Signs that a man is cheating. We ask, we check and we test. Are all young people capable of treason?

Not all girls know how to check if a guy is cheating, but in fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. So, first of all, you need to pay special attention to the behavior of your lover, since the appearance of a new woman in his life will be very noticeable.

The first sign of infidelity is that the young man begins to drastically change his attitude towards his own appearance. For example, a young man completely changes his wardrobe and finally begins to take a shower twice a day - this is a clear reason to be wary, as a strong rival has appeared on the way.

In order for the question not to appear in the future: “Is the guy cheating on me or not?”, You need to pay attention to how the guy treats his beloved. For example, until recently, a guy was very jealous of his girlfriend, and now he has become indifferent to everything. It may also be an option that the partner begins to arrange unreasonable scenes of jealousy or fall asleep with gifts, compliments, flowers for no reason.

But how do you know if a guy is cheating or is it just speculation? The vocabulary of a young man is also important - for example, from a new girlfriend, he may pick up some unusual words or expressions that he has never used in his life before. It is equally important to pay attention to even the smallest, seemingly insignificant lie. If more and more often the words do not agree with reality, then the guy is lying, and most likely he has a new lover, to whom he pays more and more attention.

Another indisputable sign of infidelity is that the young man is increasingly starting to stay late at work, while it is simply impossible to get through to him and find out when he will return. He can also start going on long business trips, while their number will rapidly increase, and of course, the duration.

It is worth being alert even if, quite unexpectedly, an old acquaintance appears in the life of a young man, who will not hesitate to call not only during the day, but also at night, leaving unambiguous messages. This girlfriend will gradually begin to occupy all the free time of her lover, visit him at work, meet during lunch breaks. In general, the young man will begin to spend all his free time with her and will claim that they have an exclusively “business relationship”.

For example, another sign of infidelity is that earlier a young man could easily forget his phone at home and not worry that he would fall into the hands of a girl. But now he has become simply inseparable with him and always carries with him, and during a conversation with whom he began to constantly go into another room, while he may constantly receive some mysterious messages, to which he, of course, answers and jokes that is a friend joking or advertising comes.

Also, with the advent of a new hobby in the life of a young man, some changes may occur in the sexual life of a couple - for example, before he was not fond of new experiments in bed, and now he is interested in everything unusual. A slightly different situation may also occur - sex becomes monotonous and rather rare, gradually developing into a boring marital duty.

It will also be easy to notice that a man has quite a lot of expenses, which become most noticeable during major holidays - for example, on March 8th or on New Year's Eve. It is worth paying attention to the condition of his car, as some things of his mistress may be forgotten in it or a new, unusual smell of women's perfume will appear in the cabin.

However, the very first and main sign of infidelity on the part of a young man is that he dramatically changes his attitude towards his girlfriend. This may be due to the fact that the guy is very interested in a new girlfriend or begins to experience a strong sense of guilt that haunts him.

