The most beautiful legends and parables! Tag: love

liefde Love



liebe love amore

熱愛 αγάπη


عشق l "amour


Do you believe in true love? What about love at first sight?

And in love forever? If not, then these love stories

despite the sad and tragic consequences, refresh and revive

your faith in Love!


Tragedy by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are the most famous lovers of all time. Their love story is incredibly tragic. The legend of two teenagers born into families at odds with each other. Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. Secretly from their relatives, they got married, passionately loved each other and sacrificed their lives in the name of love. To commit suicide in the name of a husband or wife... Hm... What else symbolizes true love like that?!

Their untimely death put an end to the feud between the Montague and Capulet families.


The love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable, intriguing and touching. The love of these two historical heroes was also immortalized by William Shakespeare, was an inexhaustible inspiration for the creation of several films and still appears in theater productions around the world. They fell in love with each other at first sight. Their relationship added strength to Egypt in the region, n Their love outraged the Romans, who feared the growing influence of Egypt. Despite the threats, Antony and Cleopatra got married. It is known that Antony was informed of false information about the death of Cleopatra and he committed suicide by falling on the edge of the sword. When Cleopatra learned of Antony's death, she also committed suicide. Some say that she died from a snake bite, while others say that she died from poison hidden in a hairpin. Great love requires great sacrifices.

I will add from myself. The description of Cleopatra's appearance, to put it mildly, does not quite coincide with reality. And Cleopatra, performed by the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor, can in no way be compared with the image of the queen either on an ancient coin or with a sculpture ...


The tragic love story of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere is one of the most famous stories of the legendary kingdom of King Arthur. Sir Lancelot falls in love with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Their love is slowly but gaining strength, but so far Guinevere keeps a distance from Lancelot. Ultimately, her passionate love for Lancelot won out and they became lovers. One night, a group of twelve knights, led by Sir Agravian and Sir Modred, King Arthur's nephew, caught the lovers. Sir Lancelot, in a fight, managed to escape, but poor Guinevere was not so lucky. She was arrested and for depraved behavior was sentenced to death by burning. Do not worry. A few days later, Sir Lancelot returned and saved his beloved Guinevere from the fire. These not entirely cheerful events split the unity of the Knights of the Round Table and weakened Arthur's kingdom. Poor Sir Lancelot ended his life as an impoverished recluse, and Guinevere, in Amesbourg, took the veil as a nun, where she died.


In various manuscripts and interpretations, the tragic story of Tristan and Iseult has been told and retold. It happened, again, during the reign of King Arthur. Iseult was the daughter of the King of Ireland. She was promised to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan escorted to Ireland to bring Iseult to Cornwall. On the way to the lawful betrothed, Isolde and Tristan fell in love with each other. Secret love affairs continued after the marriage of Iseult and King Mark. Upon learning of his wife's tricks, King Mark forgave Isolde, but expelled Tristan from Cornwall. Tristan went to Britain. There he met Iseult Britannia. She attracted his attention by the fact that her name was similar to the name of Isolde. He married Iseult, but life did not work out with her, because he could not forget his true love - Isolde. When Tristan fell ill, he sent for Isolde, hoping that she would cure him of his illness. If she agrees to come, then the sails on the ship will be white, and if not, then black. His treacherous wife Iseult, seeing the white sails on the ship from Cornwall, lied to Tristan that the sails of the approaching ship were black. He died of grief, and soon Iseult also died of a broken heart.


history I am Paris, Helen of Troy and the Trojan War itself s described V"Iliad" by Homer, where real historical events are intertwined with fiction. Here's another love story in a nutshell. Helen of Troy was one of the most beautiful women in all of world literature. She was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, fell in love with Helen, kidnapped her and took her to Troy, taking with him some of the treasures of Menelaus. In order to recapture Helen from Paris, the Greeks gathered a huge army led by Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon. Troy was destroyed. Elena, safe and sound, returned to Sparta, where she lived happily with Menelaus until the end of her days. Did Helen love Paris? Or maybe she didn’t care with whom to share love - the main thing is that her lover should be of royal blood.


