Why do women die in childbirth. maternal mortality

Eclampsia has 2 stages. Late toxicosis, preeclampsia and then eclampsia. In the first stages - edema, high blood pressure the presence of protein in the urine. Prestages develop over several days. More likely you had signs, but you ignored them. Signs of future eclampsia can be seen already in blood tests 4-5 weeks before the actual visible signs pathology. If you have always had low blood pressure, then this cannot be eclampsia. Eclamsia is an irreversible process in the brain, usually death or disability for the rest of your life. Coma. Have you had problems with low blood pressure? Most likely, this is the problem. Hence the loss of consciousness, anesthesia and partial loss memory ... I am writing all this, since I suffered 2 pre-eclampsia. At first, everything was very serious. At 34 weeks, the pressure reached 190/100, and on the operating table it was 210/100. After cesarean - resuscitation and ICU for 3 days. The doctor did not hide my condition from my husband and immediately told him that we would save my mother in such a situation. kind of cases, but will try to save both. So that I would not suspect my condition, my husband was invited to attend the caesarean. Then they connected me to a bunch of computers and took me away, and the baby was taken to the neonatal ... For 3 days my legs did not move. I was afraid that they were taken away. After everything was over, the doctor explained my position to me. Answered all current questions. He said that they are trying not to reach eclampsia, since the lethal outcome is very high. Therefore, they cut it quickly: Until the morning you would not have survived. Class! It still freaks me out. The second pregnancy was easier. Recurrence of pre-eclampsia, but there was a specific observation. Caesarean section at 39 weeks, without resuscitation and PIT and without neonatal. At the second caesarean (after it), intrauterine bleeding began. The blood did not coagulate. The pressure dropped from 140-110 to 70-40. Just before losing consciousness, covered in sweat and in a pool of blood, she called the nurse (how still she had enough strength! And call the mind!). I thought it was a waste after the operation. And then I fall right into oblivion. The nurse came, saw me and immediately everyone ran. They started stabbing, squeezing out blood clots from the uterus, changing droppers and put my bed upside down. In 10 minutes they raised my blood pressure to 130. Again, there was no resuscitation. A gynecologist came (he conducted all procedures by phone with midwives). He said that this happens very rarely! Again, I got into rare cases. usually it doesn't come to that. And I thought that this is how you can lie, think that it is fatigue or a waste, and move away to the next world from bleeding ... I think that this is how they die. First, from puerperal fever (med. term. Advertising) or from uterine bleeding ...

Most women gave birth at home - hospitals were still not widely available, and less than 5% of women in the US went to hospitals. Midwives assisted in delivering babies, but wealthy families could already afford to call a doctor. Although anesthesia already existed, it was still very rarely used to anaesthetize women in labor.

In Russia, things were about the same.

In 1897, at the celebration of the centenary of the Imperial Clinical Obstetric Institute of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, its director, life obstetrician Dmitry Oskarovich Ott sadly noted: “98% of women in labor in Russia are still left without any obstetric care!”

“According to the data for 1908-1910, the number of deaths under the age of 5 years was almost 3/5 of the total number of deaths. The mortality rate for children was especially high in infancy"(Rashin "Population of Russia for 100 years. 1811−1913").


Although most women still invite midwives (rarely doctors) to give birth, in 1914 the first “ maternity hospital". At the same time, doctors in the United States began to use a method of pain relief called "twilight sleep" (Twilight Sleep) - a woman was given morphine or scopolamine. During childbirth, the woman fell into a deep sleep.

The problem was that the risk of death of the mother and child in this case increased.

At the same time, 90% of doctors have not even received a formal education.

In 1913, throughout Russia, there were only nine children's clinics and only 6824 beds in maternity hospitals. In large cities, the coverage of inpatient obstetric care was only 0.6% [BME, vol. 28, 1962]. Most women continued to traditionally give birth at home with the help of relatives and neighbors or invited a midwife, midwife, and only in difficult cases - an obstetrician.

