Synopsis of a game lesson on the fckm quest game "signs of spring" (senior group). Faculty of Correctional Pedagogy

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about the animals of the North. develop in children cognitive interest to the life of animals in cold countries.

1. Clarify with the children the names of animals, their external signs, structure, what they eat. Learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles.

2. Develop coherent speech and the ability to correctly build a sentence, enrich the vocabulary on the topic, interest in the life of animals and birds of the North, auditory and visual attention, thinking, general motor skills.

3. To form ideas about the relationship between animal life and the environment. Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around.

Material: letter from the north wind, split pictures animals of cold countries, semi-flower, tundra picture, stickers, animal description scheme, ready dough, 4 sharpened pencils, 4 felt-tip pens with lids, 2 plastic lids, deer footprints, human footprints, music recording of wind, sea, medals.

Preliminary work:

Examination of the album, books, magazines with illustrations about the North,

Reading: Evenk fairy tale “Why does the deer run fast”, poems, guessing riddles about the animals of the North, Yukaghir fairy tale “Why does the polar bear have a black nose?”, G. Snegirev’s stories “Penguin Beach”, “Brave Penguin”, “Belek”,

Research"Finding the habitat of animals of cold countries on the map",

Conversation “What do we call the North?”, “What animals and birds live in the Arctic and the tundra?”,

Classes: “Introducing children to the climate and nature of the Arctic and the tundra”, “Journey to the North”, application “Penguin on an ice floe”, origami “Penguin”, drawing with paints “Reindeer”, modeling “Polar bear”, “Final conversation about wild animals of the North,

Games: “Who is superfluous”, “Broken phone”, “Describe the animal according to the scheme”, p / and “Polar bears”, p / and “Walruses”, “Cut pictures”, “Big small”,

Collage "Inhabitants of the North",

View presentations: “Where polar bears live” ( ​​author I. Kotova), “Animals of the North” ( Author N. Vlasova), “Reindeer”.

Dictionary work: North, treeless, permafrost, pinnipeds, reindeer, tundra, lichen, belek, iceberg.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle: “Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens”

Children: Wind.

Educator: It turns out that the North wind can write with snow and ice patterns. He wrote us a letter. (The teacher reads the letter). “Hello children, I decided to check how smart and savvy you are. If you can answer my questions correctly, and the one who scores the most stars will receive the title "Umka" and a medal from the northern bear cub Umka."

Educator: Guys, I'm sure that you can answer any question of the North Wind. Today we will go on a journey through the stations, and the flower will help us in this - the seven-flower. Close your eyes, tear off one petal and say magic words:

"You fly, fly petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back, make a circle.

Just touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

We want to be in the Far North.

Sounds like "Music of the Wind"

Educator: Having opened their eyes, the children and the teacher begin to “shake” from the cold and, if you do not warm up quickly, you can freeze.

Children become in a circle.

Exercise "Do you recognize winter?"

Deep snows are walking all around, raising their legs high

Where I do not throw a look look around

The blizzard sweeps and spins, wave your hands to the sides, spin

On skis we rush from the mountain imitation of skiing

There is no more fun than clapping hands

Do you recognize winter? raise and lower shoulders

Educator: Now the frost is not terrible, you can look around. Where are we guys? What task has the North Wind prepared for us?

A path of human footprints is laid out on the carpet. The teacher invites the children to follow in the footsteps. At the end of the route, the tracks lead to the first Tundra station.

The first task from the North wind: "Guys, consider the nature of the tundra and tell us about its vegetation and inhabitants."

Children become a semicircle.

It is a tundra, a treeless plain. The sky above is grey, dull. Moss and lichen cover marshy hummocks. A forest in the tundra, if you meet it, it is knee-high. There are many berries growing here. The roots of plants do not go deep into the earth, because the earth is fettered permafrost. There are many swamps, lakes, rivers in the tundra.

(star award)

Educator: Guys, you did well on the first task. We continue our journey. Look, whose footprints are these? (deer). Children are following.

Sounds like "Sound of the Sea"


My hands are waves (imitation of a wave with hands)

The wind drives them forward (we stretch our arms forward in wave-like movements)

My hands are gull wings (wave your hands)

The sky is calling them to itself (we stretch our arms forward and stretch up)

My hands are crabs (spread fingers and move)

Float back and forth (hand movement from side to side)

The second station is "Reindeer".

