Your dog is constipated - what to do and how to treat it? How to deal with a delicate problem in a dog - treating constipation

Every dog ​​breeder should be aware of possible problems associated with their health. One of the most common problems is constipation. If it is not noticed in time and the necessary measures are not taken, it can kill the animal. If your dog is constipated, you can read in this article how and what to do in such cases.

Constipation occurs in individuals of various ages and breeds. It can be diagnosed when the dog has not had a bowel movement for more than three days in the case of an older dog. Middle-aged dogs are suspected of having this problem if they cannot defecate for more than 1-2 days, and puppies usually do this at least five times a day, so if the puppy has not defecated for more than a day, you should pay attention to this.

In fact, there are many reasons for stool obstruction in the intestines. Main reasons:

  • stagnation in the intestines may be associated with feeding the animal too soft, small or large bones;
  • feeding the dog dry food when the amount of fluid consumed is insufficient;
  • excessive amount of feed consumed;
  • obesity due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • constant feeding of the same thing;
  • feeding with fatty broth;
  • Fecal obstruction can develop after surgery if the animal is given anesthesia and this slows down body processes, including defecation.

Constipation can be caused by diseases developing in the body:

Feces can also become stagnant if the animal previously suffered from diarrhea and the dog was given astringents.

Symptoms and therapy

You can understand the presence of a problem by obvious signs. If a dog that previously pooped frequently now does so in unusually small amounts or not at all, it may be constipated. The owner can understand the presence of a problem if the individual makes strong attempts and whines when trying to perform this manipulation. Symptoms that indicate constipation in a dog include:

  • an overly bloated and tight abdomen;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • thirst;
  • lack of normal appetite;
  • In cases of intoxication, the animal may vomit.

When constipation is detected in dogs, many people know what to do at home, but a specific method is not always able to help the animal. It is important for the owner to understand the cause of this problem. If the reason is unclear or there is a suspicion that constipation is not due to improper feeding and lack of mobility, but from more serious problems associated with internal organs, then you need to consult a doctor. In this case, it will be impossible to help the dog, and it can also cause harm to the body.

When the cause is more or less clear or there is no way to show the dog to a doctor, then you can start therapy at home, using knowledge from traditional medicine. Before this, it is necessary to obtain at least remote recommendations from the treating veterinarian.

If the dog has not defecated for some time, the following manipulations must be performed:

  • change your diet by replacing dry food with liquid food;
  • walk the dog more if it is not difficult for him;
  • using a syringe, inject Vaseline oil up to 200 ml per large individual through the toothless area of ​​the mouth;
  • fight constipation with an enema.

In addition, you can cure the animal with decoctions of pumpkin and buckthorn. You can give your dog a few tablespoons of flaxseed or vegetable oil for constipation. Softening and removal of feces occurs when using Duphalac. Many people know that you can give kefir or yogurt to dogs for constipation.

The veterinarian checks the condition of the intestines before treating the dog. If the cause of constipation is the consumption of any foreign object in food or the individual has swallowed a toy, then surgery may be necessary to remove the foreign object.

How to give an enema

In order to provide quality first aid, you need to know how to give an enema correctly. To do this, you need to consult a doctor, because only a doctor can administer a deep enema, which helps with protracted processes. At home, the owner can only install a shallow one.

In addition, you need to ask the doctor in detail about all the nuances of the procedure and about the liquids that can be used for an enema. Usually, if the dog is not constipated, liquids such as ordinary boiled water or water with fish oil added to it, petroleum jelly or soap solution are used.

Liquids are poured in a certain amount, depending on the size of the dogs. If a large dog has constipation (up to 40 kg), then the amount of solution approaches one liter. If the procedure is required for a smaller individual (up to 20 kg), then half as much liquid is taken. In the case when an enema is given to a puppy, 200 ml of liquid is sufficient. An enema is performed using various syringes and rubber bulbs. A small dog can be injected with the solution using a syringe.

During this procedure, the dog must be muzzled. It’s better to put it on its side or at least place it exactly above a basin. Tools must be equipped with a rubber tip. If the dog is in severe pain, you can give it No-shpu. The injection is given intramuscularly, calculating 0.1 ml per kg of weight.

The bulb with the solution is inserted into the anus, but not deeper than 5 cm in large dogs and 3 cm in small dogs. If the fluid does not pass into the intestines, you should stop the procedure and entrust the treatment to a doctor.