According to statistics, in the process of childbirth (mainly from sepsis and uterine ruptures), more than 30,000 women died every year. Mortality among children of the first year of life was also extremely high: an average of 273 children died per 1,000 births. According to official data from the beginning of the 20th century, only 50 percent of Moscow residents had the opportunity to obtain a professional medical care during childbirth in a hospital, but in the whole country this percentage was only 5.2% for urban women and 1.2% in rural areas.

First World War and the ensuing revolution of 1917 slowed down the development of medicine in the country and caused degradation. The infrastructure was destroyed, and doctors were called to the front.

In Russia, after the events of October 1917, changes also took place. First of all, the system of providing assistance to pregnant women and women in childbirth has changed.

By a special decree of 1918, the Department for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy was created under the People's Commissariat of State Charity. This department was given the main role in solving the grandiose task - the construction of a "new building for the social protection of future generations."


Practically in all developed countries in these years there is a real revolution in obstetrics. Now the woman in labor was often visited by doctors, who, however, considered childbirth more likely. pathological process». « Normal delivery”, without the intervention of doctors, have now become a rarity. Very often, doctors began to use the method of dilating the cervix, giving the woman ether in the second stage of labor, doing an episiotomy (cutting the perineum), using forceps, pulling out the placenta and medically causing the uterus to contract.

The women of the USSR were now offered to be systematically observed in antenatal clinics, they were entitled to prenatal patronage and early diagnosis pathology of pregnancy. The authorities struggled with "social" diseases such as tuberculosis, syphilis and alcoholism.

In 1920, the RSFSR became the first state in the world to legalize abortion. The decree of 1920 allowed only a doctor in a hospital to perform an abortion, for the operation it was enough simple desire women.

In December 1920, the First Conference on the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy decides on the priority of developing open-type institutions: nurseries, consultations, dairy kitchens. Since 1924 women's consultations start issuing permits for free abortion.

Gradually, the problem of training qualified personnel is also being solved. A great contribution to its solution was made by the institutes for the protection of motherhood and infancy created in 1922 in Moscow, Kharkov, Kyiv and Petrograd.


Came to the USA during these years The Great Depression. Already about 75% of births took place in hospitals. Finally, doctors who specialized in obstetrics began to help women in labor. Unfortunately, infant mortality has increased from 40% to 50%, mainly due to birth trauma that children received due to unwanted medical intervention. The "twilight sleep" method was now used so frequently that almost no woman in labor in the United States could remember the circumstances of the birth.

In the USSR, too, there is a rollback: the turning point was 1936, when a resolution was adopted “On the prohibition of abortions, an increase in financial assistance women in childbirth, the establishment of state assistance to large families, the expansion of the network of maternity hospitals, nurseries and orphanages, the strengthening of punishment for non-payment of alimony and some changes in the legislation on abortion.

Since the late 1930s, the mortality rate has been significantly affected by the introduction of new medical technologies and drugs, in particular sulfamids and antibiotics, which can dramatically reduce infant mortality even during the war years.

Now abortion was performed only on medical indications. Accordingly, clandestine abortions, dangerous to a woman's life, became part of the shadow economy of the USSR. Often, abortions were done by people who had no medical education at all, and women, having received complications, were afraid to consult a doctor, because he was forced to report the criminal “where to go.” If an unwanted child did appear, sometimes he was simply killed.


In the years following the end of the wars, there is a sharp increase in the overall marriage and birth rates. In the United States, the birth rate in 1945 was 20.4%. The first books in defense appear in the USA natural childbirth, the popularity of minimal intervention in the process of childbearing is slowly increasing. In the same years (in 1948) Kinsey's research on sexuality saw the light, which gave women a better understanding of their own reproductive system.


On November 23, 1955, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the abolition of the prohibition of abortion", the operation of artificial termination of pregnancy was allowed for all women, even in the absence of medical contraindications.

The decree allowed abortions in hospitals, while home abortion remained a criminal offence. The doctor in this case was threatened with imprisonment of up to one year, and in the event of the death of the patient - up to eight years.

