Tutta larsen about pregnancy, new projects and his sources of inspiration. Project for expectant mothers "Waiting for a miracle"

The educational project "Mom-entrepreneur" takes place in Voronezh from November 7 to 10. Within the framework of the project, women on maternity leave, mothers of minor children, as well as those registered at the labor exchange will receive free of charge the knowledge and skills necessary to start their own business. Under the guidance of trainers, the participants will develop business projects, the author of the best one will receive a grant of 200 thousand rubles.

Voronezh mothers take part in the project for the third year in a row. In 2017, 74 girls registered in it. Some participants already have their own business, but would like to receive additional knowledge from experts for further development. Others only dream of starting their own business and came to the trainings for skills on the basics of entrepreneurship.

- The project solves a socially important task - it gives women the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge in order to start their own business. The program is based on the idea that self-employment, own business is an alternative to hired labor. Choosing a business, women do not start working less, but they get more freedom in time, self-expression, flexible hours and the opportunity to devote more time to family. The goal of the Mom-Entrepreneur project is not only to enable young mothers to improve their business project, but also to motivate girls, give them a “magic kick” for a startup. Many women cannot start their own business due to lack of competence: they do not know how to competently combine marketing and sales. In addition, internally they are not ready to do business. Our intensive business coaches give practical advice on starting and promoting a business. And the starting capital of 200 thousand rubles, which the winner will receive, is a good benefit for starting a business, - said Olga Ofitserova, project coordinator.

Women of various professions take part in the “Mom-Entrepreneur” program: engineers, farmers, designers, builders. According to the business coach of the project, Veronika Peshkova, sometimes the participants simply amaze with their creative solutions. And it happens that they come to trainings with some ideas, and leave with completely different ones. Often, girls, having met on a project, unite and become business partners.

One of the most striking examples of business partnership is the team of Voronezh participants, which in 2016 won a grant with the business project "Insight". In the course of the “Mom-Entrepreneur” program, the girls jointly developed an excursion and educational tourism project for children and adults. This year they received another educational grant to develop their business. This experience of Voronezh mothers is now used by the business coaches of the project as an example for participants from other regions.

– The main problem that young mothers face when thinking about their own business is fear, fear that nothing will work out. Therefore, at the very first lesson, I always ask the girls to voice their fears and expectations. Some of the fears disappear after the first training: in the classroom, the girls interact with each other and understand that they are not alone in their fears. The main advice that I give to my students is to take it and try it. It is better to regret what has been done than what has not been done,” business coach Veronika Peshkova explained.

The mother of six children, 34-year-old Elena Yakovets, decided to participate in the “Mother-Entrepreneur” project in order to calculate the prospects of creating her global project “Family House” with the help of business coaches. The woman dreams of opening a family children's and youth institution in Voronezh, by analogy with the Youth House and the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

Elena Yakovets
Photo - Natalia Trubchaninova

- It is assumed that in one place families will be able to receive a wide range of services: legal and psychological consultations, visits with children of various circles, sections with a scientific and creative focus. I think this is a necessary project: parents need to find time for their children, despite being busy. And you have to start at a very young age. And not just bring and leave children in circles, but get involved with them in one common activity. In the future, it will be easier to build a dialogue with a teenager on common interests, to look for ways out of conflict situations that inevitably arise when children try to assert themselves. When there are several children in a family, it is difficult to transport them all to different sections. And if parents have the opportunity to work with children in one place, it will be more convenient for everyone. Yes, and the family will only become stronger from this, - Elena Yakovets is sure.

Anastasia Ostankova and her business partner are planning to implement the shopping and gifts holiday market project in Voronezh.

Anastasia Ostankova
Photo - Natalia Trubchaninova

– We want to create a large-scale design market, where local craftsmen and workshop owners will present their themed products dedicated to a certain holiday. Business idea: collect as many interesting gifts as possible in one place to save the buyer from a dreary shopping trip. In addition to the sale of goods, we plan to fill the site with interesting activities so that parents with children can still relax and have fun with us. Perhaps, within the framework of the market, we will create some more interest clubs for craftsmen, develop Internet platforms for placing hand-made items. There are many similar sites in Voronezh, but they are all scattered. Maybe, on the “Mom-Entrepreneur” project, professionals will give us some ideas in this direction and help correct mistakes,” the participant said.

Nadezhda Serebryakova worked as a fitness trainer for eight years. After the birth of a child, the 25-year-old girl thought about creating her own fitness studio for pregnant women and new mothers.

Nadezhda Serebryakova
Photo - Natalia Trubchaninova

- There are many fitness clubs in Voronezh, but there are no such targeted ones - for pregnant women and young mothers. And women who have given birth have problems with the figure. I myself worked as a fitness trainer and became a mother eight months ago, this topic is close to me. After childbirth, you begin to forget, you do not pay attention to yourself, but this is wrong. Therefore, I would like to help young mothers restore their figure, somehow cheer them up. My project involves going to the client's home if she does not have the opportunity to study at the center. And in the club I want to make a children's playroom so that mom can look after the child in the classroom. I am sure that my project will be in demand in Voronezh. I need the project “Mom-entrepreneur” because I have no practice in doing business. But even if I don’t win, based on the knowledge gained, it will be easier for me to open my own business, Nadezhda Serebryakova emphasized.

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Chapter 1

1.1 The concept and physiology of pregnancy

2 Preconception preparation

Chapter 2 Health Schools

1 The concept of "School of health". Relevance

2.2 Goals and objectives. Equipment and equipment

Chapter 3




Pregnancy is a very important step in a woman's life, for which it is necessary to carefully prepare, both mentally and physically. This preparation is necessary not only for the expectant mother, but also for the future father.

