Signs of pregnancy basal temperature. Individual characteristics of the organism. Norm and pathology

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes characteristic changes. But every pregnant woman is afraid of any new manifestations, and considers each new symptom incomprehensible and evidence of pathology.

One of these fears is an increased or, conversely, too low body temperature during pregnancy. To avoid unnecessary worries and even panic, it is better to consult a doctor than to try to treat fever on your own. Only a doctor can figure out what is normal and what is a manifestation of the disease.

Normal body temperature during pregnancy

More often, body temperature rises to subfebrile numbers (37.2-37.4 degrees) in the first trimester of pregnancy, and for some it stays at this level throughout pregnancy.

This is not a pathology, and is explained by the physiology of the pregnancy period. But first, in order to understand the cause of the temperature increase, it is necessary to remember how the basal (rectal) temperature changes throughout menstrual cycle.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is kept at 36.6-36.8 degrees, before ovulation it decreases to 36.4-36.6, and then, in the luteal phase (second) of the cycle, it becomes higher than 37 degrees. This increase is explained by the production of progesterone in the second phase, which contributes to an increase in temperature.

During pregnancy, the temperature rise is due to two reasons.

Firstly, increased production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone), which affects the thermoregulatory center located in the brain.

Secondly, with the onset of pregnancy, there is some weakening of immunity - immunosuppression. This is necessary so that our strict "protector" of the body from all diseases could not affect the fetus and reject it.

Fever associated with the disease

But do not forget that a pregnant woman, like no one else, is at risk of various infections, from banal SARS and influenza, to pyelonephritis, pneumonia and other diseases.

And the main sign of viral and infectious diseases is precisely elevated temperature. An increase in temperature during infection means that the body is actively fighting harmful "agents". How to distinguish a pathological increase in temperature from a physiological one?

In case of infection with pathogenic microbes, future mom will begin to feel weakness, general malaise, loss of appetite, chills or fever. In addition, the temperature during illness reaches higher levels (38.0-38.5 degrees). Especially dangerous is the temperature above 38 degrees, which does not go astray for a long time.

This condition can cause dangerous violations in fetal development

  • malformations of the central nervous systems s;
  • mental retardation;
  • muscle hypotension in a child;
  • underdevelopment of some parts of the body;
  • facial defects ( cleft lip, wolf sky);
  • microcephaly;
  • syndactyly (fusion of fingers).

In cases where the temperature drops to 36.4 and below in the period up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, this may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Fever treatment

Treating a high fever is necessary and should be done by a doctor. Many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, so it's time to remember grandmother's methods. At colds useful tea with lemon or raspberries, hot milk with butter, decoctions of chamomile and sage.

From the moment fertilization begins, in the first weeks, an increased or decreased temperature during early pregnancy is not excluded, which is caused by changes occurring in the woman's body. When the mercury column is in the range of 37-37.5 degrees, this does not indicate pathologies. If other symptoms occur and when high performance hold on long time, you should be wary - this can cause a miscarriage or be a sign of any infections.

What is temperature during pregnancy

At healthy woman the thermometer mark changes within 36.6-37.7 ° C. This is how the body responds to hormonal changes. The indicator increases in the second phase of the cycle during the production of the hormone progesterone, which appears during pregnancy and is responsible for the safety gestational sac. The temperature mark is about 37 ° C on initial stages gestation is considered normal. If subfebrile temperature accompanies a fever, it may be a sign of a cold or dangerous infection.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

BT, or basal temperature, will tell a lot about women's health: will show fertile days (the most favorable for conception), the presence of ovulation, its absence, determine pregnancy. With its help, evaluate the work of the ovaries, monitor the development of pregnancy on initial terms(12-14 weeks). BT is measured:

  • vaginally;
  • oral;
  • rectally (in the rectum, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed).

The period from the first day of the menstrual cycle to the onset of ovulation is considered the first phase of the cycle. BT should be at around 36.2 and 36.8 ° C. Throughout the second phase of the cycle, temperature fluctuations can be in the range of 37-37.5 °C. 2-3 days before menstruation, there is a decrease basal body temperature up to 36.2-36.9 ° С. If there is no sharp drop in the indicator and it remains at around 37.5 degrees, this is a sign of pregnancy. elevated temperature regime will be observed up to 4 months of gestation.