The story of their love is also an ancient Greek tale about unhappy love. Orpheus fell in love with Eurydice, a beautiful nymph, and they got married. They were very happy and lived in love. Aristaeus, the Greek god of agriculture, fell in love with Eurydice and pursued her. While escaping from Aristaeus, Eurydice stepped on a snake's nest, was bitten on the leg by a snake and died. In grief, Orpheus began to play such a sad melody and pet b in such anguish that the nymphs and gods wept. On their advice, Orpheus descended into the other world and with his music so pity Persephone, the goddess of the underworld (they say that he was the only one who succeeded), that she allowed Orpheus to take Eurydice with him, but on the condition that Orpheus should go ahead of Eurydice and in no case look back until they leave the other world. In fear of losing Eurydice, he, forgetting about the order of Persephone, turned around to look at his beloved and Eurydice disappeared for the second time, but forever...


Their marriage was based only on financial mutual benefit. 26-year-old Napoleon liked Josephine - much older than him, enjoying influence in society, a rich woman. As time passed, Napoleon really fell in love with Josephine and the love was mutual. Despite the fact that they cheated on each other, but in a relationship they retained mutual respect and passion (respect in French ...). Over time, they nevertheless parted, since Josephine could not give him one, which Napoleon so desired - an heir. They parted, but forever kept love friend to another.


Not all so they value sacrifice in love relationships, like the ancient Greeks, although we know this only from the beautiful love stories of Greek mythology, where perhaps sacrifice was also mythical? OK. The war threw Odysseus far from his home. During the 20 years of separation, Penelope resisted as many as 108 applicants for her hand, eagerly wanting to replace Odysseus with her. And Odysseus, having rejected the proposals of the beautiful sorceresses, who promised him eternal love and youth, returned home to his wife and son. Briefly and clearly.


This love story is described in Dante's immortal masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. The story is taken from life. Francesca married Gianciotto Malatesta, a bad man, but it brightened up with the fact that Gianciotto's brother, Paolo, was Francesca's lover...

Love and x flourished precisely when they (so says Dante) read together a book about Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere. Having caught them together, the bad man Gianciotto stabbed them both to death ... Gianciotto obviously did not like books and therefore was not familiar with the history of Lancelot and Guinevere and, most annoyingly, did not know that neither Guinevere nor Lancelot, after they were covered, died on the spot from the sword of the jealous King Arthur.


In her work, Margaret Mitchell immortalized relationships where love and hate went hand in hand. Proving that time is everything, Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler never lived their lives in synchronous harmony. Through this whole epic story, the lovers experienced passion for each other, but they were never constant (would be constant - there would be no stories.) Their turbulent marriage is surrounded by battles in the Civil War.

Frivolous and illegible in her tastes for men, constantly pursued by fans, Scarlett could not make a final choice. When she finally decided to settle for Retta, her fickleness put him off.As they say: The train has left...

But n hopes do not leave the heroine: "After all, there is always tomorrow."

Well, how can you disagree with her?


This is the love story of a monk and a nun whose love letters have become world famous. Events take place somewhere in the year 1100. Peter Abelard arrives in Paris, where he is going to be educated at the Notre Dame School. Fulbert, canon of the school, hires Abelard as a tutor to his niece, Eloisa. Abelard and Eloise, of course, fall in love with each other, Eloise got pregnant and in a big secret, they got married. Fulbert was furious and Abelard sent Heloise to safety in a monastery. Fulbert, who decides that Abelarch wants to get rid of Heloise, orders his servants, while Abelard sleeps, castrate him... Nightmare!!! Abelary, of course, has no choice but to become a monk and devote his life to knowledge. Out of grief, Eloise becomes a nun. Despite the separation and adversity, they continue to love each other. Later, their juicy love letters were published.


A love story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads about Pyramus and Thisbe. It was selfless love, where even in death they remained together ... Nothing new, but I'll tell you briefly. Pyramus was handsome and, moreover, a childhood friend of Thisbe, one of the most beautiful girls in Babylon. They lived in houses in the neighborhood and, growing up, fell in love with each other. But the parents, of course, were categorically against their marriage. One day, Pyramus and Thisbe agreed that at night, just before dawn, when everyone was sleeping, they would run away from supervision and meet in a field near a mulberry tree. Thisbe came first. While waiting, she saw a lion with a bloody mouth, running to the spring to quench his thirst. At the sight of a terrible predator, Thisbe fell into a panic and hid nearby in hollow stones. As she ran, she dropped her cape. The lion caught the scarf in his bloodied mouth. Approaching the rendezvous point, Pyramus saw Thisbe's mantle in the teeth of a lion. Convinced that the lion has eaten Thisbe, the grief-stricken Pyramus stabs himself with his sword. We have already read about it somewhere... Fisba is still hiding in the stones from the bloodthirsty lion. After some time, she comes out of hiding and sees what Pyramus has done. She, heartbroken, of course stabs herself with the same sword. Poor Thisbe. After all, before stabbing herself, she had to pull the sword out of her beloved's chest ... And what about the lion? He ran about his bloody deeds.


