The Shah Sultan's husband is a magnificent century. Shah Sultan is the sister of the Great Ruler of the Ottoman Empire. Mother's depression destroys child's trust in the world

I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri - the daughter of the Ottoman Sultan Selim I Yavuz from his first wife Aisha Hafsa Sultan, the sister of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I. I was born in 1509, in Manisa. I was my mother's very last child. I grew up in the shadow of my older sisters. Hatice was the favorite of her mother, Beihan - of her father, and Fatma could always find a common language with Suleiman. I spent my entire childhood in the study of books on science and art, so I tried to forget and tear myself away from the outside world, which did not bode well for me. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri, similar in appearance and character to my Valide: jet-black hair, beautiful bottomless eyes that reflected the night radiance. Shah Sultan, who has known a wonderful feeling on earth - love. I fell in love with a simple groom - Ibrahim-aga. The world has lost all meaning for me without him. I tried at least sometimes to catch his eyes on me and admire him. I wrote letters to him, suffered and cried at night. We couldn't be together, it was just impossible. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1520, my brother, shehzade Suleiman, ascended the throne and became the 10th ruler of the Ottoman Empire. I really wanted to go to Istanbul to be with him, but Valide forbade it. Instead of me, she took Hatice, who survived the death of her first husband. I lost my love, my Ibrahim, I lost everything. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. When I found out that they wanted to marry me to Lutfi Pasha, I decided that my life was over. The soul will die, only a pale body will remain, devoid of feelings and emotions. And it happened. In 1523, our nikah with Lutfi Pasha took place. On my wedding night, I decided that I would forget my past life, I would live for myself and only for myself. I became a woman. There is no longer that radiant and cheerful girl, a steadfast and unshakable sultana has appeared. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1523 I gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Esmakhan. She was my copy, both in appearance and character. Esmakhan became my only joy in this mortal life, I was proud of my daughter, I gave all of myself to her upbringing. My husband was very fond of Esmakhan, she also did not have a soul in him. Only I, during the years of our marriage, never really felt affection for this person. Ibrahim occupied my thoughts. Several years have passed, and he still owned my heart. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I learned that my sister, Hatice Sultan, was married to Ibrahim Pasha, who became the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. I was upset, depressed. All my love disappeared somewhere, only revenge and hatred remained. So Ibrahim never had any feelings for me. I'm broken. The strong mistress is crushed. I found solace only in Esmahan, which every day became more and more beautiful. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1539 we went to Istanbul. My husband, Lutfi Pasha, officially assumed the position of Grand Vizier in place of Ibrahim Pasha. I could not understand why Suleiman decided this way. But upon arrival in Istanbul, I was told about the death of Ibrahim. Another terrible news. Hatice sobbed night and day, I tried to remain firm and steadfast, but on dark nights my pillow was wet with tears. I lost my only love before I even talked to him. This is my secret that will die with me. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1541 I divorced my husband, who allowed himself to be impudent and hit me. Now I am a free woman, and no one else will be able to oppose my will. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I entered into a fight with Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan, who was responsible for the death of Ibrahim. Nobody knew my true goal, I just said that I was helping Hatice. At first I wanted Hürrem to go crazy. She sent a doctor who left terrible intoxicating smells in the room. But it did not help. This woman is like a fire that burns everyone and everything. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I took the extreme risk of agreeing to Hatice's plan. She ordered to kidnap Hurrem, hide her in a remote place. I agreed, assuring myself that my brother would forget her, but I was wrong. Love, proven over the years, has not faded away. Suleiman searched for Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska everywhere, but all in vain. I won. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I am being expelled from the palace. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska's daughter, Mihrimah Sultan, followed in her mother's footsteps. She improved me in intrigue and tricked me into leaving Istanbul. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I'm leaving this terrible world, Top Caps. Here the air is saturated with death. Why should I be here? There is nothing worse than hearing your brother betray you. Everyone I loved died. Valide Sultan died, Ibrahim was executed, Hatice poisoned herself. They were burned by the hated fire Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I am the Sultana of the Dynasty. I am a great woman. My name is forever inscribed in history. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri...

> Mosques of Istanbul >

Exceptionally small in size Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul is located in the Eyup region, on the shores of the Golden Horn Bay. The Shah Sultan Mosque was built by the architect Mimar Sinan in 1556, shortly before the sultan's death.