In the early stages

Progesterone is needed to secure the fertilized egg to the uterine wall. When the level of an important hormone rises in the body, the basal temperature during early pregnancy increases to 37.3 ° C. Measurement of indicators can be continued until the 16th week every day. The norm of values ​​is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A slight increase does not indicate pathology. Basal temperature in early pregnancy may be as follows:

  • 3rd week - from 37 to 37.7 ° C;
  • 4th week - 37.1-37.5 ° С;
  • from 5 to 11 weeks - high, but if the basal temperature is more than 38 ° C, consult a doctor immediately;
  • 12th week - not less than 37.0 and not more than 38 ° C.

Fever during early pregnancy

Hyperthermia accompanies pregnancy from the very beginning. In the first trimester, this condition is explained by the changes taking place in the woman's body. Heat transfer slows down, and temperature indicators increase. Gynecologists advise taking measurements twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. So you can determine the daily dynamics of changes. In the first trimester, body temperature during early pregnancy rises to 37.2 ° C, and this is normal. Throughout the entire period, it can remain at around 37 ° C - it is not required to bring down the temperature.

Temperature 37.5

To know what temperature pregnant women have in the early stages, doctors use 3 methods: measurement with electronic thermometer, rectally and in the armpit. Using an electronic thermometer, measure the indicator in the mouth (the norm is 37.2 ° C). In the armpit, the temperature mark should not exceed 37 ° C. The thermometer shows 37.5 ° C when measuring rectal temperature V anus. With the course of pregnancy without deviations, the change in indicators is as follows: from 37.1 to 37.5 ° C.

Temperature 38 during pregnancy

A significant increase in the rate in the first trimester of pregnancy is considered unsafe. In most cases, the cause of the disease is inflammatory diseases, but serious conditions that require immediate medical assistance. The temperature at the beginning of pregnancy over 38 is not considered normal. In order not to harm yourself and your unborn child, you should immediately call a doctor. All disorders that occur in the body from the onset of pregnancy affect developing fetus.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

High rates indicate urinary or intestinal infections, SARS and other diseases. An increase in the mercury column can reach 38.5 and be accompanied by symptoms of diseases: swollen lymph nodes, rashes, pain in the sacrum and other ailments. On ARVI, in addition to fever, indicate cold symptoms: cough, runny nose, headaches. ARVI in the initial stages leads to otitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.

At intestinal infections hyperthermia in a pregnant woman is accompanied by symptoms of fever, stool disorders. Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis) are marked by chills, pulling pains in the lower back, general intoxication, painful urination. rashes on skin in the initial stages of gestation indicate rubella, smallpox or measles. Increased rate on the thermometer is also a sign ectopic pregnancy.

Possible consequences

The temperature rise is defensive reaction organism, but a significant excess normal indicators in the early stages leads to irreversible complications. The first trimester is the period of formation internal organs future baby, laying the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. A timely visit to the doctor will allow you to quickly determine, check the cause and begin treatment. Temperature increase in a pregnant woman leads to the following consequences:

  • increase the tone of the uterus;
  • the occurrence of malformations in the baby from the side of the eyeballs, jaw, palate and lips;
  • heavy early toxicosis;
  • violation of protein synthesis;
  • decreased blood supply to the placenta;
  • developmental delay brain activity;
  • can provoke a miscarriage due to blood clots that clog the vessels of the placenta;
  • premature birth due to early detachment of the placenta;
  • the threat of abortion, because the frequency of contraction of the uterine muscles increases;
  • intoxication of the body, which leads to pathology in work of cardio-vascular system.

What to do when the temperature is high

It is justified to use methods to lower the mercury column if the temperature mark is above 38 degrees at the beginning of pregnancy, at later dates- after 37.5. Regarding the use of funds, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe safe treatment. Self-medication is dangerous for the health of the baby, who will soon be born. Medications that can be prescribed to pregnant women:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Viburkol (homeopathic suppositories).

It is forbidden to take a medicine such as aspirin during pregnancy. If hyperthermia is caused infectious diseases, you need to treat a cold. Doctors recommend using non-drug methods that do not cause side effects:

  1. With hyperthermia associated with vasodilation, it is necessary to ventilate the room, put a wet compress on the forehead. Do not use alcohol, vinegar, cold water.
  2. If hyperthermia is due to vasospasm, and the hands and feet are cold, dry, warming the body and drinking plenty of hot water will help.

Low temperature

Low temperature during early pregnancy, this figure is below 36.0. This state is caused various pathologies or easily handled situations. The latter include: malnutrition of the expectant mother, overwork, stress, stress. If a woman eats well, but is noted low level blood sugar, low temperature indicator- this indicates the development diabetes. Other reasons leading to a decrease in temperature in a pregnant woman include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • transferred viral infections;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases.