Everyone who has once been in love knows this story (I did not know).
Salim, son of the Great Mogul, And emperor Akbar, fell in love with an ordinary courtesan named Anarkali. He was bewitched by her beauty and fell in love at first sight. Father-emperor could not come to terms with those m, that his son fell in love with a simple courtesan. According to another version, Salim was an unsuccessful child, did not obey his father, and he sent him away for 14 years to study military affairs. Returning home, Salim plunged into an unworthy life and got into his father's harem, where he met Anarkali , father's beloved wife. Once he was caught there... Akbar did everything to disgrace Anarkali in the eyes of Salim, who was in love with her. When Salim found out about these tricks, he declared war on his own father! Like this! But the gigantic army of Emperor Akbar was invincible. Salim was defeated and sentenced to death (by his own father?!), but Anarkali intervened in this outrageous decision of the emperor and said, they say, let me spend one night with Salim, and then kill me. She spent the night with Salim, and the next day, by order of the emperor, in front of her lover, the girl was immured alive in a brick wall.

I will add from myself. This love story beat all the previous ones with its barbaric stupidity, because in the legends where the protesting parents of the beloved were involved, they at least did not wish death to their own children...

Maya Rose.



Hovhannes Tumanyan

Every night to the waters of Van
Someone is coming from the shore
And without a boat, in the middle of the fog,
Boldly sails to the island.

He has mighty shoulders
Splits the bosom of waters,
Attracted by rays
That a distant lighthouse sends.

Around the stream, hissing, spinning,
Runs after the swimmer
But the fearless are not afraid
No danger, no trouble.

What are the threats of the night to him,
Foam, water, wind, darkness?
Like loving eyes
A beacon is burning in front of him!

Every night sparks of light
They beckon with the caress of secret charms:
Every night, dressed in darkness,
Tamar is waiting for him.

And mighty shoulders
He furrows the bosom of the waters,
Attracted by rays
That a distant lighthouse sends.

He swims towards happiness
Boldly fights the wave.
And Tamar, embraced by passion,
Waiting for him in the darkness of night.

Expectations are not in vain...
Closer, closer... here it is!
A moment of bliss! Goodbye moment!
Sweet sacraments heavenly dream!

Quiet. Only water splashes
Only, full of pure charms,
The stars murmur and tremble
For shameless Tamar.

And again to the depths of Van
Someone is coming from the shore.
And without a boat, in the middle of the fog,
Floats away from the island.

And with fear remains
Tamar is alone above the water,
Watching, listening to how it beats
Angry wave.

Two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.

One of the sailors said to his friend:

That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the leader's daughter.

Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is a beauty, a clever one. You made the right choice - get married.

You misunderstood me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.

Are you crazy? She's like... not so much.

A young man lived in a village. And he was in love strongly and unrequitedly with the first beauty in the whole district. The girl owned the hearts of almost all the young men in the district, but she did not give preference to anyone.

And then the young man decided to become a strong and courageous warrior. He rose to the rank of officer, distinguished himself in battle, matured and returned as a hero to his native village. But she didn't even look at him.

Once the teacher asked his students:
Why do people scream when they fight?
“Because they lose their calm,” said one.
“But why shout when the other person is next to you?” the Teacher asked. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained:
– When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the farther they move away and the louder they shout.
What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. – They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.
- In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

There were two of them - He and She.

They found each other somewhere and now lived one life, somewhere funny, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of two most ordinary happy people.
They were happy because they were together, which is much better than being alone.

He carried Her in his arms, lit the stars in the sky at night, built a house so that She would have a place to live. And everyone said: “Still, how not to love him, because he is an ideal! It's easy to be happy with this!"

