Whether raising military pensioners. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. Attention to power structures

Having learned that no increase in monetary allowance is expected in 2018, the defenders of the Motherland and law enforcement officers who are on a well-deserved rest decided to find out how military pensions will change from January 1, 2019. But officials, members of the government and others involved in the process showed unanimity and unanimously said that there is no time for such questions yet.

Last news

The latest news from the pro-government offices that reached the society turned out to be not very pleasant. It was decided to freeze the increase in pensions for retired defenders of the Motherland until the end of this year. Even the defense committee of the State Duma could not influence the situation. The government announced its intentions in a firm manner, explaining this move by the complication of the economic situation due to additional sanctions. Whether military pensions will rise from January 1, 2019 is also still in question. Officials ask not to ask about it at least until the middle of summer, when the economic results of the half year will be summed up.

What was the pension of military personnel - the opinion of the President

In his pre-election statements, President Vladimir Putin said that people who defend their homeland should be especially encouraged: “We have no right to forget about the military, rescuers and other representatives of law enforcement agencies who repeatedly risked their lives so that the whole country could live in peace. And even when they have retired, we are obliged to provide them with the opportunity not to need anything.

But, despite such loud statements and promises of the head of state, the government took an unpopular measure and developed a bill to temporarily suspend the planned annual two percent indexation of benefits for the military.

Remained unchanged and the basic coefficient of accrual of pensions. By a resolution that entered into force on the first day of 2018, it was fixed at the turn of 72.23%, which is also valid in 2017.

How much a military pensioner will receive - what deputies say

The relevant committee responsible for defense in the Duma categorically opposed the freezing of payments. Its representatives reported that for the correctness of the payment, it is necessary to recalculate benefits according to real indicators and index them not by 2%, but by 5.2%, but the Cabinet remained unconvinced.

Some members of the Duma Committee on Defense made a number of loud statements, claiming that the government is brutally ignoring the presidential decree on increasing payments to the military and is postponing indexation for the fifth time. But the government ignored this performance and submitted the bill to the State Duma.

The deputies actively discussed the proposed documents and repeatedly sent them for revision. But after the third reading, the required number of votes was gathered and the document entered into force, completely destroying the hopes of the military for improving living conditions in the near future.

What to expect for working military pensioners

Nothing is yet known about changes in tariffs for the payment of benefits to working military pensioners. Now they have two options for financial support, namely:

  • salary at the place of work;
  • state pension benefit.

A military pensioner must choose for himself which of these two positions he will receive. It is not possible to use both the one and the other amount at the same time. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the state is simply unable to support people who are still able to provide for themselves on their own.

Will the military pension be increased from January 1, 2019 and by how much

There is still no clear answer to the question of whether the level of pension provision for the military will change from January 1 next year. The government is persistently trying to reassure citizens with good prospects for the future and an early stabilization of the state of affairs in the main sectors of the budget-forming industries. Additionally, officials suggest that retired security officials familiarize themselves with the table below.

It details the planned increase in seniority pay for the military for the period 2012-2023. True, the figures indicated there do not look optimistic enough. The calculation was made at a time of steady GDP growth, with the high cost of energy resources and the presence of a host of foreign investors wishing to develop a business in the Russian expanses.

Now a set of sanctions has been imposed on the Russian Federation, oil and gas prices are not rising, and foreigners who want to promote their own production in promising federal districts do not have the physical ability to do so.

These components seriously complicate the life of representatives of the highest level of power, almost completely depriving them of the opportunity not only to make new promises, but also to fulfill the old ones. As a result, the military has to be content with what they are already paid, motivating themselves with the thought that other old people do not even have this.

In 2019, an increase in pensions for military pensioners (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.) by 6.3% will be produced from October 1, which is already provided for in the law on the federal budget for 2019-2021. The federal budget has already been adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President. Pensions for military pensioners originally planned to increase by 4.3%, which was to be carried out by military personnel and persons equated to them in accordance with the forecast for the level of inflation. But October 25, 2018 at the ceremony of appointing officers and prosecutors to higher positions, President Vladimir Putin announced his instruction to the Government to ensure indexation of military pensions in 2019 by 6.3%.