When it is necessary to treat constipation in young and mild dogs, only boiled water is poured in, no more than 10 ml. Its temperature should be about 27°C.


To prevent intestinal problems, you need to walk your pet often. Animals must live in nature, and there they move quite a lot, so restricting their freedom is unnatural for them. You need to stay in the fresh air for a long time, at least half an hour, play actively and make the dog move a lot.

Since constipation most often occurs in dogs after eating bones, you need to know that it is better to give your dog only raw bones. Avoid feeding boiled bones, as well as too large and small ones, which clog the intestines. Constipation from bones is also unsafe because it can damage internal tissues. Therefore, you need to carefully consider what to feed your pet. After the operation, it is better to give the animal semi-liquid food, soups, and cereals.

The animal should have free access to liquid around the clock. If you feed your dog dry food, it has a bad effect on digestion, you need to mix it with semi-liquid food. Celery and pumpkin have a good effect on the body - with this diet, dogs rarely suffer from stagnation of feces.

Every owner can do quite a lot to ensure that their pet is healthy and does not experience problems, including bowel movements. It is better to take care of her health in advance, since helping a dog with constipation is much more difficult.

Difficulty or prolonged absence of bowel movements is far from a harmless phenomenon. Fecal matter lingering in the intestines can lead to intoxication, intestinal rupture, serious damage to internal organs and death of the pet. Therefore, owners need to know why dogs become constipated and how to help their pet in this situation.

The movement of feces in the intestines occurs due to wave-like contractions of its walls. For the process to proceed normally, the stool must be soft, sufficiently moist and voluminous. Violation of these requirements leads to difficulty in moving stool in the intestines and, as a result, the development of constipation.

Constipation in dogs is a prolonged absence of bowel movements. It may be the result of poor diet or serious illness.

The causes of constipation in a dog may be related to the quality of food and impaired intestinal motility:

A clear sign of constipation is the absence of stool. Normally, a dog should defecate twice a day. If the owner observes a decrease in the number of bowel movements or their complete absence, then the dog suffers from constipation.

Additionally, you may notice the following signs:

Diagnosis and treatment

Only a veterinarian can find out the cause of constipation with 100% certainty. The condition of the intestines is assessed using a special examination. If the specialist is unable to establish a diagnosis through palpation and external examination, the dog is prescribed an abdominal x-ray, a blood test is taken, and an ultrasound is performed. To determine the patency of the intestine, an x-ray using barium sulfate, a contrast agent, is used for examination.

If no serious diseases are revealed during the examination, the doctor prescribes drugs that soften stool:

  • Duphalac.
  • Lisolak.
  • Portalak.
  • Enemas are prescribed as an aid. Pain syndrome is relieved with No-shpa or Baralgin.

If the examination reveals that the intestines are filled with bone remains, urgent surgery is required. It is performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes it is necessary to remove part of the damaged intestine.

If constipation was caused by intestinal obstruction, immediate surgery is required to remove the foreign body.

An operation may be necessary even if the process is neglected. The veterinarian will perform an enema and then use special forceps to remove the fossilized feces.

Constipation may recur after surgery. Normalizing your dog's diet will help avoid this. One of the conditions is to eat small portions 4-5 times a day. This regime should be followed for 1-1.5 months, then switch to the usual two meals a day.

If you cannot go to a clinic, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Exclude broths, muscle meat, rice, cheese, eggs from the menu.
  • You need to feed your dog warm food, in small doses.
  • Include boiled buckwheat, vegetables, boiled fish, fresh kefir, and raw beets in your diet.
  • To quickly solve the problem, the dog is given cabbage juice, an infusion of pumpkin seeds, and yogurt instead of one meal. You should not use everything at once, but one at a time.

For constipation, an enema with Vaseline oil works well.

A radical method is an enema with Vaseline oil. Slightly heated oil is injected into the rectum using a syringe. The procedure is only possible if the oil flows easily. If insertion is difficult, no effort should be made, since the cause may be intestinal obstruction.

The enema is done with a pre-boiled syringe. The tip is pre-lubricated with Vaseline. A muzzle is put on the dog or the muzzle is bandaged. The dog is placed in a bathtub or basin. The tail is lifted with one hand, and the tip of the syringe is inserted into the rectum with the other. The oil is injected and the tip is removed. Then the tail needs to be pressed for a few minutes.