7 signs of male infidelity

Inborn instinct, female intuition or ordinary vigilance - it seems that whatever it was, ladies usually always understand that a man is cheating on them. If you are not sure about your boyfriend, pay attention to these signs of male infidelity - maybe you really missed something very fundamental.
He doesn't trust for you
As surprising as it sounds, men who cheat on their girls often become more jealous. If your young man constantly asks where you have been, if he forces you to account for every minute and make excuses, then everything is definitely not all right in your relationship. In fact, this is manipulation: he wants to force you to feel guilty, so as not to be in the role of the guilty yourself.
He gets nervous when you pick up his phone
If your young man is nervous when you take his phone or laptop, it means that he is hiding something from you, because it is by calls / SMS that you can most quickly recognize treason. In addition, it's time to think about if your man leaves the room to call, or constantly inspects whether his phone is lying somewhere in your apartment.
It constantly sends SMS messages
If your young man in the near future devotes more time to SMS than to you, then it's time to think - what (or whom) does he consider more exciting than communicating with you? The best way to find out is to just ask directly: seize the moment when he is typing another SMS and ask who he always writes to. But if your man does not have the usual answer to this question, you will have to find out differently.
He doesn't know where he's been or what he's done.
If your young man is honest with you, he does not need to invent excuses and explanations for those cases when he is delayed. Therefore, if for some reason he began to linger or disappear all the time in some places, conduct a small experiment: ask where he was on a certain day, and after a certain number of days check the answer again. Match up? Great, that means he really is telling the truth (well, or he has a very good memory). But if your man has various excuses every time, it is quite clear that he is hiding something very harsh from you.
He is constantly "delayed at work"
Most guys don’t know how to lie, so the standard excuse for all occasions is “I was late at work.” But it is not typical for people to change their habits, therefore, if your young man suddenly starts working late all the time, expect failure. Just don’t try to immediately incriminate him with treason - in the end, there is always the possibility that your man just took up his mind and began to intensively build a career, working late and on weekends.
He is annoyed by your questions
If your every question about where he was and what he did annoys him, then something is not right. It has long been clear that men, cheating on their girls, become irritable and angry - which means they react nervously to any such questions, as if they are already being openly blamed for something.
He smells different
No matter how stupid it sounds, but the smell of your man is one of the main "signals" of his honesty. The smell of another lady’s perfume is, of course, very, but still pay attention if your man for some reason smells differently than usual - a different cologne, a different shower gel, etc. Maybe he takes a shower for some -where else?

The modified ideals of modern society have pretty much spoiled people's relationships: both girls and guys have hidden connections, communication and flirting in social networks, craving for rash actions and desires. If female infidelity often has a well-veiled "facade", then male infidelity is easier to analyze. Over the past decade, psychologists around the world have deduced the main signs of male infidelity.

Important Rule

The legendary and unsurpassed Coco Chanel brought out the imperishable rule of 100% fidelity to a partner. So that a man does not touch a glass of treason, his wife must be irreplaceable. So, it is important to constantly undergo a quality upgrade. A reasonable occupation of one's own body and personality can lead a woman to the desired success.

Many celebrities emphasize the main factor in protecting against male infidelity - a rational assessment of the situation. The more calmly and consistently a woman thinks about her relationship with her spouse or boyfriend, the sooner she will detect warning signs. The main signs of male infidelity, described by many psychologists, will help to assess its likelihood and the damage done to the family idyll.

Changed once. What are the signs of such an act?

There are two main types of infidelity: a one-time "action" or a systematic repetition. The first signs of male infidelity in the first case are rather vague. These include the following actions: a shifting glance, a conversation that ends abruptly.

Signs of going "to the left" in middle-aged men

Systematic trips "to the left" are more colorful in their manifestation. There are seven signs of male infidelity in the initial phase:

  • Passwords for social pages are now entered manually, without the use of a memorization wizard. The previously practiced technique of trusting all data to the system is now completely forgotten, and the simplest question “Why do you suffer every time by entering long passwords?” remains without a clear answer.
  • A mobile phone is equated to a vital organ. The device is always with a man (going to the toilet, shaving and smoking in the bathroom are now carried out only when accompanied by a means of communication).
  • Qualitative change in appearance. Only a new and “juicy” lady can make an inveterate family man go to the gym and start following the wardrobe - clean-shaven cheeks, inviting cologne aroma and emphasized abs are obvious bait for a young girl.
  • An unexpected state of peacefulness and kindness - if earlier the spouse grumbled about meetings, lack of funds and a quarrelsome team, and now happily flies out of the house, this moment should be taken at gunpoint.
  • Lack of family time - the more often and longer the missus is absent from home, especially on weekends, the more likely the presence of a new passion.
  • Many wives do not pay enough attention to the transformation of the hubby's vocabulary - in the case when the spouse's social circle has not changed, and valiant phrases splash in his monologues, it is worth taking this trend on a pencil (words can come to him from the lips of a young lady).
  • New connections have formed - forgotten classmates, co-workers or "friends of friends" not previously mentioned in conversations also testify against the spouse.