It can be noted that the budget for 2019 did not initially provide funds for conducting, as established by Presidential Decree No. 604 of 05/07/2012. 2021, approved by the deputies of the State Duma on November 14, 2018 in the second reading. The increase in pensions by 2% will be made as a result of the Government initially didn't plan in 2019, increase the value of the reduction coefficient to the amount of the monetary allowance of military personnel, which is used in calculating the pension. But by decision of V. Putin from October 1, 2019, in order to provide an additional 2% increase to the military pension.

Thus, in 2019, payments to military pensioners will be increased in full, but not from the beginning of the year (i.e. from January 1), but only from October 1, 2019. The increase will be made by increasing the salaries of military personnel and persons equated to them and additional indexation by 2% (i.e. a total of 6.3%) by increasing the reduction factor up to 0.7368.

As the State Duma Committee on Defense noted in its conclusion to the draft federal budget for 2019-2021, “under-indexation” since 2015 has already amounted to almost 20%.

When will the pension for military pensioners be increased in 2019 and by how much

As already noted, in 2019 the pension for military pensioners will be increased by 6.3% from October 1, 2019. This increase will be due to indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them(Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Guard, Federal Penitentiary Service, etc.) by 4.3% and additional indexation by 2%(according to the decision of President V. Putin) at the expense of October 1, 2019

The initial draft of the federal budget received the conclusion of the State Duma Committee on Defense under the leadership of Colonel-General V.A. Shamalov. In its conclusion, the Committee noted the following:

  1. 4.3% increase from October 1, 2019 not enough even to offset the rate of inflation, since in fact the increase will affect only the last months of the year (from October to December). This means that the indexation in general for 2019 will be only 1.075%.
  2. Indexing, which should increase annually by 2% above the inflation rate, was not actually carried out. Since 2015, payments have been under-indexed by almost 20%, i.e. almost a fifth of the size of the pension. Therefore, in 2019, such an additional payment should be carried out.
  3. In the period from 2012 to 2018, inflation was about 50%, and the amount of pensions for military personnel only increased by 35%. In addition, due to the increase in the VAT rate (from 18% to 20%), accelerated price growth is expected precisely in the first half of 2019, which does not include any additions.

The Committee in its opinion noted that it is necessary to carry out an increase in the salaries of military personnel and persons equated to them from the beginning of the financial year (i.e. from January 1, 2019). The Committee also recommended that an increase not of 4.3% (as suggested by the original draft budget), but by 6.3%, i.e. do the proper indexing 2% above inflation.

Reducing coefficient for military pensioners in 2019

Simultaneously with the submission of the draft federal budget to the State Duma, the Government prepared and submitted bill No. 556372-7, according to which the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating military pensions should still be used using reduction factor.

  • In its draft, the Government proposed to "freeze" the value of this coefficient at the level of 2017 and 2018 - i.e. in the value of 0.7223 (72.23% of the amount of allowance).
  • But President Vladimir Putin introduced his own amendment to the law, according to which, from October 1, 2019, the value of the coefficient will be increased from 72.23% to 73.68% (by 1.45%). Due to this military pensions will be further increased by 2%(0.7368 / 0.7223 = 1.02 - i.e. 2%)

In fact, this means that payments to military personnel and persons equated to them will be increased by 2% due to adjustment. In addition, it will be carried out by increasing the salaries of military personnel by 4.3%.

Relevant reduction factor bill was adopted by the State Duma in the second reading on November 20, 2018. In the final content of the bill was approved on November 22 during the third (final) reading. On December 11, 2019, it was signed by President V. Putin.

