Irritable bowel syndrome during pregnancy. What are the dangers of intestinal disorders during pregnancy. How to distinguish training contractions from generic contractions

Constipation affects more than 20% of the population, and during pregnancy, the risk of their occurrence significantly melts. This problem is not only physiological, but also psychological aspects: experts know that "harmless", at first glance, difficulties with defecation can provoke depression, the consequence of which may be pregnancy.

Excursion to physiology

What helps a person to empty the intestines on time? It has been established that the act of defecation depends on the following factors:
  • Intestinal microflora. The basis of the intestinal microflora is made up of protective microbes, represented by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which form a protective biofilm on the surface of the mucous membrane, as well as E. coli. The normal amount of protective microflora ensures the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, regulates the absorption of water and nutrients and motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is thanks to this function that the contents of the intestine normally move without delay through the gastrointestinal tract.
    Normally, the urge to defecate occurs when the ampoule of the rectum is filled.
    Each person has their own bowel release biorhythm. The normal frequency of bowel movements is varied: from 3 times a week to 2 times a day. Therefore, it should be clarified which state can be considered. So, the signs of constipation are:
    • an increase in the intervals between acts of defecation (defecation is the process of emptying the intestines) in comparison with the individual physiological "norm";
    • forced straining;
    • systematic insufficient emptying of the intestine, a feeling of "incomplete bowel emptying";
    • passing a small amount of stool increased density(assuming adequate nutrition).

Causes of constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, ligament softening hormones also have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine, making it more difficult for it to get rid of its contents.

In addition, during pregnancy, for the prevention of anemia (hemoglobin deficiency), preparations containing iron are prescribed, which in one way or another contribute to constipation. In addition, sedatives and aggravate constipation. The former are used to treat toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, the threat of abortion, and in other cases. Diuretic drugs are used to treat the second half of pregnancy. Aggravates constipation and the use of antispasmodic drugs (such as NO-SHPA).

Problems that lead to constipation do not disappear even after childbirth. Another one joins them: the abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy do not support the intestines and viscera enough. Constipation can also be the result of taking pain medications that are prescribed in the postpartum period to relieve postoperative stitches or painful postpartum contractions.

Cause of constipation in postpartum period it may also be just the fear that stress will damage the seams.


Treatment of constipation should be carried out strictly individually, after a thorough examination and under the supervision of a physician.

As already mentioned, constipation is often accompanied by a fear of the urge to defecate, which aggravates the condition. In order to avoid this component, you need to go to the toilet at the same time even in the absence of the urge to defecate. It is better to do it in the morning. Don't be alarmed if the urge to defecate occurs at work or wherever you are. In this case, stock up on a pack of disposable wipes. Do not forget that the fear of constipation, like any fear and stress, causes difficult defecation. Therefore, you must be sure that constipation is not a serious illness and that it is quite possible to cope with it if certain recommendations are followed.

The diet of pregnant women suffering from constipation must necessarily include coarse fiber: vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals. (I’ll make a reservation right away, all these products are contraindicated in case of exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines.) Chocolate, coffee, rice, semolina, smoked meats, canned food are excluded from the menu. It should be noted that many of these foods (with the exception of rice and semolina) are generally not recommended during pregnancy. Meat is limited to once a day. You can eat fish and seafood, but given the ability of these products to provoke allergies in mom and baby, they are recommended to be consumed no more than once a week. From cereals, buckwheat, pearl barley, oat, wheat are preferred, and from oils - sunflower, olive, soy, rapeseed.

Vegetables and non-allergenic fruits can be eaten in any form and in sufficient quantities. Suggested Recipes salads help improve bowel function.

The amount of ingredients depends on your taste, with the exception of walnuts, which have allergenic potential. A good dressing for all salads is vegetable oil.

One-day (fresh) kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk have a laxative effect. Can I drink a glass in the morning cold water with a spoonful of sugar or eat a banana, a couple of apples. Beneficial for bowel function mixtures from:

  • soaked in milk oatmeal mixed with apples, grated carrots and any nuts;
  • prunes, dried melon, cranberries with honey;
  • figs, apples, dried apricots, boiled beets with honey;
  • prunes, figs, raisins, any nuts and aloe juice;
  • decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of flaxseed, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey and aloe juice (the decoction is taken at night, washed down with 1/2 cup of infusion "kombucha").