This list of signs is standard for middle-aged men who are quite familiar with the computer and its capabilities.

Additional signs of infidelity in young guys, in addition to those described above

The group of young men (approximately 25-29 years old) has a slightly larger list. In total there are 10 signs of male infidelity. We have already covered seven. Three left:

  • Increased attention to your own body. If previously excessive hairiness of male intimate areas did not particularly bother, and for some time now shaving has become a manic habit, the girl should think about it.
  • Sudden interest in the wife's work, male colleagues and delays with girlfriends - "the best defense is an attack." This is exactly how youngsters who have been at fault often behave, trying to hide personal infidelity behind feigned jealousy.
  • Sex has become rare, like holidays. The more difficult the partner makes contact, the more confusing the situation becomes: for a young man, regular sex is like a barometer of interest in a woman - the brighter, richer and more regular the sexual intercourse is, the more strongly the guy’s love manifests itself.

Signs in partners with great life experience

People of the older age group have their own "handwriting". Let's look at 7 signs of male infidelity:

1. Dissatisfaction with you. All efforts to look young are perceived with derision and mockery, new culinary delights are ignored or criticized with unprecedented harshness.

2. Irregular sex. He, like unsolved cases in the lost and found office, is simply written off for next year. The regularity of sexual intercourse decreases at a breathtaking speed, no caresses or tricks with the entourage lead to the desired result - the husband is always tired and secretive.

3. An unexpected present. The husband, who has not previously spoiled with gifts, suddenly presents a fragrance or lipstick that is not characteristic of his wife. In rare cases, this gesture is sincere and spontaneous, but in most cases such unusual extravagance is caused by the desire to stake out an alibi. The easiest way to hide the fragrance of a strange woman is if the same bottle flaunts on the wife's dressing table.

4. Gastronomic tantrums. Previously, your favorite casserole is left unattended in the refrigerator, and mushroom soup does not stir up the soul of your spouse anymore? He was clearly addicted to someone else's cooking. A culinary course would be a good solution for this situation.

5. Appearance of the women's detachment of "friends". If the hubby now often intersects with women, then most likely he is setting the stage for facilitating his own movement around the city in the company of his mistress. The probability of stumbling upon family acquaintances or adult children increases every day, and a love affair requires a constant holiday. Men decide to legalize part of the female environment in order to lull the vigilance of the missus.

6. The appearance of strange spots and objects in the car. Prints tend to show up when re-fogging, so you should not lose your grip and pay attention to the little things, and not the landscape behind the glass. Many men keep in their car something that can accidentally fall into the hands of their wife in the house. Examine the interior of the car at every opportunity, but you need to do this very carefully, each time inventing a convincing reason for the search (a forgotten lipstick, a fallen stone from a bracelet or a card from a supermarket).

7. Material instability of the family: unauthorized embezzlement, theft of a purse and fines at work are a clear signal of a sad situation. Mistresses, especially permanent ones, require regular investment, and over time, "contributions" grow. It is very difficult for a man with an average income to hide the resulting item of his expenses.


Many women have come across articles and abstracts in magazines that reveal the standard signs of male infidelity. A test for assessing the behavior of a spouse is an equally common technique that has a beneficial effect on the perception of the very essence of the current situation. The questions are designed in such a way as to focus on the brightest moments of life together, the results are always presented in a very positive style, which does not lead to their rejection by the woman's mind.

To perceive the information, every lady is obliged to study and analyze the most popular signs of male infidelity. So consciousness will react more sharply to changes in the behavior or appearance of the spouse. After the completion of the phase of justifying his actions, which is present in every woman, there will come a moment of complete awareness, which will make it possible to change the situation for the benefit of the family.