Separately - about the ultrasound procedure. Soviet medicine before certain period did not have such opportunities, and the sex of the child, like many pathologies, was determined “by eye”: by manual examination and listening to the abdomen with a special tube. only from the end of the 80s, ultrasound began to gradually take root in Soviet medicine.


The first monitoring of fetal heart rate appeared in the USA. Postpartum care increasingly included antibiotics, the death rate of mother and child began to fall sharply.

After giving birth, a woman in the United States finally has the opportunity to purchase a birth control pill.


American women in these years had significantly more ways relieve labor pains than women in the USSR. Twilight sleep is being replaced by less harmful methods of pain relief, such as hypnosis, childbirth in water, special breath and the famous Lamaze method, a birth preparation technique developed in the 1950s by French obstetrician Fernand Lamaze as an alternative to medical intervention during childbirth. The main goal of the "Lamaz method" is to increase the mother's confidence in her ability to give birth, help in eliminating painful and pain, relief birth process and creating a psychologically comfortable mood.

MR Auden owns the first publication in a scientific journal on the topic of water birth. M.R. Auden described water births as "more natural" and "closer to nature" and based his conclusions on the successful practice of childbirth in the pool of the Pitiviere clinic since the early 70s.

For the first time, they begin to use epidural anesthesia, which, unfortunately, slowed down contractions in almost half of the cases.

And in the same years, pitocin was invented - a means to stimulate childbirth.


In the early 80s, “circles” were gaining popularity in the USSR, promoting the fashion for the same natural childbirth: in water or at home. One of the ideological inspirers of this method was the physiologist Igor Charkovsky, who created the club " Healthy family". The Soviet government fought against such tendencies.

From the late 80s, the ultrasound procedure began to gradually take root in Soviet medicine, although the quality of the images left much to be desired.

In the early 1980s, the term for artificial termination of pregnancy in the USSR was increased from 12 to 24 weeks. In 1987, it was possible to terminate a pregnancy even for periods of up to 28 weeks, if there were indications for this: disability of the first and second groups in the husband, death of the husband during the wife’s pregnancy, divorce, the stay of a woman or her husband in prison, the presence of a court decision on deprivation parental rights, large families, pregnancy as a result of rape.

In 1989, outpatient abortion was allowed in its early stages by vacuum aspiration, that is, a mini-abortion. Started medical abortion.


The 90s is a time when doctors are looking for a balance between natural childbirth and medical childbirth. The idea is growing stronger that the better the mother feels, the better the baby will be.

In the mid-1990s, about 21% of babies were born by caesarean section, and this number is steadily increasing.

A journalist for The Times writes: "The increase in caesarean sections in the mid-90s was due to the increase in the number of pregnant women who were prescribed this procedure before the 39th week of pregnancy, even if it was not medically justified."

Another popular trend of the 90s is home birth. Although the number such practices in the United States in those days, there were only less than 1% of all births, this number also began to grow.

Amniocentesis appears - an analysis of amniotic fluid, during which a puncture is made in the embryonic membrane and a sample is taken amniotic fluid. It contains fetal cells that are suitable for testing for the presence or absence of genetic diseases.

There is a practice of doulas - birth assistants who provide practical, informational and psychological help woman in labor.


Approximately 30% of births are by caesarean section. The maternal mortality rate suddenly rises (although it is, of course, very low), due to the increase in the problem of obesity and other medical complications.

In 2009, the number of children born by caesarean section in the United States peaked at 32.9%.

This figure began to fall only in 2011.

Some maternity hospitals are reintroducing the practice of vertical birth, emphasizing that it is more physiological and safer for mother and baby.


Vertical childbirth is no longer exotic. For example, Moscow maternity hospital No. 4 claims that they are “actively implementing alternative method childbirth process in vertical position women in labor. Today vertical delivery account for 60-65% of the total.

National associations of doulas appear in Russia and Ukraine, more and more often women give birth with a husband or partner.


