How to become a smart boy. How to be smart

4. Play board games

5. Be friends with smart people

6. Read a lot

8. Study completely different topics that interest you

Perhaps you have always wanted to learn drawing, but now you work as a lawyer and think that taking such courses is too late and completely useless. Doctors and psychologists advise you to leave such thoughts and sign up for all kinds of master classes and classes that interest you, because you don’t know how useful they can be to you at one time or another in your life.

A clear example of this advice is Steve Jobs. After graduating from school and entering university, the future founder of Apple enrolled in calligraphy courses. It would seem, how can correct and beautiful writing of letters be useful to an entrepreneur and developer? It turned out that it could. Steve remembered his calligraphy skills 10 years later, when he created his first Macintosh. Thanks to Jobs, the computer now has a set of different types of fonts and proportional scaling.

9. Learn languages

In order to learn the basics of a language or raise its knowledge to a completely different, higher level, in the modern world it is not necessary to look for a tutor, enroll in expensive courses or go to another country to immerse yourself in the language culture of native speakers. The Internet is replete with a variety of useful and convenient sites; developers are creating more and more successful applications that allow us to learn languages ​​in a playful way. The most popular among such resources are Livemocha, Busuu, Memrise, LinguaLeo and English as 2nd Language.

10. Give yourself a few minutes of rest.

Doctors advise spending a few minutes a day in silence. Do not read anything, do not watch anything, do not be distracted by any external stimuli. Just give yourself time to think about something, remember, dream or reflect. You can combine this “mental vacation” with physical training, for example, running.


In order to become more erudite, smarter and more literate, it is not necessary to sit day and night in the nearest library surrounded by encyclopedias and scientific articles. It is enough to know a few simple ways in which you can really become a more interesting conversationalist and increase your IQ level.

1. Use the Internet correctly

What do you do as soon as you have a free minute and have the opportunity to laze around? Or when you are sitting alone in a cafe and the dish is not being served for a long time? As practice shows, you are trying to “kill” time, boredom or loneliness with the help of your phone. You start scrolling through your Instagram feed, responding to messages on social media, and so on. But this time can be spent usefully. The Internet provides us with many interesting opportunities and resources: online courses, educational communities, interesting blogs, language games and applications, and much more. Spend 5 minutes of your time not looking at pictures of food and selfies of the same type, but learning new useful information.

2. Write down everything you learn

It sounds crazy, but according to some scientists, writing down everything you learn during the day will help you increase your intelligence level. These don’t have to be entire opuses, just write a few words and phrases - plus, this activity will perfectly train your memory.

3. Make a list of completed tasks

Previously, we made lists of things that absolutely need to be done, not forgotten, done in time, and not missed. Now scientists are advocating that we create a list of those things that we have already “dealt with.” In this way, we can “trick” our brain - seeing how much we have already accomplished, we will want to increase the number of our accomplishments.

4. Play board games

Some of the popular board games can serve not only as a means of entertainment, but also act as excellent “helpers” in training memory, intelligence and ingenuity. Get your friends and family together more often and play Scrabble, chess, Battleship, checkers, and so on.

5. Be friends with smart people

Look for a company in which you can feel not entirely “in the know.” Try to be around smart, interesting, highly educated and erudite people as often and as long as possible, and then your IQ will noticeably increase. Here's what one developer Manas Saloy says about this:

I try to spend as much time as possible with my bosses. I have never had a problem accepting that I have a fairly average intelligence compared to them and there is a lot that I don't know yet... Try to be humble and always look for opportunities to learn.

6. Read a lot

Yes, this is some “Captain Obvious” advice, but reading is still one of the most important ways to train your brain. Experts only argue about what is best to read every day - newspapers, scientific literature or any books that you like. But they all agree on one thing - you need to read as often as possible.

7. Explain new information to others

It is not enough to simply read a scientific article or learn about some interesting but previously unknown phenomenon. We need to understand this new information. And the best way to test your knowledge of a subject is to try to explain its essence to others. If it works, you can safely give yourself a “5”, but if you get confused, stammer, speak unrelatedly and in the end your interlocutor does not understand anything, then you missed something and you need to repeat what you read again.

