Complications in childbirth. Incorrect presentation of the fetus. Incomplete delivery of the placenta

Unfortunately, having a baby doesn't always go smoothly. The birth process consists of three periods, and during each of them, women in labor are not immune from complications. The nature of the latter depends, first of all, on the period of childbirth in which it arose.

The first stage of labor - "disclosure"

A woman in labor begins contractions, which ensure the opening of the cervix and may be accompanied by the following complications:

1. Premature placental abruption

A complication during which the placenta is separated from the walls of the uterus earlier than expected, that is, even before the birth of the fetus. It occurs in both mild and very severe forms. It is more often observed in nulliparous women and poses a threat both to the life of the child and to the health, and sometimes the life of the mother.

2. Weak labor activity

A similar state is likely not only in the first, but also in subsequent periods. birth process. Pathology, during which, over time, contractions do not intensify, but, on the contrary, weaken. As a result of this state of affairs, the process of opening the cervix slows down and the baby's head does not move along the birth canal.

This pathology delays the birth process and leads to fatigue. future mother who lacks the strength to complete the birth on her own. For a child, this situation is dangerous because he may experience acute hypoxia.

3. Too active generic activity

The complete opposite of weak. Characterized by stormy rapid delivery, which often results in premature detachment placenta, injury or even death of the child, as well as serious injuries and deep ruptures of the birth canal in the mother.

The second stage of childbirth - "exile"

It begins with the first attempts and ends with the birth of the baby. During this stage, in addition to the above complications, women in labor may experience the following anomalies:

1. Fetal hypoxia

A complication during which, due to oxygen starvation there are negative changes in the organs of the child, which are vital.

It happens to every 10 women in labor.

2. Tears of soft tissues

The most common complication arising from the progress of the child through the birth canal. Most often occurs at the birth of a post-term or large fruit, as well as fast and rapid childbirth. In this case, injuries occur not only to the vagina and perineum, but even to the uterus, its neck, and the pubic joint. To prevent this complication, an episiotomy is performed.

The third stage of labor - "afterbirth"

Most often passes without complications, and only in rare cases, the following pathologies may occur:

1. Incomplete separation of the placenta

Occurs when any part of it lingers in the uterus of a woman in labor. It is the most serious complication of this stage of the birth process. Leads to bleeding or inflammation.

2. Postpartum hemorrhage

Occurs if the woman in labor has not had an overlap of large blood vessels and the uterus did not contract properly. In this case, there is a rapid and profuse blood loss. In some cases, it is observed even a few days after the birth itself. Its cause may be infectious inflammation or hormonal changes in the body of a woman.

Of course, going to the hospital, every woman hopes for a successful outcome of the process and a speedy, and most importantly - happy meeting with a crumb. To avoid trouble, it is better to give preference to those who have good feedback maternity hospitals and experienced professionals!

Pathological conditions that arise in the process of labor are associated with it, affect the course and outcome of childbirth. Manifested by a violation of the contractile activity of the myometrium, pain, bleeding, deterioration general condition women in labor (dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness, coma). For diagnosis, methods of external obstetric examination, vaginal examination, cardiotocography, less often - ultrasound, in the afterbirth period - revision of the birth canal and uterus are used. The tactics of conducting labor in case of complications is determined by the nature of the identified pathology, it may involve both natural and operative delivery.

General information

To date, only 37% of births proceed physiologically. In other cases, it is determined different kinds complications, and 23-25% of births are completed surgically. According to the results of research in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, the most frequent complications are ruptures of the cervix (up to 27% of cases of childbirth) and perineum (7-15%), premature effusion amniotic fluid (12-15%), anomalies of labor forces (about 10%), infectious processes (2-8%), bleeding (2-5%) and premature detachment of the placenta (0.45-1.2%). If not managed properly, complicated births pose a threat to the health and life of both the mother and the fetus. Despite the constant decline in maternal mortality, up to 200 women die each year during childbirth in Russia.