The paper describes in more detail the pregravid preparation of the family for the birth of a child. Previously, the health indicators of women and men were much higher and pregnancy was practically not planned, but accepted as a fact. Nowadays, things are different. Due to the deterioration of the health status of the population, as well as under the influence of other factors, pregnancy often has to be planned. Married couples are increasingly undergoing medical examinations so that they are provided with qualified assistance not only in maintaining the health of the unborn child, but also in the process of conception itself.

Even when a woman is already pregnant, she may not know very important details about her condition and therefore do not monitor her health and the health of her baby, miss some points. In order to eliminate the lack of knowledge and teach the expectant mother these lifestyle rules, there are health schools or, as is now often called the “School of Expectant Mothers”.

I want to tell you more about preparing for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, as well as health schools for pregnant women, in my thesis.

The purpose of my work is to tell about pregnancy in general, what changes are observed in a woman’s body, highlight the issues of preconception preparation and show the need to create health schools for expectant mothers in order to eliminate the lack of knowledge about the right lifestyle during this difficult period in the life of a woman and her family.

· Explain what pregnancy is from a scientific and physiological point of view.

· Consider in more detail the most important changes in a woman's body during pregnancy and their significance.

· Tell about the preconception preparation of a married couple.

· To highlight the concept of a health school in general and a health school for pregnant women, as well as to prove the relevance of their creation in our time.

· Get acquainted with the goals and objectives set by the schools organizers of schools for expectant mothers.

· Give brief information about the conduct of classes at the school of health for pregnant women.

Chapter 1

1 The concept and physiology of pregnancy

Pregnancy (lat. graviditas) - a special condition of the woman's body , in which in its reproductive organs there is a developing embryo or fetus . Pregnancy arises from the merger of the female and male germ cells in the fallopian tube followed by the formation of a zygote containing 46 chromosomes . The sex of the unborn child depends on the set of sex chromosomes (XX or XY), while the eggs always carry the X chromosome , and the spermatozoa X or Y chromosomes (in the ratio 1:1). Thus, the gender of the unborn child it is determined precisely by the sex chromosome, the carrier of which is the spermatozoon (in the case of the X chromosome, a female child will be born, and in the case of the Y chromosome, a male child). As a result of cell division blastocyst is formed , which on the seventh day is attached to the wall of the uterus . In the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester), organs are laid fetus, by the end of the 12th week the placenta is fully formed . Through it, the fetus receives nutrients and the end products of metabolism are removed. The duration of a human pregnancy is 9 months, or 40 obstetric weeks (counted from the date of the last menstrual period ). In obstetrics, physiological and pathological pregnancy are distinguished. Normally, any pregnancy ends in childbirth. - a child is born and in case of multiple pregnancy - twins (homo- - identical or heterozygous - different).

This is the scientific definition of the term "pregnancy".

It can still be explained as a normal (physiological) process that occurs in a woman's body during fetal development. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes profound transformations. During normal pregnancy<#"justify">1.2Preconception preparation

pregnancy school health family

A woman is always a little afraid of the changes that will happen to her body during pregnancy. A lot of unusual duties fall on a man when a married couple is expecting a child, especially if the wife has complications during the period of bearing an heir.

Pregnancy<#"justify">· Examination of a married couple.

It is necessary to examine both the man and the woman for diseases of the reproductive system, internal organs and endocrine pathology. The future dad needs to make a spermogram in order to know about the possible pathology of spermatogenesis. In addition to determining possible diseases of the genital organs, the mother should be diagnosed with endocrine diseases, defects in the blood coagulation system, and autoimmune pathology. It will not be superfluous to determine the blood group, the Rh factor for both partners.

· Bad habits.

Quitting smoking, drug use and alcohol in a family that wants to give birth to a healthy child is mandatory.

· Impact of environmental factors.

If one of the couple works at a hazardous enterprise, then it is advisable to change jobs. This necessarily applies to women who come into contact with harmful factors in the working environment, for example, in a chemical plant.

· Complete nutrition.

It is desirable that the spouses normalize the diet<#"justify">· Medical genetic testing.

Identification of risk factors for the birth of a sick child should be carried out before pregnancy. A geneticist will collect a family history and, if he reveals a high risk of having a baby with a gross hereditary pathology, will give recommendations for an additional genetic examination. So the spouses will have a guarantee to get an heir without defects and chromosomal diseases.

· Screening for infections and their treatment.

Determination of chronic bacterial and viral infections significant for pregnancy, their timely treatment has a significant impact on the course and outcome of pregnancy. The expectant mother must pass several special blood tests from a vein, a smear on the flora from the genital tract, and if an infection significant to the fetus is detected, it should be sanitized in advance. It is also necessary to heal carious teeth and consult an ENT doctor in the presence of chronic tonsillitis regarding the prevention of its exacerbation.

· Taking vitamins and minerals.

This point, although it is the last, is not inferior in importance to any of the previous ones. Leading experts of the World Health Organization to prevent the birth of children with gross malformations or with severe intellectual deficiency insist on a course of folic acid<#"justify">Chapter 2 Health Schools

1 The concept of "school of health". Relevance

School of health is an organizational form of group counseling, hygienic education and upbringing, which is a comprehensive medical preventive service.