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In their house, right at the entrance, you see a photo portrait: a smiling family in an embrace - Peter, Yulia and their daughter Vika, and the inscription: “Love is like this only happens once ...” He is a 34-year-old truck driver engaged in cargo transportation, she is a history teacher. He comes from the Novoskolsky district, from large family, she is a native Belgorod. They lived in perfect harmony for more than 10 years, built a two-story house, raised a daughter and really wanted more children. In August of this year, Yulia Mozhaytseva would have turned 32 years old. Now she is gone, and her husband is left with three daughters in his arms, two of which are baby twins. At the end of May of this year, Yulia died during childbirth in the regional Perinatal Center.

A month and a half has passed since the death of his wife, and Peter still does not find a place for himself, cannot work normally. I wrote a letter to the AiF, in order to somehow take my soul away, told in detail everything that happened when I met with the AiF-Belgorod correspondent.

We really wanted a second child, but Yulia couldn’t get pregnant for a long time, ”he recalls. - They even wanted to go to Moscow for IVF. Then, in November 2007, when they found out that Yulia was expecting a baby, they were extremely happy. And when they told us at the ultrasound that there would be twins, they were simply delighted.

They met the doctor of the Perinatal Center Svetlana Raikova in March 2008, and they decided that she would be the one to watch Yulia and assist in childbirth. Twice in April and May Yuliya was kept in the Perinatal Center. By the end of May, the woman developed edema.

Since she gave birth to her first daughter through a caesarean section, and given that twins are expected, the doctor recommended that she go to the hospital in advance. On May 30, Yulia became ill, she was placed in intensive care. The next day, Peter talked to her on the phone and heard that she was feeling better. But on the same evening of May 31, at about 6 pm, she told her husband that she was worse again. This was their last conversation. At about 9 pm Raikova called him and congratulated him on the birth of two girls, whose weight is 2380 kg and 2090 kg is normal for twins. When asked about the condition of his wife, the doctor replied that Yulia was in intensive care, and said that he should come the next day at 11 o’clock, bring mineral water without gas and lemon.

At 6 am on June 1, I call the maternity hospital, ask about my wife, and they tell me: “Better come,” recalls Peter. - My mother-in-law and I immediately left. None of the doctors met us, and the guard at the gate said: “Are you relatives of the woman who was taken to the morgue?” Then some unfamiliar doctor came out and said that his wife's heart could not stand it.

But Svetlana Raikova never spoke to her relatives.
- Everyone explained to us what happened, everyone brought condolences and apologies, except for her! - Pyotr Mozhaytsev is indignant. - They told me that she was frightened, confused, that when she realized that it was too late to change something, she called all the doctors, and at night they rushed to the maternity hospital on what. I don't blame the doctors who did the second operation, who tried to revive her. There is so much talk about the Perinatal Center everywhere, but not a word about our tragedy!

9-year-old daughter Vika is now support and comfort for her father. She somehow immediately matured, and before she was so carefree. The little ones are looked after by Petra's sister, 36-year-old Natalya, who took care of the children up to a year and a half. Other relatives also help. So it is impossible to say that Peter was left alone with his misfortune. But he himself does not know how to live on.

At the funeral, they told me, they say, do not distribute Yulia's things until forty days, ”he says. “They don’t understand, for me it’s like a museum: you open the closet, there are her dresses, perfume, her smell, and it seems as if she is nearby.

When leaving on a business trip, instead of an icon, Peter takes a photo of his wife with him.

She followed me like a small child, - he recalls. - When he left, she wrote letters to me about love and gave them back when she returned. She never raised her voice, neither with me, nor with my parents, not even once - not a single conflict, they lived in such love that everyone envied.

How about now?