Developing intellectual abilities helps a person become better and achieve more in life. There are several tips on how to become smart, which are given by teachers, psychologists and specialists in various fields. Regular training and working on yourself will help you move forward.

How to become smart - psychology

By analyzing the abilities of different people and through numerous experiments, psychology experts have identified several tips with which you can improve.

  1. It is important to set goals for yourself to achieve which you need to develop and become smarter.
  2. Many psychologists, answering the question regarding how to become an intelligent person, recommend reading books, and you should choose literature that is interesting for a particular individual.
  3. Don't hesitate to ask questions to learn new information. You can contact both real people and the Internet. It is equally important to ask yourself questions to try to find the answer, as this is a sign of active thinking.
  4. When figuring out how to become smart, it’s worth pointing out one more effective tip - learn to focus on a specific task and don’t get distracted. There are numerous psychological techniques and spiritual practices for this purpose.
  5. Don't be afraid to think out loud, because it has been proven that when a person speaks information out, the attention is less distracted and he thinks more productively.

For mental development, it is not necessary to attend special courses, spend days and days solving problems, and to get started, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Try to regularly break your habits, for example, when doing housework, use your left hand (for left-handers - your right), periodically walk a different route to work, and so on. Thanks to this, new connections between neurons will be created in the brain.
  2. When figuring out how to become a smart girl, it’s worth giving one more effective piece of advice - keep a diary, but you need to not just make a banal list, but evaluate the events that happened, analyze information and describe your own emotions.
  3. Regularly expand your vocabulary, no matter what language. Classical literature, which contains many rare words and interesting phrases, is especially valuable in this matter.
  4. If you are interested in how to develop and become smarter, then it is recommended to exercise regularly, since it has long been proven that physical activity helps to effectively improve brain function. This is due to the fact that during training it is actively supplied with oxygen.

How to become smarter - brain exercises

There are many exercises that allow you to develop your abilities:

  1. For attention. Turn on the TV and place a clock in front of you. The task is to follow the second hand without being distracted by what is on the screen. When you can concentrate only on the clock for 3-4 minutes, then you can complicate the task and you need to not only follow the hand, but also reproduce odd numbers from 1 to 9 in your mind.
  2. To become smarter and develop memory, it is recommended to do the following exercise: write down 10 nouns that come to mind first. For a minute, remember their order, and then turn the sheet over and try to reproduce them. Over time, the task can become more complicated.

What games should you play to become smarter?

You can develop intellectual abilities in a playful way. If you are interested in how to become very smart, then use the following entertainment to spend your leisure time:

  1. Many will be surprised, but the favorite game of the 90s - Tetris or puzzles - is considered a classic puzzle. While composing details, memory improves, critical thinking and the ability to assimilate large amounts of information develop.
  2. Checkers, chess, Monopoly and so on. All these games force a person to think ahead, calculate possible moves, remember information and develop thinking.
  3. When describing ways to become smarter, one cannot help but recall crossword puzzles that have been popular for decades. By solving words, a person develops, remembers new information and makes his memory work actively.

Books to help you become smarter

Reading various literature is the most accessible and one of the most effective ways to improve your intellectual abilities. It is recommended to read these books to become smarter:

  1. “From Good to Great” D. Collins. The tips offered by the author teach you how to correctly highlight the most valuable from general information, how to understand business processes and quickly move towards your goal.
  2. “Self-confidence” E. Muir. This book describes tips on how to become smart, recognize your strengths, and become resilient to various life challenges and troubles.
  3. "Emotional Intelligence" D. Goleman. A specialist in the field of psychology gives practical advice on how to properly curb your feelings and emotions in order to easily achieve success in your career and personal life.

Prayer to become smarter

There is a special one before which one prays in order to choose the right path in life and achieve success in studies. You can turn to the Mother of God in situations where you need enlightenment of thoughts and help in choosing the right decision. Parents are allowed to pray in front of the icon for their children who have learning problems. If you are interested in how to become an intelligent woman with the help of Higher powers, then acquire the image of the Mother of God and pray in front of her every day.