A school for pregnant women is a whole range of classes that are aimed at introducing a woman to physiological, psychological and other kinds of phenomena that accompany her during pregnancy, the prenatal period, during childbirth and in the first months after them.

In such a school, parents will be told about the proper nutrition of a pregnant and nursing mother, about the daily routine, about the schedule of wakefulness and sleep, and many other aspects related to the newborn.

Experienced specialists will show you how to do gymnastics correctly in order to prepare the muscles for childbirth without consequences and complications for the woman's body, as well as teach breathing exercises that will help a woman during labor.

Experts advise you to definitely visit schools for pregnant women in order to structure all the information that the expectant mother learns from various sources. Dads can also attend courses to ask all their questions regarding this difficult and at the same time wonderful period in the family.

In order for the choice of a school for pregnant women to be made correctly, it is important to focus on the following parameters. It is desirable that the school is close to home, the classes are taught by experienced psychologists or obstetricians, and the courses meet the needs of a woman in communication and spending free time.

Many such centers offer pregnant women a weekly visit to the pool, drawing lessons, yoga, music classes. It is important that the expectant mother likes to attend such classes, and she would be aware that they will really help her and bring undeniable benefits.

As a result, a woman's fear of childbirth disappears, it is replaced by a sense of confidence in their favorable outcome and the easy birth of a healthy baby.

2.2 Goals and objectives. Equipment and equipment

The main goal of the School of Health is to optimize, improve the availability and improve the quality of medical preventive care for the population.

Women in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy are sent to the School of Psychological Preparation of the Family for the Birth of a Child.

The training cycle at the School of Psychological Preparation of the Family for the Birth of a Child includes 5 lessons of 90 minutes each. The recommended frequency of classes is 1-2 times a week in an outpatient clinic or 3-5 times a week in a day hospital, inpatient department.

The main tasks of the School of psychological preparation of the family for the birth of a child are:

· informing the family about the psychological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth;

· formation of a woman's attitude to childbirth as a natural physiological process;

· reducing the woman's level of anxiety about the outcome of pregnancy and childbirth;

· motivation of a woman to breastfeed a child;

· raising awareness of expectant mothers about the features of psychophysical development, nutrition and care for a child in the first year of life;

· strengthening family relationships.


Required school equipment:

· room for classes with an area of ​​4 m2 for 1 place, not less than 24 m2;

· tables and chairs in the amount of 15 pieces;

· information materials for patients (diaries, memos, booklets, posters, etc.).

Additional (desirable) equipment of the School:

· projector (multimedia or overhead), computer, screen;

· printer, copier, software for creating and updating a database of trained patients;

· audio and video equipment and audio and video materials;

· exercise room.

Equipment: doll, diaper set.

Chapter 3

Education of pregnant women and their families in "Schools of Health" is a comprehensive medical preventive service (industry classifier "Complex complex medical services" - 91500.09.0002-2001, order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 268 dated July 16, 2001 "") and is classified 04.001.03:

Medical services for prevention;

Obstetrics and gynecology;

School for pregnant women.

Classes at the School of Expectant Mothers are free of charge, from 14:00 to 15:30. Lectures are read by obstetrician-gynecologists, neonatologists and a physiotherapist. Groups are formed of 8-10 people to ensure the comfort of expectant mothers.

When enrolling in a school for pregnant women, you must have:

· passport

· policy

· pension certificate

· pregnant woman's medical record

· notebook and pen for notes.

It is also mandatory to have a change of shoes and sportswear for gymnastics.

The full cycle consists of 5 sessions of 90 minutes each, devoted to the main most important issues of the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Lesson 1. Changes in a woman's body associated with pregnancy.

Lesson 2. Psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy and childbirth. Postpartum psychological crises.

Lesson 3. Childbirth. Occurrence and suppression of pain in childbirth.

Lesson 4. Breastfeeding. Nutrition for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Lesson 5. A child of the first year of life.

Pregnancy changes all aspects of a woman's life and in order for her to proceed normally, it is necessary to change her lifestyle. And the task of medical workers is to teach her this.

In Appendix 1 to my thesis, I compiled a lesson at the School of Expectant Mothers, dedicated to the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy and childbirth.


In the process of working on the topic of organizing health schools for pregnant women, I studied a lot of materials about pregnancy and the changes that occur in a woman's body during this period of life. I also got acquainted with the peculiarities of preconception preparation of a married couple and became convinced of the need to give up bad habits, rational nutrition, taking vitamins and minerals and undergoing a full medical genetic examination before a planned pregnancy. A few decades ago, the concept of a health school as a whole practically did not exist, and people did not know about the school of motherhood, and could not imagine the need for its creation. Nowadays, in every city and in many medical institutions there are health schools. Schools of health for patients with hypertension, bronchial asthma, etc. began to open at polyclinics and hospitals. In many perinatal centers and antenatal clinics, schools for expectant mothers begin their work. Only, unfortunately, not all pregnant women understand the direction of her activities and not only do not attend classes, but also miss medical examinations and consultations. That is why during childbirth, unforeseen complications often arise for both the mother and the child. To avoid this, to overcome the fears characteristic of pregnant women, as well as to learn a lot of new and interesting things, there are Schools for expectant mothers.

Annex 1

Lesson #2

Topic: "Psychological characteristics of women during pregnancy and childbirth."

Equipment: a multimedia presentation or slides to an overhead projector on the topic of the lesson - if possible; information materials for students on the topic of the lesson (memos); CD with relaxation music or nature sounds, if possible.

Structure and content of the lesson

Introduction ~ 5 minutes

Description of the purpose of the lesson.