Instead of an enema, Vaseline oil can be given orally. For small dogs, a teaspoon is poured into the cheek, for medium dogs - a tablespoon, for large dogs - two tablespoons twice a day. The oil will soften the stool, cover it with a slippery film, and the problem will be solved naturally.

Active walking will help normalize intestinal motility.

Important. If all the measures taken do not produce results, in any case you need to contact a veterinarian, since constipation can develop against the background of a serious illness and delay will lead to dire consequences. All of the above measures can be used only if there is confidence in the absence of intestinal obstruction.

Conventional remedies for humans are not suitable for dogs, since their action is based on stimulating intestinal function. If you give a dog popular drugs like: Gutallax, Bisacodyl, etc., this will cause a sharp contraction of the intestines. But the compressed feces cannot budge. Which can lead to injury and even intestinal rupture.

For constipation, a solution of Magnesia is prepared for a dog, but this drug has many contraindications.

The following remedies effectively help the animal:

  • Bimin - envelops the intestinal walls containing hairballs and feces and promotes their painless and easy exit. It is an odorless, oily liquid. The dog is prescribed 1 ml per kilogram of weight.
  • Magnesia is an effective remedy, but it has a number of contraindications. It should not be given if the dog has liver, kidney, or heart diseases. Magnesia thins the stool so that it can pass out of the intestines without problems. A solution is prepared for administration, the concentration of which depends on the age and weight of the dog.

Any laxative is contraindicated for intestinal tumors, adhesions and obstruction.

If you are prone to constipation, you should adhere to the following recommendations for feeding your dog:

  • Food should be as liquid and warm as possible.
  • You need to feed your pet in portions.
  • Periodically include raw vegetables in your diet: carrots, cabbage.
  • If you are not allergic, you can give it fresh plums.

Important. If you are prone to constipation, feeding dry food is not recommended; it is better to switch to natural food.

Preventing constipation

You should not give your dog tubular bird bones; instead, offer your pet a special bone made from veins.

Constipation is easier to prevent than to cure.

To ensure that your pet never suffers from this problem, the following must be observed:

  • Organize a balanced diet with easily digestible foods.
  • Eliminate foods from your diet.
  • Don't let your dog chew bones. As a treat, you can use special vein bones, sold in pet stores.
  • Provide your dog with access to clean water.
  • Walk with your pet at least twice a day.
  • Conduct the dogs in a timely manner.
  • Once a day, add a spoonful of vegetable oil to your food.

Any disease requires clarification and elimination of its cause. Constipation in a dog does not just happen. It means that there are problems in keeping and caring for the animal or indicates the presence of internal diseases. The pet needs to be provided with qualified help so that constipation does not torment him in the future.

We invite you to watch a video of a veterinarian answering questions about constipation in dogs. We wish you pleasant viewing!


Constipation is irregular, incomplete, painful bowel movement. The large intestine becomes clogged with dense, hardened stool. Old, obese and sedentary dogs suffer. Poor nutrition, overfeeding, deficiency of plant fibers in the diet, lack of regular exercise, lack of drinking, contribute to compaction of fecal matter and constipation.

The cause of constipation in dogs is diseases - intestinal atony, cancer, complications after surgery. Constipation can be caused by side effects of medications, a stressful situation, or neurological pathologies.


Delayed bowel movements in dogs are caused by the following reasons:

  • Stern. To move fecal matter, a certain intensity of peristaltic movements is necessary.
  • Infectious.
  • Medication.
  • Mechanical. Blockage of the digestive tract with bones. Formation of bezoars from ingested wool and foreign objects.
  • Neurological. Disorders causing paralysis, diseases of the intervertebral discs, spinal cord, rabies, toxicosis, congenital autonomic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, dilatation of the large intestine.
  • Metabolic. Endocrine disorders disrupt the passage of stool through the large intestine.
  • Postoperative. Intestinal obstruction is considered a common postoperative complication. If symptoms of constipation are detected, immediate contact with a veterinarian is required. Delay leads to the need for repeated surgery.
  • Lymphadenopathy is the proliferation of the lymph nodes of the large intestine.
  • Rectal tumors, polyps, diverticula.