"No one is safe from death in childbirth"

Mortality cases associated with pregnancy and childbirth are very rare, but they have a special social significance, this is grief for the family and close people, children often remain orphans, - says Natalia ZERNAEVA, head of the department for medical problems of the family, motherhood, childhood and demographic policy. - The death of Mozhaytseva Yulia Vyacheslavovna in the perinatal center of the regional clinical hospital, which is the leading obstetric facility in the region and where highly qualified medical care is provided for women with complicated births and serious illnesses, is hard experienced by all medical workers involved in pregnancy and childbirth.

in the Department of Health and social protection population of the region, a commission was set up to find out the reasons that led to the tragedy. During the service check, all stages of medical care were analyzed. The course of pregnancy in Yulia was complicated by preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy, in connection with which she was hospitalized, received treatment not in the usual department of pathology of pregnant women, but in the intensive care unit perinatal center.

The ongoing therapy made it possible to stabilize the course of the disease, however, due to the onset of rupture of the uterus along the scar (in the first birth, a “caesarean section” was performed), amniotic fluid entered the vascular bed. Embolism amniotic fluid, confirmed histological examination, is an unavoidable cause of death. brigade the best specialists From 23:00 on May 31 to 06:00 on June 1, she tried to save Yulia's life, everything possible was done.

Maternal mortality with such a pathology is 85 percent, these are global indicators, - says Lydia VASYLCHENKO, deputy chief physician of the regional hospital of St. Joasaph for obstetrics. – Over the past 10 years, we have not had a single such a case, and all of us, of course, are very worried and sympathetic to this family.

According to Lidia Sergeevna, Svetlana Raikova, a doctor with 10 years of experience, came from Kursk and has been working in the perinatal center since 2004. IN this moment, since that incident, she is on vacation, and possibly out of the area.

I don’t want to make excuses, I understand my relatives who blame the doctor, but doctors are not omnipotent, says Lidia Sergeevna.

The babies are monitored directly by the specialists of the perinatal center. Organized special food for babies. Disciplinary measures were applied to the employees of the perinatal center.

Members of the commission talked with Yulia's relatives, all the reasons that led to the tragedy were explained, - says Natalya Zernaeva. - However, the grief of the family is incommensurable with any of our explanations. Once again, I want to apologize and deepest condolences to the family of Yulia Vyacheslavovna Mozhaytseva on my own behalf, all medical workers. Forgive us!

... Yulia's mother Lyubov Alekseevna, recalling with tears how white, without a single blood, her daughter was in a coffin, says:

For doctors, this is just a case. And how can we live? For all of us, this is grief for life.

Which of the Orthodox Christians is not familiar with the words from the pleading litany about "the Christian death of our life, painless, shameless, peaceful ...". They testify that the death of a person can occur in different ways: in agony and terrible torment or peacefully, painlessly, shamelessly. You can die young, unexpectedly and suddenly, having got into an accident, or you can - being seriously and for a long time ill, expect your death, confessing and taking communion. You can die saving the life of another person, or you can die of heart failure while in a state of alcohol intoxication. There are many types of death...

Which of them is the death of the mother in childbirth? What to do when it is known in advance that the onset of pregnancy threatens the life of the mother herself?

Today in our society it is not yet possible to find an unequivocal answer to this question. This ambiguity has its own reasons, its own history and logic. There are two opposite positions in this logic. In the movement from one of them to another lies the history of the formation of the correct answer to the question that concerns us.

The first position was expressed as early as the 5th century BC. in the Hippocratic Oath. Among the numerous medical manipulations, Hippocrates specifically singles out fetal expulsion and promises: "I will not give any woman an abortion pessary." This judgment of the doctor is all the more important because it runs counter to the opinion of many great moralists and legislators. Ancient Greece, for example, Aristotle, on the fundamental admissibility and practical expediency of abortion. Hippocrates, on the other hand, clearly and unequivocally expresses the position of the medical class on the ethical inadmissibility of the participation of a doctor in the production of artificial miscarriage.