2. Information part ~ 20 minutes (according to the lecture)

2.1. Features of the psychological state of a woman in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

2. Anxiety and fears of a pregnant woman.

3. Influence of a woman's emotional state on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Active part (questionnaires or questionnaire) ~ 15 minutes

Break ~ 10 minutes

Conducting training.

Final part ~ 5 minutes

Answers to questions, homework.

Lesson progress:

Lecture on the topic: "Psychological characteristics of women during pregnancy and childbirth."

In the last lesson, you learned what pregnancy is and what changes have occurred or are occurring in your body. Well, today we will talk about the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy.

The inner world of a pregnant woman is mysterious and amazing, and her mood is changeable. In a short period of time, it can change several times: now she is happy, cheerful, cheerful, then the very next moment she is upset, upset, saddened. A pregnant woman is sensitive and irritable, she reacts much more sharply than before to the world around her. In some women, during pregnancy, the appearance changes, in others everything remains unchanged. But all expectant mothers have their own special psychology, which changes from month to month.

Pregnancy from a psychological point of view, as in physiology, can be divided into three periods (trimesters):

· The first trimester is months of uncertainty and adaptation to a new state. The beginning of pregnancy is a period of emotional ups and downs. The feelings of a woman have not yet been determined; from the realization of happiness, she passes to regret. Changes in mood are strong and difficult to understand. This is not yet a fear of childbirth, but an indefinite fear, which includes both the joy of not knowing what is happening, and the fear of the unknown, and anxiety about the future of the child, and fears that her husband will move away from her during pregnancy.

Nausea, insomnia, lack of appetite as a cause or effect of these mixed feelings make the first weeks of pregnancy tiring.

Fear of the unknown can lead to a state of depression, dependence on loved ones.

A woman becomes more impressionable, feels more fragile physically and psychologically, she wants to be the object of attention and care. Cries often and a lot, becomes sentimental; it seems to her that no one loves her, and in general she does not want anything.

Responsibility for these changes in feelings is borne by the hormonal restructuring of the body, as a result of which the state of mind of a woman in the first months approaches that of a child. In this state, a woman begins to feel like a child, which will help her in the future when communicating with the baby. However, being in this state, a woman feels that she is growing up.

As at first the expectant mother hesitated between joy and fear, so now infantilism and growing up are struggling in her. This duality causes her anxiety and is often the cause of a change of mood that is not always clear to others.

During this period, the woman feels unusually tired, needs more sleep due to increased energy consumption. The body adapts, adapts to the new state.

In the first trimester, depression may occur, the causes of which may be family disagreements, social and domestic problems, lack of emotional support from the father of the child, complications and illness.

· The second trimester is the months of balance.

The energy balance in the body is restored. Calmness, stability come to the woman, mood improves, normal sleep returns. The expectant mother has the first sensations of a new life - the movement of the fetus. Mothers who previously hesitated to show their joy give themselves entirely to her. Now they are confident in their motherhood.

The presence of a child has a beneficial effect not only on the thoughts and imagination of the expectant mother, but also on her body, since it is interconnected.

· The third trimester is the retreat months. In the first trimester, the baby was a hope, a certainty, but not a reality; in the second trimester his presence became palpable; in the third, he becomes the center of thoughts, interests and activities of the expectant mother.

Gradually, the events of everyday life recede into the background, occupying the woman less and less, her thoughts are concentrated on the child she is carrying. Immersion in the child is the main feature of the third trimester.

Mood swings begin again, irritability, anxiety, fear of childbirth, pain appear.

A woman changes not only emotionally, there is also a change in her priorities: she hardly forces herself to be interested in work, and devotes more time to home and the unborn child.

The last week seems longer than the previous nine months. The feelings and emotions of a pregnant woman are very disparate: on the one hand, she looks forward to the onset of childbirth, on the other hand, the approach of childbirth causes even more doubts, anxiety, and uncertainty. These sensations have their own advantage: they, as it were, weaken the fear of childbirth, if it arises.

Now we will talk about what worries pregnant women and what they are afraid of.

Anxiety and fears of a pregnant woman

The most important thing at the beginning of pregnancy is to realize your condition. To realize pregnancy means to accept the appearance of a child in your life and begin to co-exist with him. And for nine months, communicating with the baby, learn to understand his needs and desires.

Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have concerns about the health of the child. What will he be like: healthy, weak, strong, will he have developmental deviations, will the analgin tablet drunk last week affect, what to do with the computer monitor ... Different situations are sorted out in the memory, and the imagination draws a lot of dangers for the child.

In the second third of pregnancy, various superstitions and previously heard opinions and comments (do not eat a lot of meat so that the baby is not hairy, etc.) can become the cause of unfounded fears.

The best way to get rid of such fears is to realize that they are natural during pregnancy. But if fears begin to interfere, then it is necessary to contact a psychologist, as well as regularly receive professional advice from a doctor, undergo all the necessary examinations scheduled according to the schedule on time.

By the end of pregnancy, a woman is overcome by fear of childbirth. A woman may be afraid of the unknown, various complications, labor pain, death. The source of this fear lies not in the fear for one's own life, but in the anticipation of the experiences of the child, who, in the process of birth, goes through the stage of psychological "dying". Birth is one of the most powerful human experiences, comparable in strength only to the experience of death.