Causes of birth complications

The pathological course of childbirth may be due to provoking factors from the mother, the fetus and its membranes. The main causes of violations that occur during childbirth are:

  • Pathological pregnancy. With a complicated gestational period, the risk of violations in childbirth increases - premature detachment of the placenta, weakness of labor forces, decompensation of chronic diseases of the mother, bleeding.
  • Anatomical features of the birth canal. Narrow pelvis, volumetric formations of the cervix, vagina, pelvic organs, high perineum become physical obstacles to the passage of the fetus. With infantilism, a saddle uterus and other developmental anomalies, the contractile activity of the myometrium often decreases. Age-related decrease in tissue elasticity increases the likelihood of tissue rupture.
  • Inflammatory diseases. In the presence of endometritis, cervicitis, colpitis, chorioamnionitis, the risk of bleeding, birth trauma to the mother, infection of the child during passage through the birth canal increases.
  • Previous invasive interventions. Scar-changed tissues of the genital organs are worse stretched, less resistant to the loads that occur during childbirth. Therefore, in women after gynecological operations and diagnostic manipulations (abortions, curettage, etc.), complications such as soft tissue injuries are more often observed.
  • Trauma in past births. Scars formed after past ruptures of the perineum, cervix and body of the uterus are more susceptible to damage.
  • Extragenital pathology. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, myopia and others chronic diseases may decompensate at birth. Some of them increase the likelihood of bleeding, prolonged course, DIC, and other complications.
  • Incorrect position and presentation. Childbirth in an oblique position, pelvic, frontal or occipital presentation accompanied by birth trauma, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, prolapse of the umbilical cord and small parts of the fetus. Natural delivery in the transverse position of the fetus is impossible.
  • Anatomical features of the child. At large sizes, hydrocephalus or gross birth defects it is more difficult for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. In such cases, the likelihood of female and prenatal injuries increases.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Childbirth with more than one child, especially if it is the first, is more often characterized by a complicated course with an increased risk of bleeding and injury.
  • Pathology membranes . Bleeding, fetal hypoxia and other complications of childbirth can be caused by early rupture of the amniotic bladder, entanglement or prolapse of the umbilical cord, low or polyhydramnios, tight attachment, accretion, ingrowth, germination, or premature detachment of a normally or low-lying placenta.
  • medical errors. Incorrect tactics of pregnancy and childbirth, the choice of an inappropriate method of delivery or type of surgical intervention, unreasonable stimulation of labor activity are fraught with the risk of injury, other complications, and even death of a woman or child.


The clinical classification of complications is based on the level of emerging disorders (pathology of childbirth, damage to the mother or fetus), their nature and time of occurrence. Varieties of pathological childbirth are:

  • preterm birth. At the onset of labor before 37 weeks, the likelihood of complications in the fetus is higher. Therefore, even when normal course they are considered difficult.
  • protracted labor. An increase in the duration of labor due to weak or discoordinated labor activity, clinically or anatomically narrow pelvis and other reasons increases the risk of trauma, hypoxia, postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Rapid delivery. With violent uterine contractions, ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal, fetal injury, placental abruption, placental blood flow disorders, and hypotonic bleeding often occur.
  • Operative delivery. Since with caesarean section, the application of a vacuum extractor or forceps, obstetric rotation and other interventions, the risk of complications in a woman and a child increases, such births are obviously considered as complicated.

In a woman in connection with childbirth, possible the following types complications:

  • Birth injury. Under the influence of significant tensile loads during childbirth, ruptures of the perineum, vagina, cervix and its body occur. In the most severe cases, injuries of the sphincter and rectal wall, divergence of the pelvic bones are observed.
  • Decompensation of extragenital diseases. Significant physical exercise associated with childbirth can provoke a hypertensive crisis, acute cardiac, cerebral, renal or hepatic failure, diabetic coma, retinal detachment and other disorders.
  • Bleeding. With tissue ruptures, disorders in the blood coagulation system, partial or complete placenta accreta, hypotension of the myometrium, prolonged bleeding often occurs, leading to significant blood loss, hypovolemic shock and DIC.
  • Amniotic fluid embolism. A terrible complication caused by a hit amniotic fluid into the mother's bloodstream. In 70-80% of cases, it ends with the death of a woman, in 60-80% - with the death of the fetus.
  • Retention of parts of the placenta in the uterus. Even in the absence of bleeding, fragments of the placenta, adherent or ingrown into the wall of the uterus, pose a threat to the woman's health. They can become a nutrient substrate for the development of inflammation or be reborn.
  • Postpartum inflammatory processes. In severe and protracted labor, various invasive interventions, the risk of developing endometritis, adnexitis, cervicitis, peritonitis and sepsis increases.

The main complications of childbirth on the part of the fetus are:

  • Prenatal injury. During childbirth, a child can get a spinal injury, a fracture of the collarbone and humerus. Intraorganic hemorrhages are possible in the tissues of the brain, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, disorders cerebral circulation, the formation of cephalohematoma.
  • Acute hypoxia. Decrease or complete cessation blood flow from mother to child due to placental abruption or clamping of the umbilical cord is accompanied by oxygen starvation. With prolonged hypoxia, irreversible changes in the tissues of the fetus may occur.
  • Infection during childbirth. With a clinical course or asymptomatic carriage in the mother of infections of the birth canal, the child may be infected with opportunistic flora, pathogens of herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other diseases.

Taking into account the time of occurrence of the consequences associated with childbirth, there are complications of the period of contractions ( premature onset, protracted course, etc.), straining period (fetal hypoxia, birth trauma, decompensation of concomitant pathology), afterbirth period (bleeding), postpartum period(inflammatory diseases). In addition, there are long-term consequences of childbirth associated with their complicated course - ectropion and cicatricial deformity of the cervix, prolapse and prolapse of the vagina, uterus, chorionepithelioma in a woman, cerebral palsy, other disabling symptom complexes and diseases in a child.

Symptoms of childbirth complications

The complicated course of childbirth may be evidenced by changes in the strength and nature of contractions, pain syndrome, vaginal discharge, violations of the general well-being of a woman, fetal movement. With weak labor activity, the woman in labor notes rare short contractions, which are usually less painful. Discoordinated contractions are accompanied by a noticeable increase in the tone of the myometrium, an irregular rhythm of its contraction and relaxation, uneven strength of contractions and pain in labor. Usually at the same time the woman feels the expressed anxiety.

Treatment of complications of childbirth

Obstetric tactics is aimed at choosing the optimal method of delivery with minimizing the consequences for the woman in labor and the fetus. The choice of specific drugs and techniques is determined by the type of complications. In natural complicated childbirth are assigned:

  • Stimulants of uterine contractions. Strengthen contractions and accelerate the process of childbirth in patients with complications in the form of primary or secondary weakness of labor.
  • Tocolytics. They allow you to relax the uterine muscles during violent or discoordinated contractions, hypertonicity, the threat of scar rupture.
  • Painkillers. Depending on the intensity of pain and its subjective perception by the woman in labor, wide range drugs and methods, from the prescription of analgesics to epidural or paravertebral anesthesia and general anesthesia.
  • Sedative drugs. They reduce emotional stress, potentiate the effect of analgesic therapy, allow a woman to better control the birth process in response to instructions from midwives and doctors.

Complication of childbirth by bleeding serves as an indication for the appointment of infusion therapy using hemostatics, blood-substituting solutions and blood products, oxygen inhalation through a mask. With persistent bleeding after the birth of a child, a revision of the birth canal for ruptures is shown, followed by suturing and manual examination of the uterine cavity to detect and remove the remains of the placenta. In rapid labor, at the birth of a large fetus, a child with hydrocephalus or in a non-physiological position / presentation, when using obstetric aids or operations, the threat of damage to the birth canal increases. Therefore, the woman in labor routinely produce an episiotomy.