The opposite position is most clearly expressed in the principle of the Jewish physician and theologian Maimonides: "You should not spare the attacker." He almost literally transfers the well-known maxim of Old Testament morality to the relationship between mother and child - "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth"(Lev. 24:20). Since the 13th century, this rule has been interpreted as permission to kill a child in the mother's womb, which is performed by a doctor to save the mother's life. Today such manipulation is defined by the term "therapeutic abortion". Therapeutic abortion is the destruction of the child in the event of a conflict between the life of the mother and the fetus, it is an abortion during which the child is destroyed in order to save the life of the mother.

The recognition of therapeutic abortion is not only a break with the moral position of Hippocrates, but also a challenge to the Christian moral tradition, for which, as you know, "the eternal life of a child is more precious than the temporary life of a mother."

Since the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, the unquestioned Christian ethical traditions of the medical community have been criticized. On the pages of Russian medical journals and newspapers, a discussion of the ethical and medical problems of induced abortion is very intensive. So, in 1911, Dr. T. Shabad was practically one of the first to raise the question of "the mother's right to control the function of her body," especially in the event of a threat to her life. In fact, Shabad is at the origin of the liberal approach to induced abortion, trying to find arguments against the prevailing moral tradition in the "testaments" of Dr. Maimonides.

After 1917, in Russia, discussions about therapeutic abortion completely ceased, due to the complete legalization of abortion, on the basis of the proclamation of the official ideology of "the mother's right to control the function of her body" and the absolute availability of abortion surgery, not only for medical reasons, but simply for the desire of a woman. An act such as abortion has not been criminal since 1917. On the contrary, abortion was considered a socially significant achievement, because, as Lenin assured everyone, "there is not a grain of ethics in Marxism."

What is to be done today, when such Leninist "truth", which turned Russia into a country of mass infanticide, still dominates the minds of medical specialists? How to free oneself from the grip of the arbitrariness of a fallen person who believes in the legitimacy of the riot of his will and passions?

It is impossible to agree with the recognition and justification of therapeutic abortions. It contradicts conscience as an inner ability to experience and recognize evil. It contradicts mind as the ability to understand and explain the inadmissibility of therapeutic abortion. To the grounds for such inadmissibility for Orthodox person the following applies:

A) Therapeutic abortion is a form conscious killing a child, which is in conflict with the 2nd and 8th Rule of the Orthodox Faith of St. Basil the Great, according to which "Those who intentionally destroy the fetus conceived in the womb are to be condemned as for murder". At the same time, Bishop Nikodim specifically emphasizes the difference between the Orthodox and Old Testament attitudes towards human life, the beginning of which in the Old Testament tradition is associated only with the appearance of traits of human likeness in the fetus, while orthodox anthropology makes no such distinction. It connects the beginning of human life with the very moment of conception, as evidenced by the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel and the glorified Orthodox Church conception by holy righteous Anna Holy Mother of God and the conception of John the Baptist.

b) St. John Chrysostom asserts that fruitfulness is "something worse than murder", for it is a violation of the "first and greatest commandment" - the commandment of love. The conscious murder of her child by a mother in order to save her life is an act that not only violates the commandment of love, but is also the opposite of fundamental Christian ideas:

  • firstly, about the deep moral essence of motherhood,
  • secondly, about the shameless and worthy Christian death,
  • thirdly, about the role sacrificial love in human relations.

V) Christian veneration of the host and socially significant status a soldier is determined by his conscious readiness to lay down his life for children, women, the elderly: "There is no greater love than if a man lays down his life for his friends"(John 13:15). The justification of a conscious rejection of the sacrificial attitude towards her child on the part of the mother is a crying act in its anti-Christian essence. Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov in the book "Save and Save" writes: "After all, prolong your life at the cost of killing own child is tantamount to a mother eating her baby - such cases were in besieged Leningrad. When a mother wants to save her life at the expense of her child, that's cannibalism."

G) Today, as a result of the development of medical science, successfully overcoming diseases that were previously difficult to treat, there are cases in which there is a real need for abortion for medical reasons. rarely. But the failure to recognize the moral unacceptability of therapeutic abortion gives rise to the widespread practice eugenic abortion produced to prevent the birth of handicapped or sick children. Today, due to the strong development prenatal diagnosis the production of eugenic abortions is gaining momentum.