Basic indicators

Each country has its own 7 signs of male infidelity, because the mentality and habits of peoples are different. The main indicator of a spouse's infidelity is a sharp change in attitude towards his woman, the presence of poorly concealed lies and suddenly hatched rudeness. If the spouse previously showed a sense of tact in relation to the problems or complexes of his half, but suddenly began to cut rudely for any oversight, it is unlikely that the problem lies only in fatigue or irritation.

What to do next?

Any signs of male infidelity remain only a signal, having received which, the woman decides whether to carry out a rescue operation or not. Relationship stability is not always an indicator of happiness and well-being, sometimes it is the absence of vivid emotions that pushes a partner in search of a new “mystery”.

The monotony, lack of initiative and constraint of a woman is a common problem for couples in many countries. A man loves action, sweet drive and organic immediacy. And over time, women simply forget to shine in front of their spouse, completely surrendering to family problems.

Novelty in sex

Often the signs of male infidelity contradict the fears of women. If the partner has qualitatively changed his sexual behavior, and the wife was not the initiator or teacher, it is worth considering where this such accurate knowledge came from in his head. Or if earlier passionate and tender sex, on his initiative, received the coloring of rigidity and dominance, this may mean the appearance of a liberated lover.

Frank conversations in this case do not always help, some men close themselves from discussing such topics.

Listen to others

Extraordinary signs of male infidelity are often visible to the environment, but not to the woman herself. To be always in good shape, you should listen to the remarks of girlfriends, his friends and colleagues. Sometimes a phrase accidentally uttered in the company decides the outcome of the "battle".

Do not get hung up and look for manifestations of betrayal everywhere. A sober assessment of one's own appearance, manners of dressing in tandem with an analysis of the wishes of a partner will give more results than total surveillance and every second pressure.

Signs of male infidelity often serve as a catalyst for the woman herself. To see and evaluate them is sometimes much harder than to decide on some drastic actions.


Now you know 7 signs of male infidelity. We also considered some more reasons for the wife's worries. No matter what signs you find in your partner, think carefully about the signs first. It is possible that the man just has some problems, which is why his behavior has changed.

Adultery is a common phenomenon. Many women, after many years of marriage, begin to suspect their husband of infidelity. Sometimes suspicions are justified. Women have a developed intuition, and therefore they can feel something is wrong, even if the fact of infidelity is carefully hidden. How to know with 100% accuracy that the husband is cheating? How to check your husband for treason?

How to determine deceit and betrayal by a husband?

There are various signs by which you can determine whether a spouse is cheating. Many imperceptible trifles will indicate to a careful look at many facts of our biography. You can find evidence of treason if you look closely at the alleged cheater. It is not at all necessary to catch a husband red-handed in order to be convinced of his infidelity.

External physiological signs

First you need to take a good look at your spouse. When he returns home from work again, take a closer look at his things, try to smell the smell emanating from him, start a conversation on an abstract topic during dinner. You can understand that a spouse is unfaithful by physiological signs:

  • Sight. During a conversation, a person who feels guilty involuntarily avoids a direct look. Of course, there is such a category of people who can lie in the eyes. However, even they will not be able to constantly look directly at the deceived spouse. The cheater will try to quickly escape from conversations and be distracted by someone or something else.
  • Smell. You can recognize deception by the foreign smell from the missus. Not necessarily it will be the scent of women's perfume. Maybe the man suddenly began to smell of someone else's soap? Or is your hair washed with a shampoo that you don't have in your bathroom?
  • Alien hair on clothes. One hair that accidentally fell on a shirt is not yet a reason to arrange a family showdown. However, if a spouse systematically brings the same hair on his clothes, this is definitely not an accident.
  • Scratches on the body. Passionate lovers often leave marks on different parts of the body. Optionally, the faithful should have their entire back scratched. A small mark may appear on the buttocks, lower back, neck.
  • Traces of someone else's lipstick. Every man tries to erase his mistress's lipstick. However, he may not always notice small spots on the collar, and not all lipstick can be simply erased.

