for the development of the mind (chess, etc.), reading, writing, analysis, any mental activity (problem solving).

Spirit flow energy, which fills each person, depending on how open a person is to the Higher Forces, how much he trusts God. The stream of the spirit is a column of white light 10-15 cm in diameter, which enters from above through the top of the head. If you know this, you can purposefully fill yourself with the energy of the Spirit every day. It is necessary to fill yourself with white light from top to bottom, like a hollow vessel, wave after wave several times until you feel the overflow of energy in the body. But many people may have blocks on the flow of the spirit because of them, this can often be seen with atheists.

Energy of aspirations, which are in every human chakra. If a person has significant ones that he aspires to, he will always have energy. Aspiration or the energy of motivation is the most powerful source of life force. Accordingly, if a person has no goals, there is no meaning to life, if his aspirations are extinguished, he will be de-energized and weak. In order to have a lot of vital energy that overflows, you need regularly and with motives.

If you decide to work individually with a Mentor to learn how to gain and manage energy - I can help you with this.

Energy is the ability of a body to do work. The scourge of modern society is chronic human fatigue, and a total lack of free energy, which is needed both to achieve one's goals and for daily existence.

Now the average person is a biorobot that lives mechanically, thinks mechanically. One can only dream about one's goals, creativity, self-expression, health, peace, harmony. The vicious circle "work-home-... (hereinafter - add by choice - children, lovers, alcohol, illness, psychosis, TV, mother-in-law, debts ...", as a vampire takes away free energy, makes it impossible to remember that "A slave of a vicious circle" is a person, a person with thoughts, goals, desires, hopes...

You have a choice - 1) live in this mode, not trying to understand it; 2) to understand this, but to live in the mode of a masochist - I feel bad, but I will not live differently; 3) find a way out of your vicious circle, having accumulated enough energy to break it.

“Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right?”, as Dostoevsky said.

And in order to provide for oneself both “should” and “want”, ENERGY is needed. Get it all done, do it all.

More precisely, you have the energy - otherwise you wouldn’t “spin-spin-plow”. I'm talking about the extra energy that almost everyone lacks.

The recipe for getting it is not in coffee, not in doping, not in passive rest, not in drugs, but in learning to simply accumulate it in yourself ...

Physicists say that matter is condensed energy held in one place by a magnetic field. That is, matter can hold and store energy. Practically, in any quantities and volumes. Radioactive elements that participate in nuclear fusion reactions and release a huge amount of energy confirm this.

ANY person has the ability to accumulate energy in volumes greater than what comes to him with food, and which is calculated in calories.

Qigong adepts were especially successful in the practices of gathering and using energy. But, I will not campaign for any side, leaving it to your conscious choice. I will campaign to take the best methods that can "work". My goal in this article is to give practical methods that the average person, busy with life, can use to maintain a high energy tone.

First of all, to ensure such a tone (accumulation of additional energy), we need to pay attention to astral energy. Keep in mind - a person is not only a physical body. This body is 1/7th of what a HUMAN is.

What is this kind of energy that can be taken from somewhere and "shove" somewhere?

I will use the term "astral energy", someone is more comfortable with the term "Qi energy". The concept of "astral energy" is present in more than 40 world cultures of the past and present.

Astral energy, and not just the energy of food calories, is the fuel for our existence.

Our body, like a sponge, is saturated with astral energy. Energy channels permeate the entire body, like blood vessels. Hindus determine that there are 72,000 of these channels, others believe that 400,000 thousand ... In general, a lot, but this is not so important. Many have heard of chakras. These are energy centers that are responsible for the transformation of incoming energy and its use for various needs of the body.

All of these are dynamic formations. Everything in the human body is always moving. Energy too - enters the body (physical or spiritual), redistributed, and used.

But there are such energy centers in the structure of the human astral body that allow you to accumulate and store energy “in reserve”, like fat deposits.

For us, and I think you will agree with me, there is a need for energy both “for later” and “here and now”.

And below, methods for obtaining additional energy for current spending, and "in reserve" will be considered.

Where do you get this energy from? Roughly and simply speaking - out of thin air. Energy is dissolved around us like oxygen is dissolved in water. Fish swim in the water and extract oxygen from the water. A person also “floats” in energy and participates (more often in a passive way) in its “absorption”. Put this process of "suction" under control, and you will receive more energy.

Therefore, we will not get into any “astrals, nirvanas, cosmos, atmans, agni, shamballas”. It's simple, much simpler than you think.

Let's start with the method that will allow you to accumulate energy in reserve. for strategic purposes. I am a supporter of the fact that the supply of energy should always be, and not just for this minute. With such a strategic accumulative approach, you will increase your energy intensity for a long time (like battery capacity), and provide yourself with a stable high vitality.

Moreover, if necessary, it is easier to get energy from the internal “warehouse” than to collect it over and over again for the current need from space.

This method is taken from the practice of Qigong, and is simplified as much as possible. However, it has been tested in practice, as a worker.

In Qigong, there is the concept of "dan-tian" (DT). In translation, this is "a field (area) with an elixir." Elixir is energy.

This is a separate area in the astral body, which is designed for the accumulation and storage of energy. It is a kind of energy reservoir. By the way, there are three of these reservoirs. Lower, middle and upper.

As I understand it in a simplified version. The lower one serves for the accumulation of physical energy, the middle one - for the accumulation of emotional energy, the upper one - for mental energy. That is, for the most important types of energy. All these three diesel engines can be "pumped" and filled with energy. And simple enough. No need to get into the esoteric jungle. Everything effective is always simple.

