How to remove a bruise: available means and methods. The best ways to quickly remove a bruise

A bruise is a nuisance that everyone has encountered. Bruises vary widely and can appear on almost any part of the body. If you want to remove a bruise quickly, pay attention to the cause and location of its appearance. After all, the method of treating a bruise depends on these factors. In this article, we will look at how to quickly and effectively remove bruises on the legs, under the eyes, and bruises from injections, and we will also try to completely prevent their occurrence at home.

There is a high probability that you will not get a bruise if only a few minutes have passed since the injury. Please note that all manipulations will have to be performed as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of a bruise at home

Remedies that will prevent a bruise from appearing if everything is done on time:

    • Apply ice. You can take any product from the freezer instead. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and prevent tumors from appearing.
  • It happens that it is not possible to apply ice. In this case, ordinary water will do. Just wet a handkerchief or napkin with water and apply it to the injury site.
  • If it turns out that you have neither ice nor water at hand, use any metal object that you find. For example, it could be a coin or a spoon. This method is not the most effective, since the item will heat up quickly.
  • Pour a little salt onto a scarf or napkin, wrap it and apply it to the injured area. You should not apply salt if the bruise is near or under the eyes.

    How to remove a bruise using pharmaceutical products

  • Coltsfoot will help if you make an infusion based on it. The liquid in the infusion must be cold.
  • Buy mountain arnica tincture and make a compress.
  • Ask the pharmacy for any chestnut-based product. The chestnut will prevent a bruise from appearing.
  • Buy Bepanten or heparin ointment.

How long does it take for bruises to heal?

For people leading an active lifestyle, the likelihood of a prominent spot appearing on the face or body is quite high. A fall on the ice, bruises on an athletic equipment, an unfortunate trajectory of a soccer ball, in general, there are plenty of situations. Bruises can appear on the body after regular or anti-cellulite massage, for example on the butt and legs. Whatever the cause of the bruises, you always want to remove them quickly, in 2-3 days.

By the way, in older people and in people with weakened vessel walls, small hematomas on the body can appear even from a touch or a slight blow. Other factors influencing the occurrence of bruises:

  • poor circulation
  • lack of vitamins
  • long-term use of painkillers

If the bruise is not treated, it will take longer than a week to heal on the face, and about a month on the body. Of course, you can hide it with the help of decorative makeup, but it is better to actively get rid of it using various means, which will be discussed further.

Cold and warm

The first remedy for a fresh bruise is exposure to cold, which helps to constrict the blood vessels and reduces the intensity of the bruise. At the same time, cold helps to quickly remove swelling at the site of impact.

Ice and cold packs can only be used on fresh bruises within 1-5 hours after the injury. Do not allow ice to come into direct contact with your skin.

You can use both regular ice and compresses from chilled herbal decoctions. If a bruise appears on the body, you can place the sore spot under a stream of cold water, this is also quite effective.

Later, a day later, when the swelling and intensity of pain at the site of the bruise subside, cold is already contraindicated and radically opposite methods are used, namely heat. Well-known means are used - a hot egg, heated salt, several layers of fabric ironed. A good remedy to help speed up healing at home is a warm compress made from herbal decoctions, such as plantain or chamomile. It is recommended to warm up bruises 3–4 times a day for 10–15 minutes.

Home Remedies

Home remedies. Source:

The main task in treating any bruise is to speed up the resorption of thrombosed blood.

You can immediately start using ointment from the pharmacy or resort to equally effective folk remedies, and it does not matter whether the bruise appeared after a massage or from a blow.

Onion gruel with salt will help shorten the healing time on your face by 2-4 days. This mixture must be wrapped in gauze and applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes 2-3 times a day. You can make a regular salt compress by soaking gauze or other cloth in a salt solution. Another remedy that helps quickly remove a bruise at home contains:

  • 9% table vinegar 2 table. l.
  • salt 1 table. l.
  • 5 drops of iodine

Lubricate bruises or bruises on the butt after an anti-cellulite massage at night.

Take the beets out of the refrigerator, grate them and mix with honey. You need to treat a bruise with this mixture every day, making applications for 3 hours, and after 2-3 days the bruise will noticeably lighten. In order to quickly remove a bruise at home, you will need a decoction of flaxseed. Make compresses from it several times a day.

After a massage, bruises often appear on the legs or butt; potato starch diluted in water to a creamy consistency helps to remove them faster. If there is no starch, use fresh grated potatoes. Please note that you need to keep the potato compress for at least 3-4 hours. This remedy will also be effective against bruises from an impact. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and honey to eliminate bruises after a massage at home.