It is better to take the above mixtures at night for 2-3 tablespoons.

No less effective for the treatment of constipation and infusion of prunes with figs. It is prepared as follows: 10 berries of prunes and figs are washed and poured with 1 glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and kept until morning. The liquid is drunk on an empty stomach; 5 berries of prunes and figs are eaten at breakfast, the rest - in the evening.

May help fight constipation . Pharmacies sell standard herbal laxatives. For example:

  • alexandrian leaf, buckthorn bark, fruits of joster, anise, licorice roots;
  • buckthorn bark, sweet clover, nettle leaves;
  • buckthorn bark, watch leaves, sweet clover, cumin.

You can also make up your own prescriptions. To do this, we can recommend fireweed, lemon balm, tansy, sweet clover, plantain, chamomile, cumin, dill, violet. 3-4 of any of the listed herbs should be taken in equal proportions, then brew 1 tbsp. collection spoon 1 glass of boiling water, insist on taking 1 glass in the morning before meals.

There are also some medicinal vegetables and fruits . Garlic, pumpkin, turnip, watermelon, red currant, raw potato juice, cabbage help soften feces, and blackcurrant, bird cherry, blueberries have the opposite effect.

A certain place in the treatment of constipation is given physiotherapy exercises swimming, massage And motor activity in general (if this is not prevented by the state future mother).

Useful and self-massage of the intestine . In a standing or lying position, with light movements of any palm, one must “pass” from the right groin up to the liver, then hold the palm above the navel and go down to the left groin. From time to time, movements should be accelerated, giving them the appearance of a slight vibration and undulation. The massage lasts 10-15 minutes. It is better to coincide with the time when there is a desire to empty the intestines in order to work out conditioned reflex for defecation. This can also help Introduction to anus candles with glycerin . 20 minutes after this procedure, you must definitely go to the toilet, even if there is no urge to defecate. It is necessary to sit in it for 10-15 minutes with careful straining and an attempt to empty the intestines. When the reflex is restored, the candles are cancelled. If there is still no stool for several days, then a cleansing enema of 1.5 liters is acceptable. warm water with the addition of 1-2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil. However, remember that frequent enemas are harmful to health.

If constipation is associated with a fear of emptying the intestines due to the danger of rupture of the sutures on the perineum, then during defecation, you can press the sutures at the time of effort and opening the anus: in this case, you will feel more confident.

If the above actions were ineffective, drugs are used that contain enzymes that improve digestion (FESTAL, PANZINORM), and laxatives. But any medications can be taken only if they are prescribed by a doctor.


Dear Doctor Perederin! Are you out of your mind? How can a pregnant woman advise tansy, you even know that this plant is completely contraindicated in carrying a pregnancy. And about enemas, I generally keep quiet! I think you are completely incompetent, this article will not benefit more than one woman in a position!

07/03/2013 12:24:00 pm, Leila Star

Candles with glycerin and Microlax - Forever!!!

Don't throw away your slippers. there is a suspicion of pregnancy (not sure yet), but without a morning cigarette it’s impossible to go for the most part. no kefirs and plums save.

Prunes on an empty stomach.

It's strange how you can advise products - legumes, cabbage - that lead to increased gas formation! Not only is constipation so there will also be gases! Not a single doctor will advise! Cross out salad recipe No. 2

09/29/2006 05:16:02 PM, Olesya

I was helped by the use of 2 - 3 x kiwi a day. Now I eat them all the time, and vitamin C helps a lot with constipation.

04/21/2006 13:13:29, Marina

I forgot ayran or plum juice will also help.

03/25/2006 05:03:17 PM, Dmitry

Aloe is contraindicated in pregnancy.

03/25/2006 17:01:00, Dmitry

A month of daily consumption of kefir and the problem disappeared. True, then I bought kefir, which has a shelf life of no more than 2 days, I don’t know if it’s sold now ...