For nine months of happy expectation of a baby, a woman should carefully monitor any changes in her own body. And such alarm bell, like the temperature during pregnancy in the early stages, definitely must be noticed. What can thermometer readings indicate?

Read in this article

Is temperature a sign of pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, the woman's body is rebuilt, which is manifested by a slight increase in body temperature during pregnancy in the early stages. Hormonal system women react sharply to the fertilization of the egg, the hormone is released in large quantities. It is a catalyst for temperature changes.

Functions immune system decrease with the onset of pregnancy. Reaction natural character allows you to prevent the separation of a fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus in the early days. Any failures in the functioning of the immune system provoke an increase in body temperature by tenths of a degree.Often, in women, an indicator exceeding 36.6 C is present for the first 6 months of gestation. Exceeding the optimal indicator by recent months indicates the presence of a disease.

All doctors say that a temperature of 37 C during pregnancy in the early stages is considered the norm. It does not provoke malformations in the development of the internal organs of the child and does not affect the health of the mother. For safety reasons, during temperature fluctuations, you should discuss the issue with a gynecologist. From the second trimester, an overestimated indicator requires mandatory observation and testing.

Banal overheating - main reason elevated temperature. This is typical for the hot season or the choice of excessively warm clothing.

What do high temperatures indicate?

An increase in temperature during pregnancy in the early stages above the norm of 37.5 C causes discomfort in a woman, signals the presence or a viral infection, and can also be a concomitant symptom. It is necessary to take urgent measures, as ARVI or viral infection requires medical treatment. The choice of drugs should be approached carefully, since many of the usual tablets or syrups can not be used during the period of fetal formation. The doctor must prescribe drugs!

Fever during early pregnancy due to respiratory infection in a mild form, subject to treatment with folk remedies. Namely:

  • Rubbing it with a towel pre-dipped in cool water will help bring it down.
  • Alcohol wraps are not recommended. Alcohol is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin into the mother's body.
  • Do not forget diaphoretic teas based on linden and raspberry.

More serious diseases, for example, or impaired kidney function, cannot be cured without the participation of official medicine. To overcome the infection without medication is simply impossible.

Is it worth bringing down the temperature?

Requires acceptance urgent measures temperature 38 during early pregnancy. Her high performance threatens:

  • malfunctions of the heart and circulatory system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • developmental disorders of the fetus;
  • irreversible changes in protein synthesis, premature birth;
  • deterioration of the placenta, which also provokes premature birth.

Drinking plenty of water will help reduce it. The choice of drinks is small: green or black tea, decoction of linden or chamomile, berry fruit drinks, milk with butter and honey, liquid raspberry jam (can be diluted warm water). A prerequisite is the absence of boiling water. Drinks must be warm.

Remember that women who carry a baby under their hearts can drink herbal infusions not all herbs. When fever during early pregnancy is difficult to overcome, you can brew homemade herbal tea. Recipe: mix coltsfoot with plantain, raspberries and oregano in equal proportions and pour boiling water, you can hold it on the stove to herbal collection simmered a little. Infusion drink 1 spoon after meals, no more than 4 times.

Speaking of taking medication, remember that drinking aspirin in the first months is taboo. It causes and provokes irreversible. Medications, which contain paracetamol, are taken 1, maximum 2 times. Longer intake adversely affects the functioning of internal organs (kidneys and liver).

How to prevent temperature fluctuations during gestation

It is difficult to cure the disease, it is much easier to prevent it. In the first trimester of bearing a child is no different from general recommendations. Measures to prevent fever in early pregnancy include the following:

  • ventilation of all rooms in the house;
  • refusal to visit public places, in particular during an epidemic of SARS or influenza;
  • regular implementation of measures aimed at maintaining health (washing hands after the street, cleansing the nose and rinsing oral cavity);
  • use .

Cause of low temperature

Low temperature during early pregnancy - a phenomenon familiar to many women. The reasons are hidden in:

  • specifics female body;
  • (intoxication);
  • overwork;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

A temperature below 36.6 for a long time can provoke general weakness, dizziness, and even. Failures in the thermoregulation of the body increase the already significant sweating, which often occurs in women who are carrying a fetus.

"What temperature during early pregnancy is considered the norm?" The question does not have a clear answer. It depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. One thing can be said: there is no cause for concern when fluctuations in indicators are not accompanied by other symptoms. But for the healthy development of the unborn child, you should seek comprehensive advice from a doctor. Hthe normal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages does not fall below 36 C and will not be higher than 37.6 C degrees. Any deviation from the norm requires a visit to a doctor!