Hypnosis to become smart

One of the newest ways to increase your mental abilities and get motivated to learn is hypnosis. It is important to note that this method only speeds up the process of mastering information and skills, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. If you are interested in how to become smarter with the help of hypnosis, then you need to go for help from a professional, since it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to put yourself into the necessary state on your own.

How to become smart - magic

There are a large number of rituals that are aimed at improving intellectual abilities. The presented spell to become smart can be used by students who want to quickly learn the material and get rid of worries before exams. With its help, you can quickly and correctly perceive and analyze information. To carry out the ritual, take any book, cross it three times and say the indicated conspiracy

“Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains” Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

Do you think you're not smart enough, stupid, or don't think well? It's much better than having an unreasonably high ego and being a pompous jerk like most people. A high level of intelligence will allow you to earn more and succeed in life.

Simple things you do every day will help you become smarter. If you pay attention and do these tricks, your intelligence level will inexorably rise day after day. In the modern world, it is not the strongest who win, but the smartest.

How to pump up your brain and how to become twice as smart in just a year?

1. Solve puzzles, tasks, crosswords and tests periodically.
2. Eat foods for the brain: berries, seafood, fruits, vegetables, nuts.
3. Exercise twice a week and give up bad habits.
4. Read books and don’t lie to yourself that you don’t have time. Do you have time to spend half a day on social networks? Read useful books, not just any literary garbage.
5. Learn to use both hands equally. Write, brush your teeth, hold the spoon with your other hand.
6. Don't stop at the obvious solution or answer, but think further.

7. Change the order of ordinary things, and do not act on autopilot all your life.
8. Learn to think critically, study different points of view and don’t listen to what different people persistently tell you.
9. Do something creative: drawing, singing, music and other similar things.
10. Play mind games: chess, “What? Where? When?”, “Quiz”, “Brain Massacre”.
11. Develop a sense of humor, read jokes, watch KVN and Comedy Club.
12. Learn foreign languages. Watch movies in another language.
13. Keep a diary and write down your ideas in a notepad (you can use your phone).
14. Expand your social circle and meet different people.
15. Have sex regularly or masturbate if you don't have a significant other.
16. Look for the underlying causes of problems, difficulties and troubles, and don’t just worry.
17. Always educate yourself, and don’t stop developing after school.
18. Be as inquisitive and curious as possible.
19. Study logic, rhetoric and other sciences that improve thinking.

20. Control your mood, don’t let yourself get angry or depressed. Don't let your moods and emotions manipulate you.
21. Sit up straight, don’t slouch or constrict your breathing.
22. Read quotes and books from classics.
23. Drink more water and eat healthy foods.
24. Think positively, laugh more often and don’t be a whiner.
25. Take care of good sleep and rest.
26. Remember people's names, important things and phone numbers of loved ones.
27. Look for more acquaintances and friends with whom you have common interests.
28. Declare war on laziness, social networks, TV and procrastination.
29. Make detailed plans to achieve your goals.
30. Challenge yourself and accept it.

Become smarter and more savvy. This will definitely help you in work and life in general. But remember what the Spanish painter Salvador Dali said: “A mind without ambition is like a bird without wings.”

If not every person, then many have asked this question.

Let's start with the fact that everyone's brain is basically the same. It’s just that some people have no barriers to its development, while others do. And this decisive difference ruins the lives of millions, but here this question will be closed once and for all, and you will have the opportunity to truly become wiser! Read carefully.

Developing the mind requires energy (as does developing anything else). You need to release energy. But let's find out where this precious money is spent, if not on the development of the mind and body? And it is spent completely on useless and even harmful things for you: stress, fears, anxiety, hatred, irritation, resentment, not to mention various complexes and other mental garbage that prevents you from living a clean and happy life. Scientists have proven that emotional reactions are very energy-consuming and devastating for people. There is no time for development when there is not enough energy.

