How can I become a girl as a boy. I want to be a girl, I want to be a guy, what should I do? While you are injecting hormones, the female body does not work, if you stop, it will return to its place. The male reproductive system is "disposable": after hormone therapy, the necessary

Modern gender studies argue that the concepts of "man" and "woman" are not so much biological as social, and between these two poles there are still many opportunities for self-determination. Wonderzine is starting a series of posts about people who have had to adjust their outward gender so that their inner understanding of themselves finally matches what other people see. Our first material contains the story of Masha Bast, Chairman of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights (formerly Evgeny Arkhipov), who came out as a transgender woman in September 2013.

interview: Sasha Sheveleva

Masha Bast

I have never had a dilemma - to be me a man or a woman.
I literally from the age of three, as far as I can remember, identified myself as a girl. The older I got, the more acute was the need to look like a girl. At the age of 10, I already began to wear women's clothes, to paint. Of course, my mother noticed that her clothes were all rummaged and dressed. She probably thought that it was connected with some kind of teenage growing up, she tried not to notice it. At the age of 12, I already went to a disco, met and danced with boys. The parents were not aware. We had a private house, and it was convenient for me to leave the house so that no one could see me. Some of my peers paid attention to the fact that I was wearing a bra - they laughed, but pretended not to notice. After all, I sunbathed like a girl - in a women's swimsuit, many of my friends saw my tan.

When I was 15 years old, my parents already began to suspect something, and I had a conversation with my mother. I didn't understand then what was happening to me. I did not know what transsexualism is, that there are people who correct their external signs. I myself thought at the age of 13 that I probably need some changes in the body. I didn't like the roughness of the skin and voice. At the age of 14, I bought a hormone, such a powerful pill, and drank it. She was tense, and then my mother began to suspect something and found this pill, asked what it was. I said "medicine". Well, she threw it away. Closer to 15, I learned what transsexuality is, that people correct their gender. And I made a decision for myself that I would also change my external signs. For me, there was no such thing as "I want to change sex" or "I am a man who wants to become a woman." I have always felt like a woman, I just felt uncomfortable with the fact that I have a male body.

At the age of 16, I tried to suppress the feminine in me. I thought that maybe I really have such a teenage age, and took up weightlifting. I began to look like a 40-year-old man at the age of 16. They even started preparing me for participation in the Olympic Games in Sydney. And you know, I became so unhappy. I imagined that I am a man, I am winning the Olympics. But I'm not a man. I can't be a man. I went to crazy workouts, my peers were afraid of me, they didn’t come up on the street, because I was huge like a closet. But I'm a woman! Do you understand? It didn't suit me. I was very unhappy with this. And the more courageous I became outwardly, the more I felt like a heavy spacesuit on myself. I decided that I couldn’t do this anymore: I started injecting female hormones in frantic doses, I began to lose weight. I didn’t know then what shemale was, I didn’t know what transition was.

I had a conversation with my mom. I came in a miniskirt, with long hair. Mom said: “Do you want to be a woman? Yes please. But, - he says, - on the street. Go and earn. Only herself." And what is the street at that time? That means you're going into prostitution. I couldn't. I said, "Okay, I'm on my own." And I decided that I would live like this, and then I would get an education and help myself with the correction. For me it was probably a dilemma. And my mother and I started playing games, which ended with the fact that at the age of 17 or 18 the first ambulance came to me. I chose the hormones incorrectly, weightlifting also could not be abruptly abandoned. My pressure was over 200, like an old grandmother. I had to forget about hormones and exercise. I tried to return to my female body, but it was difficult due to health problems. I then decided that I would take a time out - I would go to a university, get an education. And only after receiving the status I will go and do everything. And so it happened. My mother knew very well that I would change, whether she liked it or not. My brother, who lives with me, was always aware of what was happening to me. He saw everything. I have been Masha for him since childhood.