And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that She made Him an ideal: He could not be different, because he was next to Her. This was their little secret.
She waited for Him, met and saw off, warmed their house, so that He would be warm and comfortable there. And everyone said: "Still would! How not to carry it on your hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder he's so happy!"

And they only laughed and did not tell anyone that She was created for a family only with Him, and only he could feel good in Her house. It was their little secret.
He walked, stumbled, fell, got frustrated and tired. And everyone said: “Why does she need him, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident around”.

But no one knew that there was no one in the world stronger than Him, because they were Together, and therefore stronger than everyone. This was Her secret.
And She bandaged His wounds, did not sleep at night, was sad and cried. And everyone said: “What did he find in her, because she has wrinkles and bruises under her eyes. After all, why should he choose a young and beautiful one?

But no one knew that She was the most beautiful in the world. Can anyone compare in beauty with the one they love? But that was His secret.
They all lived, loved and were happy. And everyone wondered: “How can you not get bored with each other for such a period? Don't you want something new?"

And they didn't say anything. It’s just that there were only two of them, and there were many of them all, but they were all one at a time, because otherwise they wouldn’t have asked about anything. It was not their secret, it was something that cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

This is an excerpt from the book Bobykina N. Yu. "Ornaments, myths, fairy tales." Legend of great love. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows (and red girls).


It was in the good old days when people lived in harmony with nature and each other. There were no wars, murders, deceit and betrayal. People deified the planet Earth, on which they lived and worshiped the Goddess of the Living Earth. They built temples for her, brought the fruits of their labor. In one of the villages in the temple of the Goddess of the Living Earth, twelve beautiful maidens lived. They helped the Chief Priestess in her numerous rituals inspired by the Great Cosmos, and in their free time they loved to ride frisky horses across the steppe, swim in deep mountain lakes, swing on tree branches in dark forests. The girls were strong witches. From many villages they brought their daughters to the priestess so that she would teach them her magical arts: to turn into various animals, to extract various objects from the air, never to grow old. But out of many thousands of applicants, only twelve girls were selected by the Grand Priestess according to one principle known to her. The girls were trained in healing and sorcery, they knew how to instantly disappear and suddenly appear, they stopped arrows and spears with their eyes. After a year of study, the girls took the rite of passage into the priestesses of the Goddess of the Living Earth and went to other villages to serve in temples dedicated to the most powerful Goddess of the planet.

All of them differed from ordinary people in an unusual light. When the girls were galloping together across the steppe, a column of light coming from them was visible for many kilometers. They could heal any disease with a single glance or touch. From the strength of their love, surprisingly talented children appeared, and husbands became great masters. Wherever such women lived, the arts flourished, love and beauty reigned. Far beyond the borders of the country of the Goddess of the Living Earth, there was fame about the students of the Great Priestess, many men wanted such women as their wives. But the love of such a girl was not easy to earn. Each of them knew how to read minds, could find out her future and her unborn children. If a student left the temple, then another girl from many thousands of applicants was chosen to take her place. But the wheel of history has turned. Men appeared who decided that they were stronger than women and that the main deity should be a man. They began to change the rites at their discretion, to appoint men as priests. But without the power of the great priestesses, the male deity was weak.

One day, a terrible Black sorcerer appeared on earth. He wanted to become the ruler of the entire planet. With the help of his black sorcery, he learned that the love of one of the dedicated high priestesses could make him the most powerful Priest. The sorcerer gathered his warriors and went to war against the country of the Great Goddess of the Living Earth. The planet Earth groaned. For the first time, people began to kill people, violated the Great Peace and cosmic balance. The warriors tried to capture the sorceresses, but the sorceresses knew why the sorcerer needed them, and were not given to the warriors alive. Warriors approached our village. The Chief Priestess calculated that the warriors of the Black Sorcerer would soon appear, gathered her students for advice. Together with the villagers, eleven girls went to defend the village. The twelfth sorceress, her granddaughter Zarina, was kept by the priestess. This girl was one of the most powerful sorceresses and had to eventually replace the Chief Priestess in the temple of the Great Goddess of the Living Earth.