Take care of yourself and your baby! Be healthy!

A pregnant woman is faced with a huge number of new concepts, terms and rules for her. What is basal body temperature? What role does it play in pregnancy? How does the temperature change during ovulation and how can it affect the planning of conception? In this article, we will look at these and many other questions that a pregnant woman has every day.

Basal temperature: what is it?

First of all, you should know that basal body temperature is measured in the mouth, rectum and vagina. Why do you need to measure basal temperature? In order to evaluate the work of the gonads, determine possible violations in the work of the reproductive system, as well as to understand whether the time has come for the release of the egg, because the basal temperature plays a very important role when planning a pregnancy. important role. Correctly measure the basal temperature should be as follows:

  • measuring basal temperature does not make sense during the reception hormonal drugs, alcohol and oral contraceptives;
  • it is recommended to measure the basal temperature at the beginning of pregnancy and not only in the rectum, but not in the oral cavity or vagina;
  • start measuring temperature after 5-6 hours of sleep;
  • basal temperature is measured every morning, while it is better not to make any sudden movements and not even talk. Even straight Sun rays, which irritate the eyes, can cause temperature fluctuations;
  • basal temperature is measured at the same time;
  • measurement lasts 7-10 minutes mercury thermometer and 60 seconds electronic;
  • All indicators are recorded in a special diary.

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature?

Determining pregnancy by basal temperature is a very reliable and common method, but, nevertheless, quite troublesome. The basal temperature at 1 week of the alleged pregnancy, that is, the delay in the menstrual cycle, should be measured in the following way: you need to insert a medical thermometer (mercury or electronic) into the rectum. It is quite easy to determine the signs of pregnancy by basal temperature, if the basal temperature stays above 37 ° C for three days, you can be sure that pregnancy has occurred. An increase in basal temperature occurs under the influence of a hormone, so the walls of the uterus are prepared for the attachment of a fertilized egg. The first signs of pregnancy by measuring basal temperature are quite reliable and can be relied upon if you are unable to visit a gynecologist or perform other pregnancy tests for any reason.

During pregnancy, which proceeds safely, the high basal temperature persists for a long time and ranges from 37.1 ° C to 37.3 ° C. This lasts for the first four months, and after that the temperature begins to gradually drop. Many believe that after the 20th week pregnancy, it is no longer necessary to measure basal temperature, however, doctors have a different opinion on this matter. Why measure basal temperature after the 4th month of pregnancy, if it is already clear that conception has occurred? The answer is simple: a sharp and unexpected drop in basal temperature may be telling you that your hormonal background changed, and this, accordingly, does not mean anything good. So, if there are sharp drops in your basal temperature measurement schedule, this may indicate that there is a threat of miscarriage or a halt in the development of your unborn baby. An increase in basal temperature, for example, to 37.8 ° C and above, indicates inflammatory process in the mother's body.

The good health of the mother during the period of bearing a child is important, since the course of pregnancy and the condition of the child depend on this character. In the first trimester, some women experience both an increase in body temperature and a decrease, both of these conditions are a reason for consulting a doctor.

Causes of fever in a pregnant woman

■ Sometimes a rise in temperature is due to hormonal fluctuations, so you should not worry ahead of time. In early pregnancy, women produce the hormone "progesterone", which keeps your baby alive in the first months of life. Basically, at the beginning of pregnancy, the temperature can stay in the region of 37.2-37.4 degrees Celsius. This normal temperature body during pregnancy, but still any changes in the health of a pregnant woman require a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist.

■ The reason may be simply in the reaction of your body to the child, because for him this is a new state. Therefore, immunity is reduced so as not to fight the child, as foreign body rather accept it. During this period, women feel well, there is no body aches, cough, runny nose.

■ Also, the temperature may be from overheating, especially in hot weather. Be sure to wear a hat and use sunscreen if you are in the sun for a long time.

■ If the temperature reaches 38.0, you should definitely call a doctor at home, as a cold or other viral infection is possible, or these may be diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract or diseases of internal organs that require drug treatment or surgical intervention. In addition to the temperature, other symptoms indicating the disease will be observed.

Important! No action should be taken without seeing a doctor, because some medicines can harm both you and your unborn baby. Temperature during pregnancy, if you do not find out its cause and bring it down, can lead to negative consequences.

