What did you do to give birth faster. How to speed up labor and give birth faster

Many women consider pregnancy a pleasant state and are ready to enjoy every moment. But closer to the due date, most of them have a desire to meet the long-awaited baby as soon as possible.

The reasons for this may be different.

The expected date of birth has come, and the child is not going to be born yet. In this case, the woman begins to worry about his health. Indeed, a post-term pregnancy can lead to serious complications. Although rare, it happens that the placenta has grown old and is not able to provide the fetus with the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, a woman with a post-term pregnancy should be carefully observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is the doctor who decides what to do: wait or stimulate the onset of labor. If the examination does not reveal serious pathologies, the doctor often advises the pregnant woman how to behave in order to give birth faster. Often these are recommendations that are safe for a particular woman.

Some women start looking for a way to give birth faster after 38 weeks of pregnancy. After all, not everyone tolerates the expectation of a child with ease. Many feel a whole bunch of unpleasant symptoms. It could be heartburn, perineal pain, exhausting training contractions, lower back pain, or just plain tiredness. In this case, you can try to speed up the onset of labor pains. There are several safe methods.

Physical exercise

This method should be treated with extreme caution.. You can walk more, do household chores, do light exercises, use the stairs instead of the elevator. In no case should you lift weights, move heavy furniture, actively squat and bend over. These actions can lead to placental abruption and a threat to the life of the child.

Nipple stimulation

This method is absolutely safe. When exposed to the nipples, slight contractions occur in the uterus, which can lead to the development of labor pains. This happens due to an increase in the level of oxytocin in the blood. Oxytocin is a hormone, which is responsible for the onset of labor. To give birth quickly, you need to stimulate the nipples daily, preferably several times a day. It is also helpful to massage the nipples with oil or cream to prepare them for breastfeeding. It is worth noting that massage should not cause discomfort and pain.

regular sex

It has long been noted that regular intimacy in the last months of pregnancy can trigger the onset of labor. In this case, the trigger could be an orgasm that causes violent uterine contractions.

It is also known that regular sex in the later stages softens and gradually smoothes the cervix. This is very important, since it will be possible to give birth quickly only if the cervix is ​​​​ready for childbirth.

acupuncture points

This method is completely harmless, but rarely used, because it causes some distrust on the part of pregnant women. On the other side, there are enough reviews of women whom this method helped to give birth faster, some even on the same day. Before using it, you need to study which points need to be affected. Also in some countries traditionally use acupuncture.

Bowel irritation (enema)

Since the intestines are in direct contact with the uterus, an enema may well cause the onset of labor. But it is desirable to do it with the help of Esmarch's mug, and not through the usual douche.

The volume of water should be approximately 1.5 liters. However, this method is quite unpleasant and does not guarantee that labor will begin immediately. The intestines can also be treated with a laxative that is safe for the fetus.

Most often, castor oil is used, since the effect of its use is pronounced. But first, it is advisable to consult a doctor.


Counts, that eating certain foods may delay the onset of labor. These products include:

  • spicy dishes and spices;
  • chocolate;
  • pineapples;
  • raspberry or tea from its leaves;
  • alcohol;
  • foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits).

At the same time, despite the possible effectiveness of alcohol, its use during pregnancy is contraindicated, as it can harm the health of the child.

The use of the above products does not have a pronounced effect. Therefore, if a woman thinks about how to give birth quickly before the due date, she can start eating them regularly in advance.

Dangerous in some conditions decide how quickly to give birth. These include placenta previa, multiple pregnancies, and breech or transverse presentation of the baby. In such situations, rash actions can seriously harm yourself and the baby.

Labor induction in medical institutions

If a woman is in the antenatal unit under the supervision of a doctor, it means that she or the child has health problems. In this case, it is not recommended to make independent decisions. You should trust the doctors and follow all their prescriptions..

In what cases it may be necessary to accelerate the onset of labor:

In the hospital, several methods of stimulating labor are used. Doctor chooses a method, based on the state of the woman in labor at the moment, the anamnesis of the course of pregnancy and the woman's chronic diseases.

  1. Administration of drugs such as oxytocin and prostaglandins. Oxytocin is able to start the process of childbirth if the cervix is ​​​​ready for them. Prostaglandins, on the other hand, act directly on the cervix, preparing it for an early opening. Preparations can be used in various forms: intravenous and intramuscular injections, tablets, topical gels.
  2. Amniotomy - opening the fetal bladder. This procedure is also used to speed up childbirth. But there are some risks here. After the puncture of the bladder and the outflow of amniotic fluid, it is desirable that the baby be born within a day. With a long stay in an anhydrous environment, the child may begin hypoxia and increase the risk of infection. It happens that labor does not begin, and other methods have to be applied, up to a caesarean section.

A woman cannot be the initiator of accelerating labor in a medical way. All procedures are carried out exclusively according to indications, because there is always a risk that something is going wrong.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that situations when it is really necessary to induce labor are rare. In most cases, labor begins spontaneously as soon as the baby is fully mature. It is not worth interfering with the natural process without good reasons. The main thing is to be observed by a competent doctor and be attentive to your health.

All women look forward to the birth of their baby. But in order to see her baby, a lady needs to go through childbirth. And how to make it so as to speed up the birth of the baby? These questions are of interest to many mothers, so it’s worth figuring it out.

childbirth process

If a woman has already started contractions, she should do everything in her power to give birth as soon as possible, thus saving herself and her baby from unnecessary suffering. So, a few tips on how to give birth quickly. Tip one: you need to get rid of any fear. Fear fetters, does not give a woman the opportunity to relax and do everything necessary in order to facilitate labor activity. Only calmness, only concentration on the main process is the key to easy and quick childbirth. How to give birth quickly, advice two: you need to have some freedom of action. The body itself often tells a woman how to make it easier, more comfortable, less painful. However, most doctors have a negative attitude to such “amateur activity” of a woman in labor, citing the fact that only they know how and when it is better to take any action. Therefore, it is better to give birth in private clinics (they are more relaxed about various “innovations”), where there is everything necessary to facilitate and speed up labor. Another tip on how to give birth quickly: you just need to prepare for childbirth. To do this, you need to learn various breathing techniques that not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor, know when and what position is best to take. It is worth noting that all these wisdoms are taught in regular courses that are best attended by all expectant mothers.

