General characteristics of children with ONR. Psychological assistance to children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) and their parents

Koznova Olga Semyonovna
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 121 of the combined type", Saransk
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Publication date: 2018-01-24 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with OHP Koznova Olga Semyonovna The article gives a psychological and pedagogical description of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with OHP

Modern child by 4.5 - 5 years must master the entire system mother tongue: speak coherently; fully express your thoughts, easily building detailed complex sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales. Such a baby correctly pronounces all sounds, easily reproduces polysyllabic words. His lexicon is 4000 - 5000 words.

A different picture is observed with a general underdevelopment of speech. The general underdevelopment of speech is considered to be such a form of speech anomalies, in which a child with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence is not formed all the components of the language system: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. It can be expressed to varying degrees: from the complete impossibility of combining words into phrases or from pronouncing separate onomatopoeic complexes instead of words (mu-mu, av, tu-tu) to expanded speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical imperfection.

Most low level speech development in such babies - 1st. The highest is 3rd. Let us characterize the speech of children with the 3rd level of speech development, which most of the children who entered the speech therapy group have. At the age of 5, they have a vocabulary of approximately 2500 - 3000 words. It lacks or contains in a distorted form less common words denoting the names of objects, objects, actions, their signs.

The most characteristic lexical difficulties relate to knowledge and naming:

- parts of objects and objects (cabin, trunk, foundation, entrance, back of the head, mane, etc.);

- verbs expressing the refinement of actions (laps, licks, gnaws, bites off - everything is expressed by the word "eats");

- prefixed verbs (sailed, sailed, swam, surfaced, etc.);

- antonyms (smooth - rough, deep - fine, thick - liquid, etc.);

- relative adjectives (woolen, clay, sandy, cherry, pear, etc.).

IN grammatical structure common mistakes:

- in the use of prepositions ("The handkerchief lies in the pocket", "The cat crawled out under the bed", etc.);

— coordination various parts speeches (“Went up to two horses”, “took care of the hedgehog”);

- construction of sentences (“Petya went to pick mushrooms in the forest”).

Phonetically, children:

- incorrectly pronounce 10 - 20 sounds: they do not distinguish by ear and in pronunciation soft - hard, voiced - deaf, close in sound, and also S-Sh sounds, Z-F, CH-TH, SHCH-S, L-R, etc .;

- distort the sound structure and sound-filling of words; photography - atagaphia, tape recorder - matafon, frying pan - skoodova);

- they cannot reproduce a number of syllables, words similar in sound (pa-ba-pa, ta-cha, cat-kit-tok).

Connected speech reflects the listed features. Also, the detailed semantic statements of children with OHP are distinguished by the lack of clarity, consistency of presentation, fragmentation, emphasis on external, superficial impressions, and not on causal relationships. actors. The most difficult thing for such children is independent storytelling from memory and all kinds of creative storytelling. But even in the reproduction of texts according to the model, a lag behind normally speaking peers is noticeable. Characteristically, the lack of a sense of rhyme and rhythm in children prevents them from memorizing poetry.

We offer an example of a story based on a picture of a 5-year-old child with ONR (3rd level of speech development):

“Children fipili (blinded) a fnigi (snowman). The children of the katawif (ride) on funky (sledges). Children of katavif willows goyki (from the hill). Pitatinifa (teacher) knocked down (called) detef (children) defky fat (to kindergarten).

For children with ONR along with the indicated speech features insufficient formation of processes closely related to speech activity is also characteristic, namely:

- impaired attention and memory;

- impaired finger and articulatory motility;

- insufficiently formed verbal-logical thinking.

Violation of attention and memory is manifested in such children as follows: they find it difficult to restore the order of the arrangement of even four objects after rearranging them, do not notice inaccuracies in joke drawings; objects or words are not always distinguished according to a given attribute. For example, this happens in cases where it is proposed to show only circles (ovals, etc.) on a sheet; clap your hands if clothes are named (vegetables, fruits, etc.)

It is even more difficult to focus and hold their attention on purely verbal material outside of a visual situation. Therefore, such children cannot fully perceive lengthy, non-specific explanations, long instructions, lengthy assessments of their performance.