For reference

Article 43 of Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 established that from January 1, 2012, monetary allowance is taken into account in the calculation of pension provision in the amount of 54%, and from 01.01.2013 this standard increases by 2% annually until it reaches 100%. Federal laws may establish an annual increase in this coefficient by a large amount (more than 2%), depending on the level of inflation, therefore, starting from 2015, the following reduction coefficients were applied to the amount of monetary allowance:

  • from 01.01.2015 - 0.6212 (62.12%);
  • from 01.10.2015 - 0.6678 (66.78%);
  • from February 1, 2016 - 0.6945 (69.45%);
  • from February 1, 2017 - 0.7223 (72.23%);
  • from January 1, 2018 - 0.7223 (72.23%).

Thus, the last time the reduction coefficient was adjusted was from February 1, 2017, when it was set at 0.7223 by Law No. 430-FZ of December 19, 2016. not implemented(for 2018, by law No. 365-FZ of December 05, 2017, the value of the coefficient was set the same as in 2017 - 72.23%). According to the draft law of the Government No. 556372-7, this approach planned to keep for 2019, but by decision of the President, the coefficient will be increased from October 1, 2019 to 73.68%.

In recent months, various unofficial sources on the Internet have reported the possibility cancellation of military pension in Russia in 2019. A probable reason for the spread of such publications could be a speech on the radio "Echo of Moscow" in the already distant 2016 by the director of the Research Financial Institute (NIFI) of the Ministry of Finance of Russia Vladimir Nazarov. Then all sorts of rumors about the abolition of military pensions were actively fueled by unpopular reforms that the Government began to implement in connection with the economic crisis that worsened in 2014-2016.

Answering questions from Ekho Moskvy presenters in a discussion on “What will happen to the pension and to us?”, a member of the collegium of the Ministry of Finance then proposed introduce instead of military pensions lump sum "big severance pay", which will provide a serviceman for the near future after dismissal from military service (literally - “so that he has enough for a year or two of a comfortable life”). Additionally, it was proposed to provide a military pensioner with the opportunity to retrain and get a profession that is currently in demand on the labor market.

There is no reason to believe that such an extravagant initiative can really be implemented in the near future. In the Government itself on the issue of abolishing military pensions there are no discussions, and no bills have been introduced in this regard.

However, it is still worth paying attention to such a proposal, received in 2016, since the NIFI Institute, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, prepares recommendations for bills related to the country's budget policy, and also develops methods of financial management, forecasting and planning the execution of the federal budget. And in the new composition of the Government, approved by Vladimir Putin on May 18, 2018, the position of First Deputy Prime Minister is held by Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

Will the military pension be cancelled?

At the moment, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether military pensions will be abolished or not. Nothing but the proposal of the Research Financial Institute on this issue was announced from official sources, and no legislative drafts were submitted for consideration.

Cancellation of the reduction factor for military pensioners

Now the pension for military pensioners is calculated on the basis of. It, in turn, consists of salaries in accordance with the position and rank, as well as other additional allowances for:

  • length of service;
  • class qualification;
  • special conditions of service;
  • performance of tasks associated with a threat to life and health;
  • special achievements in service, etc.

From January 1, 2012, article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993, monetary allowance for calculating pensions not taken into account in full., but only in the amount of 54% (that is, taking into account reduction factor). It was originally assumed that this value would increase by 2% annually until it reaches 100%.

For 2018, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 1 of Law No. 365-FZ of December 5, 2017, the reduction factor was set at 72.23% of the allowance(same as in 2017). when it increases to 73.68%.

It is noteworthy that back in 2014, deputies from the Communist Party faction submitted for consideration bill No. 631118-6, which proposed cancellation of the reduction factor for military pensioners. For several years, the bill was being prepared for consideration, and then it was rejected on February 22, 2017 during the voting in the first reading, because, according to the deputies, by setting a reduction factor from January 1, 2012, “the legislator provided an appropriate compensation mechanism”, thanks to which the amount military pensions still increased significantly(by 90% from 2011 to 2017).

Only 19 deputies voted for the adoption of this law in the first reading in 2017, the remaining 431 did not vote at all (note that the quorum is considered valid if at least 226 deputies take part in the voting). Thus, the bill was rejected only because of the lack of a quorum (only 4% of deputies voted).