How to give birth faster?

But there are situations when it seems that the term of childbirth has already come up, but the baby is absolutely not going to be born. What can be done to give birth faster? There may also be some advice here. So, most mothers and gynecologists recommend "daddy therapy", that is, intimacy. And it is desirable that the lady gets the maximum pleasure. This will not only relax the cervix, but also give the body a signal. A woman's orgasm will lead into and thus labor can begin. Tip two: to give birth faster, you can stimulate the nipples. This will not harm the woman at all, even if it does not cause contractions. It will also help prepare you for breastfeeding. However, most women say that after a few sessions of nipple massage, they begin to feel the expected urge to start labor. Why is this happening? The fact is that such stimulation causes a rush of milk to the breast, and which, by the way, is also responsible for labor activity. Tip #3: Most moms recommend moderate exercise. And if they do not cause contractions, then at least they will benefit the body.

What not to do

If a woman keeps telling herself: “I want to give birth faster, what should I do?” - it should be able to filter all the information that it receives from the outside. So, every pregnant woman needs to know what not to do if you want to quickly cause contractions. Some people may advise drinking a small amount of alcohol before bed. This is bad advice that should not be heeded. You can also hear the recommendation that to approach contractions you need to eat spicy dishes. The expected result from this will definitely not be, but you can earn heartburn or even gastritis.

For a long 9 months you have been waiting for a meeting with your baby. And, finally, this long-awaited day has come. But the child is in no hurry to leave his first home - his mother's belly. How to give birth faster without harming yourself and the little one? This question interests many expectant mothers.

Acceleration of childbirth

Women want to give birth faster for various reasons. Some of them carried the child more than the allotted time and are worried about their own and his health, others are simply tired of their position. But, even if you are tormented by swelling, back pain and a large belly that interferes with normal movement, this does not mean that you can provoke the onset of labor whenever you please.

In order for the child to be fully formed, at least 38 weeks of pregnancy must pass. In addition, the body of the expectant mother must be ready for childbirth.

What methods do women stimulate the onset of labor?

having sex

Many people resort to this most common and pleasant method. It even happens that gynecologists themselves recommend using it. Sexual contact, of course, does not cause childbirth instantly, but thanks to it, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bflattened and softened. As a result, the period of contractions is reduced.

If a woman experiences an orgasm, the muscles of the uterus contract sharply. At longer gestational ages, this can be an impetus for the onset of labor.

A few tips:

  • Choose a position so that there is no pressure on the stomach, as well as on the chest of a pregnant woman.
  • Use special lubricants for sex. Since the female body during pregnancy is not set up “for intimacy”, the use of such funds will make intimacy more comfortable.

Having sex should not harm the baby if you follow these rules.

Nipple stimulation

The hormone oxytocin is responsible for initiating labor. Its production can be enhanced by massaging the nipples. Artificially produced oxytocin is used in gynecology to stimulate childbirth.

A woman can carry out this procedure herself or resort to the help of her husband. You need to knead the nipples very carefully and gently for 20-25 minutes. Spread your fingers with massage oil or regular baby cream. It is allowed to repeat the massage up to four times a day.

This method will not only help speed up the onset of uterine contractions, but also prepare the nipples for future feeding of the baby.

Physical activity

This method of accelerating labor requires special care. Pregnant women are forbidden to lift heavy objects, run, it is dangerous for both the woman and her unborn baby. Such actions contribute to exfoliation of the placenta. In anticipation of a child, you can, for example, clean the apartment, this is also a kind of physical education.

The future woman in labor should do not too intense gymnastics, which contributes to the overall support of the physical condition.


There is an opinion that the use of certain foods helps to stimulate the birth process. And although this has no medical confirmation, some pregnant women still resort to this method to speed up childbirth.

What are these products?

  • Any spicy dishes, including traditional Japanese cuisine.
  • Olive oil. You need to drink it several times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The oil increases the elasticity of the perineum and cervix, which leads to an acceleration of its opening and reduces the risk of ruptures.
  • Tea made from raspberry leaves. Tones the muscles of the uterus, small pelvis. You need to start drinking it after 34 weeks. Such tea drinking is widely used in American medical practice, the main thing here is not to overdo it, 1-2 cups of tea per day will be enough.
  • Ginger, cinnamon and clove tea causes uterine contractions. You need to drink it from 39 weeks several times a day.
  • Primrose oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Release form - capsules. It is recommended to drink one per day. The oil from this plant contains fatty acids.
  • Some drink castor oil. It causes indigestion, the intestinal walls are intensively reduced, thereby provoking the cervix to contractions.

Reception of decoctions, fees and oils from medicinal plants must be agreed with the doctor with whom you are registered. He will warn you about possible contraindications, adverse reactions and prescribe the correct dosage of the remedy.

Other Methods

You can speed up the onset of labor with a cleansing enema. In the process of enema, the back wall of the uterus is irritated and begins to contract, the mucous plug quickly leaves. This method is suitable for women who carried the child to the due date.

Some people benefit from acupressure. It is necessary to knead the point on the foot, which is located between the thumb and forefinger, as well as the upper part of the foot near the ankle.

Another very pleasant method is taking a bath and aromatherapy. But do not make too hot water, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Inhalation of rose, lavender, jasmine or clove oil vapors has a beneficial effect on the development of labor activity.

Do not get carried away with the use of aroma lamps if you are allergic to oil vapors.

medical methods

When there are indications for inducing labor, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • Amniotomy - the fetal bladder is opened, after which the body begins intensive production of prostaglandins. This procedure promotes reflex contraction of the uterus. It is painless and does not take much time. You can pierce the bladder only if the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bready to open. Indications for this method: polyhydramnios and weak labor activity.
  • The introduction of oxytocin or Enzaprost preparations into the vein, the required dose of which is selected individually. During this procedure, doctors constantly monitor the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat.