It is characteristic that disturbances in attention and memory affect voluntary activity to a greater extent. Concentration and memorization at an involuntary level is much better. So, attention when watching a cartoon does not need to be mobilized and it remains for a long time. Or, for example, a child is much easier to reproduce the names of 6-8 birthday gifts than 4-5 toys hidden in class.

Violation of articulatory motility is manifested in the limitation, inaccuracy or weakness of the movements of the moving organs of articulation - the tongue, soft palate, lips, lower jaw. This leads to defective pronunciation of sounds, and often to general indistinctness, blurred speech.

The connection between finger motor skills and speech function has been relatively recently confirmed by scientists. They found that if the movements of the fingers correspond to age, then speech corresponds to age, and if the development of movements lags behind, then speech does not correspond to age norms. In the vast majority of children with ONR, the fingers are inactive, their movements are inaccurate or inconsistent. Many 5-year-old children hold a spoon in their fist or have difficulty grasping a brush and pencil correctly, sometimes they cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes, etc.

Since speech and thinking are closely related, therefore, the verbal-logical thinking of children with speech underdevelopment is somewhat lower. age norm. Such children experience difficulties in classifying objects, generalizing phenomena and signs. Often their judgments and conclusions are poor, fragmentary, logically unrelated to each other. For example: “It is warm at home in winter, because there is no snow”, “The bus travels faster than a bicycle - it is bigger.”

Children with these disorders can be attributed to furniture table lamp and TV, as they stand in the room; some find it difficult to solve mathematical problems or are unable to solve even simple riddles.

Characterological (personal) features of children with OHP are manifested in the classroom, in play, household and other activities. So, in the classroom, some of them get tired much faster than their normally developing peers, get distracted, start to spin, talk, that is, they stop perceiving the educational material. Others, on the contrary, sit quietly, calmly, but do not answer questions or answer inappropriately, do not perceive tasks, and sometimes cannot repeat the answer of a friend.

In the process of communicating with each other, some children discover hyperexcitability, motor disinhibition (they are too mobile, difficult to control), and others, on the contrary, lethargy, apathy (they do not show interest in games, reading books to them by the educator). Among these children there are children with obsessive feeling fear, overly impressionable, prone to the manifestation of pronounced negativism (the desire to do everything the other way around), conflict, pugnacity, excessive aggressiveness or vulnerability, resentment. Some children have a feeling of depression, a state of discomfort, a tendency to morbid fantasizing. Teachers are constantly faced with the need to find an approach to difficult and non-contact children. It is not easy to instill in them the norms of communication in a team, without which full-fledged training and education is impossible. Only teamwork parents, educators, a speech therapist and other specialists will help correct the general underdevelopment of speech in children and prevent possible deviations in mental development.


1.Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschoolers. A guide for speech therapists. – M.: Enlightenment, 1981. – 112 p.

2. Fundamentals of speech therapy work with children: Tutorial for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school, students of pedagogical schools / Under the total. ed. d.p.s., prof. G.V. Chirkina. – M.: ARKTI, 2003. – 240 p.

Characteristics of children with a common

Speech underdevelopment (OHP).

With normal speech development, by the age of 5, children freely use expanded phrasal speech, different designs complex sentences. They have a sufficient vocabulary, possess the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, the correct sound pronunciation, readiness for sound analysis and synthesis is finally formed.

However, these processes do not proceed successfully in all cases: in some children, even with normal hearing and intelligence, the formation of each of the components of the language is sharply delayed: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. This violation was first established by R.E. Levina and defined as a general underdevelopment of speech.

General underdevelopment of speech is a complex speech disorder in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

In the etiology of ONR, a variety of factors, both biological and social character. Biological factors include: infection or intoxication of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the Rh factor or group affiliation, pathology of the natal period, postnatal CNS diseases and brain injuries in the first years of a child's life, etc.

However, OHP may be due to adverse conditions education and training, may be associated with mental deprivation during sensitive periods of speech development. In many cases, OHP is the result of complex impact various factors, for example, hereditary predisposition, organic insufficiency of the central nervous system (sometimes mild), unfavorable social environment. The most complex and persistent variant is ONR, due to early organic brain damage.