Correction of external signs of sex is a series of operations. It all depends on the person, what he wants: if he wants to change the genitals - this is one operation. If he wants to bring beauty - you can do at least a hundred operations. I was lucky because I have a feminine appearance: there is no Adam's apple and never was, my chin has always been feminine, my nose is small. But there are people who have problems with the shape of the skull, Adam's apple. I did not change gender - I corrected my body. I was originally a woman. I made a decision for myself: I put all these commissions, documents in the background, because the most important thing is in me. Of course, many are faced with a problem: in order to have an operation, you need to change the documents and have a conclusion from the commission. To change documents, you need to do an operation. The document is a human invention. I drive a car, although I have a man's license. I follow the rules of the road. Let them stop - I will explain to them my rights and their rights. I am an independent person, I say: “Here are my documents, this is me. If something doesn't suit you, that's your problem." You don't have to be ashamed of yourself. People are embarrassed and feel guilty. You didn't make yourself that way - nature made you that way. Are you to blame? No. Therefore the society is obliged to accept you. If it does not accept, then this is a problem of society.

In adolescence, you need to talk to people
about what is transgender,
for a person to grow up mentally healthy

My wife knew everything about me from the very beginning, even when we just started dating in 2008 - I was already taking female hormones then. We are in a lesbian marriage. We discussed all this when we met. The only thing I can tell you is that I am a bi woman. In my youth, I liked both boys and girls. I dated men. They treated me like a woman. Brutal, large men under two meters looked after me. We are planning to have children. I didn't have children because I needed to change properly. Of course, I will tell my children everything about myself.

I believe that in adolescence it is necessary to talk with people about what transgender is, so that a person grows up mentally healthy, not a maniac. If parents notice that the first signals have appeared (around the age of 10), you should immediately run to a psychologist and in no case treat them. If this is transsexualism, then we need to stop fighting and start helping the child so that he is already a girl by the age of 18 preparing to get married. You can't hurt a child. There are provocations against me. In the village where I live, information was launched that I was gathering a rally of transgender people - the whole village was cordoned off, they were looking for these transgender people.

I know, for example, that Limonov (Maria Bast was the personal lawyer of Eduard Limonov and represented him in the Supreme Court of Russia and the European Court of Human Rights. - Note. ed.) couldn't reconcile my past and present. And I immediately say: you did not communicate with Evgeny Sergeyevich, but with Masha. Evgeny Sergeevich was the image that I carried to society in order to make it easier for me to communicate, but I looked at you through the eyes of Masha, and my brains were Machines. Most people understand this, 10% of acquaintances do not. Most often, rejection occurs among religious people. They are looking for an explanation - most likely, this is a performance, a planned PR move, some kind of protest. After coming out, I became a moment of truth for most people. I saw how people treat me: among friends there are users, but there are real friends. Users have left.

Photos: via Shutterstock

A feminine girl is one who exudes femininity without sacrificing her personality and inner strength. She monitors her behavior, speech and appearance, but she is not self-centered, not rude, she always remains herself. She is the one that other girls look up to, the one they want to be friends with. Being feminine is a personal choice for everyone, and no one has the right to force you to behave in a way that you do not like. If you aspire to become feminine, all you need to do is instill new habits in your behavior and appearance.


Take care of yourself

    Take a shower every day. Feminine girls always monitor personal hygiene. Shower every day and wash thoroughly with soap and water. If you want to be super feminine, you can buy scented shampoo, conditioner and shower gel.

    Use a moisturizer or moisturizing body lotion. Soft skin is an integral part of the concept of "femininity". Every day, use a moisturizer or lotion, apply it to your face and body. If you have oily skin, a moisturizer will help inhibit sebum production. You can choose any cream, but be sure to read the packaging if this cream is suitable for your skin type.

    • You can be a feminine girl even if you have acne! Start drinking more water and rub benzoyl peroxide on problem areas. Even if you didn’t manage to get rid of acne - don’t worry, many people have acne!
  1. Take care of your nails. Of course, this does not mean that you need to cover your nails with new varnish every day. However, nails should always be clean and well-groomed. Trim and file your nails to keep them neat and smooth. Clean them every day (especially under the nails) and check if the varnish has peeled off.

    • If you like changing the color of your nail polish, try matching your nail polish color with your outfit.
    • If you don't want to constantly paint your nails, you can apply clear polish. This polish looks very neat and feminine, and you don't have to worry about its condition.
  2. Brush and style your hair every day. Hair should always be combed and styled. There should be no knots and tangles in the hair, they should be clean. Find a hairstyle or haircut that suits you and try to style your hair every day.