“Describe a reindeer according to the scheme” (on an easel)

Children sit on chairs opposite the easel. Storytelling according to the scheme (2-3 children) (stars).

Educator: Reindeer have wide hooves and why a deer needs them, we will conduct an experiment with you. To do this, we go to the next station.

The third station is "Explorers of the North".

Experiment with the test "Why do deer have such hooves?" Children stand around the table.

From dough prepared in advance and placed in a plastic bag or plasticine, two approximately identical cakes are made, 1-1.5 cm thick.

For experience, two objects with different support areas are made in advance. For example, four sharply sharpened pencils are attached to one of the two identical plastic covers with plasticine, and four closed felt-tip pens are attached to the other. Each of the resulting "tables" put on a cake. Place equal weights on top. After that, remove the loads and examine the traces left by the supports.

What did you notice?

Now try to explain why the reindeer has wide hooves?

Educator: Guys, what animals and birds still live in the tundra? (children list the inhabitants of the tundra).

The fourth station "Mysteries of the North Wind" with a presentation.

Q: Let's now try to answer the questions of the North Wind.

(The teacher reads the questions, the children answer. For each correct answer, the child is given a chip (sticker).


1. realm of bitter frosts, deep snow, thick ice (North).

2. we gnaw the roots of the cloudberry,

Moss we gnaw in the end

But we can't live without the tundra

Though we are afraid of arctic foxes (lemming)

3. a block floats on the sea, like a shaft of silver (Iceberg).

4. what does the word "Arctic" (bear) mean.

5. like a curtain of color

Flickering in the sky

Above the icy desert

The sky is blooming (Northern Lights)

7. treeless plain where cold reigns, the earth is bound by permafrost (tundra).

8. Birds, eggs, rodents

It's always delicious for him.

Looks a bit like a fox (Arctic fox).

9. What are the names of the places where polar birds nest? (bird market)

10. This beast is like a block,

Deftly catches fish with his paw ( polar bear)

11. What is the name of seal cubs (belek).

12. Name the pinnipeds. (Walrus, seal)

13. What bird can't fly? (Penguin).

14. Why is it easy to find mushrooms in the tundra?

15. this beast is a wonderful swimmer,

Instead of paws, the beast has flippers,

Swimming in the sea all day

Guess who? (seal).

16. Why goose build nests next to nests snowy owl?

17. he is strong, he is fast,

Among the tundra swamps

He tears the lichen moss (reindeer).

Educator: Well done! We were able to answer all the questions of the North Wind (stars).

Educator: It turns out that the wind sent us photographs of animals from cold countries. Only they were made on pieces of ice, and the pieces of ice broke into pieces. Let's collect them.

The game "Cut pictures". (Children collect split pictures on the tables)

Teacher: You have done a lot. But the ice pictures are so cold, I think your hands are cold. Let's warm them up.

Winter warmer

If your hands freeze, rub your palms

We start rubbing them. warming in a circular motion

Quickly we will be able to rub our hands inside

How to heat up on the stove. Rub your palms outside

First, palms We clasp the fingers of one hand

Just like ice cubes, and we draw another on the finger

Then like frogs, so all fingers

Then like pillows.

But here's a little Rub your palm on your palm

Burning and really Put your palms on your cheeks

Not pretend. wag your finger

I'm on fire, rub your palm against your palm

Here touch me. Stretch open palms

The game "Who is superfluous?"

"Put the animal in its habitat."

Children populate animals pre-made in their habitat (collage).

Educator: Guys, it's time to go back. They open the petal and again say the magic words: “You fly, fly the petal

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back, make a circle.

Just touch the ground

To be in my opinion led.

We want to be back in the group."

Opening their eyes, they find themselves in a group.

Q: Guys, I really liked how you listened carefully today, memorized, answered questions. What do you remember most about the lesson? And now let's sum up the results of our lesson and reward the "most intelligent".