Feel these areas in your physical body. Watch what's going on there. Don't be surprised if nothing happens. For the first time, you may not feel or understand that you might have something there. It's not scary.

Turn on your imagination, and imagine that in the places of DT, you have - for example, a balloon (to make it easier to imagine). And we will fill them with energy in this way.

It's worth starting from the bottom section. We take a deep breath, imagine that we draw in the flow of energy into ourselves when we inhale through the nose. At the end of the inhalation, it is worth making a swallowing movement and, as you exhale, mentally send the energy that you inhaled to the region of the lower DT. And watch how the energy moves there (literally - pours) and settles - in this "balloon".

Again, inhale, gain energy, swallow, send energy to the DT. After a while (everyone has their own time) in this area you can feel the warmth, light heaviness, compaction. And this is good. Energy went there, it accumulated there, condensed. And you - mentally surround it with walls, compress it. How much to breathe like this? Until the above sensations appear.

The second part of the work.

Retraction of energy directly by this site. We take a breath and mentally draw in the energy from the space in the form of a stream (it doesn’t matter what color it is, it’s more important to feel it). On exhalation - tighten the stomach and seal it in the area of ​​DT. Also - before the appearance of sensations of warmth, density and heaviness.

After that, we move on to the second DT. Then - to the third. By the same methods.

Ideally, even at the end of this practice, you should feel density in the DT areas. Skill comes with practice. It didn't work the first time, it will come out the next.

Do not be like people who think in principle: “If I don’t have a “nifiga myself” the first time, then it doesn’t work. This means that they worked little and without concentration.

I would like all these three sections to be pumped in one session. And then you will have energy reserves at your disposal just in case - when “brains are boiling” - the upper DT, when “there are not enough nerves” - the middle DT, when “my strength is no more” - the lower DT.

But you can “pump” diesel fuel separately from each other - depending on what kind of load you have to do.
The accumulated energy will be partially spent arbitrarily - in the process of life, but the main supply of energy will remain.

When you need to release this accumulated energy, then stop for a couple of minutes. Come to a state of rest. Align your breath and thoughts. Concentrate on one of the DTs with a supply of the required energy. Mentally press on this "balloon", and with a deep breath, release it, stretch it, "spill" it. Feel how this energy literally spreads, fills the entire stomach (the entire chest, the entire head) with a stream of warm, viscous, pleasant force. Like hot tea from the cold. Sit for 2-3 minutes, breathe deeply and calmly. You can repeat such "pressure-spill" several times. During your rest, the energy itself will find its channel and go where it needs to ensure your strength and tone rise.

All. So simple. And after you have “discharged” your energy reserve, fill it up again.
These reserves can be left untouched, and then your average tone will simply increase arbitrarily over time. Due to the fact that “percentage on the current account” will be arbitrarily added from the DT. To the main volume of energy - a couple of percent of the additionally accumulated.

next method. Accumulation of energy in the palms. In the palms (as well as in the feet) a person has the so-called "small chakras". These are also energy centers into which energy can also be “pressed”. Many have heard that you can treat with your palms, relieve pain with your palms. This is how the energy that is present in these centers works. And in the palms, too, you can accumulate energy.

Energy is an intangible substance. She has no form, she has no weight. It can be accumulated anywhere and as much as you like - as long as your experience and knowledge last. But if we are talking about the accumulation of energy inside the body (a bundle - a physical body and an astral body), then it is worth accumulating it in energy centers.

Same with palms. The energy reserve there will be stored less than in the "dan-tian", and not for so long. Why? Because of the constant load on the hands, because of the constant contact, because of the intersection with the energy fields of other people. But it is also easier and faster to accumulate it in the palms and extract (emit) energy from there.

Remember how hands get warm from the fire, then buzz and vibrate? The fire gave its energy into your hands, and your hands accepted it.

They will also perceive the energy of space.

Rub your palms, warm them. Lay on your lap or on a table with the inside facing up. Breathe in, and as you breathe in, draw energy into them in the form of a stream of any color. As you exhale, slightly squeezing your palms, collect the energy, squeeze it (like a handful of cotton), and send the energy into your palms. And so on until the center of the palms begins to grow heavy, pulsate, and the palms themselves begin to “buzz”. Then take a deep breath, clench your fists, hold your breath.

And that's it. Ready. The reserve of energy in the palms has been created.

Strength will be needed - pull it from the palms up the arms and send it all over the body. Or put your palms - either to a sore spot, or to a place of accumulation of fatigue, or to a place that needs to be “turned on” (head, for example). And lightly pressing the palm of your hand on this place, just hold for a few seconds (minutes). The energy itself will come out and go where it is needed.

The principle is the same - we absorb it from space. But, no longer with the palms, not through the nose, nor with the Dan Tien areas, but with the WHOLE BODY. Yes, all over the body. More precisely - the whole skin. Fast, simple and easy.
To understand how it is, remember your feelings in the sauna, in the bathroom, in the hot wind. The skin "breathes", right? Right. This is how we will do it.

It doesn't matter if you are dressed or undressed. Relax, calm your mind, calm your breath.

Concentrated on the surface of the body, on the skin. They took a deep breath, with effort and tension. We keep attention on the surface of the body, and imagine that it, like a magnet, draws energy from space. We make a deep smooth exhalation, relax the whole body, and send energy through the skin, as through a membrane, into the body. Energy, like water, will spread itself through the body and fill those places where it is needed.

Again breath, tension. Exhale, relax. When I do this, goosebumps run through my body, and then the whole body - on the surface and inside, "hums" and vibrates.