Some history facts about Shah Sultan

Shah Sultan - the daughter of Sultan Selim I and his wife Ayse Hafse Sultan was born in 1499. At the age of twenty-four, Shah Sultan was married to Lutfi Pasha, but scandalously divorced him eighteen years later. The reason for the divorce was the beatings and insults inflicted on his wife, Lutfi Pasha, at the time of a family dispute over a draft law on adultery, which involves severe "surgical punishments" for lustful women. Shah Sultan lived until 1572, surviving the famous Hurrem Sultan, who was at enmity with her, for fourteen years.

According to various studies conducted in 2016, the graves of Shah Sultan and Aishe Hafse Sultan were found in a burial in the courtyard of the Yavuz Sultan Selim mosque.

About Shah Sultan Mosque

The small building of the Shah Sultan Mosque was erected fifty meters from the Golden Horn. This territory was bought by the Shah Sultan, probably for laying not only a mosque, but also mausoleums for his family, however, time decreed otherwise.

The rectangular building of the mosque (16m * 13m) was built of natural stone, tied with red baked clay tiles. Inside the mosque, the prayer department is almost square (11m * 10m).
After a series of earthquakes, the most destructive of which occurred in 1766, the mosque was repeatedly restored. In the twentieth century, repairs were made four times, and the last one was in 2005. Therefore, most of the decoration elements that were previously made of wood were replaced with marble or iron ones. Moreover, as part of the latest reconstruction of the mosque, the roof was completely replaced, replacing the wooden floors with reinforced concrete, and the tiles were re-tiled. The only minaret of the mosque is low and lacks any decorations.

Of course, the Shah Sultan Mosque (Sah Sultan Cami) - such a mundane architecture, completely devoid of the imagination of the great master Sinan, somewhat surprises tourists. Apparently, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who was the customer of the building, had some good reasons for that. visit Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul it is reasonable to combine it with a walk to the romantic cafe of Pierre Lotti, which is located very close by.

Many believe that Khan Khuban had white hair, which is not typical for women in the Ottoman Empire.

The lady spent her childhood in Manisa. Thanks to Merkez Efendi, she learned a lot, he instilled in her love for Allah. Merkez Efendi was a very religious man, he took a high post when he healed the wife of the Sultan - Aisha.

When the daughter of Selim I Shah Khuban turned 14, she was immediately married to the thirty-five-year-old Lutfi Pasha. Marriage was a profitable match, so the huge age difference did not bother Shah Khuban's father. In those days, giving daughters in marriage at an early age, and even for a groom twice her age, was considered the norm.

After the marriage of the little Sultana and Lutfi Pasha, they will immediately head to the city, where Lufti Pasha has a new leadership position. The Sultana gave birth to two beautiful daughters: Esma Khan and Nazli Shah.

In 1539, Pasha was called to the role of the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. He tried with all his might to stay in his position, but could not. He served as Grand Vizier for only 1 year and 9 months. At this time, Shah Sultan lived in Suleiman's palace. Why Lutfi Pasha was removed from his post so quickly, there are several assumptions.

They had barely managed to appoint Lutfi Pasha to the post of Grand Vizier, when he immediately began to restore his order with cruelty. He said that there was chaos in the city. And the last straw was that he mocked the genitals of a woman of easy virtue. The woman died in agony.

Shah Khuban found out about this case and decided to talk to her husband, and in response she received only Pasha's fists. The Sultan immediately found out about this and removed him from his post. For Shah Khuban, this was the perfect occasion to file for divorce, which she did.

Suleiman's sister Shah Khuban died in 1572. She was buried next to her mother Ayse Hafsy Sultan.

The women of the Ottoman Empire had a difficult life, you would not wish this on anyone.