Summary of the GCD for children of the older group, developed in the technology of the activity method "Situation" according to the FTsKM

Educational area: « cognitive development»
Educator: Stolyarova Natalya Alexandrovna.
Subject: Types of transport.
Target: Formation of children's ideas about the types of transport: air, land, water.
1. Reveal the importance of transport for people.
2. To generalize and systematize the idea of ​​children about the movement of a person.
3. Fix the rules of conduct in public transport, at stops.
4. Train mental operations analysis, comparison, generalization and analogy.
5. Develop in students logical thinking, attention, memory.
Materials: cards with the image of transport, a map, flags of green, red and yellow color.
The course of the educational situation.
1. Introduction to the situation.
Didactic task: to motivate children to be included in gaming activity.
The teacher gathers the children around him.
- Do you like to travel?
- Which of you rested this summer and where?
- How did you get there? On what?
The teacher says that Dunno also wanted to go on a trip to the moon. But he does not know how to get there from his flower city.
- Do you want to help him?
- Can you do it?
- Then we go to the Dunno in his Flower City.
2. Knowledge update.
Didactic tasks: to update the knowledge of children in the names of transport, why it is needed, how to use it, the components of transport.
Children come to the table, on which there are cards with the image of transport.
- Cards with the image of transport are laid out on the table.
- What is in front of you? (children list the names of transport: car, train, plane, bicycle, boat, balloon etc.)
- And how can you call it in one word? (transport)
The teacher praises the children and creates a situation of success.
3. Difficulty in game situation.
Didactic tasks:
1. Create a motivational situation for the formation of children's ideas about the types of transport;
2. To form an experience under the guidance of an educator of fixing the difficulty and understanding its cause.
The teacher offers to choose the transport that Dunno will need to travel. And clarifies that it is necessary to choose three types of transport. As a rule, children are lost and do not know what to choose.

Were you able to choose?
- No
Why couldn't they?
- We do not know the modes of transport.
So what do we need to know?
- Types of transport.
4. Discovery of new knowledge.
Didactic tasks:
1. To form in children an idea of ​​​​the types of transport;
2. To form the experience of self-discovery and emotional experience the joys of discovery.
Children come to the table on which the card lies.
The map shows: flower city, land, sea, and the destination - the moon.
How can Dunno get to the moon?
- From the flower city to the sea, what will he ride? (by car, by train, by bicycle)
- What will it float on the sea? (by ship, boat, ship)
How will he get to the moon? (by rocket, by plane, by helicopter)
The teacher praises the children.
- But we need to choose only three types of transport, and to find out we need to solve riddles.
- Can you?
The teacher puts the children on the carpet and includes a presentation on modes of transport.
1 slide.
Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two brilliant lights.
- So, what Dunno will go first? (by car)
What surface is the car on? (on the ground)
- So what kind of transport is it? (ground)
What is ground transportation? (these are machines that transport people and goods on the ground)
- What else applies to land transport? (bus, bicycle, taxi, truck, etc.)
2 slide.
Courageously sailing on the waves
without slowing down,
only the car is buzzing is important.
What's happened?
What will he go on next? (on a steamship)
- On what surface does the ship move? (on water)
What type of transport is a steamboat? (to water)
- What else applies to water transport? (ship, boat, ship, yacht, etc.)
3 slide.
She always flies between the stars
She does not need heat and light.
The answer to the riddle is very simple:
After all, it’s fast…
How will you get to the moon? (on a rocket)
- How does the rocket move? (by air)
What type of transport is a rocket? (to air)
- What else applies to air mind transport? (airplane, helicopter, etc.)
- Well done!
- So on what modes of transport Dunno can get to the moon? (by car, steamboat and rocket)
- What types of transport are you familiar with? (land, water and air).
The teacher says Dunno thanks them for their help and goes to the moon.
- You were able to send a dunno to the moon, because you know what types of transport transport is divided into.
5. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system.
Didactic tasks:
1. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​modes of transport;
2. Organize leisure children.
Mobile game "Traffic light"
Children become a chain one after another. At the signal of the educator (“We start the engines! Rrrrr”), the children begin to move, and the tutor controls the movement by raising the flag of the corresponding color - red - stop, yellow - movement in place or green - we are moving.
The game "Spread the transport by type"
Cards are laid out on the table, the teacher divides the children into three subgroups: the first subgroup collects ground transport, the second - water, the third - air.
6. The result of the lesson.
Didactic tasks: to restore in the memory of children what they did, and create a situation of success.
The children gather around the teacher.
Who did you help today?
- How did they help?
- What knowledge helped us send Dunno to the moon?