The doctor's choice of stimulation method is based on the examination of the pregnant woman, taking into account the indications and possible risks. Do not self-medicate and self-administer procedures.

In the delivery room

When contractions appear more and more often, the woman is sent to the delivery room. The task of every woman in labor at this time is to do everything possible so that the birth ends as soon as possible.

Here are some tips on how to behave during childbirth:

  • The most important thing is not to be afraid. A chilling feeling of fear will not allow you to relax and focus on the birth process. Without fail, you need to try to calm down and do everything in your power so that the birth ends faster.
  • Give yourself freedom of action. What does it mean? A woman very often herself, with her body, feels what she needs to do at the moment in order to alleviate her condition during childbirth. It is worth noting that doctors do not approve of such amateur performance. Discuss this behavior with your doctor, or go to a private clinic that is more tolerant of "progressive methods."

It is necessary to prepare for the birth process in advance. Sign up for mum-to-be training courses that teach breathing techniques. This will help reduce pain and besides, proper breathing helps to accelerate labor.

Danger of post-term pregnancy

The term of bearing a child is 38 weeks, with a deviation of one to two weeks in both directions. After forty weeks, the baby is considered overdue and is in mortal danger in the mother's womb.

In addition, there is a whole list of complications that a post-term pregnancy causes:

  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, since the placenta no longer provides the child's need for oxygen.
  • Slowdown of biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta also negatively affect the baby.
  • There are problems during the passage of the child through the birth canal, due to hardening of the skull bones and an increase in the size of the fetus.

Plus, in such cases, women have very weak labor activity, the amount of bleeding increases, asphyxia (suffocation) of the fetus during childbirth is possible.

Drawing conclusions

If none of the suggested methods helped you, do not worry. Nature invented everything so that the child himself knows perfectly well when his time has come to be born and believe me, it will not depend on you. Try to switch your thoughts to something else positive and try to relax.

It happens that doctors make mistakes in setting the preliminary due date, so just wait. Well, if experts insist that you carried a child, then you need to trust them so as not to harm the baby.

Source: https://flovit.ru/rody/kak-bystree-rodit.html

7 secrets of easy childbirth

A future mother prepared for childbirth is calm, self-confident, knows how to behave during contractions, what methods of pain relief can be used. You need to start such preparation as early as possible, since it can take a long time - and then you are most likely to have an easy birth.

1. Easy childbirth: fear is harmful

Often, the main component of increasing pain in childbirth is the fear and tension of the woman giving birth.

Anxiety and psycho-emotional stress lead to the release of stress hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which cause vasospasm, worsen the blood supply to the uterus, and lower the pain threshold (i.e.

even mild pain becomes difficult to endure), and can also reduce the effectiveness of uterine contractions, thereby lengthening the duration of labor.

First you need to understand what exactly you are afraid of. Maybe you do not feel psychologically ready for motherhood, you are worried about your relationship with your husband, the fear of spoiling your figure or the fear of pain. Working with fears is very important in terms of prenatal preparation. Someone turns to a psychotherapist, someone is helped by conversations with giving birth to girlfriends.

For the peace of mind of the expectant mother, it is important to get acquainted with the obstetrician who will take delivery. In this case, there is an opportunity to discuss with him all the exciting questions regarding the conduct of childbirth and anesthesia. It is also necessary to decide in advance the issue of partner childbirth.

For many women, the presence of loved ones gives confidence and helps a lot. For some, on the contrary, it interferes with concentration and increases nervousness.

But in any case, it is important for a woman to positively tune in to an easy birth, as the fear of pain exacerbates stress, tension, and, consequently, pain.

2. Theoretical training

Quite often, worries about pregnancy and childbirth appear due to the fact that a woman does not know how the process of giving birth to a baby takes place.

Therefore, during pregnancy it will not be superfluous to master the theoretical material on this issue.

Having an idea about the course of childbirth, the expectant mother will not panic at the slightest pretext and will be able to become an active participant in the process of the birth of her baby, and not just an outside observer.

Getting ready for an easy birth

Such information can be gleaned independently from books, specialized magazines or on the Internet. Currently, a lot of special literature for expectant mothers is being published. It is only important to choose the right sources of information.

It must be remembered that during pregnancy it is worth avoiding reading special medical literature intended for doctors.

Textbooks and monographs mostly talk about various disorders during pregnancy and childbirth, which can negatively affect the mood and psychological state of impressionable pregnant women.

In addition, it is desirable that the publications be "fresh" and carry information about the modern view on the process of childbirth and newborn care. When choosing periodicals, you should pay attention to the authors of the articles: it is better if they are practicing doctors who are familiar with the issues in question firsthand.

There are many different sites that talk about the course of pregnancy and childbirth, about the rules for caring for a newborn, and forums where future parents can communicate, get answers to many of their questions, and share experiences.

Want an easy birth? Going to courses for expectant mothers

Now in large cities there are many different schools and courses for expectant mothers. Such courses are usually taught by an obstetrician-gynecologist, a psychologist, a pediatrician, a breastfeeding consultant can conduct separate classes.

The courses provide important information about how childbirth proceeds and how a woman should behave during this crucial event.

Expectant mothers learn breathing techniques that make childbirth easier, learn relaxation and master the techniques of special analgesic massage, find out what to take with them to the hospital, etc.

When choosing such courses for expectant mothers, you need to be very careful, since some schools promote home births, which are very dangerous for the woman and the fetus due to the impossibility of providing urgent qualified medical care in case of any complications.

3. How to give birth faster? Active behavior during childbirth

To relieve pain in the first stage of childbirth, there are many different methods. One of the most common and easily implemented is the active behavior in childbirth.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that during the opening of the cervix, a woman does not lie on the bed in one position, but behaves actively - she walks around the ward, looking for a comfortable position for herself, and makes various movements.