E. M. Mastyukova attaches particular importance in the etiology of OHP to perinatal encephalopathy, which can be hypoxic (due to intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia in childbirth), traumatic (due to mechanical birth injury), bilirubin (due to the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus according to the Rh factor or group affiliation).

R.E. Levina identified 3 levels of speech underdevelopment:

1st level : children either completely lack speech, or have only elements of speech.

For communication, children of this level mainly use babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurry, indistinct and extremely unstable. Often the child reinforces his "statements" with facial expressions and gestures.

2nd level : children use more extended speech means. However, the underdevelopment of speech is still very pronounced.

Children's statements are usually poor, the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions. The story based on the picture, on the questions is built primitively. The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. When words are reproduced, sound filling is grossly violated: permutations of syllables, sounds, replacement and likening of syllables, reduction of sounds when consonants converge are noted.

3rd level : characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

At this stage, children already use all parts of speech, use simple grammatical forms, try to build complex and complex sentences. Improving the pronunciation of the child. However, a thorough study of the state of all aspects of speech reveals a pronounced picture of the underdevelopment of each of the components of the language system: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. Underdevelopment phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully acquire literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

Analyzing all three levels of general underdevelopment of speech, we can say that these children have typical manifestations that indicate a systemic impairment of speech activity. One of the leading signs is a later start of speech. Speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed. The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively favorable, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech. There is insufficient speech activity, which falls sharply with age, without special training. However, children are quite critical of their defect.

Defective speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of children's sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres. There is a lack of stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution. With a relatively intact semantic, logical memory in children, verbal memory declines, memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements, and sequences of tasks. In the weakest children, low recall activity may be combined with handicapped development of cognitive activity.

The relationship between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines the specific features of thinking. Possessing, on the whole, full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to their age, children lag behind in development verbally - logical thinking, without special training, they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Children with general speech underdevelopment lag behind normally developing peers in reproducing a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, and omit its components. For example, rolling the ball from hand to hand, passing it from a short distance, hitting the floor with alternating alternation; jumping on the right and left foot, rhythmic movements to the music.

There is insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills. Slowness is detected, stuck in one position.

A correct assessment of non-speech processes is necessary to identify the patterns of atypical development of children with general underdevelopment of speech and, at the same time, to determine their compensatory background.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech should be distinguished from children with similar conditions - a temporary delay in speech development. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that children with general underdevelopment of speech develop an understanding of everyday colloquial speech, an interest in game and objective activities, and an emotionally selective attitude towards the world around them within the usual time frame.

One of diagnostic features can serve as a dissociation between speech and mental development. This is manifested in the fact that mental development these children, as a rule, proceeds more safely than the development of speech. They are distinguished by criticality to speech insufficiency.

The primary pathology of speech inhibits the formation of potentially intact mental ability, interfering with the normal functioning of speech intelligence. However, with the formation of verbal speech and the elimination of actual speech difficulties, their intellectual development approaches the norm.

To distinguish the manifestation of general underdevelopment of speech from delayed speech development, a thorough study of the anamnesis and analysis of the child's speech skills is necessary.

In most cases, the anamnesis does not contain data on gross violations of the central nervous system. Only the presence of a non-rough birth injury, long-term somatic diseases in early childhood. Adverse impact speech environment, miscalculations of education, lack of communication can also be attributed to factors hindering the normal course of speech development. In these cases, attention is drawn, first of all, to the reversible dynamics of speech insufficiency.

Thus, children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) have a reduced ability to both perceive differences in the physical characteristics of the elements of the language, and to distinguish between the meanings that are contained in the lexical and grammatical units of the language, which in turn limits their combinatorial capabilities and abilities, necessary for the creative use of the constructive elements of the native language in the process of constructing a speech statement.

So, the totality of the listed gaps in the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of speech, in the development of fine motor skills of the general coordination of the child's movements serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the program of the kindergarten of a general type, and later on the program of the general education school.