Urgent delivery by caesarean section is indicated in case of an acute threat to the life of the woman in labor and the child (uterine rupture, placental abruption, prolapse of the umbilical cord). In some cases, abdominal surgery ends with extirpation of the uterus. Hysterectomy is performed with massive ruptures with the formation of intraligamentary hematomas, ongoing bleeding, placenta ingrowth, prolonged anhydrous period with the complication of its infectious process.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of complicated births depends on the type of pathology, the timeliness of its diagnosis and the adequacy of obstetric tactics. In the vast majority of cases, the outcome is favorable for the child and for the mother. In Russia, the maternal mortality rate has been declining from year to year and in 2016 reached a historic low - 8.3 cases per 100,000 births. Infant, including intrapartum, mortality is also constantly declining. For the prevention of complications of childbirth, timely registration and dynamic monitoring in antenatal clinic, treatment of identified concomitant diseases and complications of pregnancy, planned hospitalization in the maternity hospital if indicated. key role to prevent intranatal threats plays right choice method of delivery and the professionalism of medical personnel in the conduct of childbirth.

Almost every pregnant woman, with the approach of childbirth, worries that this an important event passed without complications. In fairness, we note that in most cases, fears are in vain. If the expectant mother is in excellent physical form and psychologically ready to meet with the baby, then everything will go fine. And yet, today we want to talk about possible complications during natural childbirth and caesarean section. Every pregnant woman needs to know about this. At least in order to understand how to act in this or that case, so as not to harm either yourself or the baby.

Complications in natural childbirth

Unfortunately, having a baby doesn't always go smoothly. The birth process consists of three periods, and during each of them, a woman may experience complications. Let's look at each of the stages of childbirth in detail.

Period one - "disclosure"

At this stage, the woman in labor begins contractions, which ensure the opening of the cervix and may be accompanied by the following complications:

  • Premature placental abruption is a complication in which the placenta separates from the walls of the uterus even before the birth of the fetus. This pathology can occur in mild or severe form. Most often observed in primiparous women. It can pose a threat to both the life of the fetus and the mother.
  • Weakness of labor activity - often occurs not only in the first, but also in subsequent periods of the labor process. It is characterized not by the intensification of contractions, but by their weakening. As a result, the process of cervical opening slows down and the baby's head does not move along the birth canal. This pathology is characterized by protracted labor and leads to fatigue of the expectant mother, who does not have enough strength to complete the birth on her own. Complication is fraught with the development of acute hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Too active generic activity is the exact opposite of weak. It is characterized by rapid delivery, which can result in premature detachment of the placenta, injury or even death of the fetus, as well as serious injuries and deep ruptures of the birth canal in a woman in labor.
  • Iron deficiency anemia also adverse effect on the development of contractile activity of the uterus, provoking prolonged, protracted labor or fast and rapid. True anemia of pregnant women can be accompanied by a violation of the properties of the blood, which is the cause of severe blood loss.
  • Complications during labor induction. The hormone oxytocin, which is used to stimulate labor, is synthetic and, unlike the natural hormone, does not cause the production of its own endorphins. Contractions become more painful, exhausting, and can cause fetal hypoxia. There is a high probability that the stimulation of labor will end with an emergency caesarean section.

Period two - "exile"

This stage begins with the first attempts and ends with the birth of the baby. During the second stage of labor, the following complications may occur:

  • Fetal hypoxia is a complication in which the child does not receive enough oxygen while passing through the birth canal. This pathology occurs in every tenth woman in labor.
  • Soft tissue ruptures are the most common complication that occurs during the baby's progress through the birth canal. It most often occurs at the birth of a premature or large fetus, as well as during rapid childbirth. In such a situation, a woman in labor can receive not only injuries to the vagina and perineum, but also a rupture of the uterus, her neck, and the pubic joint. Quite often, the uterine wall (perforated) injured during the abortion process is torn.