Change in behavior and attitude

After adultery, husbands change their behavior dramatically. Deception can be determined by the way the spouse talks on the phone. A man will retire during a conversation, delete incoming calls and SMS, set his mobile to vibrate after hours. The cheaters are looking for an excuse to get out of the house. They are happy to go to work and do not tend to return home early, often go on business trips.

A previously silent man becomes talkative, and a talkative person may suddenly withdraw into himself. The attitude towards the spouse is also changing. A complaisant husband suddenly begins to criticize the figure, appearance, and culinary abilities of his wife (see also:). If a man feels guilty, he, on the contrary, can become affectionate and courteous.

A spouse's attitude to personal correspondence on social networks can help catch a spouse cheating. Approach unexpectedly when the husband is sitting at the computer. The cheater will try to quickly hide his messages and close the account. If, when asked why he did this, the husband denies everything, this is the first sign of his infidelity.

Sometimes a man's irritability is due to problems at work, and secrecy is due to attempts to surprise you. Male psychology is arranged in such a way that a sudden desire to find out about his plans can unsettle him. However, a change in behavior for no apparent reason should alert.

What other behavioral changes might reveal a cheater? Chat with his friends. Some people don't know how to cheat. No matter how cunning they may seem, disagreements can be found in the stories of friends. Some will assure you of your spouse's devotion, others will look away. Aware of the deception will behave differently than usual.

Changes in appearance

What changes in the husband's appearance may indicate infidelity? For a new passion, a man is ready to change his hairstyle, perfume, go to the gym, change the style of clothing. Previously, a spouse could go to work without combing his hair, but now he is standing at the mirror longer than you? New things appeared in his wardrobe, he began to carefully select a shirt for trousers, and socks for shoes? There is reason to be concerned.

You can convict a husband of deceit by the way he began to relate to his figure. Often, adult men try to match their young mistress and begin to lose weight, take care of their skin, do manicures, and strengthen muscles. “How can I check my husband for treason by his appearance (more in the article:)?” - often ask the question of deceived wives. Below are 10 ways to spot a cheater:

  1. pay attention to the hairstyle;
  2. check for new linen;
  3. look for a gym membership;
  4. count the number of new shirts;
  5. look at his nails (maybe he got a manicure);
  6. touch his stubble;
  7. pay attention to the intimate area;
  8. compare the new image with the old;
  9. look for traces of gray hair coloration;
  10. hide your new socks and see how quickly they get a replacement.

Changes in the daily routine

You can recognize cheating by changing your husband's daily routine. After the appearance of another woman, men are constantly "delayed at work." If earlier the need to stay at the workplace longer than expected caused dissatisfaction in the spouse, now he will begin to take this calmly.

Some men try to go to bed later and get up earlier than their wife. This is due to the reluctance to once again communicate with his wife. The husband may stop coming home for lunch because he is eating elsewhere.

Someone before cheating did not like to get up early, but now he rises at 6 in the morning for a morning run. Perhaps the love for sports manifested itself after a new passion began to appear in the nearest park in the morning. You should ask your spouse to take you with them. If he starts coming up with excuses, his morning runs did not come from a love of sports.

Change in the financial situation of the family

How to catch a husband cheating on a change in the financial situation of the family? Men often buy expensive gifts for their mistresses, so your wealth will change. Perhaps a man is cheating if:

Changes in intimate life

Sex with a cheater takes on a different character. Sometimes after adultery, husbands try to avoid intimacy with their wife. Relationships in bed will be very rare, as the spouse will constantly be "tired at work." The husband will not take the initiative. His sudden fatigue is due to the fact that he gave all his passion to another woman.