The vertical position of the woman in labor during contractions already in itself gives positive results: the uterus puts less pressure on the surrounding internal organs, blood vessels and nerve plexuses, the muscles of the pelvic floor relax, the pressure of the head and fetal bladder on the lower parts of the uterus improves, which facilitates the opening of the cervix.

Contractions end up becoming more effective and less painful. Childbirth is faster. In addition, with constant physical activity, blood oxygen saturation increases, blood supply to the muscles occurs more actively than at rest. Consequently, the muscles of the uterus receive more oxygen, and this greatly alleviates pain.

Finally, movement during contractions distracts from focusing on pain. The expectation of pain causes nervous tension, which, in turn, only contributes to the intensification of painful sensations. And being distracted, a woman breaks this vicious circle.

Moving freely around the ward, making a variety of movements, a woman gradually begins to navigate her own feelings and chooses the behavior or position that makes her feel most comfortable. If the birth proceeds without complications, the choice of postures and movements during the contraction remains with her. However, during pregnancy, it is worth learning the most common poses that reduce pain during labor, this will greatly help in childbirth.

4. Massage for easy childbirth

The effectiveness of massage is due to the effect of touch on skin receptors, from which impulses propagate to the cerebral cortex, causing a response there that competes with pain signals from the uterus. In addition, massage relaxes and has an overall beneficial effect on the nervous system, increasing the threshold for pain sensitivity (i.e.

the pain is not felt so much). Massage helps to relieve excessive muscle tension, prevents the occurrence of cramps.

In addition, it stimulates the production of endorphins (the so-called hormones of joy) - natural painkillers - and reduces the release of cortisol - the stress hormone, which, due to its effect on the nervous system and blood vessels, contributes to muscle tension, including the perineum and uterus.

If during childbirth the muscles of the vagina are constantly clamped, this disrupts the process of opening the cervix, prevents the child from passing through the birth canal, which, in turn, causes suffering both for the woman in labor, for whom childbirth becomes more painful, and for the fetus, because he is trying to overcome resistance tense muscles.

Under the influence of massage, due to the increase in blood flow to the massaged areas, the metabolism increases, the decay products released during intense muscle work are removed faster. This, in turn, helps them to relax, rest and reduce pain.

It is also advisable to learn the techniques of massage and self-massage in advance.

5. Relaxation will help you give birth easily.

One of the methods of self-anaesthesia is relaxation - relaxation. These skills also need to be mastered at the stage of preparation for childbirth, so that later you do not strain during contractions and completely relax in between them, saving strength.

There are many techniques and exercises, performing which, a woman learns to consciously control the tension and relaxation of all the muscles of her body.

These exercises should be performed regularly, preferably daily or even several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Relaxation techniques will be of great help during a vaginal examination by a doctor. This manipulation is necessary in order to determine how the cervix is ​​opening and where the fetal head is.

If a woman strains during the examination, this increases pain and prevents the doctor from assessing the necessary parameters, and, therefore, increases the duration of the examination.

6. Proper breathing during childbirth

Proper breathing during childbirth is one of the most effective ways to reduce pain during labor, and there are no contraindications for it.

In addition, it facilitates the course of childbirth and provides a full supply of oxygen to the fetus.

It is also important that by focusing on breathing properly during childbirth, a woman will quickly relax and distract from her own experiences.

At first glance, breathing correctly during childbirth is quite simple. However, during childbirth, expectant mothers forget about all the recommendations, begin to hold their breath, scream, thereby increasing pain and interfering with the normal opening of the cervix.

That is why it is desirable to master breathing techniques in advance - even during pregnancy. These exercises are taught in classes for pregnant women in courses for expectant mothers.

You can master the technique and regularly conduct breathing exercises at home on your own.

How to breathe properly when pushing

In the tight period, it is also necessary to refrain from screaming. First, yelling weakens the push and makes it ineffective.

Secondly, the contraction of muscles (including the pelvic floor and perineum) that occurs when crying increases the risk of tearing the soft tissues of the birth canal.

In addition, crying prevents the expectant mother from interacting with medical personnel, which is the key to the normal course of childbirth and one of the factors in preventing ruptures.

7. Physical fitness will help in childbirth

Its goal is to prepare the body for childbirth: strengthen muscles and increase tissue elasticity. There is a lot to be said about the benefits of physical activity. For a pregnant woman, physical exercises are doubly necessary, because the ability of the baby to fully develop depends on her health. They allow you to prepare the body for the upcoming birth, which, as you know, is hard physical work.

First of all, physical training can be attributed to the daily activity of a pregnant woman. Doing housework, walking, climbing stairs are habitual loads, which, nevertheless, force several muscle groups to work and keep the future mother in shape.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is of great benefit. In the absence of contraindications, the expectant mother can perform simple exercises herself at home. Such exercises will help strengthen the muscles and make the body more resilient.

In addition, exercise during pregnancy can prevent or alleviate "pregnancy" ailments such as varicose veins, back pain, constipation, calf cramps, swelling, stretch marks, and excess weight gain.

Gymnastics should be done regularly and carefully monitored so that the exercises do not cause discomfort. Many prenatal courses offer physical training for women in the "position": this can be yoga, Pilates, gymnastics for pregnant women or classes in the pool.

In addition, many fitness clubs offer special programs for expectant mothers. Before enrolling in such courses, it is advisable to discuss your choice with the doctor who is managing your pregnancy. He will tell you what you can do, and what is better to refrain from, so as not to harm your health and unborn baby.

In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the instructor conducting such classes has experience working specifically with pregnant women.

There is another very useful option for physical activity - this is swimming in the pool, which doctors recommend for most pregnant women.

Indeed, water relaxes, gently massages the body, helping the child to take the correct position, and in the meantime, the muscles of the expectant mother receive the necessary load.

You can do water aerobics at any stage of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications.

If the expectant mother during pregnancy pays attention to preparing for childbirth, then with a high probability they will pass easily and safely, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Why can't you scream in childbirth?