Repeat until you feel that fatigue has gone and strength has appeared.

Remember that these methods are best practiced in isolation or at a distance from people, even by closing from them in another room, even moving a couple of meters away. Otherwise, you can feed yourself with their negative, sick or heavy energy. You need clean space.

And the next method, the last of those that I want to recommend, can be done in the environment of people - in the office, at a meeting, in transport, in line ...

This is a method of collecting energy not from space, but from the Earth.

Standing, sitting, it doesn't matter. With shoes, no shoes, it doesn't matter. On damp ground, on asphalt, on the first or on the sixteenth floor - it doesn't matter. There would be contact of the legs with ... the surface, and thoughts - with the ground.

Imagine that your feet have roots. that go into the ground. They go deep, reach to the center of the Earth, to its core. Just as trees get their nutrients through their roots, so it is possible through their imaginary roots to receive strength and energy from the Earth.

Talk to the Earth (the Earth is intelligent and alive, it will also be smarter than us). Ask the Earth for help, for strength, for energy. And on deep breaths, draw in energy through your feet, and if you manage to establish contact with the Earth, then you don’t need to strain, the Earth itself will give energy in excess.

Be saturated with energy, dissolve in energy, accumulate energy in the "Dan Tien". Then thank the Earth for helping, and just lift your feet off the floor.

All is ready.

these are far from the only methods of gaining energy. But these are the ones I chose as simple and effective. I have tested all these methods on myself and can vouch for their effect.

As long as you don't give them up as soon as you try. Someone will succeed the first time, and someone - the tenth. But everyone will succeed. And so - as you want.

P.S. Keep in mind that energy purity should also be observed. In the presence of energy distortions, penetrations, settlements, the evil eye, vampire bindings, the set of energy will not create a reserve of energy, but will go to the dissolution of negative energy inside the astral body. And in these cases, there will be no expected effect of recruitment and a surge of additional energy.
With God blessing!

Methods for working with negativity on your own can be found in the section

"! For many people, the issue of gaining energy is acute. In fact, the practices of gaining energy are simple and the main problem is not how to pump yourself up with it, but how to properly direct it in the right direction. Energy is a huge responsibility and Not its correct distribution entails big problems.

Before you start recruiting, you need to create a balance of energy. Distortions in the energy of a person greatly affect his health and life. Therefore, first we calm down, remove the emotions of fear, anger, envy and other obscurations. When you calm down and come into balance, you can begin exercises to restore energy and then increase it to a new level. If this is not done, you can get problems in your life.

During the exercises, we turn on figurative thinking. We represent everything in images. Also try to feel how the energy flows through your body. If you have problems with sensitivity to energy, then either there are destructive programs in the body that need to be removed, or you just need to work out a little. The blog has a lot of information on this topic.

Now an important warning. Pumping even a "leaky" body with energy is not difficult. Of course, the more holes, the faster the energy will leave the body, but when pumping energy, its excess temporarily sets in.

A large amount of energy is a great responsibility and strength. She needs to be able to manage and direct her in the right direction, otherwise problems may arise.

In the beginning, when I couldn't control it, I had problems such as light bulbs burning out, electrical appliances failing and simply not working while I was indoors. There were problems in the psyche and life situations. It is especially dangerous not to be able to control the excess energy when the car is moving.

You need to learn how to work with energy flows. If you do not control them, then others will control them and take energy from you at any opportunity.
If, after pumping the energy, you don’t direct it anywhere, problems may begin. Your body is accustomed to a certain energy flow. Each person has this flow of his own power. A sharp influx of additional energy disrupts the usual energy balance and activates karmic developments.

How is this expressed on a physical level? These can be sudden mood swings towards aggression, sores can become more active, problems with relatives or acquaintances can begin. The period of problems depends on the amount of accumulated and unused energy. As a rule, it is 1-2 days, but everything is individual.
To avoid these problems, you need to use new additional energy for your desires. This is done simply. You are doing the practice of gaining energy, and when you feel that the tanks are full, imagine your desire, and mentally direct energy to this desire. Usually, in 5-10 minutes, the energy excess goes to its destination. BUT remember, if your desire does not correspond to your destiny, you either will not succeed or trouble will begin if you constantly give energy to such a desire.

Let's first dwell on effective practices that allow us to bring a person's energy level to a new level.

Ex. 1

A simple warm-up exercise. Sitting or standing (legs and arms are not crossed), we clamp the right nostril with the right hand. With the left nostril we take a slow long breath. After inhaling, hold your breath for about 5-10 seconds, and then exhale the same slowly. I begin to feel an increase in energy flows after about 2 minutes. It is better to do this exercise in the morning with an open window. The effectiveness of the lesson can be increased if you mentally imagine that when you inhale you are filled with pure energy, which accumulates in the solar plexus and spreads throughout the body when you exhale.

Ex. 2

We charge from the sun. Our sun has tremendous energy and it can be caught. Stand facing the Sun, stretch your arms up, pointing your palms towards it. Look at the Sun through squinted eyelids. We imagine that solar energy penetrates into your body through the eyes, fingers and palms, your energy increases.

Ex. 3-6

Getting energy from fire, earth, water and air. All these elements give a wonderful charge. There is a common thing in these exercises - you need to try to feel the elements and absorb its flows. Each of these exercises is separate and independent.