    • You may need to wash your hair every day (depending on your hair type). If your hair looks greasy by the end of the day, you will have to wash your hair every day.
    • Hairstyle does not have to be complicated or special! You can stick to the simplest style: for example, make a parting, pull your hair to one side and stab it with a hairpin. In addition, you can try braiding, making a ponytail or twisting your hair into a bun.
    • If you don’t know what hairstyle to do at all, ask a friend for advice or go to a salon or hairdresser.
  3. Use deodorant and perfume. A good smell is an integral part of a feminine girl! Deodorant should be used every day. In addition, you can use perfume or toilet water - many women have a favorite scent of perfume that they use every day. If you are not very good at choosing perfumes, try a light floral or fruity scent to start with.

    • Prafum should never be a substitute for the soul! Otherwise, people around you will notice.
    • Perfume or toilet water should be used in small quantities, apply them to the pulse points: on the wrists and neck behind the ears (you can only on the neck, especially if you wear something with long sleeves that cover the wrists). Perfume should have a subtle aroma that will be noticeable only when a person comes very close to you. The smell should not hang in the air to be felt by everyone around.
  4. Watch your oral hygiene! Feminine girls always keep their teeth clean. Brush your teeth every day, use dental floss, and be sure to use mouthwash to keep your breath fresh. Carry dental floss with you so you can use it after every meal or snack.

    • It's okay if you have not quite even teeth, and also if you wear braces! Just make sure they are clean.
  5. Apply light makeup. Try to put on some make-up to be more feminine. It is light makeup that makes the face and overall image more feminine, besides, light makeup is much easier to learn than full evening makeup. Practice until you can apply "natural" light makeup.

    • For starters, try using only lip gloss and mascara.
    • Choose eye shadow and blush in light, neutral colors, such as light pink or beige.
    • If you want to wear foundation or foundation, first find a shade that suits your skin tone.
    • Brighter makeup looks great too! But first, practice applying your daily “natural” makeup.

Dress more feminine

  1. Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. Feminine girls never wear dirty rumpled clothes. Wash clothes in the washing machine in time and do not wear stained clothes, even if they have already been washed. Before putting on things, do not forget to iron them.

    • Be careful, read the labels on things. Some items need to be ironed at a low temperature, some items should not be ironed at all.
    • If you don't want to iron your clothes, try hanging them up immediately after washing. Or try setting the drying mode to gentle (slow centrifuge rotation).
    • If you notice a stain that cannot be removed, do not throw the item away! Leave it and wear it at home or when doing housework, when it is a pity to wear ordinary clothes.
  2. Buy clothes that fit you well. Do not buy clothes that are too tight or too baggy. None of your clothing should be too tight or tight, it should not expose your underwear, and it should be easy to put on and take off. Things should not hang too loose on you, and they should be of such a quality and size that they do not have to be constantly put in order throughout the day. Try on your favorite clothes to see if they really suit you. If not, don't wear it again.

    Buy feminine clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you need to wear only pink dresses every day to look feminine. But try to put on something feminine every time you go somewhere. Dresses and skirts are the most popular choice, but don't forget trousers, capri pants, shorts, and jumpsuits. Instead of t-shirts, try wearing button-down blouses and blouses.

    • Pink, purple and pastel shades are classic feminine colors. But if you don't like them, you can choose any other color. The main thing is to combine it with the style that suits you.
    • You do not need to constantly follow fashion trends or wear those things that are popular among most women. The main thing is to dress neatly and feminine.
  3. Wear women's shoes. Instead of sneakers and flip-flops, it is better to choose shoes if you want to look more feminine. Heels and platforms are a great way to look feminine, but if you don't want to wear high heels, ballet flats can be worn. Make sure that your shoes are always clean and tidy, without scuffs!

    • If you want to wear shoes with heels but don't know how to walk in them, try stepping on the heel first and then the toe. Practice walking in heels at home before you go out in them!
  4. Carry a small bag. Feminine girls constantly carry a lot of necessary little things with them. If you haven't carried a handbag before, it's time to start! It doesn't have to be an expensive designer bag. Just choose any bag you like (any color and style), it should be the right shape and fit all your belongings.

    • It's best to choose a bag in a neutral color like black or brown - it will go with most of your outfits!

Create an atmosphere of femininity

  1. Choose soft bright colors to decorate your room. The bedroom, closet, table and any other piece of personal space should express femininity. Choose bright soft colors like pink, lilac, blue or yellow. Buying new furniture, painting the walls, or just decorating them with ribbons, posters, stickers can all help make your personal space more feminine.