However, sometimes a man tries to recreate the sensations that he experienced with his mistress. The wife will notice that the husband is constantly experimenting in bed. He suggests new poses, shows too much reaction. This happens due to the fact that the husband is trying to recreate the sensations received on the side. If he does not experience them, you can notice a clear disappointment.

Psychological test for treason

You can bring the traitor to clean water with the help of a psychological test. If you have already noticed oddities in your husband's behavior, answering the questions will not be difficult. The test "Is your husband cheating on you" is presented below.

Be prepared for the fact that the spouse may not pass the test with a simple test. Evaluate the result sensibly, consider all circumstances. The test is just an attempt to look at the situation from the outside, it can make you think. Conclusions are up to you.

How to deal with change?

There is no universal advice for every woman. The attitude towards infidelity depends on many factors: upbringing, the desire to save the family, the reasons for the romance on the side, the presence of children. Sometimes the woman herself pushes her husband to cheat. Constant scandals, dissatisfaction with appearance, reproaches can provoke a man to search for new, comfortable living conditions.

Before making a cardinal decision, you need to understand what you want for yourself. Save the family? Break up with a cheater? Sometimes the willingness to change and meet each other halfway allows you to maintain and strengthen family ties. If you cannot forgive the betrayal, bring the cheater to clean water and leave yourself. Don't make scandals. Pretend you don't care.

If you want to save your family, try ignoring your husband's infidelity. Find out what he is unhappy about. Try to make him want to come home every day. Maybe after the birth of children you stopped watching your appearance? Get a manicure, give the children to kindergarten and get a job. Buy a new dress and get your hair done. Now let him convict you of treason.

Sometimes girlfriends insistently offer to expose her husband. They claim that all men, and yours in particular, are prone to adultery. They offer many ways to convict a husband of treason. However, signs of envy can be seen in their behavior. Maybe it’s not the spouse who is deceiving, but the girlfriends?

How to calculate change? They say you can't hide love and cough. A deep feeling inspires, inspires people to do small everyday deeds. Under his spell, we do not notice the shortcomings of the chosen one, we are afraid of losing, destroying forever the fairy tale that we ourselves created. But what to do if jealousy, suspicion, distrust prevent you from fully enjoying happiness? How to understand that a guy is cheating and what changes in the behavior of a loved one should alert?

Sometimes it's so hard to sort out your feelings. Are these hints of female intuition or ordinary suspiciousness? Did he really cheat on you or is it just a fantasy? Perhaps the reasons for his isolation, the excitement of a problem at work, and not a signal of cooling or the appearance of a rival. Excessive jealousy, nagging, reproaches will negatively affect relationships.

First, consider the factors under the influence of which a man can not resist the temptation.

1. Physiological need. Short-term passion, flash, it is difficult to resist, especially under the influence of alcohol.

2. Falling self-esteem. After a long stay with one girl, doubts about their attractiveness begin. Has he lost his form, is he able to interest, charm the representatives of the weaker sex with his charm? Life only strengthens the desire to assert itself, to break the vicious circle of monotony.

3. Fading feelings. True love matures, turns into devotion. But if instead of it there was passion, bright feelings eventually turn into indifference, a habit of a person, or completely disappear. Former « ideal » gradually overgrown with a bunch of shortcomings, causing disappointment, disgust, hatred.

4. The desire to relax, have fun. The search for new sensations, sharp emotions, impressions may well lead him to the slippery path of infidelity. Often the reason is banal - dissatisfaction in bed.

5. Revenge for old grievances or a mirror response to female infidelity. Male jealousy can also stimulate rash acts.

How do you know if a guy has another girlfriend? In order to find out the truth, it is not necessary to constantly check his messages, eavesdrop on conversations with friends, follow every step. These strange actions on the part of the girl will push the man to get rid of such control as soon as possible. Each person should have their own space and time. Before you engage in such nonsense, ask the question: did the guy cheat on me or am I myself pushing him into other people's arms with mistrust, suspicion?