Fire exercise. Look at the fire, watch the flame, then mentally enter into it. Imagine that the fire completely embraces you and its energy enters you. It penetrates every cell of yours and pumps it with new fiery power. Imagine that your problems and illnesses, your destructive programs and various blocks are burning in the fire. Fire cleanses and energizes you. When you feel that you have been saturated with the power of fire, come out of it and look at your sensations. There can be problems with fire in the city, because you can’t light a fire in an apartment 🙂 . Candle fire can be used. Mentally imagine that the fire has increased greatly and then enter into it. Of course, the result will not be the same, but the method is quite working. After a while, this exercise will begin to work out without kindling a fire, but only from a mental image of a fire.

Earth exercise. Sit on the ground and imagine how you merge with it. You become a single organism and a single information field with it. You accept the power of the Earth, and no one can disturb your peace. You become a calm and confident person. All illnesses and troubles are forced out by the power of the Earth. You can put your hands on the ground with your palms down and feel the energy of the Earth enter your body through your palms.

Water exercise. Sit next to a river or stream. Listen to the murmur of water, watch the waves. Mentally dissolve in water and imagine how with each breath the energy of water enters you. It also has the ability to cleanse the body. Merge with water and feel how all the troubles and illnesses are washed away by it, and you are pumped up with the energy of this element. Feel that you have merged with all rivers, seas and oceans. You are water and feel its energy with every cell of yours.

Air exercise. Be outdoors. Feel the breeze. Close your eyes, listen and absorb the energy of the wind. Every breath of breeze penetrates your pores. You begin to merge with it and become lighter. The air begins to literally saturate you with energy.
When you master these elemental exercises, you will easily gain additional energy throughout the day by doing your daily activities. You need to adjust your consciousness so that at any free minute you can switch to exercises.

Ex. 7

Getting energy from space. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Imagine a clear starry sky and feel how a snow-white ray of luminous energy enters you from outer space. Feel it with your whole body, feel the pleasant warmth of this extraordinary ray. Your body begins to be pumped with the energy of the cosmos, and you begin to glow with warm light from the inside. This glow is intensifying, and there is more and more energy. The beam cuts off abruptly, and the sky becomes bottomless black. Your glow remains, it is pleasant and soft. Further, your glow seems to be folded into your body. After this exercise, goosebumps may run through your body.

Now let's move on to more powerful practices for gaining energy.

Ex. 8

Technique "Kramyanets" from Rodogoy. A good powerful technique for pumping the energies of the human body and cleansing the energy. I do this technique to gain energy often.

Ex. 9

Cleansing the chakras with eights. I took this practice from Rodogoy. It also energizes well. See how it's done.

Ex. 10

We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We raise our hands up and turn our palms to the sky (see the picture on the right). We imagine how energy begins to flow from space to you. I try to use this exercise daily. 1-2 minutes of this practice and the body is well filled with energy. I do this practice in the morning, along with the Kramyanets technique.

A little about wishes. If you use energy for desires that are not true and priority for you, it will be wasted. Often there is not enough energy when you are not going according to your destiny. Take yours. It is on desires from the two most important sectors of your life that you need to direct energy. Only when you learn how to do this well, you can gradually move on to desires from other sectors.

First of all, you should remember that:

But it must be remembered that at the initial stages of training it is impossible to carry out particularly long sets, as this can lead to energy overload, which carries the danger of a mental disorder (especially for those who are not too strong).

A figurative representation should be developed in oneself and in one's mind gradually, from day to day, from month to month. This psychological effort has a quick effect - a person immediately experiences an increase in vitality and.

Getting energy from the sun

Method 1

This is the easiest way to "recharge". Raise your hands up, palms to the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to the reception and mentally? just ask the sun. Feel the whole process of receiving, filling the body with it to a feeling of fullness. Thank the Sun seven times orally or mentally, lower your hands.

Method 2

Sit on the street in front of the sun, put your hands on your knees: palms up - "coachman's pose". Imagine that a ray enters each finger from the sun. As you inhale, mentally draw these ten rays into your fingers and then pass them through your arms to your shoulders and through your chest to the solar plexus. As you exhale, twist, as in the previous method. If the weather is overcast, this should not confuse you - imagine that the sun is somewhere in front of you beyond the horizon, but its rays go to your fingers. The same exercise can be performed at home by the window.

Receiving combined energy from the Sun and the Earth

It is advisable to do this in the early morning at sunrise in a secluded place.
Rub the palms, imagining that the inlets of the channels open on the palms for passage. After rubbing and warming up the palms, you now need to massage the inlets with "mental hands", imagining how they increase in size to the size of the palm - with "mental hands" you need to stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels expand in diameter and begin to respond to the influence of "mental hands". Mentally create a small luminous ball, crush it with "mental hands". It should "swell" to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball "mental hands" "like a piston moves up and down the channels, cleaning them.
Then feel how the inlets of the channels open on the soles, massage them with "mental hands" until an opening the size of the entire foot is obtained. Then cleaning with a ball by analogy with what was said above for the hands. Face the sunrise, concentrate in the channels of the hands and at some point there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the channels of the legs and feel how they "wake up" to receive the Earth.

Replenishing Energy with Rhythmic Breathing

Put your feet together, close your fingers. Begin yogic rhythmic breathing. To do this, set the rhythm of breathing with the rhythm of the beating of your heart. Depending on fitness, inhalation can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse beats, exhalation is made equal in duration to inhalation, holding the breath after inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, a pause after exhalation is also equal to holding the breath. That is, if inhalation is 6 beats, then exhalation is 6, a pause after inhalation is 3, a pause after exhalation is -3.

In no case should you overwork yourself with this breathing, everything should happen freely with a figurative representation of the merging with the entire Cosmos coming from the surrounding air during inhalation.