Let’s not beat around the bush, but with a clear conscience, we recommend a proven system that allows you to get rid of mental garbage and put not only your mind in order, but also your life as a whole. Check it out. Carefully! Speed ​​changes!

Of course, our brain needs constant training, just like an athlete’s body. Interestingly, these two “organs” are interconnected and by training the body, the brain also trains (with different exercises and types of load). But it's a complex thing. Don't expect that by training only your body you will become smarter. If a person constantly uses his mental abilities to obtain information and achieve goals, then he will develop more and more every day. By the way, in the system proposed above, the mind is also trained. If you use your mind very rarely and, even worse, aggravate the situation with various chemicals, then after some time the ability to think and learn new things will gradually deteriorate and perhaps even disappear almost completely.

At the moment, there are a huge number of different trainings and techniques for developing intelligence. Some of them are more useful, and some are less. These rules include:

  1. Giving up TV. The fact is that today people prefer television to books and newspapers. However, it does not develop our mental abilities, but, on the contrary, contributes to their degradation, turning people into vegetables who simply lack their own opinions. TV has a very negative effect on the subconscious. Marketers know that if a person is constantly repeated something, then over time he will believe in this statement and will say the same to others. And television works on this principle. Think about whether you feel rested 2 hours after watching TV. You do not have the strength and energy even to just read a book. So learn to rest differently. Read more, draw or just listen to music. If you have guests, leave your TV for at least a couple of hours and just talk, pay attention to each other. In this way, you will be able to use your imagination, mental abilities and communication skills. And just really relax!
  2. Play sports. Most of us think that the time spent on sports can be spent on doing some kind of intellectual work. For example, by reading a book and thus improve your thinking. But this is fundamentally wrong. Scientists have proven that sport contributes to a deeper study of information. Physical exercise can free your brain from extraneous thoughts and give it a rest, while filling your body with energy. After sports activities, it will be much easier for you to concentrate.
  3. Choose stimulating literature. How to become smarter with its help? Very simple! Most of us at the library will rather choose action-packed books, various romance novels and thrillers. Of course, they are interesting, they are simply breathtaking, but, unfortunately, they are not believable. They do not contribute to the development of thinking. Therefore, if your main goal is to improve your mental abilities, choose books that require concentration to read. Classic literature is ideal for this. After reading it, you can change your view of this or that situation, develop your thinking, and improve your speaking. Most people, after reading a couple of stimulating books, don’t even want to look at action-packed novels anymore. After all, you will agree that reading unusual ideas is much more interesting than hackneyed stories in which everything can be guessed in advance. Start with bestsellers by modern famous writers and end with world classics.
  4. Create the correct sleep and wakefulness routine. Probably everyone has noticed how concentration and memory deteriorate after lack of sleep. Ideally, a person should go to bed early (before 12 am), sleep 8 hours and get up early. You can, of course, stay up late and then wake up late and thus sleep for at least 8 hours, but in that case the person will not feel alert, which will negatively affect his mental abilities. If you have such an opportunity, then give yourself 10-20 minutes during the day to sleep. You should not sleep longer, as there is a risk of entering the deep sleep stage and then feeling overwhelmed and tired. But a short nap during the day will only refresh you and relieve fatigue.
  5. Think more. We are constantly fussing and in a hurry to get somewhere. As a result, we simply don’t have time to just sit down, take a break from all this fuss and think. Make it a habit to be alone from time to time, reflect, highlight priorities and thus put things in order in your head. To do this, you don’t have to sit in the middle of the room in the lotus position. So, many people like to walk alone. Scientists have proven that walking can increase a person's creativity by 60%. Think about it: maybe walking is right for you, or maybe you prefer a different method.
  6. How to become a smart person? Make your own decisions! It may seem strange, but independent decisions play a huge role in the development of intelligence. Indeed, in this case, a person does not shift all responsibility to another, but thinks for a long time and draws certain conclusions.
  7. Hang out with smart people more. Ideally, you need to get into a society of people who are smarter than you. Of course, you may prefer the company of people of lower intelligence. This way, you will raise your self-esteem, but your IQ level is unlikely to change for the better. At best, it will not change, and at worst, it will decrease, because you will have nothing to learn, and there will simply be no such incentive. In the company of smart people, your self-esteem will decrease, but this will be an excellent incentive for the development of mental abilities. Smart people always inspire. They can give wise advice, tell you how to become smarter.
  8. Come up with a non-standard solution to the problem. By acting in a pattern, you stop developing. At the same time, inventing your own non-standard solutions will significantly improve mental abilities. Improvise more, bring new colors into your life. Surprise others with your unpredictable behavior.
  9. Travel and expand your horizons. Of course, you can learn about the world while sitting at home with a book or watching smart movies. However, the information in them is rarely true. Contrary to popular belief, a wise person should not be an untidy hermit. If you have such an opportunity, start traveling around the world or at least around the country. Thus, you will significantly expand your horizons.