Already at the age of five, the girl's abilities appeared. Even without initiation, she shone with a special light, and caravans stopped from the radiance of her blue eyes, animals and birds bowed before her, the sick were cured. The main priestess began to think how to save the girl and her magical fate, how to preserve the knowledge for posterity, invested in a small head. After all, even the uninitiated saw a bright glow around the girl, the light of blue eyes betrayed her magical properties. The priestess, as best she could, began to muffle the radiance of the girl, performing a magical rite over her. The girl's outer light faded, but the blue glow of her eyes remained. But Zarina also temporarily lost her magical abilities. And the soldiers of the evil sorcerer have already captured the village. There was not enough time for the Priestess to complete the rite. She hid the girl under a black cloth and sent her to the children who were hiding in the temple. The door was already broken, the soldiers ran into the temple, seized the Chief Priestess, dragged her out into the yard.

And in the yard on a horse, the leader of the Black Sorcerer's army, the priest of the male deity Tollion, was waiting for her. Only he was entrusted with the secret by a black sorcerer. The leader had already counted eleven apprentices of the priestess among the fallen defenders of the village. Where is the twelfth? Only a handful of children and a few infirm old people remained from the inhabitants of the village. Which of them? The warriors began torturing the Chief Priestess, but she silently endured all the tortures. The leader began to circle around the children and the elderly, and, lowering his eyes to the ground, with his intuition looked through which of them would give himself away. The High Priestess groaned, and Tollion saw the eyes of a little girl flare with blue light. He ordered to take the girl in his convoy, and to kill and burn the rest of the inhabitants, including the Chief Priestess. One of the warriors grabbed the girl, wrapped her in the cloth with which she was covered, laid her across his horse and touched the reins. Zarina heard only the screams and groans of her dying friends. The leader of the warriors did not tell anyone that he had found the apprentice of the priestess, the great sorceress. The girl was too small. He doubted his choice, decided to watch her.

Tollion was always very harsh with women. After spending one night with them, the next morning he gave it to the first warrior he met from his detachment. The warriors thought that this time he would act as always. Although the girl was small, she was so attractive and beautiful that the soldiers began to argue who would get this little miracle. One of the soldiers even stood guard at the leader's tent so as not to miss the moment. Imagine his surprise in the morning when the stern Tollion did not take the girl out of the tent. He left her with him. Day after day, the girl lived next to him, in the evenings she talked with him. Warriors after raids on neighboring villages and cities brought various dishes, and the leader fed Zarina from his own hands. Tollion saw that her blue eyes had a calming effect on people, birds and animals sat at the feet of little Zarina, the wounds of his warriors healed by themselves. He did not allow anyone to her, ordered his soldiers not to tell anyone about the girl.

Neither more nor less time passed, the leader's girl fell in love with her affectionate attitude towards her. He also understood how dear the girl became to him. In one of the quiet nights they knew the power of great love. But the lovers were careless in their feelings. In moments of love, their souls rose into the space of the Great Cosmos, weaved their energies, the blue light of love of the two great priests Tolion and Zarina sparkled brightly in the sky. The Black Sorcerer saw a pillar of bright light and realized that he had been deceived. He began to look for Tollion and Zarina, the only sorceress left alive after his raids on the Land of the Living Earth. The lovers could not get away from the chase, they were betrayed by a warrior who stood guard at the leader's tent. They seized the leader and the girl of the servant of the Black Sorcerer. The Black Sorcerer began to conjure, asking his dark forces the question: can he become the most powerful person on earth. And he learned that the matter could still be improved if he ate Zarina's heart and drank Tollion's blood. But the Sorcerer wanted to perform his bloody ritual in such a way as to teach a lesson to his former comrade, the leader of the warriors. The sorcerer decided that in front of Tollion he would kill the girl and eat her heart. The bound leader of the warriors was hung over the abyss, and a sacrificial table was placed nearby and a girl was placed on it.

Silently, the lovers looked at each other with love, realizing that they were parting forever in this world. But Zarina and Tolion knew that unearthly love bound them forever. While the Sorcerer was preparing to perform the ritual, the little sorceress and the leader of the warriors swore that they would never part, that they would always meet in other incarnations and love each other, no matter what it cost them. Their Great love has already been written on the waves of the Great Cosmos, and now it is also bound by a strong oath of two wizards. Then the Black Sorcerer tore out the girl's heart, it froze forever in its beating. With bloody hands, the villain put it in his mouth, quickly ate it so that no one could stop him. The leader shouted wildly, having lost his beloved. He could not remain silent and told the sorcerer that he would not succeed, because a strong oath forever binds him and the sorceress for all time. Howled, spun like a top Evil sorcerer. He will never be the most powerful man on earth. The only thing he could do was curse their love.