Constipation in dogs is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The urge to defecate is accompanied by the absence of feces or a small amount of it.
  • Anxiety.
  • The abdomen is swollen and hard to the touch.
  • The consistency of stool is hard and dry.
  • Defecation does not occur every day. Normally, an adult dog warms up twice a day, a puppy - five.
  • After prolonged pushing, a small portion of liquid feces is released.
  • Vomit.
  • Lethargy, sad look.
  • Refusal of food.
  • Congestion caused by large bone volume is accompanied by severe pain.
  • The dog whines when trying to have a bowel movement.

The initial diagnosis is made based on history and examination. Additional research is required to determine the cause of constipation:

  • Standard blood test.
  • Urine studies.
  • X-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment at home

When the owner notices that the pet is having trouble defecating, he should not shout at the dog, try to remove foreign objects from the anus, or give an enema. Sometimes drotavegil, baralgin, and other antispasmodics and analgesics help. Giving a dog an enema is permissible in a clinical setting and under the supervision of a veterinary specialist. Often the problem is solved without contacting a specialist. It is important to remember that the absence of bowel movements for two days is a reason to immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic. Feces stuck in the intestines begin to decompose, releasing toxins and threatening the life of the animal.

Attempts to solve the problem yourself are as follows:

  • Exclusion from the diet of muscle meat, rice, corn, cottage cheese, eggs, yesterday's homemade curdled milk. Feeding your dog small portions of warm semi-liquid food:
  1. Thoroughly boiled buckwheat milk porridge.
  2. Stewed vegetables - cabbage, carrots, zucchini.
  3. Boiled sea fish.
  4. Fresh kefir.
  5. Raw beets.

The best solution to the problem is to switch to canned puppy food or easily digestible food for sick dogs.

Sometimes it helps to add flaxseed or vaseline oil to the food in the amount of one tablespoon (tablespoon) per 20 kg of body weight. The product is not absorbed, passes through the anus and contaminates the litter.

If there is no positive effect, you should seek veterinary help.

The success of treating constipation at home depends on the patience and conscientiousness of the owner, who follows the orders of the attending veterinarian. They are as follows:

  • Stopping medications that cause constipation.
  • Exclusion from the diet of foods that can swell - bran, dry food.
  • The use of rectal suppositories and laxatives.
  • Giving the dog an enema with boiled warm water (with the doctor's permission).
  • Diet correction.

Particular attention is paid to the rational nutrition of dogs in the postoperative period. The initial diet consists of weak broths and liquid porridges. Dry food is soaked in water.

The gentle diet continues for more than a month. Boiled chicken heads with small bones must be discarded. Regardless of the method of feeding, the dog must be provided with constant access to clean drinking water.

Dogs are animals that are extremely difficult to suspect of picky eating habits. Rather, it’s the other way around: dogs can eat whenever and whatever they want. As a rule, all this “gets away with it,” but sometimes the pet’s digestive system cannot cope with the difficulties that have befallen it, as a result of which indigestion develops. And this is not always the case, although it happens often. Much more dangerous, even if it doesn’t look like it, is constipation in a dog.

All stagnation of feces caused by the presence of various foreign bodies in the animal’s intestines is especially dangerous. Constipation, the development of which is caused by a dog eating bones, is deadly.

Let's figure out under what conditions and why such constipation occurs. The reason for its appearance is clear - eating bones by an animal is rarely good for the dog. And this, by the way, goes against the opinion of many breeders who do not miss the chance to feed their pet “yummy.” But sometimes good intentions turn into tragedy: the dog stops eating, loses weight, becomes lethargic and apathetic, and then may even die. And there are an annoying number of such cases in veterinary practice. Why does this happen?

In the digestive system of dogs, bones simply cannot be digested.

After all, their stomach is nothing like a shark’s, where even steel gradually dissolves! Moreover, wolves, which are relatives of modern domestic dogs, also do not chew the bones of animals they kill in the wild. The exception is their brain varieties, from where predators lick the bone marrow.

Thus, there is no need to feed this to your dog. Unless, of course, you want him to leave this mortal coil prematurely. But among the bones there are especially dangerous varieties, feeding on which often leads not even to constipation, but to internal bleeding and other “troubles.” These include beef, chicken and... fish. Alas, some owners either feed their pets this food waste themselves, or simply do not watch their dog, which is why it eats whatever and wherever it wants.

The trouble with fish waste is not even that the particularly thick and flexible bones easily pierce the walls of the esophagus (and often reach the trachea), as well as the stomach and intestines!

