And where can I talk about Karina istomina. Karina Istomina: how to survive a difficult breakup and return to normal life. EG: Do you have a so called role model

Journalist, model and DJ Karina Istomina decided to tell what it's like to psychologically overcome all the painful stages of parting

Everyone has gone through painful breakups in their lives. Such a gap, when mental pain develops into physical pain and from unexpected flashbacks becomes cloudy in the eyes. Each of us in this difficult period of life is faced with many problems, patterns and delusions. Often we draw the wrong conclusions, which then brings us trouble in future relationships. And it turns out that the hard experience that we gain does not bring the proper results.

Three months ago I had the most painful breakup in my life. And perhaps in the future there will be a lot of such gaps, because I am only 22. But I sincerely want to admit that sometimes the things that I encountered during this period were very difficult for me.

I have been going to a psychoanalyst for six months and I started going because I realized that there are certain thoughts in my head that require explanations to myself, and I feel uncomfortable living with them. And when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, I went to therapy three times a week. I know that not everyone has the courage to go digging into the dark corners of their consciousness, but it turned out that there are phases in parting that a person must live through. And it helped me a lot to cope with all this. Perhaps my thoughts will help some of you.

The first thing that happens after the phrase "I'm sorry, I don't love you anymore" is deafening pain and shock. I don't remember that day well, only in snatches, as if in a dream. I remember the green bench, the workers painting the fence, and my crying ex-boyfriend. Although it was he who did not love me, he was also hurt. I couldn't say a word.

I took my things the next day. If there is a tenth circle of hell according to Dante and I get there, then I will forever collect these things from closets. What is the best thing to do in such a situation? Take a friend or girlfriend, a loved one. While I was sitting on the bed, wrapped in a blanket and sobbing, my friend took the suitcase, helped me pack my things, said that we had nothing else to do here, and in the car turned on Jay-Z's "Lucifer". Believe me, it is very difficult to watch how bad a person is, but that's what friends are for. And if not for her, then I would have left that apartment for a very long time.

And here's a piece of advice. Friends are the people who support you. Often they won't tell you the truth or what will be painful for you to hear, because you can get into a fight with them because of it. They want the best for you, but you are responsible for your actions. And often, when I met with friends and talked about my problems, they reacted calmer than I expected, so it seemed to me that everything was not so scary. Even when it was very scary.

And so I moved back to my parents. I almost did not live there for 2.5 years and returned back, as if in the first year of university.

When everything is over and you need to start living differently, the work of grief begins. The work of grief is a completely natural process in which a person goes through the painful stages of a breakup. Therefore, when they say to you: “He / she is not worthy of you, why are you worried?” - you don't have to listen. If you compress this pain in yourself, it will come out of you for years, bringing with it a mountain of complexes and delusions. The hardest and most courageous thing is to face all this and survive.

It all starts with the fact that it is impossible to believe. “How so? How could this happen? This is impossible! A week ago, I cooked breakfast for him and we chatted while we drank tea.”

I couldn't unpack my suitcases for a week. Mom said that I live at the station, but I just couldn't even open them. At this point, the stage of "non-acceptance" begins. You may have dreams that you are still together, or that this person is returning. Roughly speaking, in your heart your relationship is in a coma, under drips, but still breathing. Gradually they die, you put them in a coffin, hammer in nails, cover them with earth and put up a tombstone.

Listen to your dreams. This is your subconscious speaking. Through all the stages of parting, I had a lot of dreams with exactly those sensations that met me after some time.

In reality, it is very difficult to maintain associations with this person. I unfollowed him and our mutual friends from Facebook for a while, after warning them about it. I couldn't even open my phone, because when I even looked at my photos, I remembered that we were together. The only thing I was in awe of was the music. I realized that I can not now listen to the music that I listened to before. I didn't want her to send me to that moment of pain and remind me of the past. I took one album and listened to it for a month, until it became much easier for me. It was Kanye West's 808s & heartbreak album. Firstly, it's from 2008, so you don't hear it often. Secondly, now I can turn it on and be transported to that April. It's like a box of memories. Walking helped me too. I met with friends and walked a lot alone so that I could immediately go to bed tired. The most difficult period of the day for me was the morning, because I really liked to wake up with him. And now every morning, when I opened my eyes, I immediately felt very sick.

At first I could not eat, I felt sick, I felt unwell, I constantly wanted to sleep. At the most unexpected moments, I could cry, because gradually the understanding came that we were no longer together.