The third period - "postpartum"

As a rule, this stage passes without complications, and only in rare cases the following pathologies may occur:

  • Incomplete separation of the placenta - occurs when part of it lingers in the uterus of the woman in labor. In such a situation, it may develop inflammatory process accompanied by loss of a large amount of blood.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage - occurs when large blood vessels are not completely blocked, caused by insufficient contraction of the uterus. This situation is most often provoked by infectious inflammation or hormonal changes in the body of a woman.

Complications in caesarean section

Despite the fact that today the operation of caesarean section is used quite often, it is by no means a simple procedure. During and after surgery, some complications may occur:

  • Severe blood loss, especially with emergency delivery. A caesarean section involves cutting several layers of tissue to remove the baby. Therefore, blood loss surgical intervention stronger than in vaginal delivery. Sometimes a woman in labor needs a blood transfusion.
  • Damage to internal organs when cutting the uterus in the lower third after opening abdominal cavity. Neighboring organs may be affected - bladder, intestines. These injuries are rarely life-threatening, but can lead to long-term pain, the subsequent occurrence of adhesions.
  • Child injury. With a caesarean section, the baby may receive minor abrasions and cuts. They usually heal on their own.

Complications after surgery

After the baby is born by caesarean section a large number of women in labor are faced with consequences that are extremely rare in natural childbirth:

  • Long rehabilitation period. Usually, after a caesarean section, young mothers stay in the hospital for about seven days, with natural childbirth without complications, the woman returns home after a few days. Walking after a caesarean, carrying and caring for a baby is usually more difficult because the wound will still hurt for a while.
  • Wound infection. Even in a sterile operating room, such a situation can occur, provoking pain and difficulty in healing the sutures.
  • The postpartum discharge is also longer because the tissue inside the uterus regenerates more slowly than after a vaginal delivery.
  • Spikes that occur between internal organs and fabrics. The consequences of adhesions are chronic pain in the upper and lower abdomen, intestinal obstruction or infertility caused by blockage of the fallopian tubes.
  • Problems in subsequent births: increased risk of uterine rupture, placenta previa.

Complications in out-of-hospital childbirth

Community-acquired or home births are divided into two groups. The first group is usually associated with medical reasons- fast and rapid childbirth in multiparous women; remoteness from the hospital or lack of means of communication. This also includes childbirth on the way (train, plane).

The second group of home births is characterized by unauthorized rejection of hospital conditions. Most often, this is due to the desire to unconventional method delivery, national or religious traditions.

In the first group of home births, birth trauma can occur - both on the part of the mother and on the part of the fetus, caused by the rapid birth of a child.

A feature of the birth of the second group is a high percentage of complications:

  • infection in unsanitary conditions;
  • postpartum septic pathologies;
  • birth trauma, difficult obstetric situations.

That is why doctors insist on inpatient childbirth.

Childbirth with diabetes

Patients with diabetes mellitus rarely endure pregnancy. Their optimal delivery time is 36-37 weeks. During childbirth, doctors monitor the nature of labor, the condition of the mother and fetus, and blood sugar levels. Childbirth is carried out through the natural birth canal. Indications for caesarean section diabetes in a woman in labor are the following pathologies: complications from the vessels, vision, kidneys.

Birth in breech presentation

The baby should be head down in the uterus as it is the widest part of the fetus. At normal delivery the baby's head should appear first, and then the rest of the body. However, some women have births with a breech presentation of the fetus, which are fraught with complications.

The location of the child in the uterine cavity is classified as follows:

  • leg - both hips are unbent or only one of them, and one leg is located at the exit from the uterus;
  • gluteal - fetus's legs hip joints bent, and knees pressed to the tummy and straightened;
  • mixed (gluteal-leg) - the knees and hips of the fetus are bent.

The baby can be born in breech presentation naturally or as a result of a caesarean section. Complications that may occur during childbirth with pelvic or breech presentation often associated with weak labor activity. This is because the pelvic end of the fetus is smaller than the head. It slightly presses on the uterus, as a result of which it contracts worse, its neck opens more slowly.