Be a puppet for a few days and you won't recognize yourself, let alone your acquaintances.

Recharging from trees

Set of energy from natural object

Can be done while sitting, lying down, on the move, on the run. Imagine that an energy vortex is inserted into your crown. Choose a natural site that you would like to use. It can be the sun, a star, a cloud, a patch of clear sky, a tree, water in a pond, snow, etc. As I inhale, imagine that a cloud is separated from this object k (the color that is most pleasing to you) and drawn into a funnel. Mentally accompany it on the same breath to the region d of the solar plexus. As you exhale, imagine that this cloud in the solar plexus is twisting into a ball in a clockwise direction, if you look at you from the front. This ball with each inhalation-exhalation increases in size and becomes denser. Its dimensions will determine the dimensions of your biofield.

Full yoga breath

It is performed from any position: standing, sitting, lying down, while walking. After exhalation, slowly inhale for a count of 8, first filling the lower part of the lungs with air (the abdomen stretches forward), then the middle part (the ribs and chest expand), finally the upper part (the collarbones rise). At this moment, the stomach reflexively pulls up to the spine. Then a slow exhalation begins: first, the stomach is pulled inward, then the chest and shoulders fall. These wave-like movements should be soft, smooth, without sharp shocks and large stresses. In this case, you need to mentally imagine the process of filling and distribution: during inhalation, as it were, it accumulates in the solar plexus. When exhaling from the solar plexus, it enters every organ, every cell of the body and strengthens them.

rhythmic breathing

Its essence is to coordinate the rhythm of breathing with the rhythm of the body's oscillations. This allows you to enter into harmony with the rhythms of the Cosmos and productively assimilate.

The rules of rhythmic breathing: inhalation and exhalation are the same in duration (from 6 to 16 heartbeats), pauses (holding the breath) after inhalation and exhalation in duration - half of the inhalation or exhalation. Suppose the initial duration of inhalation and exhalation is 6 beats of the pulse. Sit on a chair (back, neck, head in one straight line) or in one of the yoga postures for breathing exercises. Feel the pulse on the left hand with the fingers of the right hand. Inhale slowly and deeply for 6 beats of the pulse. Hold your breath for 3 beats. Exhale smoothly for 6 beats of the pulse. Before starting a new breath, hold your breath for 3 beats of the pulse. Repeat the exercise several times without getting tired.

After several days of training, you can gradually increase the time of inhalation and exhalation to 16 beats of the pulse and 8 beats on pause.

Exercise for the accumulation of energy in the body

Lie on your back, put your hands on the solar plexus area and breathe rhythmically. When the rhythm of breathing is established, think that each breath brings the greatest amount from the external environment, transmitting its nerve to the system, collecting it in the solar plexus. With each exhalation, imagine what is spreading throughout the body, filling every organ, muscle, every cell, every nerve and every blood vessel, filling the whole body with vigor and strength. There is no need to strain the will, one should give an order and clearly present a picture of these actions. can be represented as a gas or liquid of a color that is comfortable for you (, silver-blue, golden, etc.)

By storing an excess amount with the help of exercise, you can imagine how this one leaves your body, enveloping your body. You find yourself inside a field closed to you, which is able to reflect various harmful effects of other energies.


This breath is used for powerful recruitment and strength. Its practice dates back many centuries. Its methodology provides for the implementation of four mandatory elements of the ritual.

1. During breathing, the lower abdomen moves back and forth in accordance with inhalations and exhalations.
2. The gaze should be focused inseparably on one fixed point.
3. Breathing should be intermittent, i.e. jerky, with stops both on inhalation and on exhalation.
4. All your attention, especially on exhalation, is focused on the lower abdomen. You must clearly imagine that you are pumping yourself with gigantic power with the help of this breath, as if charging a very capacious battery. Zen breathing is a favorite exercise of the giant Japanese sumo wrestlers.

(according to Yu. A. Andreev)

The breathing schedule resembles the pattern of a fortress wall: the rise of a tooth is inhalation, the step of a tooth is a pause, the movement down the tooth is exhalation, the gap to the next tooth is a pause, etc.

Breathing is done by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Mentally draw in on inhalation through the solar plexus. During a pause, we form a ball in the solar plexus like a whitish cloud. On exhalation, we mentally direct this cloud to the organ that we want to strengthen energetically, for example, in the heart. During a pause, dissolve the ball in this organ.
This breathing allows you to get the greatest effect during movement, jogging. It is best to make a set mentally into the solar plexus from some powerful natural energy carrier, for example, the sun, a cloud, a clear sky area, a sea, a river, a mountain peak, trees, etc.

(according to Yu. A. Andreev)

This breathing is like a double-acting pump: on inhalation, it is collected and sent to the organ whose energy you want to strengthen, and on exhalation, negative information is removed from another organ that usually bothers you, or what is superfluous, harmful to your body is eliminated. (for example, the accumulation of fat in a particular place).

Inhale and exhale through your mouth. On inspiration, we simultaneously protrude the peritoneum and draw it in through two fists folded in a tube one in front of the other near the mid-eyebrow (area of ​​the "third eye"). It is recommended to take a double breath. During this two-stroke inhalation, we send the ball to that organ or that part of the body that requires energy replenishment. It can be the heart, any other organ, a group of muscles, etc. During the pause between inhalation and exhalation, we dissolve this ball in the "addressee". Making a long slow exhalation, we tighten our stomach and mentally push out of ourselves what we would like to eliminate, through the surface of the body closest to this place.
For example, chronic cystitis in the bladder interferes with someone, and for someone - a fatty fold in a particular place. When the "dirty" is removed, the negative information that the cells of this organ obey is eliminated, and occurs; normalization process.