02/03/2006 09:41:51, Dasha Bukashkina

Comment on the article "Open about closed. Constipation during pregnancy"

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Pregnancy is probably the most important and happiest period in the life of every woman. Unfortunately, it is often overshadowed by the health problems associated with this condition. One of them is constipation. Irregular or refers to the most frequently detected pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in women during pregnancy. This problem may first appear as early dates childbearing, and later, and in some cases even after childbirth.

It has been established that such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation during pregnancy occurs in more than half of women who are in a “position”. This is caused by changes in the mode of physical activity, nutrition, psychological factors, physiological and hormonal changes in the body.

Types and symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is a condition in which there is systematically obstructed incomplete emptying of the bowel or complete absence defecation naturally for two or more days.
Depending on the condition of the muscular wall of the large intestine, there are:

For atonic constipation muscle tone intestines is sharply reduced and may even be completely absent. This leads to a weakening of intestinal motility and the impossibility of moving stool To anus, resulting in their stagnation, compaction and gradual dehydration. The act of defecation is accompanied by severe pain, first there is a dense and formed feces large diameter, and then liquid mushy feces. With atonic constipation in a pregnant woman occurs:

  • feeling of fullness and fullness in the intestines;
  • aching or drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, weakness;
  • flatulence.

With spastic constipation, hypertonicity of the muscles of the intestinal wall is observed. The slowdown of peristalsis in this case is due to the occurrence of spasms in various parts of the colon. Defecation can occur several times a day, but there is a feeling of incomplete emptying. The excreted feces are fragmented pieces of small size, reminiscent of the feces of a goat or sheep. With spastic constipation in pregnant women, it is noted:

  • cramping attacks of pain in the intestines;
  • flatulence of the intestine;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervousness, irritability.

Constipation during pregnancy occurs with the same symptoms as in all people

Important: If a pregnant woman suffers from hemorrhoids, then the feces secreted during constipation may contain blood impurities, and pain, burning and itching will be present in the anus.

According to the duration of the course, constipation can be acute and chronic. Acute constipation occurs due to certain provoking factors (nervous stress, changes in diet and physical activity) and lasts no more than 12 weeks. In some cases, if the provoking factor has not been eliminated in time, acute form becomes chronic.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Why does constipation occur in pregnant women? The reasons can be very different. But the most significant of them are hormonal and physiological changes in a woman's body. In most cases, complaints about irregular stool observed towards the end of the second trimester. However, the appearance of constipation at the very beginning of pregnancy is also not uncommon.

Constipation in early pregnancy

Constipation at the very beginning of the first trimester most often occurs in women who, even before conception, had problems with bowel movements. Under the influence of additional factors characteristic of pregnancy, the situation is even more aggravated almost immediately after conception.

Causes of constipation in early pregnancy include:

Progesterone is one of the main pregnancy hormones. It prepares the inner wall of the uterus for attachment gestational sac, under its influence in the body of a woman, all conditions are created for bearing a fetus. The biological effect of progesterone is also to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of all organs, including the uterus, intestines, ureters, bladder. Reducing the tone of the uterus is extremely important for normal course pregnancy and miscarriage prevention. However, in parallel with this, there is a weakening of the activity of the intestine and its peristalsis, which ultimately leads to the development of constipation.

Many women during pregnancy take iron and calcium supplements to prevent anemia and other complications caused by an increase in the body's need for these minerals. side effect such medicines are constipation. They change the consistency of feces, making it more dense and hard. This effect is most pronounced when taking monopreparations of iron and calcium than multicomponent ones. vitamin complexes for pregnant.

Constipation during pregnancy is often the cause of poor health and mood in women

Improper nutrition in early pregnancy may be due to the development of toxicosis. Constant feeling nausea leads to a decrease in the amount of food consumed and the formation of an insufficient volume of feces. If toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting, then the woman has dehydration, which results in the formation of feces of a very hard consistency. The cause of malnutrition can also be changes taste preferences in pregnant women. Women during the period of bearing a child often consume a lot of spicy and salty foods, which negatively affects the work of the intestines.

A sedentary image at the beginning of pregnancy in some women is necessary condition to preserve the fetus. It has been established that the risk of termination of pregnancy is maximum in the first trimester. The fear of an active lifestyle is especially pronounced in women who have been treated for infertility and have a history of spontaneous miscarriages. Women with uterine hypertonicity, the threat of miscarriage or bleeding are forced to observe bed rest which contributes to constipation.