Article. Specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech.

teacher - speech therapist, Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, MBDOU d / s. No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: The article tells about what it is, a specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech. How not to get in. What documents do you need to provide. It will be of interest to parents, teachers of preschool institutions, speech therapists.

What to do if the child is sent to the speech therapy correctional group of the kindergarten?
Nowadays, in many cities there are specialized correctional speech therapy groups in kindergartens for children with severe speech disorders. Severe speech disorders include general underdevelopment of speech stuttering. Today we will talk about general speech underdevelopment (OHP). The intelligence of children with this speech therapy conclusion is primarily preserved. Hearing is not broken. All aspects of speech suffer: the sound side, phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech.
Parents to speech therapy group are treated differently. If the baby speaks very poorly (I, II level of speech development), noticeably lags behind his peers in speech development, and if this is a prosperous family, parents are usually happy when they are offered a place in a correctional group. If the child speaks in more or less understandable phrases, albeit agrammatic, parents begin to doubt. It seems to many that the child will catch up with their peers in speech development on their own. And very poorly speaking children in the correctional group, on the contrary, will provoke inhibition in speech development. Who is right? Let's figure it out together.

Speech therapy correctional group. What it is?

The speech therapy correctional group is a separate group for children with severe speech disorders. I have a group with ONR. Children from all over the city are recruited from 4 years old for 3 years, from 5 years old - for 2 years. The number of children is 15 people. Speech development - different: from without speech, to speaking in sentences, but with persistent agrammatisms. Agrammatism is errors in the grammatical construction of sentences used by the child in active speech, as well as misunderstanding of grammatical structures when asked to show them in pictures. So the child finds it difficult to show exactly where the table is, and where the tables are, the cup is the cup; where is a flower, and where is a flower, a chair - a chair; where the bird flies under the branch, and where - above the branch; where the dog runs after the boy, and where the boy runs after the dog.
A special psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission (PMPC) sends them to a specialized group. Mom comes to the examination together with the child and does not leave him in the process of communicating with the members of the commission. A speech therapist of the organization that the child visits sends children to PMPK. If the baby is at home, then he is examined by a speech therapist of the children's clinic, and then sent to the PMPK. In our city, the commission recruits specialized groups children with general underdevelopment of speech usually from March to May. Children start visiting it depending on when it opens. Usually from September 1st.
It happens that a speech therapist does not examine children 3 - 4 summer age. In this case, you need to take care of yourself, and ask the speech therapist to examine your baby so as not to miss the opportunity to get into speech group for 3 years.

What documents need to be submitted to the PMPK?
Passport of the parent (guardian)
Child's birth certificate
Conclusions from specialists: pediatrician, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist (as indicated)

Who and what activities are conducted with the children of the correctional group?

All kindergarten specialists conduct classes with children: speech therapist, psychologist, music director, development instructor physical education and educators. There are strengthened classes compared to ordinary kindergarten groups. An integrated approach is used in the correction of children's speech. Moreover, with a speech therapist, children are engaged both in individual (2-3 times a week), and in subgroup, frontal (4 times a week). The teacher conducts his classes daily, and in the evening and at regime moments fulfills the tasks of a speech therapist with children (general and individual). Children in the correctional group are engaged in a special correctional program. We are engaged in the correctional program Nishcheva N.V. The program differs significantly from the usual kindergarten program, it is aimed at comprehensive development children with the use of remedial education.
Thanks to a special program and the efforts of all teachers, our children go to school prepared, with a certain knowledge base. They can read, write, analyze and synthesize well. In addition, a lot of time is devoted to the development of coherent, soundly and grammatically correct speech.

And so, if your child has a speech therapy conclusion: general underdevelopment of speech (I, II, III levels of speech development), and your child is sent to a specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with general underdevelopment of speech, agree without hesitation. The child will only benefit from this. Without integrated approach(pedagogical classes, drug treatment, working off homework with children by parents) it is impossible to overcome a speech disorder, as a general underdevelopment of speech. After the correction, children go to general education, and not specialized schools.