According to the experience of Yu. Andreev, in obese people, working as a second wind, there is a rapid normalization of weight.

solar breath

The meaning of this breathing is the absorption of the sun by that side of the body that is currently facing the sun. With each breath, we absorb sunlight with the entire illuminated surface of the body and send it to our heart, where we dissolve it according to the number one breath.
Activating intelligence

Imagine that instead of a head, you have a dark blue cap like a police flasher on your shoulders. And then the "flashing light" started working, the dark blue impulse in it began to rotate clockwise and sparkle. Mentally hold this state for at least 20 seconds.

Harmonization of the chakras

The color designation adopted by the author of this method, Yu. A. Andreev, is somewhat different from the generally accepted one. But the criterion of truth is practice. According to the author, those who performed these exercises flawlessly experienced a noticeable improvement in well-being.

Imagine that you are sitting on a small stool, and under your tip is a bucket without a handle with a hole in the side. Fill it mentally with chips, paper, birch bark, fir cones and set it on fire. A fire flares up, and the flame, rising, begins to lick your bottom. Under the influence of fire, this one begins to glow with an intense light. Throw larger pieces of wood into the fire, causing the flame to grow.

The flame rises higher and begins to lick the inside of the spine at the level of the pubis. A bright red ball appears there, which, under the influence of fire, is heated and glows dazzlingly like a sun. We encourage the flame to flare up higher and higher, and now its tongues are licking an orange ball located near the spine, at the level of the navel, about the same color as the jackets of railway workers are.

The flame rises higher and higher, and now it is already licking the emerald green ball located above the diaphragm - the heart. We throw firewood into the fire, and the flame rises higher, reaches a turquoise ball located in the middle of the throat. The ball glows in the purest blue, and the flame rises higher and licks, located in the center of the head. A ball appears, glowing in intense blue, and the flame, rising up, licks the crown of the head from the inside, where it is located, which is responsible for our connection with the cosmos. She begins to glow with a magical pearl light. The fire rises higher and higher, now it has already shot up above your head, then it begins to fall. With our inner eye, we look in reverse order at this picture of lit bright ones.

Chakra cleansing

Imagine a horizontal plane of infinite dimensions passing through your upper . Mentally imagine that on this plane there is an hour dial with an axis above the center of the forehead, and the numbers 1, 2, Z ... 12 are located, respectively, around you in a clockwise direction. Imagine that a laser beam is fired from about infinity through the number 1 and the center of your top, going further into infinity. Passing through, he promptly opens it. Then exactly the same shot of a laser beam from infinity to infinity through the number 2 and the center of the highest top. Further, similar shots at regular intervals through the numbers 3, 4, 5 ... 12. Thus, your upper

To encourage the existing and acting in you to begin to circulate evenly throughout the body and noticeably revive, awaken from sleep the command areas of your brain, use the recommendation of the famous Japanese author K. Nishi. Lying in bed, bring your legs under the covers like this
so that the feet are closed. In this case, a closed circulatory system is created in the body. At the same time, close your palms together, placing them in front of your chest.
On the recommendation of Yu. A. Andreev, having closed the fingers of the palms, you can put them under your head just below the crown. Since our palms are powerful emitters, this one begins to activate the most important areas of the brain, which are responsible for the activity of almost all the main vital systems of the body. Gradually open your fingers so that the palms "slid down" to the ears. It takes 5-10 minutes

Gaining Energy in Yoga

Exercise 1

The most effective recruiting exercise is Bhastrika. It provides a strong influx into the body. No exercise gives as much in a very short period of time as Bhastrika. Get in a comfortable position with your back straight. Take a deep breath, then a sharp exhalation and a passive breath, a sharp exhalation and a passive breath, and so on 20 times. After the end of the last exhalation, take a deep breath through the nose and hold your breath for as long as you can. Repeat the exercise two more times. Yogic sources believe that an accelerated exhalation should take about two tenths of a second, and a passive inhalation from three tenths to eight tenths of a second. If you do this exercise every morning before breakfast, then the healing and rejuvenation of your body will become a reality.

Exercise 2

We imagine a bright sunny day, the air is simply filled with sunshine. When inhaling through the nose, we mentally imagine that the air is inhaled through a kind of virtual funnel located in the solar plexus. This is followed by a pause, during which you mentally form an energy cloud from the collected energy cloud in the solar plexus. Then exhale, during which you mentally direct the cloud to the organ that needs support and dissolve it there. You can simply direct the cloud to the lower part of the body or to the upper. Repeat the cycle several times - the more the better. This exercise significantly increases the energy of a person. If you constantly perform it, then healing from many diseases will not take long.

Exercise 3

Standing, imagine the bright sun above your head. We raise our hands to the top, imagine how the sun sinks into our hands. Hold it above your head and observe the flow of its rays. Then we shift the sun to one hand, for example, to the left and imagine that it becomes liquid and flows down the arm into the upper body. We lead the sun down the body, lower it along the right leg to the foot and through it it returns to the sky. During the exercise, we imagine how the sun, passing through the body, fills all the muscles and organs with golden color. Repeat, changing arms and legs accordingly.

Exercise 4

The exercise is done while standing. We close our eyes and imagine that we are standing on the Earth with bare feet and that a stream of heavy warm and viscous liquid of golden color begins to flow through the feet. Your body is an empty vessel, into which this liquid enters with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. After filling, imagine that you are shining golden. Stay in this state for a few seconds.
The next two recruitment exercises must be performed in nature, in the country.