It is important to remember that during childbirth it is impossible to scream: this has a pronounced negative effect on the process of opening the cervix, since when screaming, muscle tension occurs, leading the woman in labor to severe fatigue.

This is a risk factor for the development of labor disorders, both in the period of cervical dilation and during attempts, when maximum concentration and muscle work are required. In addition, the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus increases: due to vasospasm that occurs when screaming at the height of the fight, because less oxygen-carrying blood enters the baby.

Source: https://www.9months.ru/rodybase/5438/7-sekretov-legkih-rodov

Tired of being pregnant! How to give birth faster?

Almost all women remember their pregnancy as the happiest time in their lives. But later, months or even years later.

And during pregnancy, the impressions of many mothers are far from the most rosy - toxicosis, back pain, swelling, a large and disturbing tummy.

And it is quite natural that the longer the gestational age, the more relevant for the expectant mother becomes the question of how to give birth faster.

It is later, during sleepless nights, that a mother with slight nostalgia can recall pregnancy, when the baby was sleeping peacefully in her tummy.

In the meantime, all "grandmother's" methods are used - walking up stairs, rearranging furniture, general cleaning all day long. Of course, cleanliness is good, but there were no births, and no.

And the expectant mother falls into a panic, feeling like a sort of "elephant", whose pregnancy lasts about a year.

And the closer the cherished estimated date of birth, the stronger the desire to give birth as soon as possible. The desire is quite natural, but before taking certain measures, you need to calm down and think sensibly. First of all, understand what drives you. Are you afraid to carry a baby and get a set of medical problems? Unfortunately, this really happens.

Why is a post-term pregnancy dangerous?

This phenomenon occurs occasionally. And doctors really confirm the fact that in this case a number of complications may occur:

  • Baby's head deformity

With a post-term pregnancy, the head of the crumbs loses its natural ability to reduce its size during passage through the birth canal. During normal pregnancy, they go behind each other, reducing the skull in size.

  • The development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia

The longer the gestation period, the higher the crumbs need for oxygen. And the placenta is no longer able to satisfy this very need of the child. As a result - the development of hypoxia.

  • Pathological changes in the umbilical cord of the placenta

The placenta tends to age. And during a post-term pregnancy, the placenta does not fully supply the child not only with oxygen, but also with a wide variety of nutrients, which also has a very negative effect on the baby.

As you can see, the prospect is far from the most rosy. But also do not forget that all these alarming symptoms will certainly be noticed by your gynecologist and will take all necessary actions. It’s definitely impossible for a future mother to do anything on her own, and it’s very dangerous. That is why it is so important to visit your doctor on time and without passes.

Therefore, the threat of post-term pregnancy as a reason for self-stimulation of labor should by no means be considered. This can bring irreparable harm to both the health of the baby and the health of the woman. Indeed, in such cases, doctors often have to resort to a caesarean section.

To be or not to be?

So in what cases can you try to do something to provoke the onset of labor? Not earlier than the child reaches full physiological maturity. And this happens, as a rule, not earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy. The readiness of the mother's body for the onset of childbirth is also very important. Your doctor will also tell you about this when the time is right.

But here is the baby, and you are ready to meet. You listen to your feelings with anxiety and excitement, but the contractions are still only training, and real childbirth is not visible on the horizon. And all sorts of tricks begin. Let's take a look at all the methods often used by expectant mothers to induce labor, as well as all the pros and cons.

sexual intimacy

One of the very popular means of inducing labor among women is sexual intimacy with her husband. There is even a peculiarly comic name - "papatherapy".

Moreover, even gynecologists are sometimes advised to resort to this method. Of course, sexual contact may not lead to the onset of labor immediately, but it will greatly smooth and soften the cervix.

And this will inevitably lead to a decrease in the duration of contractions during the birth process.

Agree, this is worth a try. And in the event that during sex the expectant mother gets an orgasm, this will inevitably lead to a sharp contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

At a long gestational age, this can provoke the onset of contractions with a very high degree of probability.

By the way, this is why in some cases doctors recommend avoiding sexual intercourse after the seventh month of pregnancy.

Many couples are afraid to have sex for a long time, fearing that it will harm the baby. In fact, this is not at all the case - just follow a few simple rules:

Pay attention to the posture - it is very important that there is no pressure on the chest and stomach of the expectant mother. But this is not a problem - there are a large number of poses that meet these requirements. Experiment, and you will definitely find the right pose for you.

As you know, nature is very wise. And therefore, during pregnancy, sex is not provided by nature, especially in the last stages. Therefore, there may be problems with the release of lubricant.

In order for sexual intercourse not to cause any discomfort, you can use special water-based lubricants sold in pharmacies.

It is worth giving preference to lubricants that do not contain dyes and flavors.

Nipple massage

Another old proven method is nipple stimulation. The expectant mother can handle it herself, or she can involve the future dad in this process. Of course, do not pinch or twist them hard.

Take any baby cream or massage oil, lubricate your fingers and gently knead both nipples in turn. The duration of the procedure is approximately 20 minutes. 3 - 4 such procedures can be carried out per day.

In the worst case, you will prepare the nipples for breastfeeding by preventing the possible development of cracks. And at best, after several similar procedures, you will feel such long-awaited contractions. By the way, this procedure helps more than half of all expectant mothers who have tried it on themselves.

This effect of this procedure is explained quite simply. When the nipples are stimulated, there is an abundant production of the hormone oxytocin. But, as everyone knows, it is oxytocin that is responsible for the onset of labor. Often, artificially synthesized oxytocin is used in gynecology in order to induce the onset of labor or, if necessary, to intensify contractions.

Expectant mothers also have significant hopes for physical activity in such situations.

Of course, gentle gymnastics will only benefit the expectant mother - it will help maintain muscle tone, skin elasticity, and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and circulatory systems.

Your midwife or physical therapy nurse will help you choose the right exercises.

However, in this situation it is very important to remember reasonable restrictions. In no case should you rush to move cabinets or run up the stairs until you lose consciousness.