Possible complications from fever in a pregnant woman

Complications can arise not only from the rise in body temperature itself, but also from the disease that caused it.

First and second trimester of pregnancy

An increase in temperature in the first weeks after ovulation (1-3 weeks of pregnancy) can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or missed pregnancy, as well as a violation in the formation of embryonic systems.

Diseases with fever in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy can cause malformations and underdevelopment of some parts of the body in the fetus.

Getting a cold at 12-14 weeks of gestation is less dangerous for the fetus, since a fully formed placenta will protect the baby. But still there is a possibility of a miscarriage, or a change in endocrine system. Read more about colds during pregnancy on our website.

At 16-17 weeks, bone tissue is formed, a prolonged increase in temperature can cause pathology in its development.

If you have a girl, and you caught a cold at 19-20 weeks, then she may have a violation in the formation of the reproductive system, which leads to infertility.

Last trimester of pregnancy

Preterm birth is possible at any week of the 3rd trimester.

On recent weeks the placenta becomes thinner and more permeable. A prolonged rise in temperature can cause premature detachment placenta.

At week 33, the child’s immunity is not developed, so viruses can penetrate it, and if you get sick with rubella, for example, then the baby will also get sick in utero.

At week 34, SARS can disrupt the hormonal background and cause the production of colostrum.

35 week big risk give a birth to a baby ahead of schedule and be complicated by late gestosis.

At 36 weeks, a cold with a temperature can cause amniotic fluid to leak out.

At 37 weeks, the virus can enter the baby through the amniotic fluid.

At 40 weeks, the baby may get a cold, which can complicate childbirth.

What to do with fever during pregnancy

Important! First of all, you need to establish the cause of the rise in temperature, and then only you can proceed to treatment.

If the cause is a disease of the genitourinary system, then a mandatory drug treatment and collection of relevant analyses. In pregnant women frequent occurrence this is an aggravation chronic diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. With these diseases, a woman may feel pain in the lower back, body aches, giving pain to the thigh, painful urination, or the presence of blood in the urine. Due to reduced immunity, the pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina can begin to actively multiply, this will lead, in addition to a rise in temperature, to pathological secretions from the genital tract, irritation and itching in the perineum.

Poisoning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause a rise in temperature; antacids and absorbents may be required in treatment. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after questioning and examination.

Appendicitis can cause fever and abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Urgent hospitalization with specification of the diagnosis is required. In the hospital, if the diagnosis is confirmed, medical and / or surgical treatment is carried out.

But most often the cause of fever during pregnancy is SARS or influenza. Almost every pregnant woman has had a cold at least once during her entire pregnancy.

If the cause is a cold, then it is impossible to bring down the temperature below 37.5 degrees Celsius. The immunity of a woman during pregnancy drops significantly, so the possibility of contracting various infections and diseases increases. This is dangerous because intoxication of the whole organism occurs, this can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, changes in protein synthesis, developmental disorders and premature birth. Influenza virus can cross the placenta, which can cause abortion or infection of the fetus in late pregnancy. Let's talk about treatment in more detail.

Fever treatment

It is possible to be treated with folk methods if the temperature is small and lasts throughout the day. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, but make sure that you do not develop swelling from it. In the first months, you should not limit yourself to fluids, the main thing is that you can control yourself in the second and third trimester. In no case should a cold be carried on the legs; a pregnant woman with a temperature needs rest for about 2-5 days.

It is strictly forbidden to drink medicines: aspirin, analgin, nurofen, teraflu, coldrex. Paracetamol (Panadol) is the safest. Paracetamol has practically no effect on the fetus, but it is not necessary to take it without consulting a doctor. Take 1 tablet no more than 4 times a day. Also, the interval between tablets when taking paracetamol should be at least 4 hours. If you overdo it with the reception, then bleeding or the development of anemia is possible.

Can be washed with water room temperature, you should wipe all natural creases and wrists, and you can also put a wet cloth on your forehead. There is no need to wrap ten blankets at this time! Overheating is of no use to you.

If you have a temperature, monitor it every 30 minutes, and if after taking antipyretics for an hour it was not possible to bring down the high temperature (more than 38 degrees Celsius), then it is worth calling a doctor at home or emergency care.

When holding on heat, cranberry juice helps very well. You can also drink tea: with lemon, raspberry, chamomile, linden. Milk with honey will also help a lot. It is important that the liquid you drink is warm. Hot drink is contraindicated!