Exercise 5

Stand facing the sun and stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms in the sun. Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the sun enter your hands, pass into the body and gradually fill it from the inside with a golden glow. Do this until your palms tingle and you feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

Exercise 6

This is one of the ancient methods of increasing human energy. You need to sit with your legs crossed. Put your hands on your knees, connecting the thumb and forefinger on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. By establishing deep breathing and focusing on the thought that when you inhale the Earth enters through your fingertips into the body, and when you exhale it dissolves in it.

Energy distribution

Distribution throughout the body can be done using an imaginary transparent plane, which must be "drawn" mentally through your entire body, from the soles to the top of the head.

Starting position: lying on your back, eyes closed, palms up. As the plane passes, it is necessary to imagine and feel how, after passing it, the body dissolves and disappears.

Life is the presence of bioenergy, or, in other words, the presence of a biofield. Our health, well-being, luck depend on the strength of the biofield. Therefore, the most important task is to learn how to gain energy of the required quality, distribute it correctly and be able to retain (in a different way, not to lose).

First week

1.1 When gaining energy, it is necessary to imagine how the pure energy of the Cosmos (prana) flows into the body and then spreads through it, filling the body with vitality, purity, lightness. And the brighter and more figurative the performance, the better and fuller the set of energy. Prana can be represented as haze, haze or something very thin, unsteady, airy transparent.

1.2- Stand straight. Relax ... Imagine a huge thousand-leaf lotus flower (in the form of a bowl) above your head. Pure energy (prana) from the infinite Cosmos pours into the lotus in a continuous stream, overflowing it, expiring on you. Gently raise your hands with your palms up. Don't stress them. The posture is comfortable. There shouldn't be any bad feelings. Feel how prana flows into your palms (in the form of tingling, or pressure, or heat, or coolness, etc.) and spreads throughout your body, through every cell.

It is better to perform the exercise with your eyes closed, 2-3 times a day for 20-30 seconds.

Second week

Take a comfortable position. Relax... Imagine how during inhalation you absorb pure cosmic energy (prana) from all sides with your whole body, and during exhalation it spreads throughout the body, through all organs and systems, through every cell. Breathing is normal, do not take a deep breath, do not strain.

Perform 3-4 such breaths 2-3 times a day. Continue gathering energy in the ways suggested earlier

Third week

You must mentally represent the set of energy and its distribution throughout the body. And each time you take a breath, you must imagine how prana flows into your body, and during exhalation it spreads through it. You may not feel the movement of prana itself. But you will definitely feel the result - fatigue, discomfort will disappear, well-being will improve, a feeling of strength and peace will appear. Continue gathering energy in the ways suggested earlier

Fourth week

Relax. Raise your hands palms up. As you inhale, imagine how prana flows into your hands, and as you exhale, it spreads throughout the body, through each of its cells. Continue gathering energy in the ways suggested earlier

Fifth week. Recruitment of energy through the chakras

Attention to Sahasrara - 7th chakra. In the region of the crown, you feel a slight pulsation, pressure, as if the energy is pressing on the crown. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos flows into the Sahasrara Chakra, and as you exhale, it spreads through all organs and systems, filling them with vitality, energy. 1 min. 2 - 3 times a day. Continue gathering energy in the ways suggested earlier

sixth week

A) Continue to gain energy through the Sahasrara chakra 2-3 times a day for 1 minute.

B) A set of energy through 1 chakra - Muladhara. Focus on Muladhara. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine how during inhalation prana fills the Muladhara chakra, and during exhalation it spreads throughout the body, filling it with calmness, lightness, relaxation and health.

Run 1 min. 2 - 3 times a day.

seventh week

Continue to collect energy through the Sahasrara chakra and through the Muladhara chakra, as described in the previous lesson.

A set of energy through Svadhisthana - 2 chakra. Bring your attention to the center of your belly. Relax, close your eyes. You feel a slight tingling, burning in the center of the abdomen. Imagine how prana fills the Svadhisthana chakra during inhalation. During exhalation, it spreads throughout the body, in every cell, filling the body with energy, strength, vivacity.

Eighth week

Continue gathering energy through the Sahasrara chakra, the Muladhara chakra and the Swadhisthana chakra.

Move your attention to Manipura - 3 chakra; it is located in the upper abdomen. Relax, close your eyes. Attention to the navel, you feel warmth in the navel area ... Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos is screwed in a spiral through the navel into the Manipura chakra, and during exhalation it spreads over all organs and systems, filling them with vitality, vivacity and health.

Perform no more than 1 minute 2-3 times a day.

Ninth week

Continue gathering energy through Sahasrara Chakra, Muladhara Chakra, Svadhisthana Chakra and Manipura Chakra.

Move your attention to the 4th chakra Anahata (center of the chest). Relax, close your eyes. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos pours into the Anahata Chakra, and during exhalation it spreads throughout the body, filling it with lightness, freshness, and good health. Perform no more than 1 minute 2-3 times a day.

tenth week

Recruitment of energy through the chakras. Continue gathering energy through the chakras described in the previous sessions.

Move your attention to the 5th chakra Vishuddha. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos flows into the Vishuddha chakra, and during exhalation it spreads throughout the body, filling it with energy, joy, and good mood.

Eleventh week

Recruitment of energy through the chakras. Continue to build energy through the chakras, described in previous sessions.