The problem lies in their ability to clump: they fall into large “bundles” in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the consequences of which are extremely severe. Persistent constipation develops, from which only (!) surgery can save. Without it, the animal is doomed to death.

The situation with chicken and beef bones is approximately the same: when an animal gnaws them, the “delicacies” break into thin and long fragments. They can easily pierce the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and also, being semi-digested, form lumps (which we just wrote about). Unlike the case with fish bones, it is theoretically possible to destroy them without surgery, but in reality this is not always possible.

What kind of bones can you give your dog?

Ideally, then only those sold in pet stores (toys or pressed wires). But experienced veterinarians fully accept the giving of so-called “sugar” pork bones. They are quite “sticky”, and therefore do not form sharp fragments when chewed. You can give them to your pet from time to time.

But! They should not be offered to puppies until about six months of age anyway., since animals at such a young age can easily damage tooth enamel. In addition, you should please your pet with “sugar” seeds no more than once a week. In addition to the pleasure of fighting with the treat, the dog will brush his teeth at the same time, which is also good.

Finally, chicken is not always so bad either, but only when it comes to the backs and necks. These parts do not contain dangerously splintering bones that can injure the gastrointestinal tract or cause constipation. Again, this does not apply to puppies, who should not be fed such “treats” in any situation. Their digestive system cannot fully process them, as a result of which severe complications may develop.

What to do if your dog has eaten bones?

Let's say your pet has eaten bones. Unfortunately, this happens regularly. This situation is especially typical after a feast, when your pet can find a pile of temptingly smelling bones in the trash can. If you find that your dog has managed to get to food waste, the first thing you need to do is contact your veterinarian.

Be sure to tell him exactly which bones the dog ate. Never give your pet any laxatives, this is very important! If the amount of bones eaten is small, the chances are high that everything will turn out well. If your dog behaves in the manner described below for a couple of days, there is nothing to worry about:

  • The pet does not exhibit any strange behavior.
  • He continues to eat with appetite.
  • Physical activity is at the same level.
  • There are no difficulties with going to the toilet (i.e. the dog defecates quickly and painlessly).
  • The dog continues to play and run with the same passion.

But when these symptoms develop, you need to immediately seek a veterinarian, regardless of the time of day:

  • The animal becomes apathetic and lies down most of the time.
  • Complete or partial lack of appetite.
  • When trying to defecate, there is strong, painful effort.
  • Or the dog may poop, but the stool contains abundant admixtures of bright red blood.
  • The animal does not play, does not run, and is reluctant to respond to commands. Sometimes the dog may whine in pain and does not allow anyone to touch its belly.

All this indicates the need for an early visit to the veterinarian! But what to do when it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist, but the dog’s condition causes serious concern? In this case, you should first give the dog some enveloping agents inside to help minimize damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines.

The simplest first aid is Vaseline oil, also known as liquid paraffin. Give it one teaspoon once an hour, for seven to eight hours. After this period, regardless of the animal’s condition, it is necessary to contact the clinic.

Remember that it is not recommended to do anything else at home! Moreover, we would not recommend using even oil.

If your dog, after eating a large number of bones, has become lethargic and does not go to the toilet, there is always and in all cases the owner’s only option – to the veterinarian. Ignoring this rule leads to the death of the animal.

And yes - in most cases, professional treatment consists of surgery. The “dump” of bones from the intestines can often be removed only by resorting to radical methods.

What to do after treatment?

The problem is that after the operation, most likely, the animal’s digestive system will not quickly return to normal. Simply put, the dog will suffer from the same constipation, and you will have to feed him very carefully for a couple of months to prevent the development of serious complications. The latter, by the way, are often provoked by the animal owners themselves. So, following the example of human medicine, they begin to feed the dog cereals and other herbal remedies, which in humans (!) stimulate intestinal motility and improve digestion.

We would strongly advise against using some of them for feeding dogs. Bran, for example. It would seem that they are an inexhaustible source of coarse fibers that stimulate (within reasonable limits) the peristaltic activity of the intestines.

But! Please do not use wheat or rice bran. Oatmeal is also not very suitable, as it contains too much starch. In general, it often happens that any bran leads to flatulence and other digestive problems in dogs, so we would not recommend giving it to the animal (especially during the post-operative period).