Life in the mother's stomach for a child is a paradise: it is always warm, calm, comfortable, satisfying, all needs are satisfied by themselves, no effort is needed. But suddenly, in one moment, everything will change: it will become cramped, stuffy and hungry. To cope with the situation, the child will go on a journey, not knowing how it will end. The horror that a child experiences at the time of birth is not stored in his mind, since it is not yet formed.

The fear of pain in childbirth is often formed in adolescence from various "terrible" stories that arise in the memory when the time comes to give birth, from the age-old belief that they give birth in pain.

Many women experience pain during childbirth only because they were too frightened by the expectation of the upcoming pain, ignorance and misunderstanding of what will happen to them. Women who experience fear give birth much more difficult than those who are set up correctly for the birth process. It is fear that creates excessive muscle tension. Instead of relaxing and letting the baby be born in peace, the woman is afraid, nervous and tense. And that makes the pain even worse.

Therefore, in order to overcome pain, it is necessary to overcome fear. To do this, a woman needs to know what happens to her during pregnancy, how the child lives and develops, how childbirth will take place, whether it is possible to help herself learn how to breathe correctly, relax and relieve stress.

The influence of the emotional state of a woman on the course of pregnancy and childbirth

Many researchers emphasize the adverse effect of maternal emotional stress on pregnancy and childbirth.

The anxiety experienced by a woman during pregnancy is the first experience of anxiety in a child.

In the second half of pregnancy, the circulatory system of the fetus develops intensively, and it receives a hormonally mediated portion of anxiety through the placenta and umbilical cord whenever the mother is in a state of anxiety. Certain functional disturbances in the activity of the body are also possible in response to prolonged excitement or irritation of the mother. The mother's anxiety also causes the corresponding motor reaction of the fetus.

With emotional stress in the mother during pregnancy, the likelihood of premature birth, violations of labor activity was noted, if the birth took place on time. In the latter case, weakness of labor activity, signs of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, and impaired placental blood supply are more common.

A woman with a positive attitude towards her unborn child endures pregnancy easily, she is always in a great mood, she is confident in the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth, and she sees the joy and happiness of her life in her unborn child. Positive maternal emotions cause an increase in the growth of the fetus and an increase in the level of its sensory perception.

Well, now, let's check how much you are aware of the details of your condition and consolidate the knowledge gained in today's lesson.


Date "_____" ________________ 20

Please read the following statements carefully and indicate whether you agree with them by ticking the appropriate box: “agree” (“Yes”), “disagree” (“No”), “hard to say” (“Don’t know”) .

No. Statement Answer Yes No Don't know 1 A normal pregnancy lasts 9 months (40 weeks) and consists of three trimesters 2 Nutrients enter the bloodstream of the fetus through the placenta and are used by the growing body for development. 3 Communication between mother and child before birth helps in establishing contact in the first months after birth 4 metabolic processes in the body remain the same as before pregnancy. 5 The first milk that is released when pressing on the nipple is called "colostrum." 6 Normal weight gain at the end of pregnancy is 20-27 kg 8 During pregnancy, a woman is not prescribed any medications, including vitamins. 9 A woman and her unborn child are closely related to each other. 10 It is fear that aggravates pain during childbirth. 11 Positive motherly emotions are very useful for a baby. and help to properly prepare for the birth of a child.

Thank you for your attention!

Training "My baby"

And now, in order to relax, I suggest you do a training. This is something like a game, I'm sure you'll like it. Get comfortable and let's get started.

Each of you talks about your child - it will be a boy or a girl, what kind of hair, eyes, character, name he (she) will have. Begin.

And now we will try to hear what is happening in your body. First, concentrate your attention on the sounds that are heard outside the window. Remember what you heard. Well, now, try to hear the sounds that are happening inside you - in your heart, in your stomach. And now each of you will share with us your impressions of what she heard.

After you have tried to hear your baby, you try to feel him. Put your hands on your stomach and gently moving them try to feel the baby. Thus, you establish contact with him, because touch means a lot. At home, you can do the same, only put your husband's hands on top of your hands, or vice versa, your hands on top.

I would advise you to keep a pregnancy diary. Put a date and next to it describe the most vivid impressions associated with pregnancy. It helps a lot to get psychological balance.

And now I invite you to ask your questions. Feel free, I will try to tell you everything that interests you.

(Women asking questions)

Don't forget to exercise. In the next lesson, you will learn about the process of childbirth itself, learn how to suppress the pain of childbirth and learn many more new and interesting things. See you!

List of used literature

1)Kokhanevich E.V. Topical issues of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductology / E.V. Kokhanevich, Topical issues of obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction. M Triada-X, 2000 - 480 p.

)Textbook / G.M. Savelyeva, V.I. Kulakov, A.N. Strizhakov and others; Ed. G.M. Savelieva / Moscow: Medicine - 2000 - 816 p.

)Carr F. Obstetrics, gynecology and women's health / F. Carr, Obstetrics, gynecology and women's health. M.: MED-press, 2005 - 462 p.

)Order dated March 19, 2012 No. 250-p On the organization of Health Schools in medical institutions of the Sverdlovsk region

)Maternal and child health service in 2005. Information Bulletin of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. M., 2006. - S. 22.

)Anatomy: Textbook for High Schools / Ed. G.S. Nikiforova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 607 p.

)Gynecology. Edited by acad. RAMS prof. G. M. Savelieva, prof. V. G. Brusenko. Art-Med, M, 2007. - 754 p.