Job title: caregiver

Institution: MBDOU "Panaevsky kindergarten" Little Red Riding Hood "

Locality: With. Panaevsk, YaNAO, Tyumen region

Subject: Occupation in senior group according to FTsKM (formation complete picture world) "Journey in the profession"

Open lesson in the senior group "Traveling in the profession."
Educational area: FTsKM (formation of a complete picture of the world).
Program tasks:
Purpose: To arouse interest in the work of adults of various professions.
1. Consolidate the vocabulary of children through words denoting the names of professions, tools, action verbs.
2. Develop coherent speech, the ability to respond with complete, common sentences.
3. Cultivate respect and love for employees kindergarten.
Material and equipment: sun with rays, Pinocchio toy, pictures depicting representatives of different professions, items necessary for their work, ball, album sheets by the number of children, felt-tip pens.
Preliminary work: a tour of the kindergarten, reading works about labor: “Who to be” by V. Mayakovsky, “Everything for everyone” by Julian Tuvim, translated by E. Blaginina.
The content of organized activities.
Children sit in a semicircle on chairs. The teacher holds the sun in his hands (without rays).
Educator: Guys, I have the sun in my hands. Tell me, why doesn't the sun have?
Children: rays.
Educator: That's right, but let's get up quietly now and find the rays of our sun.
Children go and find rays. The sun is displayed on a magnetic board.
Educator: Here we have beautiful sun happened. It immediately became more fun in our group.
Knock on the door.
Educator: Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Who could it be?
Oh, guys, look who came to visit us. Pinocchio. (Brings a Pinocchio toy to the group). Hear what happened to him.
Pinocchio: Years are growing for me, there will be seventeen. Where should I work then, what should I do?
Educator: Guys, Pinocchio does not know what he should become. Let's help him, introduce him to different professions, maybe he will make a choice. I suggest you make a trip to the country of professions with Pinocchio. But what is a profession?
Children: This is the work to which a person devotes his whole life.
Educator: Right. The profession should bring joy to both the person himself and the people. Do you know who your parents are? What is Julia's job as your mother? And your mother, Timur? (children's answers).
Well done, you know very well where your parents work. We begin our journey to the country of professions. Let's start by playing the "Who's doing what?" game. I name a profession, and you name what a person of this profession does. The doctor heals, the teacher teaches, the seller sells, the builder builds, the artist draws, the seamstress sews, the writer writes, the cook cooks, the hairdresser cuts.
Teacher: Well done guys. Guys, the rays of the sun are not simple, but with riddles about people of different professions.
The teacher takes one ray and makes riddles.
He is in our kitchen in the morning
Cooks soup, compote and porridge. Who is this?
Children: Cook.
Educator: Right. And who is our chef?
Children: Elvira Ilfirovna.
The teacher shows a slide showing a kindergarten cook.
Early morning exercise
We hurry to her in order
Dealing with Desire
Physical education.
Children: Physical education instructor.
Educator: And who is our physical education instructor?
Children: Venera Pavlovna. (slide show).
I deal with kids
I spend all my days with them.
I never get angry
For the tricks of the kids.
I go for walks with them
I put them to sleep.
And of course I love
I am my profession. Who is this?
Children: Educator.
Show a slide showing the teacher of the group.
So that bed and towels
They were always clean.
Water swirls with powder
She worked hard here. Who is she?
Children: Laundress.
Educator: Right. And who in our kindergarten washes and irons clothes?
Children: Valentina Anatolyevna. (slide show).
If your ear hurts
If your throat is dry.
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, a doctor will help you ...
Educator: And who works as a nurse in our garden?
Children: Lyubov Nikolaevna.
Slide show.
Educator: Rakes snow shovel,
Sweeping the yard with a broom
You guys guessed
Who keeps it clean?
Children: Janitor.
Educator: And who works as a janitor for us?
Children: Sergei Ivanovich.
Slide show.
Educator: With a clear dawn before dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?
Children: assistant teacher.
Educator: That's right, but who in our group works as an assistant teacher?
Children: Diana Sergeevna.
Slide show.
Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Where do all these people work?
Children: In kindergarten.
Educator: Yes, this house is called a kindergarten. What is the name of our kindergarten?
Children: Little Red Riding Hood.
Guys, are you tired? We'll have some rest. Let's do a physical.
Hello golden sun
Hello blue sky
Hello fast brook,
Hello little oak.
We live in the same area
I love you all very much.
Educator: And we continue our journey. The next game is called Needed Items. In this game we will work in pairs. Pinocchio will offer you different pictures depicting different professions.
The teacher distributes pictures.
Educator: Katya and Yulia, who will you be?
Children: We are cooks.
The teacher turns to the children, the children name who they will be.
Educator: Items are laid out on the table. Choose subjects that will help you in your profession. Let's take one item. And now we name the items that help in your profession.
Children tell what subjects help in a particular profession
Educator: Say thanks to the items and put them back on the table.
The children take their seats.
Educator: So, guys, today we made a trip to the country of professions. Did you like it? And you, Pinocchio? Now you know how many different professions there are in the world. Guys, here you are, if you are not lazy, but work hard, you will learn a lot.