Important: Constipation during pregnancy can develop against the background of nervous stress, which women are very susceptible to during this period.

Constipation in late pregnancy

Causes of constipation in later dates pregnancies are:

  • diseases of the anal area;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • squeezing internal organs uterus;
  • inadequate fluid intake.

The development of rectal diseases during pregnancy often causes constipation. A sedentary lifestyle and squeezing by the growing uterus of the vessels in the pelvic area leads to congestion, impaired blood circulation and outflow of blood. These factors contribute to the development of hemorrhoids and the formation of anal fissures, in which defecation is accompanied by severe pain. Going to the toilet becomes a real test for a woman, and she seeks to avoid them, which further worsens bowel function.

Decreased motor activity in women recent months pregnancy is associated with weight gain and a large belly. In addition, some women experience pain in the lower back and spine in late pregnancy, which also makes it difficult to move.

Starting from the middle of the 2nd trimester, the uterus begins to increase significantly in size and affects the work of all nearby organs, including the intestines. Bowel loops can be squeezed, pinched, which slows down intestinal motility and leads to problems with defecation.

Restriction of the liquid consumed by a pregnant woman is necessary when she has edema, kidney disease, increased pressure or the development of preeclampsia. As a result, the amount of water in the body that is insufficient for normal bowel function leads to the formation of hard, dense feces and constipation.

Important: The cause of constipation in late pregnancy may be psychological factor, consisting in the fear of a woman beginning birth process due to straining during defecation.

Consequences of constipation during pregnancy

In the absence of timely measures, constipation not only brings discomfort, worsens the woman's well-being and mood, but can also pose a danger to the health of the fetus. Why is constipation dangerous during pregnancy? The consequences of prolonged constipation in a woman during the period of bearing a child can be the following complications:

  • Maternal and fetal toxicity. With prolonged stagnation of feces, toxins, decay and decay products contained in them begin to be absorbed into the blood.
  • Threat premature birth. Crowded with feces and gases, the intestines will put pressure on the uterus. Irritation of its walls leads to an increase in tone, which is fraught with the onset of the birth process.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestines and female genital organs. With constipation, the composition of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, the growth of opportunistic bacteria increases. The proximity of the location of the anus and external genitalia in a woman contributes to their infection at the slightest non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.
  • development of hemorrhoids. Constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Squeezing of the fecal masses and the uterus of the pelvic vessels disrupts the outflow of blood and leads to excessive blood filling of the veins.

Irritable bowel syndrome during pregnancy is a functional disease that causes pain different nature in the abdomen, especially the colon and navel, which are accompanied by disorders of the stool and the act of defecation, bloating and appetite disorders. At the same time, the intestines have no structural abnormalities, there are no signs of infections. During pregnancy, the syndrome, which usually has an undulating and chronic course, is prone to exacerbations, which aggravates the course of pregnancy. As the uterus grows, the intestinal loops are compressed, which leads to dysmotility and exacerbates the process.

The exact causes of the syndrome have not yet been clarified, the presence of predisposing factors plays a role. Particularly affect the development of IBS frequent stress, the use of acute or fatty foods, weaknesses and soda, dietary deficiency of fiber, overeating. The influence of unfavorable heredity, changes in the hormonal background and pathology were revealed. digestive system. During pregnancy, IBS can be exacerbated by compression of intestinal loops and dysmotility, as well as by changes in hormonal balance.


Manifestations of IBS during pregnancy are not specific, they can be suspected if there are indications that a woman previously had this syndrome. Usually these are pains in the lower abdomen, along the colon, which disappear after defecation or gas discharge. There may be an alternation of constipation with diarrhea that occurs both on the same day and several times a week. The stool in IBS may initially be dense at the beginning of a bowel movement, becoming more and more liquid, watery as it is emptied. The chair can occur several times a day, in the form of diarrhea, or multi-day constipation is formed. In constipation, stools are hard, sheep-balls or fragmented, or hard, dry cylinders. Transfusion and rumbling of the abdomen, seething and loud sounds can be constantly felt, after defecation there is a feeling incomplete discharge chair with frequent urges to defecation. After eating, you may experience discomfort in the abdomen, bloating and frequent flatulence, not associated with the intake of gas-forming products.