No new draft laws providing for the abolition of the reduction factor for military pensions are pending no longer entered. And in the near future, such changes are hardly possible, due to the significant costs of their implementation (about 500 billion rubles of additional expenses per year).

When and by how much will the pension of military pensioners be increased from October 1? Will there be indexation and will the ratio of military and civil pensions remain at the level of 1.7
As the government loudly declares, the majority of State Duma deputies and officials of all federal and regional ranks - the pension reform is adopted in order to significantly increase the material well-being of pensioners, as they say, active ones. That is, for those who have already acquired the right to a pension and who, accordingly, are incredibly lucky.

For existing pensioners, after raising the retirement age, the government and authorities promise a significant and, as they themselves say, “unparalleled in the history of modern Russia” increase in pensions from January 1, 2019.

What does “unparalleled in the history of modern Russia” mean by itself?

In accordance with the statements and statements, the pensions of civil pensioners will be indexed by 7% annually from January 1, 2019. It is estimated that for an average pension of 14,500 rubles, such indexation will be 1,000 rubles monthly and 12,000 rubles annually. Thus, by 2024, the average 2018 pension of 14,500 rubles will reach 20,000 rubles.

And what about military pensioners and equivalent categories of citizens?
As is known to all pensioners falling under the law "On the status of military personnel" and the law "On pensions for military personnel and categories of citizens equated to them", the ratio of military pensions to civilian pensions is now approximately 1.7 times. No one really knows who invented this value, and it is not spelled out in any legislative act. However, this value is constantly and with enviable constancy given in numerous replies by officials of almost all instances, in which military pensioners complain about the so-called reduction factor and demand its abolition.

If there is such a “significant increase” for civilian pensioners, and the coefficient of 1.7 times the ratio of military pensions to civilian pensions remains in force (after all, it is not in vain that it is given in all official replies and documents), then military pensions should also be “significantly” promoted!

So far, as you know, from the adopted budget for 2018-2020, the next indexation of monetary allowances for military personnel, and therefore due to this, an increase in military pensions is planned as early as October 1, 2019, that is, in a year. And if civilians index pensions at the promised rate, and leave everything as it is for the military, then the ratio of military pensions to civilian pensions will cease to be at the level of 1.7. To put it simply, civil pensions will grow at a much higher rate than military pensions. And we already went through this quite recently, when the average civilian pension was higher than the military pension and the majority of military pensioners tried to switch to civilian pensions. So it will be the same situation and pretty soon!

In theory, if the ratio is 1.7 times, then along with the growth of the average civil pension to 20,000 by 2024, the average military pension should grow to 20,000 X 1.7 = 34,000 rubles by the same year 2024!

Whether it will be so - we'll see, but if not, then military pensioners will once again remain deceived and beggars!

What do you think?

In many media and online publications, in particular on other Zen channels, information has appeared that pensions will soon be indexed for military pensioners. They even call a specific date - 01.10.2018. Thus, such publications mislead pensioners. After all, no indexation is planned for this date. In 2018, pensions for military pensioners were already indexed by 4% once, and this happened simultaneously with the indexation of all other pensions and benefits - 01/01/2018.

The next indexation of military pensions is in a year
Unfortunately, the next indexation of military pensions will not take place soon: more than a year later, on 10/01/2019. It was decided to increase pensions for military pensioners within three years: 2018, 2019 and 2020. by 4%. At the end of 2017, Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova spoke about this decision:

Monetary allowance for military personnel and pensions for military pensioners will be indexed from January 1, 2018, from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020, each time by 4%.

How much will indexation cost?
Corresponding expenses for the indexation of pensions for military pensioners were immediately included in the budget by the officials. The costs for these purposes are:

In 2018 - 18 billion rubles;
in 2019 - 22.6 billion rubles;
in 2020 - 41.2 billion rubles.
Obviously, a lot of money is needed, and all payments and indexation of military pensions are carried out at the expense of the budget of the Ministry of Defense, so even the pension reform planned by the Government of the Russian Federation with an increase in the retirement age for civilian pensioners will not affect anything. In addition, the military has not yet increased the length of service required for retirement. Therefore, there is little hope for unscheduled indexation. Although, perhaps, this issue will be reviewed when the draft federal budget for next year is approved. The Cabinet of Ministers usually submits it to the State Duma at the end of October, so officials still have time to think about this.