Remember that dogs by nature are rather predators, and therefore they do not need large amounts of plant components in their food.

Moreover, if an animal’s diet includes too many plant components with a high content of starch and other simple carbohydrates, this will contribute to the rapid development of microflora. In particular, there will be signs of severe flatulence. In addition, increased formation of gases is fraught not only with relatively harmless gas formation, but also with intestinal inflammation.

Let's summarize. If your pet has eaten too many bones, we do not recommend engaging in “amateur activities.” The sooner you contact a veterinarian, the greater the chances of a successful outcome. Remember that any careless movement, not to mention self-prescribed medications, can cause intestinal perforation in a dog!

What to do if it starts in a dog? Is it possible to treat a pet with folk remedies or is it better to use medications? In what cases is self-medication strictly contraindicated? We'll figure it all out below.

Every owner should understand that treatment at home without consulting a veterinarian is always fraught with risks and complications. To effectively and correctly treat constipation in a dog, it is necessary to clearly understand the reasons why the digestive process is disrupted.

Important! If you doubt the accuracy, it is better to contact a veterinarian who can conduct a comprehensive examination.

Constipation can have different causes and develops against the background of an unbalanced or serious pathological disorder. If a dog develops constipation, against the background of which there are no other symptoms or a sharp deterioration in health, you can try to help with folk remedies.

Most often, constipation occurs due to a lack of water in the dog’s body. Try to enrich your pet's diet with water, switch it to liquid food and partially replace the water with Regidron solution. Caution must be exercised with Regidron solution, since an overdose can increase the load on the kidneys.

Dogs enjoy eating liquid food. From fermented milk products, you can offer your pet kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, yogurt, yogurt or cottage cheese diluted with milk to a liquid consistency. You can saturate the body with liquid using broth, to which chopped meat is added. Raw eggs can be introduced into your pet's diet as a source of fluid, protein and fat.

Most dogs enjoy eating vegetables. boiled beets has a mild laxative effect. If the dog is not used to eating beets, the product must be administered in small doses. Can be considered as a natural laxative raw liver(chicken or beef), fatty ocean fish or fish fat. Flaxseed or olive oil should be added to each serving of food.

Important! With a sudden change in diet, the dog’s body may go into “saving” mode, which will cause the owner to consider the therapy ineffective. If you do not notice positive changes in the first hours, continue therapy anyway. However, the slightest signs of intoxication are a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Against the background of increasing the fat content of the diet and the introduction of laxative foods it is necessary to increase physical activity during walks. It is important to choose exercises that do not force the dog to strain the abdomen. Make your pet run or walk quickly. Jumping and lifting weights are strictly prohibited.

During therapy, to eliminate constipation in a dog, it is important to control the load. Being in a state of monotonous stress, the body slows down its metabolism, which leads to a worsening of the animal’s condition. Provide your pet with maximum comfort and peace when he is in your home. If there are children in the family, try to control their interaction with animals. If the dog goes to his place and tries to sleep, it is better not to disturb him.

Advice! When treating constipation in a pet using folk remedies or medications, almost all manipulations involve stress. The treatment of the animal should be carried out by the family member whom the dog trusts most.

Read also: Bandage for dogs: purpose and manufacturing methods

When providing independent assistance to animals, it is necessary adhere to the “do no harm” principle. Carefully monitor changes in your pet's condition and contact your veterinarian if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, vomiting– symptoms indicating the development
  • Ammonia breath odor I - indicates acute, which can develop against the background of intoxication.
  • – indicates damage to the intestinal walls or blockage of the paranal glands.
  • Blood or mucus with a rotting smell coming from the anus- may indicate the development of a viral pathology or bleeding in the intestines.
  • Body change– an increase in temperature indicates stimulation of the immune system and the development of pathology. A decrease in body temperature indicates a loss of strength, severe intoxication or a necrotic process.
  • Change in color of mucous membranes– pallor and cyanosis may indicate a malfunction of the product. Intense pink or red gum color indicates an increase in core body temperature.
  • Instead of feces, mucus comes out of the anus(sometimes mixed with feces) is a sign of acute constipation, which is often confused with.
  • Feces in the form of dense, dry balls– a symptom of chronic constipation, which develops as a sign of a more serious, systemic disorder.
  • Excessive defecation of moist, shapeless feces and - indicates intestinal atony, that is, loss of its contractile activity and emptying only upon overflow.