Volodina T.V.

"Fair folk art».

A lesson in getting to know the environment.


To consolidate and expand children's understanding of the variety of objects of folk arts and crafts. To teach to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of objects of various crafts. Bring up respectful attitude to the work of folk craftsmen.

Material: Dymkovo toys, Gzhel, Gorodetsky, Khokhloma products, Skopinsky ceramics, Semyonovsky, Polkhov-Maidanovsky matryoshkas, Mikhailovskoye lace, embroidery of the Ryazan region.

Course progress.

Children enter the hall and stand freely grouped.

caregiver. Today we have unusual occupation. We came to the exhibition of folk art products. All these items are made by the hands of craftsmen. They are painted with different types of painting. (Khokhloma, Gorodetskaya, Dymkovo ...).

Which of you can find and show the Dymkovo painting?

(show children).

caregiver. Reading poems about Dymkovo toys.

“What a horse, just touch it.

Together with the rider

gallops two hundred versts"

"The beautiful girl stands without breathing."

caregiver. These figurines are not random. A long time ago, a thousand years ago, figurines of animals, birds and humans were molded among the people. Then they were sculpted not for beauty. People believed that these figurines protected their homes from evil spirits, mysterious evil forces. The molded figure of a woman with children was worshiped by people as the Goddess of the earth. And now in Dymkovo this goddess has turned into a nanny nurse.

And what is this painting?

Children. Khokhloma.

caregiver. Yes, this is Khokhloma. Folk artists use a lot golden color, it is also called golden Khokhloma.

"Painting Khokhloma

like a witch.

And rich and beautiful

the guest is glad from the heart.

Spoons, cups and ladles.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences."

caregiver. Guys, pay attention to the beauty of items decorated with Khokhloma painting. Guys, what kind of painting have we recently met?

Children. With Gorodets painting.

caregiver. Which of you can find products with Gorodets painting?

Children. (They name and show products with Gorodets painting).


"If we look at the boards

We will see miracles.

Gorodets patterns

Subtly withdrew a hand.

Birds fly bright

And the buds are blooming.

caregiver. folk craftsmen Gorodets are made of wood toys, dishes, spinning wheels, they are painted very beautifully: bright colors, buds, firebirds, miracle horses and all this on a colored background - yellow, green, blue, blue, red.

caregiver. Now show me the products of Gzhel painting.

Children. (They talk about the features of Gzhel painting).


« White clay, white porcelain,

Blue paint, blue pattern.

This is you Gzhel my dear

Thank you for coming to us."

caregiver. Gzhel craftsmen painted various patterns of nets, stripes, flowers on the dishes. Very intricate, elegant dishes turned out. People fell in love with the dishes, and began to call it "a gentle blue miracle."

caregiver. But listen to a poem about nesting dolls of Polkhovsky Maidan.

“Eight wooden dolls in colorful sundresses.