Summary of the GCD to eliminate the prerequisites for the violation of written speech in preschoolers with general underdevelopment

General underdevelopment of speech is a complex speech pathology in which all components of speech (sound pronunciation, phonemic hearing, vocabulary and grammar) are impaired.

There are three levels of speech development in children with ONR:

Level I - "speechless" children, whose entire active vocabulary is a small number of babbling words and onomatopoeia.

Level II - in addition to babble words, there are also commonly used words in speech, as a rule, they are heavily distorted. This level is characterized by gross violations of the syllabic structure (omissions, permutations of syllables), phrasal speech is primitive and does not correspond to age.

Level III - is characterized by the presence of everyday phrasal speech, but with problems of the lexical-grammatical and phonetic structure, i.e. although the child uses the phrase, his speech remains obscure to others due to a large number agrammatisms, incorrect pronunciation of many sounds and broken syllabic structure.

Phonetic disorders are characterized by:

the absence of speech sounds;

undifferentiated pronunciation of speech sounds;

sound substitutions;

unstable use of sounds (substitutions) in different words.

Lexical disorders are characterized by:

the poverty of the subject dictionary - this is manifested in ignorance of the words of everyday life, parts of objects;

limited use and selection of adjectives, verbs;

the difficulty of using antonyms;

insufficient use of generalizing concepts in the dictionary.

Syllabic disorders are characterized by:

rearrangement of syllables in a word (barelina instead of a ballerina);

omission of syllables (pachutist instead of paratrooper);

adding extra syllables;

OHP is a combined violation. Defective speech activity leaves an imprint on the development of higher mental functions. In children, there is instability of attention, difficulties in its distribution, a decrease in memory and memorization productivity, and verbal-logical thinking lags behind in development. Without special training, children with OHP have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. There are also violations of the motor sphere.

Children have poor coordination of movements, a decrease in speed, dexterity, and underdevelopment of fine motor skills.

One of the leading signs is the later occurrence of speech. Speech is agrammatic and insufficiently phonetically framed.

The most expressive indicator is the lag in expressive speech with a relatively favorable, at first glance, understanding of addressed speech (understands, but does not speak himself).

Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

Causes of general underdevelopment of speech

The cause of speech disorders in speech therapy is understood as the impact on the body of an external or internal harmful factor or their interaction, which determine the specifics of a speech disorder and without which the latter cannot occur.
Thus, there are 2 groups of causes leading to speech disorders: internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous).

Internal causes of speech disorders.

Under the internal causes of speech disorders should be understood those causes that affect the fetus during prenatal period, during childbirth and in the first days after birth.
Main internal causes:
1. Maternal diseases during pregnancy (heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.).
2. Burdened heredity (diabetes, hypertension, etc.).
3. Maternal allergy.
4. Past blood transfusion.
5. Toxicosis of pregnancy, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
6. Immunological incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood according to the Rh factor.
7. Diverse obstetric pathology ( narrow pelvis, protracted or rapid childbirth, cord entanglement, etc.).
8. Smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol, drugs.
9. Short interval between first and second pregnancy (less than 1 year).
10. Pregnancy before the age of 18 or after the age of 40.
11. Special mental stress ( family problems, material difficulties and etc.).

External causes of speech disorders.

External causes are due to factors affecting the child in the first years of life.
Main external causes:
1. Infectious diseases in early childhood with the use of a large number of drugs (meningitis, encephalitis, polio).
2. Bruises of the head, accompanied by loss of consciousness.
3. Absence, lack or defectiveness of the speech environment, communication, emotional contact child with adults.
4. Various mental traumas (fear suffered by the child due to separation from loved ones).
5. General physical weakness of the body, various metabolic disorders, diseases internal organs child.
6. Wrong parenting methods.
7. Conflict relationships in the family.

Summarizing the presented data, we can conclude about the complexity and diversity of the complex of various causes that cause speech disorders. Most often there is a combination of hereditary predisposition, unfavorable environment and damage or disorders of brain maturation under the influence of various environmental factors acting in the prenatal period, at the time of childbirth or in the first years of a child's life.