During pregnancy, these manifestations may be accompanied by a violation general condition, increased fatigue with anxiety attacks for no reason, headache attacks, discomfort during urination and during sex, taste in the mouth, sleep disturbances and interruptions in the work of the heart. In the presence of IBS, there is no weight loss, impurities in the stool in the form of blood, greenery and mucus, anemia, and swelling of the abdomen.

Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome


Severe abdominal pain and constipation provoke uterine tone, give discomfort and, with a strong severity of the process, can provoke a threat of abortion. At a later date severe pain in combination with diarrhea or constipation can provoke premature birth.


What can you do

First of all, you will need to monitor your diet, eat up to 6 times a day in small portions, giving up sweets, gas-producing foods, fatty and spicy foods. It is necessary to exclude from the diet chocolate and whole milk, coffee and sweeteners, foods that provoke discomfort in the stomach. It is important to protect yourself from stress, to visit more fresh air and lead an active lifestyle. Need a full exercise stress taking into account the gestational age, swimming, walking and walking. Strict refusal from carbonated drinks is necessary. Chewing gum and drinking straws - they increase the amount of intestinal gas.

What does a doctor do

Drugs for treatment are used only in severe and emergency cases, antispasmodic drugs, antidepressants and drugs against diarrhea, mild laxatives for constipation are used. Basically, the treatment is aimed at normalizing the digestive process - enzymes, carminative herbal preparations. All medications are prescribed safe for this period pregnancy and short courses.


The basis for the prevention of IBS in pregnant women is a complete and healthy eating with the exception of puffy foods, sodas and sweets. It is important to protect from stress and worries, walks and sports, frequent rest and sleep. You need to follow the regular chair, consume enough fiber and fresh fruits. In the presence of IBS before pregnancy, it is important to register on time and manage the woman together with a gastroenterologist.

Constipation is a violation of the large intestine, manifested by rare and difficult acts of defecation. At the same time, a woman experiences discomfort from a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines and pain in the abdomen, moreover, the urge to go to the toilet may be completely absent for up to three days. In medical practice, a regular delay and incomplete bowel movement within 48 hours is commonly called chronic constipation.

Constipation classification

Constipation has different reasons emergence and mechanisms of development. Depending on many factors, doctors distinguish several types of constipation:

  • alimentary, caused by diet;
  • neurogenic, provoked by a violation of the activity of the neuro-reflex system of the body;
  • psychogenic;
  • constipation as a result of anorectal disease;
  • toxic constipation after chemical poisoning and medicines;
  • proctogenic, caused by a malfunction of the muscles of the diaphragm pelvic floor;
  • constipation from a mechanical obstacle (with a tumor, stricture, polyps and scars);
  • iastrogenic constipation arising from the use of medications.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy most often occurs between weeks 16 and 36, sometimes appearing from the first days of conception, or immediately before delivery. main reason emergence of this delicate issue - significant changes in the hormonal background of the female body that occurred after conception. Due to the restructuring of the body in a pregnant woman, the activity of the intestinal tract is significantly reduced. The situation becomes more complicated as it grows and - the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, complicating its work. With the birth of a child, constipation usually does not recur, but if you get injuries in the perineum or hemorrhoids, a woman may face a problem after childbirth.

Other causes of constipation:

  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • the use of insufficient amounts of fiber;
  • some medications;
  • pelvic floor disfusion;
  • previous spinal injuries.

Very often, constipation during pregnancy provokes an increased level of progesterone in the body. The hormone, by its action, relaxes the muscles of the intestine, disrupts peristalsis, and even causes hypotension.

A sedentary lifestyle characteristic of a pregnant woman is also one of the causes of constipation. This problem largely affects a pregnant woman who is forced to limit physical activity or stay in bed when.

Eating and drinking a woman naturally also affects the functioning of the intestines, since the lack of fluid in the body leads to a slowdown and difficulty in the process of emptying.