It is impossible not to recall in the conclusion an ancient principle that directly relates to therapeutic abortion: "Non sunt facienda mala ut veniant bona" ​​(you cannot do evil from which good would come). Not accepting the natural "shameless, peaceful" death in childbirth, modern medicine produces, stamps out the most terrible kind of death - eternal spiritual death.

Birth statistics show the onset of labor in different dates. Often it depends on the sex of the unborn baby, the age of the mother and the characteristics of her body. Childbirth can take place at home or in a hospital, with or without the presence of the father, naturally or by caesarean section.

What week of pregnancy are babies born?

As weekly birth statistics show, the process of having a baby begins at different time. Carrying a child lasts 40 weeks. Pregnancy is usually considered full-term from 37 to 42 weeks. Twin birth statistics show that babies are often at 37–38 weeks. The process occurs for each woman individually and depends on various factors. Birth statistics in the PDR show what to determine the exact date the birth of a child is not possible.

At what time is the first child born

The statistics of childbirth by weeks in primiparas confirms that the process of the birth of a baby begins on time. For the first time, childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation occurs in 70% of cases.

The first time the process takes a long time and imperceptibly. First birth statistics show that a pregnant woman may miss the onset of labor. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. There have been cases of the appearance of the first baby after 42 weeks, and there are also premature births up to 37 weeks. On the site Consciously. ru contains information about pregnancy by week, which is convenient for expectant mothers.

When the second and third child is born

As statistics show in multiparous women, a woman should prepare for the end of 36 weeks. The second birth is faster, as the mother's body is already familiar with a similar process. A woman should be prepared for the sudden onset of labor. What are the birth statistics at 38 weeks? In 13% of cases, the process begins precisely in multiparous.

As for the third birth, the process can begin 2-3 weeks earlier due date. An obstetrician-gynecologist calculates the PD for menstruation.

When boys and girls are born

What are the statistics of childbirth girls? The birth is at 38-39 weeks. Whereas boys are born at 40-41 weeks. Although they are larger in weight and height, but by about 7 years they begin to lag behind girls in physical, mental development. Boys will be able to catch up with their peers only by the age of 17.

Mortality during childbirth

What are the statistics of unsuccessful births in the world? mother and child in different countries are different. According to a Save the Children study, women in America are more likely to die during childbirth than in Russia. The most favorable countries for motherhood:

  1. Norway.
  2. Iceland.
  3. Finland.

During childbirth, it shows that the worst rate is in the United States - 1 to 1800. In Russia it is 1 to 2600, in Poland - 1 to 19800, in Belarus (RB) - 1 to 45200.

When studying child mortality, it turned out that the risk of dying before the age of 5 in Russia is three times greater than in Sweden. In Ukraine, the infant mortality rate is the same as in Russia.

The statistics of deaths during childbirth highlight the following cities that have achieved success in the survival of young children - Addis Ababa, Cairo, Guatemala.

Birth statistics in Russia show that maternal mortality has decreased by 2 times over the past ten years. Today you can get highly qualified help from specialists in any maternity hospital in the country.

As for Moscow, one of them is the 68th maternity hospital, which was founded in 1958. At the same time, in the capital every year they make a rating of maternity hospitals. The best in 2016 was recognized - maternity hospital No. 17 and Perinatal Medical Center"Mother and Child".

In 2013, a major study was conducted that analyzed 60,000 in 100 countries. A report published on the WHO website describes a 45% reduction in maternal mortality during childbirth compared to 1990. The frequency of traumatism of the mother during the appearance of the baby was also analyzed. The table shows data in percentage for the period from 2007 to 2009:

The nature of injury 2007 2008 year 2009
Vaginal rupture 14% 14% 14,2%
Rupture of the uterus 1,6% 2,9% 4,1%
perineal tear 5,4% 5,4% 5,3%

Late birth: statistics by age

Risk statistics late delivery demonstrates several major dangers to the fetus and its mother:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • weak generic activity;
  • light weight ;
  • genetic defects.