They live on our table - they call everyone nesting dolls.

Nesting dolls of Polkhovsky Maidan differ in colors: crimson, green, blue, red. Juicy colored spots blaze in large ornaments and plot paintings. A distinctive feature is the large pink-crimson rosehip flowers.

caregiver. Matryoshka dolls from the city of Semyonov have multi-color painting, a pattern with thick curved branches, flowers, and berries. Matryoshka is slender, elongated.

caregiver. And now try to find and show Mikhailovsky lace.


This is a simple, but dense, brightly colored lace. Reminds me of a fan ornament.

caregiver. Now try to find Skopinsky ceramics.

Children. (They show and, together with the teacher, list the distinguishing features).

Bright waterings give a special originality to the products. Distinctive features- painted in plain, brown or in green(glaze). These ceramic products are made at the Skopinsky factory.

caregiver. And this is the embroidery of the Ryazan region. The patterns on it are clear, with an open red color, filled with bright green, yellow, sometimes black shades of color. Exists beautiful legend about the fact that, flying over the Ryazan land, the firebirds dropped their feathers. And where they fell, a miracle craftswoman appeared - an embroiderer.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, notes the most interesting products. The work of Russian masters must be treated with deep respect and reverence, because they have done so much for our country.

How to use the item correctly?

What are the most important parts of the subject? (What would the item not work without?)

- Who was involved in the creation of the object?

What did people use when this item didn't exist?

What would happen if this object disappeared from people's lives now?

- For what professions do you need this item?

If the game continues, the leader becomes the participant who scored the largest number chips.

Then the teacher invites the children to "turn into" miscellaneous items man-made world. Children take turns describing "themselves", that is, the objects they have turned into: what shape, color, size, what material it is made of, what it is for, what parts it consists of. The rest of the guys guess the object. The teacher invites the children to remember everything they still know about this subject: about its past, where you can see this subject, etc. Children who find it difficult to describe the subject should be offered to use the algorithm.

4. About friendship and friends

Software content. Expand knowledge about peers, reinforce the rules of a friendly attitude towards them: share a toy, talk politely, friendly, if one of the guys in the group is sad, talk to him, play, always help, help out friends.

Material. An envelope containing a letter and a card.

Lesson progress

At the beginning of the lesson, an audio recording sounds: "Guys, help!" (3 times). The teacher invites the children to determine who is calling them for help. Draws their attention to the mirror; the audio recording sounds again: "Yes, I'm a mirror. A disaster happened in our kingdom. The evil king quarreled with all the adults and children of our kingdom. And now it is called the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. But that's half the trouble - today the king decided to execute the most honest, brave, kind boy, who was not affected by his witchcraft. His name is Gurd. He needs your help. If you are friendly and brave guys, then hurry up - there is very little time left. "

The teacher, stimulating the interest of the children, finds out what they understood from the message of the mirror. After listening to the guys, draws their attention to the hint envelope, which contains a card and a letter. The map shows a route consisting of five tasks. Tasks are deciphered in the letter.

Exercise 1. Sing a song about friendship.

Children offer options and perform the "Song of Friendship".

Task 2. Name five proverbs about friendship, friends.

Children call: old friend better than the new two", "One for all and all for one", "Die yourself, but help a comrade", "Friendship is strong by deeds", "Friends are known in trouble". If the guys are experiencing difficulties, the teacher provides assistance.

Physical education minute

Children, standing in pairs, imitate the habits of animals in accordance with the text of the poem.

Everyone is friends in the world.

Adults and children are friends

Birds are friends with each other.

Snakes are friends under the mountain.

Hares are friends on the lawn,

Bears, wolves are friends in a flock.

Fish are friends under water.

You are with me and I am with you! (Hug a child next to you.)

Task 3. Game "Who is a friend?".

The teacher reads the lines of poetry, and the children, if they do so a true friend, clap their hands and say: "Yes!", And if they should not do this, then they are silent. (Be sure to lose the first situation so that the guys understand the rules of the game.)

He is always with me in trouble

I follow him like a mountain.

He comforts me when I cry

He will solve the problem with me.

Never eat stealthily -

Plums, pears, chocolates.

He won't bully

And tease and call names.