Diseases of the anal region and depression during pregnancy are especially dangerous - they provoke the development chronic constipation. So, for example, a small fissure or hemorrhoids, which did not cause much discomfort before conception, often cause regular constipation, as well as emotional instability - constant stress and unfounded fears before childbirth, often cause by-effect in the form of problems with the stool. That is why doctors recommend a woman not to mentally overstrain and be calmer.

The body of a pregnant woman is rebuilt in such a way as to protect both herself and the fetus, it artificially slows down intestinal motility so as not to provoke uterine contractions and not cause a miscarriage. In the normal state, the body produces stimulant substances that reduce the large intestine, and in a pregnant woman this reaction is dulled.

Constipation in early pregnancy

Deficiency of calcium, iron and high level progesterone - the main causes of constipation in early pregnancy. Besides, early toxicosis and the inability to eat properly with it also lead to dehydration and difficulty emptying the intestines. But this does not mean that constipation should be considered as one of the possible symptoms pregnancy, the complication can be overcome.

So, if there is a shortage of trace elements, the supervising doctor prescribes drugs that replenish them, and in order to alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis, it is necessary to review the diet. At the same time, you should not prescribe laxatives yourself, many of them, including folk remedies, can cause the development of malformations in the fetus.

Constipation in late pregnancy

The main causes of constipation in the later stages are the growing uterus, the pressure of the descending head of the child on the rectum, changes in hormonal levels and low physical activity women. In this period, it is most difficult to influence the complication, since nothing can be done with a grown child. However, this does not mean that it is not possible to alleviate the condition, moreover, it is necessary, because now constipation is extremely dangerous for the health of a woman and a baby - impaired defecation provokes premature birth. In addition, efforts during bowel movements increase and can cause contractions and premature discharge. amniotic fluid.

Active physical walks, dietary adjustments, sufficient fluid intake and, if necessary, a doctor's prescription, will help to alleviate this condition.

What to do with constipation

There are four ways to ease bowel movements and overcome the symptoms of constipation: medication, diet and dietary changes, increased physical activity, and using folk recipes.

Medical treatment

Most of medical preparations during pregnancy is prohibited, so only a specialist can prescribe a course of treatment for constipation. After all, many drugs to combat difficult bowel movements are potentially dangerous because they increase peristalsis. And active peristalsis provokes uterine tone and even miscarriage, and also causes irritation of colon receptors.

The only effective safe remedy from constipation during pregnancy - glycerin suppositories. The composition of suppositories delicately affects the receptors of the rectum, and does not increase the tone of the uterus. In addition to suppositories, the course of treatment may include microclysters - disposable tubes with special tips for quick insertion. They contain substances that have a laxative effect in the intestines. To achieve the effect, it is enough to introduce a small amount of the drug - about 5 milliliters. Preparations of this type they are good because they do not affect the functioning of the intestines as a whole, therefore they are not addictive, and the result is visible after 15 minutes.

Diet and proper nutrition

Proper and competent diet during pregnancy is important not only to combat constipation. The development of the fetus and the appearance of other complications depend on the diet. It is important to consume foods containing fiber - this will help increase the volume of feces and stimulate the normal functioning of the intestines. A sufficient amount of fiber is found in carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, apples, whole wheat bread and dried fruits.

Have a relaxing effect and dairy products- yogurt, kefir, curdled milk and fermented baked milk, and most importantly, they are effective and safe from bloating and constipation during pregnancy. In addition, intestinal motility during constipation can be stimulated by healthy vegetable fats, which, when broken down in the stomach, form fatty acids necessary for defecation.

Before each meal, you must drink a glass of clean cold water, and in the absence of contraindications and allergies, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the water. You should stop eating foods and drinks that provoke heaviness in the intestines: strong tea, chocolate, cocoa, white bread, flour soups, semolina porridge and blueberries. These products, especially eaten on an empty stomach and dry food, cause a strong fixing effect, which then has to be disposed of with laxatives.

Increased gas formation sorrel, spinach, legumes and cabbage provoke in the intestines, so during pregnancy it is best to limit their amount in the diet. Dishes, during which the products have undergone strong grinding and grinding, should also be excluded from daily intake. This is especially true of rice and semolina porridges, the viscous consistency of which provokes not only bloating, but also constipation. This also applies to puree soups and the so-called "slimy" second courses.