Excessive physical activity, at best, will lead to the depletion of the body of a pregnant woman. And in the worst case, the development of premature detachment of the placenta is possible.

You understand that this cannot be allowed under any circumstances.

If you still have a strong desire to combine business with pleasure - and clean the apartment, and try to provoke the development of labor, remember the precautions. You can arrange wet cleaning: wash floors and mirrors, wash windows. Very often, women talked about how they went to the hospital soon after they did something with their hands up.

But be sure to remember that it is unacceptable to start cleaning if there is no one next to you. Pregnancy leaves an imprint on the state of the body of even the healthiest woman.

And it is imperative to exclude the possibility that something unforeseen may happen - for example, the head will spin.

Let someone close to you be with you so that if necessary, they can support you and provide the necessary assistance.

Olive oil is also often positioned as a means to speed up the onset of labor. It's hard to say if it really helps. But no one bothers you to try, because there will be some benefit in any case.

Olive oil significantly increases the elasticity of the perineal tissues, thereby significantly reducing the risk of possible ruptures during childbirth.

On the day you need to drink one teaspoon of olive oil before each meal, but at least three times a day.

One of the old "grandmother's" remedy is raspberry leaf tea. Substances contained in raspberry leaves have a tonic effect on all organs of the small pelvis.

Including, of course, the uterus.

To prepare this tea, place three tablespoons of crushed dry raspberry leaves in a thermos, pour one liter of boiling water over them and leave to infuse for about two hours.

For taste, you can add both natural honey and sugar. A pregnant woman should drink this amount of tea during the day. The expected effect, according to those who have tried this tea on themselves, occurs on the fourth or fifth day.

Please note - raspberries have the ability to significantly lower blood pressure levels. Therefore, you need to be careful. And for those women for whom low blood pressure is typical, this recipe is not at all suitable.

The above are widely used and relatively safe ways to give birth quickly.

However, there is another side to the coin - no less widespread ways to provoke the onset of labor. But, unfortunately, they are far from being as safe as in the first case.

Gynecologists categorically do not recommend their use, because otherwise harm is possible for both the mother and the child.

  • Small amount of alcoholic drinks

You can often hear advice to drink a small amount of low-alcohol drinks at night. For example, a glass is another red wine. Such “advisers” explain this as follows: a low-alcohol drink relieves tension of the nervous system very well, and the result will not be long in coming.

However, doctors refute this theory - there is no confirmation of this. But the fact that alcohol has the most negative effect on all organs and systems, not only of the expectant mother, but also of the baby, has been accurately proven. It is unlikely that any woman in a sober mind and sound memory will want to risk the health of her baby.

  • Certain foods

There is a theory according to which spicy dishes effectively stimulate the onset of labor. But doctors refute this theory. But the fact that such a cuisine will lead, at best, to the occurrence of heartburn, and at worst, to the development of acute gastritis, is guaranteed. Therefore, it is still not worth experimenting.

As you can see, there are enough tips on how to give birth faster. But think carefully about whether it is worth trying to deceive nature. Your baby knows best when he's ready to meet you!

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, with slight fluctuations in both directions. But for health reasons or because of too much desire, pregnant women are looking for ways to give birth ahead of time. This is not safe, so the situation requires deep study.

Premature birth of a child is always a risk, because the baby is not yet fully formed and strong. If the baby was born before 37 weeks, then the birth was premature.

The situation is influenced by social and medical factors, the time of the year during which the main period of gestation falls. Autumn and spring are peak seasons for flu and colds. Severe infectious diseases cause childbirth long before the due date.

Social causes of early childbirth:

  • studies;
  • lack of legalized relations;
  • family problems;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • environmental situation at the location of the expectant mother.

All these components push the baby to be born earlier. If a woman is constantly in nervous tension due to sessions and exams, or if she feels the pressure of society through the absence of her husband, this prevents the pregnancy from proceeding fully. There is a risk of premature birth of a child.

The expectant mother, in order not to give birth prematurely, must fully eat and drink complex vitamins to saturate the fetus with useful substances.

Bad habits are excluded: smoking, taking drugs or excessive alcohol consumption, both before pregnancy and during gestation. The negative influence provokes the birth of sick underweight babies who are not destined to wait for delivery on time.

Medical indications for the early birth of a baby include complex infectious diseases and inflammation in the genital organs, suffered throughout the entire life period. Often, the causes of premature birth are diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries or endocrine glands.

Obesity is another factor that causes premature birth of a child. Injuries to the cervix after abortions, previous births or gynecological operations are considered the main culprits of the pathology.

Pros and cons of early childbirth

Expectant mothers, tired of a long period of gestation, dream of starting to give birth faster. Before making a decision to mechanically influence the duration of pregnancy, one should take into account the positive and negative aspects.

First, it is always a risk for the child. The fetus is born with a small weight and height, the skin is not fully formed, the nails do not completely cover the plate. In boys, the testicles do not have time to descend into the scrotum; in girls, the labia does not yet cover the small and clitoris.

The lungs of an infant do not always cope with the respiratory function, some children do not have a sucking reflex, so it becomes difficult to feed a newborn. Due to the fact that the bones of the skull of a premature baby are too soft, there is a possibility of brain injury during labor. Immunity in such children is weak, so they are susceptible to all diseases.

As for the advantages of premature delivery, it is an opportunity to get rid of discomforts such as heartburn, back pain, heaviness due to the weight of the baby. Premature birth can be a salvation for the mother and the baby for medical reasons.

Indications for early childbirth on the part of the woman in labor:

  1. late severe preeclampsia;
  2. premature abruption of the placenta;
  3. too acute polyhydramnios the presence of a suture on the uterus, which is very overstretched

Child's condition:

  • photoplacental insufficiency;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • prolonged fetal hypoxia;
  • delayed development of the baby 2 and 3 degrees.

In such situations, early childbirth will only help the woman in labor or her baby to alleviate their pathological condition. Here, the risks due to prematurity fade into the background, as there is a danger of death.