It is always dirtier than the night.

He tramples flowers in the flower bed.

He doesn't start fights

And it doesn't hurt dogs.

He took from the kids -

Doll, bear, dump truck.

He will help water the flowers.

And put the toys away too.

He will share a toy

A book, a doll, a rattle.

He values ​​our friendship

Always in a hurry to help me.

Task 4. Children are invited to draw the sun, which will disperse the clouds over the tower in which Gurd is imprisoned.

Mandatory conditions:

– you need to draw all together at the same time;

- 5 seconds are allotted for drawing.

The teacher invites the children to discuss the main condition - to draw all together, and even for a while. Leads them to the conclusion: everyone should draw at once, distributing work; one child draws a circle, and only then all the children draw a ray at the same time.

Children stand around the table, on which lies a sheet of drawing paper. The teacher gives the command and counts the time.

Task 5. The teacher writes the word Gurd on a piece of paper, then takes a mirror, puts it on a piece of paper and asks the children to read the received word. It is this word that will be the key to the tower. Children in chorus read: "Friend." As soon as the children pronounce this word, a ringing sound is heard. broken glass, and then the voice of the boy Gurd sounds: "Thank you guys, it's me - Gurd. You saved me, and now I will definitely teach the children of my country to be friends just like you are friends. And when we all make friends, we will definitely come to you in guests. Thank you! Goodbye, friends!"

The teacher and children say goodbye to Gurd. In conclusion, the teacher says that the children coped with the tasks thanks to friendship. Today they showed everyone how to be friends, what friends should be and how to cherish friendship.


5. Paper collector

Software content. Expand children's ideas about different types of paper and its qualities; improve the ability to identify objects according to the characteristics of the material.

Material. Samples different types paper; paper items (album, newspaper, box, etc.).

Lesson progress

The teacher lays out samples of different types of paper on the tables in advance. Children examine the paper, and the teacher encourages them to highlight its qualitative characteristics, asking questions about what it is, how it can be determined - smooth or rough, thick or thin. The guys stroke the sheets, feel, answer questions.

Then the teacher invites the children to crumple a sheet of paper (wrinkles), tear it into pieces (tear), pull the edges into different sides(the integrity of the sheet is violated, therefore, the material is fragile), put a sheet of paper in a container with water (it gets wet). The teacher demonstrates paper burning using a spirit lamp and matches. Children, together with the teacher, make up an algorithm for describing the properties of paper.

Then the teacher reads a telegram from the collector who collects different kinds paper. He travels through towns and villages and tells everyone about his collection. But in our city he had a trouble: he blew strong wind, and his collection scattered, and part of the collection fell into the group. The teacher invites the children to look for paper samples (the teacher hides them in advance in the group room). Children bring found samples.

There is a knock on the door, a collector (adult) enters, gets acquainted with the children, talks about his hobby and reports that he has all kinds of paper written down. He invites the children to organize the work as follows: he names the type of paper, and the children show a sample. During the lesson, the collector explains the purpose of each type of paper. Further, each child describes the properties of the found type of paper based on the compiled algorithm.

In conclusion, there is didactic game"Find similarities and differences."

The teacher names the type of paper, and the children must find on the table an object made from paper of this type ( cardboard box, newspaper, album, flower from corrugated paper etc.). Thus, the teacher brings the children to the understanding that all the objects found are made of paper, but different types of paper.

6. Kindergarten

Software content. Talk to the children about why the kindergarten is called that way (because children are "raised", cared for and cared for like plants in a garden). Show the social significance of the kindergarten: parents work, they are calm, because in their absence, the kindergarten employees take care of the children. Kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, their work should be respected, and treated with care.

Material. Pictures depicting kindergarten workers (teacher, assistant teacher, cook, laundress, etc.).

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

Demonstrates a picture of an orchard and pins it on the board.

Asks children questions: "Who works in such a garden? What is the work of a gardener?" The words must be heard: cares for trees, protects them from diseases, fights pests, waters, grows.

The teacher shows the children an illustration depicting flower garden and stick it on the board.

Asks children questions: "Who works in such a garden? What is the work of a gardener?" The words must be heard: cares for flowers, protects them from diseases, fights pests, waters, grows.