    Be neat and organized. Feminine girls do not scatter sheets of paper around instead of writing down all the information in a notebook. They do not leave food packaging and empty dishes everywhere. Get into the habit of cleaning your house every day and putting everything in its place. Maintain order among study supplies.

    • By the way, this is a great opportunity to buy girly things for organizing things - different boxes, paper clips, cases and pencil cases. This is a great way to express your femininity.
  2. Buy a dressing table or a mirror. You need a place where you can apply makeup, get new haircuts and try on clothes. Buy a large mirror for your room, and don't forget a small pocket mirror to carry around in your purse. You can even buy a dressing table if you want!

    Show the creative side of your personality! Feminine girls are not afraid to be feminine. Decorate your personal space with cute drawings, postcards from friends and homemade decorations. Buy multi-colored pens and draw a few pictures or posters, sew or embroider, decorate a room with your work.

A naughty boy can become an exemplary girl

Mom bought a dress, but I did not understand what it was for me.
- Dress up! It is yours and do not argue with your mother!
- But mom! I'm not a girl! I won't wear a dress!!
- Dress up! You’re not going anywhere, why did I buy it for you in vain ?!
I have no idea why you bought it!
- Oh, you have no idea! Well, now I'll show you!
-Ay! No need!!
But it was too late and my mother confidently put on this pink lace, girlish dress over the top of me. When it was put on, I was so amazed by it that I almost cried. But I also understood that this was a punishment for my disobedience and perhaps the only way to somehow pacify my "nasty character".
- Let's straighten the sleeves ... So, and the apron too ... Here ... Now you will be an obedient boy.
I was just in shock and stood silently, sobbing a little, when my mother carefully straightened all the folds on the dress. She also touched up my hair a little, making it match the dress.
Thus, for the rest of the day, I really lost the desire to mess around and mischief, as I always did. I slept as usual in a T-shirt and shorts, but I took off my dress and thought I would not wear it again. No matter how! The next morning, when I had not yet had time to put on a tights and a shirt, my mother brought me some things and said that today I would wear them. Damn, those were girl clothes again!
- So, I don't force you to change your panties. You're just going to wear pantyhose over them now.
Mom took white thin tights out of the box and quickly began to pin them up so that she could easily pull them over my legs.
It didn’t work to interfere - I just jerked my foot to prevent them from being put on, as I received a slap in the face and a sharp reprimand. "Ugly boy! I'll make you obey!". Pantyhose were on. They are really girly, because they are very thin and transparent, and this confused me a lot.
- Now put on your dress and don't try to resist anymore. Hear Oleg, it's all for your good! - she reassured me when I sat all pompous, unusually feeling my legs.
It was already a different dress - blue with numerous lace along the edges and buttons in front. I didn’t want to believe it, but such expenses for buying dresses for me could only be explained by serious intentions to dress me up in them: I wore tights for the first time. All the time it seemed to me that I was now a girl, and I could not drive away this thought. It was very difficult to walk in such clothes and continue to be a boy, which I soon confessed to my mother. She explained that these were necessary measures that should soften my character and when she got me to obey, she would allow me to do without these clothes.
The next day began with the same - my mother controlled until I got up and dressed me the same way as yesterday. I no longer resisted wearing everything that I was supposed to.
Then we decided to go for a walk with my mother. It was summer outside and at first I was very worried about what I would have to wear on the street, my mother would not force me to wear a dress! And so it was - they allowed me to take off the dress, but the tights remained, because pants were put on over them.
In pantyhose under my pants, I still felt constrained and insecure throughout the walk. On the way back, we went to a store where my mother, in the department for girls, despite my active attempts to dissuade her, chose suitable clothes for me. I tried in every possible way to pretend that the saleswomen did not understand that my mother was choosing a dress for me, but then my mother herself told them that we choose a dress for my sister, and try on me because I have the same size as my sister.
From a huge variety of dresses, my mother took each one in turn and made me try it on. Some I wore, some just applied to the body. As a result, we chose one beautiful thin summer dress, even though it was a little tight. The purchase of clothes did not end there - other parts of the girl's wardrobe were next in line. It didn’t take long to choose pantaloons and panties - my mother took the most girlish ones, where there were more lace decorations. Pantyhose also bought quickly - three pairs of different colors - nude, white and pink. But when choosing shoes, I had to tinker. I strongly refused those with stilettos, because I thought that I could not get used to them, but my mother insisted on them, saying that they were prettier and that all the girls wear them without complaining. As a result, they took something between my and my mother's preferences - the stilettos are not very large, and the shoes themselves look very personal.
To my even greater dismay, my mother also bought me dolls. Of course, it was very disappointing because of all this, but I understood that the sooner I became obedient, the sooner I would be freed from all this girlish life.
When we returned home, my mother immediately ordered me to undress completely to the naked. I did not hesitate to be naked in front of my mother, because she always bathed me in the same way in the bathroom, and undressed without wrangling, trying to be obedient.
“Now dress up like a girl.” No more boyish shorts and T-shirts! - Mom said sternly, - choose what color tights do you want?
- Don't know. Well, pink...