Shah Sultan's birthplace is Manis. Shah Sultan was born and raised in this city. In 1523 he married her. In marriage with Lutfi Pasha, Shah Sultan had two daughters - Esmahan and Nazlyshih. After Grand Vizier Ayyaz died in the midst of an epidemic in 1539, Sultan Seleyman I called her husband Shah Sultan to court.
On July 13, 1539, Lufti Pasha was officially appointed Grand Vizier. Pasha held this position until his divorce from Shah Sultan in 1541. Husband Shah Sultan was not distinguished by marital fidelity, as they said, he even allowed himself to raise his hand against the daughter of the Ottomans. Ultimately, Shah Sultan decides to divorce her husband, in 1541 she becomes free from marital obligations, and her husband loses the post of Grand Vizier. Lufti Pasha was exiled to Dimetoka.
Despite the difficult relationship of the spouses, Lutfi Pasha saved his life, this was facilitated by his pilgrimage to the holy places of Mecca and Medina, when he returned, he began to lead a righteous life, which he devoted to charity. A former relative of Sultan Suleiman died of his own death in 1564.
Shah Sultan did not forgive her husband for betrayal, but did not remarry, she also devoted her life to good deeds, she died in 1572. The Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul is named after her, designed by the architect Mimar Sinan.

In 1556, under the leadership of the architect Mimar Sinan, a mosque was built in honor of Shah Sultan. Shah Sultan died in 1572.
In the series, the role of Shah Khuban Sultan plays.

Burial place of Shah Khuban Sultan was discovered
During the restoration of the tomb of Aisha Sultan, the burial place of Shah Sultan was discovered. This was stated by the assistant to the Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Arinc. The news about the discovery of the grave of Shah Sultan was made public at the festive events held at the Yavuz mosque in honor of the anniversary of the death of Aisha Hafza Sultan. The assistant to the prime minister assured that the discovered tomb of Shah Sultan would also be restored. Recall that Shah Sultan, the daughter of Yavuz Sultan Selim and Aishe Hafza Sultan and the sister of the great Kanuni Sultan Suleiman, died in 1572.

Shah Sultan - the sister of the Great Ruler of the Ottoman Empire The little-known Shah Khuban Sultan, one of the younger sisters of the Great Sultan Suleiman, is the daughter of Selim the First and his beloved wife, Aisha Hafsa Sultan. Information about her birth is rather ambiguous, since some historians believe that Shah Khuban was born from one of her father's concubines. That is why the opinion that she is the half-sister of Suleiman is very common. No one can still name the exact year of birth of the representative of the Great Ottoman Dynasty. However, two opinions were established: the first - 1494, the second - 1509. The second date is recognized as official, so the age is considered to be from the beginning of the sixteenth century. Shah Sultan Suleiman's sister is also known as Shah-i Khuban. The name of the beauty was not given in vain, because in translation the phrase means “Bright Lady”, and the prefix “Kuban” is one of the designations for white or yellowish hair. Thus, it is not without reason that she is considered the owner of blond curls. Perhaps Huban was a bright blonde, which is extremely strange for a Turkish dynasty and a dark-haired female environment. The mistress's childhood passed in Manisa. There she received an excellent education thanks to Merkez Efendi. He was a very religious man who occupied a high position after he cured the Sultan's wife, Aisha. It was the teacher Merkez - a sage, scientist, clergyman who from an early age instilled in Shah Sultan a love for Allah. At the age of fourteen, the young daughter of the Great Ruler was married to the thirty-five-year-old Lutfi Pasha. The huge age difference did not embarrass Shah Khuban's father, since this marriage was beneficial to Selim. However, those times were not distinguished by humanity, so marriages of this type were considered the norm. As soon as the marriage of Lutfi Pasha and the little Sultana took place, they went to the city where her husband held a ruling position. Two beautiful babies were born in marriage: Esma Khan and Nazli Shah. In 1939, Pasha was called to the role of the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. However, despite diligence and hard work, he stayed in office for only 1 year and 9 months. At this time, Shah Sultan, the younger sister of Suleiman, lived at the court of her brother. Now in the world there are several opinions regarding the short service of the Vizier, but the following theory is considered the most popular. Lutfi Pasha, as soon as he was appointed to a high position, immediately began to restore order in the city with special zeal and special rigidity. According to his opinion, everything in the state is "launched to chaos." One of the cases of his cruelty is the case against a woman of easy virtue, the punishment for which was mockery of the genitals. The girl died painfully and for a long time. After this incident, Shah Khuban expressed her dissatisfaction, for which Pasha's blows rained down on her. Of course, the Sultan found out about this and removed him from his post. After such an attitude, a quite young woman decided to divorce. A representative of the Ottoman dynasty died in 1572. The body was buried next to her mother, Aisha Hafsy Sultan.