Electronic resources

)City House - #"justify">) Meduniver - #"justify">) Doctor - V - #"justify">) Regional perinatal center - http://opcyar.ru

Alexandra Savina

It's no secret that Russian maternity leave- one of the longest and most humane in the world: it allows a woman to concentrate on raising a child at the very beginning of his life. At the same time, motherhood is still not perceived as a full-fledged job that takes a lot of effort, and the phrase “maternity leave” only confuses and evokes associations with relaxation. Caring for a newborn takes almost 24 hours a day, and the days of new mothers, despite the many tasks, are similar to each other. It is not surprising that they get tired of the monotonous daily activities - just as any person can get tired of their work at some stage.

Admitting that such a regime is tiring and that they feel culturally or socially isolated is often embarrassing for women: the idea that a loving mother cannot get tired of being alone with her child most of the time, and she does not need to communicate with other people and a change of scenery. In addition, mothers often feel isolated from cultural life: it is not easy to get to museums and galleries with a child, and their administration of visitors is not always with prams.

If an adult is comfortable and interested in a lesson or a concert, then the child’s interest grows even more

The easiest and most understandable way to break out of the routine and social isolation, in addition to finding new acquaintances on the Internet, is local communities and clubs of mothers. Most often there are specialized courses for pregnant women and young mothers dedicated to caring for a child, but there are other options. After the birth of a child, young mothers often have to partially change their social circle: it is not always possible to meet friends who continue to work full-time. Groups for mothers are created for this very purpose: they are intended primarily for the exchange of experiences, as well as for support (for example, for those who have experienced postpartum depression), but they can also meet in another way - for example, if mothers have similar interests (book club) or they want to walk together with the children.

Other mothers' clubs in Russia are easiest to find through city communities in social networks. Most often, women are looking for a company for joint walks with children, but there are also foreign language classes and other activities. Alas, we don’t have such a variety of mothers’ clubs as in the USA (it seems that everything is here - for example, a club of women who have become mothers in adulthood and a club of fathers), but you can try to open such a club yourself.

There are other initiatives specifically for mothers. There are not so many of them, and they are concentrated mainly in the capital. The most famous leisure project in Moscow for mothers with children is “Together with Mom”, which has existed since 2009, the events of which are designed for children from 1 month old and their parents. Its creator is Marina Kelman, who also developed the author's methodology "Leisure with children from 1 month old." The project began with classical music concerts where parents could come with their children; later, yoga classes, theatrical performances, excursions, museum visits and summer trips to the sea were added to them. The need for the project is evidenced by its popularity: there is often a waiting list for classes. Club events are paid, the cost of one is on average 500-1000 rubles - by Moscow standards, the amount is not very large, but this can be a problem for families with a small budget.

Marina Kelman believes that joint activities are useful for both parents and children. In her opinion, it is much easier for a child to explore the world in a comfortable and calm environment when his mother is next to him. She also says that if an adult is comfortable and interested in a class or concert, then the child's interest grows even more. “Another big advantage of the fact that everyone can come to concerts, performances and classes together is that the relationship between an adult and a child is built more harmoniously,” she says. - Music gives such an opportunity - to share this impression with your child and partner, because it is a universal language that is accessible to both a small and a big person, and division by age is completely unnecessary here. We give an adult the opportunity not to feel discomfort because he came somewhere with a small child, but, on the contrary, to rejoice at this. We make it clear to all our guests that we are very happy that they came with a small child. Participation by the whole family in such a musical event provides an opportunity for the development of not only each participant - a child and an adult, but for the whole family as a whole. Now the project has six central sites and two dozen branches, including in St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and the Moscow region.

Most classes in family centers are designed for children, and mothers only help the child

Another project for young mothers - " Library 1 + 1- launched in February this year. Its authors are Ella Rossman and Dasha Serenko. Events are held once a week in the building of the Moscow Children's Library No. 56; unlike the events "Together with Mom", participation in them is free. “At first, Dasha and I just discussed the phenomenon of cultural and social exclusion of women with small children,” says Ella Rossman. - In parallel, they talked about how feminism can and should look in a situation where there are often very few opportunities to really fight for their rights, and there is almost no access to politics. What can femactivists do in the conditions they are in today's Russia. Gradually we came up with the idea of ​​the “Library 1 + 1” - an intellectual space where women (and everyone who wants it, we are also happy to have fathers, although it is obvious that in Russia children are very often the concern of women) can leave the children with volunteers and listen to a lecture, take part in a self-help and support group, do art therapy or just read something that you have long wanted.

The project is due to last until August, but its creators plan to continue working on it even further - despite the fact that the feminist focus of "Library 1 + 1" causes a wary reaction from the library administration. “Still, I want women to have a space where they can think and talk not only about the family, but also about themselves, about their desires, interests, problems - about their inner self, about self-development. And about something new,” says Ella Rossman.

Another small club for mothers is Marusya. It has two departments far from the center of Moscow, they conduct developmental classes for children. Moms at this time can consult a psychologist, do art therapy, yoga or English; Most club activities are paid.

There are also narrower thematic groups - for example,

Among the interesting business ideas that have only begun to gain their relevance today, one can single out the option of organizing courses for pregnant women. The main feature of such activity is that it does not require a large start-up capital. In addition, if such a business is properly designed and all the nuances are foreseen in advance, then it is able to bring a good and stable income.

Market analysis and relevance

Despite the fact that in almost every region of Russia there are free courses for pregnant women organized at medical centers, antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals, more and more expectant mothers tend to turn to organizations that provide such services on a paid basis.

This is due, first of all, to the limited number and duration of budgetary classes, which does not allow obtaining proper information about future births and the proper upbringing of a newborn baby. Communication with experienced mothers and obtaining information on special Internet forums does not help in this matter.

Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a business in the form of conducting special classes to prepare pregnant women for childbirth and for the proper care of an infant today is relevant and financially promising. In order for future activities to develop, the main thing is to conduct a preliminary analysis of the demand and competition for such services in a specific territorial zone.

Registration and organization of business

To begin with, like any commercial activity, a business must be registered in accordance with the law. To provide such services, you can choose one of the following forms of ownership:

  1. IP. If consulting services are provided in the form of providing information and psychological assistance to expectant mothers practically on an individual basis and with a possible combination with fitness and visiting the pool.
  2. OOO. If the project provides for the opening of an entire school for pregnant women, in which expectant mothers will be trained in a group order according to specially designed programs.

If any medical manipulations (examination, etc.) are supposed to be performed in the center, then a mandatory license to carry out the relevant activities will be required.

The room and its decoration

To conduct classes with expectant mothers, you will need a separate room, when choosing which it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it can consist of one or two rooms with an area of ​​30-70 square meters. m., it is important to consider that at least 5 sq. m. hall for classes;
  • a suitable location for conducting such courses is the city center or its sleeping areas with a large number of new buildings;
  • the hall for conducting classes should be bright and well ventilated;
  • if there is no own suitable premises, then it can be purchased or rented, and with the latter option, it may be possible to agree on a lease not for a full day, but only at certain hours.

As for the interior design of the room, it is better to make it in soothing colors, conducive to peace and relaxation.

It is not recommended to place informational posters and leaflets on the walls, as they will cause an association with a medical institution, they can be advertised during classes. It is best to hang pictures and photographs of happy moments of motherhood.

Equipment and equipment

The list of necessary equipment for conducting courses will largely depend on the methodology of conducting classes and their content. Among the main subjects are:

  1. Comfortable furniture, among which there should be soft chairs and sofas for pregnant women, as well as one or more tables for placing auxiliary materials and taking notes.
  2. Special board and crayons.
  3. A computer and a screen on which visual information will be displayed in the form of pictures, photos and videos. In addition, as part of the equipment, it is worth considering a printer, scanner and copier.

If the physical training of expectant mothers is foreseen, then it is also necessary to provide a hall for such classes, where soft mats and fitballs will be required. All rooms where pregnant women will be located are best provided with soft carpeting. It is important to consider that if the center is located in hot regions of the country, then the premises must be equipped with a sufficient number of split systems.

Educational materials and program

Modern courses for pregnant women are designed to prepare women for childbirth and the first upbringing of their baby. In order for a business to make a profit, an entrepreneur needs to develop an individual program and training methodology that distinguishes him from competitors. The main aspects that should be taken into account when developing theoretical and practical classes:

  • features of the development of the fetus;
  • proper nutrition of pregnant women;
  • features and methods of obstetric care and preparation for it;
  • rules and features of breastfeeding;
  • care of a newborn baby.

A standard lesson for expectant mothers can be built according to the following scheme:

  1. Lecture.
  2. Gymnastics.
  3. Practical breathing training for the birth process. This includes chest breathing exercises, delayed breathing, shallow breathing, intermittent breathing, and abdominal breathing.

As for the educational material, visual aids in the form of pictures and photographs, as well as video and photographic materials can act as it.

For classes, you will need paper, whatman paper, pencils, pens and felt-tip pens so that you can show any events in real time. In addition, for practical training, you will need dolls (baby dolls) and a set of diapers.


Most expectant mothers tend to trust medical specialists, and not ordinary women presenting theoretical material. Therefore, to conduct classes, it will be necessary to attract special teachers and practicing obstetricians-gynecologists.

As a result, the minimum staffing of an organization providing pregnancy counseling services should consist of the following specialists:

  • psychologist;
  • obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • prenatal fitness instructor.

In addition, the school or center requires the presence of an administrator who will work directly with clients. His duties will include consultations on questions of interest regarding the schedule of classes, as well as maintaining a preliminary record of those who wish, including by phone.


When organizing a business for conducting courses for pregnant women, special attention should be paid to activities to promote it. In other words, you need to disseminate information about your activities so that as many potential consumers as possible learn about it. To this end, the following types of advertising should be provided:

  1. A colorful outdoor sign containing information about the classes and their schedule, as well as a real photo.
  2. Posters and signs in public transport.
  3. Booklets and business cards containing contact information and the benefits of classes in a particular center, which are distributed to the places where pregnant women are most congested (antenatal clinics, etc.).
  4. Placement of information in specialized printed publications.
  5. Creation of an official website that reflects the contacts of the organization, the content of programs, photo reports and other information that attracts customers.

The financial component of the business

If we talk about the financial component of the business of conducting classes with pregnant women, then it will directly depend on its proper organization. In other words, this type of commercial activity does not require large investments, but is able to make a profit only if the premises are properly selected and decorated, the classes are taught by experienced specialists, and a special program has been developed for the courses.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Suppose an aspiring entrepreneur plans to open a course for pregnant women, in which the maximum group of visitors will consist of 10 people. Then he will need a room of at least 60 square meters. m., which is most convenient to take on a long-term lease.

In this case, the cost of opening will be about 200 thousand rubles, which will include the rent for the first month, the design of the premises and the purchase of equipment and training materials. In the future, the current costs of a small organization will be about 60 thousand rubles, most of them will be rent and wages.