But there are also positive points. The statistics of childbirth after 40 years shows some rejuvenation of the mother's body. Late children are smarter, more talented, they are given more attention and care. When breastfeeding, oxytocin is produced, a hormone that leads to the rejuvenation of a woman's body.

However, in order to get pregnant after 45 years, you need to seriously consider this decision. Already after 30 years, the number of eggs decreases, and the risk of bearing a child with various abnormalities increases.

Is childbirth possible at 48? Statistics knows cases of gestation healthy baby. The main thing at late pregnancy, follow the doctor's recommendations, undergo examinations on time.

According to statistics, childbirth at 50 is already an exception to the rule. At this age, serious complications for the mother and fetus can occur. The risk of Down syndrome and other anomalies in the baby increases. Late birth statistics also include tribal activity, which ends in bleeding and rupture of the birth canal.

Partner births

This species began to be practiced in Russia in 1990. Partner birth statistics show a decline in the use of medical pain relief:

A survey of the population showed that most women are embarrassed by their behavior, and men experience a sense of helplessness during labor.

Birth statistics highlight positive points:

  • the husband gives a massage to the woman during contractions, helps to take the necessary postures, breathe correctly to reduce pain;
  • tired of contractions woman presence loved one gives strength;
  • during the process, a woman sometimes ceases to control herself, then a close person who soberly assesses the situation will come to the rescue.

Partnership during childbirth also has negative aspects:

  • the woman is embarrassed;
  • the process can cause problems in intimate relationships;
  • the birth of a child sometimes causes shock in men;
  • men get stressed by seeing the helpless state of their wife.

How dangerous is home birth?

They are officially allowed in many countries of the world, including the UK, Germany, Australia, Norway, Ireland, and the USA. In the UK, obstetric interventions and perinatal mortality are lower in home births than in hospitals. In the United States, based on studies conducted from 1983 to 1989, infant mortality at home was 1.9 per 1000. While mortality in the hospital reached 5.7 per 1000.

In Russia, home birth statistics also show good results. If there is a threat of the birth of a baby ahead of time, then a pessary is used that holds the cervix, preventing it from opening.

A pessary is a mechanical device in the form of a ring for maintaining Bladder, uterus. The size depends on the characteristics of the woman's body. The pessary is made of environmentally friendly materials and does not injure tissues. The procedure of its installation takes several minutes, without causing pain.

Remove the pessary for a period of 36-38 weeks. The procedure is as easy as installation. When using a pessary, vaginal sex is contraindicated. The statistics of childbirth after removing the pessary shows that they pass without complications.

How to give birth after caesarean section

Many women are afraid of natural childbirth if they have had a caesarean section before. However, an analysis of the statistics of childbirth after cesarean shows that the risk of uterine rupture is minimal. Of the 38,027 cases, rupture occurred only 21 times. The statistics of natural childbirth after cesarean shows that even the presence of a gap will not bring serious complications to the mother and child if she is in the hospital. in Europe and North America natural childbirth after caesarean section is from 45 to 70%.

For every 10,000 cases, uterine rupture occurred in 9–80 cases. Doctors say that the risk of rupture does not exceed the risk of complications after a second caesarean section.

The birth of a child prematurely

Timing premature birth in Russia and abroad are different. As the statistics of preterm births show, they account for about 6–10% of the total number. Mortality in the perinatal period and occurrence in children is 30–70%.

Natural method against caesarean section

Behind Lately the percentage of caesarean sections has increased several times. In Brazil, the figure reached 56%. Statistics of natural childbirth in relation to caesarean section displayed below:


The second and subsequent births occur much faster than the first. Boys are born 1-2 weeks earlier than girls, twins - at 38-39 weeks. During pregnancy after the age of 40, health problems are more common for both mother and child. The process of the birth of a child in women after 50 years is an exception to the rule.