"Let this woman never know the feeling of love, and you, my old friend, will serve women in all ages, and if you meet your only love, you will not be able to be with her. In all ages!" With these words, the sorcerer cut off the rope on which the leader was hanging and threw him into the abyss. The soul of a person can come back to earth several times, incarnate in the images of other people. Zarina and Tollion incarnated many times, but could not reunite in their love. And so that this never happened, the Black Sorcerer taught people in honor of their male Deity to sacrifice the lives of young men and women. The more young people are killed on the altar of his insatiable God, the less likely it is to meet lovers in this life. So that Great Love never triumphs on earth. People, blindly trusting the black priests, killed each other without regret, gave their children to be torn apart by the Gods.

Animals took an example from people and also killed their children and comrades. For many thousands of years, the Dark Time reigned on Earth, from where love left. The Earth itself has changed, darkened from grief. The sun covered its face from such a planet, began to shine with a different light, so as not to stain its pure rays with evil coming from people. Many thousands of years have passed since then. The Black Sorcerer has long been gone, the Male Deity, in whose honor young people were sacrificed, has disappeared forever. The sorcerer did not take into account that the Great Love is recorded in the Cosmic Chronicle, the Universe exists only when Love exists. She returned to Earth. I began to search and connect all lovers. The time will come, the little sorceress and the leader of the warriors will return to Earth and unite in their love so that peace, goodness and beauty will be restored on the planet again, as it was in the distant old days.

On April 15, Kazakhstan celebrates Valentine's Day. This holiday is relatively young - it was invented 5 years ago to have its own analogue of Valentine's Day. Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu, the heroes of the folk epic, whose tragic story is considered the personification of love and fidelity, became the symbols of the Kazakhstani holiday of lovers.

“Open Asia Online” decided to remind its readers about this and other beautiful legends of the peoples of Central Asia.


Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu

The people have more than 20 different versions of this most famous legend. Their general meaning boils down to the fact that the fathers of Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu - Sarybay and Karabay - were friends from childhood and vowed to tie the knot of their children long before their birth. But when Sarybai's wife was already expecting a son, the head of the family died while hunting. Goats and Bayan grew up far from each other, not knowing about the oath of their fathers. The greedy and prudent Karabai decided to give his daughter in marriage to the practical wrestler Kodar-kul, who saved his flock from the jute. But you can't deceive fate - Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu found out about each other, and when they met, they fell in love. Events developed rapidly, and Kozy-Korpesh died at the hands of the treacherous Kodar-kul, and Bayan-Sulu decided to take revenge on the killer by going to a trick. She said that she would marry him if he dug the deepest well in the steppe with spring water. The unsuspecting Kodar-kul dug the hole deeper and deeper and descended into the dungeon, holding on to Bayan's braids. When the well became incredibly deep, the girl cut off her hair, leaving Kodar-kul to die at the bottom. But Bayan-Sul also has no reason to live: on the grave of her beloved Kozy-Korpesh, she stabbed herself with a knife. In the East Kazakhstan region, where this legend comes from, not far from the city of Ayaguz, there is a mausoleum of the 10th-11th centuries, named after Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu.

Enlik and Kebek

Another Kazakh poem, written by the great writer Shakarim, tells about the no less tragic fate of the lovers Enlik and Kebek. In one of the clans of Tobykta lived a young batyr Kebek. From the age of 15, he was distinguished by his strength and desire for exploits. Once the guy wanted to know what awaits him in the future, and went to the famous fortuneteller Nysan, who lived in the mountains. He predicted the death of the batyr because of the girl. After some time, Kebek went hunting. Having lost his way, he wandered into the village, where he met a wonderfully beautiful girl named Enlik. Feelings flared up between them. But the beauty has long been betrothed to an elderly Kazakh from a noble family of Kerei. One night, the lovers decided to run away. They became husband and wife and had a son. But the Enlik family, considering her betrayal an insult, began to take revenge on the Kebek family. Litigation, hostility and cattle rustling began. One biy (judge - approx. OA), who was especially strict, sentenced the lovers to death. They were tied up with a lasso around their necks. Enlik asked that she and her husband be buried in the same grave and that their four-month-old son not be left to the mercy of fate. The lovers were tied to a horse and torn to pieces. After the funeral, no one took their son to him - cruel customs did not allow this. But years passed, and the people, who kept in their memory the legend of the love of Enlik and Kebek, began to compose songs about them. A monument was erected over their grave in East Kazakhstan in the 60s, where young people come to bow to the great and bright feeling of love that knows no barriers.