And finally, do not get carried away with alcoholic beverages, they kill brain neurons and a person inevitably, simply speaking, becomes dumb (checked!). Of course, you can drink, but rarely and only a little. Regular alcohol consumption destroys the part of the brain responsible for memory and the ability to maintain balance in space. Take good care of your health and you will see what you are truly capable of.

Almost every day there is some high-profile study from the series “Regular sex increases IQ” or “Consumption of carrots makes you more intelligent.”

But these are all old wives’ tales, because official science around the world recognizes only three classical ways to optimize your intellectual capabilities.

Physical exercise

Our society is a strange thing. On the one hand, we directly associate a person’s success and good physical shape, linking fitness with intelligence. On the other hand, there is a stereotype that athletes are... let's say, not the most intellectually savvy people.

So does exercise help you become smarter? Answer: yes.

A number of experiments prove that physical exercise directly affects mental performance.

A classic 1975 study, for example, found that older adults who played tennis or badminton tended to perform significantly better on cognitive tests than their non-athletic peers.

A series of 2010 studies found that 9- to 10-year-olds who move more have better memories and a larger hippocampus—that seahorse-shaped part of the brain that plays a key role in both short-term and long-term memory.

Over the past 10 years, there have been at least four meta-analyses based on formally published studies that have all come to the same conclusion: physical fitness improves intellectual performance.

Read this point again and realize the main thing: you can develop your intelligence and memory simply by doing enough sports.

Music training

A few years ago, a study known as the “Mozart Effect” thundered throughout the world. Scientist Frances Rauscher and her colleagues concluded that if parents play Mozart's music to their children, even while they are still in the womb, the babies become smarter. One of the American governors even proposed to allocate $105 thousand so that every child could listen to classical music from birth.

After some time, the study was crushed. One of the skeptics who said that "the Mozart effect is complete nonsense" was psychologist Glenn Schellenberg of the University of Toronto.

“Over time, the children in the music groups showed significantly greater increases in IQ,” Schellenberg concluded. He also noticed that it was not listening to Mozart that increased IQ (as Rauscher claimed), but rather learning music and playing musical instruments.

This study has been cited 363 times in other scientific papers. In 2011, the scientist repeated a similar study, and the results were again confirmed. Until now, not a single study has been published that would refute Schellenberg's conclusions.

Meditative Concentration

The third way to become smarter is meditation. How it works?

Psychologist Michael Posner, the author of hundreds of scientific papers, conducted an experiment in which participants meditated daily. Michael admits that he expected to get the effect of meditation in a few months or even years. But, oddly enough, changes in the white matter of the brain were detected after two weeks.

Scientists believe that meditation is one of the best ways to improve a person’s cognitive abilities, increase attentiveness and concentration, and expand the capacity of working memory.

Posner's research has been confirmed throughout the world. Chinese scientist Yu-Yuan Teng achieved a serious effect from meditative concentration after just five days.

Posner and Tang continued to work together and found out:

Mindfulness techniques not only make us smarter and more productive, they also help us relax, avoid depression, and be happier.