Folk ways

Women, in order to start giving birth faster, use advice from traditional medicine. This is dangerous, therefore, without good reason, manipulation is prohibited. Requires constant supervision of an obstetrician when applying stimulation of labor.

Is it possible to give birth before the due date? Quite possible. This requires not only the desire of the mother to get rid of the huge belly, but also medical indications. If there are none, it is better to give birth on time and not worry about the consequences.

There are also safe ways to bring the birth closer. You can use them, because the methods do not consist of medicines or herbs. This active life: hiking, walking on stairs and being in the fresh air. Physical activity not only fills the baby's body with oxygen, but also contributes to the onset of the birth process.

Sexual life is another natural labor stimulant. Orgasm smoothes the cervix and prepares it for childbirth, and sperm contributes to a faster opening of the organ. The position should be chosen comfortable for the expectant mother, and the regularity should be controlled. This method is used until the outflow of amniotic fluid. If there are leaks of amniotic fluid, there is a possibility of infection of the fetus.

What to do to give birth earlier:

  1. nipple massage;
  2. enema;
  3. use olive oil to soften the cervix.

Stimulation of the nipples will help tone the uterus, thereby pushing the body to the onset of labor. You need to perform the procedure three times a day for 15 minutes each breast. Often in maternity hospitals, bowel cleansing is used as a way to induce labor. The essence of the method is to provoke contraction of the uterus along with the walls of the intestine.

Some gynecologists recommend drinking or eating olive oil in a salad. The product is considered an emollient for the uterus and its cervix, stimulating bowel movements. It is enough to drink 100 grams of oil per day for the expected effect.

There is stimulation with herbal medicines, but it is not as safe as drinking olive oil. It is forbidden to mindlessly use herbs for pregnant women because of the negative effect on the fetus.

A decoction of raspberry leaves is used, which activates the muscles of the uterus and tones the pelvic organs. To prepare a decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dry red raspberry leaves and pour them with a liter of hot boiled water, then boil for a couple of minutes. Insist and drink 300-400 ml. in a day.

You can use homeopathic remedies (caulophyllum, pulsatilla). The drugs are absolutely harmless to the fetus and the pregnant woman, but not all obstetricians believe in their stimulating properties.

They resort to acupuncture, this method is rarely used in practice, but it has an effect on the onset of childbirth. It is believed that injections with needles in the right places contribute to the development of labor or intensification of contractions.

It is allowed to bring the date of birth closer only with the appointment of a doctor, as you can harm the baby and yourself. It is best to stay in a hospital during the use of stimulants.

Is it true that boys are born prematurely? No, it does not depend on the gender of the child. The state of health of the baby and mother, as well as the correctness of the dates set, are taken into account.

Medical impact

This method to bring delivery closer is used only for serious indications from the part of the woman in labor and the fetus. Everything must be carefully controlled.

When you need to help the development of childbirth:

  • with multiple pregnancy more than 37 weeks;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the mother in the acute stage;
  • prolonged fetal hypoxia;
  • weakness of labor activity.

To quickly give birth in a hospital, radical stimulation options are used. Manipulations are carried out only under the supervision of an obstetrician or other medical staff, each body tolerates medications in different ways.

Childbirth calling methods:

  • puncture of the fetal bladder (amniotomy);
  • the use of prostaglandins;
  • the appointment of oxytocin;
  • taking mifepristone;
  • placement of a Foley catheter in the cervical canal;
  • use of laminaria.

Amniotomy, or puncture of the fetal bladder, is performed by inserting a special hook into the cervix. The bubble opens, the water leaves, and the baby's head begins to put more pressure on the small pelvis. This is how the development of labor activity is stimulated. This manipulation is completely painless, and is also safe for the baby when performed correctly.

Prostaglandins are used in obstetric practice for the rapid ripening of the cervix. It is clear that if you need to provoke childbirth a month ahead of schedule, this method is not very practical, because the whole body must prepare for childbirth.

There are several variations of prostaglandin release:

  1. vaginal preparations;
  2. pills;
  3. dropper solutions.

Vaginal agents are introduced into the anus. These can be gels, ointments or vaginal tablets. They are used every 6 hours, if necessary, repeat the procedure. Tablets for oral administration drink 0.5 mg every hour. After a while, the dose is increased by half. It is not recommended to use this method for more than two days. The solution for infusion is infused with a volume of 0.2 mcg / min, gradually increasing the dosage.

Mifepristone is actively used by obstetricians to give birth to a woman before term. It is prescribed according to the following scheme: 200 mg one-time. A day later, you can repeat the drug. The essence of the action of the stimulant is to block the production of progesterone, which provokes uterine contraction. The drug has a number of side effects.

Those who wish to give birth prematurely for medical reasons can try using a Foley catheter. It is used for premature maturation of the uterus. A special balloon is inserted into the neck and filled with a physiotherapy. This is how artificial stretching of the uterus and disclosure of the organ is achieved. The device is not removed for 12 hours. The method is suitable for giving birth on a certain date with a full-term pregnancy. This manipulation is painful for the woman in labor, but safe for the fetus.

Oxytocin is used to give birth early. It can be injections or droppers. There is no specific dosage for the administration of the drug, because the weight, age and condition of the woman in labor are taken into account. This is not a method for those who want to give birth 2 weeks ahead of schedule, since stimulation is appropriate when labor has begun or the uterus has partially opened.

Laminaria is pressed seaweed. The plant is injected into the cervix in the form of a tampon for premature disclosure. The tool helps to give birth earlier a week before the due date. Algae swell due to the humid environment and push the cervical canal apart.

It is possible to bring the birth closer, but it is advisable according to indications from the health of the mother or child. One desire to quickly see the baby should not be a reason to provoke the stimulation of delivery.

This period in her life will be special and unforgettable. However, when the birth, it would seem, is just around the corner, many pregnant women lose their nerves, and they increasingly begin to think about how to give birth faster and not harm either themselves or the baby.