Kyz-Zhibek and Tulegen

This story is the most famous in the Kazakh epic. A film was made on it, performances are staged, and parents name their children in honor of Tulegen and Kyz-Zhibek. The rich Bai Bazarbai had 9 sons, and they all died one after another. But soon the young wife bore him two sons - Tulegen and Sansyzbay. They grew up to be real batyrs - proud and courageous. It's time to get married. Tulegen heard about the beautiful Kyz-Zhibek - the daughter of Khan Syrlybay - and hurried to the banks of the Ak-Zhaik River, where her family lived. For a long time the batyr was looking for his betrothed and found her in a distant nomad. Kyz-Zhibek turned out to be proud and impregnable, sharp-tongued, mocking and obstinate. But the handsome Tulegen managed to win her heart, and the young fell in love with each other. Preparations for the wedding had already begun, and at that time enemies attacked the family. Batyr went to war, their army won, and Tulegen hurried to the bride with good news. Then an evil and treacherous Bekezhan appeared on his way, hopelessly in love with Zhibek. He killed Tulegen with an arrow shot in the back and brought his bride the news of the death of his beloved. Full of contempt for the traitor, Zhibek threw herself into the waters of Ak-Zhaik, and only a white blanket - saukele - swayed on its waves ...


The blacksmith's daughter and the old ruler

Tajik legends keep war stories more in memory than love stories. But one of the legends can still melt even the coldest heart.
Shing Gorge, hidden by the Fan Mountains in the Zerafshan Valley in northern Tajikistan, is one of the most popular tourist destinations. It is famous for the fact that among the high mountains there are 7 beautiful lakes: Mizhgon, Soya, Khushier, Nofin, Khurdak, Marguzor and Khazorchashma. In one, the water is light blue, in the other - emerald, in the third - blue, and so everything is of different shades. But the most beautiful of them is Mizhgon. This lake has a deep dark blue color. It is as if covered with a huge piece of expensive velvet. One ancient legend is connected with Lake Mizhgon. Once upon a time, a blacksmith lived in the valley, and he had 7 beautiful daughters. Once the ruler saw the youngest daughter of a blacksmith and fell in love with her without memory. The father agreed to give her as a wife to the ruler, but the beauty did not want to marry an old man, although rich, because she loved another - the son of a potter. And the smart girl decided to set her own condition: she would marry if the ruler built a golden fairy-tale palace. The girl was sure that he would not be able to do it. But inspired by love, the old man performed a miracle and built the palace in 40 days. Realizing that the condition was met, the beauty on the wedding day, right in her wedding dress, rushed down from the roof of the palace. In the place where she crashed, Lake Mizhgon appeared, and the rest of the lakes were formed from the tears of her sisters.


Farhad and Shirin

In the settlement of Devkesken-Vazir on the Ustyurt plateau, on the border between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, there is a cathedral mosque and two mausoleums, the history of which is closely connected with the story of Farhad and Shirin.

According to folk legend, in the interfluve of the Daryalyk and Sarykamysh (these are the ancient channels of the Amu Darya), the powerful Ekhdem Shah lived. Of all his wealth, his beloved daughter, the beautiful Shirin, was dearer to him. The girl was in love with the stonecutter Farhad. The father, who did not want to intermarry with a commoner, still did not upset his daughter and told his courtiers that he would give her in marriage to someone who would dig a ditch in the rocks of Ustyurtar and build a fortress. Farhad was the best stonecutter, but even he was not up to this job. But the beautiful Shirin helped her lover: Farhad dug a ditch during the day, and thousands of slaves hired by the girl worked at night. Soon the shah was informed: the work was finished, the ditch was dug, the fortress was built. In anger, he exclaimed that this was the work of a deva (evil spirit - approx. OA). There is nothing to do - the word must be kept. But the shah decided to go for another trick. Late at night, when Farhad was sleeping, he ordered the slaves to deepen the ditch, and in the morning he declared Farhad a deceiver and refused to marry his daughter to him, saying that an evil spirit had done everything for him. Struck by hopelessness, the stonemason died. Since then, the fortress has been called Devkesken (Strangled by a deva - Uzbek, note OA). Shirin followed her beloved to the grave. In honor of them, two mausoleums were built.