During childbirth, the baby's head may tilt back. There is a risk that the baby will be injured. Also, often with a breech presentation, the umbilical cord is clamped between the wall of the birth canal and the head of the baby. In such a situation, hypoxia develops. In most cases, with such pathological conditions appoint an emergency C-section.

Summing up our conversation, it can be noted that natural childbirth or operational always have a certain degree of risk and may be accompanied by complications. To avoid trouble, it is better to give preference to good maternity hospitals and experienced professionals.

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

This is a very exciting topic for both women and her family. Especially if the woman in labor is an impressionable nature, then the expectation of childbirth becomes a real test. However, is it boring to worry so much? After all, it is not known how your birth will go, favorably or not. Especially if the gestation proceeded favorably, and physically you are completely normal. Pro horror stories from the lips of "experienced" must be forgotten. Some people are able to exaggerate and embellish what they felt or what someone said to them. However, there are also real situations when labor activity is complicated by some phenomena. It is tedious to know about this in order to react and accept at the right time. necessary measures. Don't worry, experienced doctors and modern technology will solve all the problems that arise before them.

Today, medicine gives a chance to identify and prevent the causes of complications even before the birth process. Therefore, difficult births in our time occur very rarely. The specialist usually sees immediately what needs to be done. He will probably administer drugs to the woman in labor that enhance the birth process or decide to use some kind of known way. Consider a few complications that can occur during the birth process.

Prolonged labor

There are circumstances in which the birth process lasts longer than usual, and as a result, prolonged labor is usually stated when there is a delayed delivery. They are measured by how the baby's head descends and the cervix dilates.

There are three reasons for delayed delivery. This:

  • complications associated with the birth process. Such as, a woman in labor is observed not periodic. They may be too rare, weak and short. They can be, and vice versa, frequent and strong. Both those and other contractions are ineffective and lead to unfavorable childbirth. If the contractions are too rare and sluggish, uterine stimulation can be done. For this, the expectant mother is given a dropper. And if on the contrary, they try to calm the work of the uterus, using epidural anesthesia or painkillers.
  • complications associated with the baby. It may be that a woman in labor is difficult to give birth, because the baby is not positioned correctly and is very large. Everyone knows that some time before the birth process, the baby is head down. At the same time, his chin is pressed to his chest, and his head is lowered. This is the most favorable posture for birth.

    However, it happens that the child does not lower his head, and when he is born, his chin “wants to come out”. In this situation, the diameter facing the pelvic passage increases significantly, and although the baby's head may be of normal shape and size, its position increases the size of the birth canal, leading to a delay in labor. If, nevertheless, the baby in the second phase did not turn the head correctly, then the specialist will turn the baby's head using a vacuum extractor or special forceps.

    If this procedure does not help, an emergency caesarean is performed. Not often, but still it happens that the head of the crumbs is turned to the pelvic passage with its side, face or even forehead of the baby. As a result, depending on the situation, they make a decision and the method of conducting delivery. First of all, it shakes cases breech presentation baby. The vaginal birth process with breech presentation is very dangerous, since when the baby passes through the birth canal, all the “work” is performed by his buttocks. Therefore, the baby's head does not have time to adapt to the pressure.

    Since the head of the crumbs is very vulnerable during the period, maximum caution is required on the part of specialists. In this case, childbirth takes place with the help of a caesarean section. Especially if the mother is giving birth for the first time. If the baby is large and there is a possibility, or hypoxia is observed, a perineotomy or episiotomy may be performed. This procedure is carried out, usually with premature birth.

  • complications associated with the birth canal. It could be narrow pelvis. This says that the birth canal, formed by elastic pelvic bones, soft and delicate tissues of the vagina and uterus. As a result, childbirth will proceed through surgery. If the pelvis is not very narrow, a dilated vaginal delivery may occur. There may be a case in which the pelvic dimensions are ideal, and complications arise due to anomalies of the birth canal.

preterm birth

They can be attributed to complications because a baby born between 29-36 weeks is very lethargic and suffers during childbirth. In such a child, the systems and organs are poorly developed, the weight becomes from 0.5 to 2 kilograms. premature babies get injured more easily because their bones are very soft. Some crumbs born before the due date require monitoring in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Distress baby

If the baby experiences a lack of oxygen, they talk about distress. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: premature detachment of the placenta, around the body or neck of the baby. Often, distress results from strong pressure on the baby's head during short, long or intensive labor. In this state, the baby's heart rate and heart rate change.