We begin to feel sorry for ourselves, it seems that such a person will no longer be in our life. The best, the most beloved and the most beautiful. Some of these thoughts are indeed true. There will never be such a person in your life. And it will not be as good and bad as it will be with him either. But you need to understand that it will still be good and bad, but in a DIFFERENT way. And so does this person with you. Each of you is still special to each other. Only you had these jokes, these common interests, nicknames, memories and sex.

You can't lock yourself in a room. You need to see friends, constantly say this story, because this way it becomes more conscious for yourself, go somewhere, start changing your life. Two weeks after parting, due to fortunate circumstances, I moved and began to live alone. It really cheered me up, and I immediately began to feel that everything was changing. I started touring and found a new job (I worked in a team with my ex-boyfriend, so I automatically lost my job too). Although I ran away from my new job very quickly, because I realized that it was too unconscious a decision - it made me think about other things as well. Distraction is good, but you can't just ignore your feelings.

I went with a friend to Paris and was preparing to defend my diploma. It was in Paris, a month after the breakup, that I realized that it was all over. And it happened quite by accident. I went up to the apartment and thought: “Oh, now wi-fi will connect, I need to write to him that everything is fine with me. Stop. Karin, who should I write to?

This is how the awareness phase began. And the dreams that I was looking for him somewhere or talking to him have passed.

But then the most unpleasant begins. Intoxication. If before that you felt only pain, regret for the loss and longing for a person, now you are starting to remember everything that hurt you, offended you or with which you did not agree all this time. Anger is a very strong feeling. This eternal dialogue in the head with frequent monologues about what had to be answered then is very difficult to stop. But it doesn't need to be stopped. It's good to be angry. Everything needs to come out of you.

I got it all in a slightly complicated form. Firstly, I can endure for a very long time, even when it is not required. And when something did not suit me, I could remain silent, but still do it my own way. But keep quiet. Therefore, anger for 2.5 years of silence increased every day more and more. I just got angry and went to the gym every day and went swimming to have a clear head at least for a while. And as soon as the anger almost dried up, there was a new blow.

I realized that there are very few beautiful and respectful partings. And it certainly wasn't our case. Apparently, the work of grief of my ex-young man happened in express mode, when we were still together, because a month later it turned out that he didn’t just stop loving me, but that he left for another woman, whom he had already been with while I was . It turns out that another person slept on sheets that I matched to the color of our curtains and glasses in the kitchen.

How did I manage? When I found out about this, I had to write a diploma. And in general it was impossible to think about anything else, except for the final exams. And it seemed to me that I easily accepted this news, but my body told me no. I thought that only Russian classics have young ladies who lie with a "falling" from bad news. In general, I could not get up for two days, because I had such a cystitis on a nervous basis (the girls will understand me), that the pain paralyzed me. There were many questions, but it was sincerely infuriating that it fell on the very period of time when I graduated from the university, and he knew how serious it was, but he didn’t care. And just like that, another pattern collapsed.

In such situations, you need to remember only one thing. You can't compare yourself to anyone. Never. And I'm really proud of that, because there was no competition in my head, and I don't feel worse. It just happened. And after all this time, I understand that it is so much better.

And what about the end, you ask? When you get tired of being angry and hating, you don't care anymore. You are grateful to this person for all the warm moments together, for the efforts and love. That's when a new life begins. It starts when you wake up in the morning and realize that you have a lot of things to do and worries that you enjoy doing, when the phone is torn from messages from people you want to meet, and when you have peace of mind, as if in calm.

Hero of our time: Karina Istomina, music influencer

Over the past few years, Karina Istomina has become a favorite character in the media. Therefore, it became a special task for me to tell about her in a new way, to find those facets of her personality that had not yet been covered (and there are many, believe me). I have been following her on Instagram for a long time, listening to the music she recommends in Stories, reading the dramatic texts that accompany her photos. I always wanted to know a little more about this person, and now I propose to do it together.

Initially, Karina chose a modeling direction for herself, but dreams and reality often do not correlate with each other. It didn’t work out to become famous right away, and it was difficult to get to a cool job in the West. As you already know, the model should be tall and thin as a reed (however, now they are actively fighting this: strict limits provoke the development of eating disorders and other problems). Big breasts and height 172 (instead of the prescribed 175+) became an obstacle to participation in shows, and the domestic gloss had not yet considered the new heroine.