Aigul and Kozu Ulan

The Kyrgyz story tells about how the rich and noble Urbokhan lived in ancient times. And he had a daughter, Aigul, who fell in love with the leader of the Khan's army, Koza Ulan. Relatives were already preparing for the wedding, but the war began, in which Koz Ulan was destined to lay down his head. Batyrs brought the heart of a fearless leader to the village. Aigul could not bear the grief and, having buried the heart of Kozu Ulan under the highest mountain, she rushed down from the steep. Soon, flowers of amazing beauty grew on the stones, sprinkled with the girl's blood. The people began to call this flower Aigul.

girl and khan

One of the most beautiful legends of the Kyrgyz people is the story of the formation of Issyk-Kul. Once upon a time, the fortress of a powerful khan towered over the valley. He was rich and capricious, and one day he heard that a poor man had a beautiful daughter. The Khan wanted to immediately get her into his palace, but the girl turned out to be intractable and proud. Many tried to win her hand, and she refused everyone. And then one day the matchmakers of the khan came to the poor yurt, began to give the poor man gifts, but the girl refused them too. Then the Khan's soldiers stole the stubborn woman and brought her by force to the fortress, from where it would be difficult to escape. Khan was convinced of her beauty with his own eyes and tried to win her heart with persuasion and generous gifts, but the girl was adamant. And then the khan decided to take her by force. But the girl with the words of curses rushed down from the window of the fortress. At this time, the walls of the castle trembled, and great water gushed out, flooding the entire valley. Soon, between the mountains, a turquoise, like the sky, and pure, like a girl's heart, lake appeared, which was called Issyk-Kul.

One woman complained to a neighbor about a friend who offended her. The neighbor reassured her and persuaded her to forgive her friend. - Forgive? Yes, how is it? After what she did to me? Because she's so mean! No, evil cannot be forgiven,” the woman said. - And in general, why should I love people who do not love me, why should I do good when everyone around me deceives, betrays and does dirty tricks? “I’ll tell you a story,” the neighbor says to her. - Lived...

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Parable of Love: The Princess in Rags

20.06.2019 . parables

A beautiful parable about love: The king announced that the husband of the princess would be the one who would love her all his life. On the appointed day, hundreds of suitors gathered in the palace. Everyone wanted to prove that they would love the princess forever. The girl looked at the dressed up young men and thought. Then she called her teacher and had a long conversation with him. “I will not talk to suitors today,” the princess announced. - Divide them into groups. Have the first group come tomorrow night. During the day I will...

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Parable about love and anger

Early in the morning, when Hing Shi was walking with his disciple in the garden, a young man approached them. Somewhat embarrassed, he greeted Hing Shi and his student, and then asked, “Master, I love one girl very much, and our parents are not opposed to us getting married, but I am overcome with fears and doubts. “What are you worried about and what are you afraid of?” Hing Shi asked. - I'm afraid to be disappointed in her, in family life ... because I'm not ...

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Parable of Love: Mother's Heart

06.04.2019 . parables

A “deep” and short parable about love, a parable about a mother: One young man fell in love with a very beautiful girl. But the girl was proud, arrogant and cruel. He often asked to be his wife, but she only laughed at him. Unable to stand it, the guy exclaimed: “I will do everything that you ask, if only you were with me!” And then the proud beauty said: "Bring me your mother's heart as proof of your love for me." Without thinking, the unfortunate man rushed to run home, killed his mother, took out ...

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Parable of true love

A touching and beautiful parable about relationships, I read it from my friend on the wall of Vkontakte. Author: Lena Malinovaya ( There was a Hedgehog in one forest. An ordinary such Hedgehog, not good and not bad - for everyone in different ways, in general. Only he himself dreamed of being a porcupine. He thought the porcupine was cool, with a bigger snout and longer quills. Therefore, he built himself long needles from spruce branches, made a serious face and went to the river - ...