If amniotic fluid are brown or yellow coloration They contain meconium. This is the result of stress. In this situation, especially if there is a violation of the heart rhythm, electronic monitoring of the baby is done. They will probably take a sample of the baby's blood through parts of the scalp. Thanks to the electronic machine, you can find out the degree of acidity. It will help determine the level of severity of the baby's condition. After the results, they decide how the birth will take place.

Cord prolapse

This is a very dangerous case, because the clamped umbilical cord does not deliver the necessary oxygen to the child, which threatens with hypoxia or even death. In this situation, immediate delivery is required. This situation occurs when the loop of the umbilical cord is below the presenting part of the baby and falls out.

Bleeding during childbirth

It can develop during childbirth or after childbirth, endangering the health of the woman and the unborn baby. It is not uncommon for the cause of bleeding to be problems that are primarily associated with the condition of the placenta. This is very important if there are chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus, some diseases of the liver and kidneys, severe heart disease, endocrine diseases, disorders hormonal background, diseases of the genital organs and others. Also, the cause of bleeding during childbirth can be injuries during the gestation period or a large number of miscarriages, abortions.

If bleeding opened, the specialist will work simultaneously in several directions. As a result, the woman in labor will be infused with blood products and blood-substituting solutions through large veins. Also - erythrocyte mass, frozen plasma. often on female face impose special mask with humidified oxygen. During this period, observe blood pressure, oxygen saturation and heart rate. Women in childbirth are injected into the narcotics department to undergo surgical treatment.

This is the most common complication of childbirth. They usually can have different consequences and origins. It can be ruptures of the perineum, cervix, vagina.

Perineal tears are superficial in the form of abrasions and cracks, do not bleed and heal very quickly after the baby is born. For the prevention of perineal ruptures, special preparation of the perineum for the birth process is recommended even during the gestation period. A woman in labor needs to know what is the ideal procedure for perineal tears. After all, when the muscles are very tense, the likelihood of ruptures increases several times.

Vaginal tears can be violent or spontaneous. The causes of spontaneous ruptures include rapid childbirth, if the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis or an underdeveloped short vagina. As a rule, spontaneous ruptures of the vagina are a continuation of the ruptures of the birth canal. Violent ruptures are formed due to the vacuum extraction of the baby, obstetric forceps. During the treatment of tears, the specialist sutures them with special sutures. very deep and heavy breaks sutured under general anesthesia. This operation should only be carried out by a professional.

Unfortunately, tissue tears can be severe consequences. This is especially true of the cervix. Such gaps often lead to the death of the fetus or the woman herself. A rupture in the uterus can be if the woman in labor has undergone surgery before. In cases of rupture of the uterus, the birth procedure is stopped by introducing the woman in labor into deep anesthesia and performing the necessary manipulation. If a rupture does not occur, but there is a chance of its occurrence, an emergency caesarean section is performed, because in such cases it is possible to save the child.

postpartum hemorrhage

Of course, one cannot do without blood loss during the birth process. Every wound always bleeds. During childbirth, the area of ​​the wound is very large, so the bleeding continues for several days. But sometimes the bleeding can be quite profuse. It is likely that the cause of this is a perineal tear or episiotomy. If there are no injuries and ruptures, then the specialist determines whether the uterus is relaxed or the placenta remains.

It also happens that bleeding lasts for several days or even a month. main reason this - hormonal change. As well as infectious inflammation. If there is a fragment of the placenta in the uterus, the specialist will attribute drug treatment. If this does not help, you can try curettage of the uterus.