Cough. Honey will help us get rid of it. With it, you need to do inhalation (dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in 5 cups of boiling water), the water should be at least 49 degrees Celsius. Steam must be inhaled in turn, first into one nostril, then into the other). Gargling with a dry cough with herbs will help: sage, eucalyptus, calendula. You can even do an inhalation with soda, it helps very quickly with a dry cough. If you have an inhaler at home, then do the procedures 3 times a day with saline.

For nasal congestion you can use naphthyzinum, halozolin, nazivin, vibrocil no more than 2 times a day, and only in last resort and do not overdo it with the dose - 1-2 drops in each nostril. Because nasal drops can cross the placenta. You can still instill drops of "aquamaris" or "aqualor", they are on saline solution and are not contraindicated in pregnant women. Effective ointment "doctor mom" on a plant basis. The area around the nostrils is smeared with this ointment, then breathing is facilitated. If you are not allergic to the ointment, you can take it several times a day.

If sore throat you can rinse it with a solution of chlorhexidine for about 30 seconds. Do not abuse antiseptics! If the sore throat is not severe, you can gargle with a solution of chamomile, salt, soda, calendula.

It is still impossible to take antibiotics on your own in any case, because, firstly, they are not needed, since they are prescribed when a secondary bacterial infection joins, because influenza and SARS cause viruses, and secondly, antibiotics can cause serious defects in the fetus.

Horseradish is considered the best and safest immunomodulator. It has been used for a very long time in traditional medicine. Horseradish should be finely grated and mixed with sugar and left for 24 hours so that it gives juice. The next day, strain and take one tablespoon every hour. As well as black radish, which must be grated and add a little honey, take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Grippferon, Interferon and Viferon - antiviral agents can only be used after consulting a doctor.

In folk medicine, there are still a lot of recipes for colds. For example, we brew two tablespoons of raspberry jam, four tablespoons of coltsfoot, and three tablespoons of plantain. This medication is limited to only 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

Important! Some folk methods can harm the child even more than the medicine, so be careful and consult your doctor before taking it.

Temperature drop during pregnancy

Hypothermia is a condition in which the central body temperature drops below 35°C. In pregnant women, a decrease in body temperature below 36.0 degrees Celsius is a reason to see a doctor. A decrease in temperature in pregnant women for a long time can lead to dizziness and fainting.

Causes of temperature drop in pregnant women

■ If your temperature drops during pregnancy and makes you shiver, this may be the cause of endocrinological problems, so you should consult a physician or endocrinologist. For example, hypothyroidism is a disease thyroid gland in which there is chills, weakness and tends to sleep.

■ It is also possible to lower the temperature when severe toxicosis, since during this period a woman eats very poorly and often vomits.

■ Reduced immunity and lack of vitamins in the body can cause a drop in temperature.

■ Anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin, can lead to low body temperature.

■ Possible overwork, both physical and mental.

■ Lack of sleep and stress can also cause abnormal body temperature.

■ Vascular pathology.

■ Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, weakness, drowsiness. These manifestations can be symptoms of diabetes.

How to treat a low temperature

If the decrease in body temperature is not associated with any disease, then first of all the pregnant woman must follow the daily routine. You need to get enough sleep, walk on fresh air, sign up for the pool and fitness for pregnant women. Nutrition should be balanced and fractional. Strongly brewed hot tea with sugar or jam can raise body temperature.

How to protect yourself and your baby?

Naturally, as my mother taught: “wash your hands when you come from the street and when you sit down at the table.” This is the first rule, the second is to eat right, the third is to avoid crowding. a large number people, especially during an epidemic. But be outdoors is a must!

Rinse your nose. Or before going out, smear your nose oxolinic ointment. Or you can still drip aloe into your nose.

Strictly no coffee! Coffee is very harmful for pregnant women, it is better to replace it with green tea.

Drink vitamins (coordinated with the doctor).

You can eat garlic, and if you do not want, you can cut and put on different corners at home in the rooms, there will be no smell, then it will begin to release phytoncides into the air (almost the same as eating garlic).

Dress for the weather.

Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day.

Naturally, healthy lifestyle life. Drink rosehip tea as rosehip contains a huge amount of vitamins.

Foods that contain vitamin C are sauerkraut, pepper, cranberry, lemon.

Avoid stress.

Constantly drink juices, only fresh and natural, as they contain phytocytes, this will strengthen your immunity.

Do exercises, as this leads to good blood circulation.

You can wear a special pendant around your neck, in which you can add aromatic oils against colds.

By following all of these rules, you will not get sick during all three trimesters! Be healthy!

More materials - temperature during pregnancy