A small bruise that appears on the face from a blow or bruise can be removed in 2-3 days using herbal decoctions; plants such as:

  • medicinal marigolds
  • sage
  • St. John's wort
  • coltsfoot
  • plantain

If after a blow a bruise appears in the eye area, then treat it with a remedy such as parsley juice, and for quick healing of a bruise on the body, applications of fresh plantain or cabbage leaves are useful.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy products.

A bruise is an interstitial hemorrhage in which the integrity of the skin is not compromised. This means that the blood pouring out from damaged blood vessels penetrates only into the thickness of the tissues and remains in them. Such an injury always looks unaesthetic; its color changes from day to day. Therefore, knowing how to quickly remove a bruise will be useful for everyone.

Stages of bruise formation

At first the bruise is red or burgundy in color, gradually it turns blue-violet. As the hematoma dissolves, the shade changes to dark green and then yellow.

Such changes in color are explained by the breakdown of hemoglobin at the site of the bruise. If the bruise does not change in any way over several days, an inflammatory process may develop. You need to urgently consult a traumatologist.

What to do to make the bruise go away faster

First aid for a bruise is to apply a cold compress. This allows you to stop interstitial bleeding and reduce the size of the swelling, which means that the future bruise will be smaller or not form at all. You need to keep it cold for about 20 minutes.

If the pain is very severe, the victim can be given a painkiller. “No-shpa”, “Spazmalgon”, etc. will do. Aspirin should not be taken, as it thins the blood and reduces its viscosity. Because of this, the hematoma may increase.

Heat can be used 24 hours after injury. It accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, due to which the “black eye” quickly resolves. You can heat the bruise with an ironed cloth, a heating pad, a boiled egg, or hot salt. You need to apply a heat compress 2 times a day, the duration of the treatment procedure is 15 minutes.

How to quickly reduce a bruise using medications

It is impossible to remove a bruise in one day, since the human body is not capable of such lightning-fast regeneration. Only cosmetic products that can completely disguise the black eye will help here. You can speed up recovery. To do this, you need to use special ointments and creams.

The most popular means of accelerating healing include:

If the bruise goes away very slowly, you can ask the traumatologist for a referral for physiotherapeutic procedures or visit a cosmetology center. Magnetic therapy, darsonval, phonophoresis with lidase, and lymphatic drainage are especially effective in removing the consequences of injury.

How to quickly cure a bruise using folk remedies

Of the folk remedies that help quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye or on the body, the following are considered the most effective:

  • tramp. The powder can be bought at a pharmacy. 1 tbsp. l. need to be mixed with 1 tsp. water. Apply the resulting pulp to the bruise site. Rinse off with water after drying completely;
  • strong black tea. Soak a cotton pad in the tea leaves and apply to the bruise for 20 minutes;
  • iodine. Apply in a mesh form overnight.
  • vinegar. Mix 1 tsp. with 4 drops of iodine. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the bruise for half an hour. Repeat 2 times a day;
  • cabbage juice Crush the cabbage leaf, chop it and apply it to the bruise. Cover the top with a gauze napkin. After half an hour, remove the compress. This recipe is especially effective at the stage when the hematoma is yellow;
  • onion with salt. Chop the onion and mix with 1 tbsp. l. table salt. Place the mixture in a piece of gauze and apply to the bruise. Keep for 45 minutes.

When using traditional methods, it is important to remember such factors as the possibility of developing allergic reactions and increased skin sensitivity. If the treated bruise begins to burn or hurt, you should immediately wash off the homemade ointment with water and apply a soothing or wound-healing cream on top.

A person with a bruise on his face involuntarily arouses suspicion, and the owner himself constantly experiences discomfort. This problem especially worries women, because appearance is a matter of special concern for them. A hematoma on a woman’s face can drive the owner to despair. But there are no hopeless situations. Today we’ll talk about how to quickly get rid of a bruise on your face using affordable means.

How does a bruise form?

Most bruises are caused by blows. In this case, rupture of the subcutaneous vessels and hemorrhage into the surrounding tissue occurs. At first, the bruise does not look as scary as it does later. At first it's just a dark spot. Then swelling appears, and the site of the impact becomes purple-purple. Gradually dissolving, the color of the hematoma changes to yellow-green and yellow-brown.

The bruise completely disappears from the face in about 7-10 days. It is clear that few people will want to walk around with such “beauty” for so long. How to remove a bruise in one day and is it possible? Of course, the problem cannot be solved in 1 day, but the recovery process can be significantly accelerated.