Photo by Alexander Burimov

Despite the failures, Karina worked hard and talked about her profession. For example, that a model is not only a beautiful face, not only hard physical work, but also the ability to communicate. An ordinary person needs to be able to keep up a conversation, it is useful to read books and, in general, think well. Models have to meet daily with a huge number of people who need to match.

We can say that Karina was one of the first to start telling the truth about modeling.

At some point, she realized that the industry is unfair to models, they are treated badly, and nothing depends on girls. You cannot defend your opinion, you cannot complain, you must enjoy any work, and the rest of the time you just have to wait. The only consolation was the music.

Over time, Karina decided that the hobby needed to be reshaped into a profession. And then the learning period began. Success and tour did not come immediately - after all, no one knew about the girl. I had to play for nothing so that at least someone would hear her and call her to play again. True, not everything turned out to be so simple.

Stereotypes and good looks do not always play into the hands of those who want their voice to be heard. In our society, the effect of the first impression often drowns out what a person is trying to convey (and this applies to a greater extent to women).

Because each of us, in an attempt to earn our place in the sun, has to prove that you are more than a beautiful appearance.

So Karina had a goal to do everything to make her opinion important in the music world. And she began to take confident steps towards earning the title of musical influencer.

For me, this fragile lady is a real hero, because she works three times more than others to show by her example to all of us that a girl can also have a voice, that her opinion can be valuable and that beauty is not the same as stupidity.

The path she has traveled once again proves that the templates are wrong and useless and that a new time has come in which women can also compete. Here is such a feminist text turned out. In our interview, Karina will tell a little more about herself, share life hacks and real secrets on how to become a DJ and survive.

EG: Tell me, have you always been so sure of yourself?

Karina: I had problems with self-esteem, like any teenager, and even now I cannot say that there are no questions left for me. At 15 you worry about your appearance, but at 24 you focus on your life purpose. But even this unstable feeling I would never trade for improperly plucked eyebrows, foundation three shades darker, hair dye bans, acne and a 7 p.m. curfew. I have never been the beauty of the school and never aspired to. Always went around in boyish skater things, like now. I felt beautiful after 18.

EG: Gender discrimination is especially developed in the DJing industry. How do you deal with negativity?

Karina: In real life, it’s easier to deal with negativity, because even if I’m scared, over time I realized how important it is to be able to stand up for myself. I understand colleagues in the shop who can not stand me, especially guys. Many of them have excellent skills, but they perform ten times less than me. Why? Because I have a huge tool in my hands - charisma, and no one will take it away from me. It gives me faith in my exclusivity, helps me to stand firmly on my feet. Without technology, you won’t get far either, but many begin to get hung up on it, forgetting that no one has canceled communication skills.

Photo by Alexander Burimov

EG: What is your job in general? What does a DJ do?

Karina: In addition to absorbing the energy of the audience and giving yours to them, you must lead the crowd... Do everything to make it sob, squeal with happiness and roll on the floor. Many people think: what is it about turning on music that is not your own? And imagine that you stood at the remote control, there is a full dance floor in front of you and everyone is waiting for something from you. Don't get lost? When I play, I feel very strong because I just can't give up.

But then I have several days of serotonin pits and apathy, because when you give a lot, you recover for a long time. People come for good music, which is presented to them on a silver platter with the purest energy, and they drink it like vampires. That's what my job is, besides doing my technique every day at home in my studio.

EG: Tell us about your future plans.

Karina: After 30, I would like to open my own music label. I think it is very important to help Russian artists develop. The new stage of my DJ career will be writing my own music, although it is difficult.

EG: Do you have a so-called role model?

Karina: I am inspired by Korean house DJ Peggy Goo. She plays in Berghain at the biggest electronic festivals and can sit at the Louis Vuitton show with Kanye West and collaborate with cosmetic brands. Moreover, she is very stylish, and she has an incredible taste in music. I want to develop in the same direction.

EG: It seems that the plane has already become your second home. Is it difficult to live in such a schedule?

Karina: I love my job, but, of course, I suffer a lot because of being busy. Sleeping for two hours on planes, night sets, constant return of energy, studying music and searching for new tracks sometimes result in nervous breakdowns. When I say “nervous breakdown,” I mean that you don’t just cry in a hotel from fatigue, but you go to a psychologist because you understand that life is not sweet for you.