How much will military pensions increase after indexation
According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the increase in the size of the pension for officers of the battalion commander (lieutenant colonel) level after indexation will be:

In 2018 - 947 rubles;
in 2019 - 1932 rubles;
in 2020 - 2956 rubles,
compared to the size as of 01/01/2017. The Ministry of Defense does not provide data on the increase in pension payments after indexation to other officers in the reserve and retirement. But each officer can independently calculate the increase, knowing that the indexation is planned at 4% annually.

Further plans for indexation of pensions for military pensioners
Russian President Vladimir Putin, as part of his election campaign at the end of last year, ordered to annually index pensions for military pensioners and persons equated to them (employees of internal affairs bodies, employees of the National Guard, fire protection and others) as provided for by the norms of the Federal Law "On Pension Provision persons who have done military service…”, which states that military pensions are subject to revision simultaneously with an increase in the allowance of the relevant categories of military personnel and employees, based on the level of increase in monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions. That is, in the coming years, if there are no critical situations with the budget, the indexation of pensions and salaries of military personnel will be carried out annually and simultaneously.

The end of "pension slavery" for military pensioners
And finally, we recall that from 01/01/2018, military pensioners can choose any Russian bank convenient for them to receive a pension. At the end of last year, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted a law according to which Sberbank of Russia ceased to be the sole agent of the government for the payment of military pensions, repealing Federal Law No. 4468-1. According to him, the payment of pensions:

military personnel;
persons who served in the internal affairs bodies;
employees of the penitentiary system;
employees of the National Guard -
was made at the place of residence or place of stay of the pensioner within the territory of Russia exclusively through the branches of Sberbank. In Crimea, military pensioners could only receive pensions through the RNKB bank. Now these restrictions do not apply. The only condition is that the card for receiving a pension must be NSPK MIR.

In Russia today there are approximately 3 million people associated with military service. According to federal law dated 12.01.1995 (as amended on 03/07/2018) “On Veterans”, these include the following persons:

  • former employees of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other various military formations approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the former Soviet republics;
  • disabled people and persons who served during the hostilities of the Second World War with 1941 By 1945.

At the end 2017President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin gave instructions on the work onincrease in pensions for military pensioners With 2018for about2.6 millionHuman. The President considered it possible to carry out indexation due to sufficient funds in the budget reserve. At the same time, it was noted that military pensions withJanuary 1, 2018for employees and pensioners in the military sphere should be paid at the same time. All pensions, according to the president, must be paid at the end of 2017, taking into account pensions for January.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov confirmed that this instruction of the President will be executed and that the department has all the possibilities for this.

October 25, 2017 The State Duma in the second reading adopted the necessary amendments to this legislation. The study of the increase in pensions was planned for January, April and August 2018.

Deputy head of the Ministry of Labor Andrei Pudov also commented that the country is expected to increase pensions to 7,000 rubles.

April 1, 2018 and the decree of the Russian government on the issue of approving the indexation coefficient came into force social pension. A single established coefficient for military pensions from April 1 today is 1,029. The increase in pensions affected the disabled servicemen in the reserve.

In May 2018 the government has planned the procedure for lump-sum payments for participants and disabled veterans of the Second World War. The amount of payments to each such person after the preparation of all necessary acts amounted to 10 000 rubles. Payments were made in full within the period May 20-24, 2018.

In addition to these citizens, certain benefits were received by persons awarded the distinction “Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad” and the widows of dead servicemen. Related benefits include: the possibility of receiving additional material assistance, as well as monthly cash allowances, a package of social services and other additional allowances.