Treatment of constipation in a dog at home is strictly not recommended if the pet refused water appears apathetic or very weak. You can do without consulting a doctor if constipation is caused by past treatment (), recent constipation, stress or age.

Treatment of constipation in dogs with folk remedies

Among folk remedies for the treatment of constipation in pets, the leader is a suspension prepared from condensed milk and water. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and given to the dog every 30–40 minutes, 3–4 times a day. Such a suspension should not be given to a healthy animal, as it will lead to the development of diarrhea. For constipation, condensed milk with water helps to saturate the feces with moisture and their natural exit from the animal’s body.

Most owners know that constipation in their pet can be treated. The drug is considered safe because it passes through the dog’s body in “transit” and is not absorbed. After entering the intestines, Vaseline oil envelops its walls, preventing the absorption of water. The water that is retained in the intestines is absorbed into the stool, softening it.

Vaseline can be used in two forms: oil and candles. For an average dog, the maximum dosage of oil should not exceed 50 ml at a time. The oil is evaporated every 1–2 hours, no more than 5 times. Usually, defecation occurs after 2-3 doses.

Vaseline suppositories are inserted into the anus. For small dogs, the candle is first divided into two parts. Suppositories are administered at intervals of 1–2 hours, but, like oil, they are not recommended to be used more than 5 times. Defecation may occur 2–3 hours after the first insertion of the suppository.

Many experienced pet owners know that it has a laxative effect. pumpkin. Dogs are usually happy to take sweet medicine in its raw form. If the dog is not accustomed to eating vegetables, the pumpkin can be steamed and mixed with cottage cheese. In addition, boiled beets, raw liver and vegetable oils have a laxative effect.

Advice: If your dog refuses diet foods, you can discreetly add crushed sunflower seeds to the food. Hulled, unroasted seeds contain enough oil and fat to relieve recent constipation.

Read also: Poisoning in a dog

Often used in the treatment of constipation glycerol. As an independent drug, glycerin is almost powerless, but against the backdrop of diet and increased physical activity, it is quite effective. In addition, after using glycerin, for a more comfortable and quick elimination of constipation, it is recommended to perform a cleansing enema.

Enema as a way to treat constipation in dogs

As a treatment for constipation in a dog, an enema with clean water or with the addition of oil is quite effective. If you cannot guess why constipation began, it is better not to use any enema supplements.

All preparations must be made in advance. To perform an enema, you will need moisture-absorbing diapers, napkins, disposable gloves and the solution itself. It is advisable to carry out all manipulations indoors. Because during the enema the dog will feel discomfort, most likely she will try to get up and run away. To prevent escape, secure your pet in advance with a collar and leash.

To perform an enema, the dog is placed on its side, although some animals can withstand the procedure even in a standing position. The enema spout is generously lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the anus, no deeper than 2.5 cm. After introducing the liquid, the enema spout is carefully removed. The dog's tail must be pressed to the anus and held for at least 1-3 minutes.

After the manipulations have been carried out, there are three options for the development of events:

  • Take the animal outside quickly, as most dogs will restrain defecation knowing that such actions are prohibited in the home.
  • Place an absorbent diaper under your pet.
  • Put a diaper on your dog.

Note! After an enema, most animals cannot hold in their bowel movements, so defecation may occur before going outside. Be prepared for such consequences and do not scold your dog under any circumstances!

After the enema, if defecation does not occur, the dog can be given abdominal massage. To stimulate peristalsis, it is necessary to stroke the abdominal cavity clockwise with light palpation. If in response to pressure you feel gurgling in the intestines, then the massage is helping.

After your dog has had a bowel movement, carefully inspect the stool. There should be no inclusions of scarlet blood in the feces! Small clots or threads of coagulated blood are the consequences of damage to the intestinal walls during the movement of feces.

After a cleansing enema, the time of defecation may extend for 2–3 hours. If during the specified period nothing except water comes out of the animal’s intestines, you should urgently contact a veterinarian. Most often, the absence of bowel movements after a cleansing enema indicates or intestines.

Treatment of constipation in dogs with medications

What to do if folk remedies do not help eliminate constipation in your dog? Gentle remedies may indeed not have the expected effect if constipation lasts more than 2 days because the stool has become too dry. Such constipation can be acute or chronic and must be relieved with a safe medication.