It’s like you’re on the edge of a gorge where you can either give up everything or gain strength again, because it’s not in your style to give up. And so, torn into two parts, you crawl further uphill ... Such a life turned into melancholy, but I can still joke and go out into society. So I haven't completely lost my mind yet.

EG: Is our rap for you Russian rap or rap in Russian?

Karina: This is Russian rap, which, it seems to me, has just entered the first stage of development. So there is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead of us. Now everything is very mixed up, rap is the new rock. And it's very cool that hip-hop is the main genre that teenagers listen to, because in this everything there is a desire to strive forward.

I was at the Boulevard Depo performance and was pleasantly shocked. He is a very cool dude with an incredible vibe. Even now I listen to the LAUD group a lot, I strongly advise you to pay attention to them.

EG: What is love? Does the definition of this feeling change with age?

Karina: Now I don't know, but the definition is definitely changing. I try to stop the feeling of falling in love, based only on passion. I want to be understood, supported and much stronger than me. Perhaps then it would be easier for me to live in harmony with myself. And yet, at the moment, there is no time for great love, or for some short novels. I want to achieve a lot, I'm afraid that relationships will slow down and take away the energy that is needed in music.

Karina Istomina is a talented Moscow girl who was able to become famous thanks to the program “Tender Editor”. At the moment, Karina is engaged in blogging, as well as in the modeling business.

  • Date of birth - April 20, 1994
  • Place of birth - Moscow
  • Height - 173
  • Weight - 47

Childhood and youth

When Karina was little, she significantly differed from her peers in her craving for creative activity. Parents sought to develop their daughter, giving her to various sections. At school age, Istomina went to music lessons, art culture with pleasure, the girl also loved to read books, she was interested in world history.

After graduating from 11 classes with excellent marks, Karina decided to try her luck and applied to the research institute of the Higher School of Economics.

Karina has always been fond of music, and dreamed that when she grows up, she will be able to become famous not only in her native country, but also in New York. She often watched videos with her favorite singers on TV, dancing to the beat of their movements. Istomina was also interested in journalism, she easily found a common language with others, and it seemed to her that it was very interesting to communicate with celebrities and interview them.


Having matured, first of all, Karina decided to try herself in the modeling business, because her height and wasp waist were quite suitable for the parameters of a real model. At that time, the weight of the girl was 55 kilograms.

For the first time she managed to light up on the pages of a fashion publication at the age of sixteen. Even then, the girl managed to conquer the audience with her ease and chiseled figure. After the first filming, many proposals for cooperation with the most famous brands followed. Istomina even managed to light up on the foreign podium.

Thanks to her modeling career, the aspiring celebrity was able to independently pay for her studies at the university. Even the father of the heroine was always surprised by the independence of her daughter, he could definitely be sure that he had raised Karina correctly.

When Istomina turned 18, she was offered cooperation with the famous Avant Models Management modeling agency.

Quite quickly, Karina Istomina managed to become famous as a popular DJ. Her former lover Anton Sevidov helped the girl become famous, Karina still remembers the man only in a good way.

In 2019, Karina Istomina was invited to appear on her YouTube channel by the famous blogger Tatyana Mingalimova. Together with their colleague Xenia Dukalis, the girls talk about the relationships between a man and a woman that are of interest to many.

Many Internet users were able to appreciate the new format of the show, which in many ways helped Karina gain more than 200 thousand subscribers, among which there are famous bloggers. Some compared the activities of the girls with the famous TV series Sex and the City.

Personal life

Karina is a very open person and always shares with subscribers about changes in her personal life. During her life, the girl survived two serious romances with Nikita Zabelin and Anton Sevidov, which, unfortunately, ended in failure.

After parting with Anton Sevidov, Karina could not recover for a long time, she even had to seek help from a professional psychologist.

Karina does not like to talk about her parents, despite a happy childhood, the girl's father is a very strict person.

The girl is not afraid of explicit scenes, according to Istomina: “Naturality cannot be shame!”

We are launching a new section in which our heroes will talk about one day in their lives. Travelers, models, bloggers, photographers, creative people and just interesting people will open the veil of what is hidden behind beautiful pictures on Instagram profiles and show everything that remains behind the scenes. And we start with one of our favorites - Karina Istomina.

It has always seemed to me important to tell not only what happened at some point in my life, but also to share my feelings. Indeed, most often it is they who lead us to some conclusions, desires, goals, and sometimes disappointments.