- Pink is so pink... - she unpacked the package, took out a pair of thin pink tights from there and pulled them over her legs, - well... Turn around... ta-a-k... Just your size! Now wear panty over pantyhose!
Those panties, just bought, with an abundance of lace embroidery, soon ended up on me. It was another "first time", I had never worn a girl's panties before. It was very unusual to feel how tightly they wrapped around the waist, and how weakly they covered the buttocks. Mom admired me, and then continued to dress up. I bent down slightly to let her slip through the top of the dress. Everything was visible through the fabric of the dress, even panties, which immediately caused my negative reaction:
- I do not want to walk in this transparent dress! I won't! Please mom, let me wear that blue one, I like it better.
- No! You will wear this! Are you arguing again? Do you want me to extend your girl life even more?
- No, no, no! I stay in it!
Soon, my mother unpacked another box of shoes she had bought. I put them on and immediately felt uncomfortable in my feet, and when I walked around the room, I could hardly move my legs at all. No, the shoes weren't tight, I just wasn't used to them at all. Mom explained:
- All girls feel discomfort in such shoes for the first time, but it passes quickly, don't worry!
Well, like it or not, you'll have to get used to it, it's unlikely that mom will change her mind.
The days of my re-education have begun. In such clothes, I began to behave even more obediently, for which my mother was infinitely glad. I stopped being rude, contradicting her, acting up, and becoming "pink and fluffy" because I really wanted to earn her trust and stop wearing dresses.
My rare requests and hints did not convince my mother, she was very strict about me and did not allow me to part with my clothes for a minute! I gradually tried on myself, because everything was not so bad - dresses, tights, panties - comfortable and beautiful things, it's not for nothing that girls wear them. My mother tried her best to buy me something new, and this also pleased me, because before I rarely made purchases. Basically, these were dresses of various colors and shapes, knickers and panties were bought less often, and tights - as I wore and tore the old ones.
I had my own locker, where all the girl's things were put together. By the end of the month, the closet was filled almost to capacity and sometimes I even had to look for the right thing from this wide variety. True, then my mother put it in order and ordered me to continue to support it - she divided each type of clothing into compartments and now it has become much more convenient. For example, the whole bunch of tights was on one shelf, and panties on the other, and I could easily choose everything that I wanted to wear. Yes, I began to choose myself, at first, of course, my mother dressed me, but then I was allowed to do it myself.
On the closet door hung a large mirror in front of which I often admired myself. Once, when I was already quite obedient and did not strongly oppose girlish clothes, my mother made a new gift for me. She bought a large, good cosmetic set, which included lipstick, brushes, powder, some other little things - in general, the most for girls. But I'm still not a girl!
Or is it a girl? I was afraid that it would go too far and so I made a very active attempt to get my mother to make up her face.
- Give quickly your lips, I have already opened the lipstick! Faster, otherwise it will dry!
I ran away, pulled out, covered my mouth, but still, under strong pressure from my mother, I soon gave up.
She sat me down in front of the mirror and quickly put on lipstick. They were covered with a juicy red color, swollen and took on a very girly look. Then mom did the rest - powdered her cheeks and dyed her eyelids and eyelashes, after which the eyelids became blue, and the eyelashes were hard and lush. The face was unrecognizable - it became so feminine that it seemed to belong to a real girl.
And so he walked around the house, painted. In combination with a dress and tights, such a “doll face” suited me very well, my mother said. She also said that I no longer need to cut the hair on my head and when it gets really long (and it is not small now) she will make me a very good hairstyle with curls and pigtails.
By the next morning, the cosmetics had turned a little pale and washed off, so my mother repeated the procedure for applying it. Moreover, she was dissatisfied with the quality of the lipstick from my cosmetic bag and brought her well-tested, which is very difficult to wash off.
She had a slightly different shade - burgundy red and her painted lips became slightly shiny and smooth.
Soon they bought me another cosmetic bag, expensive, with high-quality accessories, and I no longer had to borrow lipstick from my mother. I gradually began to paint my own lips, because it was very pleasant to do it, and my mother only corrected and corrected my actions, teaching all the rules of this art.
Mom also taught how girls should behave, namely, the correct gait, demeanor, good tone, care for appearance, etc. The new rules for me seemed at first too ridiculous, but then I began to understand their necessity for any normal girl.
Over time, I began to play with dolls more, I began to gravitate toward girlish games. I even had a friend - the girl Anya from our entrance sometimes came to us and I played everything with her. It was a lot of fun, we shared different secrets, I showed her how many clothes my mother bought me and Anya just almost died of envy. We stood near the closet, and I showed everything that I had, sometimes letting her try on especially liked. Anya said that they don’t buy so many dresses for her and she doesn’t have thin children’s tights either. Therefore, I gave her two pairs of tights and one dress, of course, after asking permission from my mother.
I also visited Anna. Her parents saw me as an ordinary girl who is friends with Anya and did not suspect anything of the sort. We practiced braiding each other's hair, played mother-daughter, liked to play pranks, and in general were good friends.
A month later, I could no longer be distinguished from a girl, and after two, my voice, character traits, and demeanor changed.
Everything boyish came out of me, giving way to everything girlish. I became a girl, and my mother even began to call me differently - Tanya, that's what my name is now. Well, mommy knows better, so being a girl is my destiny.