Work experience of the music director of the highest qualification category MKDOU Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 10, Rossosh, Rossoshansky Municipal District, Voronezh Region, Ivashchenko Elena Nikolaevna

… hard to imagine best method education than the one
which is discovered and tested by the experience of centuries; it can be expressed
in two positions - gymnastics for the body and music for the soul.
In view of this, education in music should be considered the most important:
thanks to him, RHYTHM and HARMONY are deeply embedded in our soul,
take possession of it, fill it with beauty
and make a person think well...
Plato, ancient Greek philosopher.

1. Relevance of the work

One of the most worrying trends of today is the increase in the number of children with developmental problems. In this regard, work to preserve, strengthen and restore the health of children in preschool conditions should be in an exclusive position.

There are many such children among those with whom we work in kindergarten. As a result of diagnosing and psychological and pedagogical examination of children, the specialists of our kindergarten identified children with various disorders in psychomotor (14%) and speech development (25%) .

2. Perspective and scientific and methodological substantiation

But the question arises: how to realize two main goals at the same time - to preserve the health of the child and solve correctional and developmental tasks?

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation» defines the creation of special conditions for persons with HHV, which include the use of special educational programs, benefits and didactic materials (Section 3, Article 79). It also introduces the concept "adapted educational program» "for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons" (Section 28, Article 2).

IN modern conditions DO teachers play an important role in the correction and development of preschool children. Necessary condition The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education becomes the psychological support of the educational process, in which the formation of close cooperation between all its participants plays an important role.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational areas are complementary, so the participation of a music director is provided to one degree or another in the implementation of each of them.

3. Practical significance

Goals and objectives of musical and correctional activities in preschool educational institutions:

  • development of memory, thinking, imagination, hearing, sense of rhythm;
  • development and accumulation of elementary and motor skills;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • increase in working capacity and physical activity;
  • development of ideas about space and the ability to navigate in it;
  • development creativity.

Types of musical correctional work:

  • Classes in logorhythmics for children with speech disorders, coordination of movements.
  • Finger exercises for fine motor skills.
  • Exercises to normalize muscle tone - strength and accuracy of movements.
  • Singing exercises for the development of strength, height, timbre of the voice.
  • Exercises for the development of speech, singing breathing.
  • Theatrical games, exercises, dramatization games for the perception of images and their expression through facial expressions, gestures, plasticity, speech, intonation.
  • Exercises, dances, games, round dances for the development of a sense of tempo and rhythm in music, movements, speech, in playing the DMI.
  • Games, round dances, dance compositions aimed at educating personal qualities, collectivism, mutual support.

An integrated and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech and cognitive disorders in children is the basis for the interaction of specialists and educators. Modern tendencies modernization of education dictate the need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the organizational and substantive aspects of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children.

In our preschool two are constantly working correctional groups for children with ARI. The teachers of our kindergarten found optimal solution in working with such children - conducting integrated classes, because the integration of all educational areas and, consequently, the activities of the entire kindergarten team is another requirement outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Such classes solve many problems of the development of children, are based on different types activities and allow not to exceed the allowable amount of teaching load.

Integrated classes are aimed at:

  • for the maximum comprehensive development of the child in accordance with its capabilities;
  • correction of his psychophysical features;
  • actual inclusion in the surrounding social environment;
  • preparation for schooling.

In organizing and conducting integrated classes, the music director participates together with speech therapists, educators, a psychologist, a physical education teacher. The topic of the lesson is determined based on the topics that are highlighted in the educational program.

The implementation of correctional and developmental tasks in integrated classes is relevant for us. This is due to the fact that we can simultaneously implement the following tasks:

  • development and correction of the cognitive sphere and activity;
  • speech development;
  • formation of communication skills;
  • realization of creative abilities;
  • reduction of anxiety and aggressiveness;
  • creating an emotional well-being;
  • formation adequate self-esteem and self-confidence etc.