To be honest, I really don't like being called a model. I mean that I respect my work, but there are still important activities in my life that I give maximum of my time and energy to. I write longreads about music, play dj sets and have been working as a PR manager for the indie band Tesla Boy for almost a year now. I also graduate from the HSE Faculty of Journalism. I will not hide, most often I am torn between billions of cases and I can stop in the middle of the road from the realization of how deadly tired I am, but I love what I do. And it gives me endless joy.

So, I will tell you about how I was in Ibiza shooting the summer collection of the Etam brand in early March.

I flew in a low-cost airline (thanks to the clients for this) with a transfer in Madrid from New York around 20:00 and in the morning, having arrived on the entertainment island, I went straight to the shooting. I have nothing against low-cost airlines, but they have insanely little space between the seats, so on the fourth hour of the flight my knees ached, and after drinking melatonin, I spent the entire flight in a painful sleep. In addition to the jetlag buzzing in my head, I was already pestered by the classic New York depression, so I was not particularly impressed with the rural beauties of Spain, but the smell of the sea in the air calmed me down.

It was about seven in the morning, I was sitting in a villa, which was located in the mountains, away from the clubs and restaurants, whose signs hung all over the city. It was about 15 degrees, but I was looking forward to freezing in the beautiful sky-colored pool, which was located on the territory of the site.

The team consisted of 15 people: two photographers, one of them is the famous Italian Emmanuel Ferrari, two stylists, their assistants, a make-up artist, a client and a personal (!) chef, but I will return to him a little later.

Also, a fantastically beautiful 18-year-old Spaniard Marta Agular worked with me in a pair. It seemed to me that she herself did not understand how beautiful she was, but there was something mysterious in her, like in all girls who are breathtaking. Or maybe this mystery was that she spoke little, smoked cigarettes and was on the phone all the time that we were there.

Everyone was as friendly as possible and glad to bring me a blanket or tea so that I would not freeze, and the only problem was that none of them could clearly communicate in English.

At that moment, I remembered that when I went to France with my parents, they didn’t speak English everywhere or pretended that they didn’t know how. Of course, this did not cause discomfort, but I am a lover of chatting and making everyone laugh, so I had a feeling of dissatisfaction. I just had to smile nicely.

They say that this is exactly how models need to behave - to be silent and smile. But most of them are silent, because they either have nothing to say, or they simply do not know the language.

The collection will be cool, some things I would love to wear, and it was easy to work and not even very cold.

After shooting some of the bows in the bedrooms and on the terrace of our villa, we went to dine in the garden. The cook was handsome. With his huge hands, he turned over the lettuce leaves in a large shiny plate, glancing fleetingly at Martha and me.

When I went to dinner, I expected some kind of culinary masterpiece to happen before my eyes, because it smelled fantastically dizzy. Well, I'm the master of fantasy, and more often than not, I want to stay in it. The food was terrible. I'm not picky, to be honest. But this time, I felt like I was five years old again, and as if my mother was again forcing me to eat “something”, whose name I do not know. I don’t eat couscous and spinach soup doesn’t inspire me either, and our cook mixed bacon in some kind of beans in a barbaric way, which made me very upset. After picking at the plate for about 10 minutes, I quickly ran to the kitchen so that he would not notice and be offended that I had not eaten anything. Still, children's installations control us all our lives.

We spent the second part of the day by the sea. I want to note that in Ibiza it is very rich azure blue. You can look at it for hours.

First we stopped at a fishing village. There, the entire shore was strewn with dried seaweed, so it smelled of iodine.

While Marta smoked a cigarette, I basked in the sun and dozed on my haunches. Modeling has taught me to sleep wherever the opportunity arises. I was plagued by thoughts about how homesick I am, how wonderful it is that I am at sea and what should I do next. I want to note that the last question never leaves my head.

I was also nervous. And this already applies to my other work. We were preparing the Tesla Boy concert at the Gogol Center, which thundered on March 20 with an incredible success, which we ourselves did not expect. My job is to keep in touch with everyone, control everything and write to everyone so that they, in turn, write about us. And I was sitting in a fishing village on a Spanish island without the Internet, with a jet lag and 15 more bows ahead. Running from Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi, I was solving important organizational issues that needed to be addressed immediately.

In the evening we went to the beach. The sand was already chilly, and the sea was icy, but the bay was calm and almost windless. It was a great opportunity to finally breathe a little. While we were filming one by one, I sat on the beach and listened to music on my headphones.