Remember the lines from the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"?

The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us. — A. S. Pushkin

Everything is exactly the opposite. The more a woman is afraid of her beloved's affair, the higher her probability. Remember the advice of a psychologist to tune in to the positive, because we ourselves mentally model the future. A confident lady who knows her own worth treats her partner’s flirting rather with irony, because she is still better. If he does not appreciate, cheats and deceives, he is unworthy. Such a man is called a bitch, a fatal woman, not realizing what kind of unprecedented force pulls them to her like a magnet. Say magic? No, elementary psychology.

How can I tell if a guy is cheating on me? Pay close attention to the signs of a cheating boyfriend. Despite the individuality of each individual situation, one can easily trace typical miscalculations in the conspiracy of a liar. She, like bread crumbs from the famous fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm, will help you get to the truth.

Signs a guy is cheating

1. Excuses for meeting you. Before you spent a lot of time together, now he often walks with friends without you. He says he is tired, not hungry, not feeling well to pay attention to you. Too often late at work, his car constantly breaks down or spends the night with a friend. This does not mean that your boyfriend is cheating on you, perhaps the truth is that he works on a complex project all his free time, but there is reason to think.

2. The manner of communication has changed. He abruptly stopped making compliments, although he used to be generous with pleasant words, he looks absent-minded. Or he falls asleep with flattery, uses vocabulary that is unusual for himself. Often gives gifts, flowers. Compensates for guilt? Sudden mood swings, inattention in conversation ... Whether the guy is cheating on you or not, but the sign is suspicious.

3. Became secretive. Stops talking on the phone or does not pick up the phone in your presence. Closes the browser, minimizes the windows, slams the laptop shut when you suddenly enter the room. The phone is turned off for a long time, it is often out of reach for several hours. Was it busy all the time or the battery was dead? Didn't he change?

4. Changed my lifestyle. He began to play sports intensively, changed his style of clothing, hairstyle, perfume. He constantly looks in the mirror, began to shave regularly, although he used to be lazy. New culinary preferences appeared, he abruptly switched to vegetarianism, raw foodism, went on a diet for no apparent reason. We noticed a passion for a musical style that was previously indifferent or a non-standard hobby. Perhaps he is stimulated by a new love.

5. Constant reproaches, discontent, criticism. A sure sign that you should reconsider the relationship. Perhaps the man began to compare you with a new girl. This does not mean that you are inferior to her in anything, just the magic of falling in love creates a certain ideal image. Did the guy cheat on you or simply fell out of love, think, is it worth cherishing such a relationship?

6. Outflow of money. Caring for another requires additional costs. Flowers, sweets, wine, gifts are expensive these days. I noticed a constant lack of money, maybe the guy cheated on you.

7. Sexual cooling. He began to experiment or completely lost interest in his sexual life with you. Doesn't want to take off his T-shirt, prefers caresses in the dark - afraid of exposure?

8. Constant lies. How to recognize a cheating guy? They caught inconsistencies in his story, revealed contradictions in words. The suspect was confused in the testimony.

9. Voice changes. What to do if a loved one often goes on business trips? Is it possible to keep love at a distance? How do you know if a guy is cheating? Listen to the sound of the voice on the phone. If the guy cheated, in addition to inconsistencies, an attentive girl will notice uncertainty, a tremor in her voice. Long pauses as he tries to come up with a better excuse. The phone is switched off for a long time, there is no time to talk.

10. Signs of a rival. How do you know if a guy is cheating at work? Someone else's smell, hair on clothes, in a conversation, eulogies about a colleague with whom « purely business relationship » . Delays, frequent meetings. When you appear at his workplace, office workers behave suspiciously. They show excessive interest in your person, whisper, seeing you off with their eyes.

There are many reasons why men cheat. Knowing about them, we can make changes in the life of our couple in a timely manner, so that even the thought of the infidelity of the second half does not arise.