Also, in order to avoid the occurrence of constipation at any time, it is worth eating according to the regimen and in small portions. It is strictly forbidden to take long breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner, so you need to have light snacks in between. In general, during the day, a woman needs to eat at least five times, but in small portions.

Gymnastics and physical activity

During normal operation digestive tract and high tone of the intestinal muscles, constipation practically does not occur even in pregnant women. It is quite possible to stimulate the work of the digestive organs and strengthen muscle tone, provided that an active lifestyle is maintained. A pregnant woman, as far as possible, should take long walks, go in for swimming and special aerobics. In addition, do not neglect an active life position - this has a positive effect on the emotional and mental condition future mother. Active woman during the waiting period, the child will be able to easily endure stress and unrest.

As a method of dealing with constipation and bloating, it is necessary to carry out special massage abdomen: every morning for 5 minutes, still lying in bed to do circular motions clockwise. If you can’t defecate at all, you should perform special exercises. This kind of gymnastics for pregnant women will increase intrarectal pressure, stimulate peristalsis and force the intestines to empty. It is important to drink a glass before starting exercise. clean water, and the gymnastics itself should be carried out directly in the toilet in half an hour.

The principle of gymnastics is as follows: you need to do deep breath, stick out your stomach, hold a five-minute pause, then exhale and retract your stomach. The complex of inhalations and exhalations with pauses and tension of the abdomen should be repeated three times, and only then strain hard. The exercise can be repeated after 7-10 minutes, during which you should calmly catch your breath and do not strain your stomach.

Folk recipes for the treatment of constipation

  1. A decoction based on prunes, herculean flakes and beets. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of pure dried fruits, 100 grams of cereal and 100 grams of beets, mix all the ingredients and immerse in a saucepan, pouring 2 liters of clean water. Flakes, beets and prunes should be boiled for an hour, and after cooking, strain the broth, let cool and refrigerate. It is best to consume one glass every day just before bedtime.
  2. A mixture based on prunes, dried apricots, raisins and honey. This remedy is prepared from well-washed dried fruits - 100 grams of each type and 2 tablespoons of honey. Grind dried apricots, prunes and raisins in a meat grinder or blender, then mix thoroughly with honey. The mixture is best absorbed female body in the evening, so you need to use before bedtime, 2 teaspoons and, if desired, drink water at room temperature.

Many common traditional medicines for constipation are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. First of all, these include hay leaves, rhubarb, buckthorn bark and joster fruits. These products can cause uterine tone, provoke a miscarriage or the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Prohibited treatments for constipation

In the prevention and treatment of constipation, physiotherapy is prohibited for a pregnant woman. This refers to electrophoresis with novocaine, inductothermia, electrical stimulation, the use of diadynamic and modulated currents. These methods increase the risk of uterine tone and cause sensitization of the woman's body - increase its sensitivity to any kind of irritating factors.

Accept medications with a laxative effect is also prohibited. Many drugs often provoke not only defects in the fetus, but also stimulate at any time. First of all, a pregnant woman should give up potent drugs - magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt and castor oil. Weaker drugs, such as caffeol and besacodyl, sometimes cause contraction-like pain in the abdomen and also provide too frequent and loose stools.

The longer the gestation period, the more the woman is not confident in herself, she is more afraid of childbirth, and, in addition, she can’t wait to see her baby as soon as possible. Many of the women hold on to the expected date of birth, like a saving straw. However, to actually calculate or predict the exact date childbirth is simply impossible, one can only guess.

Already at the 38th week, the pregnancy is considered full-term, and they begin to talk about prolongation at the 42nd week. It follows that labor can begin at any time for about 4 weeks. However, this does not mean that a woman will not have the opportunity to prepare at all. Before giving birth, the body goes through a huge number of changes that may suggest that very soon the baby will be born.

Harbingers of childbirth

These changes are called harbingers of childbirth. Harbingers include signs such as:

  • lowering of the abdomen;
  • false contractions;
  • stabilization or reduction of maternal weight;
  • discharge of the mucous plug;
  • mood swings and nesting instinct;
  • frequent urge to urinate and defecate.