And we also drove into the city. If you are an introvert with a predisposition to sociopathy, then Ibiza in early March is the option for you. Tourist cities in winter are very dreary. There were about 10 people in the city and they were all over 60.

Most of the restaurants were closed, even the roller shutters in the apartments were closed. The city has not yet woken up, only the workers were whitewashing the walls near the medieval fortress.

But that didn't stop me from drinking a jug of white sangria, eating a caesar with apples (another oddity) and taking a walk in the port, because I really love ships.

Well, it was a wonderful pass between life in New York and life in Moscow. I had time to think a little about what happened and what will happen, work and generally have a great time with myself. Here is such a slightly melancholy-romantic story about my day.

The Village continues the rubric "". In it, interesting townspeople talk about their favorite places - and if before it was only bars and restaurants, now the heroes can choose any points close to them in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. In the new issue, DJ, founder of the Resonance project and participant of the latter, Nikita Zabelin, talks about his rented apartment on Leningradsky Prospekt, where he started his career in Moscow and where he is now moving out, and recalls his childhood in the Urals.


Andrey Stekachev

About moving to a new apartment

I leave the apartment on Leningradka with longing.
On the other hand, I understand that it is time to change something. I came here as just a playing DJ, and now I have my own radio program, the tour schedule around the world is scheduled months in advance.

I really like the Belorusskaya area, because for a traveling person, the fundamental point is the accessibility of the airport. This is the second most visited place for me after the apartment. I go there every week, sometimes twice, so I need to minimize the energy and time spent on the road.

Now I will live at Chistye Prudy. It is absolutely inconvenient from the point of view of navigation, but there is a quiet area, there is no Leningradka. Here the windows are very dirty, noisy, dusty, and I also have a north side, and this also affects me badly. For two years I have not seen the sun here at all, and here the light bulbs are dim - you are constantly in the twilight. And for me it is important. As a child in Yekaterinburg, I had a very small room - eight square meters, like a compartment. There was a window along which there was a table with a computer where I wrote music. And I have the brightest memories of it, because it was always sunny there. There are no clouds in Yekaterinburg, there is rarely bad weather, there is always a clear sky and a huge sun. I love when you wake up and see dust particles falling on the sun. I don't have curtains, I sleep without curtains. I can't write music in the dark, I need a blinding sun.

Now I plan to do more music, and moving to another apartment is due to this. I will live alone, here I have always lived with someone. Now we are shooting together with Mira, she is also a musician, but we are not dating, just friends. We know each other since Yekaterinburg.

All my friends came to my farewell party in this apartment, deciding that I was leaving the country. There were forty people here. It was a house party, but it was held with the support of Jägermeister with a guest DJ, who was Dima Kovyazin. Everything is like at a normal party: there is a DJ playing, there is dancing, there is smoking in the kitchen, there is a lot of alcohol everywhere, and at the same time there is a live broadcast of what is happening on Facebook.

About moving to Moscow

I moved to Moscow almost four years ago, I was then 26. A new, let's say, conscious life began in the apartment on Leningradka (at first I lived for a short time on the Arbat). Here I came to my senses after some events in Moscow. She met me very aggressively. I started my journey with the Monasterio club, which no longer exists. They were engaged in dishonorable people, and my provincial naivete played a cruel joke on me. But I needed to show my talents to the Moscow public, I needed some place where I could present myself.

At that time, Monasterio was the best place for me: there was no party there yet. In "Solyanka" everyone knew each other, there I would be behind the first echelon, it was generally useless to communicate with "Arma". It was a hard time, but my name, of course, appeared on the map of Moscow only thanks to Monasterio. As a result, the club closed (by that time we all completely quarreled), but when I left there, Nikita Zabelin was already known in the techno party, and I started to make my own parties, which people began to go to.

I never force myself to write music, for me this is a fundamental moment. I don't care if my music is listened to or not, whether I have a release or not. I have developed some immunity to it. When I played at home, no one was interested in my music, in Yekaterinburg everyone said that I play badly, in my group they said that I was a so-so musician - I have been haunted by this story all my life.

When I met Nina (Nina Kravitz, DJ. - Ed.), showed her my tracks and she liked it, I gained some confidence in myself. Because the person, who for me was an important figure in the techno world, recognized my work as something worthwhile. But my neighbor Mira deserved her popularity only with music, and I understand that my success is due more to some social factors and my actions.