Size of future income

The average price of one paid lesson is 1200 rubles. If the client takes a full course of study, then in this case discounts are provided and the cost of one lecture for her will be significantly reduced. Suppose all 10 people buy a full course of classes at a price of 1000 rubles per unit. If we take into account that 8 theoretical and practical lessons will be held per month, then the monthly amount of income will be 80 thousand rubles.

Payback period

Then the minimum amount of net profit that can be received from organizing courses for pregnant women will be 30 thousand rubles. Based on this indicator, we can say that the initial investment in such a business will pay off after 6-7 months of continuous operation.

Over time, in order not to lose the results achieved, it is necessary to try to get ahead of your competitors, for which we expand the list of services provided and introduce additional classes and methods. To assess the stability and quality of your work, it is worth conducting a survey of clients to find out what they liked and what was not enough or did not suit them. This will allow the organization to develop, which means that you can easily expand your business, increase your income and profits.

We do not know how she does it - she manages to be a mother, a TV presenter, plan and implement new projects and at the same time remain fresh, energetic and fantastically cheerful. We met with Tutta Larsen to ask the TV presenter about her immediate plans for life and attitude towards motherhood.

Tutta, how is your pregnancy going? They say that already in the mother's belly, children show their character. On the example of two previous pregnancies, can we already draw some conclusions?

- Oh yeah! My pregnancies are all similar physically - without toxicosis, threats and hormonal storms, but very different emotionally. With Luka I was very vulnerable and nervous, with Martha I was impenetrably calm, even retarded, and at the same time absent-minded. And now, when they ask me “how do you feel?”, I answer that I am like an elephant. I eat, sleep and trample on everyone who pisses me off. I became aggressive, it turns out I can stand up for myself. It is a pity that this state will end with the completion of pregnancy. And kids are different.
Luka was delicate and agile, Martha was very sociable: she kicked the doppler sensor with her foot and responded with pushes to daddy's kisses on the stomach. And this one is activated only during meals, especially if something sweet falls into his hands, and, judging by the ultrasound, he spent almost the entire time with his head down. specific friend.

Among our readers there are many mothers “about 40 or more” who would like to have more children, but believe that their “time has passed”. I'm sure you could convince them...

I think these are unfounded fears. The Lord gives as many children as He sees fit and when He sees fit, especially since today both medicine and society allow us to give birth much later than our grandmothers did. For me, pregnancy and childbirth is the best way to prolong youth. When you re-live this miracle with a new child - these first smiles, teeth, steps - you get a huge boost of strength and energy for many years to come. I know women who became grandmothers and mothers almost at the same time, this is aerobatics!

“We need to stop trying to do everything. This is not possible and should not be striven for. I have to be flexible and build a schedule every day depending on the situation, time, and relevance of tasks. For example: Martha has a holiday in the garden in honor of Victory Day, and I have a live broadcast. OK. Dad comes to the holiday with a camera, and together in the evening we will review her performance and rejoice.

But if Luka has an exam in music, I record an interview with my guest in advance, it goes on air without me, and I go with my son to the music school to cheer for him and support him. I'm not a superwoman and I can't be in three places at the same time, so I have to choose. But family always comes first.

... but you get tired, like everyone else? What is your personal “source of inspiration” and strength?

- My family. Good books and movies, a glass of wine. And sleep. And I am also very inspired by the heroes of my programs - they are all very different, and at the same time, everyone is talented, successful and unique in their own way. I am inspired by people who have a lot to learn. Now I am inspired by our Tutta TV and the team with which we make it.

Tell about children. Are they different or similar in many ways? What do you, as a mother, learn from them?

– Of course, children are my muses and my endless source of knowledge of the world and myself. They are very different, but they came into the world as ready-made individuals, with their own characters, talents, temperament. And the main lesson is that you are not them. And that they are not plasticine, from which any figure can be molded, they are not your property and do not owe you anything. On the contrary, you must grow them without breaking or spoiling them, you must learn to build a dialogue and friendship with them. My motto: if you have problems with your child, it's YOUR problem. There are no bad children, there are insensitive parents.

The press actively announced the opening of TUTTA.TV television, which plans to cover the topics of family, motherhood, childhood and family. How long did the idea of ​​the TV channel take?

– The idea has matured for a very long time, probably since the birth of Luka. But it was very scary to start something completely separate, my own. Yes, and technically it was not clear how. Now the Internet provides a huge number of opportunities for creating such projects. I have matured mentally and professionally. And an amazing team gathered around me, believe me, without them I would not have been able to do anything. I wouldn't even dare...

It is known that the first block of programs is funded with funds raised through crowdfunding. How eagerly did people respond to the idea of ​​allocating funds for the project? Does this format work in Russia?

– The format certainly works, and people are very supportive of us. At first, we thought of making a simple video blog, but then we realized that such a format does not correspond to the scale of the task. And they began to look for a form of combining the Internet with television. We want to make the product not only useful, but also of high quality from the point of view of the picture, and this already requires other costs. The cost of one issue of the “What are our births” program, even if none of us receive any royalties yet, is quite high. Because the equipment costs money, renting a studio, the work of operators, lighting, installation. That's what funding is for.

We could get a wealthy chain of clinics or a major baby products company as a sponsor. But then it would be difficult for us to remain independent from a journalistic point of view. The sponsor would certainly have insisted on their topics. So we turned to crowdfunding. For me, it was generally such a delicate moment from an ethical point of view: to ask people for money. But it turned out that many of our viewers miss such a project, and they are ready to sponsor it, it's amazing. Although it remains a great responsibility for me - in no case should I let them down, we simply have to make a cool project!