Son, are you a man or what??!!!
- Dad, I'm a skin-visual boy ...

It happens in our life that a young man or a man wants to be a girl, and even searches the Internet for the answer to the question “How can a man become a woman?” It is already not uncommon for him to become one, in form, by changing his body through a special medical operation and hormone therapy.

Now this is hardly anyone's surprise, and about such a phenomenon as transsexualism almost everyone knows. And this phenomenon appeared in society not so long ago. In 1953, the American doctor Harry Benjamin, who in his practice encountered the phenomenon of "gender identity disorder" and became one of the main researchers of this phenomenon, first proposed the term "transsexualism".

He defined it as follows: “Transsexualism is a nosographic unit that is neither perversion nor homosexuality. This is the feeling of belonging to the opposite sex and the corresponding desire for bodily transformation.

Since then, this phenomenon has been actively investigated by psychiatry. Medicine at that time could already provide opportunities to change sex, thanks to advanced surgery and endocrinology. Every patient who wanted to become a woman was examined by psychiatrists, who carefully studied him, tried to understand what caused such a condition, and when their efforts did not produce any results, they sent such a person for an operation.

Then such cases were relatively rare and were perceived as something out of the ordinary. Gradually, there were more and more such "sick" people, and now we are talking about the emergence of the third sex and the depsychiatrization of transsexuality.

For 60 years of research, doctors have not been able to find the causes of this condition. And this is despite the fact that it is obvious that the sex is changed for a reason, because of a whim. An adult man is literally ready to castrate himself, because he experiences severe suffering, incompatible with normal life, is in tension between his inner sense of self and the male role that society dictates to him. He is afraid to be in a male body, he does not feel like a man in the conventional sense, and sees a way out of this state in changing his body.


Having the ability to distinguish people by vectors, determine their states and understand their inner world and life scenarios, we can reveal the essence of any phenomena that happen to people, including the essence of the phenomenon of transsexuality.

The state of extreme gender identity disorder, leading to a physical sex change, can occur in men with skin and visual vectors, which, in combination with each other in one person, form a special complex - the skin-visual male.

The role of the visual vector is to limit hostility between people due to the development of culture and morality, the ability of people to separate good and evil, to experience emotions. Performing their specific role, being realized, visual people are able to experience a real feeling of love and compassion, depending on the level of development, from love for plants and nature to love for a person and all of humanity.

A real feeling of love is possible only in the visual vector, as well as its opposite - the fear of death. The other seven vectors do not have this fear - there is a desire to preserve the integrity of one's own body.
Each spectator is born with the fear of death inside, and then, developing his sensuality in childhood, gradually brings it out, learning to love and compassion. If proper development does not occur, then such a person remains in fear, which prevents him from living and can create many problems and troubles.