It is reported that at the beginning 2018 approximately 18 billion rubles th was allocated from the budget for payment to military pensioners. Thus, a person who served as a platoon leader will receive a payment of about 66 100 rubles, former battalion commander 88 700 rubles, company - 83 000 rubles, kombat - 96 000 , and an ordinary under the contract - about 34 000 .

The highest increase in pensions ( 30% ) is observed in former and current employees of the prosecutor's office and investigators. So, the district prosecutor can count on a pension up to 29 000 rubles instead of 22,000 rubles.

Increase in military pensions in 2018: latest news from the Ministry of Defense on the indexation of military pensions

The Minister of Defense's latest update on military pensions is that the authorities have allocated enough funds to meet the challenge set by the president: 38.6 billion rubles in order to cover provision among military personnel and pensioners.

Already in January, the pensions of former military men were increased by 4%, which corresponds, in his opinion, to the level of wages for workers in key economic sectors. Shoigu also recalled Vladimir Putin's instruction to index "military" accruals within 2018, 2019, 2020.

Military pensions in 2018: increase, latest news yesterday from the Duma. Will there be an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018: Latest news?

At the end of last year, it was announced that one of the planned stages of indexing is planned to be carried out with October 1, 2017. However, Vladimir Putin, in his subsequent speech, pointed out that early pay for military personnel is required to be carried out no later than the beginning of January of this year in order to achieve synchronous indexing of all other social benefits.

Military pensions in 2018: increase, latest news yesterday from the Duma. How is military pension calculated?

The legislation of the Russian Federation (FZ No. 4468-1) states that the following parameters are counted for the appointment of a seniority pension:

  • position in one of the various military formations that are taken into account by law;
  • the presence of a special rank (the increase in this case is from 5 before 30%);
  • total work experience in 25 and more years

It must be remembered that from 25 specified years, persons must have at least 12 years and six months of military experience.

In addition, it is possible to count, in order to increase the total amount of the pension, the time that a person spent on the educational process before he was assigned to any of the military formations. This category includes discharged officers and representatives of the highest ranks of various military departments approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pensions also vary. So, the above citizens, with length of service up to 20 years inclusive accrual 50% on the size of the pension. After 20 years each year, an amount of 3% on the size of the pension. In this case, the total number should not exceed more than 85%.

It is also necessary to take into account the factors for increasing pensions for individuals who are not included in the general list:

Person status

% of pension
Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation 100
Persons awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees 100
Heroes of Socialist Labor / Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation 50
Persons awarded the Order of Labor Glory 3 degrees 15
Persons awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3 degrees 15
Persons who have been in military service June 22, 1941 By September 3, 1945 at least 6 months, or awarded orders and medals of the USSR for valiant work and military service in the Second World War 16
Persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" 32
Disabled since childhood due to injury, concussion, mutilation associated with hostilities 32

If a military pensioner receives a second insurance pension, payments are calculated according to the following formula:

SP \u003d IPK * SIPC + FV

joint venture- insurance pension

IPK– the amount of pension points accumulated by the person by the date of crediting the pension

SIPC– the cost of the pension ticket on the date of the appointment of the insurance pension

FV- fixed payout

Considering that military “contract workers” or those who lived with their spouses in settlements where it is difficult to find a job, are charged 1.8 points behind 12 calendar months.

Military pensions in 2018: increase, latest news. The second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

Second pension military pensioners is assigned when a person has all of the following parameters:

  • 60 years for men, and 55 years for women;
  • There is a minimum length of insurance;
  • The pensioner has at least 13,8 pension points;
  • Passed registration in the system of compulsory insurance.

Additional possible options:

  • There is a disability obtained during the period of hostilities;
  • Loss of a survivor while performing military service.

If a pensioner, receiving a second pension, continues to work in a civil institution, he will have to wait for the annual recalculation in August of each year.

Military pensions in 2018: increase, latest news. Will the reduction factor be canceled in 2018?

For the first time, the reduction factor mechanism was applied in practice in 2012. It originally equaled 54% from the amount of the pension. Its real value has grown to 72,23% in January of this year, due to the growth of payments for 4%.