Move your attention to the 6th chakra Ajna. Imagine how, during inhalation, the pure energy of the Cosmos flows into the Ajna Chakra, and during exhalation it spreads throughout the body, filling all organs and systems of the body with vitality, energy, vivacity and good health. Perform no more than 1 min. 2 - 3 times a day.

Twelfth week

Perform exercises to gain energy through all seven chakras, devoting no more than 1 minute to each of them 2 to 3 times a day.

Solar Energy Kit - Adding

Until now, we have been fueled only by pure cosmic energy. It made a lot of sense. As the main and basic source of energy, it must be left forever and in the future. It is the only one of all sources that, in principle, does not have a harmful component, it is primordially pure and absolutely harmless. In the world of that energy, there is still no struggle, opposites, and, therefore, there is neither good nor evil. Therefore, there can be no harm, although the influx of energy is small, but by working with it for a long time, you can get any desired (positive) effect.

Other energy sources already require compliance with safety regulations, precautions. And although they can give a lot of energy, they can also give a lot of harm. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a set of energy through other (non-cosmic) objects with stricter observance of the specified rules.

The sun is the source of all life on Earth, it provides all the physical energy (except atomic) that people use. But in the Sun there is also a bioenergetic component of the field, which is gradually fed by each person. It can be significantly strengthened by special exercises and have an additional very strong source of the biofield.

Stand facing the Sun (if cloudy, then in the direction of its intended location - your body will find it on its own). Straighten your shoulders, chest slightly up and forward, head slightly back. With your mind's eye, with all your attention, turn to the Sun, you can raise your hands, pointing your palms towards it (you can also do this: straighten your shoulders and stretch your arms towards the Sun).

Throw away all thoughts, feelings, relax. Feel the simultaneous process: your entire field is carried to the Sun, flows into it, merges with it, and on the other hand, the energy, strength, light, purity, nobility of the Sun flow on you, flow into you, spreading through the body with strength, energy, freshness .

Maintain this process of merging with the Sun for about two minutes at the beginning. Later, you can increase the time to 5 - 7 minutes or more, depending on how you feel and the internal needs of the body.

What could be the dangers? Too much energy flow, overexcitation, overheating, and a certain rise in pressure, in short, all those symptoms that arise from taking stimulants, are not excluded. If these negative points are noticed by you, then you should better charge yourself with the Moon (described in the next lesson).

Thirteenth week

b) If there are no negative manifestations, then continue to collect solar energy, as described in the previous lesson.

c) A set of lunar energy.

The moon is the second most powerful and important planet for humans. It gives calmness, strength, balance, magical power. It is better to feed on it in the evening or at night; if possible, you can directly look at it. If not, then the Moon should be represented by conditionally standing in front of it.

Raise your hands, pointing your palms towards the Moon, relax... Go out into global meditation for a short time... Feel the infinite Cosmos from all sides... Feel the cosmic silence... Slowly return back - but not to the body, but to the Moon. Feel its boundaries, dimensions, mountains, moon dust, cold surface, its orange glow, radiation... Feel the full density, volume of its huge mass, huge energy, strength, majestic calmness... Merge with it, resonate, feel it all, to every atom , realize its mechanisms, the laws of existence, its eternity, its richness of manifestations, its enormous potentialities... Wish to receive this wealth (as if you ask), this strength, energy and calmness... Feel that you are receiving it... Gradually begin to feel how energy The moon flows into your channels, chakras, aura, through the hands, Sahasrara into the whole body, filling with life-giving energy all the organs and systems of the body, each of its cells.

Fourteenth week

b) The collection of energy through the Sun, Moon and art should be continued so that you can appreciate what it gives you. Only then can you choose what is more useful to you (otherwise you may lose some method that is very important to you).

c) Be sure to test the method of gaining energy through other planets several times, leaving for yourself those that give you a lot of the necessary energy. The following energy planets are known after the Sun and the Moon:

Venus - gives purity, beauty, subtlety. A set of energy through meditation on it is combined with both the Sun and the Moon.

Mars - gives energy and strength to fight, increases activity. To increase the level of spirituality of this active energy, the intake of energy through Mars is best combined with the intake of energy through the Sun and Jupiter.

Jupiter - gives nobility, balance, spirituality, intelligence, strength. Combines with all planets, restrains their negative manifestations.

Mercury - gives business qualities, practicality, earthiness, prone to selfishness. Meditation on Mercury is useful for romantics, dreamers, impractical people, too simple-hearted, gullible.

Saturn - gives flexibility, speed of reaction, resourcefulness, adventurism, secrecy. Definitely requires Jupiter or the Sun for joint meditation.

Energy should be collected in the same way as was described for the Sun or Moon. The quality, type of energy should be represented (as if asked) for the one indicated in the characteristics of the planets (described above).

Recruitment of energy through plants, nature

You should definitely learn this and leave the skills for life, they will give you energy all your life. This should be done whenever possible, and it almost always is. Wherever you are, there are always clean, beautiful natural objects around you: mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, steppe, clouds, etc. We are usually used to them and do not notice them. This must be changed, why lose a constant source of energy. At the slightest opportunity (that is, as soon as there is a little free time, a pause in work, in worries and anxieties, immediately look for a beautiful natural object (lake, steppe, cloud) and begin to penetrate into it, admire, admire, resonate with it. After some time, begin to absorb these noticed qualities of the object (beauty, strength, majesty, eternity, etc.), imagine how they penetrate through your channels, chakras, flows, all energy bodies, etc.). Keep it up, soak for a few minutes (and in the future as long as the body needs). Then keep these received feelings, energy and during everyday life as long as possible.