The fear of death is the first emotion that appeared in the primitive flock of visual people, it is their root and essence.
In men and women with a visual vector, the objects of this fear are different, since the threats that caused fear were different, and during a long period of pre-cultural development of mankind, they were fixed in the unconscious.

The skin-visual female, unlike all other women, had her own specific role as a day guard of the flock. Due to her sharp eyesight and ability to distinguish shades of colors, she could easily spot an approaching predator. When she discovered him, her emotional amplitude soared upward into the emotion of fear of death, and she instantly manifested this with a special smell and exclamation, thereby warning the entire pack of danger while hunting or in a cave.

Thus, her fear was fixed on the predator, she was afraid and unconsciously afraid to this day of being eaten by a predator.


The skin-visual male, on the contrary, unlike other men, did not have a species role and, accordingly, did not have the right to bite - to receive food after hunting. The human hostel existed according to the principles of primitive communism - who does not work, he does not eat.

Before the emergence of a culture that performs the function of limiting hostility, this role was performed by an act of primitive cannibalism. The flock gathered at a common table and united, eating one of its members - the weakest and most useless, having no specific role and the right to bite - a skin-visual baby.

This happens in our time, only in a sublimated form. In groups, especially for children, it often happens that one person plays the role of a whipping boy, against whom they are friends, offended, but he is not able to fight back. This is, as a rule, a skin-visual boy, frightened, defenseless, unable to fend for himself, like other boys.

Childhood is a special time for any person, this is the period up to 12-14 years old, when the development of vectors and their properties takes place. In his first teams, the child goes through a ranking, finds his place in the pack relative to others, learns to build relationships with the people around him. It is very important that this period passes most favorably, the child learns to be in a team of other children, receives the necessary sense of security and protection from his parents, and the environment contributes to his development in accordance with his species role.

The skin-visual boy is not ranked, he does not have a specific role, he never participated in hunting and war, did not perform any functions in the cave. That's why when the other boys are playing war games, climb trees and garages, fight, compete with each other, make friends, he does not participate in this. Firstly, he does not have such desires, he is not given this by nature. Secondly, he does not feel at home in the team of boys who also offend him, do not feel equal to themselves, a future man, a hunter or a cave keeper.
He is closer to a team of girls who play with dolls, behave calmly and accept him.

A skin-visual boy is not boyishly emotional, he can easily burst into tears or get scared. Feminine manners, a desire to play with dolls, even outwardly he often looks like a girl - a slender figure, characteristic of people with a skin vector, and a sweet visual face, with beautiful expressive eyes, all that remains is to put on a dress and a bow. Parents of such children are often asked the question: “Do you have a boy or a girl?”.

Such a position in the team is absolutely normal for a skin-visual boy, it is among girls that he can grow up as a man, relative to them. With the necessary development of his sensuality, the ability to bring fear out into the feeling of love and compassion, the choice of appropriate circles and educational institutions, he will be able to grow up as a developed person and find his realization in such professions as an actor, singer, art critic. In other activities, in which his properties will be manifested, and he will receive the filling of his emotional amplitude.

Some men psychologically feel like women. And this dissonance between appearance and inner world gives them a lot of inconvenience. Sex reassignment surgery should be considered as a last resort. Her technique is complex, and for unknown reasons, they do not live long after it. You will learn about how a boy becomes a girl from our article.


The sex change operation is carried out in several stages. There may be more or less of them, this issue is decided individually with the doctor.

Most transgender people start their transformation with breast enlargement and repositioning. This operation is called feminizing mammoplasty. Before surgery, patients undergo a course of hormone therapy. During it, a man receives drugs with female sex hormones, which contribute to the formation of some female sexual characteristics in them, for example, breast growth. During the operation itself, special implants are additionally inserted.

At the second stage, the external male genital organs are removed and female plastic surgery is performed. First, the man's penis, testicles and part of the skin of the scrotum are removed. The outer opening of the vagina is formed from the skin of the penis. Labia create at the expense of the skin of the scrotum. Transsexuals are even given a clitoris, a process called clitoroplasty. There are several options for performing this operation. In the first method, the clitoris is formed from a particle of the glans penis, in the second, a silicone implant is used to form it.

If necessary, patients undergo liposuction, removing fat from the typically male places - the abdomen and waist. Some transsexuals also insist on the correction of facial features, giving them a more feminine look.