About Yekaterinburg

I graduated from the university in Yekaterinburg, where I studied as a specialist in international relations, but I am a ****** (bad) specialist. I just had a conversation with my parents: you, Nikita, finish your education, and then do whatever you want. I started making music at the age of twelve.
I had a band where I played bass. My mother listened to any electronic music like Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Scooter - it was in my ears from childhood. And dad listened to Louis Armstrong and Barry White while driving a Mercedes. What they did then, I don't know. These were
90s. I have young parents, they are not 50 now, and I was never perceived as a son: there is just a couple, and another dude hangs out with them. They never chased me, they didn’t tell me what to do, there was no hierarchy, and there is none now.

At the age of 17, I started going to nightclubs and realized that I liked it, I wanted to write music myself, without a band. I didn’t get on with the team then, they told me that I didn’t know how to play and that I wouldn’t make an intelligent musician. I did not argue with the fact that I am a so-so player: not very confident, unstable, and my playing technique suffers. And the computer was a way out of the situation for me, because there you can do everything technically correctly.

Everything happened quickly for me, already at the age of 18 I made my own party, and by the age of 20 I was traveling around the Urals. I sometimes went to Moscow just like that, and in 2009 I performed for the first time at a festival in the Central House of Artists, where I played live.

To be honest, I would go back home if I didn't have to maintain my level.

Before moving to Moscow, I lived for several years in St. Petersburg and then again in Yekaterinburg.
I did not plan to live in St. Petersburg, I went there because I played in a band. After the concert, they couldn't pay me, so I didn't have money for a ticket home. And I stayed there... for three years. In St. Petersburg, I was never able to raise my head, but there I earned good experience in video production and the fashion industry.

Returning home was a forced step. At that time, my relationship with a girl came to a standstill, and my work didn’t work out either - for the simple reason that I didn’t need it. I am Aries by zodiac sign, and therefore it is impossible to force me to do something at all. I went back to Yekaterinburg and, after a difficult Petersburg, I decided to lead a cheeky lifestyle.

In general, I love my hometown. In Yekaterinburg, I like Lenin Avenue the most. There is a central street where all the houses that are interesting to me from the point of view of architecture are located. I love walking there. In the 1920s, there was an experimental site for a socialist society: the entire central district was built up as a single ensemble in the style of constructivism. And, of course, the Yeltsin Center is a very important place on a federal scale. It presents a new Russia, a young country that is only 26 years old. I am offended that there is no monument to Yeltsin on the site of the monument to Lenin in the central square. Someone says that he drank the country away, but I think he was an important figure, and I can imagine how he got it when the country collapsed. Yeltsin was a big man, strong, and everything we have (and what we don't, of course) is all thanks to him.

And in Yekaterinburg there is such a club "Lynch". It's completely recreated from the Lynch movies, featuring a red room with a black and white floor, an all white leather room, and even a room from Inland Empire.

About favorite places

I like those platforms that are made out of a feeling of love, and not for the sake of profit. A good site "Rabitz", a good site "Rodnya". What is a club? This is a community of people in the first place, it's not about music. The one who creates the place must himself be in the subject. Places like "Konstruktor" or Space Moscow (God rest his soul) are not clubs at all. When I go to places like this, I feel like I'm in a cattle paddock. They do not consider a person as a person, but only as a financial unit.

From restaurants for 8-10 years I have been going only to "Propaganda" and "Filial". I don't like it when ********* (deceived) me, and there I definitely won't be ****** (deceived). I always feed the artists I bring there, I know the menu and prices by heart. "Caesar" in "Propaganda" is a must-have, and lunch is sacred. When I arrived in Moscow, it cost 220-250 rubles, now, when the price of salmon has risen, it is 360 rubles. But I no longer take lunch, but a full set of dishes. American coffee has become such a habit for me that I go to other places and ask for American coffee instead of Americano.

I hate expensive establishments with monograms, too nice waiters - it really annoys me

Of course, they look at me like I'm a redneck, as if I'm ordering an espresso. Previously, my favorite place was the Chaspion restaurant with Armenian and Georgian cuisine on Novoslobodskaya, but it was removed when the samostroy was demolished. It was there for real.

There are many such places in Yekaterinburg. The local Uzbek "Nigora" is the number one institution where you can eat lagman, dolma, shawarma. It's not particularly clean and tidy, but they pile you pilaf, which is really tasty.
I don't have a taste for clean places. I hate expensive establishments with monograms, too nice waiters - it really annoys me, I feel uncomfortable there.