What is childbirth?

Before you wonder how to give birth quickly, you first need to know what childbirth is. In simple terms, we can say that they are a natural physiological process that ends the period of pregnancy. As a result, a long-awaited baby is born, and the so-called afterbirth is expelled from the body. But at what gestational age should we expect this exciting moment and the first long-awaited meeting with your child?

Doctors say that pregnancy is considered full-term at exactly 37 weeks, that is, 259 days, which begin to count from the first day of the last menstruation. Starting from this moment and up to the 42nd week (293 days), childbirth can occur at any time. If they occur before the 37th week, they are considered premature, and the baby is premature. If the baby is in the womb for more than 42 weeks, it is called overdue, and childbirth is called belated.

Signs indicating that childbirth is just around the corner

Naturally, every pregnant woman is concerned about how to give birth quickly and painlessly. However, this is far from the only thing that should worry the expectant mother. Just before the birth, there comes a period when the woman's body prepares for this crucial moment and portends that the baby will soon be born. If you are extremely attentive and listen to the sensations, it is impossible not to notice these signs. So, among the signs of an approaching birth, the following should be noted:

- the stomach "falls";

Breathing becomes much easier;

There is frequent urination, as well as defecation;

Back pain is felt more often and becomes more intense;

Appetite changes;

Body weight decreases insignificantly (within 1-2 kg);

There are frequent mood swings;

From time to time there are false contractions.

In primiparas, as a rule, these signs appear 2-4 weeks before delivery. Right now, they are especially beginning to worry about the question of how to give birth quickly. Multiparous women feel these changes that occur in their body, immediately on the eve of childbirth.

What do pregnant women need to know about the stages of labor?

Before asking doctors and friends for advice on how to give birth quickly, you must first collect as much information as possible about how this process proceeds directly. In this sense, it should be noted that it is customary to distinguish 3 main periods:

  1. The opening of the cervix is ​​the longest period (on average from 4 to 14 hours), starting from the moment the contractions begin and up to the outflow of amniotic fluid. Under the pressure of regular contractions, the cervix begins to gradually open. When its opening is about 4 cm, the contractions will be painful, and the interval between them will be approximately 5-7 minutes. Then every hour the cervix will open by 1 cm.
  2. Expulsion of the fetus. The beginning of the second stage of labor is marked by attempts. Although this is not such a long part of childbirth, it is still the most painful. It is during this period of time that women have only one thought in their heads: "How to quickly give birth to a child and quickly press this long-awaited miracle to the chest?" However, in order to avoid various injuries, doctors recommend that women in labor lie on their backs and breathe properly. It is not excluded the appearance of chills, spasm of the respiratory tract, as well as severe trembling in the limbs. From the beginning of the second stage of labor to the birth of a child, it takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. The expulsion of the placenta is the shortest period of childbirth, which takes an average of about half an hour. At this time, the so-called placenta (placenta, umbilical cord and fetal membranes) leaves.

What type of childbirth can a woman choose?

More recently, most pregnant women thought only about how to give birth quickly and at the same time not feel severe pain. However, today for many, not only the duration of this process is important, but also maximum comfort. Thus, today, expectant mothers have the right to independently choose how and where they give birth. So, the following types of childbirth are currently practiced:

Tired of pregnancy. How to give birth faster?

It is no secret that the period of pregnancy is very tiring for a woman. Plus, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings, often feeling unwell, insomnia, increased fatigue and irritability. Often women dream of seeing their baby as soon as possible by 39 weeks. "How to give birth faster?" - this question becomes the main one for every second representative of the fair sex. The fact that childbirth can be induced at home is not a myth. It really is. However, how to do it?

Firstly, this can be achieved by banal sex. The essence of this method lies in the fact that at the moment when a woman reaches orgasm, the uterus comes into tone, which can provoke the onset of childbirth.

Secondly, it is necessary to note such a method as nipple stimulation. How this will happen - with the lips of a partner or with the help of fingers - in fact, is not so important. In addition, this method brings double benefits: on the one hand, it is able to provoke contractions, and on the other hand, it improves the shape of the nipples, which will come in handy when breastfeeding.

Thirdly, the effectiveness of such simple methods of stimulating labor as brisk walking, heavy physical exertion, the use of homeopathic and herbal remedies, and eating a number of foods, such as pineapples, should be emphasized.

How safe are "natural" labor induction methods?

When discussing "natural" methods of stimulation, it should be noted that, without first consulting a doctor, experimenting and applying them is not only wrong, but even dangerous. The consequences of such “amateur activity” are sometimes deplorable. Therefore, before experiencing various folk methods, you need to ask your doctor for advice. He will conduct an examination and give a final conclusion on whether the body is ready for childbirth or whether it is worth being patient and waiting a bit.

At the end of pregnancy, a woman’s desire to give birth as soon as possible is understandable, because it just becomes physically difficult for her. However, this in no way indicates the readiness of the child for the birth. Based on this, it should be noted that in order to avoid further complications and the birth of an immature baby, you should not rush, but rather be patient and wait a little longer.

Medical methods of labor induction

39 weeks of pregnancy is over, but the question of how to give birth faster still remains relevant. For 40 weeks, the baby lives in the mother's tummy and, it seems, is in no hurry to be born. However, sometimes it happens that, for medical reasons, the doctors themselves insist on the speedy birth of a child. In this case, medical methods are usually used that provoke the onset of labor. These include:

Instead of a conclusion

No matter how strong the desire to give birth faster, to see and hug your baby to your chest for the first time in your life, you should not artificially bring this exciting, unlike anything, moment. It is possible that the impatience, which was the result of fatigue accumulated over the entire period of pregnancy, can play a cruel joke and turn into the most deplorable consequences not only for the mother, but also for the unborn baby. The risk is too great and unjustified. If you had the strength to hold out and carry your beloved child under your heart for 38-39 weeks, then will another one or two weeks change the situation? It takes quite a bit - to gain a little more patience and wait.