It is important to note that any educational activity is built taking into account age features children. In this regard, the time frame varies from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. The interaction of the music director and participants in the educational process is carried out according to the developed model, which allows you to coordinate the activities of adults in relation to children and predict positive results implementation of the preschool basic general education program. It is important to note that during the integration of teachers, all correctional and developmental work is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Greetings (a kind of ritual that allows you to tune in to joint activities).
  2. Introduction to the topic ("fairy" moment).
  3. GCD games and exercises (perform the entire semantic load, allow you to concentrate on the main thing and reveal the inner potential of each child).
  4. Physical education minute (selected on the topic of GCD, can be carried out between games and exercises).
  5. Creative task (allows each child to reveal their creative abilities, imagination).
  6. Leaving the topic, goodbye (the ritual of the end of GCD, the main goal is to create in each child a sense of belonging to a group and to consolidate positive emotions from activities in the classroom).

It is important to note that a comprehensive and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech disorders in children is needed, which is the basis for the interaction of all specialists.

IN preschool age main activity is play activity. Hence the choice of method - a game that includes elements of fairy tale therapy, art therapy, music therapy. game form the child gets acquainted with the world around him, enriches his vocabulary, develops mental operations and speech, learns to communicate with peers and adults, increases self-confidence, maintains his emotional well-being, develops empathic perception and creative abilities. Most children with speech disorders have pronounced problems in the development of phonemic hearing and perception, and exercises in GCD are aimed at eliminating them.

Exercises and games of this complex directly organized activities selected according to the age of the children. However, depending on their individual features, preparedness, these games and exercises can be modified.

I pay special attention to working with preschoolers. musical game.

It is very important that the children play with pleasure and desire. According to O.S. Gazman “... the game is a delicacy that allows you to comprehensively develop, educate and educate children at any age. In the game, children have three goals. The first goal is the pleasure of the game “I WANT”. The second goal is to follow the rules of the game “SHOULD”. The third goal is the creative fulfillment of the game task “I CAN” .

The musical game brings up in children the will, concentration, sensuality; develops attention, hearing, fantasy, imagination, memory, thinking; teaches understanding of actions, speed of reaction, musical and motor knowledge, skills and abilities.

In a musical game, the child performs various tasks: all his movements and actions are associated with the nature of the music. Music teaches not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see, and therefore, to feel. It brings up thoughts and feelings, horizons and emotions, purposefulness and sociability.

We constantly use the harmonizing effect of music on mental processes in our work with children.

Slow children need music of a moving, fast nature. Disinhibited (hyperactive) children are soothed by moderate tempo music. Dystonic children who have abrupt change emotional state (from aggression to apathy), requires music of a calm nature with accents repeated at regular intervals, and with the same level of sound volume.

Consequently, music develops all types of perception: visual, auditory, sensual - and all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, figurative, associative.

But most importantly, music is a source of children's joy. IN early age the child naturally discovers the beauty of music, its magic power, and later reveals himself and his creative potential.

It is also important to note that a selection of special materials and equipment is necessary for conducting musical and correctional classes. In any group of our kindergarten there are the necessary subjects, pictures are selected by topic, musical excerpts are recorded, presentations are prepared to include children in educational activities. And it is necessary to emphasize that all classes are planned, systematic and consistent, which involves the work of specialists with each child.

It would be great if parents would be involved in this work. To activate them in the correctional and developmental process, we conduct parent-child classes, where moms and dads, grandparents become full participants educational activities. This allows us to solve another important task: optimization of constructive interaction of all members of the child's family.

4. The end result of pedagogical activity.

File cabinet made finger games, psycho-gymnastic exercises, logorhythmic exercises, respiratory and articulatory gymnastics, valeological songs - chants, self-massage, a rich music library and video library. The work on the application of musical and correctional activities has been systematized. Examination is carried out twice a year musical development children.

There is a positive trend:

  1. Increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children.
  2. Stability emotional well-being every child.
  3. Increasing the level of speech development.
  4. Reducing the incidence rate (mostly colds).
  5. The stability of physical and mental performance in all seasons of the year, regardless of the weather.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of musical correctional and integrated classes is clearly seen in the dynamics of the mental and speech development of pupils: in the formation of a sense of self-confidence in them, the harmonization of the emotional and personal sphere through communication with music. Here the principle works in full: music pleases, music heals, music educates.


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