Detailed information about the mechanism of bruise formation can be found in the video:

How to get rid of a hematoma

There are many ways and methods to help quickly remove a bruise. These include folk remedies, pharmacological preparations, and decorative cosmetics. For the best result, it is recommended to use a complex effect, and then very quickly there will be no trace of bruises on the face. What is the best way to treat a hematoma and when should it be done? Start acting immediately, the sooner the better. The cold will be effective in the first 5-6 hours after the impact. Warming up is recommended in the next 24 hours.

First, it is recommended to cool the bruised area. Use dry ice for this; you can take specialized products sold in pharmacies. For example, dry ice in Snowball bags. How to get rid of swelling if there are no such remedies? It is allowed to use frozen foods from the freezer, chilled metal objects, and cold compresses to quickly relieve swelling. You can simply pour cold water into a plastic bottle and apply it to the area of ​​the hematoma.

To prevent frostbite on your delicate skin, do not hold ice directly on your face; always wrap it in a dry cloth. Remember that the cold exposure time should not exceed 10 minutes, after which you need to take a break for 2-3 minutes. Then ice is applied again and so on several times.

Methods for eliminating hematomas

These unpleasant defects can appear not only as a result of falls or impacts. Quite often, people who sleep too little, experience nervous strain and prolonged stress suffer from this phenomenon. In this case, comprehensive treatment is necessary, including:

Sometimes hematomas appear after excessive alcohol consumption. The best assistant in this case will be a mixture of aspirin and vitamin C. You can prepare it yourself from halves of tablets of both drugs, but it is better to purchase a special product like Aspirin-C. The result can be accelerated with a compress of tea bags or a massage with ice cubes.

Home remedies for bruises

You can quickly remove a hematoma using the simplest home remedies. The following plants and improvised means cope very well with this nuisance:

  • Parsley. This plant is used in various culinary dishes, adding a bright taste and a special aroma. But few people know that parsley will do an excellent job of treating bruises, reducing inflammation, strengthening capillaries and having an analgesic effect. To treat bruises, take fresh parsley, mash it thoroughly and apply to the bruise for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Apply parsley compress 3-4 times a day.
  • Onion. The plant will eliminate swelling, relieve pain and have a healing effect. To make a healing compress, finely chop 1 small onion and add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt. Apply to the hematoma, cover the mass with a towel or napkin. Can be fixed with adhesive tape. It is advisable to leave the mixture to act overnight. In the morning significant improvements will be visible.
  • Iodine mesh. It is best to apply an iodine network to the hematoma at night. Iodine, penetrating the skin, improves blood microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
  • Honey. You can quickly remove a bruise using honey. This natural healer has an excellent absorbent effect, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. You can use other effective ingredients together with honey. For example, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and add 1 quail egg yolk, 1/3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 drops of rose oil. This composition can be applied several times a day to the bruise. If you don't have these ingredients, you can use the main ingredient - honey.
  • Iodine And vinegar. Add 4 drops of iodine to two tablespoons of 6 percent apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton pad with this mixture and apply it to the bruise on your face. You may experience a slight burning sensation, this is normal. If the burning is very strong, rinse the treated area with water. This remedy helps remove purple hematomas.
  • In summer, a quick remedy for bruises - plantain. Everyone knows that this is a universal medicine. Heals and disinfects.
  • Vodka with ice. It is necessary to mix clean water and vodka, pour into ice molds and place in the freezer until completely frozen. Use ice cubes to wipe the bruised area.
  • Potato. The root vegetable needs to be peeled, cut lengthwise and applied to the bruise for about 20 minutes. It is better to do this immediately after the impact.
  • Viburnum bark. It needs to be crushed and mixed in equal parts with celandine. The mixture of these plants must be supplemented with 1/2 parts of aloe juice and pour boiling water over it. After 30 minutes, moisten a piece of gauze with the broth and apply it to the bruised area for 15 minutes. If you do not hesitate with this procedure, you can get rid of the bruise within a day.
  • Lasts a little longer saline solution. To prepare it, 10 g of salt must be mixed with 100 g of water. Apply a compress from this solution for 20 minutes every 1.5 hours. It may take about 3 days to remove the bruise this way.

Pharmacy drugs

Proven pharmaceutical drugs will also help you get rid of swelling and hematoma on your face:

  • Freshwater sponge powder works great for removing swelling and bruising. The mask is made as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of powder are mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of water. The composition is immediately applied to the swollen area. Try not to keep the mixture on the area near your eyes for a long time and do not let it get into your eyes. Exposure time is 10 minutes, if you feel severe discomfort - burning, immediately rinse the mask with water.
  • Ready-made balms and... Any pharmacy will offer you a ready-made remedy for bruises. The following preparations received good reviews: gel with leech extract “Bruise Off”, cream balm “SOS”, restoring balm “Rescuer”, gel “Badyaga 911”. To relieve inflammation and pain, we can recommend Heparin ointment. To get the effect as quickly as possible, it is recommended to apply any of these products every 2-3 hours.