It is extremely rare that all these signs appear in one woman, more often there is a situation when, a few weeks before childbirth, a woman 2-3 signs appear. In some cases, especially in primiparas, there are no forerunners of childbirth at all, or the woman simply does not recognize them.

When do the harbingers of childbirth begin and how long do they last?

Everything is very individual, for some women 3-4 weeks before delivery, others have everything in a couple of days. In fact, already at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth can make themselves felt. A lot depends on whether a woman gives birth for the first time. In the second and third births, the precursors are usually more pronounced, and are observed closer to the beginning. labor activity.Despite the fact that the harbingers of the onset of childbirth are not at all necessary, it is still worth talking about them in more detail so that women are ready for them and know what this or that sign says.

Lowering of the abdomen

Not only a woman is preparing for the birth, her child is also in a hurry to be born. 10-20 days before the onset of labor, the fetus can radically change its position - move closer to the small pelvis. Together with him, the bottom of the uterus also descends, and hence the woman's stomach. It moves lower, changes shape. Following this, the pressure on the stomach and diaphragm decreases. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe and eat, but it is now more difficult for her to walk and sit. Like many other harbingers of childbirth in multiparous, lowering of the abdomen occurs later, sometimes literally on the eve of childbirth. Approximately lowering of the abdomen, as a harbinger of childbirth in primiparous occurs at 37 weeks, and in multiparous at 39-40 weeks.

Increased urge to urinate and defecate

The drooping uterus presses on bladder which results in the need to empty it more frequently. Besides, hormonal changes affect the intestines and the rate of excretion of fluid from the body. All this leads to the fact that pregnant women have to go to the toilet more often.

Because the this phenomenon directly tied to the lowering of the abdomen, then this harbinger of childbirth in primiparas is usually observed at 37-38 weeks.

Stabilization or weight loss

Another harbinger of approaching childbirth may be the stabilization of the weight of the pregnant woman. As mentioned above, the fluid from the body of a woman before childbirth is excreted at a faster rate, while the appetite decreases, and sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all.

This leads to the fact that the weight of the pregnant woman stops at one value, and sometimes decreases by 1-2 kg. However, only those women who weigh themselves regularly can notice this.

Instability of the emotional state

Abrupt mood swings can also be harbingers of the onset of labor. A woman becomes anxious, apathy can suddenly be replaced by a thirst for violent activity.

Often during this period, a pregnant woman begins to clean the apartment, sort out children's things, and in especially acute cases, even starts repairs. Or vice versa, she tries to retire, hide from everyone.

All this is called the nesting instinct. Thus, a woman instinctively prepares for the appearance of a baby, she wants not only her to be ready for his birth, but also the “nest”, that is, the apartment.

false contractions

Many women experience the phenomenon of false or training contractions. The uterus is preparing for the birth process. For this organ, it is associated with prolonged and intense stress.

Under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, 2-3 weeks before delivery, the uterus begins to contract arbitrarily from time to time. These contractions feel like contractions. Many women are frightened and immediately begin to gather in the hospital.

It is necessary to make sure that we are talking about labor activity, and not about harbingers before childbirth. This is both easy and difficult to do at the same time.

It is best to calm down and try to relax first. You can lie down in warm bath, false contractions from such a procedure usually either completely disappear or become less sensitive.

There is another significant difference: training contractions, unlike true ones, are not regular, in addition, the interval between them is not reduced. It is necessary to calculate the breaks between contractions and their duration.

Mucus plug

The surest harbinger early delivery is, perhaps, the exit of the mucous plug. This usually happens 1-2 days before the onset of labor. The cork can come out immediately - a dense mucous lump, brownish in color, or in the form of spotting. This harbinger of childbirth can make happy both primiparous and multiparous at 40-41 weeks.

Harbingers of preterm labor

It would not be entirely true to talk about the harbingers of premature birth. However, there are some signs that may be symptoms of preterm labor:

  • pulling pains and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • cramping pains;
  • leaks of clear liquid.

You should not take the calculations given here too seriously, since the body of each woman is individual. Most importantly, listen to your feelings and recent weeks be prepared for a trip to the hospital, not relying entirely on the harbingers of childbirth.

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