The growth of this coefficient has affected many persons associated with military service, excluding former employees of the FSB, SVR, judges, current prosecutors and investigators serving in the investigative committee.

According to existing legislation, the abolition of the reduction factor is not in the government's plans. However, there are forecasts, as a result of which it will be reduced to 0%, after which the military will be able to receive payments in full. It should also be taken into account that the successful development of such a forecast depends on the results of the upcoming indexation of pensions for the military.

Increase in military pensions from January 1, 2019: Latest news from the State Duma

In the past year, initially expected to pay additional 25% from the standard pension for this or that case to all military personnel who have worked for more than 20 years but not retired.

But the latest news shows that a big increase is not expected, and the next indexation is planned not earlier. October 2019.

Also, the latest news from the State Duma makes it clear that the military pension with January 1, 2019 and received a reserve from the budget in the amount of about 82 billion rubles for wages from 2018 By 2020 Only with October 1 this year, it will be possible to speculate about how dynamic the indexation process will be in 2019.

material Military pensions in 2018: increase, latest news

Increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018, latest news

Whether to wait for an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018Military pensions in Russia are indexed after the salaries of active military personnel. They are tied to army income with a special reduction factor. October is usually the traditional month when salaries are indexed in the army, so military pensioners are naturally interested in whether they expect an increase in the fall. Is it worth waiting for an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018 in Russia - the latest news about what is happening with the pensions of retired military personnel in our country.

Increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018, latest news. How military pensions depend on salaries in the army

The reform of the army in Russia at one time also affected the provision of military pensioners. Military pensions at that time were quite far behind the salaries in the army, and a serviceman, having retired, sharply lost income and standard of living.

The state has set as a goal in the reform of military pensions the achievement of full equality of salaries in the army and pensions for retired military personnel. That is, as a task that had to be solved, the full correspondence of the pension to the salary received in the army by a person in the same rank in the same position from which its recipient retired was set.

This goal was to be achieved gradually. To do this, a special reduction factor was introduced, which was supposed to grow every year so that the pension would approach the salaries in the army by two percentage points every year.

That is, if in one year military pensioners received 70 percent of the salary of the active military, then next year it should be 72 percent, then 74 percent, and so on.

At the same time, military salaries also increased. It turned out that pension payments for retired servicemen, firstly, made up an increasing percentage of the salaries in the army, and secondly, the salaries themselves grew as the basis of the pension. Thus, the growth rates of pensions were quite significant.

Unfortunately, quite serious problems with the economy began in Russia, and the growth of pensions stopped.

So, in the army for several years in a row (namely, from 2012 to the end of 2017), salaries did not grow in principle. Frozen for military pensioners and a reduction factor. In 2018, this is the same 72.23% of the salary in the army as before.

Should we expect an increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018

No, it is not necessary to expect that military pensions will grow in October 2018 following military salaries. The fact is that there will be no increase in salaries in the army in the fall.

In 2018, military salaries were indexed at an unusual time - in January. Firstly, there was no indexation for military personnel not only in 2017, but also in several previous years - the last revision of the amount of payments took place back in 2012. Secondly, on the eve of the presidential elections, the current government had to buy the loyalty of the population. In January, the salaries of the military increased, at the same time civil old-age pensions were indexed ahead of schedule, the price of gasoline was stable, and so on.

The indexation of salaries in the army by 4% in January is the only one in 2018. The government, however, introduced similar indexations in the preliminary version of the budget for 2019-2020 in the next two years. And now they will take place in October, as they used to get used to in their time in the army.

Thus, the next increase in military pensions in Russia, most likely, will occur only from October 1, 2019, when pensions will grow after military salaries.

There is a small chance that the reduction coefficient will be revised from the beginning of 2019, and pensions will grow due to this. But such a scenario is unlikely. Obviously, the problems in the economy do not go away, and the crisis has turned into stagnation. The budget is drawn up with a deficit, and the government saves on everything it can, including pensioners.