If left untreated, hematomas will disappear in about 14 days. At the same time, their color will change from dark red to yellow-brown. Sometimes bruises spread to the skin of the neck, back or décolleté, so it is recommended to start treatment as early as possible. If the bruised area of ​​skin does not change color but remains red, you should urgently consult a doctor, as this may indicate a suppuration of the hematoma.

Bleeding from the nose after a blow indicates injury to the blood vessels of the bridge of the nose. In this case, under no circumstances should you blow your nose, as this will lead to an increase in the size of the hematoma.

You cannot heat swelling, as this will worsen the problem. That is why decoctions with ice are considered the most effective remedies in the first stages of swelling. After the swelling disappears, the effect can be improved by warming it up with heated salt, eggs or potatoes.

The therapeutic effect does not appear immediately. Therefore, be patient and do not lose heart. In the meantime, until the bruise disappears, use foundation pencils - concealers - to disguise it. If the hematoma is green, you will need a red shade of concealer; for purple hematomas, orange; to disguise brown hematomas, pink.


Take care of yourself and be careful! Well, if a hematoma does appear on your face, now you have enough knowledge in your arsenal to quickly eliminate it.

For active people, the question of how to remove a bruise as quickly as possible is not so strange. You don't have to be in a fight to get a bruise. You can get a bruise not only in childhood, but at any age, especially if you lead an active lifestyle, skiing, skating, cycling, horses, or playing other sports. It is precisely for such active people that it is very important to “quickly get back into action,” that is, to get rid of unattractive marks on an open area of ​​the body and especially on the face.

On its own, a bruise on the face goes away in at least a week, and on the body it can “show off” for a whole month.

The fastest and easiest way is to simply cover the bruise with foundation, all kinds of correctors and powder. It will not be possible to make a bruise completely invisible in this way, but it will no longer be noticeable. Makeup is an excellent auxiliary step in the “treatment” of a bruise.

Any girl who has the “mandatory minimum” of decorative cosmetics will figure out how to remove a black eye in a matter of minutes.

First aid for bruises - cold

It’s good if you can apply something cold to a fresh bruise - ice, snow, food from the freezer. The cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, resulting in less bruising, no swelling, and subsiding pain. Just avoid direct contact of ice with the skin, so as not to get frostbite to the tissues in addition to the bruise. 15-20 minutes of cold exposure is quite enough.

Compresses made from a solution of ordinary baking soda and vinegar have a similar effect.

After the swelling has subsided, the bruised area can be warmed up. Warming up noticeably accelerates tissue regeneration, which means it contributes to the rapid disappearance of the bruise.

To warm up, you can use salt or sand heated in the oven wrapped in a bag, a cotton napkin folded several times with a hot iron, or a simple wet compress.

Three 15-minute warm-ups per day are enough.

  • Onion and salt

Finely grated onion, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. table salt, wrapped in a piece of gauze, causes hematomas to dissolve almost before our eyes. This compress should be applied three times a day for 30-40 minutes. Each time it is necessary to prepare a fresh mixture.

  • Cabbage or plantain

Compresses made from fresh plantain or cabbage leaves, previously mashed or beaten with a kitchen hammer, have long been used in folk medicine to treat bruises.

  • Beetroot and honey

Red beets, grated and mixed in equal proportions with honey, are laid out in a thick layer on the bruise. After this therapy, after three days the bruise should completely disappear

  • Potato starch

A thick paste of potato starch diluted with water is applied in a thick layer to the bruised area for several hours.

  • Salt compress

Compresses from a saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt in 100 ml of water) are applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day.

  • Apple cider vinegar, iodine and salt

Compresses made from apple cider vinegar, salt and iodine (2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon salt and 4 drops of iodine) help quickly remove even blue-black and brown-purple bruises.

Pharmacy products

In the end, it is not necessary to prepare a remedy at home; you can buy a variety of ointments, gels and creams for bruises at the pharmacy. They are very inexpensive and work effectively. These are various products that have absorbable and restorative properties. A proven reliable remedy is heparin ointment.

You can also buy bodyaga powder at the pharmacy. It is prepared and applied like a mask. 2 tbsp of powder is dissolved in 1 tbsp. boiled water and immediately apply to the bruise. After drying, this mask is washed off with warm water. It should be done twice a day. In the eye area, bodyagu should be applied with extreme caution, avoiding getting it into the eyes so as not to cause inflammation.

Now you know how to remove bruises without much difficulty, but it’s better, of course, not to get them.